Blondie ♥
- Joined
- Jun 30, 2016
NSFW gifs and images below.
Slowly being updated with more ideas.
Blondie was picked after the band. Stop asking me if blondes have more fun.
Slowly being updated with more ideas.
Blondie was picked after the band. Stop asking me if blondes have more fun.

「 Blondie's Request Thread 」
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Discord/Chatzy are highly, highly preferred! In that order as well.
I am currently only wanting to RP through one of these three methods.
There more than likely won't be any exceptions to this, unfortunately!
Click here for my F-List. Click to expand each column.
Faceclaims for characters are loved. Here are some examples.
Please don't try using references like these for your character.
Short-term roleplay is the initial plan with new partners.
If we're a good fit together, I'd love to work out some long-term scenes!
If you don't have any posts/threads, please make sure to send a detailed message.
I won't respond to private messages that basically say "Hey, want to RP?" or "I like your ideas."
Give me something to respond to! Which ideas did you like? Favorites faceclaims? Favorite kinks?
Don't send me random ideas that have no relation to anything that I like, please and thank you!
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❁ Inspiration. ❁
A scenario in which a new roommate is moved into their home and she doesn't pay a single penny towards the rent.
The details can be worked out together, but the general idea is that she's in mutual agreement with the men to be available to
take care of them whenever necessary. They don't need to go out and troll around for a one-night stand when they can just have her.
Is she in the middle of an important phone call? Doesn't matter. He can just haul her over his shoulder and take her to his bedroom.
Fun ol' movie night with the roomies turns into a double-stuffing when one of them quite literally can't keep it in their pants.
The main things I'm looking for are her relationships with each roommate. They don't have to get along at all, but the agreement
still holds. Maybe one of them ends up having a really big crush on her. Maybe they work out a schedule for whose bed she'll be
sleeping in that evening. There's a lot of ways we could take this and hopefully make it long-term if we seem to click together.
As a note, I'm not looking for any sort of 'master/pet' or 'dom/sub' sort of play. Christian Grey types need not apply for this one.
Another variant of his idea is the female moving into a Gamer House. If you're familiar with video games such as League of Legends
or Overwatch, we could use those as the main game that they're playing. Whether it's a house filled with streamers or pro-gamers
that all join a team together, we can hammer out the details together. In a house filled with gamers and her as the sole female, it
could be fun to explore what happens. Some wouldn't take kindly to a girl being on their team, while others might be head over heels
with her. Again, this is something that we can work out together! Also, some inspiration for this particular plot.
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❁ Inspiration. ❁
Despite breakup after breakup, he still doesn't quite grasp that they're not together anymore. Regardless of what she
says or does, he'll still think of himself as her boyfriend. Sending her gifts, showing up unannounced at her work place,
or casually waiting on her doorstep with a bouquet of flowers in hand. The sweet little pet names persist, even if she has
to remind him again and again that they're not a couple anymore. It's not entirely his fault, though. She sends mixed messages.
They're broken up according to her, yet she calls him in the middle of the night when she swears she hears something in her house.
Casually hooking up with her boyfriend in the heat of the moment would have him thinking they're still the perfect match and what not.
Despite clearly having a sweet side where he would do anything for her, he's got some serious flaws. He's controlling, jealous, and possessive.
He could have been the one that intentionally scares her, all in hopes of having her call him and rightfully proving his point. She needs
him around. Slipping on a mask, breaking into her home in the middle of the night and just taking her in 'their' bed to prove another point.
Would he pull off his mask and explain how easy it was for him to break in and have his way with her? Or would he get annoyed that
'his girl' seems to enjoy getting off with a masked burglar who broke into her home? We can work out the details for this one together.
While there are some serious issues with this particular scenario, I'm not looking for any sort of domestic abuse and the likes. It's more
along the lines of just how much he believes they're the perfect match and willing to go to any extreme sorts of length to prove it.
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___Professional Wrestling___
❁ Inspiration. ❁
If you're familiar with WWE, TNA, ROH, and so forth? You've probably already won my heart at this point. ♥ No joke.
I'm more familiar with the current roster and history, opposed to the Attitude Era for example. I know a lot of you like it, but I'm more
after recent things! I've got an older thread that goes into detail about what I'm really after here. If you're a fan of wrestling, please
message me ASAP! ♥ This is probably the number one type of roleplay that I enjoy writing as of late. Rare for me to turn this down.
I can't go back and edit the old thread, since it's closed at this point, so there are some minor adjustments and the likes we can discuss!
