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A Hero of Time {darkest_fate&Google}


machina erotica
Dec 17, 2009
The lithe Hylian warrior nimbly leapt through the Gerudo fortress. Their light footfalls barely made a sound as they darted through halls. Frequently they melted into shadows, seeming to disappear from existence entirely. once or twice this actually happened, wit the warrior reappearing from another set of shadows. At least three guards were rendered unconscious this way. Yes, unconscious: the warrior was not setting out to kill, or at least, not to kill any Gerudo who may stand in their way.

Their path was quite clear. They were here for something. They darted, sneaked, and eventually worked their way to the enter of the domicile. Once there, it didn't take much to realize the truth, to uncover precisely the information needed. Ganondorf of the Gerudo had left his weapon well guarded, put behind wards and walls and guards, but none had stood before this warrior. They smiled behind their covering, realizing that they had what they needed. The smile faded, however, as they realized something worse:

Time was not on their side.

This information would have to be spread, true. But it would also need to be acted upon. Plus, they'd have to somehow determine if the supposed Gerudo weakness to silver and light magic held any weight. There would be no easy way to do that. That is, unless... the warrior reached up, lowering the bindings covering her mouth.

it was the Princess Zelda of Hyrule. She frowned, leaning against a column and staring up at the sky. She could communicate with Link: they shared a telepathic bond due to their link through the Triforce. He would soon know for sure that yes, Ganondorf was the force behind the rising darkness and that, yes, he did have some element of the Triforce in some form or fashion. But she'd need to stall time, to give Link moments to gather the appropriate power and to become the hero.

So the Hylian princess channeled her magic. In a swirl of power, the warrior Shiek vanished, the tight acrobatic clothes replaced by Zelda's traditional Hyrulian gown. The princess looked absolutely stunning, as if she stepped out of a fairy tale. Her golden hair fell just below her bosom, tied in the traditional Hylian style. It framed her beautifully sculpted face, out of which peered her intelligent blue eyes. her slender frame embodied Hylian grace and beauty in every piece. Even her choice of golden and white, with pink to accent, made her appear all the more radiant, almost too pure, too beautiful to be allowed.

And now she stepped toward the throne, knowing the guards to be gone. She would arrive soon enough to the desolate place, already feeling the lack of warmth. Still, Zelda knew what she must do. She knew what she may have to sacrifice.

"Ganondorf!" she called, using her magic to summon a bright violet light. "It is I, Princess Zelda of Hyrule. I've come to make you an offer!" The only offer she could make....

The time was fast approaching, Ganondorf knew this with every fibre of his being, he felt it in his very soul. Before very long the plot that had for so long be implemented one careful step at a time would begin in earnest and once that happened there was little that would be able to stop him from taking the lands of Hyrule as his own, claiming the Triforce of Wisdom and Courage, and claim the princess Zelda as his concubine. More and more often it seemed to him as though that might be the most important of the goals, having desired her from the moment he saw her at a trade meeting several years before.

A large man, even by the standards of his people, Ganondorf stood nearly seven feet tall and was well proportioned for a man of his size, with broad shoulders and chest matched by strong arms and hands. Even as he sat, brooding on his throne of gold and obsidian he cut an imposing figure. Several hours before he had dismissed his varied attendants, guards, advisors, generals, and the members of his harem, all had been attending to him but his mood had turned dark and he had desired solitude.

Sitting in the throne he had drawn upon his vast sorcery, the only man in the history of his people to master the magical arts (aided by his shard of the Triforce). The silence and solitude helped him focus as he cast his mind out to observe the monster out creautes that he had encouraged to flourish in the lands of Hyrule in a plot to destabilise the kingdom and stretch its military resources before the coming invasion... and it would come soon.

But as he observed he felt a sensation akin to a prickling at the back of his neck, there was someone in his palace that shouldn't be there... someone with considerable magical talents of their own. Somehow they had gotten close to the throne room and he hadn't even noticed them until they drew upon their talents... the use of magic within the palace like a candle being suddenly lit in a dim room, impossible to ignore.

His focus was back with his body right away and he straightened up in his throne, drawing upon the vast resivours of magical power he possessed to prepare for the assassination attempt he was sure would follow, it wouldn't be the first.

But when the doors to the throne room opened and his eyes adjusted to the sudden and painfully bright light he was confused. This was no assassination attempt, the Princess he desired stood before him and without any guards. He didn't doubt that her magic would allow her to pose a danger to a lesser man and defend herself but he doubted she would be able to match his vast power.

"Princess Zelda..." he greeted her slowly, rising from his throne, the heavy armour of black and gold shifting as he moved, a wave of his hand igniting torches along the walls of the throne room, granting light enough to see in detail the arrangement of furniture and banners that made it very clear that the man in the throne upon the raised dias was a man with power and authority.

"If I had been informed that you were on your way to see me I would have made preparations." A small smile crossing over his face, looking at her closely, lecherously. "But let's not rest upon ceremony and niceties... please let me know about this offer you have in mind."
Zelda's skin wanted to crawl away. The massive man before her eclipsed her poor memory of him. Had Ganondorf grown in size since their last meeting? Or was it merely the locale? Or perhaps the armor? His presence alone spread out across the room, sinking its dark fingers into everything. Zelda's own pure white felt him oozing against her, as surely as if he'd sung his digits into her pale flesh. The sensation nearly nauseated her, though it brought one particular thought to mind:

Why was he here? Had he sensed her intrusion? Had he predicated this? Seen a prophecy? Or did he simply sit in his throne room, waiting like a spider for whomever happened into his web? Zelda didn't know which answer she would have found more unnerving: she had to steel herself all the same, drawing herself up. Posture stiffened her form, gave her royalty befitting her high station. She was Princess Zelda, latest in a long line of defenders and magical guardians and royals.

"My apologies," she said, pleased to hear her voice ringing out melodic and true. "I did not wish to cause a stir nor to alarm my people," both of which were true, and Zelda could speak them with the full authority because of this. She took a deep breath: had he undressed her with his eyes? Surely not. She was a princess, visiting him. True, her visit was... unscheduled, and technically trespassing, but surely even by Gerudo law...

Gerudo law treated women... odd, now that Zelda thought. She needed to continue speaking.

"My offer is quite plain," she said. "An alliance between the lands of the Gerudo and Hyrule. Tensions between our people have always been high. There is a lack of trust that is detrimental to both our lands. Thus I have come to propose that we unite our lands in the most basic of ceremonies." Zelda swallowed, her heart racing. Just the thought of actually being wed to this man, this being of pure darkness, nearly made her want to teleport out of there now. But if she did, then Link wouldn't know, but Ganondorf would discover. Their work would be undone, the task rendered all but impossible. "I propose a marriage between yourself and me," she finally ended, her voice clear. Zelda knew she was skipping several rules of decorum, not least being that a woman should never declare her intention to wed, formal or otherwise.

