In need of a good plumber! (Spud & Rosina)


Das dingo
Jan 18, 2017
My house.
It was a regular day in the mushroom kingdom, but it wasn't a regular month. Bowser had really been a pain in the ass lately, his whole kingdom was starting to grow over their territory and it seemed he was trying to take over the mushroom kingdom the way an actual king would. By divide and concur, instead of capturing the princess and then just getting his ass handed to him by Mario. But this time was different, Princess peach sent mario out to deal with Bowser. She didn't think anything of it when he wasn't writing back to her first letter, but then after three.. five.. ten letters! There was no way he was ok! Just as she thought things couldn't get any worse and that she might have to rely on Luigi.. or god help her, Wario. She could hear explosions, Her kingdom was under attack! When she ran to the window she could see hundreds of air ships, shooting cannon balls into homes, businesses and the castle it self. The Toad guards just screamed and ran around in circles like the useless workers they where. Then, a ship flew up to the castles balcony, right next to princess peaches room. "OH.. PRINCESS!!!" She heard a familiar voice scream, the loud stomping and fire blew out from the air ship. Scaring the toads even more they fled.
Bowser walked into her room, a huge smile showing his sharp horrible teeth. "Well well well.. Guess who won this time?" Crossing his arms and laughing loudly he stretched his neck a lot. "This time.. I won't go easy on you. I always treated you nice because of that worthless plumber.. Now, get into the Airship and Your subjects won't get TOASTED! GWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!" He wasn't lying, she could see it in his eyes.. He.. killed Mario.
"Oh Mario, Oh Mario!" Princess Peach let out as she paced back and forth in her room nervously. Her skin was a fair, milky white that was delicate and dainty to the touch. She had a perfect hourglass build with mature breasts and a plump ass on either side of her relatively slim waist. Looks befitting of a princess no doubt. Her hair was a vibrant golden yellow that flowed all the way down past her ass, a sign of her royal privilege, she had the servants and free time to maintain such a saintly appearance. Her eyes were an alluring blue that emanated with her powerful standing. She was wearing her standard pink gown, encrusted with expensive blue gems her earrings were also a matching pair of those gems. Beneath her gown she wore long white stockings that crawled all the way up to her thighs and a pair of red heels. On her head sat the polished crown of the Mushroom Kingdom, the most valuable jewel in all the lands. Wind gushed in through the large window at the front of her room and sent her gown and hair flowing through the air in unison, although from what cause she didn't nor did she give it a moment of thought while buried in her concern for Mario.

"Ah!" She yelped out in surprise as explosions boomed what seemed like just outside her castle and moments later tremors shifted the floor beneath her feet and almost send her on her ass. Princess Peach rushed towards the window to see what was going on and her eyes shot open in surprise as she saw her kingdom under siege but before she had even enough time to fully comprehend what was happening she came face to face with the massive terrible turtle that was Bowser, the Koopa King.
"You won't get away with this Bowser!" She shouted towards him instinctively before staring into his eyes with a powerful glare: but upon seeing his confidence and hearing his words suddenly her heart sunk and with it went the majority of her strength. '...He doesn't mean... Mario i-is-' She thought to herself, her mind suddenly cast into an ocean of depression as she realized the very thing she had been fearing may have come to term. So with the loss of Mario hitting her with full force and Bowser's threat to burn her kingdom and her subjects to the ground right beneath her feet she swiftly let out,
"O-Okay! I-ll come with you just don't hurt anyone!...else..."
The fire slowly crept up the walls, burning everything it could get its hands on. Small faces starting to form in the fire, sadistic looking smiles from the fire as they grew and multiplied. Bowser laughed at her request "Wouldn't dream of it hot stuff!" Stomping his way over to her a sea of enemies poured out from the air ship, mostly koopas and goombas.
"Boss.. did you get her?" one of the Goombas asked almost as if he wasn't paying attention at all the what happened.
"OF COURSE I DID!!" Bowser yelled back before his large powerful hand grabbed the princess by the ass, lifting her over his shoulder and walking into the Air ship.
"well.. boss. Uhm. We we're thinking. Since princess peach is.. well! UH!.. Mario's dead! Right??"
"He's taken care of.."
"Then can we maybe. Have some.. fun? With the princess!" The Goomba smiled and licked his lips a little, hopping from one foot to the other a little excitedly. Bowser looked shocked, and almost disgusted.
"Wh..WHAT!?? This isn't your reward you Morons!!.. This.. This is my prize! I'm going to marry her!!" All the enemies scoffed and sighed like it was a boring idea. Bowser clearly had enough of their crap and opened his mouth, shooting fire at all of them. They all caught fire and ran around screaming, burning to crisps. "God damn animals... have some class." he grumbled under his breath walking into the airship.

