Yu-gi-oh 5Ds: Downfall of the King (Athene & East)

"Look at this stupid little doggy, she's barely been hooked up and already her ass is starting to wag. She's panting like a bitch in heat." Just to give his words some emphasis the man gave her new tail a slight tug, not hard enough that it was removed, but enough that it shifted everything around inside her ass.

The man moved behind her, and there was the sound of pants being undone, however instead of having it shoved inside of her like she may have expected, she would instead only feel the warm head of his cock pressing lightly against her pussy. He went so far as to test the entrance of her pussy, his cock not sinking past the hymen, but the tip just putting inside. Watching her reactions.

His hands slipped between her legs, his fingers applying gentle pressure onto her clit rubbing her with one hand. The remove for her vibes in the same hand meant that cold plastic pressed against her folds along with his heated cock as he gently massaged her, making sure that his touch was as pleasureful for her as possible.

He poked, and prodded trying to make her as wet as possible, seemingly enjoying the moans and panting noises that she made as he filled with her pleasure. His other hand had already taken something else, however, and in a second every bit of pleasure towards her stopped, the vibrators turned off with the soft click of the remote, and before she could ask why a hard leather strap came down to strike her her ass.

The strike of a spank came within seconds of him moving his cock out of the way. A small demonstration of force which echoed through the room. The leather strap lashed against her skin and left a red mark along her rear. He held the strap with a hand cracking the leather to show that he could and would inflict that level of pain again.

"Now what does the doggy want."

The man's voice echo'd around the room, as he looked at Yuri expecting her answer.

Everything seemed to stay the same. She wouldn't quite agree that she was akin to a full-fledged bitch in heat. It was, however, true that she was making way more lewd sounds than Yuri would normally elicit on any other given day. But who wouldn't? The toys were doing their jobs soooo well! Her eyes closed as she relaxed. Enjoyed them. Allowed the devices to keep doing their work.

Up until the warm head of her assailant's cock registered to her body.

And then ... everything stopped. Namely the panting and heavy breathing. In fact, when her clit was played with, she didn't moan like the man may have planned for. Instead, Yuri gave a frustrated growl.

Cheater. Can't get a woman off without going right for the more sensitive spots, huh?

In the end, she wasn't nearly as moist as he would have assumed. But at least she wasn't completely dry either. Although Yuri hadn't needed anymore incentives or reasons to hate this man, they arrived when the leather belt landed harshly on her ass. The toys being taken away certainly didn't help her attitude.

"Hmph. You really wanna know? Then get the fucking gag off, dipshit. But in the simplest of terms - especially from you - I only have one sentence. I don't want a goddamn thing."

He'd asked if she would behave for the King. For Jack.

But Jack wasn't here. This was just some nameless stranger who was performing the cowardly acts that, apparently, New Domino's 'king' had demanded be done to her.

As far as she was concerned, Yuri didn't owe this man shit. Certainly not giving him anything to be aroused with, particularly her body or its reactions.

The man tisk'd as she spoke. Considering he had all day to torment her, she didn't need to be sent to the king till the night came, and it was still early morning he wasn't at all surprised to see that she was going to be difficult. The woman seemed like the type that wasn't easy to break.

Even so he had to, it was part of the job. He flicked her nose like anyone would when a dog was exhibiting a behavior that they didn't like. "Bad doggy, you do not growl at your masters."

He decided to let on a little more about what was happening to her, at the same time he pulled on the tape that had covered her mouth, it wasn't bondage tape so it pulled hard on her skin as he ripped it off. and plucked the now saliva covered panties from her mouth. "You will be seeing the king soon enough. But you don't simply hand over an untrained mutt to someone who pays money for it. You make sure that the dog understands a few commands first. My job is to help mold you for the basics pelt, and we have all day to learn."

He walked behind her, and grabbed a new tool, a long bar with two cuffs at the end. Given her current posture it was probably going to be rather uncomfortable.Grabbing her foot he pulled her leg he pulled it as far as he could to the one side before cuffing it, and then locking her other foot in place. The Bar was then adjusted to make sure that her legs were spread as far as she could stretch them so that it was painful, A second bar was put in on her knees so as to make sure that she couldn't bend her legs at any point to try and relax.

