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✗ ✘ øυϯ øƒ cøηϯяøℓ ✘ ✗ [Viktoff Samson & SoTheySay]

Of course she was going through some shit. Shin should have known better, he should have acted faster. But, how could he know what that was like? Sure enough, they had numerous things in common. Could he show her an adequate level of sympathy? Did she need a shoulder to cry on? Or would a voice of reason serve her better. He'd figure this much just by looking into her eyes as she returned his dry opener with her own. Gradually he would notice her lips, and the way she gripped with her fingers. Through the haze of pins and cotton he could feel his urge to touch her knuckles and hold her close before she could even let the dam break. And yet, he was too uncertain, too slow. Her eyes would begin to threaten those tears before he could move, before his stupid casual smile would finally drop.

Her first question caught him by surprise. Whatever happened to that legendary human spirit, huh? He'd think to himself. Whatever happened to Kana clearly didn't make her any stronger on the inside. As she continued to let her feelings be known, Shin's Kakugan would slowly manifest as brow grew stern. He wouldn't seem angry, he couldn't summon a tear, but he didn't seem to break down either. "I can't think of a mother who loves her child who would rather have their child die before they got the chance to. Isn't that the point of having kids? Parents are supposed to outlive their children. I'm certain they wouldn't recent you for that." From his expression and the way he was so serious, Shin's words were clearly not made up to save her feelings. Almost as if he were talking about his own hypothetical kids he never planned on having.

"And you're not a monster." He'd loop his arms around her waist and lean in. His forehead would now be close to her own as his almost glowing red and black eyes were centered on her eyes whether she could summon the will to look back into his gaze or not. "I'm the monster." He smiled now, his stern-ish look fading as he looked to her now. "You're just hungry." He'd whisper calmly, clearly unmoved by her obvious desire to eat. His arms would pull her into an embrace so strongly, both arms crossing over her back as he'd bring their chests together. Shin's left cheek would rest on her head as well, leaving his neck vulnerable. "If I wasn't so sure I'd taste putrid, I'd let you nibble on me." He joked with a small chuckle.
There was no visible sign to provide Shin any notion Kana heard his first set of words concerning her right to be alive. She did, however, holding on to every single syllable that ghosted past his pale thin pairs of lips. Be it he could see the teenager's desperate yearning for physical comfort or simply made the decision on his own, whatever the case may be the half breed was grateful to feel the touch of another. One that had what she felt to be of the best intentions, lacking malice or any indication of threat in comparison to the groping and probing she faced on a daily bases during her time of captivity. Without a hint of resistance, she easily relaxed in her host's hold, feeling the sudden urge to meet his gaze at the touch of his forehead lightly resting against her own. Cracking her eyes open, oblivious to the active singular Kakugan greatly contrasting from her vibrant blue, she didn't shy away meeting his seemingly glowing pairs. Again, for whatever damn reason she couldn't tell you why, she found peace in Shin rather then fear.

Within seconds her trembling petite form stilled, tension rolling off in waves as she leaned into his thin frame. The hand over her stomach finding the material of his shirt, clutching on to him instead. Gaze softening into a half lidded, almost sleepy stare, she heaved a shuddering sigh, semi resting against his shoulder, head tilted with her nose just barely grazing the junction of his neck. Quietly inhaling his scent that somehow filled her with a sense of worth and balance in her troubled state of mind. His little jib was met with a shaky snicker of her own, genuine, sincere, lips lifting into a tiny true smile, to which she exposed by lowering her hand, letting her palm anchor at his opposite shoulder. "Well... you're nothing but skin and bones anyways, hardly even enough meat to even qualify as an appetizer." She teased, her hand at his waist poking his side in added jest.
Pulling away he shook a finger back at her. "Hey, hey, hey! Watch where you're poking! I hardly have enough padding for you to go prodding around!" Shin spoke playfully as he moved to unhinge the washing machine with his clothes in it. This had been something she wanted to do for him, but he didn't feel any need to not help at all either. They were his clothes. In truth, if he didn't peel his eyes away from her immensely beautiful contrasting kakugan and very blue eye, he'd probably gone and do something stupid and uncalled for. Still trying to pull his head out of it and stop letting his primal mind get the better of him, Shin would hold his rough wet clothes directly with his arms and hands without pausing or reaching for a basket to spare himself that cold unusual feeling. In seconds a dryer had been opened with the side of his sneaker as he tossed one load of clothes into it, shut it and let it run.

