Sci-Fi, Dystopian, Space Adventures [CLOSED!]

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Feb 26, 2013




Welcome to my new request thread! My interest in science fiction/ sci-fi plots, as well as dystopian stories and just space adventures in general has returned with a force and passion! I am also interested in exploring an option where both the sci-fi and FANTASY genre come to blend together. It may sound like insanity, but assure you many elements of fantasy can be incorporated into science fiction.

Elements I'm looking to (potentially) include in a roleplay:
- Advanced technology (Science Fiction)
- Magic (Fantasy)
- Limitless SPACE
- Aliens, foreign species, evolved humans etc.
- Ultimate creative freedom

Regarding STAR WARS:
I have taken a lot of inspiration from the Star Wars universe and all of its space opera wonders. If you are solely interested in pursuing a plot centered around that universe, please visit this thread instead:
If there is a specific female OC from my bios below that you wish to incorporate in to a Star Wars roleplay, feel free to message me and we can flesh something out!

I'd love to blend aspects of the fantasy genre right into a science fictional setting. This includes possibly merging story arcs that include both MAGIC and advanced TECHNOLOGY. I am even open to incorporating supernatural elements as well. If you prefer one genre to the other, do not hesitate to message me! I'm an open-book and would love to explore ideas in either genre. I am not limited to doing a cross-over, it's just an idea and food-for-thought.

I am HIGHLY inspired by my all-time favorite film franchise and series - STAR WARS. If you are looking to roleplay something -solely- within the Star Wars universe, please head over to my other Request Thread here. If you are looking for a space-opera/adventure/epic similar to that but more general, you can scroll on down to my character bios in the post below! There you will find a blend of characters inspired by both fantasy and science fictional genres, as well as influenced by and/or borrowed from Star Wars lore.

Additionally, I also love DYSTOPIAN topics, so if there is any dystopian-style storyline you would like to include, I am more than happy to make that idea come to fruition.

There is a particular dystopian storyline that I outlined with the character “XENIA”. In summary, Earth has been reduced to rubble and ruins after two major simultaneous wars decimate the planet. A superior species known as the Kong see Earth's man-made nuclear war as a key vulnerability and opening to invade. They attack Earth, using the planet as an alien battlefield for galactic warfare. Earth becomes destroyed, littered, and radioactive – and the Kong become the new dominant species on Earth, enslaving all humans that have survived. See below for more details!

Since we are engaging in an unlimited universe that encompasses many different species, there is most definitely going to be language barriers. However, there is something wonderful about sci-fi technology, in that it has virtually no boundaries. In areas where it is unlikely our two characters would speak the same language, we can include a device of some kind that allows for auto-translation. Anyone wearing the device would be able to understand the other individual, granted their language is per-programmed into the unit. This is inspired by an actually translator that is currently in development in Japan. ANOTHER option we can explore is a direct brain micro-chip that would allow anyone inserting the chip to acquire any language skills that is programmed into it.


1) I roleplay in FIRST person, not in third. THIS DOES NOT MEAN YOU MUST ALSO ROLEPLAY IN FIRST PERSON. Third person role players are more than welcomed!

2) I do not roleplay over IM (Instant Messengers). ONLY on BlueMoon PM (Private Message) and/or BlueMoon threads.

3) I am very limited when it comes to time. BlueMoon is a hobby, not a job for me, so although I am committed, I will not be able to provide multi-daily responses. I'm looking for a partner who is very patient, and who doesn't mind my posts rolling in every few days.

4) ROMANCE and SEX is a MUST. I prefer plot-heavy roleplays that focus more on character development and couple dynamic OVER pure smut. Without quality story, I will lose interest almost immediately.

5) Additionally, here is my F-List. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask!

RE: Sci-Fi, Dystopian, Space Adventures [and a little bit of Fantasy] ~ [closed]


[POST #2]


Name: Xenia
Age: 20-25
Status: Virtual Terrorist
Species: Human, evolved

Eyes: Aqua, pale blue
Skin: Dark
Markings: None
Hair: Black
Other: Of mixed race

Short Bio:
Earth has been reduced to rubble and ruins after two major simultaneous wars decimate the planet. A superior species known as the Kong see Earth's man-made nuclear war as a key vulnerability and opening to invade. They attack Earth, using the planet as an alien battlefield for galactic warfare. Earth is used as an open-platform for invasion; several alien species retreating to the planet in order to fight their own wars. The planet becomes a safe-haven for foreign militaries to destroy without tampering their own home-planets. Earth becomes no more than ruins; littered, and radioactive. The Kong become the new dominant species on Earth, enslaving all humans that have survived. They are both as physically superior to humans as they are intellectually – their technology far more advanced than humans and their forces far too strong to combat.

The Kong rule Earth with an iron-fist, enslaving humans through communism and poverty. All humans are micro-chipped at birth, allowing the Kong to identify them by serial code and, if necessary, track their location. The chips also allow for complete control, as any defiance on behalf of humans would result in the micro-chip electrocuting the individual to death. Fear rocks the human nation, with few resources to keep them alive but a false glimmer of hope for a better future. The population is nearly extinct, most having died in the wars or through radiation. Those who have survived have evolved, building the immunity necessary to live in such volatile conditions.

However, a menace is on the rise for the Kong. A single human, a woman named Xenia, has found a way to de-active her micro-chip without it detonating. She has become a loud activist and virtual terrorist, forming a militia of human men and women willing to do anything to gain their independence once again. Known to the Kong as a technological genius, she is extremely intellectual and has threatened the Kong with a device that will free humans for once and for all.

