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Fx Any RP: 1x1: OPEN //Taboo/ Incest[ PRIMAL PLAY ]


Feb 15, 2010



First I will tell you a little bit about myself. My name is Renee but you can call me Horror_Show or whatever suits you….to a point. I’m 35, I’m married and have been for thirteen years. He doesn't care that I role play or write smut, we have great trust and each have our hobbies, his is gaming, mine is this. With saying this I am only looking for a writing partner and online friend, NOTHING MORE. Especially you dominates....I am not looking to take things personally. I'm married, I don't need it....I enjoy things through stories.

I’ve been role playing for over a decade ( Close to over eighteen years). I’m on some other forums but this site has always been home and where I started my adult role plays. I love writing all kinds of plots and pairings. Some of my favorite are romance, action, slice of life [ taboo], as well as horror being an older favorite genre. I love writing fandoms. I have an F-List; all the bullshit follows. I apologize for the length of this. I've been around. I've seen some shit.

Okay, so this is a new announcement on my request and it is by far the MOST IMPORTANT. More important than all my other disclaimers or warnings. I took the time to research in depth, study my erotic and fandom writing.

I am what is considered a Primal Sub. To know what a Primal Sub is you need to know what Primal Play is. It isn’t a sexual orientation, it’s not just a fetish, it’s not a state of being. It’s what someone noted was a state of mind, a state of mind makes something exist inside where it can be unleashed at the appropriate times. For me that’s easily and safely in writing, role playing.

My ideal role-playing partner would be what’s technically a Primal Dom.

^^^ good example of it in a cinematic way. Damn good acting and scene anyway, huge terminator fan lol

“In most cases, this is the ideal relationship between two Primals. A Primal prefers the use of hair, nails, teeth, and good ol’ personal strength in lieu of the traditional ropes, chains, whips, and gags commonly used in BDSM. The relationship works well because they can satisfy each other’s needs. One likes to be chased, the other likes to chase. One likes to be scratched, the other likes to scratch.”


“At the start, the dom will initiate foreplay with a tousle of their sub’s hair, smelling their skin, and move their hands across their body. This may sound like any other kind of wild foreplay, but it’s then followed by the chase. The sub, or ‘prey’, will sometimes give the Hunter a look, and they’re off, running away for the purpose of getting chased by the Hunter. The chase continues on, even when cornered, and won’t end until the Prey submits, and gives themselves over to the Hunter as their prize. The Hunter is most often an Alpha type who enjoys dominance by submission. While the Prey is often the bratty type who has more fun instigating their partner, making them work for their prize.”


“As you can imagine, primal play is often very passionate and sensual for participants, and couples who regularly engage in primal play recommend every couple try it out at least once. The main aspect of primal play are the emotions involved with it. Whether those emotions are lust, happiness, loneliness, or even silliness, it can be expressed in primal play. It can be rough, or it can be gentle, but ultimately, it is always emotional. Sometimes, participants can engage in play without the need for sex whatsoever.


^^^^ I don’t play Bratty types, normally my characters are the nice girl next door or the damsel in distress who fights back if that makes sense. I also like “the play” more than just the reward. Its probably why I like horror movies, the thrill of being chase….I’m an adrenaline junkie in writing. It’s probably why I am also a Cinephile….or audioholic. Anything creating a perfect intense emotional scene on screen is just as exciting as writing something similar.

Fictionally I am also a light masochist in ways. I like putting my character through both intense physical, mental and emotional turmoil. It goes hand and hand with certain aspects of primal play depending if its the right set up and storyline more or less action themed. One of my favorite hand to hand combat sequences is below so I had to shove it in.

I AM NOT looking for someone to rape, torture or kill my CHARACTERS. That has zero correlation with primal play. Not unless in the role play the story keeps my character from torture, rape and death.



- Face-Claims, normally when I make up a pairing or plot I already have inspirations, visuals in mind for both characters. Most of the time it’s a deal breaker if they are not wanted. You are welcome to bring your own to the table, no anime/hentai isn't preferred but i am open to it more. I’m not asking you to play the character pictured, just using their appearance for your own character.

