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Project Tailor (Frogger and Nexus)

The husky purr definitely isn’t making her heart perform acrobatics inside her rib cage, nope. Again, Alexander’s lips found her skin… only this time, it just so happened to be along her neck, and his teeth decided to join the party by scraping… nipping… Nevada trembled, automatically bringing a hand up to keep any… embarrassing noises from slipping out. Alright, so… this isn’t a prank. Apparently. Their combined hands reached just below her breasts… and from there, parted ways.

Is this really happening? No. No way. This just… This can’t be happening. It has to be a dream. No, wait. There’s no way she’d be dreaming about her boss. Just… there’s no way. Nevada had to swallow down a gasp of surprise as his palms… his palms found her breasts, playing with ‘em like they are a set of brand-new toys. Ever so gently, Alexander pulled her back into his embrace… and now? It’s damn near impossible to ignore just how… firm his chest is against her back, or… or just how strong those arms of his are.

Nevada couldn’t stop the soft, thready moan that bubbled up right then. In fact, she didn’t even realized she frickin’ moaned until it was too late. It’s too bad that she can’t… snatch it out of thin air and stuff it back down her throat, or better, turn back the hands of time. A shiver going down her spine, Nevada bit the corner of her lip, just as their eyes met in the mirror. “N-No, I… I can’t…” she breathed, right as he… pinched her nipples. The insubstantial cry bounced off the walls in response.

Every single damn move is carefully calculated. Nevada can tell, because… well… this is him she’s talking about. A hand shoved against her mouth still, it did nothing to suppress the… soft, guttural groans, the… little whimpers here and there. Little bits of brown tumbled forward, the tips tickling at her flushed cheeks. Nevada forced herself to breathe in, breathe out… but it ended up more like panting than anything else. Suffering from the onslaught of pleasure, an ache sinking into the marrow of her bones, Nevada began to squirm… unknowingly pressing her ‘glorious butt’ against his crotch.
Oh those noises escaping her lips were music to Alexander's ears as his hands remained firmly attached to her breasts. The reflection in the mirror showed every detail of the flush coloring spreading across Nevada's cheeks while the glint in the young man's eyes was shown once they made contact. There was a spark of lust hiding behind his gaze, one that was hungry to devour this girl on the spot. Which was growing more and more with each response his ministrations were producing.

A hand left her breast, and moved upwards, gently placed atop the fist she was using in an attempt to muffle her moans. While his other hand began twisting her nipple, both to further stimulate her and distract her to draw her hand away from her mouth. Their reunited hands traveled back down and now with his atop of hers, Alexander was setting a pace for Nevada to play with her own breast.

"That's it..." he cooed his lips once again whispering dark desires into her ear. His free hand releasing its grasp to help brush several strands of her hair away. "But why stop here? Why not do more? You want more now don't you? How often does someone even think of you like this?" he asked as his hand found the knot keeping the top portion of her outfit together.

"May I?" he asked, his fingers gently pulling at the knot but not undoing it. He was the dominant power in this moment of impulsive lust, but there was something more alluring about gaining a person's consent than just outright force. Even if he was making her grope herself now and asking if he could strip her, he gave her the option to call it off. Even if he was certain she would be interested in going further.
“Aah~” Is this really happening? Are those noises really coming out of her mouth? Nevada can hardly believe it. If she didn’t know any better, she’d swear up and down that this was just an elaborate dream… but then, if that’s the case… why is he playing the starring role? Don’t get her wrong, Alexander is pretty handsome… it’s just… it’d be easier to picture anybody else but him. Finally noticing the hungry glint in the young man’s eyes, one that spoke volumes about the lust he himself is feeling, Nevada fought the urge to hide her red face from view.

No, don’t-! Alexander’s touch was gentle, and yet… oddly persuasive in guiding her hand away. It didn’t exactly help that he twisted her nipple right then, distracting her. Their joined hands traveled back down… only for the palm of hers to end up cradling her breast, with his setting the pace. Nevada licked at her dry lips, just to bite at the corner. A shiver went down her spine at the dark desires teasing at her ear.

Huh? Is he suggesting that they-? Her heart decided to skip a beat, just to… flutter. Damn it all! Nevada needs to get her head screwed on straight, otherwise… A soft whimper bubbled up her throat, without her permission, as if to protest the idea. The tips of her ears burning, Nevada lifted her dark brown eyes… looking deep into the pair gazing back at her, even if it is just a reflection.