"Now when I ask you what does the doggy want, what I'm really asking is for you to beg. For the prideful begging is often the hardest thing, so I will give you some incentive." He turned the vibrators back on, but on their lowest setting making sure that they absolutely could not make her orgasm, but would just pulse and tease on/inside of her. "Now I'm wondering how long you will last doggy. I doubt you've eaten today, and sooner or later all that teasing is going to hurt your bladder. Or you will get thirsty from all the fluilds... lets check in on you in an hour see if your still so inclined to not want anything from me."

Be thankful I do have and use the trait known as self-control, you jerk.

Otherwise, she would have bit his fingers without any real second guesses. The main thing keeping her from even trying to follow through with the grim action was not wanting to have anything else broken. He'd proven he was capable enough of ruining limbs or joints with the right incentives. Yuri really didn't want that sort of agony again, let alone extending to something that, for her, would be worse. Not to say the finger didn't still sting and ache.

But it was far more tolerable compared to if he'd gone right for an arm or leg.

"Ah!" Yuri yelped, wincing and grimacing as the tape was finally removed off her face, the panties following suit. "Hmph. Hate to break it to you, but you're definitely not gonna send any kind of pet over to Jack at all."

Just a really pissed off teenager who's eventually gonna get away from that freak, she mentally added, turning her head away from her captor.

... She did quietly watch him work. And noted what he was doing. All in all though, Yuri didn't protest, whine, or reply in any form or fashion. Doing so now would make the point of his own task that much more effective.

Or so that was what common sense hinted, anyway.

He was right about the lack of food being something that may indeed work against her. But that in itself was the keyword; may.

Every student had to wait until lunch, and that was four to five hours. Some people, such as poor Kyoko, couldn't endure that length of time without complaining at least once.

Yuri could that much without any issues.

It would be basically everything else she was worried about. Namely her lower body and the forced position.

When he returned after one hour, he would be greeted by a quick negative nod from Yuri.

It wouldn't be until four more hours ticked away that finally, everything was beginning to legitimately bother her. From her appetite kicking in to her body getting numb. Then what parts still held their sense of feeling were getting fed up with the pain and soreness.

"Please," she pleaded when her captor walked back in, "Undo the restraints, at least. I can barely feel anything." Hopefully she wouldn't need to elaborate on why that mattered. From what she'd gathered and heard, Jack wanted her to be alive. Permanent nerve damage wouldn't be good, even if she herself would be physically alive and mostly well aside from that.

" ... If it's an apology you want, fine."

Her head lowered as she stared down at the floor. "I'm sorry. I spoke out of turn, and I'm sorry. Please undo the restraints. I'll keep my leash and collar on like a good bitch, at least. But I really can't feel anything."

The first hour was expected, the man simply shrugged and went back to doing something else out of sight. Prepping for leaving tonight as he set up for his leaving. When he came back on the second hour that too was expected considering the steel that seemed to run through this girl. Break a finger and she just glares at you, this king is in over his head with this one.

Still he would admit that he actually lost his composure to her, and the fact that she was holding out this long was a strong testament to her strength. He actually sort of respected that, and by hour five when she actually apologized he was more than happy to release the restrants, however before he did he left the room. She may have assumed at this point that he was just going to continue her punishment.

While she had been tied up he hadn't really been idle and one of the things he had prepped was some food. It was nothing fancy, but when he returned after her appology he put down a bowl of oatmeal, an orange, and a cup of water for her, before stepping behind her and undoing the restraints.

He even went so far as to remove her cuffs freeing her from the table, once the bars on her legs were free. He brushed her hair after a moment. "Thank you for your apology Yuri." He called her by name even offering her a spoon with the food. "I'm giving you twenty minutes to move as you please so long as you do not remove the tail and ears and eat your meal, that should be enough time for you not to have to rush through your meal and make yourself sick. It's not poisoned or drugged in anyway."

