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✗ ✘ øυϯ øƒ cøηϯяøℓ ✘ ✗ [Viktoff Samson & SoTheySay]


Nov 3, 2015
Amazing how quick life as you know it could so easily be changed and any ignorant sense of peace forever tarnished.

Hard to believe just a week prior Kana Watori's greatest problems revolved around studying for upcoming exams and graduating high school on time. Seven days ago she was nothing but a simple senior with average grades and ordinary daily stress your typical teenager faced. Extraordinarily normal, she got along just fine with her fellow peers and teachers. Her relationship with her parents was healthy and on good terms, sitting down every night to share a meal together. Of course her mother's choice of career was anything but "common" practice, often the job was looked at as meant for only the mad and hopeless. The eighteen year never once cared to consider just what went through her mother's head as she risked her life time and time again, for the sake of protecting humans, or so she and most were led to believe.

Humans versus Ghouls; a bloody never ending war with an equally unclear start.

Much like your every day teenager Kana, despite her own personal ties to "Ghoul hunters", lacked the capacity to express empathy for really either side. Looking out for herself if the subject didn't directly personally have anything to do with her then it mattered nothing in her opinion. Strange point of view, given her family's extensively long history associated with Ghouls. She was blessed and cursed with her upbringing, sheltered from the true horrors of the world. Not just concerning the supernatural creatures but humans too. Granted the choice of free thought and speech, allowed the chance to study and develop her own opinion early on. Opinions often "frowned upon" to voice out loud, and so she didn't. Never one for confrontation Kana tended to keep to herself, simply getting by. She avoided putting effort into anything that wasn't absolutely necessarily, including establishing bonds with really anyone. Mainly knowing the unlikelihood she would be sticking around long enough to develop any meaningful relationships worth keeping.

Calling herself a loner wouldn't be too far from the truth, however she maintained an overall polite attitude to the public eye. Often students from her class would seek her help over the most mundane tasks, and she would willingly agree, giving the false impression she was far more kind then she truthfully was. Sure, there were individuals she would spend her lunch breaks with, maybe even hangout after school too but they meant absolutely nothing to her. Considering them as just means of wasting some time, simple as that, nothing more to it really. Truthfully it was all such a bothersome bore to her, following a basic routine she had created as a young child.

Oh how she wished she could go back to such tranquil times.

Covered head to toe in blood, both fresh and old, a teenager ran through the back alleys of Tokyo, Japan. Barefoot, looking more then a little worse for wear in nothing but a paper thin flimsy, tattered faded turquoise hospital gown and equally dirtied cotton black underwear. Long, messy caramel locks whipped around the girl, a layer of sweat making the hair uncomfortably stick to the back of her neck. Labored short pants slipped past her open chapped lips, eyes wide, frantically shifting every way as she pushed her already exhausted legs to move faster. Stumbling to a stop only when she turned a corner too quick and tripped over some trash on the filthy streets of what she could only assume and hope to be part of downtown Tokyo. Clearly she was hopelessly lost, her only "destination" in mind was however far she could take herself away from her original starting point.

With a sharp gasp of surprise she fell face first flat on the ground, grunting upon impact, failing to soften the blow when instinctively throwing her hands in front of her. "Have... to keep... moving..." The girl wheezed, her arms and legs visibly trembling with strain as she attempted to push herself up. How the hell did she end up here...? In her mind's eye she recalled the day everything changed; the day her parents were murdered by rogue Ghouls.

Kana Watori had just arrived home from her new school in Tokyo, having recently transferred from Kanto. Supposedly this would be her family's final move, so her folks claimed but she rightfully was skeptical. It certainly was a nice change of pace, being greeted by both her mother and father, still finding it hard to believe the once notorious Ghoul investigator had actually chosen early retirement. A change the moody teenager was happy to adjust getting used to. Still following routine Kana had made her way to her room to work on school assignments, only stopping when dinner was called. Each member of the family swapped stories of their own day, enjoying a peaceful night in each other's company.

Alas it wasn't meant to last long... Just as Kana was helping her mother with the dishes, her father being the cook of the household, unexpected visitors rang at their door. Naturally the man of the house answered, a friendly, "can I help you" were the last words Takashi Ootori would utter. The thump of his body hitting the ground at full force was enough to fill her mother with dread, instantly on high alert, but it hardly matter much in the end. From there Kana's memories start to blur, for the sake of maintaining some sanity. Vaguely she could recall her mother telling her to run, just before she too like her husband was fatally impaled from the front by a Ghoul's Kagune. Considered frail in comparison her body might as well have been a rag doll in the superior race's hands. Shell shocked, standing in the kitchen, Kana bore witness to the agonizingly slow painful deaths of her parents. The Ghouls that broke into their home seeking vengeance on the famous Watori investigator took their time ending their lives, purposely prolonging their deaths, letting them suffer for what Kana was sure to be at least a couple of hours. They didn't so much as touch her though, not yet, not until the light in both her parents eyes were fading did they make their move. She hadn't heard what one of them whispered to her parents, but seeing the way absolute terror appeared on both their faces, she knew her future was bleak, her fate sealed.

Likely shutting down from shock the nameless Ghouls had no problem whatsoever taking Kana away, though they had covered her head with a bag of some sort. Possibly to avoid her figuring out where exactly they were headed. From there her body was all but utterly destroyed, days on end she was tortured close to the brink of death as these men in all white experimented on her young body. Just barely they kept her alive, determined to succeed, in what? As if she could understand, she didn't exactly try to ask questions.

Honestly she couldn't tell you how she survived, she certainly lost her will to live long before the "process" had even started. That changed when one day she woke up, still strapped down to a cold metal table covered in her dried up blood. She felt... perfectly okay? Odd, last thing she could remember was passing out after another "session" with the "doctors". Faintly she could heard an excited murmur around her, whispers of "success" passed around. Success...? With a careful shift she realized aside from the stiffness of laying down for several hours on a metal table, she felt no pain whatsoever. How could that be...? Just the previous night she was wailing as her bones were broken and her skin cut wide open, exposing her internal organs. Yet here she was, entirely healed, in fact... She felt better then ever.

Testing the leather straps that held her down Kana decided right then and there it was time to leave. Goal in mind with newfound strength she broke free, snapping the bindings with ease. In a stumble she jumped off the table, footing unbalanced but she couldn't be stopped from there on out. Naturally she was faced by several who stood in her way to freedom, but something awakened inside her, taking over her body in that moment. The closest she could think to describe it was pure molten rage, instinctively moving her in fluid and violent motions. Taking down any and all who dared to oppose her. All she could truly focus on was breaking out of her prison, and when she succeeded she didn't think to chance a look back.

Thus how she found herself curled up with her back against a wall, trying to make herself smaller then she already was in hopes of avoiding attracting any attention. It don't take a genius to realize she, Kana Watori, once a human, had successfully been turned into a Ghoul, or half of one at least... If that... thing... that sprouted out of her back and aided in her escape wasn't proof enough she had caught a reflection, a quick glimpse of her eyes. More specifically the difference in her left one, a starling vibrant red and black contrast to her normally soft baby blues. The final nail to the coffin came the sudden salivating of her dry mouth when passing a group of children playing in the streets. Anxiously she tugged at her hair, clumps of dry blood matted the once lush tresses. Breathing heavily through flared nostrils, shaking where she sat as she gnawed at her bottom lip.

"What do I do now...?"

The question lingered in the smog contaminated air, voice quivering and hoarse from hours on end of abuse, screaming until she couldn't bear it a second longer. Where was she to go? She was all alone now, the only family she had dead and maybe even still rotting away on the living room blood soaked carpet. Kana hadn't the faintest clue how to survive, as a Ghoul.
For some, lying in bed would be the easiest part of their morning. The comfort and the warmth would grow difficult to resist as it was common to just roll back over and fall back to sleep. Forget work, the kids, eating, friends. There's always tomorrow! This wasn't the reality to be experienced by one particular ghoul in Tokyo. Pale arms cross over a fit young man's chest, ash-like hair falls over his tightly shut eyes as his breaths grow deep and ragged. The pain was unlike anything he's experienced in battle before. The best way to describe it would go along the lines of a thousand little hands peeling his throbbing body into a million parts and then building him back up like a pile of meat with paper skin. Though his resistance to this agony was lowest in the morning, he wouldn't scream or sob. If he were to awaken the feeble humans who also live in this apartment building, he'd be kicked out onto the street. This pain won't stop haunting his body until he claims a mouthful of juicy, chewy human. Or maybe two. But, once the dam breaks...

Sitting up, his monsterous eyes darted about the dark room. His instincts were firing, his heart racing. If there had been another waiting for him to wake up, he probably would have been on the offensive almost instantly. There were a number of reasons an enemy would happen to be in his room at any given time, though they'd have to figure out where he was first. His crazy fanatic family was very likely to seek him out and make his life hell until he returns home. The ghoul investigators would attempt to purge him the moment they caught his foul scent. Even the current group he's working for could lose their faith in him and send a well-fed ghoul assassin his way to "clean up" this loose end. He's even heard of human groups trying to purge a ghoul they happen upon by lighting them on fire in their sleep. Ghouls aren't Vampires. Of course, these uneducated guess-work attempts at killing ghouls without the proper weaponry failed. Not that this particular ghoul had any empathy to give to his fellow ghouls who lost their lives fighting each other or the investigators. They were foolish, and so was he.

The sun light finally peered over the neighboring building to brighten his bedroom. It wasn't a large room, but it did look both clean and inviting. His bed was wrapped in grey blankets and white sheets with black pillows at the top. The most notable detail of the bed was how it was barely a foot off the ground. An almost orange gloss wooden floor expanded a few feet to the wall on each side of the bed and it was about five feet from the door while the head of the bed rest against a wall. To the ashy haired male's right, the window ushered in a poor angle of the flashy Tokyo city. On his left, the closet containing his clothes and marble topped bench holding his coffee pot decorated the wall. The timer set on his coffee pot was set for midnight, the glass of the pot revealed twelve cups of dark liquid goodness. A singular red light on the side of the pot was the only way to tell if it had remained on all this time, keeping the coffee hot. This wouldn't be cafe-quality coffee, but it was hard for him to afford a great cup and he didn't enjoy the social scene that Tokyo provided. Not to mention all the the negative events that could occur if someone recognized him.