The trip was long and very strange, usually when his minions where burned to death by him the rest where very scared and didn't want anything to do with him for a while. But every one of them where almost.. resentful. Bowser and peach sat in his quarters and they had some dinner. It didn't yield much for conversation, more silence. When they got to Bowsers castle, it was more of the same. His minions not really listening to him when he ordered them around or when he yelled. They made it to his throne and he sat down, looking over at the princess he smiled a little. "Now princess.. we can be together! Gwahahahah! You'll Marry me and I'll be king of the mush-" Mid sentence there was a loud Bang! A Bullet bill flew at super speeds and crushed bowsers head into the wall. Blood flying everywhere and his body twitched. Dead on impact. When she turned to see what happened, she saw a large Shy guy. He was about human sized, wearing green and standing right next to the bullet bill cannon tapping it as steam came off the end. The minions around all started cheering and laughing, the shy guy walked over to bowsers corpse and yanked him out of his chair. Making him fall onto the ground, he sat down and crossed his leg staring at princess peach. It seemed that.. he was now in control. He snapped his fingers and a dull laugh could be heard from behind his mask.
"Undress you slut!!" A koopatroopa yelled from the crowd. It seemed his Minions where talking for him.
Princess Peach watched in horror as fire crept up the walls of her castle, at this rate even if Bowser kept his word and ceased the attack immediately the flames might still be to powerful to quench and the Mushroom Kingdom castle, which was far older than her, might fall to nothing more than rubble and ashes. Clearly something had snapped in Bowser, before he rarely killed anyone in his attempts at her royal cunt, and with it the crown, but now he was willing to kill not only Mario but everyone in his path. Luckily her hasty agreement was enough to appease Bowser and he easily agreed to stop the bloodshed, no doubt mostly because he intended to rule from the very castle he was burning down.

"Oh!" Peach yelped out shyly when she felt the king grab her by her plump ass and plop her down on his shoulder but she made no attempt to resist or fight him, she only laid there silently and grieved for her fallen hero. In this position the view of her innocent pink panties and sexy matching garter belt were easily visible to the goombas and koopas below which absolutely increased their growing lust for her. When she heard Bowser refuse to confirm that Mario was dead her eyes widened and most of her sadness was replaced by hope in an instant as she thought desperately, 'Save me Mario! I have always been able to count on you... Save me this last time and we can deal with Bowser for good!' Her thoughts were broken as she heard the goombas lewd request and she let out a gasp of disgust even greater than Bowser's which no doubt spurred his instant homicide: and as they melted away Peach let out a deep breath of relief. Despite Bowser's methods becoming much more violent he still had the same flaw that had lead to his downfall many times before, he was trying to woo her and earn her marriage despite having the power to just take her virginity here and now and force himself on the kingdom as their leader.