"You know you aren't wrong about clothes... It'd be hard for you to pick up this new life of yours if you had to wear mine everywhere." He revived that previous topic as it was still relevant. There was another washing machine's worth of clothes that was about to be done, and he'd turn towards her but lean back against the dryer. "Are you absolutely sure you wouldn't want to find out what's become of... that place? I don't think you've picked up the opportunity to find closure." A more serious topic, and his eyes would reflect that as he looked for her and his smile softened but it wouldn't sour into a less appealing expression. "When we're done with my clothes, we can at least go shopping. Maybe a thrift shop."
Laughter bubbled out of Kana, shoulders shaking in joyous quakes rather then with misery and suffering. Sitting up right her hands held the edge of the bench, legs absently swinging as her eyes followed after his retreating form. He didn't go far, merely moving his washed clothes to the closest dryer. Cracking jokes seemed to distract her apparent hunger, enough so for her Kakugan to disappear with a simple delicate bat of her long lashes. Now a matching wide pair of blues stayed locked on Shin, biting back the urge to stop him and finish what she started. Doing his laundry was her attempt after all to provide some sort of service in exchange for his generosity. There was some peace of mind found in watching him move about without delay, obviously no stranger to taking care of the most basic chores. It was so... mundane, filling Kana with a sense of normalcy for the first time in over a week.

The easy flowing mood turned sour, filling with tension as the full fledged, natural born Ghoul brought up a rather unpleasant subject. Posture instantly turning rigid, her gaze lowered, losing direct sight of Shin. "I... I don't know... I don't think I can... With my heightened senses I'm afraid of what I'll... notice." Their blood, she was certain were she to even approach her last known home her parent's life essence would flood her senses. Regardless by thorough a clean up crew likely had done by now. Given her mother's status, her absence at work would not have gone unnoticed for more then two days tops before action was taken. "It's too big of a risk." Kana continued to tip toe around, actively avoiding directly informing Shin her family's background, and why returning to the scene of the crime would be a terrible idea. It didn't matter she was her mother's daughter, given the reason why she survived there would be no mercy on her by the hands of CCG were they to catch wind of her existence newly born again as a Ghoul.

She didn't want Shin to think low of her.

"I'll pay you back, somehow." Kana swore, accepting his alternative suggestion in acquiring some clothes of her own. She still wasn't even sure where she was, actually... Who knows how far from her last living household she was. The further the better... Least she accidentally run into a classmate or possible coworker of her mother's. Maybe if she was far away enough she could seek a part time job somewhere as means of repaying Shin. Clueless on the cost of special brewed coffee, she could at the very least hope to afford that for him, for them.
Kana's looking away after what he said was a direct sign that he was pushing on a nerve that was quite tender. Of course it was, all things considered, but he couldn't possibly guess the additional layers that would make that nerve so ripe. Shin didn't exactly slam onto it as hard as he could, and he wasn't going to bump into it again either, which likely saved him some guilt as it was clear that Kana wouldn't be unwilling to communicate with him further. It wouldn't be the funnest thing in the world, having been so close to Kana just moments ago and then seeing her fail to meet his eyes as the fun-centric mood went sour. But, Shin was intending to be rather serious with the question, so he would be prepared for this.

"I don't mind helping you out, Kana." He chimed softly with his smile after she noted her willingness to repay the favor seemingly financially. With a turn he'd repeat the process with the second machine that held his clothing for washing. No super speed, or clothes cleaning eye beams. Like this, Shin was just as human as anyone else that wore clothes. The act itself would appear to be an act that humans did, even if ghouls that were very anti-human wore clothes too. Either way, while Shin could easily fall into a pseudo-zombie category, he certainly would provide a very mundane sense of normalcy here. At least, in terms of the human sensibilities that Kana may hold tightly to. Shin wasn't his family, who would reel back in disgust if he ever admitted the things he was doing now to them.

Kana had been lucky that her first contact after her escape was with this weary ghoul with a keen eye for human sensibilities. The rawest truth would be that the sensibilities of an honest Ghoul and an honest Human had always been the same. It's the darker more sociopaths of both sides which prolonged their struggles.