Majesty Maloria
Name: Majesty Maloria
Age: 17-21
Status: Princess, Highness
Species: Marilyan
The Marilyan are a species of Near-Humans from the home planet Moonlar. Moonlar is three times the size of Earth, most of its environment made up of water and mountains. The Marilyan species are few in diversity but high in numbers, and have the monarchy rule divided into over two dozen Dynasties. The dynasties vary in rule, most made up of monarchial hierarchies although not all. Despite skin color differences, Marilyans have nearly identical physiology to standard, baseline humans. Despite physical similarities, the two species have vastly different planets and cultures. They have been in dispute and turmoil for hundreds of years since the deterioration of Earth. After a nuclear war devastated the planet, humans were forced to seek solace on planets outside of the galaxy. They settled on Moonlar, a planet with nearly identical gravity and oxygen – capable of sustaining human life. Although the monarchy of Moonlar agreed to host temporary colonies at a hefty price, over the years, communication between the two peoples diminished as cultural and environment feuds arose. The Marilyans, who see themselves as superior to Humans, grew bitter to the human cause, disgusted by the ruins they allowed their home planet of Earth to be reduced to. The animosity grew to political tension, and soon, to civil war. The Moonlars banned humans from the planet, forcing their colonies to evacuate back to their space stations. With no where to go, the Humans of Moonlar have been sitting idling outside of Moonlar's atmosphere as conflicts continue.

Eyes: Brown/hazel
Skin: Dusky, blue-grey in color
Markings: None
Hair: Dark blue
Other: Embellished jewelry

Short Bio:
Maloria is a Majesty of the Marilyan species. She is one of many princesses of the Dynasties of Moonlar, destined to be Queen (referred to as Highness) of the Xanavia Dynasty. Traditionally, the Xanavia Dynasty is predominantly ruled by the Queen, and not the King. In Xanavian culture, the woman is considered the heart and soul of the family, and the kingdom – bearing much more important and wisdom than that of a man. Additionally, Maloria is the eldest of 10 living siblings, although originally was second to the throne before her older sister, who died in a tragic, yet suspicious accident. Suspecting she was assassinated, Maloria believes her death was as a result of someone wanting Maloria to come directly in to power. Since her death, Maloria has begun the “courting” process, currently of-age to wed and rule the dynasty alongside a partner. Despite efforts to convince her mother not to marry, her mother has insisted on hosting the ceremonial “Courtship Games” - a festival comprised of hundreds of games where men (and women) compete to be suitors for Maloria's hand in marriage. The Courtship Games and festivities bring much business to the cities and are general viewed as a happy event. Although suitors are often noble members of the current dynasty, many members of other dynasties travel to compete (if interested in forming a unison of kinds).

Maloria's mother, Highness Minaya of Xanavia, sees the ceremonies as an opportunity to add joy back in to the lives of citizens who have been darkened by turmoil and conflict between Humans and Marilyans. Hoping to liven up the dynasty, she promises the citizens to host the biggest, most extravagant Courtship in history, despite on-going war.

Although Marilyans speak their own distinct language, there are dialects among each dynasty. For Maloria, her dynasty speaks “Xanavian”. Despite initial language barriers between humans and Marilyans, who were unable to communicate without technology, Maloria was raised in an ever-changing world. She was born in the prime of human colonization, and as a result, sought to learn the English language as an effort to be a translator within the Xanavia Dynasty.

Nu'liy of Pandora
Name: Nu'liy
Age: 17-22
Status: Exiled Warrior
Species: Na'vi
The Na'vi (English: The People) are a race of sentient extraterrestrial humanoids who inhabit the lush jungle moon of Pandora. Humans are known to refer to them as "blues", "savages", "the locals", "hostiles", or "the natives". The indigenous Na'vi are, on average, approximately 3 meters (~ 10 feet) tall, with smooth, striped cyan-colored skin, large amber eyes, and long, sweeping tails. Their bodies are more slender than humans. They are the only known extraterrestrial species discovered to be sapient like humans. Although the Na'vi are hunter-gatherers with technology equivalent of Earth's Paleolithic epoch, they have developed a sophisticated culture based on a profound spiritual connection to other life on their moon, each other, and an encompassing "goddess" they call Eywa.

Eyes: Yellow
Skin: Blue
Markings: Striped pattern on skin
Hair: Black, dread locks
Other: Long, pointed ears

Short Bio:
Nu'liy is a Na'vi warrior who has been exiled from her tribe on Pandora. She was nearly executed for treason, however managed to escape death by fleeing her home territory. She was convicted by Na'vi courts for purposeful adultery, a claim popularized by the Prince. Nu'liy had an affair with the Prince, who was already arranged to marry a noblewoman of the Na'vi society, not a poor warrior like Nu'liy. However, the Prince courted Nu'liy, convincing her that he was in love with her and would runaway with her. Upon swooning her, he bed her, a deep connection and bond between two Na'vi that is deemed sacred. In traditional Na'vi culture, a Na'vi mates with one partner and commits to that partner wholly for eternity. However, the Prince was a liar, using Nu'liy for his own sexual gratification. She was shamed for her actions and deemed a “threat” to the royal family for sacrilegiously mating with a soon-to-be wedded man. With her virginity taken by the Prince, she is outcast as an “unwanted” by other potential men and partners, and is exiled from the community.