To this thought, he was reminded of his phone. Though he was sleeping naked, he didn't even feel it through the sweat that accumulated even through the heat pump that conditioned the air to a nice low temp. In his hands, the phone wouldn't seem to be all that much bigger than the average Android high-end device. However, it was actually almost a mini-tablet. The thick black case covering the back didn't help it's profile become anymore sleek either. Of course, if the screen protector wasn't both expensive and meshed into the case to make the phone almost submerged-in-saltwater-proof, then he'd probably would have ruined the thing long ago. His thumb ran along the screen as the sound of a lock clicking open was played. He wouldn't open his favorite game or check the website he got all of his requests from until he could snag a cup of coffee too drink. For most, standing naked in a room was embarrasing, even in their own house. This ghoul lacked that feeling as he climbed to his feet with his phone and his manhood freely dangled about, the coolness of the room multiplied by the moisture across his bare form. He'd have to take a shower.

Of course, he couldn't snag a big brown coffee mug and pour the liquid caffiene transfer method of choice before he'd recieve a text. This was strange, and made him pause even as he had the brown cup inches off the hanger that was it's home. Setting the cup down upside down, he'd turn away and read the text message.

"Jackal?" It read, but as soon as he read that line another one followed. "No, Ishine. Ishine Fudo?" This part would make him sigh as this stranger not only had his number, but knew both his old alias and full legal name. This wasn't a calming thought. Either he responded now to try and figure who this was, while simultaneously confirming they knew who he was. Or, he could ignore it. Neither were great options. Clearly this person wasn't a friend, they'd know he prefers Shin as a nickname and that there were a few more official wats of contacting him that would make identifying this other person wa whole lot easier. As it stands now, either his number was figured out by an invesigator, a ghoul, or a very curious human. Again, none of the above were relaxing ideas.

Turning back to the coffee maker, he flipped the brown mug onto it's bottom and quickly filled it a good respectable way up. A small white pouch sat near the coffee maker. The strong stench of iron flowed from this pouch, and it as accompanied by a meaty taste in the air that any other ghoul would pick up in a heartbeat. Breaking his eyes away from the pouch, Shin would pick up his cup and leave the room. In a matter of almost no time at all, the clean and handsome male was wearing his prefered outfit. Ash hair flowed down to his shoulders as he wore a white t-shirt and black jacket. The top of the jacket had fluffy black featherlike decoration around his collar and in it's hoodie which would rest at his back. Almost like clown pants, he wore these black and red checkered shorts, the design of which slanted so the squars would appear like diamonds. On his feet, to match his big hands would be a large pair of read sneakers, further adding to his almost clown-like appearence. In truth, Shin just liked the colors and the way they clothes fit. His belt had a skull buckle and what would be visible of his legs beneath his knees were covered by black satin socks.

He was almost ready to do his ritualistic remedy that would make his eyes behave themselves normally when he caught the sound of someone in trouble. Of course it would be very human to rush to their rescue or call an emergency number. Instead, Shin made his way to a window and tried his best to scan the area from the main room of his apartment. Although running right outside like this was a huge risk, Shin was gradually growing more empathetic on his diet. In almost no time at all, Shin's window was open and he fell to the alley over ten feet below. Vanishing at top speed, he kept to the shadows between buildings on his way towards the smell and sounds that attracted him so. In truth, his mind was dancing between hero mode and disgusting binge eater mode. IF this was a human fleeing the police who was shot up for being aggressive, why couldn't he pop some fingers into their skin and carve out a meal for himself? No. Shin had to fight that feeling.

In his rush, and the foggy mind state that a starved ghoul just can't escape, Shin forgot his quinque steel Machete in the apartment. Without it, his inability of using his Kagune in this starved state will make him a sitting duck versus strong opponents. Luckily, he'd have just enough strength to be a threat if his opponent was young, human and completely inexperienced. The scent would capture him as he grew within a short distance of the source. In a blink, he'd be standing before her. A woman covered in blood with a singular ghoulish eye. "A one-eyed ghoul?" He'd whisper into the wind as if he wasn't even talking to her, though he was sure she'd hear it. His red and black eyes ran down her body before focusing back on her blue human eye. What was going on here? "What's wrong?" He'd finally ask her, tilting his head, almost in awe. "Not having a good time?" He'd muse before quickly finding his frown. "No, of course not. Is all of that blood your own?" He'd sound worried, almost like a father figure- But, not quite. he couldn't pull an authority role off well enough in his incredibly fuckable form he'd have now. He was too young for it, though his strong features would insist that with a decade or two, he'd grow to be a respectable manly man.

Getting to his knees and crawling toward her such that his face would be near her own, he'd eye her over again. "I'm not here to hurt you, don't fight me." This time, his voice was very different, almost a low growl. As if he were a grown manly dog and she was just a pup. The tone insisted that she not flash her fangs or go for a bite. He slowly looked around her head without touching her. "You weren't in a fight at all. Someone did this to you, I can tell." He whispered before pulling back and standing up. "Out of breath, ragged and torn. Clearly not the clothing you would have chosen to wear, most respectable young women don't particularly enjoy putting their black cotton panties on display." He'd mumble this almost as if he were sherlock and she was a body the local police discovered. Embarrasing details and clues rattled off so matter of factly. "Alright. I get it. But, if ghouls are after you... or investigators, I can't be of much help out here in the open."
Seemingly appearing out of thin air a figure stood before Kana, causing the teenager to release a sharp gasp, head snapping up, meeting a matching pair of terrifying black and red eyes, ghoul eyes. Instinctively she covered up her left, hearing him murmur curiously, her back tense, watching wide eyed as he cautiously approached. "St-stay away!" She screeched, pressing further up against the wall, and thus trapping herself. "Did they send you?! I'm not going back!" She sneered, barring her teeth, a poor attempt to hide how utterly scared shitless she actually was, if her still trembling body didn't already give that away. In truth she couldn't even try to make a break for it even with her life possibly depending on it. If she had to take a guess she probably ran at least a few miles before her legs finally gave out.

Judging by his curiosity it very well could be he was simply a ghoul that lived in the area or... Was hunting for his next meal. Did ghouls eat other ghouls? She didn't know and certainly didn't want to stick around long enough to find out. "No, it's not..." Kana muttered in response to his inquiry concerning the blood splattered over her entire self. Pursing her lips she kept her right eye focused on him, eyeballing him, sucking in sharply the more he closed the distance between them, clearly on edge and with damn good reason at that. Obviously finding it difficult to believe a stranger, and a ghoul at that, would be so kind to offer her any help, not free at least. Think Kana, think...! What would mom do if- right... She's dead. Absently she chewed on her bottom lip, tough facade cracking, revealing her inner turmoil. Squirming under his gaze Kana repeatedly blinked her exposed eye, feeling it sting with the warning of tears collecting. Dryly swallowing her free hand fisted the flimsy fabric, clutching at her growling stomach. Visibly wincing in obvious pain and with a hunger she couldn't even hope to fill on her own.

"... fine." Kana decided, stubbornly rubbing at both her eyes with the back of a hand, audibly sniffling pathetically. Screw it, if he was being sincere then fantastic, and if not well... Then she could only hope that meant she'd be seeing her folks soon. Slowly the new born ghoul got herself back on her feet, nearly falling back down, were it not for the wall she had to use as support to catch herself this time. Grunting pitifully, head bowed, eyes squeezed shut and teeth clenched she took a moment to try to even her labored breathing. Sweat dripping down the side of her face, legs twitching, struggling to support her own weight. It seemed pretty clear at that point she had two options; a) take a chance with the ghoul or b) wait for the rogues to catch up to her... A it is then.
Blinking to the squirming one-eyed rarity, Shin would momentarily purse his lips. "Y'know, you really don't seem to know what 'yer after." He spoke to her nonchalantly, still processing the way she seemed to transition from utter fear to reluctant trust with very little effort on his part. Between the fog of his grossly malnourished brain, reading this woman and her words wasn't an easy or quick task. "If survival is your goal, you're very naive to be trusting a ghoul so quickly. Lucky for you, I'm probably not so hard to kill with your Kagune." He analyzed her aloud, again. Almost as if he was quickly growing comfortable with her, the difference between his prior blatant statement of observations, this round was directly addressed to her. "And they said the one-eyed ghoul would be a Fudo..." He paused and then used a hand to cover his mouth for a hearty laugh.

Dropping his hand from his face, an almost lethal look took his eyes as his smile faded. The eyes she likely noted to mark him as a Ghoul would dart from side to side, carefully assessing the various angles they could be peered on from afar. "I take it you expect to be followed by some baddies. And using contextual clues, I take it that this, crew of stalkers consists of more than one Ghoul." Either Shin liked to hear himself talk, or he was enjoying the idea that he had someone to share his thoughts with. "I'd hate to sell us short, but we probably won't stand a chance against more than one at a time. We gotta go." He turned and started walking in the direction of his apartment. "My place is this way, we can shower you up and find you a change of clothes. Try to hide that eye of yours. You're safe with me, but-Well..." He tossed a look to her over his shoulder and stopped in place. "Some Ghouls think that something like you would be inordinately desirable." Almost immediately regretting his serious tone, Shin would frown.

Without warning, his jacket zipper would sound off as Shin would appear behind her. He mused over the idea of surprising her, but figured her one-eyed ghoul status should grant her at least some means of tracking his movement. Not everything about the stories pertaining to half ghouls could be entirely unfounded. Almost immediately, Shin would drape his jacket over her shoulders and look down to her. If she would look up, their eyes would meet as he held his jacket to her shoulders and he would find a soft smile. "Here." He spoke lowly, lifting the hood for her. "Just focus on covering yourself up and put that baby blue marble of yours on my back, we'll be to a safe place soon and you get all cleaned up." The caretaker warm and fuzzy feels almost helped him forget the disgusting bone on bone scrapping feeling in his stomach. He'd step around her now as he continued his fair paced march. "Don't worry about getting blood on it." He spoke up without looking back, casually. "I've soaked it before, it's got a mean streak when it comes to dropping stains."
✗ ✘ øυϯ øƒ cøηϯяøℓ ✘ ✗

'Of course not, I have no fucking idea what I'm doing...' Kana mentally responded, steadying her balance likely out of sheer willpower, anything to avoid the ones responsible for her current sad state. Kagune... Right... Kagunes were a ghoul's own personal weapon or something. Chancing a glance over her shoulder she was relieved to find nothing was popping out from her basically exposed back. There wasn't much she knew about kagunes, or really anything related to ghoul kind. Her mother tended to avoid bringing work home, unfortunately it ended up following her. Kana would have to learn on her own, if she had any intention of surviving, which at the moment, yes, she wasn't exactly ready to kick the bucket just yet. 'I don't know if I actually killed anyone back there, just forced them aside...' She noted, almost frustrated with herself, but hey, she was new to this whole... Being a ghoul thing. Of course she couldn't possibly be expected to know right away how to control and use her new strength, including what she could only assume to be her own kagune. Just as suddenly as it appeared it vanished, leaving no trace behind that it was there to begin with. Well, aside from the blood, of course...

