Two spots for partners are open!
Looking for someone interested in playing out a story in the World of Warcraft universe! If you're not too familiar with WoW but you'd like to give it a try, that's totally fine, I can provide pictures for places you're not too familiar with if needed. I'm ideally looking to play a slow-burn romance, but I'm willing to discuss short or long-term episodic scenes that get down and dirty much more quickly. A general idea for a scene starter is below, but we should absolutely brainstorm our own scene if you've got ideas to pitch!
The Frostfire hot springs were well-known among those that lived in Winterspring as being a place of healing, though they weren't widely-known among adventurers, especially the springs hidden deep in the nearby cave system. Still, it wasn't uncommon for them to be stumbled upon. Amallah Nightwalker felt relaxed for the first time in quite a long time, as he was one such individual that knew just how good the springs felt to spend some time in. Since he had a cabin in the area, he often visited the springs at night when he had some downtime. Who would come across him in these springs and provide him with some much-needed company during these dark days?
Some OOC info:
* Realm: Moon Guard (formerly Wyrmrest Accord, and even more distantly Twisting Nether)
* In-game name: Amallahh (IC/RP name is Amallah, but I had to name the actual character Amallahh as it was already taken on MG when I transferred)
* Faction: Alliance
* Race: Kaldorei
* Currently seeking: Human, Sin'dorei, Kaldorei, Gnome, Void Elf, Nightborne, or Dwarf; any character played must be 16 or older
* Currently not seeking: Worgen, Tauren, Orcs, Pandaren, Trolls, and Forsaken
I am available to play over PMs on here. For a list of my kinks or other scene ideas, you can check out my F-List profile for my character (NSFW warning for profile and pics, as expected for that site):
F-list - Warning
Even though we'll be playing on here, the "In-game Play" menu at the top of my F-List profile may have some useful information about my kinks and potential story ideas if you begin reading from "Now that we have the 'boring' stuff out of the way, here's what I'm looking for in RP:" and down to the end of the collapse menu. If you're interested, send me a message and let's chat!

For those interested in "doubling", which is where you play out two scenes at once, one that you're interested in and one that your partner is interested in, I'm willing to discuss it! I'm much more likely to accept if it's another scene taking place in the WoW universe, but I am more than happy to consider other fandoms. All I ask is that any ideas you have still fall in line with the kinks listed in my F-List linked below, and that the scene takes place in a fandom I'm at least familiar with. Characters in proposed scenes must be 16 or older. I will not consider scenes with characters under 16. I'm happy to play as/against canon characters, OC characters within the universe, or canon x OC. Off the top of my head, some fandoms other than WoW that I'd be willing to play in are:
One Piece
Hunter x Hunter
Harry Potter
Avatar: The Last Airbender/The Legend of Korra
PokƩmon (human characters only, preferably)
Hunter x Hunter
Harry Potter
Avatar: The Last Airbender/The Legend of Korra
PokƩmon (human characters only, preferably)
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