- Clothing fetish [ I love all kinds of clothing, especially lounge, jeans, t-shirts, cardigans….so I will often ask permission to write both our characters’ attire at times.]

- Psychical aggressiveness, especially sexually with tension.

- Mental instability ( mental health disorders, etc)

- Drama/Angst/ Emotional Breakthrough’s

- Characters who physically looked like they’ve survived a horror movie ;) [ This of course doesn’t apply to all role plays.]

- Romance/Lust mixed

- Age Differences ( 10+ years) with all characters 18+. I normally play young females in there younger twenties to men who are much older.

- Incest [ If there is a good plot, not just smut based, and it has to be realistic. FYI, I don't support it IRL, its a writing fetish]

- Partners who reply regularly [daily or more] <<doesn’t mean I wont role play if it takes you longer, it’s just preference. I am almost always on when I am home and am able.

- Partners who write detailed lengthy post. Doesn't have to be every post but I struggle to role play with people who don't give a lot.

- Fandoms such as movies, tv shows, select games, just ask.

I'm also the type of partner who loves to add in visuals and music when its inspiring to my postings. I like to use pictures to help describe settings and environments. I'm the kind of person who would enjoy going into details on how a house looks, what type of clothes my character wears, what shampoo she uses, the kind of food she cooks.

Before I go into my actual request. I feel the need to put some old rules in, regulations in order to role play with me.


I have this weird habit of running into really good awesome older men who are role players. Then we start role playing, we get to talking and I find out their married and are hiding their role playing from their significant other…..then they decide suddenly god or something else has touched them and they need to be faithful and abandon me. So just please be an actual human who has the freedom to role play without restrictions or restraints. I’m married, my husband knows I role play, we have great trust. My marriage does not affect my hobby.

When you message me for this role play. Please expect it to be semi long term. I’m not looking for people to drop the game once they have initially made love the first time….I feel there is all this build, tension and it happens and some people bail…..there is more to a relationship than just that. Please come to me wanting to write out the aftermath.

Also in order to be my partner, you've got to post it
least twice a week, preferred once every day if not more


I guess I also need to put this. I am looking for long term role playing partners but I am wanting to do one shots with a potential of being long term. I don’t want to write several posts building everything forever. I’m over that after being disappointed and never getting to write parts I desire on several games. I would prefer to place our characters in a place just a little bit before the climax of the story. If your a good writer, we talk OOC and go into deep discussion and planning this is possible with it still being fun. I’m not looking for some drawn out story without smut sooner than later.


This is important. I co-write stories with focusing on my own characters. I want both of us to be able to write each other’s characters with free will. It’s difficult to write a story and give length if you don’t have a little leeway. Some people are strict about god modding so if that’s you…. you wouldn’t like my writing. When I have cravings and give plots I already have the characters in my head and a good idea of direction, so I like to lead and help. I definitely don’t mind the same being done to my characters. With saying that. I also know how to not god mod, I might slip but can edited it. Its a preference, doesn't mean I can't write without it. Some leeway would be helpful.

UPDATE 2-21-19 ( If you want to message me on Discord) VideoKid#0829

Another update: Listen guys….I just recently got into using discord for role plays and I love it, it keeps it proactive, keeps it organized. If I take the time to add you, make a server and do an intro….please go out of your way to be somewhat active. If you can’t post a few times a week, if not daily….then don’t go contact me. Also don’t keep promising to post but never do. Please do us both a favor and just admit you can’t role play or don’t want too. While I normally will go out of my way to tell you if something happens….I will also ditch your ass on discord and clean house. I’m sick of people not being active or communicating properly. Life happens….awesome, just tell me….hey life is happening I can’t be active. I’m a decent person….I will understand and not expect you too. I also only use discord to be for more active role players.
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What is the cost of lies? It's not that we'll mistake them for the truth. The real danger is that if we hear enough lies, then we no longer recognize the truth at all.



If someone was willing to play Jarred Harris for me in any number of plots or scenarios I would be more than grateful. It can be original or fandom. I fell in love with him in his portrayal in the HBO Chernobyl series but discovered he's done quite a lot of film work including a small to medium role in one of the resident evil movies. I'm cool with the original too, you want to use him as a professor, a soldier, a scientist, a father….I'm down.