If you have any questions about it, don't hesitate to shoot me a message. Here is a link to the previous thread I had made.
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___DC / Marvel___
❁ Inspiration. ❁
There's a large amount of possibilities here that we can do! Scenes could range from the mundane day to day for
superheroes and supervillains, to the usual saving the world or trying to destroy it. I'm familiar with most Marvel and DC comics,
video games, and movies. I'm sure we could work something out together and settle for a fun roleplay. I've got some specific characters
that I enjoy writing as and specific characters that I enjoy writing with. I don't mind playing as heroes, villains, civilians, criminals, officers,
and so forth. I'll post some specific-ish scenarios down below as a rough base that we can work on together. Though I am open to ideas!
A criminal, a henchwoman, a lackey, whatever you want to call her. If she's captured and interrogated by an officer, a vigilante, or a superhero, it'll
take quite a bit to get her talking. A frustrated individual could relieve some stress with her or maybe she'll try to seduce the individual to get his
guard down. On the contrary, I could see her being quite useful for her employer. Unlike the male henchmen, she's used for other purposes. She
could be a pretty little lap-warmer or a way for him to pass the time while waiting for the lackeys to return with information. Besides, a lot of
villains would absolutely love being called 'Daddy' by a pretty thing, wouldn't they? Open to quite a few ideas here and how we go about it.
Oliver Queen, Bruce Wayne, and Clark Kent all have day jobs and for a short while, they get to act completely normal without worrying about the usual.
It would be the perfect time for them to squeeze in a quick romp with that gorgeous new secretary. Maybe someone like Thor needs a handler from SHIELD
to help him adjust to life on Earth. It doesn't hurt that she's easy on the eyes and quite susceptible to his charm. Even someone like Supergirl could be
tempted into a quickie with an adorable co-worker who she just can't keep her eyes off of. There's also some downtime on the X-Men's Blackbird.
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___Social Justice Warrior___
❁ Inspiration. ❁
Just want to throw this out there before people read ahead! By no means am I saying that I agree with certain stereotypes
or condone them in the slightest. This is just a roleplay scenario and just that. Nothing less, nothing more. Please don't
read too much into the proposed scenarios and send me OOC messages that are crossing lines. Please and thank you! ♥
The general idea is that my character is quite obviously an SJW. An over the top one, at that. Constantly picking fights,
calling individuals out for the smallest things, and being overly annoying. Depending on your character is how we'd go
about it. For example, she could be a student that's always correcting the teacher, disrupting the class, or filing complaints
about him for any sort of reason. He could eventually lose his cool after class and take out all that frustration on her.
Another example could be her picking a fight with your character for whatever reason. Maybe she's dressed in a provokative
attire and she catches him looking. Or maybe your character makes a comment about her outfit, much along the lines that
she's 'asking for it' dressing the way she does. Maybe she does it on purpose to prove a point that all men are the same.
These are just some examples and if you're interested in this, I'm sure we'll be able to work something out together.
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___Sugar Daddy___
❁ Inspiration. ❁
Plain and simple, he's her Sugar Daddy. He spoils her with jewelry, weekend getaways, money, you name it. In return,
she's an obedient princess/kitten/whatever he calls her. She's always taking care of him and making sure that he's properly
taken care of at all times. Regardless of where they are; if he needs her, she'll oblige him like a good girl would. Just as long
as Daddy spoils her and treats her like a princess in public (for the most part) and treats her like a slut behind closed doors.
Another variation of this idea is along the lines of a gentleman and an escort. Whether he's hiring her for a quick romp when
he's bored and away on business, or if he hires her to accompany him to specific events and the likes. Also works quite well
for one-shot scenes. Regardless, here is some inspiration if you'd rather take the escort version instead of the other!
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❁ Inspiration. ❁
There are plenty of ways we can take this one. The most important thing (in my opinion) is their relationship
and feelings towards each other. Do they consistently get along? Are they at each other's throats all the time? A few
examples of what types of scenes we could play: She's consistently teasing him (whether it's intentional or not) ranging
from how she acts around him, to how she dresses. He finally gets tired and decides to show her what happens when
she dresses and acts the way she does. A step-brother who disapproves of how she's dressing for her date is another
scenario we could play out. He could also take the role seriously and disapprove of who she's going out with and the likes.
If they get along and are actually on good terms with each other, the scene would be much different. It would more than
likely be along the lines of her eventually seducing him and getting what she really wants from her step-brother.
