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Underdark Conspiracies (Hamadryad & Rivine)

"Hmmm, interesting," Bar'or murmured softly. He had not yet been in training to become a warrior when House Kel fell, decades ago. No, he had still been working with the riding lizards, mucking stalls, being tested to see if he had the strength and endurance for the menial labor. Why they thought that was a good way to test the conditioning of some of the male slaves he didn't know, but that had been his task.

His golden eyes went to her, wondering how many others were like them, born into this and having no choice in their fate. He had listened to all she had to say, nodding all the while. Once she finished speaking his eyes drifted up, finding her face, more importantly locking eyes with her, as he stated, "Your story is not that different from many others that serve this house, myself included." A warm smile formed on his lips as he then added, "You did miss an important detail though, your name. I am Bar'or."
The girl frowned slightly, crossing her arms up under her bust, which was displayed in full beneath the thin veil she wore about her chest. She looked towards the floor as he made eye contact with her, nervously biting at her lip.

"The mistress has not given me a name. Neither the Kellian mistress nor our Countess Cobaer. The others call me Betty alot. But thats because they shortened my actual nickname, which was Itty Bitty," she said quickly before taking a big breathe, "And they called me that because when I came here my bust wasn't fully grown, so they all thought I had small breasts, but by the time they developed and turned out average the nickname had already stuck," she continued before yet another deep breathe, "Countess Cobaer calls me Betty sometimes, othertimes she calls me talkative, though," she stated matter-of-factly, before seeming to finally stop talking.

"But none of the other advisers talk to me, so I don't know what they call me. Probably something mean, they're all pretty cold to us servants," she babbled on, "But not you, sir, you are very kind!" she exclaimed as though she suddenly realised what kind of offense she could have caused. Betty took in one more breathe, as though she was going to speak again unless interrupted.
Bar'or could not help but notice her bust given the way she was pushing it up. Was the woman trying to draw his attention? If so she was succeeding, but he tried to downplay his interest. She was a slave after all, and he knew that if she could attach herself to him that she could help her own position. Would that be what she was trying to do?

His thoughts were interrupted though as she started to speak again, and spoke... and spoke. Bar'or arched an eyebrow as he listened to her, smiling all the while. She certainly was a talkative one! As she took a breath, as if to continue, he held up a hand. "A moment if you would. I do not think that Itty Bitty or Betty suit you very well," Bar'or stated. Again his eyes traveled over for her for a moment before he commented, "I think that Div would be a better name for you." Div, the drow word for dream, he thought would be a much better name for the rather attractive little chatter box.

Having said his peace he motioned with his hand and added, "If you had more to say, feel free to."
He was going to regret letting her continue.

"Div.. Hmm, thats a very pretty name, sir, I like that alot! But... I don't think anyone else would call me it. My nicknames very sunk in, you know?" a breathe "Its funny, though, Talice always teases me because she has the biggest bust in the entire house! So I call her Busty Musty, it makes her laugh," yet another breathe, "I really enjoy making the advisers laugh. I haven't made Dresdel laugh yet, but Jaezdals had a giggle before!" her chest heaved with another intake of air, "Mistress Cobaer never laughs, though, she always says 'Don't be silly, talkative', its really disapointing because I try really hard, you know".

She stopped for a moment, before starting back up again.

"I really like my job here though, its very calming when I get to use all the water pipes and regulate the temperatures and that sort of thing," she said eagerly, "sometimes the high end boys from the pleasure den come into here to wash. They're so dreamy," she said with a slight giggle and half smirk. She took another deep breathe, a split moment of possibility for Bar'or to slip a word in.
Shrugging a bit Bar'or was about to retort to her statement that the name would never sink in, but instead he was cut off by her talking even more. So he settled down to listen, watching her with a smile on his lips. It was obvious to him that Betty liked to please people. A soft chuckle escaped him when she told him what she called Talice. However the smile on his lips faded at the mention of Jaezdals. That one... well Bar'or did not like him. Betty did not know that of course, but she was likely to find out eventually.

After she told him about how much she enjoyed the job and the pleasure boys, he cut in. "Well, I'm glad to hear that you enjoy what you do." He looked up at her, raising an eyebrow as he asked her, "Have you gotten to know any of the pleasure lads better?"
Betty stopped suddenly as he interrupted, thinking for a few moments as her mind processed her next wave of conversation.