Shifting her gaze back on the ghoul she offered a short nod of her head, confirming his assumptions. "I don't know how many there are." She answered truthfully, not exactly having the time to do a damn head count on her way out. Truthfully she expected the guy to take back his offer, especially when considering he acknowledged were they to be caught they were as good as dead. Outnumbered, overpowered, you do the math; they didn't stand a snowball's chance in hell. Openly she tensed, clearly hearing him make mention a direct concern having to do with other ghoul kind. 'So then there are ghouls out there that would want to make a meal out of me.' Great, as if she didn't have enough on her plate to worry about. Ugh, don't think about food, Kana...

In an instant she refocused on him, with a paranoid narrow of her different colored set of eyes, one hand still resting on the wall for support. Imagine her surprise when all he did was offer her uncomfortably exposed body some coverage with his own jacket at that. Her expression softened its glare, taking a look of genuine surprise, meeting his gaze slightly wide eyed, lips partially parted. Dumbly she followed him with her eyes first, trained on his back, as instructed. Hesitating her hands absently clutched the opposite sides of the open jacket, taking the first step in his retreating direction, then another and another. Her bare feet pattered after him, the tension easing from her petite body, finding comfort in the warmth and shelter of sorts his jacket provided. It was big enough on her that the hem reached right around mid-thigh.

There were so many questions she wanted to ask but perhaps afraid of being left alone, to fend for herself, is what kept her mouth shut. Silently trailing after the ghoul with a mixture of gratitude and paranoia. Cleansing herself of the filth that clung to her skin and hair was an opportunity she couldn't so easily turn down. Of course the chance of having somewhere safe to hide was extremely tempting in itself too, assuming he wasn't simply luring her into a trap. Kana was too exhausted to put up much of a fight, logical reasoning be damned. She was certain had she simply aimlessly wandered the rogues would have easily snatched her back up sooner or later.

Given her severe lack of energy and nutrition Kana was all too relieved to find the stranger's residence was fairly close, possibly explaining how he found her to begin with. She didn't care to ask the details, again not wanting to purposely make him regret taking her in. The scent of humans hit her strong when entering the apartment building, making her shudder and subconsciously quicken her pace, shortening the distance between her and the ghoul. Whatever self control she had left was quickly dying out on her. Obviously he had to be hiding in plain sight, so to speak, to be living under the same roof as humans. If she went "savage" she'd likely risk him losing his home. Be it he intended to eat her or not, she wasn't so cold hearted to out him as a ghoul.

So she kept her head bowed, tugging the jacket tighter around her, praying none of his neighbors passed by. By some miracle of sorts they, for the most part, made the journey uninterrupted without trouble. Really, she shouldn't have been so relieved the moment she stepped foot into his apartment, the door shutting behind her, once again willingly trapping herself. It was so terribly obvious just how much Kana was at his mercy, but it was a risk she had decided to take. Again, she honestly didn't have much if any choice at all on the matter. The second scent that flooded her senses was the strong smell of bitter coffee filling the space. "Is it true... Ghouls can drink coffee?" Kana asked, pulling the hood down, idly standing by the front door as she took the time to take a good look at her new surroundings. There was nothing that screamed "home" to her, but hey it was better then sleeping on a pile of garbage.
The moment he had where he stood behind her as she looked up into his eyes, it was the first moment he realized just how human she was on the inside. There remained a good chance that she wasn't a ghoul her whole life, or maybe she simply lacked most of the features a ghoul would normally have. The stories told of a half human and half ghoul depicted a one-eyed monster of sheer strength and speed, but this woman who looked up into his eyes was anything but a monster. Maybe a fellow human would call her one when they saw her eye, but even the starved Shin could read her like a book. Though the actual duration of their eye contact was short, it could have felt like it took longer than it really did. A lot of information could have been transfered from their eye contact. Being a ghoul himself and with a wealth of experience of both their biology and the symptoms of starvation, he could tell that she needed a bite to eat. However, the diet someone like her would need could still include human food as far as Shin knew. Although, one thing was for certain, he wasn't entirely sold on the idea that she was born half-ghoul. The flavor of her fear wasn't quite right.

His steps ahead of her would be enough to create a distance, but he'd seemlessly slow down if she struggled to keep close. Without even looking back, he seemed to be more than capable of measuring exactly how far behind him she would have been. The eccentrically dressed and long ashen haired male also possessed an almost expert timing for when he'd chose to take a corner before her. Though she probably wouldn't catch up to see it, his eyes were intense in their observation of their surroundings and the path ahead. Silently, he would curse his faulty starving brain for letting him jump from his own window without the Machete. If they were jumped by another ghoul or if she was somehow tricking him, one lucky hit from a Kagune could really fuck him up. Had she only knew just how much trouble Shin was willing to get himself into just to help her out, he'd wonder just what sort of emotions this curious one-eyed ghoul would display.

As they'd march up the steps and in through the front door of the apartment building, he'd find his smile when he would feel her drawing closer. Either she was a clever assassin sent by his family to pop a Kagune through his chest cavity, or there was a chance she was growing to trust him more. Both options could have been completely incorrect, and the first one was least likely. They'd pass the reception office, which was unattended as it was so early in the morning. There was an elevator, but he walked right past it and expected her to do the same. Had they taken the elevator, they would have made their way to his apartment much sooner. And yet, if anyone pressed the button on a floor between them and the third floor, they would have been trapped and she would have had to stand in the small elevator with a human. Even Shin would have a hard time not popping a hand into them for a fist full of delicious human meat. It really didn't help that this particular apartment building housed some of the most well-fed, phsyically active and emotionally sorted humans Shin has ever met. The Gym was close by, the city had been pretty at night and there was a relatively low rate of crime.

Two flights of stairs led them to the third floor as he led her across a hall way. IF this were a hotel, there would be a door almost every five feet or so and on both sides. The space between the doors marked that the apartments were a great deal larger than hotel rooms, which would be good since apartments were meant to be lived in. The white walls and strangly mixed colored carpets provided no comfort, and the smell was entirely healthy human. Knowing Shin's convictions, this particular apartment building would be complete hell to live in and nobody would think to hunt him down here. However, the windows at each end of the hall did let in some normal breeze. City air wasn't great, but the breeze certainly helped. The final door was apartment thirty-six, and he'd waste no time trying to hide the pin number as he punched it in with his index finger and then entered his apartment. The door was left open as a decently roomy livingroom was the immediate destination. He'd let her close the door behind her as he stepped past the television and the angled couch that could seat seat three before it'd bend at ninety degrees and then had more room to seat three more. The window of this room was just above the back of the couch. This would be innappropriate for cats or small dogs as they could easy just fall out from the back of the couch if the window was open. The rug was a vibrant and frequently cleaned green and a glass coffee table with black legs sat equal lengths from the couch between it's two rows that were available for seating and potentially sleeping.

The room wouldn't end there as the back of the couch opposite from the door didn't rest against a wall, it sort of marked the end of the carpet as a simple white panel floor began at that point. A simple wooden table with two chairs sat in the middle of this psuedo room as cupboards, a stove and a sink along with a fridge and a sideboard clearly defined this room as some sort of underused kitchen. A door that was to the left of the front door, her left, would lead to a moderate bathroom with a sink, toilet and shower, which was immaculately cleaned. The door in the kitchen which was directly opposite the front door was left open and clearly showed his room where the scent of the coffee escaped from. "Yes. Ghouls can drink coffee. It's the only human food or beverage that doesn't taste vile or make ghouls violently ill." He chimed back in response. Though she couldn't see it, he was completely ignoring a tear in his own reality born from hunger. In reality, there wasn't much for decoration in the apartment. However, right now and in Shin's head, he saw tiny doll versions of himself when he had shorter dark hair. Their stitched little mouths tore open and sung little jingles about yummy humans and eating the girl who stood before his door.

And yet, he completely ignored them and the pain wouldn't show on his face. "My name's Ishine. I prefer Shin." He poked at the air with his index finger as he spoke to her, entering his room. "Don't let ghouls fool you. They can swallow that vile human food and then spit it back up soon after to trick folk who'd otherwise be suspecting of them." He already assumed she either wasn't mostly ghoul, or was very recently inflicted with this bizzaro one-eyed ghouls status. The way he'd speak to her now would clearly display these assumptions. "Go ahead, relax on the couch. I'll get you a cup with, well... Ghoul nutrients in it and we'll see how you take it. You can shower after." He instructed, still not losing his soft smile. As he grabbed a second brown cup, he'd pour the coffee into it and pop open the little white bag. The smell would be foul for a human, but immediately recognizable by ghoul instincts. Two scoops of red fleshy lumps into the cup was all he'd put into it before he'd stir the red tinted black coffee hard and fast. It'd take some work, but the little specs of fleshy red stuff were blended away with his efforts.

Shin would snag a towel from the closet before he joined her in his living room, setting the towel down on the couch and the cup on the little glass top table. "I don't have any woman's clothing. Hopefully you have a place to go, someone who could take you in, who'd have some bras or whatever for you." He didn't sound excited or sold on the idea that she'd need to go anywhere. Strangely enough, he wouldn't it sound like she was bothering him in the least. Without delay after his last word, he plopped himself onto the couch and laid back against the back of it.
Shifting her weight from one foot to the other Kana awkwardly remained close to the door, as if ready to bolt out should need be. Eyes following his every move she gave a sound of acknowledgement, making a mental note concerning the beverage. Curiously she wondered why coffee of all things ghouls could stomache, but at least it was easy enough to get a hold of. Though currently she didn't have a cent to her name, and certainly not on her given the "clothes" she was changed into at some point when first captured. "Kana..." She responded in kind to his curt introduction, finding it unnecessary to give out her full name, especially with her last famous among ghouls. With cautious steps, gaze still locked in Shin's general direction, Kana entered further inside his apartment, making her way towards the couch. Purposely choosing to sit hunched over on the edge at the end closest to the door, hands folding on her lap once seated.