Both driers ran now as he made his way back over to Kana, in range to be pulled right into an embrace should she feel the need. But, Shin definitely didn't swoop right into their previous hug and he certainly wouldn't be uncomfortable with it. "Just how strong are those senses of yours?" He'd raise an eyebrow, casually engaging potentially a far more innocent little idea that came up initially inside her previous no-go topic. Sure enough, it'd be very much like a ghoul to have one particularly enhanced sense. This feature would allow those types of ghouls to perform better as a teammate than significantly faster or stronger ghouls. Picking up on precisely what faction of opponent might be coming your way, how many of them are on their way, and how strong they might be means that a duo of one fighting-capable ghoul and one sensory type of ghoul has many more opportunities to survive or achieve their goals. "After we get something more filling into you, how about we really figure out what you can do? This whole changing thing might be a little scary and all... But if there's even one benefit to it all, something new you can do, then I'm sure everything would get easier to handle."
First comment was ignored, the second there was a further delay in responding on Kana's end, but one that still eventually came. "My sense of smell is one that's most apparent to me... I think... I might be faster too? Vision seems... clearer and broader too." The subject was one Shin had brought up earlier, and still there was little the scrawny half-ling could share. Having spent so little in real time present in her new... body, that's how she saw it. Having been practically ripped apart and put back together, mutating her human dna and replacing it with that of a ghoul's. By this point her hands anxiously wrung on her lap, brows furrowing and lips pursed with the clear signs her mind was drifting off somewhere far, miles away from Shin. Thankfully the clunking of the dryer working, tumbling his clothes about, was enough to startle her back to the present.

Kana wanted to be of use to Shin, and if that meant her newly acquired Ghoul enhanced senses could provide a service for him then she would make do. Power through her trauma, eager to prove her worth in his eyes, and essentially learn to live again as Ghoul in a human dominated world. It was apparent a nerve had been touched and the teenager wasn't in the mood for talking for the remainder of the time that passed in waiting for Shin's clothes to dry. Thankfully he respected that, and eventually a buzz went off, indicating his clothes were ready. This time she moved before him in time to collect his belongings, using the bench she previously sat on in order to fold each article and set them down in the basket in a neat stack. Without problem she easily lifted the basket with both hands, following Shin back out the laundry room and to his apartment in order to drop off his stuff first before the two headed out again.

When it came time to actually stepping foot out of his building Kana was apprehensive, hesitating to leave what she felt to be the safety of his home. Anxiety creased her brow, teeth gnawing at her bottom lip she exhaled a sharp, shaky sigh, slowly putting one foot in front of the other down the small flight of steps. When her feet touched the sidewalk her pace drastically increased, instantly finding a place at on the right of Shin, practically pressing against his side. Though her gaze seemed to be looking in front of them, in truth she avoided looking directly at any and all humans that crossed their paths. When they entered a more congested area full of humans she swallowed thickly, making a grab for Shin, basically clinging on to his arm as she turned her face, trying to focus on his scent versus the overwhelming smell of the creatures that now served as her source of food.

There was little if any scenery Kana actually noticed along the way to the thrift store. When they did at last arrive the teenager could finally breathe, the human population having drastically lessen in numbers in the general area. "Oh... sorry!" She apologized, quickly releasing her vice grip on Shin, taking a step back, flushing with embarrassment, having not even realized she had been holding on to him at all. Surrounded by so many humans all at once was truthfully... dizzying. Now, as her head began to clear, she could take a good look at her surroundings, eyes lighting up and life seeming to seep back into her delicate features. Kana was after all still at the end of the day a teenager, and like most teenagers; she liked to shop. There was another moment of hesitation, where she glanced back at Shin as if waiting for approval. When she received it her face broke out into a wide smile before she let herself loose, far more energetic as she moved about the spacious store, picking out whatever caught her eye.
He'd have a lot to think about concerning Kana's comments, and without a full tummy of human it wasn't likely that Kana was exhibiting her furthest talents in those areas either. Perhaps more selfish and childish human males close to Shin's age would find some reason to complain about how the girl seemed to be spacing out and wasn't being very responsive. But, he knew that what she was going through had to have been quite awful. Perhaps she's been through something significantly worse than the living hell he was putting himself through. Though, he'd never understand the loss of her parents and the way it moved her. All he had before was his brother and his mother and neither shared his point of view in terms of humanity.