“Yes,” Nevada found herself breathing. It happened between one heartbeat and the next. It just sort of… slipped out on a sigh. It was almost a plea for more of what he has to offer. “Ah…” The light red darkening now as she realized that she’s basically admitted to wanting more, and giving him permission to take off the skimpy maid outfit, Nevada avoided his gaze then. “You… You can…” she grumbled next, cringing in embarrassment. Oh… God. Can she dig a hole and hide in it for the rest of her life? Is that even an option?
"Good." The growl was hungry as the wolf was ready to devour his rabbit on the spot. The knot holding the cloth to the back of her neck was pulled loose in a slow tantalizing motion. "Don't stress over details..." he continued as the straps came loose. The top of the apron hanging lopsided due to their combined hand pinning it in place. "There don't have to be strings. Only pleasure." the free hand ran along the exposed skin of her side. Faint circles being drawn along her hip as his tongue flicked her earlobe once more. The hand moved to her waist where the final knot holding the ensemble together remained. A single cord keeping Nevada from nudity, now threatened as his fingers hooked under it at first to continue his teasing instead of untying it.

"How does my naughty little maid want to sake her lust? How can her master help her act on this heat growing in her body? Let your mind turn to those thoughts Nevada. Every desire, every secret sexual urge, and need." As he spoke he covertly finished undoing the final thread of modesty. Now all that held the outfit up was the hand on her breast as his hand had already departed. That hand fondling herself was all that kept her from being completely naked. "Drop it, and face me Nevada. I have helped you touch and strip me." he commanded. How greatly he wanted to feel this, his emotions had become so dull in the last several years it was difficult to even act as if he was still feeling them. However right now Nevada sparked what had the potential to be a fire within him. She had given him consent, and made it clear she was wanting more. All the remained now was for her to take action.
Don’t stress the details? How does he expect her to do that?! How can there be no strings attached? Every breath ripping through her lungs, tearing ‘em to shreds, Nevada is having tons of trouble putting two and two together. Okay, so… obviously, she knows what the hell’s going on, but how is she supposed to process it? There just ain’t no way Alexander Avery is interested in the likes of her. Don’t get her wrong, she isn’t bad-looking, but she isn’t the prettiest girl that’s graced Honnouji Academy’s halls. No, that title belongs to some other girl. It’s just… It’s really frickin’ hard to believe that Alexander wants anything to do with her. A shiver went down her spine all over again, making her toes curl as his fingers began to idly draw circles along her hip… his tongue playing with her earlobe. Nevada’s thoughts fractured and fell apart, practically melting out of her ears into a puddle on the floor.

Alright, Nevada admits it: she wants more of this. Only problem is? Not once has she ever thought of doing anything remotely close to… what they might or might not do. In other words, Nevada doesn’t have any secret sexual desires buried in her heart, or any idea what to do. It’s embarrassing as it is, exposing herself like this to him. Alexander’s touch has started something here… and now, she’s burning up. It’s like… her blood isn’t blood anymore, but lava, flowing through her veins, setting fire to anything and everything. It doesn’t really help that there’s a constant throbbing going on between her legs. A frustrated groan bubbling up her throat, Nevada’s dark brown eyes met his in the mirror. Is this really happening? It feels like any moment, she’s going to wake up… just to realize it was nothing more than a dream. It’s weird, though. Nevada’s not the sort of girl to give in to anyone… but just this once, she wants to.

Her face bright red at this point, she had to swallow past the lump in her throat. Ever so slowly, Nevada’s fingers uncurled from the fabric hiding part of her body from view, preserving what little modesty she has left, red and black pooling onto the floor. Okay. Now what? Oh, right: face him. Touch. Strip him. Just the very thought is making her squirm. Can she even get through this with a straight face? Probably not. Still. Nevada bit the corner of her lip, fighting against the need to cover her breasts, and, robotically, turned to face him. Deep down, she wants this more than anything… but… it’s just hard to go after what she wants. No, it’s not just hard, it’s damn near impossible. Her fingers found the knot of his tie without any trouble, loosening it slowly. Is this all a sick, twisted joke? Is somebody going to waltz out with a camera, laughing at the face of her humiliation. Nevada fought with the buttons of his shirt next, so nervous, she couldn’t look at him. Nope. No way. It’s just… so much easier to focus on the task at hand.
While the view had been pleasant before, Alexander would not deny seeing Nevada completely bare was truly magnificent. Something made better by the certainty he was the first man to see her naked body like this. The deep shade of red on her face, and the body language all pointed to signs of a girl uncertain in her movements in this situation. Clumsily undoing the buttons to his shirt as more and more of his own skin came into view. He had every reason to believe if this was the first time she was ever touched like this, then it was the first time she was going to see a man naked as well. Maybe it was Alexander's own vanity and ego at play, but he felt she wouldn't be disappointed by his physique as the shirt slid off his shoulders.