Somehow, she doubted Ganondorf would mind.
Her presence has an interesting effect upon him as it had before, perhaps it was her Triforce drawing his own, perhaps it was her inherent talent with light magic which was the antithesis of his own dark magic, or perhaps it was just her great and exotic (at least to the Guerdo) beauty. Her skin was milky and pale, her hair was golden that might put shame to the sun itself. Ganondorf would never deny the beauty of his own lands women but the princess Zelda put them all to shame. Of course he desired her, how could he not want to possess her, to have her body as his plaything, to ensure that she was entirely devoted to his pleasure above all else.

Slowly, even as she spoke, he drew closer to her, near silent in spite of the heavy armor that he wore, graceful and predatory in a way that would bring to mind a large cat that the princess would likely have only seen in a local menagerie while Ganondorf had hunted them since adolescence. He was a man now, in his fortieth year and perhaps close to twice the age of the princess that he was now undressing in his mind, stripping her of the courtly clothing and then bending her body to his will for his pleasure. While she was convincing herself that he wouldn't be picturing her in a state of undress Ganondorf was subjecting his mental image of her to sexual acts that she wouldn't be able to imagine.

All of that was driven from his mind in a matter of moments though, her talk of uniting their lands through a basic ceremony did pique his curiosity and her elaboration on the topic stunned him, driving the images from his mind in an instant. Even his slow and confident advance ceased immediately, mid step as his mind struggled to catch up with what he had been told, what had just been proposed. A union between them had been in the imminent future, once he had invaded and left her with no choice in the matter but for her to so body enter his home and propose it all on her home was something that he had never even considered possible before.

His brain, which had been just contemplating calling for his guards, declaring war, and then claiming her of a prisoner of war was quick to adapt to the new situation that was proposed.

“There will be conditions.” He spoke after he recovered from the shock and ensured he looked composed again. “I must insist upon a tradition Guerdo wedding, it will take place in your palace, and we will depart in the morning. We will be riding together, my honor guard will accompany us to ensure safe passage and protection from anything we might encounter on the ride, and you will announce our pending nuptials en route...” There was a short pause, just long enough to give her a chance to start speaking before he opened his mouth once more to add a final condition. “Until the day of the wedding you and I will be sharing quarters, the same bed in fact though I promise to respect your virtue.” Oh yes, that was very important, Ganondorf doubted she was aware of what a traditional wedding consisted of for the Guerdo but consummation of the marriage before the guests was of the upmost importance.
As Ganondorf approached, Zelda tensed. his presence nearly rolled over her, twisting her gut. She desired nothing so much as to raise a gloved hand and blast this dark-skinned evil out of existence. But Zelda knew she lacked the power; she would need the Hero of Time for that. Besides, it worked against the plan. So she kept drawing upon her royal training, her lifetime of courtly experience, keeping her posture straight, her eyes upon him though not glaring, despite the desire to do so.

Conditions? Zelda quirked a brow. The wedding made sense, though it struck her as odd that he wanted it to happen in her homeland instead of here. the immediate departure was a little disconcerting, but it may work to her favor: she didn't exactly have a lot in the way of supplies, and too much study would draw attention to that. however, being put in constant contact with him...

... did she have a choice?

"I am not certain about sharing a bed," the princess said. "The rest of your conditions are wholly acceptable without alteration," though Zelda made a note to study the Gerudo nuptial traditions. "Hylian tradition forbids a pure maiden from laying in the same bed as a man until their wedding night. I can sleep in your quarters with you, but I will require a separate bed," she kept her voice firm, trying to make the case unyielding. It was technically true, but it was also a ploy for time, for distance from the man who made her physically ill. Just sleeping in the same room as this... being...
She couldn't stand him, one didn't need to be an expert in body language to pick up on that but that didn't matter very much to Ganondorf, there were plenty of political marriages throughout history that involved people who were not in love but were doing it for the greater good. Her being attracted or even want to spend any time in his presence at all didn't matter very much in that moment, he wanted her badly, very badly indeed, and would seize any opportunity to possess her. In time she would learn to love him or at the very least she would certainly desire him.

Well trained, she didn't outright refuse to share a bed with him but instead phrased it as uncertainty. She likely didn't want to offend him given the rather delicate situation that she had found herself in but by being polite she was putting up an exceptionally weak front in the face of his desires. It was true that she had agreed to his other conditions without an issue and he expected that he would be able to hold her to her word if for nothing else but the sense of honor that her culture took such foolish pride in. “Your objection is noted princess but I am simply being pragmatic. You have entered my palace unannounced and while you have not raised a finger against me I have no way of knowing what you were up to before announcing yourself and entering my throne room. I would be well within my rights to consider such an invasion an act of war and take you as my prisoner as a response.” He smiled as he spoke, letting the words sink in, giving her time to understand the enormity of the trouble that she was in should she press her luck, a threat that was unspoken but should be entirely clear.

She could play by his rules or she could enjoy time in a prison cell while his armies invaded in response to her provocation... an invasion they would be almost certainly unprepared for.

“I am going to need to insist that you share my bed and I will repeat myself, I will respect your virtue until we are married. It is entirely for practical purposes as I am sure you can understand, if you share my bed I can be entirely sure you aren't sneaking out of my chambers to steal any secrets.” Of course he was lying, while he would technically respect her virginity he would indulge his desire her flesh any other way were possible. One final step forward, a slow and steady as before, and he was well within arms reach of the Princess, close enough that he could smell the perfume that she used, intoxicating. He suspected she would be able to smell his own masculine musk, watching closely to see how she might react to the scent.

“As my betrothed I really must insist that you join share my bed with me tonight. Beyond even the more pragmatic reasons it is also a very important part of the build up to the traditional marriage.” This part was the truth, the tradition had likely stemmed from testing to see if the betrothed couple had the self control to wait until the end of the ceremony to consummate their union.

He stood there in silence, smirking as though challenging her speak out against his demands, before turning away a few moments later, walking swiftly towards one of the many large banners that hung from the walls of his throne room. Pulling this one, indistinguishable from any of the others, to the side he revealed a hidden doorway, one that led directly to his chambers and only opened with a wave of a hand that was covered by purple flames. “Please Princess, down this hall is where you will be sleeping.”
Objection noted... but dismissed. Zelda frowned: that was technically a political misstep on Ganondorf's part, perhaps she could... no, no, he'd started to piece more together. It was night; she hadn't come in announced. Zelda could spin lies, but they would be as thin as if she'd used actual spider's silk. No, Ganondorf had her back against a wall, and she could do nothing but nod her agreement to it.

"Very well, I shall concede," she stated, as if she were allowing instead of being forced. "I insist upon my chastity being respected until our wedding night," because Zelda could just see the Gerudo man finding some way around that. Hadn't she heard rumors that they would sometimes test their virility before a marriage? Something about not wanting a barren wife. She fought back the idea, however, not wanting to flush. Her pale skin would show such changes all too easily. No, she must remain the ever vigilant, constantly pristine princess that she was.

What was that---he smelled? But not... not unappealing. The thought spun Zelda's head slightly, and she blinked clear blue eyes up at him. "Why yes, of course,' she said, nodding. "I do wish to adhere to my future husband's traditions. So long as I am being respected, of course," she held up a slight hand at the last, before lowering her head in a slight bow. Hylian women were respected and placed on equal footing as the men. Was it the same in Gerudo marriages?