It wasn't long before she was joined by Shin, the scent of the brew hitting her fully, arms barely contained enthusiasm shot out, snatching up the cup he just barely set on the table. Only hesitating for a second Kana tilted the serving and her head back, swallowing the entire contents within seconds. Releasing a soft sigh, her body visibly relaxing somewhat, she held the now empty mug between both hands, resuming her previous position. Her hooded dual set of eyes stared unfocused on the glass table, lips pursed in a small frown. "My parents are dead, I have no one and nowhere to go." She stated, just barely above a whisper, grip tightening around the cup, hands subtly quivering. "Their corpses are likely still decaying back... home." Her head turned the opposite direction from Shin, in a poor attempt to hide the tremble of her bottom lip and the few stray tears that finally broke free. Silently leaving a wet trail behind, slowly cascading down her pale soft cheeks.

Squeezing her eyes shut only forced out more tears, her teeth clenched, swallowing any sound proof that would clue him in she was crying. Not that it did much good for her, the moment the first tears were shed several more followed. Gradually flowing, dripping from her chin and landing in a growing damp spot on the hospital gown. Yet she still refused to make a sound, actively avoiding Shin's gaze, playing oblivious that she was even crying at all. Just now it seemed to truly hit Kana how alone she was. She'd never see her parents again, probably never go back to school or be allowed to enjoy the refreshing taste of sweet ice cream on a hot summer day. Everything she knew about basic living was stolen from her, including the only two people she felt capable of loving, gone... just like that. She was still just a kid, a naive child depending on the guidance and love her parents provided.

"I don't... I don't even remember the last time I told them I loved them." Kana accidentally admitted out loud, voice strained and cracking as the tears continued to freely run. "Now they're gone and I don't know what to do..!" She sobbed out, curling into herself, shuddering and quaking with every painful cry that ripped out of her. Regret smacked her hard, grief consuming her, filling her being with nothing but anguish. Kana may have escaped the rogues' torture but the true suffering had just began.
The chibi dolls of Shin wore various articles of clothing too, and more appeared each time his field of view would move. They were like perfectly sewn little dolls with their mouths torn open to reveal creepy sharp smiles and insides similar to the red stuff Shin put into her drink. He didn't feel much of a need to tell her that he was feeding her blended human muscle tissue enriched with RC cells. Sure enough, it'd be much easier to help her if she wasn't dying to get a bite of his neighbors. Sadly, he wouldn't apply the same logic to himself. "Hungry Hungry!" The hallucinations would chant at Shin, and he knew they'd only grow louder and somehow more real if he paid them any attention.

"Kana is a cute little name." He remarked as she was tossing back the mug of coffee he'd mix for her. The hypocrisy he was willing to put up with to help this strange, incredibly attractive and odd woman was quite astounding. Almost as if an avid smoker would pull his underpants on over his work clothes, don a mask and set out into the night to beat night time smokers into a coma so they'd no longer be smoking. Almost that hypocritical. At the same time he knew the organic cells that make the compound he fed her actually nourishing couldn't last much longer before going bad, so he needed to get rid of it anyway. He did still have plenty to mix her a few more cups, if she felt the need. He mentally remarked how valuable said product should be to him. It was a final gift from a childhood friend before the grief of watching him intentionally refusing to eat grew too great and they could no longer visit him anymore. Mix in the fact that his brain was literally melting down because of his refusal to consume the contents that happened to be in said compound, and it was unreal how much he was giving away to a complete stranger he just met. And yet, Shin didn't care about that idea at all.

It was when she spoke up again after turning away that Shin noticed the real change to her voice. She was crying and there was no way she'd be hiding that from him after that burst of a sentence. He asked himself what he should do, and the dolls chanted back about sinking his teeth into her. In truth, if she no longer had a body to grief with, she couldn't really be sad anymore. There was a sick bit of logic to it, a line that the dolls were sure to try and reassure him over. Unable to just sit back and watch her fall apart, Shin had to do something. "Kana..." He whispered her name, his deeper voice ensuring its path to her ears without him having to be even remotely loud. Wasting no time trying to get her attention further, he stood and kicked his red shoes off before plopping down next to her, one leg behind her as his right foot touched the floor beside him.

Shin's large hands were unapologetic, sturdy and steady. They washed over her torso to capture her in his embrace and letting his jacket fall from her shoulders. His arms would pull her body against his as he'd either guide or force her cheek and ear to his softly beating chest. His white t-shirt was a soft cotton and he'd rest his cheek on her head. "It's okay." He started, finding the strength to mentally eliminate the annoying dolls and doing so immediately. "Just fall apart, you're safe here." He instructed, leaving no room for an argument. His left hand took to her shoulder as his right hand would reach up, careful not to brush her thinly veiled bust, and caress her exposed cheek. "You don't need to be ashamed. Just let it out. There will be time to live later." His eyes were pinned toward the television as he watched their glow peering back.
Hearing the uttering of her name, Kana only flinched, turning further away, as though ashamed of her open display of grief. Maybe she thought she was relieving him from discomfort, having a total stranger sobbing on your couch, she didn't expect sympathy and certainly not comfort of any sort. Truly, she hadn't meant to be a bother, she was just so terribly scared and confused, lost not knowing who she was anymore, where she should go from there. It couldn't be more obvious her sincere astonishment when rather then simply let her grieve in solitude Shin literally pulled her out of isolation. Holding her against his larger frame without delay, his grip firm yet tender. In the startling process Kana dropped the mug from her hands, landing with a low thump on his carpeted floor. Frozen stiff in his embrace, her own heart pounding madly, she hung on to his every word. Going wide eyed his assurance, permission of sorts, to let herself go seemed to push her over the edge she teetered on.

Shoulders dropping, head turning against his chest, Kana let herself lean on Shin figuratively and literally. Body quaking in his arms, tears freely flowing, and cries sharp with her sorrow she let every ugly bit of her be put on display. Her dirtied hands now clutching fistfuls of his once pristine t-shirt, her tears soaking through the soft material. Much like a child hungry for a parent's condolence, she at some point brought her legs off the carpet, shifting herself in order to curl even more so into Shin, practically straddling his lap. Her grip on him was weak but remained desperate as her sobs gradually calmed until she simply could cry no more tears. A sniffling mess, body lax, Kana released a shaky, tired sigh through her chapped lips. Eyes droopy, lids heavy with exhaustion, if she wasn't so uncomfortable due to the filth that clung to her, she easily could have fallen asleep in Shin's arms.

"Thank you..." Kana mumbled out, face red, be it from crying so much or genuinely flustered, she wouldn't say. The thought of Shin's true intentions laid with forcing her to lower her guard before going in for the kill did cross her weary mind but she found it difficult to care. Relishing in the way she so easily fitted against him, soothed by every inhale of his natural scent and the way his fingers pressed and caressed her. This - was also very new to her; physical contact outside of what she was accustomed to from her parents. She had never once been even remotely intimate with another person before. It was strange and... intoxicating.
Shin wouldn't smile as she finally let the dam break to unleash her grief straight into his very clean white t-shirt. His eyes were calm even as the monstrous Kakugan was in full bloom within them. Her's wasn't so different, in her left eye. He pondered the origin of said eye. It was becoming more and more clear that she was probably born human, all but directly confirmed with media evidence. So was this broken young woman who sobbed in his arms abducted and then operated on? If that was the case, how did they induce such a transformation? What upset his dry and cranky unfed stomach the most was the idea that the eye wasn't really her own. What if she learns to conceal the Kakugan within it? Would the iris be the color of the ghoul they ripped it out of? What if he recognized the eye? This was haunting, even to Shin. A once infamous Fudo family assassin whose might and speed left only heartless carnage, the defiler who has devoured more than one other ghoul in his sadistic and unhinged previous career, was almost paralyzed with fear at this idea. He wanted to be wrong. In his heart, he pleaded to be wrong.

He could tell that she was about to pull back, and in his mild state of calm he almost forgot to look down to her. He didn't enjoy her suffering, but the closeness was addicting and so was the idea that he, could help someone other than himself. His red iris tried to look directly into her opposite colored pair. To find his smile again, he mentally reflected on how her eyes were almost like a statement about cheap 3D glasses from movie theaters, one was blue and the other was red. His smile was a small one but his face was calm. In fact, if she could get past the distinctly haunting pair of Kakugan, his face displayed an incredibly relaxed and sober expression. "I'm no good to anybody." He didn't immediately tell her how welcome she was, instead he took this moment to explain himself, to some degree. "It's refreshing. Someone whose whole world has been destroyed can find some comfort with me. I thought I'd wither away before I had a chance to smile like this again." He let his hand fall from her cheek as his left hand took to her back from her shoulder. He'd stroke her back with his large left hand, not being shy about it. Simultaneously he snatched her mug from the carpet to set it upright on the glass top table.

After this, he'd take her hip with his right hand as he'd watch her eyes again. "But, that's enough about me. Now we really need to get you clean because..." His smile was a little cheeky as his red pair dropped to his shirt and the bit of mess on it. "Now I gotta change and shower, too." He chuckled very lightly, shutting his eyes as the red veins lightened until his face would almost appear normal for that moment. His right hand fondled her hip a bit before leaving it to immediately let it feel his absence. With his free right hand he snapped up the towel and pressed it to her chest. His Kakugan returned as he opened his eyes. "Go on, girly. No more putting it off. Besides, you'll get to sleep after. You'll need ot because I get the feeling you have no clue how to hunt like a ghoul."
Feeling it best not to press further on the matter, Kana let the subject drop, perhaps to be picked up another time. Easily distracted by the sensation of his palm caressing her bare flesh, still heavily exposed, the poor excuse for clothes doing little to nothing for cover up. The skin he made contact with tingled pleasantly, long after they separated, Kana slowly getting to her feet as a fresh clean towel was placed in her arms. For the first time in a week, since life as she knows it died along with her parents, a small smile of her own quirked up the corners of her lips. Briefly she lingered, shyly averting her gaze, her toes anxiously curling at the plush carpet under her feet. "Sorry..." She sheepishly apologized, gesturing towards his shirt before hugging the towel tight against her chest. "I'll be quick!" She promised, giving a quick bow at the hip, scurrying off for the bathroom after being directed.