During the trip back Peach spent all her time in her mind, fantasizing about all the ways that Mario was going to come in at the last moment and stomp Bowser's ass before rescuing her away back to her castle where they could play tennis, and kart race, and she could get massaged until the entire cycle repeated itself again. So by the time they made it back to the throne room she was almost comfortable, ready to listen to Bowser's monologue once again and hear his demands, she was confident that this would all end up like it had so many times before and that nothing had really changed. So when suddenly Bowser went crashing into the throne and exploded into a soup of blood following an explosion mere feet behind her backside her eyes shot open and she screamed out in surprise and terror,
"AHHHH!!!" When Bowser fell so did she, landing on her knees with her hands covering her eyes as adrenaline pumped through her veins and her heart beat viciously against her chest.
"How could you!!!" She let out in a panic, "HE was your king!" Then when she heard the koopa dare insult her honor she looked up towards the masked man desperately, expecting him to defend her as Bowser would have.
"He was weak!! He was going to fail us again!!" Some voices yelled out from the crowed of enemies, as it got louder and more violent. They jumped around screaming more and more, cheering for the death of their old king. "Now our new king will lead us to victory!!!! He's actually going to make princess peach a queen!! Something bowser never did!!" they shouted and jumped around very happily all wanting the same thing. "Now Bitch!! Take it off! Take off the dress!!" The crowed went crazy when they heard the anonymous enemy scream that. "TAKE IT OFF! TAKE IT OFF!! TAKE IT OFF!!!" the crowed starting to shout and cheer all at once. In unison.
Once again another dull laugh crept out from the shy guys mouth, he stood up seeing her desperate eyes pleading with him to stop them and argue with them. He crossed his arms and nodded, agreeing with the crowd. They went crazy! screaming and cheering as loud as they could "Best king ever!!" "Amazing!" "I thought bowser was pretty cool.." The shy guy walked over to princess peach and grabbed her dress by her neck and ripped off the part of her blouse covering her breasts. Showing the entire kingdom her bra and smooth skin! Everyone around jumped and went crazy again! The shy guy looked down at her with a devilish glint in his eye, he wanted her to strip.
Peach couldn't believe how traitorous Bowser's kingdom was in the face of his death. Her people may be cowardly and weak but even so anyone of them would easily give their life for her, in fact she imagined that once the fires in the kingdom were stamped out the toad's would form some sort of pathetic raiding party and try and rescue her now that Mario was gone. Of course if the Toad's couldn't beat Bowser there was little chance they would beat this new king. All of the koopas and goombas and other grunts screaming so disrespectfully for her to strip for them like some sort of corner whore despite her being the queen of, well, everything made her angry but she was used to always having a man to stand up for her so she waited for the new king to do so.

She watched closely as the man from behind the mask stood and she studied him closely, he was confident, perhaps if he wasn't some sort of murdering psychopath she would have considered him for the position Bowser so dedicatedly fought for. Although when he nodded in agreement with the crowd Peach's eyes shot open and she let out a squeal of surprise,
"What!?" Before her soft complexion swiftly contorted into one of terror. As he walked closer and closer to her she remained on her knees, frozen, It wasn't until the man had a hold of the front part of her gown that life seemed to return to her body, and it returned quickly!
'Clank!' "Ah!!!" The massive gem that was embroidered into her dress at her bosom crashed to the ground as the man ripped open Princess Peach's dress and she let out a yelp of surprise her face immediately flushing with a bright pink blush of embarrassment. Little did the man know that he would get more than he bargained for as her bare breasts exploded out into open air, large and perky with the smoothest milky-white skin there ever was, bouncing up and down vulnerably. Suddenly she launched up to her feet, fed up with all the disrespect that this knew king had given her, the fact that he would dare to embarrass her in such an extreme way in front of his subjects, she didn't even care if there would be consequences. So with one swift motion she slapped at his masked face with all her strength and attempted to hide her breasts with her spare hand.
Then it happened, the slap flew at a breakneck speed smashing against the mask and making a rather loud slapping noise. The crowed saw her fight back and everyone stopped making any noise.. They where in shock by her actions. Their mouths gaping almost like they where afraid of what would happen next, it was quiet enough to hear a pin drop. This horrible feeling of unease fell over the whole crowed, including the princess herself. The shy guy looked to the right, it was where his face was displaced after the slap. Just standing there motionless, "what happened?" "oh shit... she.. I think.. uh.." "I hope we still get to see her strip." The crowed whispered to themselves about what had happened and what was going to happen.

Then the Shy guy started laughing, a dull laugh that started to come from the shy guy. He looked at her and started Laughing really hard in her face, taking a step forward and grabbing both her hands and throwing her onto the ground back first. "That was the dumbest thing you could have done princes.. This was going to be your hell from now on" He had a small plan of going somewhat easy on her and just forcing her to marry her. But now it was personal, he was going to show her who was the new king. The shy guy looked at the crowed and raised two thumbs up. The crowed cheered and jumped around "Have fun boss!" "Make her squeal!!" "After this will you sign my hat?... please?.."

The shy guy grabbed her by her hair and yanked her into Bowsers chambers, dragging her behind him till they made it there. Then he threw her onto the floor. Closing the door and locking it he turned to her again. "now.. strip. Be good and I might be nice"
The slap was one of the most satisfying things that Peach had ever done, the 'crack' of it slamming against his face with the peak of her uninhibited strength and the way his head jerked to the side visibly as she followed through and finally the way all of the disrespectful denizens of this disgusting blight on the map of the Mushroom Kingdom finally silenced with their insults and watched her in all her glory. That is, until the thick silence that immediately proceeded her attack enveloped the room, a silence so thick in fact that she fled one step backwards and began immediately regretting her decision to fight back. The quite chatter that started behind her only made things worse because she quickly realized that her acts forced the new king to make an example out of her if he didn't want to lose his kingdoms respect and end up like Bowser.

