A United Front: randomname and LovelyDeadlyLadies

Dec 22, 2014
United States
Entering through the Hunter’s Gate at Winterfell, Jaron Glover was escorted by a few dozen soldiers. The Lord of Deepwood Motte, his sister, and his mother rode horseback. Last month, Jaron’s father passed away. The last few years was riddled with friction with the Stark family. The former Lord Glover disavowed his allegiance from the Starks for a myriad of reasons – none that good. Jaron always liked the family – especially the oldest daughter, Sansa. They were close friends and even childhood sweethearts until politics forced them away. When Jaron found out it was proposed that he marry Sansa, the male agreed.

Besides, the North needed a united front. The Glover convoy just traveled through the Wolfswood from Deepwood Motte. It was a short trip and it was noon. It was getting colder despite the sun burning bright. The wedding would take place this evening. His outfit was already prepared and measurements were already taken. At the gates, Lord Eddard Stark and Lady Catelyn Stark greeted Jaron and his family. Usually, the wedding took place at the location where the Lord and Lady would reside. However, a Stark would probably always marry at Winterfell in Jaron’s lifetime. He had no issue with this as he loved being here in Winterfell. Once entering the gates and seeing her parents, Jaron looked for Sansa as well, hoping she was as eager for this as he was.
It had been five years since Sansa Stark last saw Jaron Glover. The young women knew this because the memory of their last meeting constantly played in her mind. Jaron Glover had been Sansa's chi,d hood sweet heart though he was five years older than she was. The last time they saw each other was at Winterfell, Sansa was just becoming a young woman at thirteen and Jaron was already a handsome young man. The reason the memory of their last meeting was so clear in her mind was because it was the first time Sansa had been kissed, and Jaron was the one who kissed her. It was only about an hour or two before he left with his father and Sansa had been walking along the halls of Winterfell when she was pulled by her arm into a little alcove and before she knew it his lips were on hers. Sansa remembered the kiss fondly. His lips had been warm and sweet and she remembered his stubble of a beard tickling and scratching her skin. She had never let anyone else kiss her since then.

When her mother told her that she was to marry Jaron, Sansa was overjoyed. Even though it had been five years she was still in love with him. But she was also nervous. After all it HAD been five years. What if he had changed? What if SHE had changed? Perhaps this marriage was purely political to Jaron? All these questions weighed heavily on her mind as she waited behind her parents for the Glover convoy to arrive. Once they did Sansa spot ten Jaron instantly and couldn't stop herself from smiling. He was more handsome then she remembered.
The sight was breathtaking. Behind Lord Stark and Lady Stark was Jaron’s betrothed. Five years was a long time, but she looked gorgeous. Long, fiery red hair, deep eyes, and a smile that made his heart melt. The male jumped down from his horse when one of the soldiers took the animal to be fed and watered: the same thing happened for the horses that carried his mother and sister. The first thing Jaron did was greet the Lord and Lady of Winterfell politely. They looked genuinely happy about this. Now, a pathway cleared to Sansa Stark. Jaron approached her with a charming smile on his lips before taking her right hand in his own. He raised her hand towards his lips and kissed her knuckles. “Good afternoon, my Lady.” He cooed softly, gripping her hand gently, holding it for as long as possible until he pulled his lips back and released her hand. Her lips looked just as kissable as ever – Jaron could not wait for alone time with this girl. They had much to do before that, however. They would waste little time. The wedding was the same day and everything was practically ready.

“Well, we should get you two changed and ready for the wedding. Follow me, Lord Jaron, I’ll show you to your changing room.” This would be where he and Sansa parted for now. He understood it and they had no choice. Later, however, he would make up for this lost time. Politely, Jaron nodded his head and followed the Lady Stark from the gate towards the castle. Sansa would have to go off on her own as well to her room to get changed. While passing her, the male offered yet another smile, hoping she had not forgotten about their past. It was rare for an arranged marriage to work out so well: Jaron felt lucky.
Sansa waited patiently for Jaron to greet her parents though she was almost bouncing on the balls of her feet as she waited. When it finally came her turn to be greeted by him she couldn't help but blush as he took her hand and kissed her knuckles. "Good afternoon, my Lord." She answered, bowing her head slightly out of respect. She wanted to be in his arms and she wanted to feel his lips on hers again. Sansa was of course nervous for their wedding night but she was excited too. This was Jaron. She had been in love with him for as long as she could remember and she could not wait to be his wife. Sansa was not the only one who seemed happy about the upcoming union. Her parents seemed very pleased that she was going to marry Jaron, though she always remembered them being fond of the young Lord.

