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Project Tailor (Frogger and Nexus)


Apr 17, 2014
"So lets get started," the teacher began running a hand through his shaggy blue hair while the other hand began to write upon the chalk board. "Five years ago, the United Board of Education was formed by the world's major superpowers to create new means of providing proper education to the masses, among these was the creation of a number of privatized academies different from ones before..." his tone was dull and timid. Void of emotion or interest that his students were clearly mimicking.

"Our beloved Honnuji Academy is one such place. Founded by the six members of the Student Council that reside over the city they ensure its protection against opposing schools that threaten our way of life." he continued before turning to his sea of students. "Ms. Ash? Could you tell me what has made Honnuji able to survive against enemy schools?" he asked
Nevada Marie Ash -

Blah, blah, blah…

Every word falling upon their ears is boring, dull… empty, too. Nevada’s not paying any attention to the lecture, same as everybody else. There’s no reason to. If there’s a quiz on this, they’ll ace it. Dark brown gazing out through the nearest window, Nevada let her thoughts wander, her chin resting in the palm of a hand. Threads of hair, shades darker, fell forward, the tips tickling the curve of her cheek and jaw. Out of old habit than annoyance, her other hand came up to deal with the problem, tucking all the rebellious pieces behind an ear.

“Ms. Ash? Could you tell me what has made Honnouji able to survive against enemy schools?”

Uh oh. Busted.

Maybe not?

Nevada shifted her gaze over, light reflecting and refracting off their depths. “Honnouji Academy can survive against other schools because of our Goku Uniforms,” she drawled, indicating their uniforms by tugging on the lapels of her own. “The Three-Stars fight off anybody that threatens the school,” she went on explaining, not that it really matters. Of course she’s got the answer right.
"That is correct Ms. Ash." Mr. Mikisugi replied writing the words 'Goku Uniforms' down on the board. "It was through these uniforms Honnuji has become a prominent force in the battles waged against the academies across the planet. With today itself marking the four year anniversary of our great school's founding."


'Hey Nevada, something came up. Do you mind taking my shift tonight for the party? I'll fill in whenever you want. :) ' the text her vibrating phone notified her of pertained to a rather unique job Nevada held. As a student to Honnuji Academy, it wasn't uncommon for one to check the local community boards darting across the hallways. Filled with a plethora of opportunities for lesser ranked students to partake in for cash, it wasn't uncommon to see some to be aiding One, Two, and even Three-Star students.

Especially if you were an attractive young woman such as Nevada Ash, and had caught the eye of the sole Four-Star student in the entire academy. Vice Student President; Alexander Avery, right-hand man to Lady Satsuki herself and considered by some the king of the school. Despite being American born in Japan, he bore an unnatural sense of charisma that had aided the 'queen' in the four years they had been together. With some even speculating they were more than just comrades..

Rumors that were countered by the obvious playboy habits Alexander possessed, especially if you was an employee serving as one of his maids. It wasn't uncommon if you were an attractive young woman sixteen and up, in need of cash, and had time after school; Alexander may hire you to come work to maintain his estate. If you passed his interview process you would be dressed up in a provocative and risqué maid uniform and perform a number of cleaning duties around the home.

With tonight being the anniversary of Honnuji Academy's founding, Alexander was throwing a private party and was requiring most of his staff on site to help prepare for the evening events. Which means Nevada would have to decide if she was willing to take over this shift for the party tonight. In front of many eyes...most of which already knew of her position but had yet to see her in such a scantily claded state.
Hip hip… hooray. Nevada managed to answer a question correctly. Mentally rolling her eyes at the idiocy of it all, it required every ounce of control not to sigh and plop her chin into the palm of a hand. Seriously? It wasn’t even all that hard. An eight-year old could’ve answered it, no problem. Then again, it could just be his expectations are that low… How sad.

A vibration nearly caused the girl to jump out of her skin.

What the-? I thought I had my phone turned off, Nevada thought, digging the damn thing out of her pocket. It’s a good thing Mr. Mikisugi doesn’t really give two shits about what goes on in his classroom, otherwise… she’d be in a world of trouble. Nevada read the text message, just to groan in the back of her throat. Seriously? Is her luck that bad? Fantastic! Placing her chin in the palm of a hand, Nevada glared at her phone… or more accurately, the message. It’s not like she has any plans for tonight… but she’d love to actually enjoy a quiet evening at home.

Yeah, right. As if she’s ever had a night of peace and tranquility. If it ain’t one thing, it’s something else. Nevada let out a long, exasperated sigh. As an attractive girl in desperate need of money, Nevada applied to be one of the infamous Alexander Avery’s maids ages ago… and managed to snag the job. It’s easy work, too. All she’s gotta do is throw on a provocative -or in her opinion, skimpy- little number and parade around, cleaning whatever needs cleaning. No big deal. The money is good, too.

One brown eye closed, the girl’s lips puckering a little. If she was being honest with herself… she’d admit that, deep down, she kinda liked being put on display. The Honnouji Academy uniforms are less than flattering… and hell, every girl likes feeling sexy. Nevada’s no different. “You owe me,” Nevada grumbled under her breath, typing the words into her phone. “Big time.” Her decision made, Nevada kicked up her legs, closing her eyes and just waiting for the hours to fly by. If only she had the ability to manipulate it, somehow...