For now, Zelda simply followed her intended down the hall. She marked the area, noting where Ganondorf pushed. A secret entrance? Her brows raised at that. Quite suspicious, that, or perhaps cowardly. Zelda simply gathered herself all the same, stepping into the hall as indicated. "I look forward to seeing our accommodations my... my intended," she stuttered over the last, feeling a slight flush. Yes, she just... just had to keep playing along, at least for now.
And she gave into his desires just he had expected. Sure she would consider it a political misstep as would many other royal families around the world but Ganondorf really didn't care in the least. He didn't play the same political games that other rulers indulged in, by ignoring their games and playing his own he was more then able to become a powerful force in the world. They would talk and gossip, weigh their options about what should be done about such a breech of decorum but in the end of the day they were powerless. Once they were married any rumors that might have spread could have been easily quashed.

The blush that spread across her face was clear to see, making her seem all the more exotic in his eyes. Was it the close proximity of their bodies causing it or was she perhaps thinking of something. If she had shared what was running through her mind Ganondorf would have been unable to contain his laughter. It was true there was a traditional test for virility in the bride to be but the details rarely spread from among his people so odds are she wouldn't know, a small amount of blood and a little sorcery would be more then enough to guarantee that she would be able to carry his children... and while securing an heir would be important that wasn't at the forefront of his mind.

“I promise that I will respect your chastity until the appropriate time.” He smiled, knowing that he could keep his word and still indulge his powerful desires. Powerful and growing by the moment, only the armor that he wore kept it from being obvious.

As she stepped through the doorway he was swift to follow her, not wanting to give her a chance to try and get away from him and possibly escape. The hidden door that could only open at his command was not a sign of cowardice, it was pragmatic, making it hard for an assassin to reach him. Closing the door behind them the hall was only lit by the sparse torch light in the hall way. It wasn't a particularly long hall and Ganondorf stepped past the princess to lead her into the chamber proper. Much like the throne room it was large and imposing, the furniture within clearly crafted for a man of his immense size. The lighting with was dim at the moment, only a few oil lanterns gave any illumination at all, he was a man who preferred darkness and shadows after all. The walls were lined with book shelves, countless scrolls and maps for he often spent time alone in here planning for the future and plotting the spread of his kingdom. Aside from those shelves the only furniture in the main chamber was a massive bed, four poster, against the back wall, carved of dark wood with fine golden chains winding up the posts of the bed, the sheets black to help accentuate the contrast of the gold.

“You will need to grow more comfortable with referring to me as your intended and soon enough your husband.” Ganondorf pointed out with a small smirk on his lips, striding towards one of the shelves and lifting a clear glass bottle filled with a light amber colored liquid along with two simple steel goblets. As he poured a measure of the liquid into each goblet the armor he wore dissolved away as black smoke, leaving him wearing only simple cotton pants and a loose shirt... none of which did anything to hide the evidence of the desire he felt for her. “We are to be married after all and I am taking your offer very seriously.” Approaching her again he offered her one of the goblets. “Please, enjoy, very few from Hyrule ever get to try Guerdo brandy.”

Hooded eyes, still watching her closely, very curious about what she might be thinking.
The appropriate time? Zelda fought a frown, having picked up on the Gerudo man's careful warning. There was something... ominous in his phrasing. Still, yet again, she wasn't in a position to argue, only to keep moving ahead. to keep down those halls, taking note of the walls and the lights.

The room surprised her somewhat. It looked less... militant than she would have expected. Zelda recognized quite a few of the books on the wall, and the maps portrayed familiar enough lands. Her sharp eyes could still make out details even in the dim light, though she felt the temptation to create her own light rising. "It's quite--" she said, before turning to look at the bed. Why have chains? "Regal," she said after a beat. Those struck her as quite odd, though the bed itself looked opulent enough.

Familiarity with her intended, though Zelda knew that they would never fulfill that promise. Still, she nodded along, readily agreeing with the Gerudo's assessment. She turned, finding some relief in the loss of the armor. Said relief prevented the princess from noting, at least initially, that Ganondorf may be boasting a weapon she hadn't anticipated. instead, she focused on his actions, nodding in agreement with the assessment. "The offer was given in sincerity," she said clearly. She took the offered goblet, of course. He'd poured from the same source, and he was drinking at the same time. that, and it made little sense for him to poison his intended, not when she was proving agreeable.

Though the brandy burned on the way down. Zelda swallowed, pausing for a moment to swirl the drink. "It's rather... stronger than I'm used to, I'm afraid,' she said, feeling the heat rise a slight flush on her pale skin. "I may have to try something lighter for my delicate Hylian sensibilities," self-deprecation should work. Lower his guard, work a little faster...
The primary bedchamber did not contain much by way of weapons or armor but through a door found to the left of the best could be found not only his clothing but also a great number of weapons and armors from around the world. Some were owned because he used them but others were simply works of art like any other that he admired, entirely functional of course because there was no point in a weapon that couldn't take a life. The armor was the same way, all of it beautiful but also entirely functional, thick metal and powerful enchantments worked together to provide unparalleled protection. The sleeping chamber was a place for him to relax and find peace... having items from his collection there would merely serve as a distraction, and of course they were always an instant away if he needed them in hand.

To the other side of the bed was an identical door, this one leading to his bathing chamber which was at least as impressive as the bed chamber. Equal in size the bed chamber the waters for the bath, about twenty feet by fifteen it increased in death as one approached the back, starting at his mid thigh and at its deepest it came up to his neck with convenient benches built into the side to make relaxation easier. He would be taking her in there before too long, likely before they left the next day to ride back to Hyrule.

When she assured him that the offer was given in sincerity Ganondorf nodded, he actually believed her though he did suspect there was some ulterior motive behind the offer. Perhaps she had learned something of his planned invasion and thought that she could maintain control of her kingdom if she offered him a symbolic marriage and kept the power of the throne for herself. That idea was of course delightfully naive and it didn't seem to likely, she might be young and innocent but the princess didn't strike him as foolish. If she had seen something then perhaps she had grasped just how truly bleak the hopes of her land were if and when he did invade. That idea seemed the most likely too him, she had been sneaking around his palace, of that she was certain, before her use of magic had made her presence obvious, she had avoided the guards (who were relatively few in number do to his preference for quiet but were well drilled and diligent), and there was no doubt she had come here for a purpose and the most likely explanation was espionage. Of course it appealed to his ego, she could see no way to stop what he had planned and so to ensure the survival of her people and of course her own continued life she had proposed what had before been nearly unthinkable.

As she drank he did at well, not only to show her that it was safe but also because he genuinely enjoyed the burn as is slid down his throat and into his stomach. Of course the liquor was harsher then what she was used too, a princess from a softer and far more comfortable land then his own, no doubt she had only indulged in the finest of wines and more delicate spirits before this drink. Gerudo brandy was a harsh spirit distilled by a harsh people in a harsh land. It served its purpose well, it existed solely to get the people drunk and warm them on colder nights in the desert, over the centuries it had gone from being simple a rough spirit to something that every Gerudo male took pride in being able to distill and attempt to protect, the spirit in this bottle was one that Ganondorf had created himself and serving it to the princess was simply a way to lower her inhibitions a little.