Ok so normally I geek out/fan girl over a certain fandom and am all gung ho on role playing that universe with my own fan-fiction style plots/pairings. I’m still 100% that way with all my fandom cravings. Right now I am crushing hard on Robert Patrick in his younger years right around the time he did his T2 (T-1000) role. I don’t think I’ve quite thought in my life I want to be fucking destroyed by this cop lmfao. Anyhow, if you like role playing fandoms and like terminator hit me up but wait….



Literally just want his face-claim played and I’ve made original settings/idea’s pairing to possibly toy with. Does anyone just wanna play a cop for me in general….PLEASE, does not necessarily need to be a hot metal shape blob trying to actually kill me lol


Someone fucking play a cop for me lol The idea’s are endless. SOMEONE please for the love of 2020 and being miserable. You can also use his cute adorable ass in any other setting and I would probably be just as happy. Seriously folks, fucking come to me. We can make this happen. Just use his face-claim so I can die happy.





I got a plot where my character is the daughter of some southern con artist who is currently in jail from a heist/con job going bad. Your character would be an older guy who has an uneventful existence who looks for adventure and ends up in the mother’s scandal but makes it out alive and without going to prison (Maybe he’s on probation as a slap on the wrist). My character - being her daughter - has to deal with things while her mother is in prison and finds out what happened. Said guy feels sympathy knowing he probably fell in love and got used and screwed over. So she seeks him out to give him the money his mother fucked him out of and to apologize. I wanted to play that whole fragile awkward situation out with her falling for him.


The Faculty

Ok so I got this stupid fandom/taboo plot I want to play. I’ve been itching to do it for awhile. I need someone who A.) Is cool with science fiction shit like aliens ( who look human, no worries) and B.) Is alright with some more exotic smut. Nothing crazy but it's an alien so go figure with tentacles and appendages and shapeshifting. Figured it would give ultimate pleasure to the female but I’m not looking for some tentacle rape fantasy ….no I’ll pass on that. Anywho, focus, okay....”The Faculty”, it's kind of like that movie. Small Town High School. Aliens take over the faculty, the faculty start to infect or kill off the student body and other townspeople, we've got a whole horror thriller going on. I need someone to play a teacher/coach (below) who knows my character as said student. She thinks he’s gonna kill her....he does the opposite. Cue awesome smut scenes and we get to play out cool action and 90’s drama or modern. Someone fucking do this with me. Someone who's active. Someone who can write and isn’t trying to personally get off lol My character will be eighteen and a senior so it's still safe


I’m kind of just crushing on Peter Weller and just got around to watching the class of Robocop. Go figure that all fits into my themes of Machines and Cops lol If anyone wants to do anything within that fandom hit me up. Though I do prefer to play against his more humanoid form than the metal hunk he was as robo boy though I am open to all ideas brought to the table. Also really cool to just use his claim in an original or made up fandom setting involving slice of life, science fiction or futuristic settings. Cool with someone just using his in a taboo pairing slice of life with him as the whole cop thing.





I’m having a real fan girl moment over good old arnie for whatever reason, he’s legendary in his own way. Brilliant acting, bodybuilding and the efforts he’s done outside of acting. His terminator roles are classic and he’s still kicking pops being a bad ass healthy old guy, it's kind of awesome.

Anyway if anybody liked the Terminator universe and would want to role play it let me know. I’ve seen almost all of them and can re-watch them. I’m in the process of researching it and there's a lot of alternate timelines with judgement day being prevented or pushed back and the war between man and machine.

I’m really just looking for someone who would have fun playing pops as he is or him as a terminator. Open to other things as well with the series.



Is it just me, or is it getting crazier out there?

Yeah, so this is very fresh and I’m sure it might take a minute for people to see the film, but Joker was a fantastic piece of art to watch. A very different more realistic adaption of how a villain came to be. A lot of media is bashing and criticizing it but Joaquin Phoenix performance was excellent. As one of my friends put it, it addresses something that no one talks about. The world creates the worst people from those who used to be the best of them. Is a systemic problem and people hate being called out on it, that’s why many dislike it.

