Yu-gi-oh 5Ds: Downfall of the King (Athene & East)


May 12, 2015
West Coast, USA

"And that's it for today's lesson. Your homework --- "

Before the professor could get too far, the bell rang. A large number of the students hastily began standing up, most sitting right back down when they saw the irritated glare from their sensei. "Oi, oi. You're all so impatient. How many times do I need to remind you? I dismiss you, not the bell. Now then, your homework is to calculate, using the exact formula I gave you, the probability you have to draw each card from your deck."

A chorus of groans echoed from most of the students.

One, however, didn't reply in such a negative way, and that was sixteen-year-old Yuri Akiyama. Both her deck and silver hair had helped her earn the name 'Yukihime', though it was much more of the former that assisted in he reputation.

It won't even be that hard if they stopped and think about it ... she inwardly mused, already making several notes on how her end paper should look.

After gathering all of her belongings, she stood up and bowed her head to the instructor. Finally, her feet guided her through the halls and soon enough, she walked out of the Tops Duel Academy. The faintest of smiles crossed her face as a gentle breeze danced across her face.

Even though her daily life was rather repetitive, it was good. Better than most people, especially those unfortunate citizens who lived in the Satellite.

That was one major difference between herself and almost anyone else that lived in the Tops. Some days, she felt more than fine trying to help out somehow. But that was always the issue. How could she go about that?

Few ideas ever crossed her mind, and Yuri honestly doubted it would be accepted.

"Probably be viewed as pity. They won't want that."

Her arms crossed over her chest. Yuri tapped her fingers several times against the fabric of her top before deciding to give up on the thought for what felt like the millionth time. Instead, Yuri's mind switched to her homework for Advanced Duel Statistics, already beginning to complete the assignment that had just been given to her class not but mere moments ago.

While her brain continued working on that, her feet instinctively guided her towards her apartment.
RE: Yu-gi-oh 5Ds: Fall of the King (Athene & East)

On the other side of the tops Jack was sitting in his apartment. He was rewatching an exhibitionist duel he had won the day before. He was King, he was the top of the world, every magazine, every television show wanted his face, and he didn't have to look far at all to see why.

He was amazing, but the gag was starting to show. He had spent the last few rounds of his match playing with his opponent, frustrating them, even if he was in the rear when it came to life points at no point did he lack control over the message. His red dragon archfiend made sure that his complete offense stratagy was potent forcing both himself and his opponent to attack even when they hadn't desired too.

His penchant for playing around with his opponent was starting to be seen as a gimick, and sure while the crowd was loving it, and he was still untouchable the latest magazine had put him up.

'the heel King.' Disrespectful dueling at it's finest.

The article was the type of slander that only a professional had to deal with, and sure enough he was starting to be seen as the villain, though a villain people loved to cheer for.

He was also starting to get bored. He was alone most of the time, this apartment he had gotten for being the best was too big, and he was starting to tire of the daily extravagent pleasures that the tops provided him. While in Satellite he had dreamed of owning it all, now that he didn't need to scrounge for food he was starting to deal with the fact that the highlife was boring him, what was the point of having all of this if he didn't have someone to praise him for it.

His phone rang, and answering it was the beck and call of Rex, the one man who still frustrated Jack. No one should have power over a king, and yet he was beholden to another as if he was a toy for that one. Answering the phone Jack simply glowered at the device for a moment. "What do you want this time?"

"Jack, you sound bored. Thought I would brighten your day. I know you're angry about the last article, so here's the thought. I'm putting you up for an autograph signing some interactions with your fans will help keep up the image that you care about them."

Jack mulled it over, but at the same time knew he didn't really have a choice. He was going to end up going to this. It wasn't so much an improvement, but there would be plenty of people to sing his praises. He simply gave a grunt, asked for the time and place once he had that hung up.
RE: Yu-gi-oh 5Ds: Fall of the King (Athene & East)

"Home again, home again," Yuri muttered, sighing softly as the door to her quaint residence was unlocked. As she flipped on the lights and slipped her shoes off, she didn't bother announcing her arrival. She was, as always, alone. Not because her parents were dead or anything. No, no. The bad news was even though they were alive, they were constantly traveling. As such, Yuri very seldom saw their actual faces. Nowadays, it was limited primarily to letters, postcards, or the occasional video chat on her laptop.

A small smile that had the most obvious displays of sorrow in it briefly spread over her face before disappearing, replaced with a more neutral look.

"Well ... this work isn't gonna complete itself."

Moving her backpack off of her shoulders, Yuri walked to the dining room table and set her books and binders down in one chair. A quick unzip and setting down later, she then started jotting down the answers to her homework assignments.

The day before had been repeated, like all of the others Yuri had lived. After homework, she made herself dinner, killed time watching TV, and when that got too boring, she opted to read. Most of the times, she chose various novels or books. Every now and again, however, she did thumb through some magazines. What few friends she had were worried about her lack of feminine looks supposedly.

So, she agreed to try browsing through for some fashion tips. It was for herself and never them; that was her story and she was sticking to it, damnit. Speaking of said friends ... her head turned as she heard a rushed set of footfalls running behind her.

"Hey, Kyoko!"

The barely elder teenager standing a few paces behind her chuckled softly, waving eagerly to Yuri.

... Oh god, now what?

Out loud, however, she cleared her throat and asked, "Sooo ... what'd you find?"

"Awww. You know me so well. I was gonna say I was just greeting you but ... ehh. You always have been more blunt and to the point, so .... tada!"

In her hands was a pamphlet. It was the words across it that Kyoko quickly pointed to.


Come to the Fountain Plaza today between the hours of 16:00 PM to 20:00 PM.​

Yuri tilted her head and handed the pamphlet back. "Uh-huh. Oookay, cool. Congrats on getting that, I suppose."

Kyoko shook her head, clicking her tongue. "No. Come on, don't make me go alone! Join me!"

" .... Why? How many times have we had this talk? I don't ... I mean ... he is attractive and all. But let's be realistic for a bit. He's the current king, ya know? We're literally probably peasants to his huge egotistical mind. There's no point in swooning over a man you'll never grab the attention of."

Kyoko sighed, pouting lightly.

" .... How are you my senpai again?"

"Because I am still older."

"You could fool me," Yuri muttered.

"Just ... think about it, at least? Please?"

" .... Fine. I'll think. But that's the best I can promise you."

