Fandoms, Fandoms, Fandoms! (MxF)

Jun 12, 2017
This topic is a work in progress.

What I look for in a Partner:

I enjoy communicating with my partners for our RPs, or just about life in general if they're comfortable enough about that sort of thing. We don't have to be in constant contact or anything, but I'll always be happy to talk.

-Post size. I'm not asking for a novel or anything like that. I understand sometimes there just might not be that much to write about depending on the events of the post. But still, I get more excited seeing a reply that consists of 2-3 good paragraphs than 1 messy and slapped together paragraph or a 1-liner. Heck, I can even work with posts of up to 10 paragraphs in length if your muse strikes you.

-Spelling and grammar. I'm not as big a stickler about this one. I understand that English isn't everyone's first language. As long as I can tell you're at least trying, I won't complain.

-Someone who's willing to help me carry the plot. I'm fine with controlling things, but at the same time I don't want to be the only one. So I'd appreciate it if someone I'm playing with will contribute with their own ideas and whatnot. On the flipside of things, if you ever feel like I'm relying on you to do too much in the story, please tell me and we'll get things back on track.

-Smut. I'm going to be completely, 100% honest here. I like smut. Smut is a big part of the reason why I joined this board in the first place. I wanted to do and tell stories that involved sexual acts. So any story suggested here is going to have a fair bit of it. But wait! Don't call me some mindless pervert just yet!

-Plot. See? I'm not just some horndog. As I said, I like smut. But I also enjoy having a plot of some kind in my stories, for the most part. It doesn't need to be something deep and complex, but I certainly won't turn it down. 100% sex and smut would get boring after awhile. So I like to have other things going on in my stories too in between the intimate and steamy encounters.

-Posting Frequency. I'm not going to be very demanding on this one. But at the same time, if you can't post within a week of my last post, I'm going to start getting antsy


Foreplay (Kissing, touching, fondling, that sort of thing.)
Oral Sex (Giving and receiving.)
Vaginal Sex (It's where it goes, after all.)
Incest (Not required, I just find it a bit of a turn on.)
Threesomes (Pretty much just of the MFF kind though. Sorry, I just don't like it when there's more guys in the room than girls.)
Furries (Animal/anthropomorphic girls or girls with some animal features, like cat ears or tails, tend to be something I like.)
Large Breasts (Pretty self-explanatory.)
Romance (I'm all for sex, but I like some feelings to be involved at least some of the time.)


Dirty Talk (I can do it, and don't mind it, but I'm not the best at it.)
Violence (A little bit is fine, like wrestling or something. But outright beatings would be a no.)
Anal Sex (I'm not against it, but it's not my preference.)
Light Dub-Con (Rape is a definite no-go, but if it's just taking a bit of convincing for the person to realize they really want it, then I can go with it.)


Male on Male (Sorry, it's just not my thing.)
Bestiality (I'm ok with anthropomorphic characters, but when it's actually a real animal, like a dog, I draw the line.)
Rape (Again, pretty self-explanatory.)
Scat (Gross.)
Gang bangs (Again, it's just not my thing.)


Video Games:

Legend of Zelda
Super Mario Bros.
Sonic the Hedgehog
Most Final Fantasy's
Star Fox

Dragon Ball Z
High School of the Dead
Fairy Tail
One Piece
My Hero Academia
Jujutsu Kaisen
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