When they told them they had to change for the wedding Sansa was a little disappointed that they wouldn't have any time alone before the wedding. But it was getting closer, so she didn't have to wait much longer. Jaron was quickly whisked away but she smiled back as he passed before she was whisked away herself to get dressed in her wedding gown.
Hearing Sansa’s voice for the first time in years sent a shiver through Jaron’s spine. A smile graced his lips and stayed there while walking away from the redhead. Himself and Sansa’s mother made idle conversation as they walked into the castle. She explained the plan to him: they would have their wedding this evening and spend the night in the castle. Tomorrow, they would set out for Deepwood Motte. Winterfell was busy right now. Other than the wedding, they were also preparing for King Robert Baratheon’s impending arrival. That was happening later in the month so it was obvious that everyone felt the pressure. One thing at a time, though.

Once arriving to Jaron’s quarters, a hot bath was already run, the clothing with his measurements was ready, and he was told to take his time. The wedding would not be for another few hours so he could clean himself up, spend some time with his mother and sister before Catelyn would return to fetch him for the ceremony. He thanked the lady and decided to get right into the bath since it was nice after his travels from Deepwood.
Sansa smiled all the way back to her room where she was also to have a hot bath even though she had not traveled at all. She had to be nice and clean for her new husband. The red heads heart was pounding. She was both excited and nervous. She was so lucky that she got to marry a man she actually loved. Part of her wondered if Jaron had been with other women during their time apart. It had been five years after all and she would not be upset though she might feel a little hurt. However it was something not worth thinking about. She was to be married soon and she would be a faithful and loyal wife, no matter what.

When she was returned to her room Sansa took her hot bath and sss scrubbed clean by some of the servants. She didn't mind. She wanted to be clean and pure for Jaron. Her heart sored every time she thought about him. He had looked so handsome earlier and he seemed very happy to see her. When she was scrubbed clean Sansa was dressed and then sat down so her hair could be done. It was nothing very fancy, just two braids pulled back up in a half up style while the rest of her hair hung lose around her shoulders. Her mother went over everything with her, making sure she understood what she was expected to do and say at the wedding ceremony. Before Sansa knew it, it was time for the ceremony.
Jaron was excited. It was difficult taking his time but he did not get too far ahead of himself. Once the male was washed, he dried himself with a towel and found his attire for the wedding. It still consisted of many layers to keep warm, but the coat and clothing material were something fancier than normal. In the North where the Old Gods took precedent, there were no clergy. It was usually officiated by the groom’s head of household – the father. Since Jaron’s father was dead, his uncle would be his presenter and Lord Eddard Stark would present Sansa. When night came, Jaron was lead outside to the Godswood and in front of the sacred weirwood heart tree. Jaron arrived first with his uncle, their family all gathering around to watch as did Sansa’s family. The guests hold torches, lighting the area.

Jaron was first, of course, and it was time for the bride to be presented. Eddard stood beside his daughter and linked arms until they were given a cue to enter. He smiled knowingly at his daughter and walked with her towards Jaron and the weirwood heart tree. The ceremony started.

“Who comes before the Old Gods at this night?” Jaron’s uncle asked.

"Sansa, of the House Stark, comes here to be wed. A woman grown, trueborn and noble. She comes to beg the blessing of the Gods. Who comes to claim her?" Eddard responded.

It was Jaron’s turn. “Jaron, of the House Glover, Lord of Deepwood Motte. Who gives her?”

“Lord Eddard, of the House Stark, Warden of the North who is her father.” The other male responded.

The last line was from Jaron’s Uncle. “Lady Sansa, do you take this man?”
When the time came Sansa's father led her out to the weirwood tree, the two of the smiling happily all the way. Sansa's wedding gown was beautiful and white along with her maiden cloak. The red head could not have been happier. When they reached the tree and her father and Jaron spoke the traditional words. Sansa tried not to smile too much, knowing this was a serious event as well. To be married before the weirwood tree was sacred to her family. It needed to be treated with just as much seriousness. But she couldn't help but be happy. When it came her turn to speak she gave a little nod and said, "I take this man." Her eyes stating on Jaron the entire time.

With that her father let her go and she stepped up next to Jaron. The couple moved to their knees and prayed silently to the Okd Gods, as was traditional. When that was done they both stood and Jaron removed her maiden cloak and replaced it with a cloak that had the Glover house sigil on it. This signified that she was brought under the protection of House Glover as well as Jaron's protection. Then that was it. They were married. Officially. Sansa was now Lady Glover rather than Lady Stark.
After the recited prayers and the cloaking, the marriage ceremony concluded. It was a much simpler ceremony than the Faith of the Seven. With a smile, Jaron took both of Sansa’s hands and held them firmly before leaning down and touching their lips together for a gentle kiss. It was held for no more than five or six seconds before Jaron was pulling away. Sighing softly, he laced their fingers together as it was now time for the feast. Regardless of religion and tradition, a feast was held during all weddings – one of the few things that al traditions held in common.