"Awesome! You're the best! Alright! I'll see ya after school!"

Yuri merely shook her head in disbelief. "I said I'd think," she repeated under her breath, "Ugh. I hate that she almost never listens." But at the same time, she did love her optimism and her energy. Yuri had her own, mind you. But they didn't tend to show unless she was dueling. Her quiet nature and personality had been what made the assumptions she truly was some 'ice queen' or 'snow princess' title a more literal one. More than worrying about her physical appearance, she tended to fret about her mannerisms.

And who knew? Maybe this would be a good opportunity to work on both of her flaws if she went?

Oh god. Am I really actually considering this?

.... She'd have to ask for a favor to help make this arrangement fair. Suddenly, she couldn't help but feel cheated. Like she had been tricked, or worse. But the more her mind thought about whether to attend or not, the more she found herself favoring the 'yes' decision.

"I deserve a free upside smack of her head," she half-quietly teased, going quiet when she realized the first bell of the day was about to ring and she had yet to step foot into the Academy! With a newly found sense of resolve and vigor, her walking turned into running as Yuri desperately dashed to her destination.

Jack sighed, as put out as he was by the latest articles it wasn't so bad. He was still the king. Sure he had some bad manners, and the tournament scene didn't exactly love that, but the people? the people loved a good heel turn every now and then. As long as he had the crowds flocking to him, he wouldn't have a care in the world when it came to what was right or wrong.

He set down the phone, and got up from his sofa. At the same time there was certainly something missing from it all. He had the crowds and adoring fans, he had the power and he had the wealth, even if Rex took some of it he was living a life better than he had ever afforded in satalite.

But it was unfulfilling. It wasn't that he had stolen the card from his friend. Just checking his Jacket pocket he had kept Yusei's card close to him as a reminder for where he had come from, and what he had to do to get this far.

No it was more than that it was something a little more personal. Stepping outside onto the balcony of his home he was on a tower, the rest of the world was beneath his foot the way it should be for any king. Looking out at the endless roads and lights that made up Neo Domino he had nothing to fear from this hight, and yet his home was getting messy, and his life was filled with silence.

He needed a pet or something. Like a dog that could look forward to his home coming except that he was alergic to most dogs. A maid would do better, someone who would greet him with a bow and a cute voice.

As long as they actually were willing to be around him he supposed it didn't actually matter, but anyone he brought into his life now would just be here for the cash, and life stile, he had become all too familiar with how vapid women were once you had power.

Jack shook his head he would figure this out later. For now he needed to catch some rest.

"Please form an orderly line."

Even on just a two days notice Jack's autograph signing was huge. Even he was completely was enamored by the crowd that was here just to catch a glimpse of him. He had already had plenty of women who had asked him to marry them. It had been cute on the first few proposals now he was starting to tell his security to remove people that tried that.

Even flanked by two security guards he was still surprised by his fans. Not all of them had the best intentions, among the crowd there had been a former challenger who had pulled a knife. the guy had been slammed down to the ground and carted off faster than Jack had time to blink, and when asked if he wanted to end the signing because of the threat he had stayed, and now that was the message.

The King cared so much about his people that he was willing to put his life on the line for them. Even sitting as he was, he was more than happy to sign whatever people wanted. Usually pictures of his face, some of them had brought some of his merchindise. One or two of them had asked him to sign his own body.

For now he was just loving being the center of attention.

Throughout the entire day, Yuri's mind was in a very foreign, different state. Whereas she could usually be way more focused than she currently was, Yuri instead found herself pondering over Kyoko's offer. Should she really take it?

Well, what's the worst that could happen? And then compare it with what could be the best?

By the time she came up with a fair answer,it was lunch time. Her arms were crossed over her chest and a slightly irked expression adorned her face. Kyoko smugly smirked, waving to her friend as if absolutely nothing bad had happened. "Afternoon~" Kyoko greeted in a sing-song voice.

" ... Alright. I'll go."

"Hmmmm. What was that?"

Yuri sighed, tilting her head back slightly. "I said I'll do it. I'll go ... " Her hand quickly rose. "But on one small condition. I wanna go home and grab something for him to sign."


Yuri fought off the urge to cover her ears as her friend screamed, resulting in quite a lot of the other high school students to turn their heads and stare at teh two before going back to their lunch. "YES, YES, YES! You're the best, you know?! THANK YOU!"

"It's not that big a deal ... uwah! Careful!"

Before she could predict Kyoko's movements, her supposed 'sempai' had jumped out of her seat and hugged Yuri tightly, letting go after a bit over a minute ticked away. "This'll be soooooo fun! I promise, you won't regret this!"

.... I dunno. I kinda am, honestly ...

Instead, Yuri merely nodded and sat down beside Kyoko. "Soo ... what are you gonna get for him to sign?" she asked, a curious but very content glint able to seen in the elder woman's eyes.

"You'll see," Yuri merely replied, causing Kyoko to pout and click her tongue impatiently.

"Fiiiiiiine. But only because you can't keep that hidden forever!"

Whether it was because of the sudden plans that arose or Fate itself willed the day to pass by faster than usual, it had done so anyway. Both Kyoko and Yuri temporarily parted ways after the final bell rang. They had agreed to at least change out of their school uniform and grab something for Jack to sign. When the two met up half-way to the Fountain Plaza, they would see one another in their new outfits, with each teenager holding an item of choice.

"Ohhhh! You are reading those magazines I've been giving you! You look so cute!"

Yuri's face almost immediately flushed, her head subconsciously lowering to look down at her new outfit. "I mean ... thanks. But this isn't for a date with Jack or whatnot, you know? It's just his autograph."

"Well yeah. But you never know! Something may happen in your future with him!"

Yuri scoffed at the thought, rolling her eyes. "I very highly doubt that," she muttered.

Interestingly enough, Kyoko had taken an almost opposite approach, seeming to favor black instead of white for a top. Compared to Yuri, however, it was clear to see Kyoko had definitely opted to use a much more bold outfit.

"It's ... nice and all. But ummm ... isn't that a bit much?"

"Ohh? Are you jealous?" Kyoko teased, smirking as Yuri shot an irritated glare over. "Ohh come on. You do know I'm only partly kidding, right?"

Yuri elicited a heavy, exhausted sigh as she held a book under her right arm. It was a horrible attempt at an autobiography of Jack plus a success story. Still, it had included some pretty decent dueling tips, and that was the primary reason she selected that as the item to take with her to the signing booth. Kyoko, meanwhile, had a poster carefully tucked under her own arm. It wasn't overly huge; just large enough to adorn any room's wall.