Being with Kana almost made it more difficult for the seemingly calm and collected male to be around a horde of humans on their way to the thrift store. But, it wasn't her fault and she couldn't possibly know how her scent and warmth stirred at the beast in his gut, threatening to make his kakugan betray him. Shin wouldn't try to guide her off of his arm, though. If the husk he wore as a body was her comfort than he would gladly lend that to her at any cost. To help someone else could potentially make up for the cannibalistic hungering existence that the Jackal once knew. Not that this was the only reason to help Kana, there were so many reasons. A few were somewhat selfish and vain, and the others were genuinely selfless, contradicting but not impossible.

As they arrived at the thrift store he shrugged with his casual smile to allow her to think that her clinging to him so tightly was no big deal. IF he broke into hysterics and allowed her to watch his crazed kakugan shrink to pins and dart all around as he gurgled about how badly he just needed a bite, he'd probably ruin their friendship. Keeping himself together like this wasn't easy, but he certainly made it look like he was on holiday in Hawaii with just how smooth he was being with his smiles and 'human' eyes. "Go nuts." He chuckled softly to her look, giving her the A-Okay to scurry off and shop like a normal girl. It wasn't like he was pressing hard for cash granted that he worked as a distraction and only ever really bought some clothes and shower supplies. Oh-And rent. But, that's like a third of the expenses that a hungry hungry human would spend, so he did have something of funds.

Casually shifting through shirts, Shin would occasionally find his eyes hovering over to Kana and he'd let them linger on her back/lower back if she was turned away. It was hard to pull his eyes away when he felt like he couldn't be caught. Luckily enough, he did catch a slight aroma inside the thrift store. Some of the clothes must have carried with them the scents of the homes they used to belong to even through a single wash. And he soaked in that scent to fight the urge to watch Kana like a mad man, like an animal in season. After all, while Kana probably didn't think anything of him keeping a watchful eye on her, it was likely that his longing looks to her back wouldn't be taken too kindly by the customers and staff. Keeping himself under control, he'd smirk and make his way through business clothes quickly. On one end of the store he'd find cheaper headphones, and he'd wear different colors and catch his withered form in reflections with delight. He did look pretty good with such music-related accessories. Though, Shin wasn't much of a fan of earbuds.
There was a tingle at the back of Kana's neck, the sense of being watched, but it was sourly ignored, in favor of indulgence. Fretting about she held up various pieces up in front of her, a thoughtful hum murmured here and there, head tilting, contemplating whether or not the items she choose could go together. Occasionally she'd scoff, shake her head and thurst the article of clothing back in it's place by the hanger. Then there was the off chance an outfit was successfully assembled, making her grin wide and bounce in place, laying the fabric down, draping it over an arm. This process continued for quite a bit, the teenager simply bursting with newfound energy and life in her. Despite the lack of business Kana was still the ever mindful one, obeying the store's limits on number of items she could try on at a time in the changing room - more like stall. After circling the selections a third time she finally bounded over towards Shin, finding him browsing accessories.

"Find anything you like?" She asked first, taking a glance at the other goodies the place had in stock, her arms full of gently used clothes. "Oh-!" Kana voiced, her eye catching a coffee mug set on the shelf among other kitchen goods. Quickly stepping towards it she carefully picked it up by the handle, nearly dropping the load of clothing in the process. "Mind if we get this too?" Turning to face Shin again she showed him the cup, grinning wide at the print written on it. "I think it's fitting, don't you agree?" Seeing it instantly reminded her of Shin, and his - along with hers now, selected choice of what their bodies accepted for nutrients.

Having seemingly found all that they wanted, the pair made their way to the register, dumping their findings on the counter. Kana stood back as they were wrung up, giving Shin space to pay for their "new" belongings. Her gaze drifted, absently looking at the display case set up besides the check out. Eventually locking on a Polaroid camera with a stack of film sheets besides it. Unknowingly she stared in a mix of awe and longing at the contraption. Truthfully she always had an interest in photography but never thought to actually pursue anything by it, aside from amateur shots taken with her cellphone. Glancing at the price tag she frowned, it was reasonably cheap but... considering the mountain of clothes Shin was already generously paying for her she couldn't possibly think to ask for any more from him. Thus with a soft sigh she turned her gaze elsewhere, visibly deflating, her emotions open, despite what she might have thought to come off as passive. A great difference in comparison to what she was like before her... change.
To her first question, he'd shake his head politely. The length of his still somehow boyish hair moved with him and his casual smile. "Not quite. But, we're not here for me." He'd chime in, letting her hear his calm voice. Deceptive, but she was a mere pup to his scowling winter-bitten mangy form. If he had to pull a smile or delude her into thinking that he wasn't suffering immensely all the time just to resume this comforting aura of normalcy, then it was of little price to pay. The clothing she selected had not been nearly as large of a pile as he expected it to be. In this rather humanizing moment, Shin pondered how much he really knew about girls at all. Most of his friends were guys. His brother, once a dear close acquaintance and his only sibling, happened to be male. Was it fair of him to just assume things about Kana's choices and feelings just because of her gender? Of course not. But, granted what he's learned about her thus far, he was certain that she was due for a crisis of identity soon enough.