Tonight is the anniversary of Honnouji Academy’s founding, apparently. It’s going to be pretty epic. It requires most of the staff to be on site, in order to help prepare. More than likely, Nevada will have to prance around in next to nothing… and in front of… the top ten percent of the student body. Great! Most already knew that she’s one of Alexander’s maids, but nobody’s actually gotten the chance to see her at work… so this… is going to be… interesting?
Eventually the school bells rang, and the students were quick to free themselves from their daily imprisonment within the school system. With the party beginning at six pm though, Nevada had little time to waste if she was going to help the rest of the staff prepare for Alexander's big celebration. Fortunately Alexander's home was situated on the level beneath Honnuji Academy, due to his own placement within the hierarchy of the school's ranking system. A manor roughly the size of Honnuji itself carved out of white marble, the home was a shining example of the influence the man carried throughout the city.

However despite this, the home would appear to be rather empty. Sure partygoers came and went when the mood arrived, but besides the staff was rare for guests to arrive to see the young man. In fact even then it would be rare for some of the maids themselves to see Alexander move about. The most common to see Alexander was the head maid; Reya, a long time friend who was commonly seen by his side ever since he arrived to help build the academy. Besides her, the best way to get a glimpse of the master of the house was to be tasked with cleaning the west wing, where he commonly worked in his study or slept.

In the east wing, was the dressing room and showers that provided for the maids to clean up before dressing for their job. As Nevada would be finishing up her own shower and getting dressed, Reya would be entering the room. With most already present it provided the ample opportunity to address the others, on their duties for the evening. If Alexander was their boss, then in comparison Reya was the manager in charge of ensuring the daily running of their employees. A task she endeavored to perform at the peak of her abilities, taking great care to treat the other girls as kind as possible like a den mother, willing to help them with whatever needed. Heels clacking against the floor as she was dressed in the same risqué outfit as the others, the blonde haired girl smiled as she called for the others attention.

"Good evening, girls. I hope all of you are well and ready to work. We have a lot that needs to be done before the party, task have been divided up between each of you and posted on the board. Please be on your best behavior, the master wants to make sure things go smoothly tonight." she said with a smile.

Upon this board Nevada would find her own duties for the evening.

West Wing, help Alexander prepare for tonight.
Finally free from the daily imprisonment that is high school, Nevada had little time to waste if she’s going to run off and help everybody clean the mansion from top to bottom. Fun, fun! Please. It’ll take hours. If it was just one person, days. It’s a good thing she’s not expected to clean the place by herself, or else she’d have quit ages ago. The pay’s pretty nice, though. Nevada’s pockets are never full, per se, but at least she’s able to live comfortably without worrying too damn much over bills. It’s actually nice. Bumping shoulders with some of her classmates -and cursing every so often-, Nevada managed to get her fat ass out of school. A deep breath of fresh air banished the cobwebs cloggin’ her mind.

The notorious Alexander Avery’s mansion is directly under the Academy, and is just as big, if not bigger. A place made entirely of white marble, it practically stank of power and wealth. Nevada stuffed her hands into her pockets, hopping down the steps two at a time. The skirt flared about her knees, nearly revealing skin most guys only dream about. It didn’t take too terribly long to get there, luckily, so maybe, just maybe… she’ll get the chance to leave early today. Nevada isn’t a fan of parties. Don’t get her wrong, she loves having a good ol’ time, but… these sort of parties have nothing but fake smiles, just as fake flattery, and back-stabbing bitches. Yikes. No thanks.

Nevada slipped in through the side door, and headed over to the east wing. A dressing room and showers are provided for the maids, as a pat on the back for a job well done. The walls are a standard white, the lockers identical to those in the Academy. Nevada went off to the left, and found her ‘uniform’ hanging on a dainty hanger. Every girl is expected to dress… provocatively, to please the eyes of Mr. Alexander Avery. Every girl is decked out in a different color, in a different sort of outfit that leaves nothing to the imagination. Nevada… is not the exception to the rule. Black satin just barely clings to her breasts. There is no sleeves to speak of, only a little tie to loop around her neck. A great deal of red lace goes down along her sides, over her hips, and right down between the ass cheeks. In other words? Everything is hanging out. Nevada also has to wear three-inch red heels. Nice, right?

Dark brown eyes glanced over at Reya stepped in, hands going to work tying up hair nearly the same shade up in a ponytail. Nevada isn’t exactly one for socializing. For some reason, the other girls like to give her scorching looks, as if she’s personally done something to piss ‘em off, and she isn’t rearin’ to provide them ammo.

Alright, then. Time to check the board. Last time, Nevada was assigned to the kitchens, which wasn’t half bad. It was actually kinda nice to step back from all the drama, and cut veggies, polish the silverware, that sort of thing. Is it too much to hope for a second time around? Nevada placed her hands on her hips, eyeballing the list.

West Wing, Help Alexander prepare for tonight.