A part of it, anyway. Not the whole thing.

"Oh, shit!" Kyoko declared, noticing the her cell phone and thus the time. "It's already six! Come on, let's go before it gets too late!"

Within mere moments, the two arrived in line. Only to find ... it wasn't as long as they had originally assumed, There was a good chance time had been on their side. With half of the time having already flown by, most of the people had gotten their 'prize' and gone home. Before they knew it, they were standing in front of the king himself, with mere inches separating them from physically touching Jack Atlas.

Kyoko wasted little time as she quickly but carefully set her poster down. "To Miss Kyoko, please!"

Somewhere in between literally being dragged forward and her anxiety kicking in, poor Yuri had frozen up. She wasn't really scared of Jack. Crowds, however, were a different story. The very fact she was among so many other fan girls and being forced to come to something she had never wanted to attend in the first place was making her a bit light-headed, truthfully.

"She's shy. Don't mind her. Make that out for -- "

That made her attention and nerves return as Yuri narrowed her eyes at Kyoko. "I can speak for myself, if you don't mind. Umm ... " Setting the book down, Yuri took another breath, this one meant to help calm herself. "Just Yuri. Don't worry about a prefix or anything. Please and thanks."

" ... Yuri? You okay?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"Your face. It's really red. Ohhhh! Are you -- ?!"

Yuri quickly moved her head from side to side, "It's not what you think! Drop it!"

"Aww. There's nothing to be ashamed of though~"

"But ... it .... it really .... "

Yuri shuddered, feeling a sudden, cold chill trail down her entire body. Everything abruptly flashed ... and just as hastily went black as the last of her consciousness slipped away.

"Oh fuck! Yuri?! YURI?!"

Kyoko watched in horror as her friend began to faint, her body steadily falling towards the floor, being guided by none other than gravity itself.

Jack's legs were starting to go numb. He had been sitting here and signing things for what felt like days now. When the two girls approached for a moment he was a little relieved cause he could honestly see the end of the line now. That said there were still dozens more to go. He stood up and even offered to shake the hands of Kiyoko.

Considering what she was wearing, he couldn't help but notice her, and for a moment he thought that maybe it would be fun to invite her out or something. As he looked to the poster however he shook off that idea. He signed it happily either way. "Of course Miss Kiyoko."

Jack quickly scrawled out, 'to the lovely Miss Kiyoko, ~Jack Atlus'

That was however when his attention was stolen. Glancing towards the other girl, Yuri and seeing what she brought him. Wait people actually read that book?

It had been something he had done when he had first entered the turbo dueling scene. Rex had wanted him to hammer out his 'official' story, and so Jack had taken time to write his own novelization. Giving himself the ideal life he had always wanted. The only problem with it was that all of the biography was a lie, so he had tried his best to pack it with information that was actually useful to people.

He had changed the names, but Yusei was mentioned in the book as his best friend, and it had gone into depth about how the two of them had dreamed about making it to the turbo circuit only for Jack to make it, and the other be cut out of his life. It painted a lonely picture, but also went into detail about how he had come to his all attack stratagies, and the duels between him and Yusei from their youth.

Not a single person had brought this thing for him to sign, and dispite him having taken a lot of time and effort to write it, no one had ever really bought the thing. No one had ever really cared about how he had come onto the scene or the sacrifices made along the way.

He stood up. Wanting to shake the girls hand and speak more with her about what she thought of the book, only to see that she was currently almost about to run away. When she started to fall he jumped over the table and caught her, immediately supporting her back and neck. "Easy my lady I have you."

He softly helped her gently to the ground. "Everyone please step back, give my lady some space, please no crowding." King actually stepped more towards his fans exposing himself, to the curious audience, keeping his back to the crowd, but making sure to draw everyones attention so that no one could get past him or crowd the young woman.

Once he was sure that the girl would recover he was quick to turn to her friend. "Could you please pass me her book?"

Taking his pen he quickly wrote in it. 'To, Yuri-hime never let the spotlight burn you. ~Jack Atlus.'

"Do you think we need to tend to her, get her to a hospital or something?"

Oh my god! Oh. My. God. YES!

Kyoko's heart was beating wildly in her chest. This had been one of the best days of her life. She didn't think this. No, she knew it. Could she be happier if she tried? She had no idea. Maybe ... possibly. But it would require some very specific things to occur.

Liiiike earning a date, somehow ...

In fact, she was so ecstatic that she didn't notice - or perhaps she did, but failed to care - that her name had been misspelled. Kyoko's concentration did a complete 180 as she watched Yuri faint, landing in Jack's arms. She couldn't lie to herself; she was definitely jealous.

... That bitch. She knew how to get his attention all along, didn't she?

.... No. Yuri wasn't like that. It was this train of thought that helped her shove the envy aside and kneel beside Jack, looking down at Yuri with worried eyes that were barely avoiding filling up with tears. "Oh god. This is my fault, isn't it? I made her come here ... "

Kyoko tilted her head back, trying to take calming breaths. Her arms instinctively reached onto the table, grabbing the book and handing it over to Jack. She looked back down in an effort to study her friend and try to discern what was wrong. What just made her faint like that? Despite all the years she'd been close to Yuri, her social anxiety had been something, prior till now, the Ice Barrier user had kept hidden from everyone.

"I ... I'm not sure. I've ... this has never happened to Yuri before. Umm ... "

When it looked as though Yuri's face had somehow turned an even darker shade of red, Kyoko lightly pressed her hand against her comrade's forehead, almost immediately pulling it up. "She's burning up! Oh god, we definitely need to get her somewhere Anywhere but here. Her house is a few blocks away but ... I don't know if that's quicker than the hospital or .... " Her head moved from side to side a few times before Kyoko shakily looked up into Jack's violet eyes. "Please, get her to someone who can take care of her. Her address is in the back of your book. She labels everything, in case it gets lost or stolen."

A hospital was probably the safest place to take Yuri, but the only vehicle had was his D-Runner. The security guards had a car, but he wasn't about to trust four men he barely knew with the life of a young girl.

With the crowd contained, he turned to his security detail. "I am going to take her to a hospital." As he spoke he moved closer to Yuri. Picking her up softly, and carrying her bridal style.