Catching him off guard, Kana had swooped towards a coffee mug and plucked it from its resting spot. To his slight surprise, she'd almost gone and dropped her clothes as a ramification of her eagerness. Just how similar were they? Shin pondered this question in thought alone as he knew she didn't know what he used to be like. Starving oneself until their hair loses color and they lose healthy weight can change a man, after all. The delightful detail upon the mug that caught her eye was a bit of a gauge that depicted when the consumer of the beverage would find communication to be appropriate. A silly gag, often quite applicable for caffeine heads. "Yeah, we're definitely getting this. All of my mugs are the same." He mused, his widening smile showing a little teeth. It was hard for him not to adore Kana's selection of novelty. Such a notion was both thoughtful and unbelievably cute, from his perspective.

Setting their items upon the counter, Shin would deal with the cashier as he'd retrieve his wallet. Tossing a look over his shoulder, he'd catch Kana as she almost too helplessly wore her emotions on the outside after looking so intently towards a Polaroid camera. This perplexed Shin, momentarily. He'd wonder if she knew someone who took photos with such a camera in the past. If that were the cause for her deflation, then he should distract her until they were far away from it. The idea that she needed to grip tightly to anything that brought her back to the past could only further add to the woefully misinformed opinion that Kana was damaged goods. Such a hyper idealized view of her past self, someone she couldn't ever be again, would surely never allow her to accept her life now. Nibbling on his lip, crunching hypotheses, he'd find that his window to act was shrinking. He dismissed the idea that she felt guilty about the clothes she was asking him to buy for her now. Though, their opinions on the size of the clothes pile varied significantly and he didn't know he was wrong.

Swooping in, reminding himself of the boy he used to be, Shin plucked the Polaroid camera and its film clean into his hands and held it upwards. "Look, Kana! It's kind of retro, right? I haven't taken polaroid pictures in years!" He'd laugh softly, turning on a dime and insisting to the cashier that he'd have to ring it all up again because they assumed his order was finished. On the surface level, Shin was being jolly with the slightest hint of being obnoxious. But, he was really buying the camera for Kana and the way he insisted she'd carry just the Camera was he collected their bags before leading her back to the apartment was meant to demonstrate that. A guilt free gift, he'd hope.
In a flurry of emotion seemingly ready to end on a sour melancholy tone, Shin continued to surprise Kana, lifting her spirits in an instant. Her head raised, a visible look of startled disbelief easily morphing into pure joy, flashing her host a toothy grin. "It's cool!" She admitted, tiny hands curled and brought up slightly as she practically vibrated on the spot her untainted excitement. "Thank you, thank you, thank you~" The teenager chanted in a lovely chime, bouncing alongside the ghoul as they exited the thrift store, him carrying two bags filled with clothes while she carefully held one by both handles containing the old school camera and newspaper wrapped mug. A month ago she wouldn't have charged in the slightest for shopping, now it suddenly opened a wave of emotions she was barely in touch with when just a simple human. Ah, the things she took for granted... Not letting her mood be extinguished so easily a second time Kana expressed her relief to having clothes of her own, being sure to slip in "Not that there's anything wrong with wearing yours!" hoping to avoid insulting him. However, there were a few rather important necessitates the teen still desperately needed. Clean underwear was a big one.