Mindful to not slam the door behind her Kana released a breath she hadn't even realized she had been holding, briefly leaning against the closed door. Her heart was still thumping erratically, her face warm, flushed in more then one meaning. Calming herself she pushed off, approaching the shower, setting the towel aside. After a few turns she eventually figured out how his worked, all too happy to strip out of what little she had on in the first place. Stepping under the warm stream of running water made her sigh blissfully, closing her eyes to savor the moment. Once completely wet she took a look at her choices set up on a built in shelving unit in the corner of the shower. Kana was hesitant at first realizing he had a bar of soap instead of a liquid option but he had been the one to offer his shower to her...

That in mind she snatched it up, getting to work scrubbing away the dirt and dried up blood, soapy suds replaced the grim, washing it away down the drain. Once her skin was back to its original pale complexion, not a speck of dirt left, she moved on to cleaning her hair. Finding a shampoo and condition all in one bottle after setting the soap back down in its original place. Flipping the cap open she took a whiff, a somewhat minty sort of smell, whatever, it smelled clean and that's all that mattered to her. Squeezing a generous amount into an open palm she snapped the container closed, putting it away. Rubbing her hands together first she then massaged at her scalp, actually enticing a small moan out of her. 'This is heaven...' She decided, running her fingers through her thick hair, untangling it and freeing it from whatever clumps of gunk that clung on. Grinning with simplistic content Kana lathered her hair, letting the combo set for a bit before rinsing off. Though technically clean she was far from eager to step out, allowing herself just a touch more time under the stream. She had to remind herself she was a guest, and she shouldn't be wasting all of Shin's hot water.

And so with a rather sad sigh she shut the water off, pushing the curtain aside. She remained standing in the tub, wringing the excess water out of her hair before making a grab for the towel, stepping over the edge and onto the little bath rug. Towel drying the best that she could it was only after she was fluffing her hair did she realize something; she didn't have a change of clothes, or clothes at all to begin with. "Oh..." Kana sounded, standing up straighter, eyes darting about the room, looking for anything she could possibly use; there was nothing. She would have to ask Shin, something she should have thought up before showering. Wrapping the towel around her body she tucked the ends in, holding it securely in place with one hand. Her other repeatedly running through her hair first before finally turning the door knob. Psyching herself up Kana slowly stepped out, steam escaping behind her. "Uh... Shin?" She meekly called out, gripping the towel with both hands then, unaware that her Kakugan eye had disappeared, revealing a matching set of blues that bashfully darted about, mainly focused on the floor. "Coul-could I borrow something to wear..?" Kana requested, squirming on the spot, toes curling and uncurling repeatedly, thighs rubbing against each other. Hair still damp droplets of water dripped, slowly sliding down her neck and shoulders. Something she was all too aware of as she anxiously stood waiting.
Of course she had to be incredibly endearing. Shin had to be cynical about the direction the universe was taking him now. Was meeting Kana a blessing or a curse? Even as she sheepishly apologized for her dirtying of his white tee, he saw right past the grime to spot a warm and beautiful woman beneath it. Knowing his dream was to fade away without regret, was some sick arbiter of fate sending Kana his way to give him someone to miss? If that were the case, he'd have to slaughter such an arbiter for betraying him so. And yet, he couldn't help but watch Kana hug her towel and her whole stride towards the bathroom before gently shutting the easily slammed door behind her. Odds are she was perfect, Shin was having a hard time imagining them not having a killer time together. And yet, he's already decided that he wouldn't be prolonging his life any further. His smile faded now that he was alone.

Would she hate him? Plucking her off of the street and unwaveringly, unflinchingly leaping through hoops to help her cope and live again, only to duck out on life the moment his ragged starved body finally croaks? She simply didn't possess the strength to make him do anything, or not yet anyway. Was disgusting irony that he'd build her up while he was unwilling to repair a single thing pertaining to the collapsing building that was his body? So many questions, and he wasn't in the right place to answer said questions. After all, it wasn't his fault that she needed someone and he didn't owe her an excuse for his decaying form either. Sure enough if he could state such a thing with a straight face she'd have no means to deconstruct his position. And yet, he knew he couldn't.

With a sigh, Shin hadn't even realized he wasn't breathing since he adored her little smile. That was worrying, but he knew he had to relax. His large black phone was dug out from his pocket as his thumb rattled against the screen, summoning the lock screen before quickly making his way to his text app. Here he was presented with the previous two messages from the stranger that he didn't respond too earlier. Somehow he found the strength to merely delete them, mentally noting the curious shift in confidence he now possessed when considering the way he froze up this morning. It felt silly, how a few strings of letters shook him up earlier. Now with that off his plate and the woman he's snatched up bathing her attractive little form in his shower, he was more than free to assess the web for a number of different things. The anonymous service he worked for which effectively paid his rent sent three new requests to his inbox, all of which he accepted after carefully discerned whether they'd affect his safety or not.

After that was finished, he sent out two different text messages to old friends. He knew he couldn't rely on them responding as they could have new numbers or they might refuse to see him again granted his suicide pact. Either way, he couldn't take Kana outside without both a change of clothes and a serious means of concealing her identity should she wish to go hunting. Shin was still almost entirely sure that neither of his old friends would come through for him. It's been months and he did all he could to assure them that they were powerless to change his mind. Bizarrely, the way his thumbs punched his custom keypad on his phone screen actually quelled some of his abominable nausea. However, the uncertainty over what they might say back didn't help him any.

Of course, now he was finished with the serious business, he had to do the most important thing today: Check in on his monsters. Standing quickly, he swiped the screen and found his game app with one hand as his left would quickly pull his shirt off his left arm and over his head. As the log in screen loaded his info, he swapped the phone to his left hand and finished taking his shirt off while tossing it over his head to land on the couch. He was working up a bit of a good mood, which was making his stomach twist cruelly. His months of experience with such pains allowed him to operate his game app further anyway. With a narrow of his eyes, he checked in on some of the automated systems that were feeding and raising his recently acquired baby mons. None of them were shaping up as much as he'd like to see after their overnight stay in their chambers, so he let them be and sent a handful of his trusty endgame monsters on a mission. Given that combat could be auto, he left his phone on the counter in the kitchen and turned to make his way back to the bedroom.

Before he fully turned around, the bathroom door would open to reveal his dear little towel goddess in her purest form. He inwardly remarked how stunning and cure she was, remembering how similar the girl monster one of his friends wanted would look like Kana now. This was especially remarkable as her pair of blue eyes pierced his knowing cool guy look, leaving in him with his partially opened lips and open eyed stare. Her little mannerisms caught him off guard as well, it was impossible for him to process the sheer difference a single shower made for her new impressing look. Of course, his infamous charisma wanted him to make a move on her toweled smaller form, but he shook that idea away when he finally processed that she could control her Kakugan left eye. This was a relieving factoid as he wouldn't have to cover it should they decide to go clothes shopping. By now he knew that he was starring, and clearly he didn't have the coolest look on his face either. Shoving his left hand over his face and leaning his head back, he groaned as he labored over a wave of inward disappointment with himself. This display would be easily read by anyone who can read context and body language, both were common among social creatures. "Ugh-..." He began and then droned off, still processing her cuteness. 'Very smooth, dork.' He thought to himself, and Shin would probably kick himself too if it wouldn't make him look even more stupid. "Yeah." He snapped his fingers, turning his topless and fit body toward his bedroom. He walked off with a bit of his earlier good vibe showing itself in his stride. He returned with a pair of stretchy waist gym shorts which fit him very well, but would at least not fall off her midriff too easily, and another of his worn white shirts from yesterday. He'd hand them to her as he found his smile. "Go ahead and pull those on. Do you want another cup of coffee? I don't think we'll be going anywhere today." He noted these things as he worked himself back into his usual relaxed tone.
The moment Kana caught Shin openly gawk her gaze instantly gravitated towards anywhere else but on him. She continued to fidget on the spot under his unapologetic stare, flushing when several seconds passed with no response. Doing her best to stay calm, avoiding letting her eyes wonder over his own bare skin, Kana barely managed to sneak a quick glance his way hearing him at last acknowledge her request. In an instant her pairs of blues were locked back in place on a specific spot of the carpeted floor. It wasn't long before Shin reappeared from what she assumed to be his bedroom, clean clothes neatly folded and offered to her still bashful fidgety self. One hand still keeping the towel up she used the other to accept the choice of attire, hugging the material against herself much like she had with the towel on her way to shower.

"M-mm.." Kana sounded, nodding her head at first before realizing how rude she may have come off, willing herself to lock eyes with him, allowing him a clear view of her flustered state. "Yes, please... I'm... I'm still hungry." She meekly admitted, properly responding to him, eyes repeatedly shifting away, thin brows furrowing with her lips puckering as her tongue peaked out from a corner. As though trying to recall the taste of the previous cup of coffee that just barely eased the hunger pains and increasing nausea. "That was the first time I really had anything remotely considered filling in... a week, I think... If I remember correctly." Kana shared, her expression turning sour and unfocused, once again reminded of how she ended up in his care to begin with. "They purposely starved me, probably hoping I'd lack basic self control or any sense of dignity were they to... succeed. The thought of eating them, as an act of revenge, had crossed my mind while I was escaping but..." She paused, lips curling into a disgusted sneer, eyes narrowing and nose scrunching up in added effect. "The thought of having my parents' murderers inside of me quickly ruined the appetite I awoke with until the smell of humans overwhelmed me."

Realizing she probably spoke too soon, too much, Kana's body language changed nearly instantaneously, flushing with a soft awkward chuckle of embarrassment. "Ah sorry, I'll just uh... I'll just change now... yeah." With multiple turns of her head shifting from Shin towards the bathroom and gestures with her arm holding his clothes, Kana excused herself with a second bow and hasty retreat. The door closed with a touch more force, further showcasing her flustered state. 'Gaaah what the hell, Kana?!' She mentally scowled herself, momentarily squeezing her eyes shut, trying to will away the warmth from her face. "Just... calm down.." She muttered out loud, slowly cracking her eyes back open, taking in a deep breath. Setting the pile down on the sink Kana unwrapped herself, placing the damp towel besides the dry clothes. Snatching up the shorts she was quick to step into them, audibly snorting by how long and baggy they fit her. His shirt wasn't much better, her smaller frame practically swimming in material. It was only around the bust section did the material actually hug and stretch. For a moment his scent flooded her heightened senses, her hands subconsciously pulling at the shirt, bringing it closer to her nose. Drifting into a daze of sorts she deeply inhaled, eyes briefly fluttering closed, absently nuzzling her face against the cotton. When a low pleased hum rumbled from her throat her eyes snapped open, realizing just what the hell she was doing. In an increasingly growing familiar fluster she repeatedly smoothed the shirt, horribly embarrassed. 'Shhh! Stop it already!' She whined, patting herself on the chest where the thundering of her heart was just under. After taking several seconds to calm and mentally prepare herself, Kana found means of distracting her wondering thoughts before facing Shin again. Firstly tossing the flimsy and tattered filthy garments into the trash bin nestled in the corner. Then placing the same towel around her shoulders to avoid soaking the shirt with her still dripping wet hair.