The man set up a timer on his phone and showed it to her. "Once this time is up however we will be back to teaching you the proper way of things." His statement came out more matter of fact than anything else.

".... Are you just .... ??"

Sure enough, she initially did fear him turning and leaving was a 'tough shit for you' gesture. Her fists clenched - at least, she made the motion of doing that - and let out a frustrated growl. "Oh come onnnnnnnnnn!"

... Still, he didn't return. Her heart sank and finally, for the first time excluding when hr finger was broken so ruthlessly, Yuri began to softly cry. This was unfair. Beyond it, really. From knowing this was all because she'd had more balls than any other person to speak to Jack to experiencing this type of humiliation.

Should have just gotten rid of or cut my vocal cords. Would have solved all the problems!

And, really, it wasn't like she typically spoke anyway. In fact, her answer to the rhetorical question of if you had to be blind, deaf, or mute was always the sae. Hands down, Yuri would choose mute every single time. Even during things such as duels, she didn't need her voice. The cards could speak for her .... to an extent.

... Huh?

As footsteps registered once more in Yuri's ears, her head lifted. He came back! And not alone, either. He'd done so with food, something that Yuri had slowly been finding herself wanting. Sighs of relief and low whimpers resounded as each restraint came undone. Yuri allowed her body to move on its own. Slowly - she rolled off the table, not minding as much as she would normally that she was forced onto laying down. Right on her stomach and still in front of this creepy stranger.

But that was fine. She was free and able to eat, something he confirmed when he spoke. "Likewise," she weakly responded, " .... thank you for the meal and mobility."

The same amount of caution would be used as Yuri took a few moments to help pump blood through her body once again before steadily grabbing the bowl of oatmeal. She blew gently across it before lifting the spoon up and taking a bite. Her eyes shut as she elicited another relieved sigh, savoring the taste as her stomach finally began to get filled with a much-needed meal.

The man nodded when she thanked him for the meal and the use of her limbs. nodded too her, and sat watching and waiting for the timer to run out and her to eat her meal. "You are welcome Yuri."

The man leaned back into his comfortable chair watching his phone before something pinged, and he checked his mail with an amused expression on his face.

"Want to know how much the king paid to make you his slave?" He just opened the account book to show her the zeros on the latest transaction. It was more than most people in the tops made in their life time, but of course this was the king, his wealth was on an entire other level than the regular person.

Having his amused moment he sat back and let the timer continue on, watching her with a slightly raised expression. "I have no idea what you said to the guy, but it must have made one hell of an impression. Some would consider themselves Lucky you know. I'm sure there are other duelists out there who would have flocked to him."

The man gave a shrug this wasn't really his business to know really, and as the timer ended he stood up walking towards Yuri, his expression shifting once again to that of his stern expression, he plucked a blindfold from the table, and stepping behind her he tied it around her making sure to cut off all light to make her as blind as possible.

"Now that you have eaten, it's time for you to do your dishes, while living in your masters home you will be responsible for keeping the house in order. I am taking the video camera with me. so that I can record these lessions... Oh and while you were tied up I rearranged the house, good luck navigating."

Ooookay. I'm confused. Is he my captor or just some weirdo who may or may not have a major mood disorder?

The change in this man's attitude definitely hadn't gone unnoticed. He was ... civil. And it was honestly a bit unnerving. For all Yuri knew, this could just be an act. That would make him just as dangerous - probably more so - than if he had come over without an actual weapon. It definitely made him predictable and all the more untrustworthy. The sudden snicker made her turn her head. She hadn't done something dumb, had she?

Thankfully, no ... though what she soon saw wasn't much better either.

"... Hmph. Well, whatever. It's his loss, especially in the financial department. Nothing stays a secret forever. This'll include my absence."

It wasn't a threat. Just a simple, inevitable fact ... and another thing that was helping her stay calm despite the mess she had been forced in. Eventually, someone would find out. And when that day arrived, she'd be free of the tyrant. All she had to do, really, was humor him while simultaneously hanging in there. Granted, Yuri also acknowledged it may not be as easy as she was thinking. But it was for the best that she didn't yet concentrate on the more dire 'what-ifs' either.

