
Apr 11, 2013
Boredom, the curse of all life. It ruined all forms of happiness, and none more the Mei-ling Hanamura, Mei for short. A Chinese Japanese halfbreed, her mother was from china and her father was a Japanese man. It gave her a very unique upbringing but it also cause her to have fewer friends. As was life people tended to judge based on different facts. The fact that she was born a fully functional futanari didn't help her case in the slightest. Relentlessly mocked and made a fool of, she had developed more anti-social behavior. Even after getting out of school she was still like this. Barely twenty years of age she was a complete hermit, barely leaving her home. The concern was how she supported herself, while the house had been bought by a wealthy family she completely supported herself without leaving home.

She worked as a Technical assistance worker, spending her days on the phone or rather a headset phone for her and talking people through fixing tech problems and the like. It was boring as hell work but she made a decent wage without leaving her bedroom or getting dressed. Even now Mei was loafing around bored, waiting for a doorbell to ring. If she stood she would be a mere five six, but she wasn't petite, she was about average build, D-cup breasts, not fat but not a twig either. She was very purported. For someone in her profession she maintained her figure well. You could do a lot of a workout without leaving a home. She wore nothing more then a pair of booty shorts that held tight to her waist by the elastic. They were a bit loose but did give a good suggestion that she wasn't flat in the backside. Her hair was fairly messing and let down hanging around her shoulders. She wore a oversized shirt that suggested nothing was beneath it.

Sprawled out on the couch as if she was a murder victim watching the t.v absent mindedly. Finally the door bang to ring and she groaned rolling off the couch and walking to the door like a zombie. Flinging the door open there was a delivery man at the door who seemed to jump at her appearance. Having her sign for the package, she made no small talk she didn't care to. He tried to say something after she took the package but she had kicked the door closed behind her as she turned around and the sound of a locking door suggested she wasn't looking for a 'friend.' Carrying the box up to her room, it was rather well maintained save the pile of clothes in her hamper. Tomorrow was laundry day. Opening the box she began putting the figures and other collectables she had ordered online up in there proper places. Finally coming to the game she ordered. The Harem Collectors game, it was a odd game she had saw and said what the hell.

God knew she could use more hentai games, not like she had anyone to take the lusts out on then someone on the other side of a screen. This one also seemed fairly interesting. Turning on her computer she let it boot up as she scanned the manual before popping the disk in. Before long her screen turned a brilliant white light that blinded her, only moments later everything to go black she was afraid she was blind. However groaning she sat up realizing she had only passed out. Her head throbbed like she got bitch slapped with a cinder block. "Ow... What a shitty prank of a gam-" Mei grumbled to herself as her vision came into focus. Things were not right, she was on what could only be considered a scifi medical cot. Looking around the whole place was made of metal and she could see medical equipment that they couldn't achieve.

Slowly raising from her cot she stumbled to the window leading outside. "Toto... I don't think were in Japan anymore..." She said aloud to herself looking out to the infinite stars and endless void of space. Just where in the hell was she?
RE: The collection game (Firestarter X Chaotic.)

As the futanari continued her star-gazing and watching off the endless void that was space, a person. More specifically a alien, a very hot and stunning alien woman. Who wore a very skin tight suit that showed her curves off just right, had entered the room from the entrance, her face was obscured by a helmet and a purple visor. Now to those who saw this alien babe, they would immediately know who she was. Tali Zorah vas Normandy, or something else depending on the ass hat who did her loyalty mission and got her exiled. Tali took silent steps as she approached the unsuspecting girl. Swaying her generous hips with each step, there was no visible jiggle from her breasts due to the suit, but if someone paid attention closely they could see the mammaries move slightly, Tali let out a small giggle as she tapped the futa's shoulder lightly getting her attention. "Hello!" She said in her eastern european, more Russian-ish sounding accent. She noticed from a glance that the girl had gone stiff. "Uh oh. Did i break her?" The Quarian Couldn't help but think, as she had not expected this type of reaction to come, then again the girl from what she knew was a complete shut-in. "Hello?!"
RE: The collection game (Firestarter X Chaotic.)

Mei hadn't noticed anyone enter, she was at a loss trying to process where she was. How she got here was also a major question on her mind. Feeling a tap on her shoulder she jumped stiffening up as she looked back at the source. Often times a bad move yet she did so anyways. It was a alien, was she abducted? Were they going to expariment on her? dissect her? Calm down, calm, panic was logic's bane. She had to look at this realistically. First off she greeted her, second she could get off the bed and wasn't restrained. Her looks were vaguely familiar she had played a American game some time ago that had a race that resembled this girl. However she wasn't going to take everything as face value, she was a far more cynical person then that.

