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SHIBBY+_+ and Zennarion


Jan 9, 2009
Tyler sighed softly as he moved towards his house, it wasn't dark yet, though the sun was on its way down. He sighed and looked up at the sky. His life was boring, he needed something to happen, maybe a new person in his life? Anything really, as long as he got something new, he was tired of all the old things, nothing interesting ever happened. He stopped for a moment, did he just see something up in the sky? He rubbed his eyes. There was nothing, he yawned, he needed some sleep soon.

He looked across the street, seeing a girl with dark hair. Who was she? He had never seen her in the town, she was probably new here. He sighed and just continued walking. There was something strange about her, maybe it was the dark hair? No... It wasn't that... It was something else, though he couldn't tell what it was. He closed his eyes for a moment, before he looked up again, to look at her, but she was gone... He looked behind him, she wasn't there either.

He was scared right now, she had seemed real. He stopped as he felt something on his body, as if something had just entered him, but he new that it was impossible, because things like that just didn't happen on earth. He was probably just tired, he couldn't find anything else that could describe what had just happened.

Hearing a voice in his head, his eyes widened and he started looking around. "W-Who said that?! Where are you?" He was scared now, he was also hearing things now, why did this happen to him?
Anduriel grinned to her self once she was inside the human. He was so stupid, such easy prey. He asked who she was.

"My name is Anduriel, I have taken control of our body for now, you are my puppet" she said. She grinned to her self and said "Now, where were you going....oh nice house...but we won't be going to your home just yet".

Tyler would find he had no control over his actions anymore. She turned his body about and reached into his pocket. Pulling out his wallet and said "Hmm, my knowledge of human currency maybe limited but even I can tell you have a lot of money..ahh yes, your brains telling me you got paid today...working hard, your such a good boy" she said making him walk down the street.

"But all good boys need rewards, I wonder where we can go" she said. Delving into his mind she saw that the city had an amusement park.

"Ooh, that looks like fun" she said with a grin.

She then muttered a few words in an ancient language and the next thing he would know was that he well his body was standing infront of the gates into the amusement park.

"Lovely" she said and began to walk inside.
Tyler growled in his mind as he felt how she suddenly took control of his body. He didn't even have the power to speak anymore! What was going on right now?!

Hearing her words, his eyes widened. He knew that name... She was... "Y-You are the goddess Anduriel?" He asked her. He couldn't think of anybody else who had the power to possess a human body.

Hearing her words in the ancient language, his eyes widened. What was she going to do? But the suddenly, he felt his body move, seeing the amusement park in front of him, his eyes widened. What was she planning to do? "What do you want to do here? The amusement park is boring, and its not a place i would like to go... People would start wondering why i was here!" He told her.

"Don't go in there!" He told her. He wouldn't allow her to go in there, he didn't want to be seen in there! But of course, he knew that there was nothing he could do about it.

He hated the amusement park, there were too many kids in there and he hated kids... They always made so much noise.
"Yes I am the goddess, Don't be so surprised" she said with a smirk.

As they walked his bdy had been changing into a more feminine form.

She scoffed at him when he told her not to go in. She smirked and said "I'll go where I please you puny human"

She then walked into the bathrooms at the amusement park and looked at her self in the mirror. She frowned. He was now a women. She pouted and that "These men's clothes just wont do".

With a snap of her fingers, his male shirt and pants had been replaced with a pair of blue shorts and a yellow shirt with a green cardigan over the top.

She smirked and said "Don't you think these clothes really show off my figure" she said making poses in the mirror.
He growled as he heard her words, but then he suddenly felt it... The changes on hos body.

"W-What did you do to my body?! Why is my body a female?!" He yelled at her.

He didn't like the fact that she could control him and do what she wanted to his body... It made him feel so powerless... He didn't like that feeling!

Hearing her fingers snap, his eyes widened and he suddenly felt the female clothes on his body. This was such a wierd feeling... He didn't want to be a female, he wanted to be a male!

Hearing her words, he just growled. "No... I don't... In fact the clothes look kinda stupid on you!" He told her in a cold tone.
Anduriel grinned to her self and said "Well today, your a girl deal with it. You think you hate it, but in the back of you mind, you know you really like it " she whispered seductively.

She smirked and said "Hah, I know what you thinking, behind your troublesome anger you think I'm hot". She smirked and said "Right, time to have fun" she said.