He was built strong, he had been raised in the States and was trained a military school. It came with the turf to be conditioned as a soldier meant to infiltrate other schools. Even now being the Student Vice President at another, he had not forgone keeping himself in shape should the need ever arise. It would be foolish to think he was untouchable by Honnuji's extensive list of enemies after all...however in this situation, he was more than willing for hands on contact. Once his arms were free of his dress shirt, they briefly grasped Nevada's hands delicately and placed them along his torso. Ever so slowly pulling them down to let her feel each dip in his skin formed from the muscles that adorned him. He had been greedy in feeling her curves and making her succumb to it. Now he was going to seduce her with his own body.
After the brief unspoken encouragement to proceed, his hands left hers once more.

It was fortunate he hadn't chosen to put on a belt yet when he went on this impulse of taking his maid in this fashion. Once his pants were undone his impatience got the better of him. His fingers gently gripped her chin, tilting her eyes back up to meet his own. Letting his hungry and aroused gaze stare into her delicious chocolate like eyes. Their lips mere inches apart as he towered over her, filling her visage with his appearance entirely She was nervous and in need of guidance right now, a perfect situation for someone like him who felt an attraction to this girl.

"Relax and enjoy." He whispered briefly drawing closer before pulling back again, like a snake charmer enticing its prey with his music. "Your pleasure is just as important as mine." then his lips pressed against hers, a hand snaking around her waist to pull her against him. He was only clad in his boxers now, but the amount of skin on skin contact was extensive and powerful as she could feel the heat he radiated while his arousal was clear between his legs. A hand moved to the back of her head, running through her curly locks. While his lips parted, allowing Nevada to fill his tongue attempting to probe into her mouth and continue his subtle yet persuasive dominance.
Nevada just about had to swallow her heart, since it leapt up into her throat and almost broke free. Needless to say… it wouldn’t be very attractive if it decided to flop out onto the floor, right on top of his fancy shoes. Yeah... no. It definitely wouldn’t be. Wait. Hold it. Is her face melting off? It kinda feels that way. Nevada’s halfway tempted to hide her face, but… how can she? Alexander has taken her hands captive… and it might be gently, but it’s not like… Any thought of escaping this awkward situation sort of… melted out of her ears, her eyes drinking in the sight of all that muscle. Her hands were a little busy admiring the play of masculine power up close and personal… not that she was complaining or anything, it’s just… it’s a little hard to think straight.

It happened between one heartbeat and the next. Nevada’s chin was brought up, her eyes made to look into his… and… well, it wasn’t hard to see the hunger just lying beneath the surface. It was doing funny things to her heart, she’ll say that much. Just a handful of inches separated their lips as he towered over her… exerting a quiet dominance that, quite frankly, is sexy as hell. Relax? How the hell is she supposed to do that? It’s not exactly easy to ‘relax’-! Nevada’s breath was stolen the moment his lips pressed against her, and in that instant… her knees went weak. Yeah. Apparently, she’s that pathetic. Anyway… Nevada had to hold onto his arms, otherwise she’d fall over right then and there. A jolt of… something or another went down her spine, only serving to set fire to whatever common sense she’s got left. Normally Nevada wouldn’t dive head-first into something this reckless… alright, yeah, she would, but… this is totally different.

Hey! Nevada doesn’t just fall into bed with anybody! If it counts… this will be the first time.

As embarrassing as it sounds, Nevada wants to… rip his clothes off. All the skin contact is making her dizzy, and the kisses are…. surprisingly intoxicating. It’s almost like downing a whole bottle of vodka or something… not that she knows anything about alcohol. Nope, she vowed never to touch the stuff. Mommy Dearest has always been a shining example not to. It’s just that… It’s what she’d imagine it to be like? Nevada fought to swallow down a moan, only… it didn’t work. Is he impatient? It sort of feels that way… not that she’s got any objections, it’s just… it’s kinda arousing in of itself. Heat licked at her face all over again, but this time… she didn’t pay it a lick of attention.

“Mm…” Nevada held onto his arms while his tongue… proved at her lips, asking for entrance into her mouth. Their tongues began to dance together, hers hesitantly, his with experience and… intent. Her hands wrapped around him, nails scraping against the small of his back. It’s… It’s only fair if they’re… both naked, right? Nevada can’t be the only one. It’ll require every ounce of courage she’s got left, and yet… Nevada swallowed down her pride, and reached a hand down… just to tug at the hem of his boxers. It’s a subtle hint. It’s not slutty or anything… it’s just a clear indication of what she wants. It’s not like he’s pushing her away, either. In fact, he’s the one who started this whole thing!
Alexander more than enjoyed how Nevada was initially cautious as their tongues danced with one another. She had such a fiery personality but this showed just how much more exists beneath those impressive flames. He had been trained in seduction as part of his tutelage as an infiltration agent, it helped understanding how to set the mood in this moment. The ways she moaned into their kiss showed her own enjoyment as her mind kept trying to resist or process how she found herself into this.