Huh? What the hell does that mean? ‘Prepare for tonight’? Ain’t that a bit vague? Nevada frowned, and twisted to find Reya before she disappeared somewhere. “Hey, Reya?” she called out. “I think something’s wrong here. It says I’m supposed to head to the West Wing, but it doesn’t say anything about what I’ll be doing.”
Reya was speaking with another of the maids when Nevada approached perplexed over her duties for the evening. Politely excusing herself from the other girl, the blonde's eyes glanced at the board for a moment before a knowing look crossed her face in realization. While not personally knowing Nevada, Reya was informed of her professionally. Wasn't positively received with her fellow maids, yet a diligent worker none the less.

Fingers tapping against her hip, Reya shook her head as she bit her lip while she paused for a moment to explain the situation. Despite being the senior maid, she had known Alexander personally since before either of them arrived from the United States. Unarguably, the only person who could possibly understand how the mind of the Vice Student President truly functioned at times.

"Ah, you were never assigned the West Wing before right?" Reya asked before nodding in understanding. "Its quite alright, the details for that assignment are always left vague. Its normally left to speculation as to what state he's in, when preparing for a party. He could be anywhere from asleep to already dressing himself. Its why we task one maid to help get him ready. To be blunt, if he's awake but not yet dressed, help him assemble an outfit, and iron it out. If he's not even awake..." Reya smirked as she looked around before leaning in to whisper. "Get creative in waking him up. I'll take the fall, if he gets mad." she grinned before pulling back with a wink.

The West Wing of the mansion was like the polar opposite in comparison to the east. Where one was populated with staff reguarly pasing through, the other was empty and quiet. Making one think it would be deserted if it weren't for the sounds of footsteps, music, and the private lounge where the master of the house dwell.

In the lounge, Nevada would find Alexander casually sitting upon the sectional couch while watching an old american movie. One difficult to understand$ to most of the natives who only spoke Japanese. Something about a masked swashbuckling bandit in black calling himself Zorro....

"Come in." Alexander spoke, popping a piece of popcorn in his mouth as he was still dressed in the fatigue pants of his uniform along with the white button up shirt. Barefooted with the collar buttons to his shirt popped loose, the young man was by far not ready for any form of party in just a few hours. At the sight of Nevada did he sigh. "Reya?" he simply asked knowing this was said girl's way of telling him to start getting ready.
Nevada waited rather patiently for an answer to come, despite the fact that she’s never been gifted in that area. Alright, so she has to resist tapping her foot… but she managed, so that’s gotta count for something, right? “Ah, yeah,” Nevada blurted out, even dipping her head in a quick nod. “I’ve never been.” Uh oh. Is that bad? Dark brown eyes blinked as Reya went into detail about the job, different emotions flickering through their depths. It was impossible to pick apart one and give it a name.

Perplexed, Nevada jerked her head up once Reya leaned in… only to laugh at the whisper. Automatically covering her mouth, Nevada stole a glance at the other maids. “Really? I can get creative?” she just had to ask, already imagining the different ways she could wake up the illustrious Alexander. It’d be way too much fun! Is there any way she can get her hands on a bucket of water before strolling in…? Nah, probably not.

“Alright. I understand, now. Thanks for the explanation,” Nevada told the other woman, deciding that she might as well head on out. From the sounds of it, Alexander isn’t exactly the most… oh, what’s the word for it? Oh well. It’s not like it matters. Nevada looked about the West Wing as she descended the grand staircase, in awe of the gold filigree, the columns of white marble depicting images that she can’t quite make out, and the line of portraits on the wall. It’s kinda eerie, though. The East Wing is always noisy, or at the very least busy, but the West is the exact opposite. There’s not a soul in sight. If it wasn’t for the fact that she can hear music, she’d say this part of the manor is deserted.

Peeking her head into the lounge, Nevada was almost disappointed to find him awake. In fact, he’s enjoying a movie in… English? Nevada frowned, only picking out words here and there. Much as she hates to admit it, English so happens to be one of her worst subjects. “Come in,” she heard him say, in the most nonchalant way possible, and so she stepped in and tucked her hands behind her back. Nevada didn’t bother saying anything. A smile did threaten to pull at the girl’s lips, but only because he guessed the reason why she’s there.

“Yes,” Nevada replied, being all proper. “I’m supposed to help you get ready for the party tonight.” Alexander is up and out, so there’s that… but now she has to dig through his closet and pick out a suit, right? Hopefully it isn’t huge, otherwise she’d get lost. “If you don’t mind, hop into the shower while I pick out a suit for you to wear.”

Ironing. Yes. Nevada has to iron it, too. It’s not like she can do that up here, though. Does that mean she can ask somebody else to do it real quick while she’s taking care of things up here? It only makes sense. Moving forward, Nevada found a walk-through closet just off to her right, and… of course, there are dozens upon dozens of options. Doesn’t that figure? Alexander is rich, after all. Where does she even start?
Alexander gave Nevada's body a proper once over with his eyes as he took in her form. His mind was searching through its archives to locate her name among the various files tucked from within. She was a recent hire, No-Star, and had one hell of a set of legs. Nevada. yes that was this girl's name. With a sigh, he flicked the movie off and rose from the couch. Setting both the remote and his bowel down as he moved to the bathroom nearby. He didn't even wait as he already begin stripping out of his clothes. Nor caring if Nevada admired the view as his muscled torso came into view, along with his strong legs before he was clad in nothing but his boxers.