Thus with a bit of flustered hesitation she brought up the rather critical items she as a woman had to have in stock. A detour was taken along their journey back to Shin's apartment, a local pharmacy joint department store. "I'll be quick." Kana assured, already on the move the second they stepped foot inside, face hot. Using a small basket that sat by the entrance the bashful teen grabbed the basics; a pack of underwear along with socks and a bra - thankfully knowing her size, feminine care and hygiene which including tampons, a brush and a second general body wash for the apartment. The bare essentials that would make her stay with Shin ten times more comfortable and hopefully turning into less of an inconvenience for me as well.

Still flushing a bright shade of red she didn't dare look at Shin as he paid for her purchases. Again she offered her gratitude, hastily snatching the plastic bag off the counter and power walking out, having to slow down realizing she had to follow his lead back to his home.
"No offense taken." He pardoned her for the imagined hypothetical slight against wearing his clothes that came up as she seemed so excited to finally have something of her own to wear. While he'd admittedly miss the poorly fitted clothing of his own delicately draped over her irresistible body, it wasn't like he'd be without the increasingly more promising sight of her form graced by clothing she's picked out herself. And a number of said outfits might appeal even more to his evil eyes. Shin couldn't help the anticipation that threatened to boil over him uncontrollably. Thankfully, a more mundane topic of the remaining essentials for her continued life had taken place and allowed him to shrug with a smile as he followed her towards their next destination.

Despite what would appear to be overly animated anxieties on Kana's part, Shin didn't mull over her choices or count the price as the cashier rang up her items and accepted Shin's card for the payment. A simple swipe secured the purchase as Shin would join Kana on the path back towards his apartment. In his head, he worked out the shortness of time it took for Kana to pick out her garments and already began to ponder a number of what-ifs. For instance: What if her previous sizes didn't line up with her current? Surely she's changed since her past life. Was it possible that she was larger or leaner in certain areas? Shin wouldn't know and he didn't feel like asking either. It was a bit too personal, all things considered.

With a smile and relaxed body language, he moved as naturally as a wave in the ocean. Claiming the space in front of Kana, working past a few doors, hallways, stairs, he'd lead her to his door without complaint or groan as he opened their way to his familiar place and the bags he carried upon the coffee table and sat on his couch, resting his head back on his arms with his eyes on her. He couldn't really help himself now, his eyes were the glowing red with the vile darkness slithering about around them. "Did we get everything? Anything else a growing girl might need?" He smiled a little wider, knowing he was being a bit coy. Though, he was careful to avoid the sensation that he might be being sarcastic or sour. He wanted to ensure Kana that he wanted to help her and that she wasn't some chore to him. His eyes on her own and the play in his voice should ensure that.
Silently Kana thanked Shin for his aloof demeanor, grateful he hadn't pressed on the last minute purchases, simply paid for the necessities and went on their way. Mentally she tallied up all that he had spent thus far, fully intending on repaying him eventually. Whether or not he actually accepted payment, she refused to allow herself to burden him any more then she already had. The teen had made that vividly clear when trying to take responsibility for any chores such as cleaning and doing laundry. It wasn't much, but it was a start.

Upon their return Kana again took a good hard look at his apartment, reminded how it lacked a sense of feeling like a... "home". Nothing all that personal, almost feeling more as though Shin's place was nothing more then a hotel. Tidy, without any sentimental attachment to the resident. That was her mere observation, whose to say he wasn't still settling in? Then again... At last meeting Shin's gaze, her lips pulled into a thoughtful frown. Maybe because he was a ghoul he was deprived the simple luxury of truly having a place to call home. Perhaps he needed to easily be able to just up and leave whenever the threat of being caught, hunted down, came close to knocking on his door step.

"Will I still grow...?" She asked, voice meek, almost afraid to hear his response while providing proof just how little she actually knew about ghouls. Then came the second realization she wasn't born a ghoul, and judging from Shin's reaction to first meeting her it was more then likely he had never seen her... "kind" before... "Do ghouls age?" Surely, they must! They weren't immortal, right..? Kana's mother had kept her line of work private, purposely wanting Kana to choose her own future, make her own choices instead of following the "family business". While having always felt sympathetic towards ghouls she never truly bothered to educate herself, till now.
Turning slightly, Shin let himself flop onto his back as his nutrient deprived ancient white hair tossed all over the couch cushion beneath his head as he lied flatly before her and a less expressive frown took his face. Though his eyes were shut, the lines around them marked the presence of his Kakugan anyway. "Ghouls age just fine. We aren't mystical spirit creatures that spawn fully grown, or anything." He explained very calmly. Shin didn't want her to feel like her questions weren't welcome. If he had allowed himself to feed, the whimsical more lively Ghoul would have gone out of his way to make learning about them very fun. Learning should be fun, after all.