Z'tari of the Ku'ra
Name: Z'tari
Age: 17-22
Status: Dishonoured Princess
Species: Ku'ra (Na'vi sub-species)
Pandora is a planet nearly as big as Earth, with just as much diversity in vegetation, and in species. Like Humans, the Na'vi have a wide range of clans, societies, cultures, and races. One particular race, the Ku'ra, have associated themselves as a sub-species for over a millennium. They greatly resemble the Na'vi, but there are several distinct differences. The color of their skin varies between different shades of green, their eye colors between silver and blue, and their hair between navy blue and black. Other than their colors, the Ku'ra also average at about 8 feet tall; often coming up to 2 feet shorter than the typical Na'vi. The Ku'ra also have larger foreheads, and rounder skulls which gives them a bigger oval-shaped head in proportion to their bodies. Like the Na'vi, the Ku'ra are tree-dwellers but inhabit the Northern forest regions where trees are taller and have a much higher abundance of branches. Due to this, the Ku'ra have long adapted their fingers - which are longer - and are slightly disproportionate to their smaller body size. To meet the needs of their harsher environment, their larger hands and feet enable them to easily climb much faster and swifter than the Na'vi.

Differences are not only apparent physically, but also culturally and emotionally. The Ku'ra are a generally calmer species when in a good mood, but have a vicious temper when angered. Once they have been angered, their moods change from peaceful to volatile within seconds - though it takes an extensive and serious matter for them to cross that line. Because of this, the Ku'ra and the Na'vi generally do not get along - and their kind have been separated for hundreds of years. Although the Na'vi population is millions larger than the Ku'ra, over the past 2000 years, the two have had more wars against each other than the Na'vi have had between their own kind. Despite the fact that the Na'vi and the Ku'ra live thousands of miles apart, argument over territory ownership has persisted since the beginning of time. Over 200 years ago, a dispute over the Nitkari River caused a major war that resulted in the combined death of millions Na'vi and Ku'ra. The war severed the two kinds forever, and both races permanently separated and outlawed each other from their respective territories. Likewise, marriage between the two kinds became frowned upon and mixing of the two races nearly never occurred. As well as this, the Ku'ra live a much more lavish lifestyle, whereas the Na'vi are very simplistic. The Ku'ra culture tends to be more materialistic and architecturally more complex. Rather than sleeping in hammocks in trees, the Ku'ra live in house structures.

Eyes: Lavender
Skin: Green
Markings: Striped pattern on skin
Hair: Dark blue, braids
Other: Long, pointed ears

Short Bio:
Z'tari is extremely outgoing, and does not shy away from a good argument. She will always give her opinion, regardless of whether it's wanted or not. She is very curious and is numerously found "missing" - though locals have come to grow accustomed to her on and off disappearance. Likewise, she dreams of adventure and lives to explore her area and others. Despite constantly being pestered to stay close, or to take someone with her to protect her, Z'tari is too stubborn and independent, and would rather sneak away to venture alone than drag someone along with her. She's a good fighter, but a lousy warrior simply because she is incapable of following orders - and does as she pleases. 

Despite being a Princess, and one of the many children of the Olo'eyktan (clan leader), Z'tari rarely partakes in any ritual ceremonies or clan meetings. Although her siblings are active parts of their community and are embedded in their royalty, Z'tari is very disconnected, and is continuously shaming her father. Unlike most young Ku'ras her age, Z'tari is not married and has no children. She has been promised several times to different prestigious Ku'ra men, but refused each one of them and, in defiance, ran away and/or didn't show up to any of her weddings despite active efforts to get her to marry. Because of all of the incidents, she been deemed dishonorable to her father, and has become a local loner (despite still living among her royal family). Although mostly rejected for her disruptive behavior, her mother finds amusement in her daughter's liberty and the two have a strong relationship. Z'tari still lives in their household despite limited communication with her father and siblings.

She is unhappy with her boring and limited world, and would be an ideal candidate to explore the rest of the galaxy.

The Huntress
Name: Freya
Age: 39 (appears in her 20s)
Status: Huntress
Species: Gothikish
Gothiks, known as “Gothikish” by their native tongue, are a species of elven humanoids from the home-planet Gothim. (More info to come)

Eyes: Aqua
Skin: Dusky, purple-grey in color
Markings: Purple tattoos on face
Hair: White
Other: Long, pointed ears

Short Bio:
Freya is known to the universe as “The Huntress”. She is an acclaimed bounty hunter, known primarily by her brutish methods of acquiring her target. She is unafraid to kill those to get in her way, and will take in nearly any bounty for the right price. Many believe she is cold-hearted and a sociopath with few limits. Despite those popular beliefs, she does not kill children and tries to avoid killing women. She also does not normally take children as targets, however, in the case of a little boy named Dimitrius – she accepts her fathers plea for his return. Dimitrius, a young prince and heir to the throne, was kidnapped by smugglers and held for ransom. For months, the boy has been lost with no one able to locate him. His father, desperate for his return, makes a plea to the infamous Huntress, hoping she will accept the case with the massive bounty prize he has enlisted. The coin catches Freya's attention, and she is compelled to take the case, despite her own personal “no children” rule.

Name: Lillith
Age: 19-25
Status: Witch, Magic-user
Species: Wikkan
The Wikka are a species of near-humans who have a deep and complicated connection with Black Magic. Their abilities go past the realm of technology, capable of conjuring a unidentifiable entity through channeling the energy on their home world. Through various crafts, practices, rituals and spells, talented Wikkans are capable of altering the world as we know it. Although not all Wikkans are capable of producing and controlling magic, those who can are considered gifted by the community. They reside on their home planet Paganos.

Eyes: White
Skin: Pale, grey
Markings: None
Hair: Silver
Other: Lip and nose piercing, stretched earlobes

Short Bio:
Lillith is a Wikkan witch; one of many capable of using magic. However, no one knows she is a magic wielder, as she has kept it secret her entire life. At a young age she discovered a connection to her world, realizing she can adsorb the energy of the earth and turn it into a unstoppable force. Her powers, far stronger than anything she had ever seen, were nearly uncontrollable. Knowing something was different with her abilities, she sought the wisdom of the local Seer, who cursed her out of his sanctuary. He hissed that she was tainted with evil, and that the energy that looms around is that of spirits from the underworld. He warned her of her magic, predicted that it would consume her, destroy her, and devastate the world around her. Urging her to suppress it, Lillith made countless attempts to rid the evil, and her powers altogether. But to avail. Since his caution, Lillith has remained silent about power wielding abilities, who she really is, and what she's really capable of.