"Who are you and where am I?" Mei decided to begin with the simple and expected questions. She sounded highly distrustful, and given her situation it was not a surprising thing. If she was actively trusting that would be the strange thing.
RE: The collection game (Firestarter X Chaotic.)

Tali smiled beneath her helmet, as the girl asked who she was and where she was. Tali was about to saw where but thought for a moment, they were technically on the Normandy, but were also in the game it's self. "Well... It's complicated, we're on the Normandy, and thats the best I can explain it, if I tried my best to explain it now, you might get a headache." Tali rubbed her legs slightly together, a bit nervous that she might go an piss the girl off. "You really don't know me." The Quarian girl let a audible sigh out. "I'm Tali Zorah vas Normandy." Tali truthfully answered the girl. "And i believe your Mei-ling Hanamura, the one who bought the Harem collector's game?" Tali shifted once again, a part of her wanting to get on with what she was supposed to do, be a tutorial and first girl. "I believe we should get started with the tutorial." She said trying to rush the futanari out of the bed, so they could begin the tutorial, the Quarian could feel her pussy getting wet in anticipation, as she knew once this was over she was going to get fucked.
RE: The collection game (Firestarter X Chaotic.)

Mei was surprised and stepped back closer to the window, how did she know her name? Wait how did she? It was clear that Mei's brain was firing you could almost see the rapid string of thoughts going past her eyes. From what she had said it was a simple logic to follow. She knew she bought the game, and was calling this the tutorial!? Wait was she in the game how could that be? The flash, some how it had transported her into this world or some such? Perhaps it was the game and she somehow was digitized? How could that be? Surely sensations weren't real.

Pinching herself she confirmed she felt a sensation. However there was no reason to believe what this, 'Tali' was saying, how could she be sure she wasn't some sort of hologram or something. If she wasn't real her hand would go through her. If she was she would react one of two ways. Like a character of the game and likely encourage her next action or as a actor and smack the shit out of her. Mei would take that Risk without a spec of hesitation reached out pressing her palm into Tali's breasts her fingers sinking in they were real. She lingers only a moment confirming they were real. Now she had much more to question. "Lets say I believe you at least somewhat. Where do we go from here with this 'tutorial?' I highly doubt if there is a tutorial it's just a greeting." Ryomi said still suspicious about the potential risks of all this.
RE: The collection game (Firestarter X Chaotic.)

Tali moaned lowly as one of her breasts was squeezed, she sighed a bit in relief when she felt the hand leave, blushing a bit beneath her suit and helmet, Tali finger's fiddle with each other, as she sought the best way to explain what they were to do next. "Well... Its not easy to explain. But we need to head to the next room and... Do a very repetitive boring task, then from there we have to go over some basic things, and then the tutorial is done and you get your rewards." Tali answered to the best of her abilites, she kept eye contact with Mei's face. "Uh I believe humans have a term called... Uh... Stop dicking around? And uh... Get to work? Right?" Tali said with a nervous chuckle, she did not wish to anger Mei. "Oh! By the way... How do yoy wish for me to address you?" Tali asked her future mistress. "Mei-ling? Mei, Miss Hanamura? How do you prefer I call you?"
RE: The collection game (Firestarter X Chaotic.)

"Stop dicking around, get your ass moving, move that fat ass, theres a lot of ways to say the same thing really. Humans are a species prone to procrastination. However humans are also those who tend to value there own lives due to how easily we die. So it's better to know what the situation is before you move." Mei stated plainly in response to her comment, she didn't seem mad at all. Just stating facts, she wasn't one to easily take offense to something like that. She had spent years being tormented about being a futa so such a thing was hardly a bother. "Which ever you prefer honestly." Mei responded not precisely knowing what Tali's future role would be. Truth was she knew so little about the situation she wasn't going to make any sort of clear cut decision that she wouldn't turn her back on in a instant unless she had to.
RE: The collection game (Firestarter X Chaotic.)

Tali simply nodded to Mei. "Thank you Mei-ling, now we should head on to the next room, Its time we continue on." Tali turned quickly, and headed out the door of the medical bay, and directly into the more spacious room, their was a table in the middle of the room, with a box in the middle of it. "What was i supposed to do now... Oh right, go to the other side of the table!" Tali talked to herself, making a quick rush to the other side of the table and waited for Mei-ling to walk in. "Alright this should be easy, and then this will all be a few steps closer to being over." She continued to talk to herself.
RE: The collection game (Firestarter X Chaotic.)