Roughly a solid five minutes passed before she exited the bathroom for a second time, leaving the door wide open to clear out the steam still trapped inside. "Bathroom is free!" She exclaimed, allowing Shin the opportunity to clean up next, exchanging fleeting smiles as they passed one another. Kana making a beeline for the couch, attention narrowing in on the fresh cup of coffee left waiting for her on the glass table. Making herself comfortable, legs tucked under her, Kana with far more grace, sipped at the brew, taking the time to appreciate the taste, savor it unlike her first serving... Once finished emptying the beverage to the last drop, she set the still warm mug down, Shin still showering by the sound of running water reaching her keen ears. Satisfied, for the most part, clean with a not so aggressively rumbling stomach, she sounded a tired yawn, stretching her arms high above her head. Shifting to lay down, curling up, a drowsy look softened her facial features, barely able to keep her eyes open much longer. Within seconds she caved, falling into a deep slumber. It had been so long since she last had a proper chance to rest, unfortunately her nap would be anything but comfortable.

Initially she was blessed with a dreamless sleep, one that quickly morphed into her literal worst nightmare; her memories. Repeatedly she watched her parents die, over and over again, their look of terror permanently frozen in place. Then there was the experiments, several hands belonging to masked strangers groped and probed at her delicate flesh. Various instruments were used to slice into her, deliberately slow, extended her agonizing time awake by the hours. "Stop! Stop! Get away from me!" She'd scream at first, at the top of her lungs, wailing and thrashing to no preavil. Reliving the worst of it in her sleep, Kana was entirely oblivious to the blood curling screams that ripped out of her in reality. Body violently withering and tossing on the couch, her kagune out on display, twitching and bristling, instinctively activated believing herself to be in danger. "Stop...!" She sobbed, chocking on her own spite from her erratic breathing pattern. In reality her hands clawed at the couch, her teeth gnawing at her lip to the point of breaking the skin in her dream's self poor attempt at swallowing her pained cries of agony. Repeatedly she flinched, shrieking each time, shuddering with every memory of injury remembered in her slumber.
Watching Kana as she recalled her horrifying experience reminded Shin of his current state of affairs. The reality of his situation was that any given fight or exposed flesh could set him off. As she continued her explanation, his eyes on her own, she somehow reminded himself of his first few months of sheer hell after he forced himself to go cold turkey. It would be the same as deactivating the parts of the human brain that controlled anything outside of directing the body to food and obtaining it by any means possible. He's running on raw, pure instincts this whole time. He's just managed to interrupt the process reliably enough that he doesn't shove a bite of human into his mouth on-sight. When she got to the point of referring to her initial desire to revenge consume her captors, Shin narrowed his eyes but wouldn't look away. A careful eye might pick up on the fact that he knew exactly what another ghoul tasted like, and it certainly wasn't an accident either. He wouldn't get his chance to intercept the conversation to add such a useful tidbit, but he imagined that any developing sense of ghoul instincts should direct her straight toward human flesh instead.

Her second bow would make him smile as he reflected on what she had to say the moments leading up to her escape to the bathroom to change. He was learning more about her at a steady pace. Just what did this young lady go through? What was she now? Would it only be a matter of time before she was like him? Or would she become the one-eyed ghoul of legend? Shin didn't like to think about this too much, it already hurt to use abstract thought granted that his body was trying to restrict that sort of resource hogging action. It didn't help that the One-Eyed ghoul myth was frequently told to him by his family, and that's where he was given the idea that it'd be a Fudo's seed and a human's egg that would create such a formidable force of duality. Thinking about his family didn't help anything.

With her retreat into the bathroom seemingly taking a few minutes longer than he initially estimated, the starving ghoul shambled his way into his bedroom and fetched another brown mug. He didn't want to risk any form of cross contamination. What if fasting the brief contact of his sexy Fudo brand ghoul skin on the rim of her cup sent her into a ghoul devouring frenzy? She clearly wasn't human, and he was confident there was something very different about her. The fantasy that his imagination set forth would further detail itself as he just plopped the rest of the bag of red stuff into the coffee pot before stirring the contents of the coffee pot vigorously. With the intense heat of the coffee maker still heating the contents and all of the empty space from the two missing cups, Shin was free to blend this 50/50 coffee and red stuff mixture into a lavish concoction which was smooth and somehow creamy with it's redness. He imagined she'd somehow be created to be an anti-Fudo tool, sent to abuse his hospitality only to catch a bite of his superior and dense RC cells. Unfortunately for his make-believe villains, Shin hasn't been eating and his RC cell supply is inferior to that of an average human's pinky.

He smiled in defiance, pouring the concoction into her new mug as his deranged brain continued it's fantasies. He knew this was killing him, but that was his prerogative. With a bit of a chuckle, he set the steaming cup down on the glass table as Kana was making her way out of the bathroom. "I showered already today, I just gotta clean up. It shouldn't be all that long." He reassured her before leaving the room. He wouldn't be keeping an ear on the door for any signs of her ruffling through his stuff or whipping out a hidden phone to call in reinforcements. After all, even his unhinged psyche knew the difference between mildly amusing fantasy and the reality of her situation. With a mild smile, he took a clothe from from beside the sink and got it wet before bringing it closer to his chest.

After swiping the moist cloth across his chest, he peered down to it to find a smear of blood. Almost as if the room was caving in, a buzzing hit his ears as his mouth would fall open. Gripping the sink's side with his free hand, the red marking's of Shin's Kakugan expanded beyond the barriers of where his eyes ended. His tongue would hang down as saliva dropped down into the sink. His left hand would hold the cloth away from his face as he watched the red mark intently with a haunting facial structure a human would be incapable of imitating. Would this be the moment that his instincts finally blew past his various techniques he's developed to keep him civil in this time of falling apart? Before his body would naturally answer this question, the sounds from Kana's troubled slumber reached him through the haze of his intense hunger and pain.

Within a blink, almost as if Shin wasn't quite recording these events the way someone normally would, he had the door open and his face was immediately normal minus his ever-present Kakugan. The cloth was dropped in the sink, even if he didn't remember dropping it. Assessing the situation carefully, Shin remarked at the quick return of his critical faculties just because he feared for this stranger's safety. There was something special about her, that's for sure. His eyes followed her Kagune, a disturbing introduction to this whole scenario. Approaching her to calm her down could easily lead to his death. Any would from her Kagune could lead to his demise granted his lack of RC cells, he wouldn't heal and he wasn't hard to cut through at all.

And yet, he couldn't find a single spooked bone in his body. There wasn't an ounce of true fear, and he wouldn't hesitate the moment he decided to approach her. Slipping behind her as he hugged her head, letting her back rest in his lap. He couldn't guide her Kagune away. If this one behaved anything like the red portion of his own, any stimuli would invoke an instant and uncontrolled action. He simply had to hope that his scent would somehow calm her, or his touch. "Kana, Kana. Wake up." He spoke to her, not finding the strength to speak urgently.
Initially Kana's body struggled against Shin's hold, her instincts consumed by memories fooling the senses into believing she was still in immediate danger. Kagune, hissing, however did not directly assault the male, merely spazzing in place. Her limbs moving in a similar fashion, at first, until a call of her name and the ghoul's scent combination gradually proved to physically comfort her. That along with his overall gentle touch managed to relax a still unconscious Kana, enough to calm the nightmares plaguing her dreams. Allowing the weary, exhausted teenager a proper chance at resting, even if just for a short while. Shrieks and whimpers silenced and her tears drying up, her Kagune slowly retreated, disappearing without a single visible trace the girl was anything but human.

It wasn't long before the traumatized teenager did stir, having really only peacefully napped for maybe a half an hour tops. More then enough for the time being, appreciating whatever she could manage in the safety of a stranger's home. The first thing she noticed was the added weight around her, with a drowsy couple of blinks her droopy gaze lifted, traveling up a bare flat chest and eventually making eye contact with a pair of kakugan. Several more clueless blinks later Kana shot up, eyes widening, heat gathering at the apples of her pale cheeks, "S-Shin!" She exclaimed, her obvious shock enough to break free from his secure grasp he originally had. Springing to the opposite end of the couch she ran a hand through her now mostly dry hair, muttering to herself glancing every which way, trying to make sense of just how she ended up in his arms... Last thing she could recall was dozing off after showering, after that; nothing.

Anxiously her gaze darted towards Shin, blue orbs subtly narrowing, slightly on edge, sincerely oblivious to how the two ended up practically snuggling. "Are you some kind of obsessive cuddler or something...?" She asked with a slight twitch of her right eye, more then just a touch tense on the matter, rightfully concerned for her own well being at the hands of a total stranger. Who the hell knows what he could have done to her while unconscious... After the shit she endured she had every right to be suspicious of the ghoul, regardless of how well he treated her thus far. 'I don't know who to trust anymore.' Kana reminded herself firmly, knowing it was in her best interest to remain weary of Shin, having only met an hour prior, max.
Her continued tremors was concerning, but Shin knew he'd have to do this. He'd either calm her down or fail to do so. Failure meant death, one way or another. Either her Kagune would take his life here, or the alerted Ghoul Investigators would track his miserable existence down through this incident and pop a Quinque clean into his chest. It wouldn't matter if he was a Rinkaku type with the infamous family blood in his veins. His past as a wild regenerator was nothing as well, he'd been starved long past expiration. A good gauging from her Kagune, or a beat down by Quinque would finish him. His mind raced over the family members who barely got a chance to meet him, the friends who ceased contact because his starvation was too gruesome to deal with. Maybe there was a certain comfort to meeting his end here. Kana would have to learn of the dangers and strengths of her Kagune somehow and Shin wanted to die. But, why couldn't he quell his fears? The regrets? He was drowning in the horror of those feelings even though he imagined he'd meet death smiling. Had he been wrong all along? Surely not. His intuition was one of his more keen features.