Carrying her to the wheel of fortune, the bike only had one seat. But it did have one thing that would work. Popping the hood of the Duel Runner, most would have expected to see an engine, but the wheel of fortune's engines were actually set under the driver seat for maximum balance, and on the end where the two nacel boosters were mounted that allowed for speeds in excess of 300mph. Without a helmet and proper training such motion would suck the breath right from the riders lungs which meant he couldn't have her sit on his lap for the dangers.

So it was the trunk compartment for her. He set Yuri down, folding her arms and legs so that she would fit. In the end it was an embarassing curled almost fetal position, but it would be safe for her.

Jack set the book with her, and even tossed in a communications device so that he could hear her if she woke up. It's dark, uncomfortable, would probably heat up once the wheel started moving, but she would live as long as he got her out to a hospital quickly, and he didn't get into an accident.

"It's okay I will take care of your friend." It was remarkable just how much this looked like a kidnapping, but he had every intention of depositing her to an actual hospital. He sat on his bike. Quickly activating the GPS to tell him which was the closest and fastest one to get too. Starting the engine and speeding off as quickly as possible.

'Ngh ... "

Yuri's eyes first opened as she managed to register the sensation of her body being set down. She stayed unconscious for a bit, however. It wouldn't immediately dawn on her how odd, probably dire was the better word, of a situation she was in.

The first sign, however, would be when her hand rose to rub her forehead. While Yuri did succeed with her movement, ti wasn't wihtout feeling an odd surface. Something smooth. But it was also mere inches away from her head.

" ... Hmm? What the ... ??"

Yuri's eyes slowly fluttered open, only to widen as she found herself in almost complete darkness. Her heart was beating wildly in her chest as she realized that wherever she was, it was not back at her apartment. This wasn't a familiar location, in fact.

Holy fuck! What happened after I passed out?! Did someone kidnap me or something?!

Her teeth latched onto her lower lip as Yuri tried to take breaths through her nose.

Hold on. Don't jump right to the worst case scenario. Calm yourself ... don't panic just yet.

"Oi," she finally called out, "What in the hell's going on and where am I exactly?" She'd at least attempt to be civil to some degree, but Yuri would definitely not dare hide her anxieties. They were justified, after all. Even then, she wasn't someone who opted to hide certain things. Emotions were high up on her list of things to display, no matter how brutally honest they'd come off as.

Jack was surprised to hear the voice of the girl he had put into the trunk. He had half expected her to remain unconcious all the way to the hospital, however when she asked where she was she was honestly perfectly justified in that. So he turned on his helmets phone function to answer her.

"Sorry about the cramped space, You passed out. Your friend didn't have a car, and I couldn't trust my security detail with you. You're in the trunk of the wheel of fortune, we are currently fifteen minutes away from the nearest hospital."

She wouldn't be able to open the trunk of the D-Runner, so he had no worries about her accidently shifting around and killing herself and him in the process. He was busy trying to stay focused on the road ahead of him.

Unlike his personal race track he couldn't exactly hit his top speeds here in the open. Which was probably a good thing because if he did that trunk space would heat up and become very uncomfortable.

"Since you're awake now, if you would rather go home, I did see your address in the back of your book. It wouldn't take much for me to turn around and take you home."

Actually since he essentually had her hostage he had wanted a chance to talk to her before. "So you actually read my book? I spent months writing that biography, but when I put it up for sale no one even looked twice at it. I haven't seen a single copy come to me to get signed before. Mind if I ask if you enjoyed it?"

He knew it was probably weird from her perspective, but he was being honest. He had no intention of kidnapping her as she was. The scene had been far too crowded, he always figured if he was going to commit a crime like that he should do it when there were fewer witnesses... or more likely he would just pay someone else to do it.

He shook that thought from his mind, he really was getting lonely.

Yuri swore under her breath as the voice confirmed she had indeed passed out. "Damnit. Kyoto-baka, you know me and crowds don't mix well together." If she had more space, Yuri would have wasted little time in crossing her arms over her chest.

As things were? All she could do was silently pray whoever was talking with her was being honest.

" ... Wait a sec. You said I'm in the Wheel of Fortune's trunk? Then ... you're ... ??"

Even as the unfinished question trailed off, Yuri fairly assumed her guess was right. Partly because of simple common sense-related thoughts. Example number one; Jack never came off as the type to share his possessions, especially the more valuable ones. That being said, there was a very slim chance Jack would actually let anyone else drive his D-Wheeler.

... Right?

Ugh, god. Shut up, brain. You're not a damn fan girl, so don't start sounding like one.

No. Definitely not; she was just using statistics and common sense to avoid having a panic attack here and now.

"Well ... even though this is an unorthodox way to get someone to a hospital, I appreciate the gesture, Jack. Hope you don't mind me using your first name. Saying Mister Atlas sounds too formal ... especially when we're close in age. No, though. By now, you're probably closer to the hospital. Don't worry about changing routes."

Slowly, Yuri felt around herself. The first thing her fingers traced over was her book. It took a bit of searching, but Yuri found the device that was allowing her to communicate with Jack. Wrapping her fist carefully but tightly around the mini-phone, Yuri placed it beside her lips.

It probably wasn't needed, but it was reassurance on her behalf. Now she felt much more confident he would perfectly hear everything she said from here on out.

"Yes. I did read it all."

Yeah. This has to be Jack, alright. Only he would be egotistical enough to ask about my opinion.

Oh, she definitely had a response to his inquiry. Yuri was simply wording it carefully. If she took her typically blunt path, she'd be tossed out of the D-Wheeler if not worse.

So ... she paused to figure out what would be a tame yet honest answer.

"It was pretty interesting. You sound like you had to overcome a lot to get to your current spot. However, it's exactly because of your struggles that I wonder something. Forgive me if this is a bit personal or even naive, but ... you honestly come off as someone born from the Satellite. Is that true or false?"

To her, it would have been a simple 'yes or no' question.

There had been tons of times, however, when Yuri watched people reply in a very aggressive manner. It was especially bad when Satellite was mentioned. To this way, Yuri didn't fully understand why.

She only knew a few things; she wanted to avoid any temper Jack might have and get out of the trunk. It wasn't yet too bad. Every now and again, though, Yuri definitely felt her claustrophobia kick in, attempting to make her freak out and have a panic attack.