It's also important to note that it says step-siblings. I don't want anything incest related. Please don't try to change my
mind or even ask. I won't be swayed. It's also not an invitation to ask me to do a scene with a step-father and the
likes. In a good majority of the scenes, I'd probably want them to be around the same age or for the step-brother to
be older. I have bad experiences with players that want to take the role of the younger sibling, mostly because it seems
to attract individuals who are wanting ageplay / wanting to be completely submissive and the likes. I'm not interested!
That doesn't mean I would be against having a scene with a step-brother that's younger, I'm just pickier about it.
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___Virtual Reality Gaming___
❁ Inspiration. ❁
This idea is a bit on the nerdier side of things. If you're familiar with MMOs like World of Warcraft, Final Fantasy XI, Final
Fantasy XIV, Guild Wars, and so on, this idea might be a bit easier to grasp. I'm told it's rather similar to Sword Art Online and
.Hack, though I'm not familiar with anime. It would be rather open ended and we can play in a canon setting or one we make.
It's basically just like playing an MMO; questing, adventuring, exploring, and so forth. The only difference is that it's virtual
reality. The player is brought into the game, retaining their looks and experiencing it in a more immersive/realistic manner.
This can work for other games as well, such as League of Legends, Overwatch, and so forth. We can make it work with most.
I mostly enjoy the idea of playing a healer-type in a virtual MMO world. She can meet other players who can choose how they
act towards an attractive girl in the game. Will they be helpful and act all white-knight like? Or will they be rude, misognystic
men who don't take kindly to her playing their game? If she needs help clearing a specific dungeon, what kind of payment
would they ask for? Maybe she makes the mistake of venturing off on her own, leaving her vulnerable to meet into all
kinds of players. There's a lot of different ways we can take this. The general idea is just having her run into a bunch
of lewd scenarios with other players. We just have to think of ways to make it happen. Message me if you have questions!
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___Velma Dinkley___
❁ Inspiration. ❁
Not the usual Velma. She'll look a bit different, yet she'll still be the Velma we all know and love.
I prefer a different look, since I'm a big fan of contrast between characters. Besides, I think Mystery Inc could use some color.
There's many different characters to play opposite of her. Fred, Shaggy, genderbend Daphne, humanized reiteration of Scooby.
I'm also not against pairing her up with the 'monsters' so to speak. Just as long as they're just men donning costumes, of course.
There's also a preference for 'real-life' or 'photographic' references for characters, especially when Original Characters are involved.
In the middle of an investigation, Velma could end up separated from the group and end up in quite the sticky situation.
Maybe the individual they're after takes advantage of the situation and helps themselves to Velma. Perhaps she loses her
glasses and mistakes the criminal/monster for Fred or Shaggy? Perhaps Velma gets stuck in a window, crawlspace, etc.
There's a chance Velma has a bit of an attraction to the officer/detective assigned to the same case? Maybe a rival investigator?
Plenty of ways we can go about this! There's always slice of life type scenarios or even school scenarios if you prefer. Pretty open!
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___Zelda: Breath of the Wild___
❁ Inspiration. ❁
Specifically as a Gerudo. A short, curvaceous, and rather mouthy Gerudo travelling Hyrule all by herself initially.
The Gerudo would be dressed in eye-catching attire that shows off her body, drawing attention from just about anyone around.
Once again, I'd prefer real-life or photographic references for your character, whether it's canon or an OC. I've got some for mine!
I would prefer not to have her interact with monsters of any sort. No bokoblins and the likes. Humanoids are perfectly fine.
Perhaps she wanders into a new town rather late at night and needs to find the nearest inn to get some rest. Would the
inn-keeper be kind enough to get her a room right away? Or would he imply that they're all booked up and maybe be
able to get her a place to sleep in exchange for something? Sharing a bed is also an option, if she's not against it.
Would she stumble across a member of the Yiga clan who decides to indulge himself with her body? Or maybe she'll
find herself running into the Hero himself. I'm open to discussion on who your character is, so feel free to suggest!
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│ ¹ Please read the thread before messaging me.
│ ² Be specific in your message, please!
│ ³ I do not want to RP through PM or E-mail.
│ ⁴ Faceclaims are a must for characters.
│ ⁵ Please don't be creepy OOC.
│ ¹ Please read the thread before messaging me.
│ ² Be specific in your message, please!
│ ³ I do not want to RP through PM or E-mail.
│ ⁴ Faceclaims are a must for characters.
│ ⁵ Please don't be creepy OOC.