When the shy guy started laughing Peach's anxiety and regret intensified in and instant and whatever pleasure or embarrassment that rode her face prior was completely replaced with terror. So as he attempted his counter attack she was too frozen within her emotions to make any attempt at resistance and he easily toppled her onto her back sending her breasts dancing up and down openly for the crowd. Perhaps if she was more bold, or had more experience she would have struck him again when he exposed himself by gloating to his kingdom, but at this moment she had already used all of her reserves of will in her first assault.

"Ouch!" Peach let out cutely as the man dragged her by her long, beautiful golden hair and forced her into the chambers of the king he had just slain in cold blood. And when he threw her to the ground she remained there on her hands and knees, not daring to openly defy him again, but she also made no effort to comply with his demands.
The shy guy waited a moment and saw that she wasn't complying, she was only digging her grave deeper quicker. It wasn't that he needed to make an example of her, he wanted too. Bowsers kingdom was rather submissive to anyone who was stronger than them, the shy guy was able to prove himself and no one had dared defy bowser before him. No one was going to defy him now.. He could tell, as long as he flexed his arm every now and again they would do whatever he said.

The shy guy stood over her and then knelt over He laughed a little and then grabbed the bottom of her dress, pulling and ripping it off, exposing her thighs and panties to him. Her screams and moans where going to be oh so sweet, something he wanted for so long. But could never have, until now.
As he yanked off the remnants of her dress revealing fully her sexy pink garter belt, and innocent pink panties, and the majority of her luscious thighs and gentle skin. As her royal gown fell in tatters on the floor behind her ass she snapped out of her trance and started crawling desperately away from the man on all fours, her panties gripping her pussy tightly and showing off a noticeable cameltoe as she fled to the opposite end of the room.
"P-Please you don't have to do this... I am a princess! Y-You can't do this to me!"
The shy guy walked slowly behind her as she started crawling, getting a nice good look at her juicy ass. How round and beautiful it was, it bounced as she crawled along with her tits she looked so pathetic it really turned him on. His crotch visibly growing and starting to bulge out, it was easy to see his decently large cock growing down his thigh. He could see her nice smooth thighs glisten in the light, all of this only made him more and more ready for what he was about to do.

His hand slowly creeping up on her, before grabbing her long hair. Pulling her head back and forcing her to stop crawling away "so nice of you to get on all fours for me princess.. getting ready for me~" he used his other hand to unbuckle his pants and pull his pants down with his long coat up. Showing his cock, it was pretty long and really hard. Already dripping his pre-cum down his hard shaft. He wanted to show her that she was nothing to him, she was his property and he would tease her as much as he wanted. His hand let go of her hair and he grabbed her nice hour glass figure hips with both hands. He moved his hips so that his hard throbbing cock slapped her ass cheek, getting some pre-cum on her ass. he then pushed it between her ass cheeks. Feeling her soft tight underwear under his cock. his hands going down and slapping one of her cheeks pushing them together so that they would form around his cock.
"Ouch!" Peach yelped as the masked man yanked on her hair once again and sent her tumbling towards him. She looked up into his eyes desperately as his words teased her, normally this was all it took to bend any man to her will, her eyes would plead with Mario and he would risk his life for her, her eyes would plead with Bowser and he would kill for her, her eyes would plead with Toad and he would take on nearly all the stress of her work for her, but now this man seemed unphased. When he unsheathed his cock her nose crinkled in disgust at the scent of his manly musk and her eyes fell to it and stared widely, a massive coat of pink blush burning on her soft complexion. Seeing the lubricating liquid drip from it's tip and splash down on the floor below sent awkward shivers up and down her spine. As she felt his hands grip on either side of her thick birthing hips she looked up into his mask again giving him one last powerful stare of desperation. His hot cock sent her plump ass into a dance as it slapped against it and when he buried it between her cheeks she let out,
"No!" before squealing out,
"AH!" As his hand struck her milky white ass easily leaving a red hand-print on her otherwise blemish free form.
Her sweet innocent look had absolutely no effect on him, he had no sympathy for her and her pleas. His life was nothing compared to hers, he knew exactly how she was held above everyone else. Always being treated like she had no power of her own even though she controlled the mushroom kingdom! He couldn't care for her screams and tiny tears, he knew what real suffering was and he was going to make her feel that every day for the rest of her life.. at least until she became well trained.