"It was just the truth. Shows how little he can handle when it comes down to things like that."

Yuri shrugged, speaking in between finishing bites.

And now, he's basically confirmed it as far as I'm concerned. He is a rather cowardly piece of shit.

" ... If he wants me so bad, why isn't he here watching all this? I'd think it'd be a big deal for him. Can he not make an excuse or something?"

... Okay. So that last line may have been a bit much. But now that she'd seen all the zeroes, her bitterness had returned ... somewhat. Not completely, but enough her snippier side would be heard.

By the time the twenty minutes ticked away, the entire tray had been cleaned. Her head lifted as she watched her captor - was that what he even was? - take a blindfold from off the table and wrap it around her eyes. "Ummmm ... ??"

.... Only half of his orders made sense.

"Well then ... why with the blindfold? I get the cleaning up part and all, but ... "

Yuri's heart stopped briefly when he hinted her own place had been rearranged. "W-Wait, hold on! What do you mean, rearranged?! That's impossible! How do you expect me to even do this?! That's sabotage! URGH!"

Her arms angrily crossed over her chest as she took a few minutes to get the last of her irked emotions out of the way. It wouldn't do her any good to stay this way. Besides ... surely he didn't completely move everything around. It truly was an impossible task.

Even if he did it during the night, that's a lot of furniture. Too much to do without any help ... assuming he really is alone.

Deep breaths exited through her nostrils as her hands lowered to her sides. As she found the nearest wall, Yuri began walking the same way she usually would to the kitchen ... and stopped, recalling she'd been so irritated that she almost forgot the tray. Yuri then resumed what she was doing and found that he had indeed simply meant bits and pieces of furniture, as she damn well nearly tripped or stubbed her toes against something every now and again.

"Shit!" she hissed, eagerly but carefully setting the tray down in the sink when she found it.

" ... So why me, anyway? It's just like you said. Anyone could be doing this, let alone for free and much more happily than I am. It would have been even simpler to forget about me and just ... pretend like we never met or something. So why's he going this far, anyway?"

Yuri didn't really expect an answer. It would have been appreciated, no doubt. But ... she wouldn't be disappointed if no answer was given. Eliciting a soft sigh, her hands moved up, working their way around. When the dial for the water was found, she turned it .... and cursed once again as she felt it had been the hot dial as opposed to cold. Warm water was nice and all; but not when it was to the point of threatening to scorch one's skin. Apparently, it had been at that temperature.

After hastily readjusting it, Yuri felt around, now trying to find the sponge so she could properly clean the tray.

"Oh... I wouldn't say that. It's all part of my job to make sure that people don't come looking, and I've been doing this for years." The man gave an almost charming smile as he put away his phone and went to grab the camera making ready for their exit out of the room. He didn't want to spoil exactly how he was going to cover up her absense but this wasn't exactly his first time doing this.

As long as the king didn't do something stupid like parade her around the world would probably never know after he was done today. He wished he could see the look on her face when she heard what would happen, but oh well that wasn't really his job. Instead he just watched her.

Disconnecting the device from the tripod he watched Yuri after he put the blindfold on her. Getting the camera ready for transport as she started to move and feel her way around the house.

"Oh you will see." the man waved off her comment about wanting to know what the blindfold was for. that was from the other transaction that was still being processed. He just gave a shrug. When she asked why the king wasn't here. "Between you and me, the King probably doesn't have the stomach for any of this. Most of the men that end up purchasing my services don't actually want to take the time to break someone on their own they just want a pretty face that will greet them in the morning and keep their life in order. Yet they don't have the balls to just sleep with their secretaries. This home movie we are making is for his benifit, but also yours. It's not just about showing you what's expected it's also showing him how to deal with you. So far we are going through the various approaches. Some like the more teasing approach, others seem to respond best to fear, you need patience and a bit of respect."