Anyway ...I'm putting on my list. I loved his Joker and I would love to do a fandom of it. If anyone is wanting to try this out, or has any ideas please hit me up. Once again, if a rare person wants me to play him. I wouldn’t mind with the right setting and plot.

I’m also open to other DC characters like heaths joker or Dr. Crane.



This game is like one big ass long movie that pokes and prods at all of your emotional triggers, great story, different paths. I found myself even teary eyed at quite a few compassionate scenes. It’s a good game and I have a weak spot for human like machines, go figure. Connor is almost the equivalent of a Blade Runner so I found that humorous. I would love to do a game focused on the story or something original within the universe. I am looking for some characters I like to be in it cannon, I’d like to play against Conner.



Stranger Things



View attachment tumblr_acb88597956ad608e47eaff8c0ed2135_423cd6c1_540.webp

Yeah so if anyone wants to do Stranger Things and involve him or his face-claim in anything I am game af.


Taste, taste, let you get a taste


Basic Incest Slice of Life Plot with Father X Daughter

This setting is your character (the father) would be 39 and mine would be (the daughter) 21. Your character would basically own a farm. Not like a small one but a nice sized one that he has a business growing organic produce for local markets, while its not on a commercial level he’s makes a decent income and has been able to make other investments from it. He has a beautiful farm house on acres of land. He basically raised his little girl by himself with the help of her grandmother. He would have been in a hot and heavy relationship with my characters mother when he was eighteen and gotten her knocked up. The mother would have wanted to have an abortion, but he fought for her to stay alive, wanting to raise her himself with the help of his own parents. He was a young father with the help of his own family. While the mother maybe tried to stay in the picture they eventually agreed to part ways because she just wasn’t interested. The father never lied to my character telling her the truth, since he played both roles of a mother and father they have a much closer open relationship. She never really missed out on having her mother, accepting she chose not to have her father or her in her life.

The role play would start with my character coming back home from college. She would have had to drop out and move back to recover as she is having a lot of mental issues. Part of them is living with the burden she’s in love with her father. She would have purposely chose a university states away to try to move on…it would have worked but not for long. Anyway he would find out quickly what’s wrong and we role play that out lol I want lots of drama/smut/romance. I did want the father to already know from the point we start.

I also don't want to much outside interference of people catching them.....that's not why I'm doing the plot. It can be in the background how they can't be found but other than that. While it may seem like a one shot, I hate how people lose interest after characters are together like thats so fucking lame.....c'mon guys, once characters are together you write the love they share and make new arcs in the plot to keep it going.


(( Looking for a partner to jump into the smut with me on this but do so in a way where the romance is still felt. I got so many games of it and I'm getting a little impatient waiting for the smut.))

YC could be a companion bot…. he would have been purchased by my characters mother as a sexual companion (but he can be like an assistant so he’s not just a sex toy she would bring into the house hold). The synthetic would have been built to be the perfect lover but still robotic in nature, just performing. Until my character while freaked out in the beginning starts to crush on him, get infatuated as she is around him having a normal relationship. YC breaks him free from his programming and he realizes he wants to love and be with my character, not just to serve as sex bot to her mother. Though he would be ravenous on my character as a free thinking synthetic.

Younger Female

Older Male




I finally got around to watching the movies…. I’m currently still watching the original. I hope to have both of them finished but I am already researching the world and lore. Pretty amazed to discover its Ridley Scott thing with androids…. I should have figured with how I liked David/Walter from Prometheus/ Covenant. Anyway, just looking to play in that universe with something original or fandom. If someone wants to play Roy….lol go for it. I’ve had a few approach me over David, were see if people play Roy


Also looking for someone to play Harrison fords character or something close to it using his looks.



Not really sure about plots or if I’ll even get many hits on it but at one point in my life I was very obsessed with Stargate SG-1. I’m pretty sure I’ve almost watched every episode. I even have a few seasons on DVD. I was pretty into Michael Shanks as Daniel. So if you don’t care playing a a nerd lol Go for it.

