A Hero of Time {darkest_fate&Google}

Ganondorf was capable of creating water though not in any vast amount and it was not particularly easy for him to do... and since he had no particular desire to provide her with a basin so she could easily clean herself off he didn't bother doing so.

Instead he simple waited in the warm water, feeling it simply soaking away the sweat and grime from the day, a simple enough indulgence that could not be over stated. He didn't turn around until he felt the water rippling from her entry, annoyance clearly twisting his face when he saw that she had found a towel to wrap around herself, one scaled up for his massive body meant that it was nearly a short dress for the princess and while white in color it was too thick to become transparent and show him what he wanted to so. For a moment his hands twisted and the words that would simply cause the towel to vanish began to spill from his lips though he regained control of himself before he actually cast the spell that he had been preparing. The steam around him grew thicker as the magical energy that he had been gathering dispersed itself as heat, warming the entire bath a little.

“Do you intend to hide your beauty from me forever?” He asked with a sneer on his lips, disappointment clear. The friendly mask was starting to slip, Ganondorf was a man of great passions and great anger when pushed to far, he had been restraining himself for what felt like an eternity though in reality it had not been for very long. Though they were not yet married he already saw the princess as his property. His right hand rose from the water as he gestured impatiently for her to come closer to him.

As he gestured for her to get closer Ganondorf backed up to the edge of the pool, pulling himself up into one of the inbuilt seats that had been carved into the side. Stretching his arm out he blindly reached for and found a large bowel which was filled with a thick off white powder, a simplistic but efficient soap that lathered up nicely as he rubbed it between his hands. “It is a tradition among my people for a betrothed couple to bathe each other so that they can become familiar with each others bodies.” This was a bold faced lie but he doubted she would know that.
"No, I intend to remain pure until our wedding night," Zelda returned primly, watching Ganondorf carefully. He'd been pushing quite a lot during her relatively brief interactions with him. Just what did he expect? She was Hylian royalty, and he clearly didn't want to provoke an outright war with Hyrule or he would have done so already. She had proof of his plans and intent, but nothing indicated that he was at open war. Defiling the daughter of the king would most likely be quite enough cause, particularly given the tales Zelda could spin.

So the princess looked at his hand as it rose. She looked to him, raising her brows. There were adjustments there, adjustments that she hardly understood. Just how long did he intend this bath to be? It was already quite late, and the entire pretense for this little soak was to remove the seed he had spilled on her quite against her will. Zelda could see his soapy hands and understood his words, though she wondered at their veracity.

"Among my people it is considered abhorrent for a bride to let a groom see her before her wedding day," Zelda pointed out. "What we are engaging in now is a compromise. Besides," she started to rise, "I believe that the entire purpose of our little soak was to remove the... to cleanse after our little actions on the bed," she said, gesturing back toward the room. "I've done that, and I'm quite tired."

With that, Zelda moved to go. If he really thought that she was going to put up with his bold-faced lies and schoolboy antics, he would be sorely mistaken. She was the Princess of Hyrule, and a descendant of a goddess! She was not some wanton Gerudo whore.
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