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Sweet Mother, Sweet Mother... (N7biotic // how_is_you)

While Alkina had a fondness for her native home, Skyrim was a land she truly grew to love. Her home, Marrowind was a land of ash and heat with skies contantly blackened from the ashes and smoke of her land. She's heard stories that Marrowind was not always this way, that the red mountian erupted and engulfed the land in permanent fire, ash, and smoke, but she couldn't bring herself to believe them. All that seemed to survive the land were different species of bugs and monsters made from ash. Skyrim, however, was a much different place. She left Marrowind as a child and remembered the first time she felt the cold winds of Windhelm. The way it nipped and prickled her skin in such a unique feeling made her fall in love with the cold. Being so use to heat, it took some time before she could fully enjoy it. It didn't quite help that the people weren't too welcoming of her kind, but there was nothing she could do about it. In fact, it was those kinds of people that influenced her decisions that led her onto the path of murder. Nonetheless, she fell in love with the diversity that Skyrim's land offered along with the beauty that it held unlike her home. When she wanted to feel the cold, she'd go North and when she wanted to remember what warmth feels like, she could go South. All the while, trees and mountians plagued the land with all its majesty. While she'll always love Marrowind, Skyrim was a place she felt truly at home.

As Aventus caught up with his contact and arranged a room for them, Alkina looked around the inn. While Rorikstead wasn't a very impressive place, its inn was very lovely and welcoming. This came as no surprise to her since the inn was a place that gained most of its profits from travelers and adventurers like themselves. The smell of mead, fresh bread, meats, and sweet breads filled the air along with the singing of a nearby bard playing the lute. Even though, Alkina loved her job as a cold blooded assassin, it was nice to be in a place like this from time to time, especially with company she wouldn't mind getting her hands on.

Aventus' voice broke her away from her thoughts as she turned to look at him. While she personally would like a room deeper into the inn, she was sure that nothing would be wrong with the room they would receive. After all, people like them were hard to sneak up on and especially difficult to kill. If anything were to happen, she was sure it would be handled in a few moments. She gave him a approving smile and spoke, "That should be fine. Now come..." She grinned grabbing onto his hand. "I've been dying to get my hands on you again." With a almost sinister chuckle, Alkina grinned and led Aventus to their room with a bit of excitement in her steps.
Aventus chuckled as he was dragged along to the room that the two of them been assigned, hearing the innkeeper whistle behind the pair of them as they disappeared into the room, the door closing gently shut behind them. He figured that Alkina would be insatiable, but it was clear that he had somewhat underestimated what exactly 'insatiable' meant. With the door closed, and no one likely to interrupt the two of them as they did their deed, he removed his hand from hers, moving it to her hip. This would be the first time that he would undress the assassin himself, and that thought excited him rather immensely, probably more than he should, despite him already knowing what she looked like underneath the armor of the Dark Brotherhood. His other hand went to the back of her head, and then, in a blur of small movements that he made, his right hand pulled down the hood of her armor if it was pulled up, his left pulled her body somewhat forcefully into his own, and his head moved in to meet lips with her, capturing her mouth in a passionate, lust fueled kiss. He was actually rather surprised that he was still raring to go after such a heated lovemaking session with her back in the rotting shack, but then again, they had taken a few hours to travel to this inn, and it was really only halfway there to their final destination, which was the Dark Brotherhood sanctuary itself.

Groaning a bit in realization as they kissed, he pulled his lips away from hers, a slack grin on his face from the lust before he spoke. "I think I'll take you up on the offer of using your mouth now, if you don't mind."
Alkina grinned now they were finally alone. Something about Aventus just made her crave him. Even after she got her fill, her body wanted him again only moments later. Yet, something in her told her he wouldn't complain too much for having a partner as eager to play with him as she was. Her eyes stared up into his as she watched his fingers pull her mask down to expose her lips. A heated gasp pushed pass her lips as she felt him pull her close enough for her chest to touch his as her lips were enraptured by his own. She moaned into his lips feeling his kiss growing so passionate and lustful for her. One hand wrapped around his neck, digging her nails into his shoulder as she pushed herself against him, letting him feel every inch of her body as she moaned and purred into his lips. The other touched his cheek keeping him close to her so she could enjoy the taste of his lips. When he groaned and started to pull away, Alkina reluctantly let him go as she pulled her lips away and panted softly with heated lust.

A grin grew on her face at his words. "Hmm, I think I can do that for you." She chuckled a bit wickedly with a lustful grin. Alkina leaned forward to kiss and nibble at his neck as her hands started to explore his clothed chest. Her hands ran all the way down from his stomach and to his belt. Alkina looked up at him with a smirk then slowly got down on her knees in front of him. Her hands were skilled and quick to undo his pants and allow his cock to be freed, already starting to harden for her. With a soft smile, Alkina gently grabbed his cock by his base and slowly started to stroke his length. She stared lustfully at it as she watched Aventus' cock slowly get harder from her touch. To make things more interesting, Alkina parted her lips as her hand reached up to his tip and let her tongue touch his throbbing tip as her hand kept stroking him. Teasing him with little circles around it and letting her lips touch him in a way that seemed like she was going to take him in, but pulled away at the last second with a wicked chuckle.
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