It was official now. Lord Stark led the newly married couple towards the Great Hall. The guests were following behind them, ready for the feast. The male slowly walked with his new bride, feeling a great sense of joy at this marriage. It felt better than he ever expected it would. They reached the Hall and the food was already prepared, all waiting for them to indulge themselves. His mouth was salivating at the sight and smell, ready to get on with it as they were lead to the seats at the Great Hall, sitting right beside each other while their plates were being filled.
When the ceremony was completed Sansa was a little surprised when Jaron took her hands and kissed it her. It was brief and she barely got a chance to return it but nevertheless she melted like butter. As he took her hand and they were led away from the tree Sansa could not keep the smile off of her face. It also helped that everyone around her seemed just as happy, even Jaron. Especially Jaron. It was strange. They were married now but they'd hardly gotten to say two words to each other since he arrived. If she was being honest with herself Sansa didn't know what to say.

When the reached the Great Hall Sansa and Jaron were seated next to each other and before they knew the food started flowing. Their plates were piled and music played and everyone seemed happy. There was a little entertainment but mostly people just came up to congratulate the couple on their union.
Sitting at the table, Jaron could hardly believe the food he saw. Everything smelled delicious. Everything tasted even better. Constantly, he thanked the handmaidens and cooks setting their plates and giving them food. While sitting beside of Sansa, Jaron felt at home. His left hand reached down to rest on Sansa’s leg. There was nothing sexual about this touch – he just simply wanted to touch her anywhere that he could. Of course, they were in the middle of everyone at the Great Hall so there was little that could be done. Public displays of affection were not exactly welcomed in their culture. Affection was a private affair.

Looking towards the girl, he figured out something that he could do that would seem adorable and affectionate without being overboard. Gently taking her fork, Jaron held a piece of the venison to Sansa’s lips, wanting to feed her a bite. “I am so excited. This is easily the greatest day of my life.” Jaron whispered to her now that the guests had stopped approaching them with congratulations. He wanted to tell her this so she knew how much he enjoyed this.
Sansa was a bit overwhelmed by all the attention. She knew it was her wedding day but even this seemed like a bit much to her. Still she did not stop smiling even though she was very quiet. She said thank you to everyone who congratulated them and everyone who brought them food and drinks. Of course she was happy but she was just so nervous and overwhelmed that she didn't know what to say. Then she felt Jaron's hand on her leg and she looked down at her lap, smiling a bit before gently moving her own hand over his, smiling over at him. The touch calmed her and made her feel a little more grounded even though it was small.

It surprised her when he took her fork and fed her a piece of meat but she did not reject it. She leaned forward and ate the food he held out to her before smiling at his words. "I am glad you feel that way. I am excited as well and I can't wait to spend my life with you..." She replied softly, squeezing his hand gently.
Grinning, Jaron enjoyed everything Sansa just told him. “I look forward to our life together as well.” The young man admitted with a bright smile on his lips. After feeding her only a couple more bites of food, he sat her fork down onto her plate so the bride could finish feeding herself. “I am also excited for tonight.” The male murmured softly and leaned down to kiss her neck. Their eyes were locked together for a few minutes before he pulled back and continued on his food.

The meal took an hour or so with all the main courses and the desserts were presented. Afterwards, Jaron waited until they were both finished. The guests were slowly exiting the Great Hall and their plates were being cleaned and taken away for cleaning. “Are you ready to go to our room for the night?” He asked softly while looking deep into her eyes, ready to retire for the night since they were done here.
Sansa smiled and ate what he fed her. Her nervousness was starting to fade, at least it was until he leaned in and whispered to her about how excited he was for the rest of the evening, which made Sansa blush and look down a little. She didn't respond but she was sure her expression told him all he needed to know. The kiss on her neck made her feel strangely warm.

When the hall started to empty Sansa realized this was it. They were about to go off to her bedroom. She watched as the servants gathered up the dishes and took them away for cleaning until Jaron's words distracted her. "Of course my Lord." She said softly, taking his hand and letting him lead her out of the great hall and to her chambers.
Walking through the castle, Jaron reached the chambers he shared with Sansa for tonight. Tomorrow morning after breakfast, the couple would make the trip to Deepwood Motte. While he was excited for that, Jaron wanted to enjoy tonight. When they reached the room, he politely held the door open for his Lady. Once she entered into the bedchambers, Jaron closed the door. After they were fully alone, he walked towards his wife and wrapped his arms around her from behind, locking his hands around her waist.

