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The Duke's Wildest Dreams (older actress/younger actor, NBA Player/Dancer and more) M for F


Aug 16, 2014
PM if interested

My F-list- F-list - Warning

Older Actress/Younger Actor

For this one you will be an actress in the 35-40 range. She either recently had a humiliating divorce or is in a terrible marriage. The actor used to be thin and played boy next door roles but bulked up to be the eye candy for a recent movie. Sparks will obviously fly as the initial tension builds when they meet an an event and they will begin an affair. This could be extended to a long term idea with them continuing their affair and potentially causing a scandal when they're exposed in the media. Was picturing a classy brunette for YC, like a modern update of Audrey Hepburn.

Older Model and Younger Man

For this one I thought MC would be a very famous lingerie model who was getting a little older (at least for a model), maybe like 35-40. I was picturing one of the classy blonde Victoria's Secret models.

Anyway, perhaps she has just had an awful breakup with her husband or longtime boyfriend jilting her. On the rebound she gets involved with MC, who is a younger man in his early-mid 20's. He could be a celebrity like an actor who just bulked up for a big role, rock star, or athlete, or even a normal man, maybe a strong young man who is hired to do yardwork in her yard. It could start out as just a fun friends with benefits thing with him as her "boytoy", maybe she shows him off at some events. But then later it could get more serious if we wanted. If it gets more serious later it might be nice to have her have a kid from the previous relationship that he will meet.

Exchange Student

Thought I would play a relatively average, thin American boy in college and YC can be a beautiful Brazilian exchange student. Thinking the usual dark hair, perfect bronze skin, perfect round ass, exc. Have a few ideas for it. Wouldn't mind MC being older, either a senior or in grad school and her being a freshman and just getting there. Or they could be around the same age. A lot of other things could play into it too, his being kind to her when she's homesick, he could get jealous of all the male attention she'd get once there together, maybe she is or was a strict Catholic and is waiting for marriage or at least a virgin. Just wanted a sweet, slice of life puppy love thing here.

Brazilian would be my first choice but open to other nationalities here like from Eastern Europe somewhere. Political stuff could enter into it then too like if she's fleeing from a war.

NBA Dancer and Player

For this one I'll want to play an older somewhat grizzled point guard who has been with the team a long time and recently gotten a divorce. YC will be a new dancer on the team in her early to mid 20's. Maybe tried to be a ballerina but couldn't quite cut it as a prima so she did this instead especially since she grew up a fan of the team wanting to be one of their dancers. They'll obviously have to sneak around at first with the rules against players and dancers fraternizing and drama could also emerge later with his ex wife or maybe if he has a child too. Was picturing a redhead with obviously a very toned dancer's body for YC, have an AI face claim I think is perfect.
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Been a little busy lately but I thought I would throw this thread a bump. Expanded an idea.
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