Name: Kamaria
Age: 16-19
Status: Enslaved, Exiled
Species: Wikka-Human Hybrid

Eyes: White
Skin: Pale, freckled
Markings: None
Hair: Jet black
Other: N/A

Short Bio:
Kamaria was born to an Wikkan mother and a Human father. Her father was a galactic representative who while on an exclusive mission on the planet of Wikka, had a passionate affair with a married member of Wikkan aristrocracy. While visiting the prestigious and ancient city of Demonia, Kamaria's mother was assigned as a tour guide and ambassador to the young representative years ago. The two were polar opposites, Kamaria's mother being a gentle and articulate woman whereas Kamaria's human father was rough around the edges and more brutish in speech. Despite their differences, the two were drawn to each other. The affair resulted in a pregnancy, and Kamaria's mother planned on escaping Wikka with the Human and leaving her life behind. However, during an unforeseen invasion, Kamaria's father was slain while protecting her in battle and died before she was born. Kamaria's mother was left to wallow in the shame and shadow of her Wikkan husband - a cold, and narcissistic man who blackmailed her into staying in the broken marriage. She agreed to remain by his side if he allowed her to keep the baby. He agreed, and Kamaria was born into an otherwise pure-blood Wikkan family.

However, despite being born into Wikkan aristocracy, Kamaria was shunned and humiliated for her unusual appearance and her lack of magical abilities. She was born with hair as dark as the black night's sky; although two white orbs for eyes reminded those of her half Wikkan lineage. Despite her efforts to fit in, she was an outcast. As a child, Kamaria struggled with issues of identity. She was a shame among the family, and the only person who loved her unconditionally was her mother (who not only adored her, but preferred her to her other children). 

Though, tension had arisen in the family. And one dark night, Kamaria was forcibly removed from her bedroom and taken by a swarm of masked men. Only a child, she could not understand what they were saying, but only what her mother was screaming. “No! You punish me!” Her mother hurled, tears fleeting down her cheeks as she lay sprawled on the ground, begging for mercy from her husband. “Please!” She begged, grabbing on to Kamaria's hand as she was being hauled away. Kamaria yelled for her mother, erupting into panic as they were being pulled apart. “No, my baby!” Her mother resisted, fighting the strength of her husband who held her back. Kamaria had been vindictively sold to slave dealers by her own malicious step-father. It was a vicious act used to purposely hurt her mother; punishing her for the betrayal she had committed years ago. “Forgive me...” She sobbed, melting to the ground before the door slammed; separating the two of them forever.

Kamaria has “untapped potential” for magic. She believes she is a non-user, as she has never been able to connect to the earth's energy. However, what Kamaria does not know is that her step-father, a powerful wizard, cast a horrible curse on her when she was just a baby, completely suffocating her of any ability to practice magic, despite her lingering abilities.

Queen of Krimscia
Name: Kaziscion
Age: 101 (appears in her 20s)
Status: Queen of Krimscia
Species: Krimscion
The Krimscions are a unique sapient humanoid species short in stature, but strong. Although most of their kind are under 6 feet tall, their long legs and shortened torso make them appear much taller than they really are. The Krimscions are notably known for their ability to harbor pure energy – a life form on their planet characterized by their body's absorption of ultraviolet light. The air on their home planet of Krimsica is made up of mostly densely-salted water, making their air extremely salty in smell and taste. Their energy is often formed through crystals, a result of the salty nature of their environment. Their landscape is mostly made up of strange caves and rocky formations. The planet appears deserted, except for the presence of purple crystals concentrated in the planet's "Underworld" (an area of terrain situated right below the surface). Within this underworld are arches with leading staircases, all leading to mysterious portals. The portals lead to a crystallized and energy-complex realm known as "Imba" only accessible to Krimscions unless otherwise opened to foreigners.

Eyes: Glowing violet
Skin: Lavender in color
Markings: Forehead lines (royal markings)
Hair: Black
Other: Pointed ears, head horns

Short Bio:
Kaziscion, or Kazi for short, is the ruling empress over all Krimscions. She lives among the hidden energy realm accessible via the portals, a dimension known as "Imba". Although royal lineage is favorable to Krimscions, it is not necessary to be of royal blood to rule. Kazi is one of these exceptions - where the royal descendant was not fit to rule, she was voted in by the people to rule Imba and Krimscia. She was chosen not only for her wisdom, intelligence, and her superior power, but also for her compassion. After a dictatorship nearly left the planet to ruins, the nation chose to appoint ruling authority to someone capable of kindness and empathy (a sentiment that is beginning to diminish within the Krimscion culture). In an effort to restore these qualities of emotion, the people chose Kazi and she has ruled successfully and without conflict for years. She is a peaceful woman, aspiring the nation to become more tolerant. Throughout her high power, the nation has not faced war and Krimscions are happier than ever.

However, a dark enemy is lurking; a biological weapon that threatens their very existence. Little does Queen Kaziscion of Krimscion and Imba realize: the lives and joy of her people are in grave danger.