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Someone give me James.....fucking all of Craigs personality, style, class and vengeance. I'm open to play a number of things. Not so sure I will plan some stunning gorgeous Bond girl destined to die but we can figure out the details and all that shit. You don't have to play Bond if you just want to play Craigs face-claim in some other setting.
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So I currently have a big craving for almost anything to do with Keanu Reeves. He’s a pretty amazing kind talented actor. He does his own stunts and is exceptional in his performances. He donated a bunch of his own money to help with the production of the matrix trilogies to make them even better as that was top of the line when they were directed. Anyway enough of my fan girl bullshit.

I’m open to role playing against actual roles he’s done listed below. If you just have your own plot, want to create when modern day, sc-fi action thrilled….there’s a lot we can come up with. I also am very laid back with writing so if you don’t play a character exactly how they are portrayed in their actual works….its not a big deal. Role playing is for personal pleasure so who cares. If you want something original with just using his appearance that’s enough for me.




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RE: 1x1 RP Search [ Currently Craving FNAF and Alien/Sci-Fi plots]


Elysium: A new horizon

Okay this next idea I actually got from another member on here. He was a male and I even messaged him to possibly role play it and he must have not been interested in my own ideas to it. Plots are not copy righted so hopefully I'm alright taking it and putting in my own spin. It caught my attention because it held a lot of potential and not just smut based. An actual science fictional setting could be built, character development and building a strong relationship. So, wouldn’t necessarily call it porn with plot as I would really want to build things up, but if it floats your boat. I’m going to post the basic plot. If your interested, private message me and I go into more detail and expand on the simple summary. I rather leave it easy to read and let your own minds run with it before contacting me.


One hundred fifty years in the future the world is in a bad place. After centuries of climate change there is little fresh water and farm-able land. As a result, countless wars have broken out over those very scarce resources. In order to deal with the crisis, all they major governments of the world set to create a colonizing mission to another earth like planet. As a result, they pick the best humanity has to offer based on genetics, family history of disease, etc. to live on the space ship along with the top scientists, engineers, etc. We have been selected as breeders, those who have the best genes are given the task of recreating the human race. I also have lots of details to share with this idea. How I see it playing out. A lot of heavy romance and passionate sex, that type of ordeal.
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Not a huge craving but still one of my favorite set of movies.

UPDATE!!!! I SAW THE MOVIE AND I FUCKING LOVED IT!!! EVEN IF YOU DONT WANT TO ROLE PLAY, EVEN IF YOU DON'T MESSAGE ME. GO SEE THIS MOVIE. If you love psychological thriller/horror, I suggest you highly make the effort to see it. I love darker movie's and soon as I saw the trailer months ago I was obsessed. The acting was %100 on point, James Mcavoy acting alone was hauntingly inviting and comical. Now I just gotta watch Unbreakable

“Intuition is awakening suspicion.”


I’m really just asking for a similar but different character to be portrayed. Someone who would like to create their own brilliant mad man with the visual of James. We can think of a plot; this would be a bit darker. How dark is between us. There can be abduction, stalking….I am not looking for rape or torture, there can be things that lead but ultimately I still want there to be some sort of relationship between the character, Stockholm syndrome or more. I’m not asking for you to play the exact character from the movie with all the different personalities unless you want to. I’m also up for different settings, so we could also do one in an older/modern asylum based setting.

Willing to possibly try new things, kinks if someone is willing to do this.




Finally, the trailer for the final movie Glass came out last week and I about lost my shit. It looks so damn good. I love M.Night, he’s been trying to get this story out for years. Split is probably one of my favorite movies and role playing it with willing people, not even just the actual movie…. but just plots with similarities and adds in has been the most fun I’ve ever done. I got to really explore and push myself, even my limits and while the partners I role played with are no longer around….I just want to thank them.

Now I am looking someone who is willing to do the same. I started role playing split before the movie came out, so it was neat to finally see how my writing actually compared to the content that came out. Now with knowing a little bit more I would love to do the same. It doesn’t also have to do anything with the movies either, some of my best role plays were just with similarities. Someone having a mental illness as close and severe as his or something else.