Within a matter of moments, her Kagune would slip out of existence and her trembling body would relax along with her voice. To Shin's delight, the neighbors on this floor were probably off running errands or working their day jobs. He deduced this primarily from the way they hadn't lined up to kick in his door to rescue the terrified woman from his clutches. And even though she had calmed down, he refused to let go of her now. In a way, he was complete in this moment. What was the warmth filling his chest now? This wasn't the relief of swallowing a happy human pie. It was clearly discernable from his relief of not being exposed. This was an odd feeling, one that Shin felt the need to challenge and understand before he could welcome it completely. What would he do if she fell apart now, in his arms? An experiment gone wrong, a life cut short. Would he grief for her? Would he miss her? He's known her an hour now, max, and yet he didn't know how to answer the question with confidence.

And as he was ready to dig into another thought, random and silly, she woke up. He could just tell, with like more than one sense, he could feel the peace fade from her form. At first, be was expressionless as he looked into her eyes. To his surprise, she shoot forth from his arms and clamored over to the other side of the couch. Her following look and words were initially adorable and his smile would reflect such. And yet, he felt his heart sink. Though she seemed flustered and cute, she didn't trust him at all. Was the warmth in his chest from before just a budding of a new form of ignorant one-sided obsession? He'd frown before standing off the couch, unwilling to entertain the misunderstanding a moment further. He wouldn't look at her now, simply walking straight into the kitchen with a mumble. "You were thrashing and screaming in your sleep. Next time, I won't bother." He fought the irritation that was likely to swell in his voice, but failed. Snatching up his phone, he found a new message was sent to him, but he ignored it. A thumb-press shut off his screen as he set the phone down again. Shin stood in front of the sink, his eyes cast down. He wanted to pretend like he was busy, but he couldn't think of anything to do.
'Thrashing and screaming...?' Was she really? Why--flashes of memories flooded Kana's mind eye in a blinding flurry, an uncomfortable realization her nap hadn't started off so peaceful. Tentatively her finger tips pressed against her cheeks, noting the dried up semi sticky residue; she had been crying, again. Further providing proof to Shin's claim, he really must have tried to coax her out of the nightmares of horrendous experiments the rogues tormented her mind and body through. Great, now she felt like an ass, splendid way of expressing her gratitude towards the guy... Eyes following his retreating form Kana ran her tongue over her abused lips, awkwardly shifting from where she sat on his couch. 'I should really say something...' No shit, with a sharp inhale the guilty ridden teen pushed herself off the cushioned seating, approaching the kitchen in a careful series of strides.

"Hey, Shin..." She first called out his name, hoping to attract his attention, she couldn't be sure. Hanging her head out of embarrassment, her left hand holding the opposite elbow, feet scuffing at the floor. "Thank you and... I'm sorry for... overreacting and accusing you of taking advantage of me, when all you've done is saved and helped my sorry ass..." Nervously glancing about, sheepishly avoiding eye contact, noticing he was still shirtless Kana remembered having dirtied his shirt. "Ah--I'll make it up to you!" She exclaimed, "I'll do your laundry for you!" The teen insisted, it was a start, right? "I'd offer to cook too but..." Her voice trailed, eyes briefly shifting around his likely hardly if at all used kitchen. "Please, let me do something to repay you..." Volume softening she finally turned her gaze upwards to meet his, squeezing her arm, lips pulled in a frown, expression and tone full of sincere regret.
Upon closer inspection, if one were to observe Shin's forearms and fingers, thin teeth impressions would be visible. It wasn't likely to confuse these for Kana's doing since she possessed more than enough strength to dig into him like this. Though, perhaps she wouldn't be aware of that. His bare back turned to her from her direction of approach. At first, he considered the idea of pressing onward with his annoyed and irritated mood. But, that was childish and a part of him didn't find that sort of negativity to be fair to Kana. Had she been anyone else, he'd hold a grudge. Pairing Shin's natural inclination towards being a bit of a brat as a child and his domineering aura he's inherited, he was quite used to being stubborn in such situations and getting his way.

And yet, the way she spoke was a little heart breaking. He'd only managed to make her feel bad and he hated that. Peering over his right shoulder, he'd give her view of his left Kakugan and his messy bangs. "Things like me did the worst to you. It's only natural that you don't trust me." This was a sober statement without heavy feelings behind it. It was possible that he'd be misunderstood as still being grouchy and his body language didn't quite help. Turning his head back to the sick, he brought his left forearm up to his mouth and gently sank his teeth into his arm. With his eyes closed, a deep breath left his nostrils. After just a moment, he turned with a smile and slowly opened his hazelnut eyes to find her face. "My laundry? You really feel bad, huh? You don't even have clothes of your own." He'd seem much more relaxed, and the tone was much easier to read. For the first time, his normal eyes were viewable even if he had a mouth shaped saliva mark on his forearm.
Relief flooded Kana, tension visibly rolling off her shoulders, posture relaxing with a soft exhale, lips quirking up into a more genuine smile. "Humans have never exactly been innocent or merciful themselves ya know..." She felt the need to mention, heavily aware the depth of cruelty mankind was capable of. The world was hardly so black and white, separating the two classes as monsters vs prey, it was never so simplistic. "Ahh that's true, but it's fine! Does your building have a laundry room? If you have a full load I could head over there right now, if you'd like... I'm not sure how else I could repay you, I have nothing to my name, I can't even a get a job without risking exposing my uh... condition." Mindful in choosing her words, trying to avoid insulting Shin and ghoul kind altogether, Kana brows twitched and furrowed. Teeth dragging across her bottom lip as she absently picked at her nails, desperation to prove her worth gradually began to build, drowning her previously sedated mood.

Shin could easily kick Kana out whenever he so pleased, she had to provide reason to pardon her stay, options were limited given the circumstances but she was determined to please the ghoul however way possible. She may still just be a kid, and that alone further fueled her stubborn ways. "Your eyes..." Her attention shifted, attentively taking in the visible difference with a curious tilt of her head. "They're really pretty..." She finished her sentence with a compliment, smile growing in strength thanks to the distraction. "Hey... is there any particular reason why ghouls eyes... ya know... go black and red...? I didn't notice any improvement visually or anything of the sort." Kana asked with a thoughtful hum, trying to recall any bit of information concerns ghouls and their genetics, but from what she could gather humans knew little to nothing. Only the barest basics; how their bodies needed human flesh for consummation. Physically they were far superior given their strength, speed, regeneration and creating a weapon of sorts out of their own flesh; kagunes. Other then the obvious, Kana in particular had much to learn in order to survive as a ghoul.

The thought of eating humans didn't so much bother her as it did more so frustrate...? Knowing it was typically "frowned upon", aside from cannibalistic cults that is. Human flesh couldn't be all that different from let's say eating a cow or chicken from her prescriptive, a comparison that would surely put her in quite a bit of trouble if voiced out loud. Really, it was hardly fair for ghouls. Heh, she wondered what Shin might think of her were she to voice out her sympathy, knowing it was because of his kind her life was essentially ruined. It wasn't ghouls altogether she directed her fury and blood thirst towards, no, it was only a select few of the race that happen to meddle and take away the ones she loved. Humans were murderers too, the fact that ghouls typically didn't simply waste a person's body logically made more sense to the neutral teenager. In fact... perhaps she herself should target the morally unbalanced members of society, she'd be doing the citizens a favor, wouldn't she? The sort who surely couldn't possibly be missed by any. Hmmmm yes, most befitting justice whilst feeding herself, and perhaps Shin as well.
His body would face her's completely now with his lower back resting against the kitchen counter. The smile he possessed would remain even as he listened to her, mostly because he wasn't a mind reader so he couldn't perceive the relatively few misconceptions she was fumbling with in her grey matter. But, he adored watching her do anything. A cute girl, Kana's eyes drew him in and he loved her smile. If letting her do his laundry meant he could sit back and enjoy this view, how could he complain? "An older Ghoul who I had a lot of respect for once told me something I can never forget. It is impossible to live a life without sin. To eat is to kill, to kill is to sin. And while he didn't say this next part, I imagine he meant for all creatures on the food chain." Shin wouldn't look her right into her eyes when he recited the line, but his eye contact would return immediately after. "Yeah, there's some clothes lying around. My body is suffering from my decisions, so lately I haven't dragged myself to the laundry room even when ai should have.

Her next comment surprised him. Kana had proven to posses a curious interest concerning Ghoul biology and he wouldn't pass up the chance to guide her along. Almost like he was an older ugly duck that knew his pond well and she was a runaway pet duckling following behind him. This would make his eyes light up a little more. "Pretty eyes, hmm? Did guys at your school find that sort of compliment appealing?" He'd joke a little, even though he did seem to like being complimented. Now he'd look over his shoulder and out the window. "The Kakugan is very weird. I imagine it's connected to our body's use of RC cells in some fashion. But, that can't be the whole story since a decaying ghoul like me still has his Kakugan. It appears when we're excited and hungry, but it's not uncontrollable for most ghouls on a steady diet. Meanwhile, we make our Kagunes with RC cells and not having any to spare literally means we can pull them out and shape them." He'd rub his chin before looking back to her now. Shin's metaphorical thinking cap would appear to be pulled on firmly. "As for senses and any benefits of the Kakugan, your personally experience lines up with mine quite well. I can also say that some ghouls have almost no remarkable qualities whatsoever when compared to a human, Kakugan or not. While others can see far away or perceive the paths of speeding bullets, feel vibrations or hear so acutely that they can determine the combat potency and number of fighters in an enemy unit in a separate building entirely. With or without their Kakugan, it seems."

Shrugging he let out a soft sigh that pulled on a relaxed smile, his eyes partly open. "Pondering all day on this won't get anyone anywhere. Ghouls are just too different from each other. I've known some adult ghouls who can't even bring out their predatory organ and one of them lost a fist fight with one of the doves. What a great time." He'd make his toward his room while divulging this information to Kana. "Let's get our minds set on this Laundry." He half-heartedly waved a finger in the air near his head, a pointer finger designating he felt like he'd have a point. This could be considered weird or hard to understand, but he was significantly dazed from his starved brain. In a jiffy, he'd piled all of the straggling clothes into a big white plastic basket. Socks, boxers of all sorts of colors from neon green to burgundy, shorts and shirts. "This is plenty." He crossed his arms and nodded to the basket's pile.
Though curious Kana kept her mouth shut concerning what sort of health problems Shin may be referring too, despite the tingle of worry tickling at the back of her mind. He was all the company she had now, making the still naive girl attach herself to him more then she was comfortable to admitting. 'What can I do to help?' The question lingered, having to bite down on her lip to swallow the words that craved to escape. Settling for a simple nod of her head in acknowledgement, wringing her hands in front of her, eyes briefly shifting downcast. Perhaps out of respect for his privacy..? Who's to say... All too eager to stay on his good side Kana's bright pairs of blues snapped up in an instant, her peachy complexion now stained with a vibrant hue of red burning her cheeks. "I wouldn't know, I mostly kept to myself." She stated, mildly embarrassed with herself, almost as if barely registering her comment concerning his eyes. Hinting her lack of experience with the opposite sex, well... she didn't actively seek another's company in general.