RE: Sci-Fi, Dystopian, Space Adventures [and a little bit of Fantasy] ~ [closed]


[POST #3]


Oracle Militia
Name: Vixalia (Vix)
Age: TBD
Status: Commander of the Oracle Militia
Species: Atlantean
Atlanteans are from a small home planet known as Atlantix, in the distant outer reaches of the galaxy. Their planet was mostly unexplored and unknown for most of history until it virtually vanished from the galaxy completely. It was rumored to have disappeared in a black hole but its ultimate demise was never truly confirmed. Since its disappearance centuries ago, none of its inhabitants have ever been seen. The humanoid species dominant on Atlantix were previously reported as having ghost white hair, bright yellow eyes, and white skin marked with black patterns across the face and limbs. They are known in folklore primarily for their extreme strength as well as their higher intelligence. 

Eyes: Yellow
Skin: White
Markings: Black skin pattern
Hair: White
Other: N/A

Short Bio:
Vixalia is the leader of a secret mercenary and assassin team known widely by the underworld as the “Oracle Militia”. They get their name from their infamous emblem that appears on all of their mysterious-alien-looking ships and weaponry. The Emblem, which resembles that of an Eye encircled in a spiral, is the only hint that society and the universe have for this group's true identity. They are currently one of the most well-known vigilante groups that have been sighted in and around the entire universe. They are mostly a myth and/or legend to most criminals, but recent resurgence of the Oracle Militia has left many politicians and important officials concerned. 

Facts about the Oracle Milita:
- They have been untraceable, unidentifiable, and unstoppable.
- They have done everything from robbery, to terrorism, and recently, to murder.
- They have begun deliberately assassinating important individuals. 
- They are on a wanted and hit list for many people and organizations. 

Extra details: This species and storyline is greatly inspired by the film Atlantis: The Lost Empire (Disney). I look the image for my character from the new Star Trek movie (character name is Jaylah), but will not be affiliating any of the film to my current character. 

Name: Zahirya
Age: TBD
Status: N/A
Species: Unknown

Eyes: Glossed blue
Skin: Purple, multi-colored, scaled
Markings: Natural scaled pattern
Hair: Shades of purple and blue
Other: Flat nose

Short Bio:
Zahirya is an alien female who's origin species is a mystery. Zahirya has all five of her senses exceptionally enhanced. She has the vision of a hawk, the smell of a wolf, and the hearing of a bat (including echolocation). She has nearly double the amount of taste buds as the average human, making her ultra sensitive to foods. She can also use her enhanced sense of taste and smell to identify proteins, minerals, and other materials. Similarly, Zahirya is capable of smelling pheromones on people, as well as other undetectable human scents and chemicals that allow her to interpret a person's feelings, intentions, and moods. Due to the unique design of her wings, legs, hands, and feet, she is an extraordinary climber, leaper, and glider. Her legs allow for increased agility and speed when in combat. Her heightened senses allow for incredible detail in her surroundings, giving her prime instinctively combatant abilities (she knows who's around her at all times and can sense people and animals from a mile away). Lastly, Zahirya possess superhuman intelligence.

Her species is virtually unknown to the universe - no one being able to identify exactly what planet she came for or exactly what species she truly is. Her entire existence is a total mystery. Not only is she not human, even an alien of some kind, but she is an alien to aliens - a creature so foreign, no one even knows what to call her. Although she has knowledge in several languages, Zahirya has very little recollection of her origins. She suffers from severe amnesia, a condition believed to have been caused by a mixture physical head trauma and mental trauma. How she got to (insert planet) is unknown - though it is suspected that she may have been either transported there through universal smugglers. 

Name: Ki'talani
Age: 18-25
Status: Cat Burglar, Expert Thief
Species: Felonian
Felonians are a humanoid, anthropomorphic species known primarily for their cat-like appearance. Although they share mostly the same physiology as humans, standing on two legs and containing two arms, hands and feet. Most females and males also have a full head of hair, like humans. Felonians are different in that the entirety of their body is covered in a light-to-heavy amount of fur. There is great variation of fur within the species, different races carrying different amount of hair, colors and patterns. There is also variation between tails, eyes, teeth and claws. Additionally, Felonians have incredibly enhanced senses. Their smell, hearing, and taste is upwards of 20 times stronger than that of a baseline human. They reside primarily on their densely jungle home planet Felones, however their curious nature has many Felonians traveling and adventuring off-planet.

Eyes: Sharp, green cat-eyes
Skin: N/A – light fur all over the body
Markings: Natural feline pattern
Hair: Light brown
Other: Feline features, whiskers

Short Bio:
Ki'talani, or "Ki'ta" for short, is an expert thief and cat burglar, known by her criminal pseudonym as "Kitty". She is well-known on the planet and in the galaxy (or universe) as capable of stealing virtually ANYTHING. She has yet to fail in any of her missions, and her expertise often garner an extremely high price. Although no one is really sure how she is capable of such immense thievery, many theorize that her Felonian attributes may contribute to her abilities. Because Ki'ta is Felonian, she has an extremely flexible form, allowing her to get in to small and/or difficult areas. She is also very agile and an expert acrobatic. Many believe she may also be a well-established hacker, as she has proven to get in to even the most guarded and highly secure electronic buildings.

Name: Alzeena
Age: TBD
Status: Slave
Species: Orc
Orcs are a humanoid species from the planet Tolkien. Tolkien is a swampy and densely forested wetland planet. It is home to the native species Orc, who are widely known by their large sizes, bow-legs and long arms. They are generally larger than humans (and starkly different) and are physically stronger. Orcs are generally ugly and filthy, with prominent fangs, tusks, and facial features tending toward the grotesque (generally a mixture of the ape-like and pig-like). Their skin is typically a shade of green, gray, black, brown, or sometimes red.

