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Fancy Brat // Chaos Lord

Rika tried not to seem like she was enjoying him feeding her. However, the odd little situation she was in made her chuckle a little to herself. She almost forgot the situation she was in. She got another bite as he turned the fruit for her, hearing his comments on her being special here. His last few words confused her a bit. "Huh? What games?" She had now found the catch to her getting this food. She wasn't sure what exactly these 'games' were about.


Miranda could feel the blows to her armor, but she wasn't worried at all since they probably just caused a dent or so. She had succeeded in knocking back the leader, grabbing his shield in the process. It's not like she needed it, but it would be good for charging through some of them. She held it in one hand, with her sword ready in the other. She went ahead at the lead, shoving the shield forward to maybe block off an attack, then bringing her sword forward at a vertical slash.
Rakator smiled and pulled the peach pit from her lips, wiping away a small amount of it's juice as it trailed down from her lips, with his claw delicately. "All mortals we acquire are brought here to participate in the arena games. They wager their lives and their fighting abilities against all the pleasures that can be provided in this life." He smiled and clipped away the chains that held her, proffering the wineskin to her lips. "And you will be no exception."


The lead hobgoblin raised it's scimitar around in a wide arc, but hadn't anticipated her picking up it's shield. The blow resounded off of it and her blow cleaved through his shoulder, slicing off his arm and he fell backwards, gushing blue blood from the wound even as he died, gurgling. The other Hobgoblins were stunned by this show of strength and prowess by the Elf General and were hesitant about advancing on her again.
Rika was rather shocked to hear about this. She ad been captured only to take part in such a barbaric event? She felt his claw wipe away the bit of juice that trailed down her cheek. Hearing of these arena games made her wonder why he was trying to coax her in this way. She didn't drink from the wineskin just yet. "How am I supposed to participate if you have taken away my weapon?" she asked.


Miranda grinned as their leader was taken out. Without him, they really weren't sure of what to do from there. "Come on. This is hardly even a challenge for me." she thought. Deciding to take advantage of their panic, she went ahead and charged at them, quickly swinging her sword around at their waists.
Rakator pulled away the wine skin and stepped away as he released her chains, allowing her to move about the cell. "You will be provided with weapons before entering the arena. And if you win, you may request for your weapon to be returned to you." He smiled fiendishly, his fangs glinting in the torch light. "That's the beauty of the arena, your reward and your worth are completely in your control, and all may revel in the glory of the victor." He did not mention so grandly exactly what she had to lose, but he relished the thought equally.


Two more of the Hobgoblins fell beneath her graceful swings, and now the creatures were truly shaken by this elf who cut through their ranks with such agile ease. They quivered in their boots and loosened their groups on their swords, and the crowd roared and jeered, urging Miranda on and shouting down the Hobgoblins. "Kill! Kill! Kill!" The cry went up, demanding blood and gore to be spilled upon the sand.
Rika finally stood up after being released from her chains. She felt a little weak on her legs for now since she had been sitting for so long. She wasn't all too fond of having to use another weapon aside from her own. It had been specially made just for her. anything else would probably throw her off a bit. "Then I have no choice but to win. Losing is not an option." She didn't want to think about what would happen if she lost. She'd most likely die, but she wouldn't have that.


Miranda stared at the remaining hobgoblins, seeing just how frightened they were now. they were weak. They were becoming a nervous wreck just because their leader was down. They didn't know how to take the situation into their own hands. She heard the arena cheering for her, telling her to give the final blow. She was rather amused at this crowd as they cheered for her. with a quick swipe, she brought her sword down on the remaining hobgoblins.
Rakator turned and exited her cell, swinging the barred door shut, leaving behind for her the tray of remaining fruits and the wineskin. He spoke, "Then I will have a match for you before the day is out, and I hope you will perform admirably." These words seemed to carry with them none of the usual morale boosting, but instead all the wickedness and malice that only a demon prince could muster.