There was no doubt in his mind that his talents could be put to use in order to drug the princess, spells existed that would cause her body to warm and desire him in ways that she couldn't comprehend... but that was not an advantage of Ganondorf needed.

“I made this myself.” He informed her, his voice soft now, not trying to give an impression that he was offended but simply to get her to listen intentionally. “And I am afraid that I don't have any drinks that would be more to the liking of your refined pallet.” Setting aside his own goblet for a moment he gently took her hand in his and poured another measure into the goblet she held, more then replacing what she had drank. Silent insistence, his eyes locked on hers and pressuring her to drink more. With her cup filled his hand lingered on hers for a moment, enjoying her warmth before he picked up his goblet once more and refilled it, having drained it in his first swallow and finding himself wanting more, due to his size it took a great deal of liquor to get him drunk.

“You will need something to sleep in tonight.” He observed with a slight smile, looking over the dress she wore and knowing that it might be beautiful but it was impractical for sleeping. Draining his goblet a second time Ganondorf set it aside along with the bottle, raising both hands and slowly twisting them through the air, syllables murdered under his breath in seemingly nonsensical order. His face twisted ever so slightly as if he were struggling against a great weight and in a sense that was true... the magic he was using now was not familiar to him and to make up for a lack of finesse he applied a vast amount of power. White smoke and light pooled between his fingers, slowly condensing from the potential to the very real. It took time but a shape began to properly form, not summoned from elsewhere but instead created through raw magic.

Then it was done, the object that had been taking shape was suddenly hanging between his fingers. It was a rather simple thing, he didn't have the experience for complexity. A white nightgown, formed to fit her body perfectly from shoulders to just about the middle of her thigh, his eyes measuring her body and he was confident that it was perfect. The color was the purest white with simple patterning of more sheer material to perfectly frame her innocence, the material was smooth, like the finest of cotton or silk, and just transparent enough to give him a glimpse of her perfectly formed body beneath it when it was worn. “Please, consider this my first gift for you princess, I won't have my betrothed sleeping in the dress she wore during the day.” He of course would be sleeping nude, not only because it was traditional but because he wanted a reaction from her.
He made his own liquor? Or had he conjured this from magic? Zelda didn't know if someone actually could, though both she and Ganondorf seemed quite adept at summoning clothing to put upon their bodies. Either way, it hardly mattered: she understood the implications all too well. Her comment should work to stave off pressure to drink too much of it all the same. Yet she found her intended filling the goblet. Her eyes watched the process, then flicked, meeting his, seeing the insistence there. The princess took the offered goblet, and, with his attention still on her, she took another sip. The warming liquid did have a rather powerful flavor, after all, though the princess could still feel it hitting her. She'd have to be careful, but there were tricks to finish a drink or a meal without notice.

"Yes, I'm afraid I will need quite a bit in the way of clothing," Zelda admitted, keeping her voice even. "Due to the clandestine nature of our meeting, I was forced to leave without the usual retinue of courtiers," she shook her head slightly at that, obviously wanting to bemoan the fact. He would have been wondering why a princess had traveled without much in the way of clothing or help, after all.

Ganondorf followed his comment with magic, magic that the princess watched carefully. Whatever he did now, he was not used to doing. Smoke poured, and when it coalesced, Zelda raised her brows. "What fine work," she complimented easily: it wasn't even a lie. Forming delicate clothing for another took quite a bit of fine magic use, and to see the bulky man manage it impressed and worried Zelda. The fabric looked rather impressive as well. True, the garment was a little sheerer than Zelda normally would have worn, but nights in this land were warm. Plus, she was fairly certain that what he held was rather demure by his people's standards, so clearly he was at least attempting to cooperate with her.

"This is a most impressive and appreciated gift," Zelda said. She set her goblet aside, before drawing her own magic into the air. A near chime rang, and soon the princess's intricate dress had been replaced by the sheer garb. Translucent fabric offered teasing glimpses of the pale princess's lithe form. Her gentle curves had been put on near full display, particularly her almost muscular legs. The gentle curvature of her abdomen spoke to her Hylian ancestry, along with hinting at her own acrobatic prowess. The white, less sheer, undergarment worked to contour to her. In fact to Zelda's slight surprise: it fit her rather well. The chest hung perhaps a little too loose, bagging out around her breasts, the bottom a little too snug, threatening to dig into her tender flesh, but still, to get this close by sight was quite impressive. Another quick bit of magic fixed the sizings, leaving the princess in a well fit garb.

"It is rather breezy,' she said, doing a little pirouette, knowing that Ganondorf would want to see his work. "Quite appropriate for the harsher clime here," she lowered her arms, "and if I am to be at your side, I must learn to dress in your costume, must I not?" she smiled, and, still looking to him, reached for the goblet to take another drink. A little slight of hand would mean the liquid never reached inside her, of course, but still, she was putting on the perfect veneer of the intended.
OF course the liquor had been made in the old ways, the traditional ways. True magic could have been used but he didn't have the experience to create anything with subtlety or complexities. Raw alcohol was likely to be the results of such an attempt and even then it would be worthless for anything but cleaning wounds. On the other hand there was something to be proud about, creating something with nothing but ones own hard work and patience. He had been working on the stilling for about twenty five years by now and every year it grew better and better. It had occurred to him that when he ruled Hyrule he might be able to experiment with different soils and grains.

The way she changed into the garment that he made for her was a touch disappointing to the Gerudo man but he really couldn't be surprised in the least that she used her magic to switch the garments. A moments consideration made he wonder if perhaps he should have tried to use his own sorcery to keep her from changing it but his creation had left him drained and he might not have been able to pull it off. Why risk the destruction of his hard work on something that was a massive risk... and even if she did not need to strip to change he did like what he saw uncovered by the sheer fabric. Her body was even more fantastic then he had suspected, surprisingly fit for a young woman of immense privilege, he was clearly impressed, the way his eyes roamed over her exposed flesh and the growing bulge down the left leg of his pants making that rather clear. Even her thanks for the gift and praise for his work felt genuine...

“You will be at my side but you will not be wearing Gerudo clothing at all times, the garments of Hyrule suit you rather well... though I will be making some improvements to your wardrobe.” Oh yes, he had been thinking about that for quite a while already, the garment that he had just created for her was only the start. Her guess about the climate was not too far off but it was actually missing the point entirely, she would be more comfortable in that dress but he was quite happy with the view of the body it provided him.

As she looked at him Ganondorf smiled, starting to peel off his own shirt in preparation for... well if not sleep then at the very least getting into bed. As the shirt lifted from his body it revealed the more of the stark differences between his body and those from Hyrule. He wasn't just a massive man with olive toned skin and hair the color of the the sun as it set... his body was covered in well crafted muscle and a very prominent golden triangle shining on the back of his right hand.