Orcs are aggressive scavengers and opportunistic carnivores (with a taste for both in-species cannibalism and human flesh). While possessing a low cunning and crude culture of their own, they are generally portrayed as a subject race used as soldiers (or battle fodder) by beings of greater power and intelligence. Violent by nature, they will fight ferociously if compelled or directed by a guiding will, but tend towards more chaotic behavior (including cowardice) if left to their own devices. They often use boars, wolves, and wargs, and other unusual beasts for battle transport.

Eyes: Crystallized, silver
Skin: Pale, yellow-green tint
Markings: Purple pattern on fale, facial scars
Hair: Silver
Other: Sharp nose, orc tusks

Short Bio:
"Do not look upon thee, for she is deformed, and ugly." 
- An Orcan woman, in reference to her slave, Alzeena

Although objectively beautiful to most Human, Near-Human, and Humanoid standards, Alzeena is considered by her Orc civilization to be mutated, albino, and hideous. Her appearance deviates from normal Orcan biology by the paleness of her skin, the strange purple pattern over most of her face and body, and her small facial features; such as her petite and narrow nose, shrunken tusks, and round head. Because of her deviant appearance, she was disowned by her mother and sold as a slave child to a wealthier Orc family. Alzeena serves a prestigious Orcan lineage whom have many ties and relations to the outside world. 

A typical Orc has larger, more brute features, such as in this example.

Name: Kanara “Skyhawk”
Age: TBD
Status: Mercenary, Thief
Species: Kiffar-Human mix
The Kiffar are a species of Near-Humans from the planet Kiffu (Star Wars). About one in a hundred Kiffar have the ability to read the memories of inanimate objects—including formerly animate objects like corpses—by touch; an ability known as psychometry. It is not, however, normal for a Kiffar to be able to read the living. Visually, they were comparable to any Human except for their distinct facial markings. These markings, called qukuuf, applied as tattoos when young, were passed down through families on the mother's side, except for on those rare occasions where an individual's mother was not a Kiffar, in which case the father's markings were taken on.  

Eyes: Silver
Skin: Tan
Markings: Facial tattoos
Hair: Shades of brown
Other: N/A

Short Bio:
Kanara is a Kiffar-Human mix who was abandoned by her mother as an infant. She spent most of her upbringing bouncing from orphanage to orphanage. The instability caused her to develop into a child troublemaker and later into a delinquent. By her late teens, Kanara was mostly homeless and poor, and lived off of the streets of the dark underworld. She predominantly grew into a lifestyle of general crime, adhering to the many criminal ways of Slum District G17 (area of the underworld that contained bars, cabarets, gang hangouts, gun market, etc.). Despite her upbringing, Kanara was extremely intelligent, cunning, and charming, and used these characteristics to build a reputation for herself as a legitimate criminal. Known mostly for her skills in thievery, Kanara became a wealthy and prominent figure in the underworld and became a popular choice For-Hire. By her 20s, Kanara had become known as Skyhawk – and after stealing extreme valuables and for her involvement in organized crime, earned her name onto a Most Wanted list. 

Having little knowledge of her roots other than the facial tattoos her mother left her, Kanara discovered her Kiffar ancestry at a young age, since she was highly sensitive and psychic, and was able to see and feel memories and emotions from inanimate objects. Living mostly on her own, Kanara self-taught herself the unique ways of psychometry, without the use of formal training. This ability became a key aspect in her life as well as her criminal career – giving her the upper hand in many facets of the underworld.

Kanara is extremely difficult to catch, as she is mainly untraceable due to her disconnected upbringing. Because she has no family, little to few friends, and no legitimate legal identity, she is known mostly as a virtual ghost to society. She is a barely recognizable face among a city containing millions of individuals. Those who tracked her knew simply that she was female, near-human, and that she was referred to as “Skyhawk”. But, to Kanara's dismay, she was accidentally captured on a private security camera, one which she failed to disconnect on a job. Unfortunately, in the photograph, Skyhawk's face is covered from the eyes down, and she is hooded. The photo is also of poor quality, but did manage to identify part of her forehead tattoo. Although her head was mostly covered by a big hood, the two circles above her eyebrows were foggily captured on the image, along with her distinct ghostly white irises.

Name: Amaranth
Age: TBD
Status: Leader of the Floriq Clan
Species: Faunian
Faunians are a primitive humanoid species native to the planet Faunica. Faunica is a densely swamped planet within the Unknown Regions of the galaxy. It is most known for its stunning fauna and floral, which at night illuminate with the glow from the three orbiting moons. Although a small globe, Faunica is very rich in minerals and rare crystals. Since the new discovery of this planet and its valuable resources, it has been recently colonized by non-native species, organizations, and companies looking to profit or benefit from access to these lands. Although welcoming at first, the native Faunians have recently become unsettled with recent efforts to exploit their lands. 

Faunians are a fairly tall species, with the male average height nearing 7 feet, and females around 6 feet. Faunians have thick, smoothly-glossed skin that comes in varying shades of green. They have a thin layer of blubber under the surface of their skin, which allows them to withstand colder temperatures than the baseline human (and most near-human species). Additional to this, both males and females are muscular and very agile. Faunians possess 3-digit fingers and a thumb on each hand, rather than the usual four. They have long animal-like ears that allow them exceptional hearing. Their eyes range in color from brown, to purple, to black, and are also capable of seeing clearly in dark, low-lighting as well as allow them the ability to see underwater (and even in murky, swamp conditions). 

Because of their distance from mainstream and unexplored region, they are not technologically immersed and live a simple, primal lifestyle. They are a very religious species although will not divulge their beliefs to outsiders. However, it is known that Faunians are strict vegetarians, and do not eat the flesh of any sort of animal. Instead, their diets are made up of a wide assortment of local fruits and vegetables, as well as some animal by-products (excluding eggs).