"I'm just saying that... Well..." He seemed to rethink the way he was going to approach this next part twice in the same sentence as his glowing red eyes timidly scanned the back of the couch beside him for answers. "Maybe the group's cells you got might replicate more and more as your own cells divide and potentially... Uh." His hands hovered over his chest to symbolize breasts as he made small motions. "You just seemed mighty confident about your sizes in there and, well, what if after this process your sizes might have changed or be changing. Y'know?" He pulled together a nervous smile as he shot up, scratching the back of his head. "H-heh. Just try not to think about it, okay?"

He'd slip up to his feet as he gathered the items from her and directed her to his room before tossing her and her bags inside and shutting the door. From the kitchen side he'd speak to her. "Go ahead and change into one of your new outfits. I really wanna see something you were so excited to pick out!" He smiled softly with his forehead against the door. Mentally, he yelled at himself for saying something so stupid as to mention her boobs immaturely like that. While he always thought he was smooth, he wondered if she'd want to leave if he made her uncomfortable that way. A bit of a genuine frown finding him.
Shin's first comment comparing ghouls to fictional characters edged a chuckle and smile out of Kana, letting out a short breath - a sigh of relief. While reminded of her prior self's point of view concerning ghouls in general, her out of sorts go against the current sympathy, empathy that she sorely lacked towards her fella man-kind. Such opinions had not changed, if anything she felt even more so convinced humans and ghouls were not all that different, and a shred of pity towards ghouls had strengthened. Now personally experiencing the sort of lifestyle their dna forced upon them, the paranoia of constantly watching one's back and the struggle to consume - to survive. "Humans are essentially just livestock..." She unknowingly voiced out loud what was meant to be a simple observation to herself.

As Shin continued, for a change looking a touch flustered himself instead of her, Kana zoned back in, curiously looking back at him with a tilt of her head. At the physical gesture she sounded a, "A-ah... right.." Clearing her throat, quickly grasping what he was implying. "I'm pretty sure I lost weight, if anything." She left it at that, preferring not to go back down the dark rabbit hole of memories containing the days on end she was starved until her appetite drastically changed. Thus officially leaving behind any chance for her to resume the life of your average high school student. "I'm relieved..." She mused, expression turning soft, thrilled to hear in a sense life didn't stop for her, she could still grow and develop like the rest of the world.

In a flurry she found herself being ushered into the bedroom, she didn't resist, only turning a curious eye over her shoulder. Door closed, separating the two she gave a murmur of understanding, chuckling a little at his antics, but deciding to play along nonetheless. Well, it was only fair, considering he paid for everything!

Setting the bags down on the bed Kana dug out bits and pieces of an outfit - a fitted white almost cream colored blouse with flared sleeves, a flowy black suspender skirt, red tights(that were thankfully still new and in their original packaging), and a pair of black ankle heeled boots. "No peeking!" She shouted without pause, trusting Shin to respect her privacy as she stripped down to nothing, all too excited to slip on her new clean under garments. Silently cheering when it fit her without strain or struggle before quickly putting on the rest of her ensemble. Tucking the shirt in her hands fussed, smoothing down the wrinkles to the best she could, being sure to pull off the tags sticking out of each item.

"Okay, I'm ready!" She announced in warning, bouncing on the balls of her feet, testing the wear on the boots before approaching the door. Turning the knob she stepped out, bright smile in place, hands at her side, even going as far as doing a little twirl for effect. Kana was quite pleased with herself, if that wasn't obvious, happy with how everything fit and accented her figure and natural curves. "What do you think?" Of course she had to ask, wanting his honest opinion.
Shin pressed his forehead to the door as he waited, pondering. She lost weight? Where would things go if she got a belly of fresh meat? Would Kana be able to control that ravenous and impossible hunger that he's fought so hard to suppress and ignore? She was a smart girl, and wouldn't be his first ride to if he had to help her come back to her senses in the event that it went poorly. Yet, part of Shin had an almost crazy addiction to keeping her safe. They were still mostly strangers, after all. Yet, he wanted to hold her close and hide the scary awful sad world of the ghoul from her eyes. He didn't want to teach her how to use her predatory weapon, if she had one. He yearned to just ball her up in blankets and shield her from the scary bad things out there. The way her once human eyes looked to him these few precious moments they hand spent together was something pure, something bright, the only sort of feeling that made him want to give up this hunger pact to be around her and protect her properly.