The door left creaked open the sound of water began running as steam filled the bathroom. "So Nevada, was it? Would you mind picking out something in black?" he requested while he showered. With the door open, Nevada would be able to catch a glimpse if she were to peek. "So, are you doing well this evening?" he asked next as they went about their respective tasks. The water glistening and rolling off the toned physique he took pride in maintaining as he bathed.
Did he seriously just-?! In the blink of an eye, Nevada twirled around, that way she can’t see anything -even by accident. What person in their right mind starts stripping out of their clothes, and in front of a total stranger?! Has he no shame? No… No pride? Blushing to the tips of her ears, Nevada waited until she heard the shower running before going back to the task at hand. This is… definitely going to be interesting, to say in the least. “Ah, yes! It is,” Nevada spoke up, though she has to wonder how he knew her name, when she never gave it. Then again, he did hire her… so that could be the reason why. “I don’t mind at all,” Nevada continued, relieved to now have something to go off of.

“I’m doing well.” The words rolled off her tongue, not so much a lie but a habit. It’s just easier to say that than to actually go into any details about her personal life. Besides. It’s not like he’s asking because he actually cares or anything. Nevada pulled out a nice black suit, one that she chose to go with a blue shirt. The tie is a dark grey. “How about you?” she asked, deciding that she might as well play nice. It seems like he wants to strike up a conversation. Does it get lonely, being near the top of the hierarchy?
"As well as one can when they are going to a party they do not wish to attend." Alexander admitted from the bathroom, while speaking over the sound of running water. "Kinda sad when the host does not look forward to his own planned event, but what choice do I have." he laughed as the water continue to run for another ten minutes before he emerged. Dressed in a fresh pair of boxers and tank top while finishing to dry his hair off with a towel. "I'm just doing this for the others to enjoy, something to relax and ease up in between our duties." he continued while throwing the towel into a hamper off in the corner.

Nevada's musing of his isolation at the top of the food chain was in fact accurate, as a fighter he was praised by One-Stars for his abilities to fight as just a man. The Two-Stars respected his leadership abilities second to only the Student President herself. While the Three-Stars, oh the Elite Four loathed his presence with unyielding passion. Regularly overriding Gamagoori's harsh enforcement of the school's rules. Unbeatable in the eyes of the athletic Sanageyama despite his best attempts. Untraceable to Inumuta's resources. Just generally disliked by Jakuzure for fear her position as Beta of the pack to their leader was taken.

The Vice Student President was generally alone with the exception of Reya, and regularly meeting with Satsuki. One would think that he would be adored and loved by all, instead it had only created a pedestal behind glass for him to sit on. Where the world merely detached him from humanity and objectified him in the process. Leaving him as nothing but fantasized images of legend among his peers, one with few to call friend...

If one were to call him perfect he would laugh. How can someone be perfect if all they were good at was fighting?

"May I ask you something else Ms. Ash? Or May I call you Nevada?" he asked before chuckling as he moved to the desk nearby and opening up a nearby drawer. "Guess that makes two things no?" he said amused at his own joke before sitting down in the office chair present with a folder in his hands. "As expected with these boring gatherings, the host needs to make a speech to his people. That's always been Satsuki's department, but I'm not even sure if she's coming tonight. Mind if I try reading out a few of my drafts to you?" he inquired speaking quite casually to the scantily dressed maid. One who was regularly being admired by the eyes of the Vice Student President as he drank in every inch of exposed skin she had to offer.
Nevada blinked, not expecting that to be his answer. How does somebody not look forward to his own party? It doesn’t make any sense. Then again… it might have something to do with her earlier theory: him being lonely at the top of the food chain. No, wait a second. Near the top. “Lady” Satsuki reigns supreme, no matter what. Alexander’s power, though… has probably earned him plenty of admiration… and plenty of animosity. “It is kinda sad,” Nevada had to agree. What else can she say? It is what it is. If it was up to her, she’d cancel the party, but it’s not her party. Besides, it isn’t like he’d do it or anything, because it’s ‘for the others to enjoy’, right?

Having picked out his suit, shirt, tie, the whole nine yards, Nevada glanced back behind her at him as she heard footsteps. Just as quickly, she looked elsewhere. A few threads of dark brown escaped the ponytail she put all of her hair up in earlier, just tickling the curve of the girl’s throat. “It doesn’t really matter,” Nevada replied, a shrug going through her shoulders. “As long as it’s part of my name, I’ll react to it. And… yeah, I guess that does make two things.” Nevada’s words dissolved into soft laughter, the noise not unlike music. The only difference is that there isn’t any lyrics thrown into the mix. “Sure. Ask away,” Nevada continued on, turning around to face him.

