Mx Any The Rich and Pretty (m/m, m/f search) New Plot 11/3


Sep 13, 2010
Lala Land
Hi, I am wolf_and_bird. You can call me Wolf.

Recently I've been having a kind of specific/non specific craving and figured I'd make a search thread for it.

I am looking to play an RP in a uber-rich/high society/old money setting. Our plot and characters would be centered in a bubble of wealth and privilege but high stakes, high exposure, and high pressure.

Craving: A Familiar School Tale

Some plot ideas:

The Brighthall Academy is a little known but well respected institute. Servicing students from 6th grade through an accredited university program the school promotes continual learning throughout the year on its lavishly appointed and spacious campus in the woods of New Hampshire. Far away from the distractions of a city. Or any neighbors who might witness one of the students messing up a homework assignment and making it rain toads. Again.

The Brighthall Academy is, afterall, one of the world's finest magical schools.

While I'm fascinated with just a very fancy magical boarding school/university I have an additional idea if someone's interested:

while every student at the school has magical capability there is a small number of students who carry a different sort of talent. Although they are able to tap into unmatched amounts of raw magical energy they are relatively unable to channel that power themselves. Rather, other magic users are able to draw power from them. That alone would be enough to put these Familiars, as they are called, in a precarious position. The nature of their power, and their connection to things not meant for humans to know, has a memory altering effect on non magical beings. Soon after a familiar manifests non magical beings will forget about them, an effect that grows stronger with time and continually refreshes (to the point where non magic beings will forget a familiar entirely minutes after speaking to them). Given these factors familiars often end up under the care of magical beings or families able to support them. But given the lack of protection and ability to survive in human society familiars often find themselves with little say in that care or keeping.

I would want to play a Familiar student at the school with you playing a magic user student. One idea I've been craving a lot is for my girl to be a long time student of the school while yours is newer. A bit of mixing up of power with your character claiming mine and being the more dominant/older but my girl knowing the school much better.

(This would be a FFm or FMm pairing with more focus on the Fm or Mm.)

Among the upper elite of the world there are rumors of Sentinel. A secret society that stands in the background, watching and shaping the turn of the global great game, there is little to be found but rumor and myth.

Your character has found a little more than that. Whether by chance or a grand design your character's talents and influence caught the attention of Lady Rook, the head of one of the houses within Sentinel. She sent agents to recruit your character. A life of espionage, assassination, impossible luxuries, and the eccentric rule within the Watchtower await.

(Couple additional points: I would play Lady Rook and one or more members of the household. While I'm thinking this would be an FFm or FMm thing (Rook/your character/my other character) Rook would be more of a secondary character. She is interested in your character but she has other things, and other lovers, going on. My main idea is that my other character would be... something of a gift to yours. But I'm open to hearing thoughts and ideas.

The Lone Heir to the Edengard family fortune, (your character, can be of any gender), has long been a somewhat eccentric fixture of the high end club circuit of the sprawling city of our story. While they have many oddities and preferences (as anyone of that sheer amount of ungodly wealth tends to accumulate) they are most well known for the veritable harem of young (men, women, or both as preferred) they surround themselves with. Numbering in anywhere from a small handful to a dozen or more at any given time these attractive young companions are always in their late teens to late twenties, seem to be fixed members of the group for a few years before vanishing back into obscurity as the seasons change. They party hard, are generous with their patron's money, even more generous with their affection toward their patron, and are rarely if ever seen out and about without at least one of their fellows with them.

What the world, and tabloid, never know is it isn't random pretty faces pulled into the circle the Heir surrounds themselves with. The Edengard family has long been one of the families passing down the secret of the supernatural from generation to generation. The Heir has just... taken a more hands on approach to the things that go bump in the night of the city of dreams. The harem ruse is mostly just a cover as those who are welcomed into the covenant are....

A) People manifesting a type of magical curse/sickness caused by a close encountered with some kind of evil entity. It kills most immediately but those in their teens and twenties are sometimes young and yet strong enough to survive the first contact. To them it grants a brief flare of bright life; beauty, strength, brilliance, and charm but this is only a side effect of the normal world reacting to the taint left on them and once it fades so do they. There could be ways to cure it, but the clock is ticking and one of the less pleasant side effects is drawing other beings of the void to them. The Heir is immune to this corruption, as all their family's bloondline has been, and is providing those effected by it with shelter, care, and a way to fight back and seek out a cure before they pass fully into the void.

B) People manifesting the abilities to hunt demons! The Heir is training them and housing them and mostly acting as a mentor and teacher.

C) I don't know. Werewolves? Magic users in training? Something awesome? Actually sort of the Heir's harem but they also fight vampires?

Additional Points:

- You'd play the heir. I'd play one of the members of the covenant (who is your character's favorite and probably gets treated as such in public?). We don't have to go too in depth with the other characters but I would like it to be a positive environment.

- I'd actually like to explore the harem like aspect. Who knows, maybe the heir is charming and willing to have many good friends (though my character is still their favorite in the end).