Short Bio:
Amaranth is a local/native on planet Faunica. She is the leader of the Floriq Clan; one of the many tribes of people among the lands. 

Faunians are very anal with their religion, and there is a strict no-tell rule pertaining to outsiders and their religious traditions. However, their tight-lipped behaviour is as a result of their connection with an entity they refer to as “Gaia'ma”. Many Faunians are sensitive to this force, and those who have this connection are refered to as “Am'ma” and considered blessed and "chosen". Most of these individuals are birth-right leaders. 

Amaranth would be one of those people. She is a respected leader because she has a deep connection with Gaia'ma and because of this, she is very persuasive (capable of controlling people to certain extents), as well as her abilities to sense and feel emotions of others. Because her culture worships this connection, she has practiced with this entity since she was a child, and is capable of telekinesis and some degree of mind control.

All this knowledge, however, is kept hidden from outsiders. 

Age: TBD
Status: Ambassador
Species: Nereusian
 Nereusians are a humanoid aquatic species native to the ocean planet, Nereusis. Nereusis is a small planet in which its mass is made up of majority ocean and freshwater. Nereusian's are often considered Near-Human, as their figure physically resembles that of humans. They are tall, typically between 6 and 7 feet, are bipedal with long legs, shorter torsos, and webbed toes. Their feet are similar to humans in that they have distinct toes, though are only made up of one big toe and three smaller (but still elongated) digits that are all webbed to support their aquatic lifestyle. Despite this, Nereusians have human-like five digit hands that are only partially webbed. Like many other aquatic species, Nereusians have many sea-like features, such as colored skin patterns, scales, and various forms of fins that are most often found on their forearms, elbows, shins, shoulders, neck, face and head. Rather than hair on their head, Nereusians have something called a Dorsal Gown, which essentially acts like a light, soft, flowy fin that is often wide and lengthy. Additionally, the species is capable of both breathing through lungs and gills. They have a cartilaginous skeleton, which makes them very flexible. They also possess double-layered eyes that allowed them to switch from dark/night vision to light/day vision. It also works to provide impeccable eyesight both in and out of water. Nereusians are completely amphibious – capable of living out of water as much as in. 

Throughout their evolution and technological advancements, Nereusians have mainly cemented on land by the shore, and live mostly out of the water (though, they do require water-contact and much hydration to survive). They have developed a complex Parliamentary government consisting of several political parties known as Kingdoms. Each Kingdom represents a geographic area and group of people (called a district), which is ruled by a group of leaders that are chosen by the people. Each Kingdom runs its own district, though, for issues pertaining to the entire planet, or outer-planet concerns, the Kingdoms gather together in unity to rule and decide. Nereusians also have a lavish and rich culture. They are highly intelligent and artistic, and embellish themselves in lavish gowns and natural jewelry (from the lands) which are often used to symbolize status and respect within the community.

Eyes: Glossed blue
Skin: Pale and multi-colored
Markings: Colorful aquatic pattern
Hair: N/A, large dorsal gown (fin) on head
Other: Variety of fin-like and aquatic features including gills and a cartilaginous skeleton

Short Bio:
The planet of Nereusis, ruled in unison by 13 Kingdoms (districts), despite their educated and wealthy empire, have mostly failed in terms of universal communication. They have mainly stayed secluded from galactic affairs, wars, and political conflict in order to keep neutrality and peace. Though, recently, pressure on the Kingdoms to branch out led to the launch of a project known as “Galactic Gaia”. This project would created a bigger, better, more universal space station that would provide Nereusians access to other galaxies. The project would provide flights to and from Nereusis to the space station – which would be used as a terminal for other species and companies. The decision was made mainly to allow Nereusians to travel off-planet, but was mostly heavily influenced by the specie's growing interest galactic affairs and universal diversity.

Nereida is a Nereusian political representative for the Kingdom of District Atlympia. She was voted by the 13 Kingdoms of Nereusis to be the planet's Ambassador and representative to the outside universe. She was chosen by both district parties, and by the people of Nereusis. She acts as the lead communicator between Nereusis and the outside world. She would be among the first of her kind to leave the homeworld to live off-planet in order to explore potential business and galactic agreements. She is as intrinsically beautiful as she is respected, and very intelligent.

RE: Sci-Fi, Dystopian, Space Adventures [and a little bit of Fantasy] ~ [closed]


[POST #4]



Android Andromeda
Name: X-007
Age: N/A
Status: Slaved Android, Escaped
Species: Physical Android, Psyche of unknown species

Eyes: Mechanical, blue
Skin: Mechanical, grey
Markings: Mechanical pattern
Hair: White
Other: N/A

Short Bio:
X-007 does not know her name. She does not know her identity, nor does she know her species, origin, heritage. She is trapped in the body of an android; her body being held hostage at an unknown location. X-007 was just one of hundreds of individuals who had their mind and psyche stripped from their physical bodies and placed in a piece of machinery - their android bodies. Their figures, known as "Bionicas", are highly advanced, appearing to the visual eye humanoid in essence. All Bionicas have human features, such as a humanoid body, and hair. They were originally designed and created in the city of Coruzento, a densely populated technological mega-metropolitan. Bionicas were created to be programmed into advanced "sex dolls" or bionic escorts. Despite this primary use, most Bionicas were sold to the main market as robots and servants. ALl Bionicas had owners, or masters, and were hard-wired to do absolutely anything their owner ask of them to do. However, although most Bionicas had their brains completely wiped, X-007 had several fragments of her memory restored in a short-circuit reboot. Keeping her memories secret, she began to rebel against commands - now regaining a sense of "free-will", and aspect resurfacing from her real mind. Soon she managed to escape, becoming what the media refers to as a "Rogue Bionica". There is a warrant placed on her head, and she is deemed a target that should be dealt with "lethal force"; branding her as extremely dangerous and unstable. On the run, X-007 managed to break into the Head Office of the company that created her. Through stealing company documents and files, she discovers that virtually ALL Bionica androids are, in fact, operating on the mind and psyche from a living (flesh) body. She further discovers that the androids requires the flesh body - the host - to be living for them to operate the programming. Convinced her true body is being held in an unknown, unidentified facility, she sets out to try and find it, enlisting the aid of anyone willing to help her.