Alright, this is awkward. Does he always act this casually around the maids? Maybe he just doesn’t see the need to act all high and mighty inside his own home… Nevada pushed the thought away, since it isn’t very important. “I do not mind, but… why not figure out if Satsuki’s coming or not? I mean, it will make it easier on you. If she comes, great. No big deal. If she doesn’t, then… you know that you will have to put on the speech…”

Great. Now she sounded like a total idiot. Nevada tried not to fidget, and, it was right about then that she noticed his eyes roaming up and down.

Is he-? No way. Please. She’s just imagining things. Nearly rolling her eyes at the wild speculations running amok in her head, Nevada did bring a hand up. “I have to have your suit ironed, though,” she pointed out. “How about I ask one of the others to do that, and then I’ll listen to your… drafts.” Nevada does have a job to do, after all. It’s not like she can lay around on her butt and get paid for it. As much as that’d be nice. “Do you mind giving me a few minutes? I’ll run downstairs and see if I can grab somebody that isn’t busy,” Nevada continued on, turning around to grab the suit combo she selected for him. In doing so, she gave him a rather splendid view of her ass.
"Heh, wise logic behind your words. However last she told me, it was up in the air due to other tasks." Alexander shrugged casually flipping through the folder before Nevada raised her hand up. At the words did he nod in understanding, no surprise Nevada was quick to try and leave the room considering he had just taken the opportunity to admire her body. Didn't help when she spun around to grab the ensemble and gave him an even better display of her lovely rear and mostly bare body with the exception of the few straps holding the outfit together.

"Have Himiko take care of it down in the wash room, then we will talk about the speech. Hopefully without making a fool of myself." Alexander spoke with a nod moving back to the couch and resuming his movie while he waited. While he did enjoy the view, Nevada did need to continue along with her task in an orderly manner since the party was but a few hours away and he needed to be ready both in appearance and presentation.

Down within the basement floor of the manor was the storage area -which held most of the additional tables and chairs currently being carried up for the party by workers-, the pantries -where the kitchen staff was collecting supplies-, and the wash room -where several other maids were currently washing and cleaning various articles of clothing-. It was here among the few girls present, Nevada would find Himiko. Easily distinguishable by the streaks of blue running through her otherwise dark hair, she was dressed in a transparent black outfit with a lace apron allowing a proper view of the skin visible underneath with the exception of the equally attractive lingerie she wore underneath.

"Mind giving me a hand with this? It will help get the job done quicker." Himiko asked as she accepted the suit from Nevada and set it down on the nearby ironing boards. "So? Considering you didn't use the iron he keeps in the walk-in wardrobe, you got a little nervous when he was looking at you didn't you?" Himiko questioned trying to strike up conversation. As the one normally in charge of laundry, she was aware of the little test he would set up for the maids in charge of helping him personally. With the party near, she was required to be down stairs aiding the others in washing table clothes and such.

"Its alright to be embarrassed, happens to all of us. He hasn't made a move on anyone of our sexy bodies though." Himiko shrugged casually as if it was nothing.
Trying to stay out of the way, and actually staying out of the way, are two totally different things, apparently. Nevada kept having to shift left or right, just to avoid being bumped. “I don’t mind,” she replied without a second thought. “I’ll start ironing the shirt, then.” Nevada plugged into an iron, nearly wrinkling her nose at the smell of smoke wafting up. By no means is she used to ironing, so the help is much appreciated. Normally, she’s thrown into the kitchen… to chop up vegetables, cook dinner, or into some part of the manor to clean it up. Nevada’s school uniform doesn’t require ironing, after all… and her mother is never lucid enough to try and teach her.

Himiko is one of the maids that is almost always assigned to take care of the laundry. Nevada has no idea how long she’s been around, but she’s always been nice. They rarely crossed paths, though. It’s kinda hard to judge. An iron in hand, Nevada began to run it over the front when Himiko spoke up, apparently… striking up a conversation. This is different. Most of the maids here usually just stay clear of her, or just sneer from a distance, but not her.

Nevada lifted her head up, genuine surprise rippling over her features. “Huh? I didn’t even know that he had one in there,” she told the other girl, only being honest. “He didn’t even mention it. Once I brought up the subject of ironing this, he said I should take it down here…” Nevada’s words trailed off, a thoughtful expression settling along her lips next. “I didn’t really… notice him looking at me too much,” she went on, lifting one shoulder in a nonchalant shrug. “I mean, I noticed it… but… it’s to be expected. Look at what we wear,” Nevada pointed out, even going so far as to gesture towards Himiko. “Any… hot, horny teenager would give us a second look and admire the goods we’ve got on show here.”

Dark brown eyes went to the task at hand. “If it was at school, I’d probably be embarrassed… but this isn’t Honnouji Academy. I’m not in some… ugly thing. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not exactly… I don’t know! I hate explaining myself. Look. I wasn’t embarrassed. I just didn’t know that there was an ironing board in there. I wish he told me. It’d make things ten times easier… but then again, I’m not very good at ironing, so it’s probably best that I did come down here. I’ve got help.” Nevada flashed a crooked smile over in Himiko’s direction, just to chuckle softly under her breath. A shake of the head was quick to follow.