“I hope you had fun tonight, my Lady. I am so happy to have this with you.” The male murmured softly, kissing down her neck from behind. “You have made me the happiest man in the world.” He quietly whispered, nuzzling his nose gently against her neck as well, wanting to give her the same feeling she was providing him.
Sansa was still quite nervous about the evening but she was also a little excited too. This was Jaron. He would not just use her the way other men would. She knew he truly cared for her. They made their way to her chamberes and Sansa stepped inside. As Jaron closed the door she took off her cloak and laid it on the end of the bed, leaving her in her wedding gown. Normally a woman would have her handmaidens come undress her but this was Winterfell. Sansa didn't even have handmaidens.

Jaron wrapped his arms around her and Sansa almost instantly relaxed. His breath against her neck as he spoke made her skin tingle and she blushed. But she was smiling too. "I did have fun. And if you are the happiest man than I am the happiest woman." She replied, glancing over her should at him. "I haven't been able to stop thinking about you since I last saw you...Jaron..." She added softly, her demeanor changing a little from the formal one she'd held throughout the festivities. She hoped he didn't mind her calling him by his name in private. "I missed you..."
Jaron could practically feel Sansa relaxing in his arms. The blush on her face was adorable just like that smile as well. It made Jaron happy to hear that she had fun and that she was the happiest woman. “I have not been able to stop thinking about you either, my love. It has been far too long.” He whispered, not minding the change from formality. Besides, he did hope she would use his name in private anyways. They were man and wife now. They did not have to be formal. The smile only grew wider when she said that she missed him. Jaron felt that way about her as well.

Keeping his arms around the woman, he just turned her so she faced him. “You look so beautiful.” Jaron commented honestly, leaning down to kiss her lips. The young man hoped she would eventually feel more comfortable around him if he touched her and kissed her often so his arms remained locked around her body, pulling her close against his as their noses nuzzled together. He finally decided to start undoing her hair from the style it was in for the wedding. Jaron loved her long hair and he loved playing with it so he started to undo it, letting it fall in waves down her shoulders.
As Jaron turned her around Sansa smiled at him, her hands tentatively resting on his shoulders. The only thing keeping them apart at the moment was their clothing. But Sansa was in no hurry to remove any of that. She blushed when he called her beautiful. Just being in his harms, so close to him, helped her relax. She had been so scared that he had changed in the last five years but he hadn't. He was the same Jaron she knew and loved. Their noses nuzzled together and Sansa closed her eyes, enjoying the closeness. He started to undo her hair and she blushed again as it fell around her face and down her shoulders.

"Do you remember the first time you kissed me?" She asked softly, once her hair was completely undone.The image was more clear in her mind now than it had ever been. "You pulled me into this little alcove in the corridor and kissed me before I could even ask what you were doing. Then before I could ask you why you had done it or say anything really your father called for you and you ran off and left me standing there all flushed and confused." She continued, chuckling a little at the memory. She was still in her wedding gown and since it was cold in the North she wore another, though lighter, later underneath. Her nerves were obvious but the fact that she was with Jaron helped.
It brought a smile to Jaron’s face when Sansa began speaking about their first kiss. Yes, he remembered that kiss as clearly as he remembered the previous events of their wedding tonight. Reaching down, he wrapped both their hands together and gave a light squeeze. Looking deep into those beautiful orbs, Jaron formulated his response. “Of course, I remember. Until today, that had been the happiest day of my life. The feeling of your lips never faded away. I had missed it so. Those memories we shared in the past, we will always have that. However, we now can create new memories together and I am excited. Tonight was only the beginning, my Lady. I can never recall feeling so fondly about something as I was about our marriage tonight. I see us being together for a long time, my love. I have no intention of ever letting you out of my arms.”

Until tonight, all Jaron and Sansa had together was the past. Those days were over. They not only still had their past, but they had the future, too. Unable to contain his happiness, the male pulled Sansa into a tight hug. This was not just a friend hugging his friend anymore, it was the husband embracing his wife. “Is this a dream, Sansa? It almost feels too good to be true. I hope I never wake up from this dream if that’s what is happening.” He murmured softly into her ear, peppering soft kisses on her face.
Sansa's smile only grew when he said he remembered the kiss and that her lips had never faded from his mind. Then he continued to talk about their future together and she smiled even more. She was looking forward to it as well and she hoped to grow old with him and have many children and grandchildren. She wanted everything good and wonderful for their marriage. She just couldn't be any happier than she was at this moment. He pulled her into a hug and she happily accepted the embrace, her head leaning against his chest happily as he asked if this was a dream. "Me neither." She replied, a light and happy sigh leaving her lips.