"Oh, no! Of course not!" she exclaimed, but as usual, that wasn't all, "I'm not allowed to interact with them! I'm not important enough. Only visiting nobles and stuff get to be with them," strangely, she stopped short of a torrent of information.

"I don't think I'm pretty enough, anyway, I mean they would turn me down," she said with a solemn tone in her voice, looking down to the floor anew.
Bar'or turned to look at her, an eyebrkw arched. "Not pretty enough?" he asked, an unbelieving tone in his voice. The male shook his head and chuckled a bit. Then, smiling, he said to her, "You are a lovely woman and I suspect that you will find that you are gifted with a level of attractiveness that far supersedes that of most other females. Do not doubt that."

He flashed her a smile once more, then quickly dunked himself under the water. Bar'or came up a minute later, taking in a deep breath, then sighing contentedly. It was nice to feel clean, especially after what he had seen. It was only a moment before he stood and stretched, turning to face her as he lowered his arms and stepped out of the tub. Of course he was still entirely nude and this provided her with ample time to appreciate some things; his fit body, the scars of battle upon it, his rather well endowed manhood. The latter would probe to be especially eye catching for, even flaccid, it would likely fill her whole hand enough that she wouldn't be able to close her fingers around it. Furthermore it was twitching slightly, a large vein on top obviously pumping blood into the ebony member.

Bar'or looked to her and asked, "Might I have a towel?"
Betty smirked, giggling softly and fiddling with her white hair which fell about her upper chest awkwardly. She'd never been complimented like that before, all she'd ever experienced was being told what to do. The only praise she ever got was for her work ethic and speed, not once for her beauty. She went to talk again, went to send another barrage of words Bar'or's way, but then he stood up out of the tub.

Her plush lips fell agape slightly as her eyes locked on his enormous length, he was even bigger than some of the men from the pleasure den. Surely he'd visited a transmorpher, it couldn't all be natural, could it? The girl fell completely quiet as she stared upon his organ, watching as it twitched slightly with the enormous amount of blood flowing to it to keep it active. Maybe he was half-erect? Was that why it was so big? The world around that cock dulled as she admired it completely, eyes glued to it. She didn't even hear Bar'or speaking.
Bar'or furrowed his eyebrows as he looked at Betty. What was going on with her? "The towel?" the male asked her once more.

But then, quite suddenly, he realized what had been distracting her. His gaze followed her own, down to his manhood, then back up to watch her face. She seemed to be totally enraptured. A small smile formed on his lips as he placed his hands on his hips, taking a little bit of time to watch her, to take in her fascination. If this was how she reacted to most nude males, then she would be in trouble indeed.

A surge of arousal raced through him as he enjoyed her attention. "Hey beautiful!" the man said to her, a slightly excited tone in his voice as his cock got more engorged, "You're making me think that my eyes are down on my cock..."
Betty snapped back to reality, quickly averting her gaze as her cheeks ran red with a an embarrassed blush.

"Oh, sir! I'm so sorry. I didn't mean too, it's just that I don't really get to see well.. Such large endowments close up!" she exclaimed, "You see, those boys from the pleasure den don't even let me close!" she continued, before trailing off and recalling a story where such a thing had happened, all until she was interrupted by Bar'or.
"Oh? Is that the issue?" he asked her, smirking all the while. "You don't get close enough, so you just have to stare at mine. Nothing more than that?" It was obvious by his tone that Bar'or suspected that there was a fair bit more to her fascination with his manhood. Smiling slyly he then asked her in a huskier tone, "Would you like to get closer to it? Perhaps inspect it more thoroughly?" His mind raced with possibilities of how she might react. Considering her blush he did worry that she would flee. But what was he harming in being a little forward?
The girl twiddled her fingers together nervously as he spoke, listening intently as she kept her eyes averted from his crotch, a task which proved to be ever so difficult. Though, as he began to talk about his length, she couldn't resist the urge and her eyes drifted back towards it. She wasn't dreaming when she saw it the first time. Betty watched eagerly as blood slowly pumped into his length, watching as it showed the faintest hints of arousal, beginning to grow and harden. Gosh, what she would do to touch it. At least, she would have done many things, but that was put aside when Bar'or asked if she would like to inspect it.

