[ the apprentice ] [ newblood x Niksis ]

Kylo had returned to his sanctum, his personal quarters. A great many thoughts and emotions were swirling around in the Commander's mind. Far more than he could voice in a single conversation. He was excited beyond words to have finally found a way to destroy the Rebellion, excited to see just how strong Zyra were and could be. But all of that excitement were overshadowed by other emotions, new emotions. Desire. Lust. Attraction. New emotions that had surfaced only hours previous, when he felt the warmth of another being finding it's way to his very core. Just being near his new apprentice sent shivers down his spine. It fueled him, fueled his power. He could feel himself more powerful now than yesterday just because of a few short but intense kisses. If a kiss could do that, he wondered what else she could awaken inside of him.

Taking off his armored helmet and placing it on the table before him, Kylo lowered himself into a chair and sighed a relief. He was the Commander of The First Order, but he was also a man. The danger of battle still gripped him and the effects thereof. He had learned to supress them, or use them. But he was not unaffected. It was good to be back on the ship again, good to be back here. Reaching over, he grabbed a crystal glass and a matching pitcher and poured himself a much needed drink. Even here, in his sanctum, his safe-place, she occupied his mind. Her beautiful face and full lips. Her taut yet feminine form, her long legs and raven hair. He had not known Zyra for very long, but could still give a pin-point accurate description of her whenever he wanted to, such was her effect on him. Sipping from his glass, Kylo allowed his mind to wander, picturing his new apprentice before him. The thought alone caused a smile to form on the normally stoic commander's lips and blood to flow through him faster.

Zyra was untrained in the Force, her potential immense still. So when she opened her mind and called out for him it echoed in his mind like a loudspeaker. "Where are you..?" the words echoed. He was contemplating whehter to answer or not. He wanted to, to shout at her, to order her to play out his thoughts before him. But another thought replaced the one that had kept him company for so long. "I'll come to you," the voice continued. 'Not if I find you first' the Commander thought to himself as he stood back up.

Using her beautiful voice as guidance, Kylo moved through the ship at a quickened pace. All who got in his way knew Kylo well enough to quickly step out of it. So despite the distance between the two, he closed it quickly. Desire and lust were the fuel that drove him towards his goal.

Eventually, the robed figure found himself standing just beyond the room where his apprentice were showering. It was currently unused aside from the lone figure within. Slowly, and as silent as a shadow, Kylo walked through the doorway and down the hall of lockers. The sound of water splashing filled the room and helped mask his booted footsteps as he move closer. Opening his mind to her once more, Kylo called out in an unspoken voice to the woman showering right infront of him. I'm here. was the only words spoken before the fully armored and robe figure took a single step forward, entering the small stall that Zyra had found for herself.

Driven by a single desire, he allowed his gloved hand to wrap around the pristine, creamy skin of Zyra's neck in a tight grip as he pressed himself into her form. He didn't care that his robes and armor were getting wet, to be honest, at this moment he didn't care about anything or anyone that wasn't Zyra.

This very moment had been on repeat in his mind ever since their first 'moment'. Countless outcomes had showed itself to his minds eye. But none of those could match the sensation of reality. The way she smelled. The way her hair trailed down her beautiful face, wet as it was. The way she filled the room with her presence and the way she smiled. A million feelings, thoughts and emotions ran through Kylo's mind in the millisecond that went by between his gloved hand finding itself wrapped around her neck tightly to his lips pressing against her own, eager to pick up where they last left off.

Using his superior strength and larger form, Kylo pressed her back against the tiled walls of the small stall and pressed himself into her hungrily. I've thought of you all day. The man projected his voice directly into her mind. Not wanting to break from the hungry kiss just to speak.
Zyra's eyes were closed, feeling as though she needed to limit one sense to tap deeply into all of her other ones. Without her sight, she had found an entirely new dimension that didn't need her vision. Strangely, she had no idea that some sensations she was exploring even existed within her; how was it that she able to tap into the sights and sounds of the universe like this? Her memories of dreamy intimacy and brutal violence shared with him had her weak in the knees but strong in spirit, afraid to understand the powerful warrior within her. A different version of herself roiled beneath her consciousness, begging to be freed. She didn't know what would happen to her if she allowed that version of herself to slip through her barriers, but she knew it would be powerful.

"Not if I find you first,"

His velvety tone reverberated in her mind. Such a simple statement, yet it sounded like it was both a promise and a threat. Zyra had no idea whether she had any cause to be as anxious as she was, yet a pleased smirk touched her face that now completely void of makeup. All that was left was her creamy skin, shivering with goosebumps despite the intense heat of the hot shower.

Zyra knew he was looking for her. It was inexplicable, but his presence ached within bones. First it was dull with the pulsation of a distant star. As he neared, she felt a steady throbbing within her that hummed and massaged her insides, moving from her bones to her muscles. They tensed knowing he was closer and closer.. The knowledge of his impending arrival came to a crescendo, causing her lips to part and a gasp as he announced his arrival into her mind. From her muscles the thought of him touched her flesh, shivers making her tremble. He told her he was here, but he didn't need to. She could feel him.

Eyes that had once been closed snapped open when she knew that she would see him. Her senses weren't razor sharp, she couldn't anticipate what he would do next. Yet she wasn't afraid when his hand wrapped around her throat - no, it was the opposite. Eyelids fluttered and she bit on her bottom lip, the color of a ripe strawberry, pushing back her desire to giggle like a smitten school-girl. Instead she rumbled a moan, breathy and content as her head instinctively rolled back to give him more to grip. The water had soaked her hair, which hung in thick locks from her head. He was getting soaked from the stream of hot water as well, but like him, this didn't seem to matter. Only he mattered.

She had called to him and he had come. This was a good experiment for them.

Her lips crashed into his, eager and curious and hungry, and she kissed. A gentle rhythm was established, her tongue investigating his lips and mouth to taste and savor. His words echoed in her mind and she moaned again, eyelids fluttering and her green eyes rolling into the back of her head as she felt herself pinned between the shower wall and the wall of his body encased in armor. Her bare curves - taut and lush - pressed against him without fear of consequence, knowing he could be brutally violent. She stood on her tiptoes to meet his lips as best as she could, gripping his robes with both fists and tugging him closer. Her fingers tugged at the ties that kept his cloak on, overwhelmed by a desire to have him match her state of undress though she had no idea if that was what he wanted as well.

She arched her back into him, the smoothly generous curves of her body begging to be touched and explored all on their own. She broke the kiss to look up at him through her naturally long, dark eyelashes and to catch her breath. "What do you want from me?" She asked, not meaning in the long term but rather in that moment. His hand at her throat had her wrapped around his will, wanting to serve and give accordingly.
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