He moved his hips, stroking his cock against her ass cheeks and making her pump forward faster and faster. he enjoyed her cries and yells, "You want to keep yelling for me?~ That would be great.. Now.." His hand grabbed the rest of her dress ripping off all of it, showing her lower back and seeing her tits fly forward and backward with each thrust and stroke. "You're such a stupid bitch. honestly. Just cause you're a princess you think you deserve so much fucking respect.. I deserve way more respect than you!! I do way more than you do!!" He slapped her ass again and then grabbed as hard as he could, making her right ass cheek turn bright red. He seemed to have a lot of pent up anger inside of him for some reason.

Just when she thought it couldn't get any worse, his hand moved to the top of her panties, grabbing and pulling down. Exposing all of herself to him, her asshole, and her deliciously pink tight little pussy. The shaft of the shy guys cock went down, rubbing his urethra against her virgin pussy and the tip of his gland against her asshole. Rubbing up and down, getting the nice soft feeling. He leaned over and stopped being so loud, whispering again. "I'm going to test all of your holes before I let every single one of my minions fuck you any way they want.."
The man's abuse both physically and mentally made Peach flinch and bite down hard on her lip as she felt his cock dry-humping her through her tight panties. When he ripped off the rest of her dress and subjected her all-but naked body to his prying eyes tears formed on her complexion but she managed to hold in most of the signs of her distress. His insults forced her eyes to divert from his and fall to the ground meekly as he devastated her well deserved pride. Peach may not have been the smartest princess and she clearly wasn't the best tactically but she was by far the kindest and most just ruler that the Mushroom Kingdom had ever known.
"AH!" She finally screamed out as she felt his powerful hand strike her ass and grope it roughly, lighting it up bright red and sending her body trembling forward as a fire grew both in her ass and in her heart.