Mei was slower to follow her in but came quickly enough. Examineing the room as she entered fairly barren but it was enough for what they needed she guessed as she knew not what it was they needed. Mei headed over to the table not entirely curious of what was inside the box. More the end resault of what would happen. This was some sort of tutorial so she would have to get out of it to see what the rest of the world was right? Well she might as well test it out and go as far as her comfort allowed for the time being. Standing on the other side of the table "So what now?" Mei asked looking somewhat bored but a single look at her eyes said she was far from it and was putting on airs.
RE: The collection game (Firestarter X Chaotic.)

Tali waited for Mei to open the box, but as the minutes passed realised that she wasn't going to do it, chuckling nervously Tali leaned forward and opend the box for her, revealing a deck of cards a white piece of paper, and 50 gold looking coins. "Uh... Oh! Instructions... Uh let me just read those." Tali said her hand grabbing the white piece of paper, unfolding it as she began to read what was on it. "Oh... This is what uh... Humans call blackjack? She chuckled nervously. "So the point of this tutorial is to give a demonstration of what you can do to earn money, your given fifty free, and you have to earn five hundred from a game of blackjack. Tali went and grabbed the deck of cards. "You should probably grab your money." Tali suggested to the futanari, she patiently waited for whatever Mei was going to do next. "By the way would you prefer for to take my visor off? Or my entire helmet?" Tali asked.
RE: The collection game (Firestarter X Chaotic.)

Mei didn't trust this world enough to put her hand near the box. So Tali ended up doing it for her, after all she wasn't told to do anything with the box previously. It seemed Tali was rather airheaded. Letting her read off the instructions so it was blackjack huh? Well if she had a seat she would sit, clearly Tali would be the dealer so she would have to simply play and get more of these weird coins that had a pair of breasts on them. Well anyways she took the money then Tali asked about her helmet. "Uh, helmet I guess? I didn't think you could take it off. Easier to talk when face to face. Go ahead and deal us in I suppose." Mei said pointing to the deck as she would have to play against someone and the only other person was Tali.
RE: The collection game (Firestarter X Chaotic.)

Tali quickly put the deck of cards down, as her hands went for her helmet, her hands at each side as she began to take it off. A audible hissing noise was made as the helmet came off. Tali placed the helmet on the table her face now revealed to Mei purple skin, her silver biolumiscent glowed slightly, as she blinked a bit, above her thin eyebrows were noticeable vertical marks above them. She had long black wavy hair. "Im supposed to be the dealer, so... How do we go about this?" Tali asked her hands fidgeting with each other as she waited for an answer. "I hope I'm not coming off as an airhead." Tali thought to her self, she smiled nervously as she locked eyes with Mei. "I'm supposed to pick two cards right?" Tali eyes glanced to the left a bit, as she began to tap her foot as she waited patiently. She looked back at Mei smiling nervously once again. "I'm sorry if I'm being annoying or anything, I'm not trying to be." Tali said as she bit her lip a bit, she could feel her the butterfly's in stomach.
RE: The collection game (Firestarter X Chaotic.)

"You're not being annoying, it takes a lot more then this to annoy me. I work in technical support, if I got annoyed at any of this so far I would of had a aneurysm long ago." Mei said with a shrug, as she looked over her face. She clearly wasn't human, her skin color, eyes, and over all facial structure was blatantly inhuman and yet close to human. Looking at the deck it was clear it was a common playing card deck so it would be easy to explain. "As the dealer you would shuffle the deck then deal a single card face down, meaning the side that has the hearts, clubs, spades, or diamonds down on the table. Then deal a single card right side up to both of us ontop. You then would check the bottom card and not show your opponent the card. Face cards meaning jack, queen and king are equal to ten points, a ace is one or eleven points. The goal is to get as close as you can to twenty one, you can either hit which means draw a card to try and get closer to twenty one or stand as in stand with the cards you have. If you go over twenty one you bust, which means a instant loss." Mei explained the rules and how to go about blackjack. Kind of odd that she seemed more the one giving the tutorial then Tali. However she didn't really care much. Things would progress either way, she would of likely figured it out after awhile even if she didn't explain. This was a game and if she was a NPC then it was odd she didn't know this. Then again games now days did have a anal fixation on the immersion of players.
RE: The collection game (Firestarter X Chaotic.)