"What a stunning display of raw tenacity!" Spoke the gruff voice, though without much real enthusiasm. "Perhaps there is a new star rising amongst the ranks of the Arena's combatants. But has she really faced a true challenge?" The roar of the crowd booed and hissed, shouting out a resounding no, in answer to the question. "Perhaps an encored is in order?" The voice asked and the crowd roared it's approval, cheering as one, "Miranda! Miranda! Miranda!"
Rika grabbed another fruit as he left the cell. Her heart started to pound a bit as she heard she would be having a match pretty soon. She wasn't exactly sure what to expect, but she'd have to win nonetheless, no matter what she was fighting. she wasn't sure if he was actually wishing her luck or being sarcastic with his last statement. She didn't want to think about that right now. She just grabbed the wineskin, taking a little sip if it.


Miranda planted the sword in the ground as she looked over the bodies of the hobgoblins. that truly had not been any challenge. She only had a single bead of sweat dripping down her forehead. She grumbled as they hissed at her. It wasn't her fault that she was given such a weak opponent. "Tch, do I really need to have another one?" she muttered to herself. she was still more than ready to fight, so it wouldn't matter to her.
Even as Miranda spoke however, the sand of the arena seemed to shift and rumble beneath her feet and ahead a hole opened up in the arena's sands and out of it rose a trio of Hobgoblins, riding on the backs of large, vicious wargs. They were more heavily armored than their previous counterparts and two carried spears and large rounded shields while a third held a longbow in his hands. Each one glared at her fiercely, not roaring and screaming like the earlier group had, but instead remaining cool and collected, despite the growling and pawing of their fierce mounts with their bloodstained and matted fur. Suddenly, the pair with spears rushed forward, harrying past her flanks, without really striking at her even as the third began to circle around, firing a volley of arrows at her.
Miranda had been waiting for a little while for her next fight to begin, but it looked like she wouldn't need to wait any longer. She felt the ground beneath hr shake, another hole opening up in the arena floor. She wasn't so much worried about the hobgoblin trio, but more of their mounts. She had never seen a creature like that, and they were even larger than she would have liked. She took some time to plan out her attack, watching as they approached her suddenly. She held her ground as the two hobgoblins rushed past her, with the third firing a barrage of arrows at her. She still had the shield from the last fight, using it to block off the arrows. Some had stuck into the shield, but it would still prove useful for defense. She noticed one of the lances from her previous opponents, grabbing it and quickly tossing it at the hobgoblin. she was looking to take him out, but if it missed him, she would be happy with striking the beast.
As she tossed the spear at one of the mounted hobgoblins, the second swept around behind her, striking out at her feet and ankles with his spear. Her throw found it's mark though and the mounted Hobgoblin toppled backwards off his mount with the spear protruding from his chest. But the warg kept coming, slavering and snapping as it pounced towards her. A roar went through the crowd, urging the creatures on in their two pronged assault.
She was glad to have taken out the hobgoblin, but the beast was still something to worry about. She gasped as the spear from behind had swept her off her feet, making her fall on her behind. It couldn't have come at a worse time as the massive beast suddenly pounced at her. She soon found herself below the large beast with it growling loudly at her. At least it hadn't pushed her down against the ground, so she could still slide from beneath it. She quickly rolled to the side, looking to move out from under the beast.
The other Hobgoblins circled around her as she face off against the growling warg who snarled and barked and lunged towards her once more, fast and powerful, tensing all of it's weight into the attack. Not having a clear shot, the bow armed goblin dropped it's bow and pulled out a scimitar forming up with it's partner as they circled behind to where Miranda was dealing with the Warg, waiting for an opportunity to swoop in. The Warg's claws were outstretched towards Miranda and it's slavering jaws open wide and it's eyes glowed yellow and the crowd went up with a cheer as it made it's attack.
If it hadn't been for the fact she still had a weapon, she would have been killed right away. The shield pushed against her chest a bit as the creature put all its weight on her. She felt it a bit harder to breath. Miranda noticed the hobgoblins circling around with their weapons, just waiting for a chance to get her. She had to get out from here fast. This creature was her main concern at this point. She could easily dispose of the hobgoblins, but this was something she had never encountered. She would just try and kick at the Warg from below, hoping that she could somehow get it off, or have it loosen its grip so she could roll under.
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