Attention recaptured by the ghoul Kana attentively listened, soaking up any and all information he could offer her. Absently she made a mental note to keep her questions to a minimum, mindful of his subtle hint having to do with whatever health problems he may be dealing with. She didn't wanna annoy the guy or piss him off to where his kindness quickly ran out and she was left to fend for herself out on the streets. As she somewhat expected ghouls typically had heightened senses, to be fair she was a bit preoccupied running for her fucking life during the short span of time she came to realize she had been turned into a ghoul... kinda difficult to notice any DRASTIC changes right away.

Subject switching back to laundry Kana followed Shin's lead, watching as he collected his dirty wardrobe into a basket. "Do you have some kind of detergent you like to use...?" She asked, stepping forward to pick up the still relatively light weight basket with both hands, glancing up at the owner with a curious tilt of her head. "Could you show me where the room is? Also does the building's machines use coins or is it free?" She was quick to ask, obviously not wanting to fuck up by simply blindly handling his belongings half ass. Oh no, as simple as the chore may be, she was determined to impress Shin.
Standing before her now was clearly a proud and quick footed man's shadow. Perhaps she didn't quite pick up on it right away, but he was certain she'd see it soon. Something that could have half it's body completely obliterated and eventually recover from it. Something that had grown very accustomed to devouring the flesh of those who sit comfortably at the top of the food chain. Almost as if it were tied down and had it's organs plucked from it's chest until what grew in their place was shallow imitations of once was so very alive. This was Shin now, just the decayed shell that used to be known as Jackal. The sight of his mask alone would be enough to reignite the flames of uncertainty and fear in Veteran doves. He'd rip into the bodies of the most fit young men employed by the CCG the same night he had hunted down and cannibalized whatever annoying ghoul he felt to be least deserving of their Kagune. And now, he found his hollow form pulling a smile together as he adored this mysterious girl who held his basket of dirty clothes. Perhaps because he seemingly performed normal human functions, she wasn't capable of seeing the haunting decay his body was undergoing.

Even now, the will he's summoned to subvert his raw instincts to rip his food from her delicious body has shattered his ability to remain completely sane. He didn't have to peer over his shoulder to know that the dolls had returned and sat upon his bed behind him. These imaginary shapes that embody the cracks in his psyche would chant to him, and he'd ignore them with bliss. "Oh, yeah, there's a few things we'll need. I'll fetch them. How about you wait for me by the door? It's a short walk out to the wash room." He'd given her permission to escape to his door as he sought another chance to pull himself together and cover those cracks in his psyche as much as possible before they could go. He knew he sort of shrugged off her request to help him, but that's because doing his laundry for him was plenty enough and as a human, she'd probably never really be able to understand his condition. Most ghouls lose their mind completely after a month of starvation. He's long past that. And a minimum of consumption would be required to remain alive, naturally. Shin's been capable of shirking that minimum for a long time now.

Pulling open his closet, he was met by the direct sight of three more dolls of his likeness. One wore a stitched version of his mask, holding down the hands of another doll as the third pulled at it's string and tore open it's chest. Reaching right past these figments of his imagination, Shin snatched a hefty orange bottle of cleaner and a box of some fabric cleaner stuff that he remembered being important. And yet, he didn't really look into it's uses. The simple fact remained, to achieve his ideal state of both clean and cozy he'd have to use both products. Shutting the closet with his foot, he left the dolls behind him in his room as he made his way out to her with a smile. Unaware, his Kakugan had crept back out. It was in full bloom the moment he heard the chants of the dolls from earlier. The reflection of his face had shook the male a little. It was a contained shock, as he lacked the energy to make a whole show about his surprise. "I'll have to keep my eyes under control." He laughed, setting the box down as he brought his arm up to his mouth and allowed his mouth to rest around it as if he were going to take a big bite. After a minute, he'd reveal his eyes to be normal once again and his arm would leave his mouth without any sign of blood or cuts. "Much better. Oh, i think I forgot to grab a shirt." He'd laugh softly, snagging up the little box once again before opening his door. "Let's hope no one sees us, hmm?" He mused, making his way into the hall and up some stairs to be immediately greeted by about five washers on one side and five driers on the other. "Just drop some of these two things in with the load. The machines run free!"
Obediently the newly born again ghoul followed at the elder male's heels, nearly knocking right against him upon arrival to their destination; the laundry room. Clutching the handles of the basket firmly, the teen absently shifted her weight to one side to the other as she took in the bare but moderately well kept area. By sheer luck not a single human passed paths with them, be it for their own sake or the humans, hard to say... By the lack of noise Kana took it as a sign to get right to work, adamant on avoiding making contact with any of Shin's neighbors. "Mm, got it!" She announced with a visible curt nod of her head, bangs bouncing with the movement as she hastily approached the machines. Flipping open the first one she felt a sense of relief briefly overcame her, noticing it was empty, much like the rest of the general space. Having years of experience handling such a basic chore, Kana had no such trouble with Shin's clothes. There wasn't much to wash to begin with, making the simple show of gratitude on her part all the more easy.

Within minutes at best two machines were loaded and active, giving the teen the chance to take a step back. Noticing a small counter on the far left side, likely used for folding, Kana approached and hopped right on, setting the basket down besides her. Ahh, now she felt restless... what else could she possibly do to keep busy...? Breathing out a short huff she absently swung her legs, fingers scrunching up the hem of Shin's shirt she wore. 'It'd be nice if I could have some of my own clothes. I can't go back... there though...' A frown tugged the corners of her full lips, a crease starting to appear on her forehead as she struggled to comprehend what sort of life style she could possibly live now to survive. Certainly she couldn't possibly expect Shin to take care of ALL of her needs, or simplistic desires at that. Still so young there was much the once human girl had yet to experience, whilst still filled with basic teenage selfish wants and "needs".

As of yet Kana could not decide if she was thankful to be alive at all... The high school student Kana, the human one, was dead now. That much was certain. If word were to reach the authorities, the CCG, that the daughter of a once infamous investigator was now a ghoul, ha! Well... she was sure at least a handful of old acquaints and foes would just LOVE to get a piece of her, or several... What sort of a future did someone like her have...?
Though he was comparatively a brain dead zombie of his former self, the Jackal's shadow would direct Kana to the laundry room. Of course, any trip with such a decrepit creature would be risky. He's done the unthinkable before when he was level-headed, it's hard to imagine his sheer will power would really let him starve himself until he lacked the ability to hunt. And yet, here he was, cheerfully leading Kana straight into a room with washing machines to allow her to do what she's offered to do. It was odd, for Shin. Ever since he struck out from his family to live on his own, he's been so capable and willing to take care of himself. To their credit, Shin was pretty confident that the duo wasn't going to kidnap the first human they ran into. Sure, he was starving and it was unlikely that Kana had much control either. But, he's been doing this for quite some time and his barest instinct has learned a few little tricks to keep him on track.

Letting her do her thing with his clothes, Shin stood nearby with his eyes focused on the white wall. The walls of the room were sturdy like they were crafted from rock and the paint was unevenly applied so patterns would show. Almost as if he were utterly alone, Shin's focus remained on the wall as illusions of cold cotton balls and tacks would shake around inside his head. Dying. This once scary ghoul was fading. With a breath, he'd escape the encroaching winter of his mind to find Kana sitting on a small counter. He'd find his smile looking at her now, even if she was seemingly lost in her own thoughts. Just like he was. Walking over, step my step, Shin wanted to see her eyes a little closer. "Hey." Shin whispered, his steps bringing him to a stop as the counter. His thin but tall-ish frame within her arm's reach. Though he didn't know what to say, not knowing how she felt, Shin's eyes would read along the lines of 'I am here'.
Shin's shoes entered Kana's clouded line of sight, her head bowed, shoulders slumped and stiff with tension. It was his voice though that her distracted mind registered first, instinctively raising her gaze to meet his. Expression openly showing just how lost she truly felt, wide eyes dark, full of conflicting emotions. "Hey..." She quietly copied, lacking the strength to attempt even a weak smile. However her body visibly relaxed, having the pale in complexion ghoul so near. Absently she wondered if he'd get a kick out of that; her finding safety and comfort in his presence. For some time she said nothing, merely gazed at her host, lips subtly quivering, fingers gripping the material of the shirt tight. Dryly she swallowed a lump uncomfortably forming in her throat, sucking in sharply through her nostrils in a poor attempt to ground herself. Eyes repeatedly blinking as a familiar shine glazed over them, the warning of the threat of tears breaking loose.

"Is it... okay.. for me to be alive...?" Voice full of vulnerability, cracking with strain, barely maintaining her composure that was quickly reaching the brink of crumbling. Teeth gnawed at her bottom lip in added effect of trying to put on a brave face, her hunched over body subtly shuddering. "My parents are dead but... I... I'm still here. Is that... okay?" Barely above a whisper Kana could no longer stand looking Shin in the eye, shame at herself for cracking so easily. Knowing just by the barest of hints he let slip he had to have his fair share of troubles, he didn't need to burden himself with the weight of her own. She could feel a couple of tears escape, slowly leaving a wet trail behind as they traveled down her young supple skin.

Survivor's guilt continued to assault the teenager, overwhelmed with the terrors her once naive and innocent mind were now tormented by. The image of her dying parents haunted her, what would they think of her now, knowing she became the very thing that murdered them...? Again, she couldn't find herself loathing all of ghoul kind, her opinion hadn't changed on them as an entire race. Still, she was just a teenager, already struggling to find herself when just a human girl, now... she was something to be feared. Almost like a wild animal, particularly given her newly developed hunger for human flesh. The very reminder had her stomach growling and her mouth salivating. To which she slapped a hand over, thickly swallowing the saliva that pooled in her mouth. Thin strips flowing out of the corners, dribbling down her trembling chin. Eyes squeezing shut, a muffled whimper sounded from her, breathing labored as her opposite hand clawed at her stomach.
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