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I’m not very far into Wanda Vision but I am a huge Marvel fan and have seen most of the movies and I am a huge Vision fan. Not to mention I love Paul Bettany as an actor, so he did the part so much justice. Anyway, I would love for someone to play Vision. I would prefer to play an OC but I would not be against playing Wanda, I would just put my own spin on her but I used to use Olsen face-claim a lot awhile back so it would still be welcomed.

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Ok so the claim/gif I have posted with this request is who I want played or someone similar. I got a few other options. I decided I want to try to recreate a role play I did awhile back. Lost whoever I did it with, wish I hadn’t. It was an interracial pairing in modern times but there was a lot of history with it. I will leave it at that. If that’s your thing just message me and I can go into more detail. I’m not looking for anything in bad taste.


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Yeah so recently I’ve been into everything eighties aesthetics, from Stranger Things to Lost Boys. Even listen to all the music from that decade and it just takes you to a different place all together. I’ve seen both the Lost Boys movies, the original ( the classic) and the newer one they made. If anyone is feeling doing something fandom or more original hit me up. We can make it to our own liking. Who wants to be badass and write being in Santa Carla with me ;) Hot gorgeous blood suckers, nights out on the boardwalk and the full moon….and saxophone players lol Join me, you know you want too.


"But I still believe
I still believe
Through the pain

And through the grief"
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Ok so another movie classic and one I have yet to actually get to write about, the movie Twister, classic. Whoever has not seen it, I highly suggest you go stream it because it's two hours of awesomeness. Great cast, great action, everything. Plus if you're into weather and all that well go figure, tornadoes. Basically, I am asking if anyone just want’s to write being a storm chaser in the 90’s, doesn’t have to be cannon. It would be fun to have the movie plot in the background, kind of like a tribute. If anyone is studying Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology and is a nerd over this, please educate me, let's do this lol I love learning.

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Looking for the visual, nothing more. Not the show or anything. Not even seen it. I won't lol aint going near that shit.
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I just saw the new Barbie movie last night and I absolutey loved it. I enjoyed it and laughed and it was visually stunning. I would like to dive back into that world and create some plots with guy or girl. Adult themes are welcomed but it doesn’t have to be the main focus. One of my best christmas was getting a Barbie house, not a dream house though. Every char will be 18+.

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So I won’t put any spoilers here. I am looking for anything FNAF related. I’m a huge fan of the games and all the lore. Scott, Jim Henson and the whole cast including Josh and Mathew did the community and world amazing. If you love horror go see it. Even if we don’t do. It’s a fun time.

I am looking for Josh or Mathew claim and or Mike or Afton, I am willing to play Vanessa. Open for any plots too.


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I am looking to role play Squid Game. Some of my best role plays were actually in this setting even without my partners having seen the show. Basically I would play the equivalent of a game master and control the environment and have our characters react but points if you’ve seen the second season. I am really into 456/001. I am looking to play against either of those or both. I also am willing to play them for the right people and also to do MxM with them as a ship. Anything to do with them.



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RE: 1x1 RP Search [ Currently Craving FNAF and Alien/Sci-Fi / Incest + taboo plots]

Yep another bump
RE: 1x1 RP Search [ Currently Craving FNAF and Alien/Sci-Fi / Incest + taboo plots]

Another bump
RE: 1x1 RP Search [ Currently Craving FNAF and Alien/Sci-Fi / Incest + taboo plots]

Yep.....boring Sunday
RE: 1x1 RP Search [ Currently Craving FNAF and Alien/Sci-Fi / Incest + taboo plots]

I added Hemlock Grove if anyone is interested.
RE: 1x1 RP Search [ Currently Craving FNAF and Alien/Sci-Fi / Incest + taboo plots]

Another bump
RE: 1x1 RP Search [ Currently Craving FNAF and Alien/Sci-Fi / Incest + taboo plots]

RE: 1x1 RP Search [ Currently Craving FNAF and Alien/Sci-Fi / Incest + taboo plots]

Ok I think I am Sade to give a bump now.
RE: 1x1 RP Search [ Currently Craving FNAF and Alien/Sci-Fi / Incest + taboo plots]

RE: 1x1 RP Search [ Currently Craving The Matrix/ Alien/Sci-Fi / Incest + taboo plots]

So if someone could just please role play the matrix with me.....PLEASE.
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