Jack did mind her use of his first name. She wasn't his equal, and it visibly irked him that she would even pretend to be on his level. His eye twitched slightly as he thought about it. At the same time he didn't say anything, because she was already in his trunk. it wasn't exactly like he could do anything extra to her out of a sense of revenge, but it did put her on a list.

What made that situation a little more dangerous was the fact that she asked about Satellite, it was something he had made sure was left out of the book, Rex had been insistent that no one could know.

He looked at the road for a moment, if he stopped the D-Wheeler on the side of this high way, he could claim it was another accident. Smash up this one just like he did Yusei's and ignore the fact that they would find a body inside of it. He was a celebrity he could probably get away with it.

Instead he just aimed to hit every single pot hole he could find, causing the D-Wheeler to shake and rattle the girl inside of it for a bit. Though as he did he leaned back in his chair and adjusted his handle on the bike.

"Yes, It's not something I broadcast, but I was born in satellite." He didn't know why but he expected that this girl wouldn't actually tell anyone.

"If people knew that their king was so low born, they would feel cheated, but I always dreamed of being on top, and now I am." He said more with confidence. As the bike slowed down he pulled into the hospitals lot. Standing up from his bike and opening the trunk. Helping her out of it since he had placed her in at an odd angle and he didn't want her scuffing his bike by falling out of it.

"Shall I see you inside? or are you safe to wonder from here?"

Yuri gulped nervously. Why did he go quiet? Had something happened? The Wheel of Fortune wasn't swerving, so it wasn't anything linked to that, which was good. There were tons of reckless people who drove, both in D-Wheelers and normal cars. But it was always worse to see how some people could be so stupid with the Wheelers. They really did abuse the laws of the road and often opted to do simply what they wanted.

Just like how Jack did with the pot holes.

"Ahh, shit! Ow! Ow, ow, ow, damnit!"

What the hell?! Are you fucking serious?!

Her teeth lightly gripped onto her lower lip, keeping the thoughts in her head. For now, anyway. Those would definitely be heard. Not yet though. Now wasn't the time or place to risk worse than her head bumping against the trunk a few times.

" ... Hmph. I honestly think they'd feel more cheated and annoyed if they learned 'their king' has been lying. Not only about his origins, but any other secrets that even I haven't figured out yet. Or anyone else, really. Deceit is a powerful and dangerous tool to actually use. The higher you are in rank, the riskier it is."

... That'd likely earn her head a few more pot holes. But so be it. It'd only strengthen the point she was making.

"Either way, I get it. It's your decision."

Not at all the smartest one in her opinion.

But I'm probably naught but another peasant to you, or some shit like that, she thought, rolling her eyes at the thought.

When the bike finally came to a halt about twenty or so minutes later, Yuri rubbed her forehead. It wouldn't fully regain all of her senses back, nor make the slight dizziness immediately vanish. But it would be good enough for her to avoid seeing double. "I'm fine," she replied without missing a beat, smacking Jack's hand away as she pulled herself out ... at least being cautious about his wheeler. It wasn't done out of obligation or fear, but for what little respect she still had for Jack as a duelist.

"Because of the simple fact I'm a duelist, I have seen you drive. I know that was intentional. And don't play dumb with me. You're not that blonde ... I doubt. "

Or if that was the case .... well, that was definitely not Yuri's problem.

"You confirmed something I've wondered for a long time. And it was sorta hinted at in that book. You are as much of a piece of shit as I thought. Keep that mindset and attitude up, and I guarantee you'll be seen as a tyrant, not a king. If you've heard of mobs and how they can react to such things, you'll understand why my words hold some advice and truth in them. But that, again, is all your call. I don't get what women see in you."

With the last sentence being muttered under her breath, Yuri strode angrily away from Jack, purposely forgetting the book in the Wheel of Fortune and effectively leaving him mostly alone to his own devices and thoughts. As long as Yuri never had to see that bastard again, she didn't care too much on what happened from this moment on.

Within five minutes, she got inside. Ten more ticked away and she was already being seen by a doctor, though not before signing the pre-examination papers. Including the disclaimer that she didn't want anyone knowing she was here. Or, in case they found out anyway, they were forbidden from seeing her.

This way, even the faux king himself couldn't try to pull any other stunts. King or not, even he had to heed Sector and their rules. This was Yuri's reassurance that she would be safe while she stayed in the hospital.

The fact that Jack could make her trip even slightly less comfortable was worth it too him. He got a slightly twisted enjoyment over hearing her getting bounced around while she was stuffed into his trunk. hell the fact that she was being transported around in such a demeanning way like she was his luggage was amusing to him.

Jack actually felt more like a king than he had in a long time with her living basically at his mercy. It was a thrilling feeling and something he wanted to recreate at some point. He wasn't sure how, but more and more he was starting to think about how one would go about getting to own a modern day servant.

If there was anyone who would know it was of course Rex.

Then again this girl was also rather mouthy and nosy. If anyone was earning his ire it was starting to get to be her. He of course wouldn't dare to make a move so public as taking her hostage when he was the last person to be seen with her. It would make it very obvious about what happened, and if he was to do anything truly illegal his loving crowd could never know.

And then it went from slight ire, to full bore, as she accused him of being a piece of shit. he wanted to smack her face there and then, but he contained himself, his face reflecting his anger at her words, but his hands though shaking from the want to smash her brains in simply did not react to that incredibly strong impulse.

and before he could get a word back edge wise she was gone, striding away without her book. He blinked for a moment feeling seething anger towards her, but as he went innitially throw the book at the back of her head, he opened it, and found the address her friend had told him about.

She may have been safe inside the hospital, but as he closed the trunk of his D-Wheeler, turned and started to drive away from the place towards his own home. He knew full well that the woman would never be safe in her home again.

He was king after all, if he wanted to arrange something for a peasant it could easily be done. For once he had his phone call a number he usually only recieved calls from.

"I'd like a favor."

A mild fever and slight panic attack; that was what she had been diagnosed with, according to the doctors. All things considered, nothing serious. However, to ensure the fever didn't increase overnight and get to any dangerous ranges, it was insisted that she stay overnight, even if only for that much. If this had been any normal day, Yuri would have refused and just gone home. Admittedly though, the thought of the fever getting worse made her anxious enough to agree. That plus also not really feeling like answering any annoying questions Kyoko would end up bombarding her with.

With my luck, she'll be waiting home or something, Yuri thought, weakly smiling but still softly scoffing. This was one of those moments where the moment she met up with her friend again, she would utter the four words no one wanted to ever hear in their lives.