She walked out of the barthroom and began to walk through the fun park. It wasn't long till she was turning heads. She was a stunner. Pretty soon a male approached her. He was buff, probably a football player.

"Hey" he said to her with a grin.

She grinned back and said "and who might you be?" she said.

The boy grinned and said "My name is Michale"

Anduriel grinned and said "Want to show me around?" she asked

He grinned and said "Sure"

Michale then proceeded to show her around the place, the two of them going on a few of the rides and such. Two hours later they had come to a more secluded area of the park. Michale, the "charmer" he was used his "skills" to back her into a corner. More like she let him. He was about to lean in for the kiss. She wanted to her this humans reaction to it. She wanted him to believe that "technically" he was about to kiss another man.

But at the last second she put her fingers on his lips and she whispered in Michale's ear "I don't kiss on the first date". She then moved past him gently and began to walk away and out of the amusement park.

"Now wasn't that fun" she said with a grin.
His eyes widened as he heard her words. "As if... Do you really think that i would like it when my body was being turned into a female body with out my permission?" He asked her in a cold tone.

Seeing the male walking towards him, his eyes widened. "T-Turn around! Go away! Don't talk with him!" He told her while he watched the male getting closer and closer!

He started struggling, he wanted to have control over the body again, but he knew that it was impossible... She wouldn't let him do that.... He knew that.

He knew what Michale wanted.... He only wanted to fuck the female body and nothing else. Why was she letting him do this? He closed his eyes and sighed. He couldn't do anything to stop her... He could only watch her as she tried the different rides and had fun with Michale. Was she trying to learn him a lesson by making his body female and then taking control of it? Did he really deserve this?

Seeing how Michale now tried to kiss her, his eyes widened. "No! Don't do that! Im serious!" He yelled at her. He wasn't going to let her kiss a male, it would make Tyler feel like a gay person... After all he could still feel everything she felt.

"That wasn't fun.... At all! Now get me back to my house and make my body male again!" He told her in a cold tone.
Andureil was having her fun but this human was getting on her nerves. Her face turned to an expression of anger and her voice thundered in his head.


She sighed and her voice returned to a normal tone. "I think I need to punish you for your impudence"

She grinned and seconds after she had said the words, waves of pleasure moved through his body. Oh she had a very interesting punishment for him.

As they walked, she found a nearby sex shop. Perfect. She walked inside and with his money purchased a rather large looking dildo and a vibrator. With it now in his bag she walked to his home and she sat on his bed.

"You feel that boy, the desire, you want this cock in you don't you, you want to be fucked by a man, say the word and I'll relive you" she said teasing him by rubbing the head on her pussy through her clothes.

"Ooohh I can feel how wet you are, your such a dirty boy".

She wanted him to succumb to her. In the process he would be humiliated and feel like shit and she'd get a good fucking out of it.
He just growled as he heard her words, but he didn't say anything. He closed his eyes and sighed. He knew that he couldn't do anything to stop her. He would just let her do whatever she wanted to until she decided to let him get his body back.

He felt how she now started moving, and then looked up. Where was she going now? Seeing how she now entered the porn shop, his eyes widened. "Wh-What are you doing? Why are you going in there?!" He asked her while he watched her.

Seeing what she brought for his money, his eyes widened. "W-What are you going to buy for those money?" He asked her while he looked at her.

Seeing the dildo and vibrator she brought, his eyes widened. "W-What are you going to do with those?" He asked her.

But he got his answer not even 15 minutes later when she started pleasing his body at home.

"P-Please... Stop that...." He begged her while he moaned. "I-Im begging you!" He told her.
Anduriel grinned and ignored his pleas. "Tell me you want it" she whispered seductivly to him with a grin on her face as she kept teasing him.

She walked him to say it. She wanted him to act like little man whore for her. She grinned and waited for him to stop.
He growled as he heard her words. "No... Im not going to say anything, and you can't force me!" He yelled at her. "Im not going to submit to you!" He told her in a cold tone.

He wasn't going to submit to her, and he wasn't going to let her control him anymore.
"Really, Carn't I" she said devilishly. She slid a had down into her pants and rubbed his clit. "Aww your so wet, such a horny slut".
He growled as she started rubbing his clit. "G-Get your hands off me!" He told her in a cold tone as he started fighting her.
She could feel a resistence in him bit she still had total controll over him. She grinned and said " feels good, doesn't it?". She then took off the shorts and panties and co tinued to rub the dildo against his cunt. "You know you want it"
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