'Th-This isn't working' She thought to herself desperately, 'I can't just let him do this can I...? I can't let a man like this take my virginity. I can't let a man like this become the king! Anyone but him would be a better king!' And with that the thought she changed tactics, clearly being a lady and appealing to the goodness in him was a pointless endeavor if there was nothing to appeal to, so her eyes darted back up to his mask with a newfound boldness. 'I am not going to lose to someone like him!' So the moment she felt his hand at her panties she retaliated and launched herself towards him before attempting to shove him away with all her strength while screaming out,
"The only thing you deserve is to be on the other side of a bullet, just like you did to Bowser!" If she succeeded she would use the force of her blow to push her up where she would stumble backwards to her high-heeled feet then swiftly look around for the nearest thing she could use to try and defend herself.
She was able to push him back, he wasn't expecting her to fight back in all honesty. He never saw her hit or push anyone, not even Bowser! Then again, it was a different time, and Bowser never tried to rape her. the shy guy stumbled backwards and almost tripped, but he was able to catch himself. Standing up tall again and looking down at her he could only smile under his mask. She could only see the stone cold unfeeling mask, but underneath he was down right giddy with excitement. He was feeling powerful and seeing the fear build up only made him more excited. Walking towards her slowly and ominously, seeing her full naked form. Her tight stomach, her bouncy breast with the beautiful pink nipples. Her hair, a bit messed up from the tussle and the fight. It was making his erection so much harder, he was going to enjoy toying with her.. maybe he wouldn't take her virginity right away. Maybe he would wait and torture her slowly and painfully, he had all the time in the world. And he knew better than anyone that toads couldn't do shit about their princess being stolen. "what will you do princes~?" She could see a metal lamp within her reach.
The princess took one step backwards towards the lamp and mentally prepared to grab it although she made sure to never look at it directly in the hopes that she might be able to surprise the man for a third time. If only she could see the man's face beneath the mask she would have been blushing like crazy, watching him stare at her exposed form, the one only the closest of maids had permission to touch, perhaps it would have been better for the man than his mask. The mask changed all of that potential embarrassment into fear and fear prompted action whilst embarrassment was a distraction at the least. Peach had proven herself to be like a very beautiful wild animal, contempt to do her work from a distance and influence men to complete her desires, but when backed into a corner even she could become dangerous.
"Y-You don't have to do this! You have Bowser's kingdom... What more could you want?" she let out shakily. Her words were nothing but a ploy, she wanted the man to feel like he had complete power over her so that he would be less alert to her plotting, and if he did come within range of a blow her hand would dart over to the lamp, grip it, and attempt to strike him as fast and hard as she could.
He walked closer and closer till he was in range. "what more could I want?.. What more couldn't I want.. I'm almost in control of everything. Everything will be mine and I will rule the entire kingdom! I won't live in anyone's shadow anymore! I Will finally be Number one! The ultimate ruler!" he moved closer and grabbed her hand, the one that was farthest away from the lamp, pulling her closer a bit. Watching her breasts and bounce and her skin shiver. "Now princess! Won't you be mine??~ This.. is your last cha-" This was the perfect opportunity to hit him! all she would need is one good swing. Even if he was giving her one last chance to submit and join him peacefully. He still wouldn't treat her as an equal.. with respect.. with any kind of dignity.
The man's villainous monologue was the last piece of evidence that Peach needed to decide that this man was evil, the fact that he murdered Bowser and presumably many others just for power, just to be number one, and he was going to rape her to further that rapacious goal proved that. No one like him deserved to be the king of anything and it was her duty as the princess of the Mushroom Kingdom to prevent him from anything but a cell. So when he pulled her forwards she gripped his hand gently with her own delicate hand, as if accepting, before gripping the lamp with her opposite hand and attempting to slam it against the man's head, right behind the mask. She knew that after her attack he would hunt her indiscriminately. Knocking him out was her only actual chance at escape: so she swung with so much force the impact would even hurt her as well.
The vase hit him square in the face, his mask chipped and cracked with her strong hit. His face flying to the right, "AAAAAHHHHGGG!!!" he screamed in a lot of pain. That scream sounded very very familiar, like she had heard him somewhere before. Standing up he grabbed both of her arms and threw her back onto the floor. Wrapping his hands around her throat and he started to strangle her, both his hands wrapped firmly around her throat. He watched her face as the mask started wiggle off of his face from the shaking and the pure rage. He was panting behind his mask and a few small mask chips fell onto her face and he strangled harder and more. "You stupid cunt! you want to fucking die!?" He then started started to loosen his hands, he was getting ready to stop chocking her. His cock rubbing up against her stomach, before he started moving his hips slightly. Pushing his cock against her stomach and tight skin.
Her breasts bounded across her chest and bounced back and forth energetically from the sudden power of her strike and she let out a sigh of relief, her heart pumping so hard that it sounded like a drum. Peach had expected him to go down after that blow, at least temporarily, after all whoever he was he definitely wasn't a giant like Bowser. So when after the blow his face whipped back towards her she let out a scream of utter terror and her eyes shot wide open,
"AHHHHHH!!!!" She plummeted down to the ground ass first with the man on top of her forcing her flat.

She panicked while chocking with his hands gripping her vulnerable neck. Her hands desperately shot up towards the man's face trying to push him away or scratch at him, anything that might get the pressure of her life draining out of her throat to end. By the time he finally loosened his grip on her neck Peach's vision was clouded with darkness as she came very close to passing out. Even still her hands tried to attack him, desperately and weakly, his cock's potential only prevented by the pair of pink panties clinging to her crotch.
He let go of her, his hands letting go of her throat. Leaving large red marks all over her neck and chin, he finally sat up. Pushing her hands under his thighs so she couldn't fight back, he pushed his cock in between her softer than silk tits. Starting to move and thrust his hips, getting his cock nice and deep between them. "You're going to pay! far more than I was going to make you in the first place!!" his pre-cum dripping onto her chest as he kept thrusting. She could hear him groaning from her softness, how they glided right between and out of her tits. His hands gripped really tight and felt how much give they let off when he squeezed. He let go of one of her tits and then grabbed her golden hair at the bangs. Pulling her face right up against his cock, his purple gland poking her right in the cheek. He pushed harder and harder, she could feel its immense force right into her soft complexion. He grabbed her by her chin and lips, sqeezing so hard she was forced to open her mouth. If she didn't her cheeks would be cut from her own teeth, her lips opened and he pushed the tip of his cock into her mouth. Still between her breasts he only jammed her head harder down. Her neck not being able to bend much more.
Peach gasped desperately and panted heavily like a slut as he let go of her, two large red adjoining hand-prints staining her petite neck as her hands fell from there attack and lied limply on the ground on either side of her naked breasts. She made no effort to defend herself as she coughed violently and continued to pant from his last attack. Her mature perky breasts felt perfect as they wrapped around his cock and hugged it with their blissful warmth. His pre splashing onto her chest and lighting up her form with the glimmer of liquid whilist lubricating the passageway between her breasts.
"Oh!" She squealed out between coughs and pants as he squeezed her breasts hard enough that they lit up with the light red glare of hand prints similar to the ones on her throat and ass, her entire appearance being influenced by his abuse.
"Ugh!" She groaned as he ripped her forward by her hair, the princess' sweet lips almost kissing his cock as he painted her face with salty pre. Once again she made no attempt to resist him as he forced open her lips and revealed her vulnerable mouth she accepted his cock into her warm upper orifice, although her nose crinkled in disgust as she was forced to take deep hot breaths in and out of it, sucking in his musk in order to regain her composure after her brutal choking. Even so her hot tongue fled from the cock and hid in the back of her mouth in revulsion.
His cock slipped into her perfect lips and he let go of her breasts, they where softer than any cloud that he had ran on before. But he didn't want to ruin them quite yet, forcing himself deeper and deeper down her throat. He pushed himself till the base of his cock was at her teeth, pressing her lips hard against her teeth. His cock deep down her throat, tickling her uvula and leaking his salty disgusting pre-cum down her throat. His pubic hair was curly and black, right up against her nose. She was forced to smell his musky scent as he raped her mouth.