“Anyway, I’m almost done here. How’s the rest of it coming along?” Nevada threw out there, lifting the lapel and brushing her fingers over it. Damn. Is every single one of his suits this fancy? It’s silk!
Himiko merely shrugged. "Nearly done now," she said folding up the pants and passing them off to Nevada. "I do own you an apology then, if your not to use to ironing, then it makes more sense he merely directed you down here." She admitted handing the final bit of the ensemble off. "In any case that is everything, as expected if you need me I'll be down here for the evening. I'll be washing the maid's uniforms tomorrow if you need yours cleaned." she added with a smile and a bow of her head.

Meanwhile back in his lounge, Alexander was quietly muttering his speech to himself while he still sat in nothing but his boxers and tank top. At the sound of the door creaking open did his eyes dart away from the paper in hand to Nevada returning. "Welcome back, I trust Himiko didn't try to throw you inside one of the washing machines from seeing a single spec of dust on you." he said with a small laugh at his own joke.
“No harm, no foul. No apologies necessary.” Nevada let the whole thing slide, and went on to fold the shirt as neatly as possible. “Okay, thanks. I appreciate the offer. I might stop by, then. I didn’t get a chance to wash this thing earlier, so I might as well take advantage of the opportunity.” No, the truth is, the water has been cut off at her place. Until she pays the bill, no water to splash her face with in the morning… and definitely no water to wash clothes with. Nevada cleared her throat, and began making her way back upstairs.

Knocking on the door, Nevada opened the door after a moment or two to peek in. “Hello,” she replied, dipping her head in a respectful nod. It was just a heartbeat later that she chuckled and entered the room. “I think Himiko was half tempted to, but luckily, she has to wash the uniforms tomorrow, so…” Another chuckle following soon after, Nevada closed the door behind her and went to approach him. “Now… You mentioned something about reading over some drafts?”
"Yes that's correct," Alexander said with a smile placing the paper in his hand back down on the desk with the others. "Feel free to look while I get dressed." he gestured while taking his clothes from her. "Can't decide if I want to either, give them something stating my pride in them. Celebrate our hard work building Honnuji, or just something lighthearted to make them laugh." he shrugged as he began pulling the dress pants on.

"I was never good at this stuff. I have always been more of the field man. Its why Satsuki runs things at the top and not me." he sighed running a hand through his hair before slipping on the button up shirt. Fingers securing each button into place as his body turned back to look at Nevada. Again his eyes took in her appearance and admired how much skin her choice of attire revealed. Then his eyes focused on the back of her head.

"Thank you though, Nevada." Alexander said with a nod of his head. "I appreciate you looking over these for me." he said moving to lean against the desk to smile at her sincerely. "Most of the other girls either act too proper or too shy. Nice to see someone a little bit more 'real'." He said
Nevada lifted a brow, but didn’t say anything as she leaned a hip against the desk. Of course, she didn’t even begin to realize that, doing it revealed miles and miles of skin. A hand went to pick a piece of paper up off the desk. “How about a bit of everything?” Nevada threw out there as a suggestion. “Throw a joke or two in there, but for the most part, celebrate, and state your pride.” It’s simple enough, really. Doesn’t rebuilding Honnouji Academy deserve a pat on the back?

Lifting her eyes, Nevada blinked, light reflecting and refracting off dark brown. If somebody was to look closely, there are flecks of gold… sort of like treasure, hiding right below the surface. “Oh. Ah… Well. Your welcome. I hate to admit it, but I hate pretending to be something I’m not. There isn’t too many times I’m shy, and I don’t think I have a proper bone in my body.” A soft laugh rumbling in the back of her throat, Nevada shook her head.

“Alright, I like these drafts… but each and every one sounds really… impersonal. Cold. I’d even go so far as to say, distant. I think you should ‘wing it’,” Nevada told him, lifting her fingers and putting quotes around the last words. “More often than not, the speeches that aren’t on notecards… are the best ones. In my opinion, anyway.”
Alexander was humbled somewhat by Nevada's words concerning what he should do for the party's opening speech. It was true in retrospective, the drafts were rather impersonal and cold. Things something a door to door person were forced to recite to make sells despite their dislike. His skills reguarly required improvisation anyway so perhaps 'winging it' would be for the best indeed.

"Hmm sound advice, Nevada. Thanks." Alexander replied with a smile. Then his eyes gazed downward to her figure once more. There was something different about this young woman, and it certainly wasn't JUST her body. A body so scantily dressed he yearned to touch such lovely skin and feel in his hands. Yet there were rules to be had. As stated in the contract each maid signed upon being employed.

No sexual harrassment was to occur by his or another maid's hand.

However if consent was given, he was more than fine to let things occur.

"I think I'll do as you say and just wing it." Alexander chuckled in a warm hypnotic like tone. Fingers barely making contact with Nevada's knuckles by accident. Then slightly growing more bold, slightly dragging up the back of her wrist and then to her wrist. There was still time before the party, and this girl had his attention.