"I told you so!"

Even though the thought had been sincere, this outing truly had been a shitty idea. Her anxiety and claustrophobia very seldom bothered her. So the fact both had haunted her this afternoon? That spoke volumes on why and how it had been horrible for herself. Amazing - probably - for everyone to see. She had barely felt herself hoisted up in Jack's arms, after all. Common sense hinted Yuri's assumption about basically everyone who had been there greatly envying her had a high percent to be a correct guess.

"I just envy how simple-minded they are," she muttered, stretching as she finished changing out of her civilian clothes and into the nightgown. Yuri turned her head a few more times, making damn well sure no silhouettes had been outside her window. It was a dumb, if not rather paranoid, thought. But she had been legitimately scared for herself. It didn't escape Yuri's mind that her last words to Jack had been really bold ones. Rude, on a very technical note. All the same, they were true as far as the Ice Barrier user was concerned. Only when she was absolutely sure her slumber would be uninterrupted did Yuri's eyes close.

Within seconds, she fell into a deep, peaceful sleep.

The morning quickly arrived, signaled first by the rays of the sun beaming down on her through the window. Several gentle knocks soon followed and in walked one of the nurses.

After taking a quick but thorough look at her vitals, it was determined she could be dismissed. With the papers now signed and everything official, Yuri hurriedly changed back into her normal clothes, laying the gown atop the hospital bed. She walked out, thanking all the medical staff on her way out.

The moment her feet landed back on the concrete, her pace immediately changed from a calm walk to a run. Today, unfortunately, was still another school day. She had very little time to hurry home, get changed once more, and then --

What the ... ??

Her train of thought stopped as Yuri arrived near her house. Before she walked right in front of the door, however, something that screamed there was a major problem kept her from proceeding any further. One of the windows was open!

"Oh shit ... " she muttered, shaking her head in disbelief as she began patting down her pockets. "Damnit!" Yuri hissed. "Ugh. The one time I leave my phone in is when someone breaks in. Lovely. Fucking lovely. Shit .... umm .... "

Were they gone already? More importantly, what was taken? Both internal questions made her grimace, though she was trying to figure the answers out one at a time. Even if the first one's was 'yes', it'd be too risky. The smart thing to do was go to one of the neighbors. Borrow their phone. Nodding to herself as the sound plan entered Yuri's head, she pivoted on her feet, beginning to follow through with the idea that she agreed to heed.

Jack's conversation with Rex had basically boiled down to 'you can't own a person Jack.' Not legally anyway, and for a moment his manager wouldn't hear anything of his little idea, up until he mentioned that Jack had told her the truth. A truth that Rex had wanted to conceal from the world. A truth that if a vindictive loud mouth like her knew it was only a matter of time before the rest of the world knew.

That had shut Rex up, and the next few words in the conversation were simply a phone number, and how much it would cost. From there all maintenance and dangers it came with his little plan were up to Jack to figure out. All he had to do was transfer a not so large amount of his latest winnings to the people on the other end of the phone.

That conversation simply came with him handing over her name and address, a short physical description of the girl, long white hair, pale skin, blue eyes. The voice on the other end simply took note of the features, and said to expect the delivery later the next day.

The man had broken in during the night, half expecting her to be home, but found the place completely vacant because she was at the hospital. he had spent the night in her room.

When morning came he had set up camp outside the house waiting for her to come home from either the hospital or school it didn't matter really. When she walked up to the house he regretted not closing the window, but it didn't matter. The tops were on sky scrapers, and she was already on her property. he could very easily take her out doors.

Her attacker emerged from the bushes. Grabbing her wrist and ferociously putting a hammer blow to her side with the hard point of his elbow. Striking her hard in her stomach as the hand holding her elbow threw her off balanced body onto the ground via his shoulder. Sending her back crashing to the ground.

His knee dropped onto her back, and he gathered up a cloth. "Everything that's about to happen too you, You can blame the king for it."

Yuri got maybe three to five steps away before some rustling in the bushes made her stop and look.

Idiot, keep moving!


A pained cry elicited as the strange man revealed himself and swiftly landed an attack on her midsection. Wind was definitely knocked out of her. There was no question about that. However, it wasn't quite enough to knock her out .... although given how precise the blow had been, maybe that wasn't his intent? Whatever it was, it couldn't be good. "Fuck ... ahh .... " Rapid gasps and pants passed through her lips as her arms shakily guarded her stomach, trying to keep it from being beat on any more.

... What time is it? Soon enough that Kyoko will come over here, isn't it?

In all honesty, it was - if anything - probably too late. With Kyoko having been at the autograph signing and seeing the pathetic pass out display, it quickly dawned on Yuri that Kyoko may assume she was still sick.

Th-then Kyoko won't ... Ohhhhh shit! Oh god!

Adrenaline took over as Yuri panicked, beginning to hastily squirm and struggle underneath her assailant. Her heart pounded wildly in her chest as she looked up nervously. "Who the fuck are you?!"

... It probably shouldn't be too amazing to hear Jack was behind this. But in a way, it sorta was. Just because of what he was allowing to happen. If this was discovered ... oh there would definitely be one hell of a scandal. And he would almost immediately be de-throned by the mob, just as she hinted. The thought made her chuckle; poetic justice truly was a beautiful thing, no matter whether it was actually happening or simply an idea that could occur.

"Heh. He couldn't handle the truth huh? Fucking coward. He should have come here himself if he's got a problem with me."

When the man pulled out a strip of cloth, her pulse quickened. The bravado didn't fully vanish ... but it definitely wasn't as strong compared to a few moments ago either.

"Oi. The fuck are you doing to me? GET OFF OF ME!"

The fuck with waiting. Whatever was happening, she needed someone to get Sector on this bastard's ass now, not later. The sooner someone noticed, the better.

She may have expected the cloth to be treated with something like Chloriform. Or maybe dosed in a chemical that would make her skin burn, but it wasn't it was just a bundled up piece of fabric he had found in her house. Actually it was probably surprisingly one of her panties that he had found in her dirty laundry bin.

He even unfolded it to show her exactly what it was before he rolled it up, and grabbed her jawline, forcing the ball of dirty clothing into her mouth as a gag, and before she could attempt to spit it out, his other hand pulled out some duct tape, which he forced over her mouth.