Part of her wondered why Jaron had not started undressing her yet. She knew he was more of a gentleman than most men but even gentlemen didn't wait this long to perform their wedding night duties. After a moment of just relaxing in his embrace she looked up at him, her eyes meeting his, and then she looked at his lips, wanting him to kiss her again, then her eyes went back up to his.
Leaning down, Jaron started kissing Sansa again. Their lips touched and it felt like electricity sparked through the male’s entire body. A pleasured sigh released from the back of his throat against Sansa’s lips. While this was happening, Jaron’s hands began to remove the coat from her arms. The male was ready to undress his wife and start the events of their wedding night. She looked so beautiful in this dress but he imagined she looked even better wearing nothing. Lightly taking her by the hands, Jaron led her towards the bed. After helping her down onto her back, Jaron stood at the foot of the bed, slowly removing his shirt. Once that was disposed of on the ground, he removed the thick, wool trousers that he had worn since it was getting cold and their wedding was outside.

It left the male nude in front of Sansa. Jaron wanted her to become comfortable with him before he undressed her further. Crawling on top of his wife, Jaron found her lips again in a passionate kiss, his hands sliding to her face and cupping her cheeks for a few moments. Finally, they traveled further down, slowly pulling on the straps of her dress, ready to unclothe his wife.
When Jaron kissed her again Sansa felt her cheeks heat up but she kissed him back passionately. They way she felt whenever he kissed her was amazing. Her skin tingled and and the way he sighed against her lips like that only made her feel...excited. Very excited. As they kissed he removed her coat and she let it fall to the ground, not really caring about her clothes anymore. All her focus was on him and him alone. He led her to the bed and had her lay down. Thinking he might start undressing her then. But he surprised her by undressing himself first.

When he was fully nude and standing before her Sansa blushed even more, her cheeks now completely flushed. Then he crawled over her and their lips met again and she relaxed completely. He started to push her straps off her shoulders and she sat up a little so he could get her dress off easier. It wasn't long until Sansa was also nude beneath him.
It was the first time that Jaron had seen Sansa nude. Of course, he always knew that she was beautiful. However, the thick Northern dresses and the coats never did her justice. Seeing her like this was the most extravagant moment of Jaron’s life. “Wow…” Was all he could muster in a whisper, locking eyes with Sansa. “Gods, you are truly beautiful. I’m glad I have this all to myself.” He whispered, leaning down to kiss her lips. Right now, he was starting to grow hard from only looking at his wife. He could not imagine how great it would feel for her to touch him. With that thought in mind, he pulled her hand towards his growing cock, letting her feel him and touch him.

He grew erect against her fingers quickly and he started to kiss the girl even more passionately than before. “I have thought about this for so long. I’m going to make love to you, my Lady. I know we will both enjoy it.”
Sansa almost held her breath as Jaron looked over her now nude body, hoping she was enough for him. She had always known she was beautiful but sometimes she felt that many people still saw her as no more than a child other than the woman she really was. Jaron did not seem of the same mindset and for that she was greatful. At his exclamation and compliments Sansa blushed slightly again but she didn't get to say much before his lips were on hers all over again. She kissed him back but became a little distracted as he started to guide her hand lower and lower. Sansa resisted for a moment before letting him guide her, knowing he wouldn't do anything she wasn't comfortable with.

Her fingers lightly brushed his cock and she felt her cheeks heat up more if it was possible. At his promises she nodded, becoming a little braver and running her palm along the length of his cock slowly. Sansa was not really one to judge size but Jaron was definitely larger than average. If she was being honest she was a little scared.
onight, Jaron did not care about the marriage consummation. The act he and Sansa prepared to do was much more sweet, thoughtful, and loving than just having sex to consummate a marriage. This involved two people that cared deeply for one another, losing themselves in each other’s body during their wedding night. “Sansa, tell me if you feel uncomfortable. Tell me if you want to stop. I only want you to feel good and safe.” Jaron whispered, locking eyes with the girl. Sure, he was looking forward to this – but he did not wish to impede Sansa’s feelings. If she was too uncomfortable, it could wait.

There was nothing wrong with waiting until after the wedding night before they had sex if she felt that way. Again, he hoped she did not feel that way, but he was looking out for the redhead. With their eyes locked together, he leaned down and gave her another kiss, slowly rolling his hips against her hand. Moans left his lips as he slipped his own hand in between her legs, searching to touch her clitoris, now rubbing the soft flesh against his fingertips as he gauged the girl’s reaction.
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