As she opened the door and he saw her in the adorable overalls-skirt, blouse and tights outfit, his eyes couldn't be more red or glow more ominously, but he smiled wide and looked over her. She did some twirls for him to get a look at her and he'd laugh softly to this action as she did. "What do I think?" He asked with his big smile as he soaked her in and looked from her neck down to her boots to take her outfit and lovely body in. The throbbing behind his teeth wouldn't go away, and the numb hum reminding him that his psyche was fractured in his hunger quest wouldn't vanish, but he noticed them less.

Without a word he stepped forward and held her hips in his hands before lifting her. There was room for her to lean into him if she chose too, added safety had she chosen to rest her hands on his shoulders. Looking up to her, watching her hair move as he held her in the air and then began to draw slow arcs through the air with her form and taking in the sight of her more and more before letting her down to stand in her boots. He'd wrap his arms tightly around her before whispering into her hair. "You're gorgeous."
"Mm!" Kana sounded with a nod in response to Shin repeating after her, smile growing in size, waiting with slight impatience, judging from the way she leaned back and forth from the balls of her feet to the heels. Swaying in place for just a moment, curiously looking up at his piercing dual colored seemingly glowing eyes as he approached her before suddenly lifting her in the air. A sputter of incoherent nonsense slipped out in surprise, hands automatically setting themselves on top of his shoulders, dainty fingers gripping the fabric of his shirt. "Shin-!" She giggled out, wondering what exactly had gotten into him, but she was far from complaining, feeling a burst of pure simple joy course through her. Cheeks hurting from how wide her smile stretched across her face. Eyes and nose crinkling in effect, squinting at him, little bubble of giggles still brushing past her lips even after he set her back down. A delightful flush warmed her complexion, still holding on to him - this time needing support, her body responding quite strong to the lack of space between the two. Her breath hitching, feeling his natural body heat seep into her skin, almost shuddering when his words reached her ears. "Really...?" She whispered back, biting down on her lip, greedy to keep him close for as long as he would allow her. Not so subtle in the way she breathed in his scent, relaxing her muscles even further, to the point her knees nearly buckled on her.

"Shin..." His name was spoken to gain his attention after several seconds of merely enjoying holding one another had passed. Honestly she hadn't even fully realized she called out for him until leaning back far enough to meet his gaze again, refusing to blink. Shin's kakugan clashed against Kana's soft pairs of blues, polar opposites. Surely he had to hear the pounding of her heart with how insanely loud it was in her own ears..? She couldn't say how long she simply looked up at the ghoul as newfound urges slowly built up inside of her that the inexperienced teen wasn't at all familiar with and yet felt a need to try out. Would it be... okay? Worrying the one person she had to trust and call a friend in her life may possibly reject her entirely. Normally she'd likely shy away, push down such raw feelings and move on. Instead she let the emotional, more daring side of her, take action - throwing reason aside. Fingers curled tighter at his shoulders just as she lifted herself, gaining a couple of extra inches in height by standing on the tips of her toes, chin raised just in time to press her lips against his - sealing what was her official first kiss. The moment contact was made she felt certain the risk was well worth taking, her eyes fluttering closed as she pressed herself flush against him. She hoped the attraction and chemistry she felt since the moment he found her in the alley way was not one sided, it'd likely break the poor girl's already fragile heart.

In the short span of time spent in Shin's presence Kana had found herself growing increasingly more attached to him at an alarmingly rate. Sure, she was beyond all grateful to him - taking her in, providing her food, shelter, clothes and then some! Somehow it was so much more then mere gratitude that filled Kana the need to touch him, almost as if it was sheer instincts that guided her. Whatever it was she choose to act, feeling as if life was being pumped right back into her veins the more of him she explored. It had started when he comforted her after a fit - plagued by the nightmarish reality of her time held captive and tortured to death, only to be brought right back to the land of the living as someone else. Though her lips were messy, moving against his, sloppy really - she relished every second of it. Hands moving to crawl up his shoulders, feeling his hair tickle her skin, inviting her to bury her fingers through the mess, clutching the back of his neck.
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