"If I may be bold, what led you to seeking a job here Nevada?" Alexander inquired leaning against the desk...right next to her. His hip barely grazing her own with the slightest of movements. "I know you have noticed me admiring you and the others. Does it bother you? Knowing I am appreciating your physical form? Even before you impressed me with your mindset and demanor?" He was straightforward and spoke withoit falter. Eyes fixated on her own as his fingers gently traced along her wrist.
“Hey, no problem.” Too late, Nevada realized how… casually the words slipped out, how she wasn’t addressing an employer, nope… but somebody that’s on equal terms with her. Crap! Oh well, there’s nothing she can do about it now. Nevada offered him a small smile, not exactly sure what to do, now that that’s been said and done. From the looks of it, Alexander is ready for the party, so… her job here is done, right?

If that’s the case, Nevada might as well join the other girls in cleaning the mansion from top to bottom. About to pipe up and point this out -or better yet, politely bow out-, Nevada found his eyes caressing her figure once again… as if he was tempted to devour her on the spot. Heat licked up the length of her spine, only to nip at her senses… not to mention slap some color into the girl’s cheeks. It feels empowering, she’ll admit that much… like a compliment that hasn’t been said, but… she shouldn’t be enjoying this sort of attention, damn it!

Nevada tore her gaze away, looking anywhere but at him… though really, it’s sort of pointless.

No sexual harassment is to occur by his or another maid's hand. It’s in the contract everybody signs at the very beginning.

A shiver went down her spine at the warm, hypnotic voice he used next, only for another to follow right after as his fingers barely brushed over her knuckles. It looked like an accident… but it wasn’t. Nope. Nevada blinked up at him, feeling… not so much nervous, more like… Ooh! There isn’t a word that fits the bill. Not that it matters. The tip of her tongue passed over her top lip, dark brown eyes looking into his while she fought to find a good enough answer.

“There’s… not many jobs a high school student can take,” Nevada found the words to say, somehow or another. “I’ll admit, I needed the money… to help with the bills at home…” A leg lifted, the skirt revealing another inch or two of skin as she shifted to make herself more comfortable. “I don’t know if… it bothers me, really. I mean, we’ve all got our reasons to work here… and it’s in the contract, so it’s not as though you’re doing it in secret or anything, so… not really? It doesn’t?” A shrug rolled through Nevada’s shoulders next.
Alexander grinned as he watched the girl before him. Watchin the faint telltale signs of shivers going through her body and the way her cheeks were now colored. Quite a hidden pearl among all the oysters within the No-Stars indeed. The fingers that had been slowly tracing her wrist continued onward. Trailing her up her forearm, past her bicep, and atop her shoulder. Gently running along thecrook of her neck

"That's good, you are truly a beautiful woman Nevada Ash." Alexander purred, his voice was smooth enough to charm snakes out of their skin. His finger continued onward sliding along her neck and feeling the pulse beneath such exquiste skin.

"Yet I feel there's more than it not really bothering you. You say your not shy, nor a proper bone in your body." Lips gently leaning in as words turned into whispers caressing her ear. His breath warm and hot as he inhaled her scent. "A shy person would have already left, a proper person would not blush as you do. So it draws me to another conclusion." He spoke pulling back, and instead gently placed his hands on her shoulders to face a nearby full body mirror set up in the corner. His body directly.behind her as he towered over her smaller body.

"You feel strong this way don't you? A feeling you can't describe, one that should be wrong by definition. Yet you relish the sensation yes? To feel so empowered?" He asked. What happened next would be up to Nevada. He had a strong feeling about this girl and her answer would depend on it. Not to mention if she as beginning to get into the moment then, for him to continue she would only need to lean back and press her body into his chest....
At first, Nevada only found the fingers tracing along her wrist distracting… but as they began to travel north, that just proved to be true ten times over. Her heart flipped over inside her chest, like the damn traitor it is. A second later, it decided to go ahead and skip a beat or two, as if pumping blood through her body is suddenly not important or something. Nevada nearly melted when the finger found the crook of her neck.

Beautiful? Her? Please. As if. Does Alexander need to get his eyes checked? His brain analyzed? More than likely, if that’s what he thinks. Nevada’s heart decided to perform acrobatics once his finger glided along the curve of her jaw… as though checking her pulse, though that’s definitely not the case.

“Mm?” Tilting her head, bits and pieces of dark brown tumbled forward, the tips just barely tickling the girl’s flushed cheeks. Nevada didn’t expect him to lean in… or for his breath to start caressing her ear, nope. It didn’t really help things any, either. “Is that right?” she found herself murmuring. Alexander doesn’t see her as shy? Not surprising. Proper isn’t exactly in her vocabulary, either… so again, not surprising. Maybe at one point in her life, Nevada was shy, polite, all of the above… but not anymore. Taken by surprise as he pulled back, Nevada was about to start asking questions, only… she was turned to face a mirror set up in the corner, his body directly behind hers.