In a universe where everyone has the name of their soul mate appear somewhere on their body when they (or, if their soul mate is younger) turn 18 a celebrity/rich socialite/CEO/ect. in the public eye (This would be your character) has grown used to the freedom not having that "name" gives him/her to play the field and enjoy themselves without worry about searching for or "Being tied down" to that special someone. It'll happen when it happens. Right? (They may be lieing to themselves, or not, who knows).

Of course when they do get a name it's...

Scenario One:
No one they know. It's no one the media knows. It's not completely unheard of but mostly those in the public eye end up mates with others in the same circles. But this? The media goes crazy over the hunt for that "Nobody" fated to rise among the stars. And when that person is found? When the two finally meet?

Things are only just getting started.

Scenario Two:
The lead singer for an incredibly popular band. Although he's young he's already a veteran of the media and managers that have been factors in his life since he first hit it big at sixteen. Navigating the relationship, media, and their work with the expectations for a newly minted soul-mate pair is just the beginnings of their difficulties.

Scenario Three:
The youngest son of a rich but mostly boring intellectual couple. They've worked to stay out of the tabloids and keep their children out of the public eye. The son in question is a quiet, intelligent, but rather sheltered boy who had been preparing to go into a pre-law program. Custom, of course, dictates that he join his mate's household. Although he grew up in privilege it wasn't near the level of the world he's about to enter and he has no experience with the decadence or exposure that comes with it.

Possible additions/bonus points
1) My preference would be for your character to be a billionaire. We're talking the guest house they stick relatives they don't like in is a multi-million dollar mansion. Spending only ten thousand dollars during a shopping trip is their idea of being frugal. Money is just an abstract concept to them.
2) Alternatively they're a really popular Singer/musician but in the world of clubs, drugs, and tabloid fueled rivalries where fame and fortunes rise and fall on reputations and what the people are saying.
3) Publicists, Record companies, managers, or whatever muscle in on the whole mess to try to frame their story in the most profitable way possibel.
4) If at all possible some emphasis on the contrast between an older, experienced, possibly jaded celebrity and their Soul Mate the Boy next door would be interesting (maybe even the media taking and running with the story of this "Much older" (even if it's only a few years) veteran of the scene and casting my boy as barely more than a child for the scandal and shock value).
5) I'd like it if our characters actually reacted like, well, soul mates. Maybe not Love at first sight but they click on some level and they fall quickly into a romance, most of the conflicts being forced on them from the outside.

(This plot's similar to America's Sweetheart only without the soul mate angle and offering room for a bit of a darker take on the premise.)

Celebrities adopting children from impoverished nations? So last season. These days the world of the A-Listers has been swept by a new trendy way to help the less fortunate and yourself; finding an impoverished partner. The rich and powerful are seeking out diamonds in the rough, the brilliant, kind, and beautiful that society has left floundering in poverty and obscurity and the romances that follow are love stories fit for the movies.

Well. Theoretically anyway. In truth most of the poor candidates are found by agencies who scout among social services for kids without family who're about to turn eighteen and are attractive and intelligent enough to pass muster. The select handful are presented with promises of a better life with love and money they never had before and pressured into signing forms they didn't get a chance to read or understand.

And in the end their photo and profile is added to the roster for the agencies clients to choose from. If they're chosen they're picked up and shipped off to their new partner with not a word in the actual process. Sometimes it ends up being the perfect romance. Sometimes it's something else entirely.

Like with the above I'd want to play the unknown.

Possible bonus for this, maybe making it an existing celebrity couple taking on a third. I do have a possible additional character to be the other half of the couple, but it's very particular how I'd want to play her. The one deal breaker for this would be if it was turned into some kind of competition or triangle. The existing couple is establish and stable. They're bringing in a third to add to the dynamic, not replace something within it.

Other Plots/Settings:

- I really want something set in the penthouses and vip sections of clubs of a city. Some kind of power imbalance situation going on that makes million dollar luxury apartments into gilded cages. Butlers and fancy cars and red carpet with a sense of cold isolation (but also love because contradictions make things so much easier). Wish I could explain better but hopefully someone will know what I mean and want it too. Maybe with American Sweetheart or something else. I've got a slight idea for something twenty-minutes-in-the-future or cyberpunkish.

- In a dystopian future where the rich live in luxury in technologically advanced cities while the struggle to survive on the fringes rebellion is stirring. On the edges of the country guerrilla movements struggle against Government Police and preparations are being made across the land. In the cities a select few play a dangerous game, moving among the elite to gather information and support for the coming change.

- In a world where monsters and demons exist a select few humans struggle to keep the general populace in the dark (but still alive). The heir to an old and wealthy family that has belonged to this circle for centuries stumbles upon a lone teenaged (18) hunter with superhuman abilities fighting against the horrors of the night. The heir offers them a home and help in the fight. Adapting to life in the guardian's household, and having the hunter around, may prove more difficult than the hunts to follow. (An older Guardian might be interesting here. I'd want to play the hunter).

Little Bit More About Me:

I am looking for lit to lit advanced.
I am willing to have this be anything from mostly smut to mostly plot. Ask for my f-list.
I do not play "dominant" roles as my main.
If you have an idea let me know, we'll chat.
I am cool with adding in magic/sci-fi stuff.
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