Once more he stepped in closer to her, so close now that he could feel the heat of her body, easily reaching out to pluck the goblet from her hands. “Why don't we get you into bed Princess.” His tone was rather insistent, he had played the role of a polite host for long enough and while he would respect her virtue he was entirely away of the variety of ways he could keep his word and still enjoy the pleasures that her body had to offer to him.
Zelda had not anticipated his allowing her to wear the clothing of her land again. The mention of improvements did have her more than curious. Most likely he simply meant to alter them in accordance with the warmer clime, though part of her couldn't help but wonder if her intended didn't have more devious concerns. Could he design clothing to sap her magical energies? Or perhaps he had something that spelled slavery for this kind? Again Zelda found herself wishing that she understood more of Gerudo culture, particularly as she was to play the part of a royal intended.

"Thank you for your generosity, my intended," Zelda said, bowing her head slightly. Even wearing the sheer garment and standing in her enemy's bedroom, Zelda held herself with that royal decorum. She kept her posture straight, her tone polite, her gestures demure. Though decorum could not properly prepare her for the first sight of her intended's chest. Her blue eyes raked the chiseled torso, taking in the musculature that a Hylian man would struggle to match. Ganondorf almost looked to have been carved from stone instead of flesh. Most surprising was the lack of any noticeable scarring, at least that Zelda could see at first glance. How had a leader of a warrior people managed to avoid that?

He drew closer, and Zelda instinctively tensed. She relaxed immediately, tilting her head to look up at her husband. To her slight relief, he plucked the drink from her hand. She lowered it, clasping her two hands together. His gesture and order drew Zelda's attention to the bed. Her head turned, again taking in the strange mixture of luxury and bondage. Again that question rose within her: why the chains? Did he intend to take a prisoner? Zelda had willingly imprisoned herself here: such measures were unnecessary.

"As you say, my intended," she said, again knowing to play meek. He'd already promised to value her chastity, though Zelda still suspected something else. She rose upon her toes to lightly kiss Ganondorf on the cheek, wanting to at least play along. That and, well, to be honest, he'd been rather... accommodating thus far. She'd been given fine alcohol, taken to his bedchamber upon a promise, and given garb to wear that, while perhaps a little risque, hardly crossed any lines. Perhaps he would actually adhere to some gentlemanly conduct.

So the Hylian princess strode toward the bed. Her garment shifted subtly about her, though Ganondorf would still get a nice look at the rear view of his little prize. Perhaps he'd take note of the musculature of her rounded bottom: something that again bespoke of perhaps more activity than one would expect of an otherwise soft royal. Said royal stepped up into the bed, kneeling against it. Her white frame and white garb contrasted starkly with the black sheets. Zelda adjusted herself, moving toward the head, then she turned, looking up and waiting patiently for her intended.
The reason for the lack of scaring on his body was a supremely simple one, he had been wounded over the years, may times in fact, but through his own magic and that of the witches of his people not a single scar or blemish was to be left on his flesh. This was about more then just foolishness and pride causing him to hide the fact that he was mortal and could be harmed, instead it was simple pragmatism. His people wanted strength from their ruler and by projecting that strength, the ability to ensure any pain and survive any wounding, he ensured that his people were not only pleased to follow him but were loyal unto death. The Gerudo didn't have a long tradition of a single ruling family that had control of the desert Kingdom, a man kept his throne through strength and hard earned loyalty...

Sure Ganondorf was looking to change the way the kingdom was run, establishing a proper ruling family with the help of the Princess Zelda and perhaps even using the resources of their shared kingdoms to extend his life indefinitely... and hers as well.

The meekness, that was an act, or at least he was confident that it was only an act. This was a woman who had left the comfort and safety of her own lands, risked her life by sneaking into his palace, and then revealed herself in the most obvious way that was possible. She was bold and brave, he admired that about her... and it would make the inevitable submission to his grandeur all the more enjoyable. The kiss on the cheek, even if it was only a part of an act to make him feel more at ease around her, was enjoyably, a feeling of warmth spreading through him. He was a dominant man, a carnal man, and at times a sadistic man but affection was a rare treat for him. The concubines would vie for his attention in hopes of advancement or perhaps base rewards and comfort items... some were even slavishly devoted to him as the leader of their people but from Zelda it felt real.

The warmth from the kiss didn't fade away when she turned and made her way to the bed at his urging, his eyes hungrily moving over her rear, toned to the standards to any one of the female soldiers of his army. The Princess Zelda was no lazy and idle royal, a mystery that he would unravel but until then he was content to be impressed and admire the absolute perky perfection that was just begging to be slapped until it turned a perfectly flushed shade of red or spread open by his dick as she squirmed and begged.

Waiting until she had gotten into the bed so that he could enjoy the view all the more Ganondorf quickly lifted and drained what was left in her goblet. Then, his so far near limitless patience just about exhausted, Ganondorf made his way towards the bed himself, slowly untying the cord that held his pants in place as he advanced, letting them fall a little lower with each step. As they fell more of his flesh was revealed, a thick trail of hair as red as that on his head starting near just below his naval and trailing downward to the base of his thick cock, already ten inches long and not fully engorged, easily as thick as the Princess's delicate wrist... uncut.

Climbing up onto the bed was far easier for him then for her, it had been crafted especially for him so it fit his frame perfectly. Shifting over on the bed he drew closer to her, far closer then was needed given how large the thing was, his naked form soon pressing against hers, a heavy arm draping over her shoulder to hold her close to his body, his hand just barely grazing over her covered breast in the motion, enjoying the feel of the material beneath his fingers and the warmth of the flesh that could be felt through it.

“There are some things that you will have to be aware of beloved.” He warned her, the tone as sincere as could be. “I am not sure how familiar you are with my culture but men are born far less often then women, perhaps one for every six, that is why so many of our soldiers are women, it is necessity.” Simple truth, no need to hide those details from her as she would no doubt find out about them soon enough. “Because of this it is not uncommon for a man to have several wives, to ensure the continuation of our people. I do not have any wives, you will be my first, however I do have a sizable harem that I will be leaving behind out of respect for our union to be.” Reaching across his own body he took hold of her hand and set it on his thigh, suspecting that this would be the most intimate contact that she had ever had with a man by far.
He drained his goblet. Zelda held perfectly still, watching, feeling her heart thudding in her chest. He'd be entering the bed soon; she'd be literally sleeping with the enemy. He just had to walk over and... wait, what was he doing? Blue eyes widened, pink lips parting in shock. Zelda's intended lowered his pants, giving the Hylian girl her first proper look at a male's member.

The princess stared, her innocence seizing onto her actions. The thing looked obscene: far too big to be allowed. It almost appeared as if Ganondorf had an arm extending from his legs, except no arm ever looked quite like this. It struck Zelda as looking most like a spear in appearance, its fleshy head seeming ready to stab into something. Were all men endowed as this? Or was it all Gerudo? Or just her intended? Surely not all men: genitals of that size could not fit instead every woman. Zelda initially didn't think that such a thing could fit into any woman. Except... except that women did pass children through there, did they not? But that was a different process, gradual, natural. This... this thing was anything but.