Does she? Feel strong? Alright, she’ll admit: it’s a feeling she can’t describe. Deep down, Nevada knows it’s wrong to feel this way… but… it also… it just… Damn it all! Frustrated that she can’t put it into words, her eyes drank in the sight of her reflection gazing back. It’s a girl she doesn’t recognize. Nevada prefers having on jeans, for one thing. Usually, she doesn’t have so much put on display. And yet… she likes it. In this… skimpy little outfit, Nevada feels beautiful, powerful… confident. Not that she has any issues in that last department. “What if I do?” Nevada asked all of a sudden, breaking the silence that, for some reason, feels strangely… electrified. Heart pounding a little faster than she liked, Nevada met his gaze in the mirror.
"You do." Alexander affirmed with confidence his eyes never leaving Nevada's as he spoke. "The clothes we were express who we are underneath. Yet at the same time they can hinder our identity." His fingers began to skillfully massage her shoulders, an uncommon ability thought to be unbecoming of the Vice Student President. Easily working what tension was in her body out with each gentle rub and squeeze.

"This feeling inside of you is nothing to be ashamed of, because it gives you power." His lips again trailed closer to her ear. "It gives you power over men, including me. It makes me focus my attention on you and nothing else. Bewitched by the curves of your body, transfixed by the features of your face. " his lips barely grazed her ear. "And I can tell you are not immune to me either." He cooed.

Alexander knew all the telltale signs of Nevada growing more and more affected by his touches. He had not violated the contract in any shape or fashion. Even then, he knew she was perfect for another job he had in mind. She could be the one for a potential roject he had in mind.

"There is something else I will wish to discuss with you later." He spoke, knowing if granted the opportunity Nevada may try to divert his actions to this alternate topic. Which was why it was a good thing his finger trailed up her juglar sensually to keep her distracted. "But first..." his hands trailed down her arms again and intertwined with her own fingers. He was growing bold now, but resisted until he was certain. "May I?" He asked, his voice growing to an intimate whisper as he trailed their conjoined hands along her ribcage. Waiting for permission to touch her body fully.
“I, ah…” Nevada’s thoughts dissipated into smoke, her words trailing off as a purr clawed up the girl’s throat. Dark brown eyes drifted halfway shut, only slivers of color evident from under long, thick lashes. How is he so damn good at giving a massage? Huh? Aren’t the rich and powerful supposed to be… too busy to indulge in unnecessary endeavors? Or something like that? It certainly didn’t take him long to work out the tension in her shoulders, that’s all she knows.

Hearing his next words sent a shiver down her spine… not only that, but those exact same words teased Nevada’s ear, too, just serving to make matters that much worse. In a way, this skimpy little outfit does give her power… because it draws the eye, bewitches the mind of men. Nevada didn’t expect it to have the same effect on Alexander, though. He’s the Student Vice President. He can get any girl he wants, with a snap of his fingers. There’s no way he’s interested in the likes of her… right? His lips grazed her ear, causing a surprised little gasp to slip out. Crap.

Of course she ain’t immune to this! How can any girl be? Nevada fought to swallow past the lump in her throat. Alright, calm down. Take deep breaths. Just when she thought she could pretend like none of this is happening… laugh it off, something, Alexander manages to take her breath away. Again!

“First-?” Nevada murmured, the word thick on her tongue… and definitely not the one she meant to throw out there. If anything, she was going to jump all over the change in subject, but of course, she couldn’t. Another shiver traveled down her spine. Right after, an electric sort of heat began to take residence in the pit of her stomach… full of anticipation and excitement, all rolled into one. Alexander stole her hands, intertwining their fingers together and… asked for permission to touch her body. Nevada could hardly believe her ears. Is this really happening? No, a better question to ask: is she really going to go along with this? Licking her lips, Nevada bit the corner of her lip.

This is just impossible. There is no way-

“Yes,” Nevada breathed on a sigh, halfway expecting for Alexander to jump back, laugh, and rub it in her face that she thought this could actually happen. Oh well. It’ll be easy to move on. Long as she avoids him like the plague, that is.
"Excellent," Alexander huskily purred before his lips again found her skin. Only this time it was her neck, and his teeth scrapped along her flesh. The way he nipped and tugged at her skin was soft and gentle, meant to stimulate pleasure with little pain. As much fun as it would be to leave marks along her neck he was still able to restrain himself. Knowing she may not appreciate such evidence left in his wake just yet.

If any indication this was still just a prank vanished as their combined hands reached just beneath her breasts. There, they parted and each of his large palms grasped her endowments, the line between professional and pleasure was now crossed as he used his new leverage to gently push Nevada back into his embrace. His strong arms were now around her fully, and the entire back of her body was pressed into his, letting her bare skin feel the softness of the silk pants and shirt he wore.

All the while his hands began to play with their new toys, the satisfaction from the shoulder massage earlier was like a mere drop compared to the river of pleasure now. He squeezed and moved each swell of flesh in varying motions beneath the thin fabric obscuring them. At times pushing them together and gently circling her aerolas still concealed.

"Go ahead," Alexander briefly brought his lips up from their conquest their eyes once again locked through the mirror reflection. "Voice your pleasure, this wing is deserted right now." He cooed and as if to spur her on, he pinched her nipples through the satin cloth. Every action he took was careful and caculated as he groped his maid, he was focusing specifically on her pleasure more than his. Watching for the signs that drove her nuts and ensuring she enjoyed herself. That said, having Nevada's glorious butt pressed against his crouch was definitely having an effect on him.
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