"Sorry Yuri, I just really hate screams. You are Yuri Akiyama right? The guy only gave us a name, and your hair color, and a long list of shit I gotta do to you. But thing is I really hate screams of young women. and since i wasn't told to cut out your tongue this was the next best option."

Once she was gagged his knee did let up on her back, and he turned her over with a sharp kick to her ribs. Once she was on her back he stepped down on one of her wrists leaving the other hand free, but making sure that he could put pressure on her hand and hurt her if she either tried to remove the gag or didn't listen.

"Listen up, you're gonna take off your clothing, and then you are gonna come with me back into your house. Nod and start taking off your pants if you understand Yuri."

Indeed, chloroform had been what she assumed. It was a good reason her struggles became faster. As stronger as possible despite being physically weaker than this man. Every moment that vanished was accompanied by pained grunts and groans as Yuri continued her frantic fight. As far as she knew, this guy was an assassin. Possibly sent by Jack to kill her.

... Well, it'd be merciful to knock her out first.

Would, alas, was the keyword. As a wad of fabric was pulled out, Yuri's mouth fell agape. "What a fucking second!" she protested, lifting her head and studying it better. "You pervert! Those are -- mmmff!" Her eyes narrowed angrily. Sure enough, Yuri started to grab for the duct tape, not overly caring if it'd hurt from yanking it off. The combined kick and trapping her wrists in some form or fashion made her stop. Muffled, pained yelps resounded against the gag as best as they could. Whimpers of agony - and a bit of fear - were some of the only noises Yuri could seem to find.

... God. He is going to kill me, isn't he?

Was he just taking his time? Waiting for her to give up and beg for it? Or ... he wasn't even going to do that? It was only a bit odd, given he indicated there wouldn't have been any qualms about forcing her to become mute. But that was good. Wasn't it? It meant she could live ... somehow get herself out of this mess. Didn't it?

"Listen up, you're gonna take off your clothing, and then you are gonna come with me back into your house."

He's fucking insane! Hah! Why in the hell should I listen to this crap?!

"Fuck off. You're stupid if you think I'm doing that." Although muffled, the words were still audible, even underneath the gag.

The man let out a taxed sigh as he looked at the woman on the ground, muffling about how she wasn't going to listen. Looking at her hand that was under his foot it was pretty clear that pain wasn't the driving factor it once was for people. But at the same time he had to wonder how long she would last for.

Leaning down, and making sure that his foot put extra pressure on her wrist he sighed as he looked her over. They never listened, and that was always a problem. Going to her hand he placed his thumb and index around her pinky.

"See the girl starts obeying, or." There was an audible snap as he broke her finger. "Even if my job is to keep you alive, the king didn't give any instructions on how you needed to be treated, and I've got a long list of shit to do to you. So if you would just smarten the fuck up and obey than I won't have to do that again."

He reached into one of his pockets and drew out a knife. "Then again i suppose I could always use this on the next finger. You wouldn't want that would you."

... Why is he quiet? God, what the fuck is he doing?

Yuri almost half-expected to hear a knife or weapon of some kind getting pulled out. That wasn't quite what exactly occurred, though something most definitely did occur. Her pinky was grasped. Yuri was confused ... but just as scared. "Please stop. Leave me alone ... "

Those were uttered before the inevitable sounds of cracking, snapping, and popping all resounded in her ears.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" she cried out against the gag, her shoes kicking in anger and pain against the concrete. "AHHHHHHHHHH, FUCK!" Gag or not, it didn't fully silence her. Just enough for them to not immediately be heard by neighbors. Her assailant, however, was a different story. Tears streamed quickly down her face as she breathed heavily through her nose, her entire body shaking violently. Even if she could have tried to act or hide, there was no way for Yuri to do so. She was genuinely terrified.

Despite having originally thought death would be more merciful than whatever this man had in store, she found herself having second thoughts. Especially when now he did pull the blade out and pressed it against her skin.

"NO! Please no ... okay! Fuck, fine! I'll do it! Get off me. I'll strip."

This would be over once he finished. Right? So ... if she could endure ... this would never happen again. At least that was how it felt to Yuri. Not only had the king failed to handle the truth she hurled at him in any decent manner, but it bothered him so much he sent a damn servant over. Fine. She could be a punching bag ... whatever this was going to include. She'd never have to see this fucker again and vice versa. But it would have to end first.

And even if she didn't like it, that meant cooperating.

Once Yuri felt the pressure leave her body, she shakily pushed herself up. Admittedly, the thought of running did briefly cross her mind. And Yuri very likely would have gone through with it ... had he not pulled a weapon out. To make it worse, it was one that could b thrown. Then what? If this wreck she was already in wasn't fucked up enough, it could easily get even worse should he throw that blade and it land in a dangerous - or sensitive - location.

... So ... she swallowed her pride and slowly began removing her clothes, starting with her shirt. Each article of clothing was discarded and picked up in her arms, held against her lithe frame as she finished. A few stray tears lightly fell down her face as Yuri forced herself to walk forward and inside her house, allowing him to enter behind her. Even though she would much rather slam the door in this bastard's face, Yuri didn't dare. Instead, she simply looked up, wondering what was next to come.

The man really did hate screams the way he winced when she let out hers showed that much. He hadn't exactly been lying. He got no pleasure from the wailing of women. That said her tears, and seeing her submit, these were things that he most certianly enjoyed. The gag didn't seem to really muffle her as much as he had hoped though.

Watching her take off her clothes he was satisfied, and as she went towards her house, he made sure to toss her clothing into the bushes on his way out so that anyone who actually came to her level of this sky scraper wouldn't be immediately allerted to what was going on. Didn't want anyone intruding on the fun he had set up inside.

And prep he had, He put a hand on her bare shoulder pushing her along, as he came into the Living room. Since he had the full night to himself in her house he had done a bit of redecorating. On the living room table he had arranged several different kind of sex toys, from vibrators, to a leash and collar, it became much more apparent what he was going to do with her inside. Especially when there was even a large anal plug with a cute dog like tail attached to it. There was also a video camera on the far end of the table which would be recording all of it.

On the far side of the table was however things that were decisively less fun. Things that were clearly meant as deturrent for any further misbehavior. From a leather strap, to a bottle of laudry detergent he had found while digging around.