Tali nodded as she was explained on how to be a dealer. "Ok then lets get this start then!" Tali gave a cheer, jumping a litte causing her breasts to jiggle as she did, she than began to shuffle the deck repeating the process a few times, a minute or two passed before the Quarian delt out the cards, placing one face down before placing one upside, she delt two cards to Mei. "So its like this? Right?" Tali placed the deck of cards off to the right, and waited to see what Mei would do. "It's nice to know that I'm not an annoyance, I try not to be, I also try not to be hindrance or seem like I'm a airhead." Tali let out a chuckle as she kept eye contact with Mei. "Yeah... So what's it like working for a technical support company?" Her hands began to fiddle with each other once again, as she tried to make conversation with futanari.
RE: The collection game (Firestarter X Chaotic.)

"Yes like that." Mei assured Tali, as she watched her deal, Mei had gotten a crap hand for sure. A five was face down as she peeked and only a two was up right. This was a mere seven, that wasn't a great hand to start this off with. "Hit." Mei said tapping her finger tips on the table. She didn't care but also found it rude to tell her she already thought of her as a airhead. Her question about the tech company made her let out a audible groan. "It's like dealing with adult children with ego problems and a lot of frustrations. Often times there problems are stupid and easily solved but because there frustrated by the time they call your often getting the brunt of there anger. It's a job that is more a test of patience then a test of your knowledge about a computer." Mei stated plainly as it was clear she didn't enjoy her job. It was merely something that paid her bills and she was content with it. The alternative was of course going out and getting another job but that required her to leave her house daily and she wasn't willing to do that.
RE: The collection game (Firestarter X Chaotic.)

"Ah! I see... What do you do in your free time?" Tali delt another card to Mei, before checking her own fac down card, not letting Mei see. "Do you play lots of games? Hang out with any friends? Go outside?" Tali began to rub her legs together as she felt her pussy becoming wetter, in the back of her head she imagined being fucked by Mei, being bent over a counter and having her legs spread, as pussy was stretched, she couldn't help but blush and giggle about it, but quickly shook the thought from her head and went back to focusing. "Do you not like people?" Tali continued to ask, her mind wondering off again and thinking about the things, the would be done to her. "I don't mean to ask personal questions." Tali said whilst she continued to think the very naughty thoughts, letting out a small moan that wasn't to noticeable, or hopefully wasn't to noticeable. "Keelah focus Tali! Stoo thinking about that stuff!" Tali started to blush. "Oh keelah im sorry if im asking to many questions."
RE: The collection game (Firestarter X Chaotic.)

Mei remained silent as she was dealt another card, a ten that made a total of seventeen. Picking up three of the five coins tossing them out into the center. A bet of thirty, she would stand it was a decent and there was only four possible numbers that could win against this. "I genuinely don't like people. I am what you call a hermit, I can deal with people just fine, it doesn't mean I like them. I tend to remain at home and only go out when necessary. Games, internet, tv and the like are my sources of entertainment. It does cause a bit of issues in getting what people call laid. Anyways don't take offense to it, it's not like I hate people I just don't have a reason to pretend or actually to like someone when I have nothing to gain from it." Mei said showing she was quite the anti-social person, likely why the game chose her. The game was a method of drawing in people who were anti-social and didn't deal well with other people and give them a world, women, and power that a more social person who left there home would go out and abuse far more then she would. Mei shrugged "Don't worry about it, not like there's much else here. I will stand with my cards, if you are done and don't want to get another card then we flip our down card and who ever has the higher number winds the bet pool. You can either raise or meet my bet of thirty coins." Mei stated explaining how to end the round and assuring her she didn't mind the questions.
RE: The collection game (Firestarter X Chaotic.)

Tali nodded as she listend to Mei. "Oh that's interesting, I gues life must be such a bore? After all you don't seem to be getting much interaction when your all alone." Tali stated sweetly, in the back of her mind she began to understand why the game had chose the futanari to be the 'one', and she also began go see why she was the one chosen to be the first of many girls. "Alright, I'll pull another card out." Tali told Mei, as she pulled another card out and place upside; it was a five, she placed it next to her seven card. "Then I'm good, I guess we flip both our facedown cards now." Her hands reached for the face down card, revealing it to be a five. "I assume this is good?" Tali asked Mei. "Oh by the way, would you like to ask any questions about me Mei-ling, i feel like I've asked to many about you." Tali hands clasped together as she waited patiently. She hummed a litte to herself, a old Quarian tune back when her people had once inhabited Rannoch, long before the morning war, long before the creation of the geth.
RE: The collection game (Firestarter X Chaotic.)

