Check my Tumblr: Thanks for coming!
And my F-List!
What will follow is my pre-existing ad, but today I come before you for something specific: let's play a whole kinky family! Secretive or public, in accordance or aversion to society's norms, lets cook up a group of people who really shouldn't play together but just can't resist. I'm more than willing to play multiple characters, I assume you'll only want me controlling the women; you'll need to be able to play multiple men (at least, if not some type of creature too). I don't enjoy stories where men plot to somehow disarm women and then take sexual advantage of them - mutual attraction along with compromising circumstances will do just fine. In the familial realm I don't like dubcon or force, and it's often most thrilling for me if at least some of the men are reluctant, feel a strong sense of duty to protect the women in the family from even their own lusting. He might swear to abstain, try to reason with her, explain why they shouldn't, and why he can't, and what if they got caught...! All the more delicious when he can't help but cave, which she may never have thought he'd actually do. I'll add here that Daddy/Daughter is my absolute favorite!
In the real world, all that would be true, but not of my sirens. They don't care, they just want cock, and they're bored by anything that doesn't draw attention to them or seem to lead back to fucking. I tend to like playing women who are so over-the-top hot that they're used to reducing the men around them to quivering rubble with a look, hair flip or sway of the hip, and by the time of our story's start will have resolved to use every weapon in their arsenal to steal the attention of the only men they've ever wanted for good. They won't stop until they're the house toys, first stop for relief, ideally not stopping until they've achieved full D/s fetish housepet status, leash collar kennel and all, automatic rags and pockets for the males they need to rule them.
Are the men somehow genetically afflicted, and need to cum regularly lest they start to swell and ache internally? Their bulbous erections and leaky cocks making them undatable pariahs to anyone who isn't a needy Sizequeen willing to spend her life milking dick and sopping up cum... I'm very open to there being an anthro element here, wolfmen or pantherdudes with puppygirls or nekos, etc. Maybe it's the women who have the issue, it's obvious that they'll be taken advantage of as soon as college ends, or maybe it's already happening - like cats, they're just impossible, melting through barriers like liquid and eternally circling back to whatever catches their fancy in accordance with an insatiable nature. None of these, but technological advancements allowing for cosmetics and birth control that downplay and muddy the reasons to withhold. Some cosplay event or escalating competition between male friends, taking pictures and inviting friends for sexual exploits, and she/they decide they want to play, insinuating themselves into a daring game, insisting nobody will make the connection. Or they apply for a job working for him/them, and it's well known or an open secret that the job entails sexual servitude, and she/they surprise(s) everyone with eagerness and aptitude. The family business might be porn, and the ladies want in now that they're of age, or maybe there's a sex toy factory, a government-sanctioned prostitute training program, a sexually-themed athletics competition (slutty cheerleading? gymnastics? dance?) or a strip club the men own and administer. When they realize who their new applicant is, it just seems easier to go along with it, the only idea more impossible being leaving this to someone else who might misuse someone so precious.
A healthy mix of love and lust, passionate care and frustrated fucking.
I want to know a few things when you message me about this:
1. What's the setting? I prefer something contemporary-esque, but is there a twist to society?
2. What is the family business, if any? Do they do something as a group that ties them together, or is it really just spring break? Or everyone just happening to move to the big family mansion at the same time for different reasons? Something else?
3. How many men will you play, and how many women were you hoping for? What relations?
4. Any of my kinks that stood out to you as a strong yes or no? Any fantasies or cravings you've been hoping to fulfill lately?
5. How kinky do you want to be?
6. What are some tumblr pictures you liked? Send me a list, I'll pick from my favorites!
What follows is my previous request thread, covering all else. Thank you for your kind attention!!
I love story and plot dearly. I do! I don't even believe they need to be sacrificed for delicious, sticky, musky smut to be fully realized. But I'm not ashamed to say that sometimes (very often in fact) I sacrifice those things for it anyway. I've always got a couple of epic stories on the go with long-time favored partners, but my first, one and true love has always been cock-and-cum-worshipping D/s smut.
Sometimes it's nice to just focus on one thing. Everything is so simple. MC knows just what she's needed for and YC does too. We get to just reduce our area of focus to a very specific one. Anatomical descriptions alone can be a fun in and of themselves! Keeping it fresh is a challenge. This, for me, is like exercise, where balancing heavier and more formal non-sexual RP plots is more like a hobby.
But then, even smut is only interesting if there's a compelling backstory. Even the spark of an idea can make all the difference. This is the filler, the reason why in-out-in can be interesting for more than two paragraphs. The cycle of rest and pleasure is still more sexy for a casual exploration in the margins of why it is they shouldn't be doing this and how it makes them feel.
So I ask for taboo relationships, kinky scenarios, fetishistic approaches. Don't think you'll shock me by suggesting something that revolves around YC's pleasure; the whole roleplay revolves around our OOC pleasure, and I take pleasure in providing it in this way. It's fun! If you got good at dancing you'd want to dance. I happen to be good at extolling degrading, humiliating romp through sexual extremes and keeping the tone light and interesting, sexy and fun, primal and lusty along with sensual with a hint of humor.
Costumes and sexy clothing, bondage, oral and anal focus, excessive cum and general bodily fluid play (excluding poop of course). I love playing jaw-dropping busty women with athletic bodies and gorgeous faces, and I like the characters they meet to react to that in a big way. Xenophilia and group are welcome bonuses of course, and while I can do without them I don't mind telling you that their respective inclusions will act as force mutipliers where my affection toward you is concerned.
I play in PM, and that's where you should message me, hopefully including a few pictures you particularly liked from my tumblr. The faceclaims are the important part, but if anything else strikes your fancy I do hope you'll include it. Commentary on the pictures is paramount to my understanding of what you like about them, of course!
I should mention that I'm a very active OOCer and I love flirting and gossiping with my partners about the wretched pleasures we're subjecting our (let's face it, my) character(s) to. I won't share personal info about myself or even details, but where my fantasies are concerned, nobody has more access than my roleplay partners.
As for limits, I don't have much (beyond poop), but I will say this: I don't like my characters to be victimized. I don't much care of victimization at all in my RPs, and sometimes that has to mean that everyone lives in a fictional universe where everyone is utterly capable of giving full consent in all situations, regardless of how ridiculous that is. I don't like it to be dubious, or for MC to be tricked, or afraid or under threat. I like her to be free and intelligent and capable, deciding to liberate herself by engaging in something nasty and taboo, letting go of society, of expectations, sometimes even the way she sees herself. I like her to love it and get addicted, come crawling back for more and beg like a good girl to get it.
So PM me! Let's play! Make a pitch, throw something at me! Surprise me!
Thank you for your time!
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