His left hand was on her hair, he started pulling backwards making her head stay firmly panted on the ground. His other hand grabbed her arms and firmly placed them under his knees. Putting all his weight on her wrists, wanting her to be in a lot of pain. She wasn't going to claw or smash him again, that was not going to happen! His knees dug really hard into her wrists. He looked back as he watched her lower body squirm in pain, trying to get out from this position, lauging a little. His right went to her head, he grabbed her hair with both hands and started lifting his hips. Then plunged them back down! shoving his cock all the way down her throat again. "you like that!?" His hips started to mush against her face a bit, his cock rubbing the inside of her throat really hard.
Hey eyes shot open in surprise and her nose started twitching in disgust as he slowly forced his cock all the way down her petite throat bulging it visibly as it clung with heavenly pleasure to his dick. She quickly started to gag violently as his rod invaded her body and she retched as if she would vomit if her throat wasn't plugged by sex. As his disgusting pubic hair tickled her face and forced her to take deep desperate breaths of solely his musk while she choked on his cock her body swiftly began squirming in a vein attempt to escape.

He easily forced her head back to the ground as she had no problem fleeing farther from his prick, little did she know how much worse of a position it would put her in. When he put all of his weight on her dainty little wrists her eyes widened in pain and she started kicking and convulsing in torment as tears formed in her eye and swiftly rolled down her musk stained complexion. As he started forcefully facefucking the deepest parts of her throat she planted her feet on the ground and tried fiercely to lift him off of her which in the end only forced his cock further down her throat, his balls clapping against her chin and splashing sweat all over her neck and lower face.
He laughed pretty loudly as she kicked her legs around trying her hardest to get out, he started thrusting and fucking her face without remorse! his hips rolling forward and backwards, his balls smacking over and over again on her dainty little chin. Feeling her heavenly throat surround his cock was amazing, never feeling anything like this before he let his head lean back a bit and thrusted much faster. His hands gripping tighter and tighter, pulling her hair much more. The pain surging through her head.

His thick musk only permeating through her nostrils, the smell would never leave her mind after this night. He looked back down at her and saw her tears building, his hand moved to her cheek and gently rubbed the tear away. "oh.. save your tears for later princess~ you'll need all the tears you can muster" He chuckled and his hips started going insanely fast, her throat stared to bleed from how fast and hard he was forcing himself inside of her. His balls tensing up and slapping louder and louder.

He had no reason to hold back and try not to cum. Being in her heavenly tongue was enough to make him cum right away, but he was able to hold himself back a little bit. His cock throbbed and twitched hard, hitting her uvula really hard before he shot his salty disgusting tasting load down her throat. It was without warning, so a lot of it got down her lungs and up through her nose. "HAHAHAHAHA! Take that you bitch!" he slammed himself one last time inside of her and then pulled out. his fingers grabbing her right eye. Forcing it open before cumming directly into it, his hot stream of cum blasting right into her open eye. He then stood up and let his knees off of her wrists to see what she would do. Standing over her and laughing gleefully.
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