Without talking he gave her body a hearty shove, making sure to press her breasts against the cold table as he did. He ran a hand behind her back, slapping her young firm ass for a moment. Taking her hands there was a soft click as he hand cuffed her not to herself as she may have expected but to the actual leg of the firm table. Taking her other arm and doing so again on the other far leg so that she was forced to stay bent over the table. "Now Yuri, are you going to be a good little bitch for the king?"

Taking a bottle of lube he prepped the anal plug for a moment. He looked over Yuri. Putting a set of fake animal ears on her head, before rubbing the cold plastic plug against her ass, rubbing the lubricated end against her, before he shoved it inside of her ass.

"O-Oi ... at least let me ... "

Yuri watched, feeling her heart sink as the clothes were yanked out of her hands and thrown into the bushes. In her honest opinion, it seemed like it would have the opposite effect. Wouldn't that gain attention? Not keep it off her or her place? Especially with the earlier screams ... that's what Yuri thought the case would be.

But then ... let him think he's getting his way ...

So ... she didn't argue or try to get her clothes back, even though a good part of Yuri really wanted to. She simply continued reluctantly allowing herself to be guided inside. Shoved even a few times, though the rougher option made her fight off the urge to look back and glare at her assailant.

"W-What the fuck?!"

The order to strip had been an almost instantaneous hint this man wanted to do sexual things. This, however, had not been the extent she would have assume. Nowhere close, in fact. Her mouth fell agape as Yuri contemplated whether to argue back or not. Torture had to be better than this sort of degradation. Right?

Yuri whimpered, swallowing softly as she forced her muscles to relax. Shivers trailed down her body as her breasts were shoved against the glass attached to her table. While her captor began cuffing her, Yuri did both the smart and dumb thing called looking more carefully around and noting everything that had been gathered or set down in some location. Everything made sense ... except for the laundry detergent. Even the strap was easier to understand as being an item used for punishment.

But ... laundry detergent?

... Probably best not to know. Even though Yuri was confused, she restrained herself from asking why that was there. As her ears picked up hearing movement behind her, she fought off the very same urge that would have led to Yuri turning around.

" .... Yes. I'll be a good bitch."

Her eyes closed as she began taking long, deep breaths to calm herself.

... Only for them to turn into a sharp yelp as the faux tail was rammed into her ass. Yuri whimpered slightly, feeling her muscles clenching instinctively around the butt plug, seeming conflicted on whether to accept or try to push the unwanted toy out. "I'm not going to repeat anything I learned yesterday. He knows that ... right? Is that what he wants? My silence? He has it! Just please stop. I won't say anything even about you ... hell, I don't have a name. I can't really report you even if I wanted to. Please leave .... "

"Really should have slapped a better gag on your face." The man said as he rolled his eyes as she started to try and bargan after saying that she was going to behave. He on the other hand was taking his time. His hand gripping her new found tail and rocking it against her body enjoying the whimpering and yelps she made. He was going to spend a few hours with her at least.

Grabbing her by the hair he lifted her up as he took some body tape, having to bite pieces of it off as he placed an egg shell vibrator on the piece of tape, then placing that over her nipple and breast. Doing the same to her other as well, before turning them both on.

"Oh Yuri, You don't really think this is going to stop do you? I have to admit your kind of lucky that mommy and daddy weren't around for this little show, and no one else is going to come by to check on you. So you're at my disposal. We're gonna have so much fun just you and me and that camera that's recording every second of this."

This little game hadn't even started yet, and he was already stiff, his cock was near her face for her moment as he reached across the table to make sure she could see what was happening. The hum of the vibes rattling against the glass of the table causing it to shake slightly.

"We are going to learn all your dirty little secrets Yuri, but first I'm going to have to make you beg." As he spoke he took another egg vibrator and after pulling out her tail for a moment he placed that vibrator in her ass, before again slamming the tail inside her so that the vibe was pushed even deeper inside, after that he turned it on maximum so it could start stirring around her insides.

What in the .. ??

When her eyes registered what the man was holding, they quickly widened. Tinges of red almost instantly spread over her face as she shakily pulled at the cuffs, wincing as they kept her firmly held against the table. "Wait, wait! Nooooo!" Yuri's head lulled forward slightly as she began breathing quickly through her nose.

Motherfucker! Goddamnit!

She didn't have any overly lewd or dirty secrets; at least not in her opinion. But it was true she did have a small amount of them. The truth was ... she knew exactly what was being used on them. They were one of her guilty pleasures as far as sex toys went. She wasn't addicted to them, though, and thus hardly ever used them. But when she did ... Yuri went to town on herself. Suffice to say, even she couldn't deny her body had been overdue for a session like this. And even if it was definitely embarrassing for this to all be recorded, her assailant did make a major point. This was much more merciful with the fact her parents were out and about almost constantly.

Although their jobs could be annoying at times, this was one of those moments where Yuri was relieved they were away more than in the house. Because she essentially had nothing to fear in terms of them finding out about this. Which thus made the main issue revolve around the current situation.

It'll come to an end. This can't go on forever! This'll be over, he'll let you go ...

Maybe not right away. But he would have to. People would notice a prolonged absence and call the hospital. Ask if she was fine. When they learned she'd been gone ... a search would begin. Or so that was Yuri's hope.

"Oh god!" she whined, whimpering and shaking as the vibrations continued assaulting her sensitive nubs. A small part of Yuri couldn't help but feel just a bit ... irked. And not at all something the man would begin to guess. Probably one of the last ones, in fact. But a very small, selfish part of her was almost wishing her clit was getting the same pleasure.


Even though it wasn't, however, she was rapidly becoming fragrant, as if her cunt were being teased. Her body no doubt gave off the very wrong impression. That she was as sleazy as her reactions might imply. But that was far from the truth. She was still a virgin, as far as having a hymen. She had been with a few guys, though never got far enough to do anything past a bit of making out and light fondling. So she was definitely not naive, but certainly not an "easy lay" either.


Her fists clenched. Yuri's body was shaking wildly against the table, feeling herself seem to vibrate with the eggs as they buzzed and hummed eagerly inside her moist sex. The addition of her ass getting some sort of attention? She was ... not completely in heaven, per se. But Yuri couldn't deny; this definitely did feel amazing.

If this is all you gotta concentrate on ... then do that. Get through this ... and you'll never have to fret about this shit again.

Nodding to herself, Yuri continued panting as her eyes slowly closed, trying to heed her own advice. The main thing making it an easier said than done task was the vibrations; yet at the same time, they helped in their own ways.
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