When she started cussing he gave her rear a quick lick with the riding crop, leaving a small red mark on her ass. "Yuri, you are better than that, no swearing." The rule was repeated once more with another spank when she cursed from the hot water. "If you can not say it politely than you shouldn't say it at all."

"It's probably because you didn't fawn over him. People like the king they don't get to have companions. Forcing someone who wouldn't want to be around him is probably better than having someone who would treat him like an idol. The people who do the latter tend to only want to be around the celebrity so that they can worship some false image. You saw through that and called him out on it, it's both humiliating but for some guys it's kind of nice to have someone who can ground you."

The man grabbed the sponge and passed it too her having a bit of mercy towards her. "The truth is the guy just paid me to rape, train and deliver you around midnight tonight. Which means." Glancing at his clock. "We still have eleven whole hours to enjoy."

... Creepy fuck, Yuri internally replied, feeling another shiver travel down her spine. This time, though, she could detect it hadn't been fueled on only from fear. She was cold. Her body was understanding and remembering it had been without any clothes for a much longer than usual time. Even when she took slightly longer than usual showers, those lasted thirty minutes tops. And those were in the winter, when she purposely prolonged her bathing to simply linger in the warmer water a bit more so than usual.

"Oh you will see."

Yuri's lips pressed tightly together. If this situation wasn't annoying enough, her captor was slowly adding himself to that list also. He was either really cryptic or too demanding. Yuri found herself uncertain what was worse.

"Urgh! Damnit! Where the hell did you put everything?!"

The sponge had yet to be felt, and it was making her patience wear thin.

As the topic changed to her assailant believing the same thing she had, Yuri couldn't help but smirk. For simplicity's sake, she kept her thoughts to herself. If anything, she tried to concentrate on those.

... That plus the sponge, though that was becoming a very frustrating task.

She had been almost positive her hand finally wrapped around it. Not quite. A rag ... but upon closer inspection wit her hand, it had been used. Over-used, more like. Otherwise, she would have grabbed that instead.

Her eyebrows furrowed as she quickly let go of the dirty cloth. Her head leaned forward as she tried to take a few calming breaths ... only to elicit shocked yelps and gasps as the riding crop hit her repeatedly.

"Ahh, shit! Oh come onnnn! This isn't the era where ladies have to be all prim and proper or whatever! STOP!"

Her head bowed as she finally felt the sponge handed over to her ... though Yuri damn well nearly dropped it as she heard her watcher utter his next set of words.

"The truth is the guy just paid me to rape, train and deliver you around midnight tonight."

"W-What?! How can you say that so casually?! W-Wait, wait a sec! I mean, I haven't been that bad or anything."

Her hands shakily turned the faucet on as Yuri began getting the sponge damp. Keeping it firmly held in one hand, she began washing the tray. All the while, she was trying her best not to curse nor drop or even break the tray.

"Is there anyway to persuade you to skip the rape at least? I mean, given you showed me all those zeroes, I'm assuming he's already paid you. Look ... I get I'm probably not going to keep my virginity for much longer. But I'd rather ... lose it when I'm more ... ready, I guess? Just ... not like this. Please. Please don't take that away from me. I'll be good! You heard, I'm sure, I didn't curse during this entire plea, right? I'll keep doing that and being good in other ways. Just ... please don't rape me."

"Because I've been doing this for a long time." The man stayed in his matter of fact way when she asked how he could do this job so easily, but the truth was he had done it before, and that made the job of raping someone rather easy. When she pleaded out he shrugged not that she could see. Though he still chided her when she cursed again.

"This also isn't the era where people get sold into slavery, but hey guess where your going to end up." The man spoke with a verbal roll of his eyes as he looked at Yuri.

"You may not need to be trim and proper but I certainly won't allow you to have a dirty mouth, curse one more time and I will wash your mouth out with dish soap."

The man went silent when she asked him to skip the rape. Considering her words for a moment as he recorded her washing the dishes, trying her best to not mess up the task when she washed them.