The thing bobbed closer. Zelda swore it pointed to her, threatened her; she was his intended, was she not? Her wifely duty would be to tend to it. Then it rose, and Zelda realized belatedly that Ganondorf had entered the bed. She swallowed her growing discomfort, instead attempting a smile. It wavered as he curled against her. Soon she felt his hard body pressing against her own: the light fabrics he'd provided a meager defense against him. His hand drifted possessively near her chest, and Zelda resisted the overwhelming urge to slap his hand away.

Instead she turned, looking over her shoulder at him as he spoke. "Yes, I'm afraid I--my people would not allow such an arrangement," she admitted. She could feel his hand heavy on her thigh, and she fought against the reactive tensing. He'd likely feel Zelda's body tightening, ropy muscles readying to spring into action, but she fought the reactions down. "My people believe quite strongly in monogamy. You will not be allowed to take any others into your bed save for myself," she hesitated for a moment. Should she insist upon that now? But she could already feel him, and her vague memories of scandalous romances she'd sneaked into her bedroom fluttered to mind. Did men not grow hard with desire? was that not how they aimed their tools at soft flesh? Zelda flushed again, both realizing Ganondorf's proximity and her own woeful knowledge. Yet more she'd have to research.

"Doubtless we will have much to discuss and exchange," Zelda insisted. She reached down ,snaking her fingers through the hand on her thigh. She pulled it upward, which did draw his arm around her, but at least moved him into a more proper position. "Sleep well, my intended," she said, forcing her eyes closed, hoping to end the conversation there. She was in his arms, after all: surely that would be sufficient.
Having her so close was causing his dick to rapidly harden more so then it already was, soon growing to its full length of twelve inches long with thick veins and the foreskin still covering nearly half the head. He wanted nothing more then to fuck her in that moment, to pull her onto his lap and make her grind over his cock until she was begging to have his body inside of her, to feel him spreading her open unlike anything had ever done before. Oh he had given his word of course and he would respect her virginity that night and until the wedding. All the more motivation to rush it along for his needs to be met.

It was especially tempting to clue her in about what the traditional wedding ceremony for his people would entail but it would be more fun to surprise her with it, perhaps just before the ceremony was starting or once the vows had been exchanged. His fingers teased over her thigh as he contemplated this, he had felt the way she tensed, felt the strength that was there. Nothing he wouldn't be able to overcome with a little effort but no reason to fight her now, not when he had her willingly, and so his fingers worked to help her relax a little, staying below the hem of the nightgown.

When her hand moved his own he didn't resist, holding her in that fashion was far more intimate then what they had been experiencing before, at lease emotionally so. “We can discuss the traditions of my people more later but you must be understanding my dear, it is a duty.” One that he enjoyed a great deal and was willing to put aside for the time being but not one he could abandon.

But then she wished him a good nights sleep and Ganondorf was nearly speechless, did she really think the night would end so easily or so soon? He was far to excited to possibly sleep and he had no idea how she might be able to even consider it in that moment. Well... no reason he couldn't have a little bit of fun without respecting the promise he made to her. With his arms around her what he did next was relatively easy, moving her body as though she weighed nothing at all. With deft movments he had her straddling his lap in mere moments, her legs spread and because of where she was his cock was pressed between them, his hard abs and her delicately covered crotch. Slowly he began to move her, back and forth, slow and steady... making her grind along the length of his cock.
Good, he took her gentle holding of his hand well. Perhaps Zelda could control this interaction, or at least direct it. She did not entirely appreciate his arms about her, but it was necessary for the ruse. If she were being truly honest, there was something a little appealing about being wrapped in a strong man's embrace, particularly with the knowledge that she excited the man. however, the disgust over his vulgar display and who he happened to be eclipsed any burgeoning excitement she might have felt.

A duty...? Of course fulfilling traditions fell into the line of a royal's duty, but there was something in the way Ganondorf said that. he lent it weight, as though implying that it was her duty as well. She wondered just what he expected. no matter: it would come in the morning, which would, hopefully, come soon enough.

Or... or perhaps it wouldn't? Zelda's brows furrowed, her lips pursing. What was Ganondorf doing? She could feel him rocking against her gentle. Did he need to be rocked like a child in order to sleep? No, something pressed against her loins. Zelda could feel it: something hard, something thick, something that almost cradled her against his body. She opened her eyes, looking down in shock at the sight: his member grinding along her barely clad sex, the head nearly winking at her with each thrust.

"Ganondorf!" Zelda said, anger entering her voice. Her head twisted, blue eyes ablaze in anger as she looked to him. "You are to respect my chastity!' she insisted, reaching down to try and brush the cock away somehow. It felt hard, unmoving, and she was equally aware that she'd let herself be embraced, all but pinned. "I insist that you stop this improper behavior at once! Release me!" the last had come out before she could stop it, though the princess knew it was perhaps a step too far. She couldn't help it: anger took her. How dare he step over the lines of propriety? And so soon?
There is was, the first reaction from the Princess that Ganondorf was certain was entirely genuine. The shock and the anger, there was the absolute truth of the moment. This was not the princess being coy or political in the way she responded to his words and actions. In her eyes he had no doubt crossed a line with this action, his full nudity seemed to have shocked her before and he liked to think it would have aroused her curiosity... about just how her betrothed stacked up against other men and how their bodies would fit together.

And of course the answer to both would have been obvious to the Gerudo king, he was superior in just about every way and her body would soon enough crave the way they would fit together.

When she turned back to look at him he was smirking at her, not even slowing the grinding of her body against his sock, a slow breath released when her hand made contact with the shaft. Even when she tried to order him to release her he did not stop moving her nor did the smirk fade but anger flared in his eyes. If she thought that she could make him do anything he didn't desire to do then she was absolutely mad, he had all the power and if he chose to actually claim her that night there was little she could do. A lesson needed to be taught, one of his hands moved from the hold on her waist and with a snap of his wrist an open palm smacked against her ass, hard enough to be heard aloud.

"I gave you my word I would respect your chastity princess." He reminded her, a note of warning entering his voice as though challenging her to say he wasn't keeping his word. "Until the wedding I will not take your body as mine but until that happens you will still be responsible for my needs and I will be responsible for ensuring you know how to please me." In Gerudo culture a bride was expected to be a virgin but also to know how to please a man, often a mother or an older sister passing along some tips to ensure they didn't fail in the attempt.

Another smack, this one not nearly as harsh, simply so he could feel that perfectly part prosterior again. "I suspect your education in carnal matters was serverely neglected my dear, I am simply trying to give you an idea of what pleasures await you. If you would be more comfortable then I could send for a member of my harem to service my needs while you watch." He was curious, how would she react to that offer?
He didn't stop. Zelda couldn't believe that this monster kept moving, his member pulling against her sex, grinding upon it. The thin fabrics protecting her felt as nothing. For she could feel the hot hardness of him pressed up against her, all but throbbing. Then, as if that weren't enough, his hand landed upon her firm white bottom. Zelda let out a sharp gasp at the crack of pain that shot up into her. Her almost too pale skin would show the marking quite well, a flash of red appearing upon the flesh. Fortunately her pantie would cover most of it, but the shame and frustration reddened the Hylian princess's pointed ears.