"The internet is my social interaction." Mei admitted that sad pathetic truth. She got all her socializing via mmo's and other games outside of her work. She didn't mind it as it kept her from having the trouble of awkward conversations. She didn't have to explain what she was or have people mock her for it. It was the privacy of online interactions, she didn't have to go into detail that she was a futanari unless she wanted to. As she revealed her cards it looked like a draw, sigh this was annoying. "Well it's a draw so not really, since we both hit the same number we push our current hand off to the side and you need to deal another, the praise pile stands and the winner of the next round takes the pile." Mei explained to her, that it wasn't could to both get the same amount. Her question about if she had any questions about her. "Not entirely, at the moment. Given the situation I am more curious as to this place, the world and all that it involves. As it stands im nothing more then a player in the game I know nothing about. If I had to guess I likely will have more time to inquire about you then I would about the game it's self." Mei admitted she had far more interest in the game then Tali at the moment. What kind of game was it, what was she supposed to do, what were the dangers? So many questions yet so few answers.
RE: The collection game (Firestarter X Chaotic.)

Tali nodded as she saw Mei's card noticing that there cards number matched. "So a draw." Tali glanced to the left, thinking of how to explain where they were. "Well the game, is different, its selective in who it choose's looking for the one, it's true master, it reach's out across worlds and such and can pull girls from their worlds, like me." Tali stated. "It gave me knowledge, filled my head with it, I know in your world I-Im a game character, but where I'm from im me... Real... Sorry! I didn't mean to get personal there." Tali panicked as she realized what she said. "U-Uh lets uh... Just get on with this!" Tali began to chuckle nervously. "Y-yeah lets just get on with the next set of cards." She managed to say as she seemed a bit distressed. As she took her cards and put the back in the stack, all the while keeping her eyes on Mei expression and body language.
RE: The collection game (Firestarter X Chaotic.)

Mei eyed the cards as they were dealt for the most part she had only confirmed some of Mei's various suspicions. "Don't worry about it, I am not saying you can't get personal or tell me anything persona. I was saying that the consern for me is more directly focused on the here and now. Do what you want if you want to tell me your life story your free to do so." Mei said as she let her thoughts go. Her body language, her expression suggested a deep willpower and a iron like concentration. Something about her just said 'power' of some sort. She didn't hesiate she knew what she was doing and just did it. Peeking at her cards it was a queen and a ten, making twenty. Mei pushed her remaining coins. "All in." If she lost she would loose all her currency if she won, she would double it. Unless there was some house rule that allowed this to be the last hand of the game.
RE: The collection game (Firestarter X Chaotic.)

Tali nodded as she played her hand, her first card was a ten. "I'll pull another card." Tali said as she placed another card, which was a three. "Thirteen." thought Tali, as she flipped the card that was faced down, it was a seven. "O-ohh is it another draw?" Tali wondered aloud, surpised she had just matched Mei in numbers. She looked at Mei nervously. "This is getting interesting right?" She chuckled a bit, unsure of what was going to happen next, she wondered if the game would intervene at all, a part of her hoped it would, while the other part hoped it did not.
RE: The collection game (Firestarter X Chaotic.)

It was strange everything suddenly felt woosy as if she was suddenly on a boat for hours and was sea sick. Rocking back and forth she felt faint and fell back. The world going white not only for her but everything. Only for moments to pass and she springs back up, some how she was back in the bed. Thing was looking around it was clear the world had reset? Well this was a game and that wasn't impossible right? Suffice to say she at least had a killer headache as she tried to adjust to having her entire existence reset.
RE: The collection game (Firestarter X Chaotic.)

Tali once again entered the room, her helmet was once again back on her, now the question was did she lose her memories of what happened, nope.... Tali fiddled with her hands a bit as she approached Mei. "I'm sorry." Tali began to stutter. "I-I didn't m-mean to w-win!" Tali looked at the ground in shane. "I'm so sorry!" She continued to apologise to the futanari. "But we should go an try again... Or else this tutorial will not end." The Quarian began to ramble as her nerves were on edge, mostly because of what happened, she didnt like the woozy feeling that came with the rest, a minute passed before she began to calm down, she offered a hand to Mei, asking if she would like some help up. Beneath her helemt her eyes glanced to Mei crotch, taking note l as she noticed a bit of rising near there.
RE: The collection game (Firestarter X Chaotic.)

"The game was one of risk, loosing had a real chance of happening. There's no need to apologize, that is how games like that go." Mei seemed like she wasn't mad at the happenings. She understood games of risk, she had played online poker, blackjack and such for money before. It was a decent method of making some money when she had disposable and wanted something risky to do. Slowly getting up to sit at the edge of the bed, shaking her head to get the feeling to die down. She took Tali's hand as she was pulled up to her feet. She steadied herself and motioned Tali to take the lead. There would be no need to explain the game this time so she could easily just move right in and start dealing again. Mei had a better feeling as to what would happen this time.
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