Yet now his methods had thrown enough wood on the fire. Excitement surged through him when he felt her hands move to his back. The way her nails dragged along his skin sent sparks along his spine, but didn't break skin. Not that he would've minded regardless, he enjoyed some pain mixed with pleasure. Agression in the bedroom was always a big turn on for him. Yet he didn't care in the moment as he felt Nevada's hand move to the last article of clothing she wore. He was actually impressed she moved of her own volition in the moment.

Who was he to deny a woman what she requested?

Still entwined with her, he moved them until Nevada would feel the edge of his desk against her back. With a displayof strength, he hoisted her up ontop of it -grateful it was clear of anything at the moment- and continued his passionate lip lock with her for a moment longer before separating. A brief trail of saliva left behind before he pulled back. Revealing that somewhere in the process of relocating he had indeed discarded his underwear. She would see him entirely and the throbbing erection he was now sporting as his eyes remained locked on her.

For a moment he let her admire his manhood, letting the thought sink in she would soon have it inside of her. But not yet, she was becoming ensnared and he intend to have her fully captured before he claimed her. So long as he eventually showed up at the party they wouldn't care how long it took.

Leaning forward again, his lips found her jugular first. Planting the most tentative of kisses there, and then another below that one, and another...a trail of them descending down between her cleavage, her stomach...and then even lower. Soon his hands were on her thighs spreading them so tantalizingly slow while he made his descent to between them. He said her pleasure was just as important as his own, and he was going to make good on his word. Especially when he was certain now this was going to be the first time she also had someone use their tongue in a far more intimate manner. Without pause, she would feel his tongue delve into her most sensitive area moving about that would bring sensations she probably would have never felt were possible before. All the while his ears remained open, ready, expecting a new plethora of noises escape in comparison to his stimulation from before.
Anticipation leapt through her, heat crackling just underneath her skin as he moved them to… where, exactly? It’s not like she can break free of the kiss and find out. Nevada felt something… hard, unforgiving, press against her back, but it wasn’t until he hoisted her up on top of it that she realized that it was his desk. Alexander pulled away right about then… robbing her of oxygen, and revealing… that he ditched his boxers somewhere between Point A and Point B. A dark red blush licked at her features all over again once she found herself staring at… it.

Damn. Just… damn. It’s more than a little intimidating, the idea of having it inside of her. Nevada’s liable to break, if they try! Maybe this isn’t such a good idea after all… A hand came up, in order to press back against his chest, to try and… talk some sense into him, put a stop to things, all of the above… only, he didn’t really let her. Nope. Liquid heat shot down her spine as he leaned in to press feather-like kisses, to her jugular of all places, one after the other. It felt… better than she ever thought it would, she’ll admit that much. Nevada held onto the desk, feeling as if her bones are melting from the inside out.

Isn't it kinda like… prey exposing their throat to the predator? In a way?

Oh well. Anyway… A tremor passed through her when his lips began to trail south, between her breasts, down her stomach… and even lower. Nevada brought a hand up to her mouth, out of some sort of instinct to suppress any embarrassing noises that might spill out. Pink darkened to red along her cheeks, even burning the tips of her ears at this point. It feels like… fire is crackling just under her skin, as if it’s replaced her blood… and… it sort of feels like she’s got electricity jolting through her, too. Crazy, right? Nevada shivered as his hands spread her thighs wider, gently and… tantalizingly slow, halfway tempted to close her legs right then and there.

An eye cracked open to see what he’s up to, just to widen as he went down… there, not hesitating whatsoever. His tongue dove right in, and Nevada couldn’t help but tense all over, or the guttural groan that bubbled up. Never, not in a million years… could she have seen this happening, or imagined what this would feel like. It’s… incredible.

How can it feel this good? Is this the reason why girls like to chat about this sort of thing in secret? Nevada’s never been the gossiping kind of girl, but now… she can see why others might, at least about this. Hell! Her toes are curling… and she thought that was just something you’d read in cheesy romance novels. Her breasts rising and falling with every pants, Nevada whimpered, trembling underneath his while squirming the tiniest bit. How’s she supposed to handle this-? It feels so good, and yet… she feels like she’ll fall apart at the seams if he keeps it up. A few threads of dark brown brushed against her flushed cheeks, bringing out the red that had painted the skin, the dark brown of her eyes. Nevada pressed her hand harder against her mouth, fighting to swallow down another moan. Fuck-! It’s impossible to think straight. Her other arm went to press over her breasts, as if to hide her body from view.
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