Additional details: We can make X-007 any species. I have made her flesh host-body ambiguous for creative freedom. She is not necessarily human, but we can certainly make her human.

District Soldier
Name: Zeltrona
Age: 18-25
Status: Orphan, Mercenary, Soldier
Species: Mix race (unknown)

Eyes: Pale sky blue
Skin: Pale blue
Markings: Half-sleeve tattoo, scars
Hair: Hot pink
Other: N/A

Short Bio:
Zeltrona is a young humanoid female who's grown up in the slums of District 66 on the multi-level planet of Tzilesso. Orphaned as a baby, she has spent all of her life jumping from foster homes and orphanages. Constantly in and out of the system, Zeltrona lead a life juvenile delinquency which carried over to adulthood. At an early age she began down a path of petty crimes; particularly with breaking and entering, trespassing, arms (weapons) dealing and trafficking, hover-racing and theft. However, recently, she has lost her license in driving or flying any sort of mechanical aircraft or automobile due to her extensive history in racing, speeding, and general criminal deviance. Despite her long list of criminal offences and the several warrants out for her arrest, Zeltrona has remained out of prison and out of the hands of officials for many years now. She has built a life and career out of crime, becoming a leading mercenary and "District Soldier" of sort for many known crime lords. She is often described as having "balls as big as her gun" for her absolutely fearless character.

Zeltrona is always armed with a gun or blaster of some kind, as well as a pack of cigarettes. If not found in the blackmarket underground, she can be found zipping through the busy streets of District 66 on a modified (illegal) hover-board or craft of some sort. She is extraordinary stubborn, head-strong, and cunning. Her quick wit and daring personality have made her hard to catch and difficult to deal with. She is quite alternative in appearance, with bright pink hair (shaved on one side of her head), a nose ring, as well as her belly button, tongue and nipples pierced (optional). Her fashion sense is normally a mix between punk-rock and grunge, which matches her taste in music. Despite her typical city scoundrel profile, she does possess two particularly unique characteristics: 1) A large scar running over her eye and side of her face and neck, 2) a half-sleeve of tattoos on her left arm and 3) her bionic (right) arm.

Kikota the Kind
Name: Kikota
Age: 18-25
Status: Sniper, Undercover/ Secret Agent
Species: Human, evolved

Eyes: Emerald green
Skin: Pale
Markings: Scar over right eye
Hair: Black
Other: Of ancient Japanese descent

Short Bio:

Eris of Discord
Name: Eris
Age: 18-25
Status: Assassin, Mercenary
Species: Zabrak

Eyes: Purple
Skin: Tan
Markings: Black skin pattern
Hair: Black
Other: Horned head, shoulders, elbows and knees

Short Bio:

Elven Archer
Name: Etheria
Age: 65 (appears in her 20s)
Status: Elven Archer, Noblewoman
Species: Elvenish

Eyes: White
Skin: Tan
Markings: None
Hair: Forest green
Other: Long, pointed ears

Short Bio:

Name: Harlem “Harley”
Age: TBD
Status: Unwanted
Species: Mixed Race

Eyes: Hazel
Skin: Pale
Markings: None
Hair:Bleach blonde
Other: Septum piercing, stretched earlobes, industrial piercing

Short Bio:

Name: Zroza'krudu'duotta (Z'rora)
Age: Unknown
Status: Commander, Expert Pilot, Military Strategist
Species: Gukroxi'ku (“Gukrox”)
The Gukrox are a tall, blue-skinned humanoid civilization from the planet Gukroxia. Due to the remote position of their home territory in the Gukrox remained largely an enigma to the rest of the galaxy, and contact with outsiders was limited even in days of advanced technology. Their planet, culture, and military is highly complex, composed of many layers of hierarchy, power, and positions. The Gukrox are complex individuals in general, possessing superhuman intelligence and superior strategic abilities. They are brilliant multi-taskers, capable of processing a multiple of scenarios at the same time.

Eyes: Yellow
Skin: Light blue
Markings: Forehead engraving
Hair: Shades of blue and teal
Other: N/A

Short Bio:
Zroza'krudu'duotta is a Gukrox and anarchist commonly known as Zrora for short (pronounced Z-roar-a). She is the leading founder of the anarchist mercenary group called the Dark Knights. The Dark Knights are made up of fallen nation members who have rejected the ideologies of their corrupt government. They are rebels and extremists who are at war with corruption, as well as evil. All members of the Dark Knight organization share a united belief – that one does not have to adhere to the rules of the government in order to be an active member in Gukrox society. Dark Knights believe both light and dark can be used together to achieve optimal meaning and use. Z'rora in particular is an expert pilot, strategist, and militia leader. She is widely known for her mass fleet of solar-energy air crafts and ships and the brutish nature of her attacks. The Dark Knights have often been recruited to aid other militaries in wars because of their reputation.

Sentient Twins
Name: Sentient Twins
Age: 18-22
Status: Carrier of immunity antidote

Eyes: Glossed, burgundy and purple
Skin: Fair, pastel
Markings: Varying skin patterns
Hair: White/ silver
Other: N/A

Short Bio:

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