As Ganondorf repeated his insistence, Zelda glared at him. Yes, those were the terms but---but responsible for pleasuring him? Her eyes widened at that, and they flicked down to the thing still sawing between her legs. The rising dark against the almost unbroken sea of white unnerved her, seemed to hint at some corrupting influence.

Smack! Zelda yelped, though this time more in surprise than pain. "Cease that!" she snapped, words leaving before she could control them again. This whole situation had put her on the defensive, let her frustration and anger at her situation bubble to the surface. She glared again as her intended outlined the situation. The ultimatum laid before her angered the princess.

"You are not to lay with another!" she insisted. "Such an action would be insulting to the extreme! Would provoke drastic action!" Which was technically true on several levels. If a royal or noble learned of an affair, they were within rights to denounce their intended publicly. It would give Zelda precisely what she needed to end this charade.

"And I am a princess," she insisted, trying to move away from him again. "I do not need to learn of the... the arts carnal." Particularly if it meant dealing with the weapon aimed at her now. Zelda needed more time to figure out how to deal with this situation properly, to determine if there was some easy, simple way to handle a man, particularly a Gerudo man. For now, she tried squirming free, almost tempted to try a short teleportation spell.
Now he had scraped the surface and the Princess Zelda was showing him the fire within her, it was impressive really, she went from meek to angry so very quickly. In truth it impressed the larger man, he of course was happy to not only take her as his bride but also to breed her... and to see such spirit only confirmed that the children they made together would not be weak. Her insistence that he cease the smacks earned only a raised eyebrow from him, his hand resting on and caressing the flushed flesh that he had struck moments before.

Then it about drastic action was irritating though, she objected to even passively assisting with his needs and at the same time made threats when he offered to make use of another in her stead that night. Ganondorf was not a man who went with his needs intended to for even a day if it could be avoided, several harem members also being a part of his personal guard so that even if he were away from the palace he would have his protection and distractions at his side. "It's absolutely delightful that we are not yet married, have not yet even proclaimed out betrothal publicly, and yet you are already jealous. You need not concern yourself princess, I will wait before I take a second wife or even establish a new harem. To do so before I ensure that we have an heir would be most improper." To try and discolve the union after the birth of a child would also no doubt be problematic for her.

Attempting to squirm away did the princess little good, she may be fit but the sheer size difference made force almost useless as a way to escape. It did do quite a bit for the man who was using her as a means for stimulation though, the more she moved the more pleasure she brought him and Ganondorc decided that was worth of an award. Shifting the hand from her ass up to the back of her neck he pulled her down, his lips meeting hers in a searing kiss, tongue seeking entry into her mouth, an expression of passion and domination.

The change in her posture had a secondary consequence, because now with every motion her panth covered clit would drag along the length of his hard cock, from the base to the precum leaking head. When the kiss finally broke she was greater with a triumphant smile. "You may not think you need to learn princess but I disagree. It's alright though, I look forward to teaching you have to please me and I look forward to ensuring that no other man is ever able to bring you pleasure."
Jealous? Zelda's eyes flashed. He thought her jealous? Worse, she could not argue against him, not without completely dropping even the thin veneer of deception she still wore. Words hovered at the edge of her tongue, eager to be flung into the air. An heir? Ha! As if Zelda would allow him. Even if he somehow managed to... to consummate their "union," her magics would keep her womb pure and sound for some time, a fact she most certainly would not be sharing with her intended.

For now, she simply wanted distance. Ganondorf made clear that this would not be possible: if anything, Zelda felt herself drawing closer. "What are you--" she began, only to find her open lips seized. Zelda let out a squeal of protest, hands coming up near her mouth. They hovered near, palms out, magic starting to gather. But...but she couldn't. Couldn't outright deny him, not something as simple as a kiss. They were intended; this was as simple a gesture of matrimonial affection that could be made. To attempt to push even this away would be tantamount to denying their connection, something that Zelda's plan would not allow.

That did not mean she had to kiss back.

he'd find her lips cold, unmoving. She pursed them as best she could, forming teeth and lip to serve as guard to his incoming tongue. Her entire body had stiffened, ramrod straight. He could kiss, but she most certainly would not be kissing back. Despite her will, however, Zelda found her lips parting in a gasp as his member continued dragging along her sex. Had Ganondorf sought entry, he would need to move quickly, but the opening had been made.

Thankfully, conversation resumed. She glared at him, again letting a little of her meek facade drop. "I'm certain I will learn all my wifely duties in good time," she said. She again reached down, trying to grasp his member with as few fingers as possible. Zelda wanted that... that thing away from her sex. Just hovering it near her felt like defilement. "However, you must forgive me: I am far too tired tonight after my journey," his member seemed to defy her, and Zelda wasn't sure how to adjust. Her movements were simply causing him to rub against her, and her hand almost made it look as though she were wielding the weapon herself.
The moment her lips had parted his tongue had been sliding into her mouth, exploring, running over every surface as though testing to see how she would react to even the slightest change in stimuli, running over her tongue to try and draw her to the kiss. The resistance was equally infuriating and exciting to the Gerudo male. He was used to getting what he wanted and normally when it was denied to him he just took it through force, in this case he was perfectly capable of taking what he wanted from the Princess but he was curious about what her end goal was. It had taken on the nature of a game in his eyes, to figure out what she was up to while at the same time manipulating the situation to his own ends. Sure he could be forceful and get what he wanted... but he doubted she suspected even the slightest bit of subtlety from him... an advantage he would be happy to claim.

The feeling of her hand wrapping around him, few fingers actually used and they just barely met when wrapping around his shaft, but it was enough to change the experience for him entirely. Where before he had been forcing her to ride back and forth over his cock she was not taking an unknowingly active role in getting him off. Surely she hadn't intended it but he would take advantage of it to the fullest. Pushing her down so that she was straddling only the base of his cock he took her hand in his, forcing her to wrap it tighter around his shaft, forcing her to feel his arousal in that moment.

“I am sure you will catch on quickly Princess.” He observed gently, forcing her hand to slowly start stroking him, savoring not only the sensation but the expression on her face as well. It was divine, her hand so soft and warm, her body so perfect and innocent. Before he had been enjoying himself but now his orgasm was rapidly approaching, his balls starting to tighten with that familiar sensation and he saw no reason to hold back now. This was a night full of firsts for the princess and he saw no reason not to impress her.

When the moment came it was one of bliss for Ganondorf, his entire body feeling lighter as his cock erupted. At the very last moment he moved both her hand and his cock so that it was pointing straight upward, thick ropes of pearly white ejaculate pumping up from his cock as he forced her hand to move faster, a good measure of it splashing across her, mostly on the nightgown but a small amount on her face near her lips. It was voluminous, far more then any one man or even four men could produce in a single load, comparable to a horse as a better comparison then a man. Even when he was done his cock didn't truly soften, remaining hard and upright as though needing more, his breath only slightly accelerated as he looked her over, splashed with his cum, a fluid he had been told by more then one harem member could be addictive in the same way as opiates.

