Mx Female A Request For RP


May 31, 2009
Time to change up an old thread and fill it up with some new ideas. Anyway here is my new plot thread! Just a couple of things before we begin though.

1. I would prefer to RP over PMs.
2. Most of the RPs that I want to do will be very sexual in nature and tend to have a major focus on it, at least 60% to 70% Smut focus with of course enough plot to drive things forward.
3. Sometimes I get busy and I do try to reply to every rp within a few days if not right away. I understand real life gets in the way and don't worry I rarely tend to pester with really the only times that I do would involve making an intro, sending it to my rp partner, and not getting a reply for a week. At that point I will check in and make sure things are ok. If you don't hear from me, send me a message and I will try to get back to you asap. :)
4. These are all to have fun, so if you come up with ideas please let me know, I always enjoy pictures, plot ideas, and all sorts of things so please let me know if there is something you want to add to a rp.

KINKS - Really I'm pretty much into anything. My big NO's however are...

Violence: Now I should clarify here, violence as a part of the plot like two characters fighting in a war is fine, roughness in bed is fine, spanking, some light choking, all great. However when there is legit pain during sexual moments rather than a small sting it becomes less fun. Essentially the moment that it becomes pain just to cause pain is a huge no in my book.
Blood/Gore: While I'm fine with including violence/blood/gore in terms of story I do not find it sexy at all to include this shit during sex.
Rape: I'm not comfortable writing out rape/non-con scenes.
Toilet Stuff: Really, I get this is a kink for some people but... no...



The Genie: A bit of a simple idea with the most flexibility to it. A young man finds a genie's container and summons her. However rather than granting just 3 wishes the genie is to grant his every wish until his natural death.

The Dragon: A bit of an older plot. In a world where magic is real but hides under the real world a dragon once a power who ruled over others has been humbled and currently lives in a human suburb disguised as a human librarian he lives a normal day to day life until meeting your character.

Magic is Real?: There were always rumors about him, the weird kid who lived at that old house. Supposedly he lived there alone and there were plenty of nasty rumors as to why. One day though your character sneaks into his house either by a dare or to see if magic is real only to find out it very much is.

An Old Secret: A young group of friends thought they knew everything about each other. Well they did until the more nerdy pushover of their group revealed themselves to be a powerful werewolf.

The Mermaid: He used to live by the ocean when he was younger and he swore that one day he had helped save a mermaid who had been beached on the shore by a bad storm. But as the years passed he thought it must have just been a dream... until she knocked on his door years later.

Integration: Recently efforts have been made between human and non-human communities to integrate their populations into mixed societies. My character offers to become the host to a non-human but things end up a bit more interesting than he expected.

Your Ideas :)


Bastard: In this world human/non-human hybrids are feared. Given the term of bastard they live harsh lives being used and abused by the humans who hate them. This has plenty of off shoots depending on who in this pairing is a bastard and what the species of non-human they are part of.

The Dragon: A village out in the middle of nowhere has a dragon problem and will offer up beautiful women in sacrifices to the beast. Turns out the beast has not been keeping them but giving them new lives elsewhere not wanting anything other than to be left alone. However the newest sacrifice wishes to stay with him.

Your Ideas :)


The Android: Humanity has managed to create robotic helpers and companions and they are about as common to find in a household as one would expect a computer. They come in all forms, from the not very human looking physical labor units found in factories and construction sites to those close enough to human that they act as companions. My character has been building his own android however before booting her up decides to mess with her code to customize her more. Apparently with his tinkering he somehow made her have true artificial intelligence.

The Alien on Earth: Not much to the idea here, a ship crashes on earth and a lone human was nearby when it happened. After pulling the survivor from the crash he hides them away and helps them heal up as he keeps them safe. Does the alien just end up living on earth with their human savior? Or do they get rescued and decide to take their savior with them to live a life among the stars?

Your Ideas :)
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