It was amusing to watch her, but at the same time he wasn't really in this game to have mercy on someone. Even if she was kind of cute. "I tried to go down an easier path at the start of this, remember what brought you to being tied up in the first place? People like Jack love it when their new found slave knows how to beg, and how to suck on a mans cock, handing over a virgin is unprofessional."

"Anyway we have eleven or so hours to figure out that one and if you do show off that you can be good I may not need to actually rape you. You seem cold. I set up some clothing for you in your bedroom which your going to need for the next part of the day. Again remember not to remove the tail ears or blindfold."

That clothing would turn out to be her Swimsuit though she would find a hole had been cut into it to allow for her new found tail to be pulled through rather than get crushed against the tight fabric.

Fine! Then I'll just curse in my head! You can't hear them so .... fuck you! Fuck the both of you to the deepest layers of hell for this bullshit!

A soft sigh passed Yuri's lips. It was brief, but the internal argument had helped calm her down. At least to a point where it felt possible to heed this man's verbal commands and better avoid the riding crop. Or use of soap, if that had been something he'd been dead serious about.

... Who are you kidding? Look at all the bullshit he's done already. Yeah. He definitely is.

"Even though what you've said is probably true about handing a virgin over, I'd think it would make this all the more sweeter for him, personally. I mean, clearly I've offended him more than I realized. So wouldn't it be best if he got to know the reason I lost my innocence is from him?"

Yuri shrugged her shoulders. It seemed the king had been so pissed off that he wasn't using any kind of logic with this situation. Of course, she wasn't either. Not the kind she would rather use, anyway. No, her own trains of thought had been drastically altered. And Yuri most definitely did not like that. Not one bit. She was just ... trying to get through all of this. Make the time until midnight tick away faster, not slower.

"Thank you," she whispered, finally hearing that at least the rape may be avoided. Granted, a definite answer would have been what she would have rather heard. But this was fine. Yuri could work with this. Especially because he was right. She had been cold. Adrenaline had kept her from realizing that the past five hours. Now that it had all but vanished, she could feel everything, including each shiver that trailed along every inch of her body.

When she felt confident the tray was done being washed, she placed it in the right drawer -- or where it should have been able to be put away properly. Closing the door, Yuri stretched her arms out by her sides and began carefully navigating her way to her room.

This trip was a lot simpler and had less close calls with furniture that had been moved. Mainly because she could feel when something out of place was about to make contact with some part of her body. After detecting that, it was a simple matter of moving and adjusting herself. Voila. Within ten minutes, she entered her room and felt ....

"What the ... ??"

Her eyebrows furrowed as they traced the fabric. She didn't have any one piece outfits.

Not except ....

"Oh come on!" she protested, "This is not a full-fledged outfit! This isn't even something to wear just because! And I don't have a pool here! This makes literally no sense. Something else, please."

Or, if not, a damn good reason why you even chose this aside from a fucking petty answer like 'it's cute' or whatever the fuck! Seriously, this doesn't fully cover my body like an actual shirt and jeans! UGH!

No immediate move was made to put it on. But at least it would be noted Yuri didn't toss it right back at him either. She truly was, it seemed, waiting for something, be it consent or an explanation.

The man was not swayed when she demanded that he change her outfit especially when he had already altered this swim suit to fit her new found accessory. So when she demanded that he answer her and not give a petty answer he chuckled a little.

He did not lash out as he well could have, but rather a slow smile came across his face. "I thought we talked about what happens if your disobediant for the day." He said gently reminding her that her virginity would only last so long as she co-operated.

"You do not have a pool this is correct, but you do have a very large bath tub, and my muscles are sore, so we are going to use it like a hot tub. During that, i intend to examine how long you can hold your breath, as I am sure that is important information for your new master to learn about."

"Also because I thought it would be cute, i even went about modifying it so that you could keep your tail in, because I am a nice person. Am I not a nice person Yuri?" The man's voice dripped with enjoyment at the comment, he wasn't being nice, but this was just one little way of getting her to play his game.

"So no you will not be getting a new outfit you will wear whatever I or your king will provide for you."
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