“Thank you for your service princess.” He praised her with a slight smirk, amusement shining in his eyes. “Though I feel bad that I didn't get you off.” Odds are she wouldn't take him up on such an offer but teasing her was impossible to resist. “And I did get you dirty... would you perhaps like to bathe?”
Oh, Zelda was most certainly learning quickly. Ganondorf was proving to be a much more sexual beast than she'd anticipated. His desires clearly held the reins here, and she wondered fleetingly if there was anything she could do to use that to her advantage. She'd been hopeful that the marriage offer alone would've accomplished that to some degree, but that was seeming less and less a possibility with each passing moment.

Now he seemed to use her own actions against her. She felt his hand circling her own. 'I did not mean--" she tried as she felt him pumping himself with her. The hand had barely moved, however, when Zelda felt the member pulsing. She let out an exclamation, trying to jerk away. Her body slid over the shooting cock, unable to fully escape him. All she managed to do was thud against his muscular chest, as immobile as ever. One splattered shot over her front, ropy bits connecting. Desperate, Zelda brought down her other hand, trying to stop up the eruption. Bits flooded over her fingers, painting both white and sticky. Zelda winced as more splattered her face.

It smelled good. Heady and spicy, with an almost rich taste. Zelda at first hadn't even realized she was smelling Ganondorf's offal until she raised her soaked hands up to her. The smell threatened to overwhelm the princess, made her head spin. She was struck with the utterly absurd desire to almost lick her hands clean, as if they were covered in icing or chocolate. His words spiked into her own dazed mind, and she shot a glare back up at him.

Get her... "That will not be necessary," she insisted almost immediately. She needed to wipe her hands. A bath? She almost agreed to it immediately, except... except it would mean stripping nude before him. No, no, she could not allow... that. He took liberties with her dressed only in her evening wear. Nude? Nude he may not keep everything to himself. "I simply require something to wash up," she said almost primly. "A basin perhaps," she tried to scoot off the bed again. He had to have some sort of basin around, surely. She could handle her hands, by far the worst of it, there, then wash her face and possibly even spot-check her clothes... though finding splotches of white fluid on white and translucent fabric would be quite the task indeed.
“You don't trust me do you?” He asked with a smirk on his lips as she requested a basin for bathing. He had watched her behavior closely as she raised the hand to her face. The temptation for her to lick her hand clean was nearly palpable, written all over her face. For a moment he was sure that she had been about to give into the desires that she wouldn't understand but she resisted and it was a disappointment. She would give in eventually, even if he had to force his cock down her throat and keep her from swallowing until she came to love the taste of her husband. That wouldn't be this night though, no reason to rush things just yet. Having her grind against him or using her hand to jerk himself off was one thing but to actually penetrate her in any way would likely be too far for the girl. Perhaps in the morning he would have her kissing his cock as a sign of devotion but until then he would remain patient and continue with the game that she was so insistent on playing.

“Getting a water basin would involve summoning a guard or servant to fetch it for us and I am in no mood to deal with answering the questions that your presence would bring just yet.” He answered, honest in this. True he would need to give an explanation in the morning when he had the things that would be needed for the ride assembled... for the time being he would hold off on that though. In the harem it was not unheard of for the girls who he favored to be assaulted by the others who were jealous of their position. True the princess could no doubt deal with her self but the threats could be many and insidious... easier to keep her safe for the time being by keeping her presence a secret until it was approaching the time to leave.

“If you feel that I would take advantage of you while you bathe you don't have to worry my dear, I promised to respect your chastity until the wedding and I will do just that.” And not for a single moment longer then that, he wondered if she was paying close enough attention to catch the very specific phrasing but he doubted it would raise anything more then basic curiosity rather then an objection to what he really had planned. “And if you fear being seen in any stage of undress then I am going to have to point out how absurd such a fear is. You are currently wearing my seed upon your body, that must be several steps in intimacy beyond simply seeing you as you bathe.” Or helping her with her bathing as he intended.

Slowly, and with great care, Ganondorf properly sat up and moved the princess from his lap before rising from the bed. He didn't waste any time now, moving towards the door that would lead to his private bathing chambers, a place rarely seen by anyone but him. Pushing it open the room was immediately lit by the dim glow of widely spaced candles, this was a place of private relaxation and as such he did not bother to light it too brightly. From the candles emanated a host of relaxing scents, sandal wood and desert flowers found only in his lands. The room was filled with a thin steam, the pool warmed by an underground hot spring with the excess water flowing over the sides into carefully hidden channels. Though not as bright as what the princess might be used to Ganondorf was confident that it matched the grandeur of any chamber in her castle (soon to be his).

Striding ahead Ganondorf slowly sank unto the water until it barely reached his waist, leaving his back turned on the princess so that she might feel safer before she got in herself.
No, Zelda certainly didn't trust him, not even a little. He had already abused his position; her hands were a testimony to that. She felt dirty, taken advantage of. And worse, she kept having that strange, twisted urge to at least sample him. Was that curiosity? Or something darker at work? Simply the chance of the latter forbade all chances of Zelda doing it. Or... or perhaps she should. To gather resistance or to better know? No! He likely had some strange... power in the seed, maybe his essence.

Yet another trick came while Zelda kept her silent debate. No water? He didn't have a basin nearby? She frowned, wondering at this. They both could use magic; they both had created clothing. Water would have been more difficult, yes, and not lasting. If a magician could create lasting water than deserts would be far less harsh than they were now. But even Zelda had seen and used Zora's scales to create small amounts. She watched Ganondorf rise with yet more suspicion.

"You just abused that promise," Zelda reminded his back, frowning. part of her almost wished that his actions were enough to constitute further action on her part. She probably could use it to insist upon separate beds, if nothing else. Damn Gerudo custom: she didn't want to have to feel his sawing manhood each and every night until she returned to Hyrule proper. She ignored his comments regarding undress. Clearly he was overlooking the fact that she was still clothed.

He left all the same. Zelda sat, staring where he'd gone. She worked her fingers, feeling the slime between them. She frowned, looking down at the garb. This felt... disgusting. And in truth, while she kept feigning exhaustion, she hardly felt it. Still, she certainly wasn't about to denude herself before him. Zelda rose, spending a few moments deciding how to cover. Soon enough she'd find a towel or some other piece of cloth, perhaps a tablecloth of sorts. This she wrapped about her, before working off the soiled clothes. She left that in a pile before striding with royal purpose toward the bath.

Zelda didn't even look to Ganondorf, but slid into the opposite end of the bath. She felt the water slightly lifting her covering, and she held it down as she settled into place. The wet covering her hands made her sigh with relief, and she spent a few seconds running her digits along the surface, just wanting the disgusting slime to leave her entirely. She could have possibly spent some time in the admittedly luxurious bath, with its warm water and curling steam, but Zelda's tension simply could not be relieved, not with a nude Ganondorf sitting so casually nearby.
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