Her arousal was obvious now, her nipples were pressing hard against the thin veil which adorned her chest, and a small moist patch was beginning to emerge on her underwear. Warmness swelled around her, a tickling in her loins fuelling her obsession. She'd laid with a man before, but only the other servants looking to try their hand at some fresh meat. Bar'or was different to her... He was kind, affectionate. More than just his enormous length aroused her, it was the way he talked to her too. She nodded her head to his question, her greatest desire currently was to just touch that huge cock of his.
The male did notice the signs of the woman's own growing arousal. It had been some time since he had had sex, being one of the few drow that he knew who preferred to get their partner to consent to the interaction, rather than just to take what he wanted. He had always found that the pursuit often proved to yield an even better result. So far that was proving to be true with Betty as well.

He nod made him grin and he moved a bit closer to her. His golden eyes showed his own growing lust as he reached out, his fingers brushing slowly down her sides. "I think that we would both be served best if you were nude. I would like to see you get that way as quickly as possible," Bar'or murmured. He leaned forward then and whispered in one of her ears, "Then you can see what your mouth can do with me."
Betty gasped as she felt his hands brush her sides, nodding slightly with his comment. She didn't know what drove her to this primal lust, but when she moved she moved like a beast on heat. A single hand grasped the veil about her chest harshly, tearing it from her body with a ripping sound. Next, she did the same for her panties and the big veil hanging from them, tearing it at the side and tossing it aside.

Then she was bare to the world, standing before him for his eyes to feast on. Her breasts weren't huge, they were perhaps a little small for a Drow, but in human terms they were about average. Adorning her breasts were cute little areolas with big nipples, which were currently hardened with her arousal. His eyes trailing down along her chest, then to her flat stomach with her cute little belly button and then to her recently revealed groin. She was clean shaven, as most of the Countess' handmaidens were, and had a delicious little sex hidden by thick lips. Suddenly, before his admiring could be concluded, she dropped to her knees quite hard, grazing them against the stone floor. Her arms snaked upwards, delicate fingers and soft palms tracing up the sides of his thighs as her face fell level with his length. Her eyes tilted upwards, meeting with his longingly, as though she was silently asking for permission.
The male's eyes widened as he watched the smaller female tear the clothing from her body, leaving herself bare for him. His golden orbs drank in the sight of her, appreciating her every curve as he licked his lips, longing to explore her body. But before he ever got the chance, she was dropping to her knees. The sight of her doing that caused him to engorge fully, his cock throbbing with want. Bar'or looked down upon her, a hand moving to her head so that his fingers could slide through her hair. Smiling as his eyes locked with hers the man murmured, "You are gorgeous... and those delicious lips belong around my shaft."
She obliged, shifting her delicate fingers to his rock hard length, her eyes washing over it as it throbbed before her. Ever so softly she began to massage his cock, her lips moving forward to kiss the bulbous tip, before slowly taking it in her mouth. It was so large that she highly doubted that she'd manage to fit the whole thing. She circled her tongue around his sensitive tip, playing with it joyfully as her thin fingers stroked along its length, feeling it throbbing in her hands. She kept her eyes locked with his as she worked, her breathing quickening with her arousal.
As those lovely fingers moved over his cock, Bar'or shuddered due to the pleasure racing through his body. He had not expected this to be happening during his bath, having expected one of the other attendants to be there. But this new girl, well she pulled at him for some reason. Perhaps it was her innocence, or the pureness that she exuded. She just seemed to be, different, in a non-conniving actually caring about people sort of way. It would be wrong of him to not show his appreciation of her.

But all contemplation fled his mind as he felt her lips and tongue going to work. His eyes rolled back into his head a bit and he let out a loud groan as he ran some fingers through her hair. It took a long moment for him to regain some control and look down at her again, finding her gazing up at him. The male smiled and, slowly, started to thrust his hips forward, encouraging her to take more of him in her mouth. He was a little surprised that she was as good at suckling on him as she was, which also made him wonder what else she did well.
Betty kept at it, her delicate fingers exploring his impressive length. The tickling inside of her intensified as his fingers intertwined with her soft hair. Though it was her brilliant blue eyes locking with his that got her writhing. Her desire was extreme, perhaps moreso than ever before. Though she did contnue lapping at his member, taking it ever deeper with the rocking of his hips. Though the look in her eyes told him she wanted something more.
Bar'or shuddered and let out a groan as he gazed into her strange, blue eyes. He had never seen a drow with eyes like those before and they called to him, a need obvious within them that he felt like he had to answer. So he stopped his thrusting and took a step back, watching as a string of her saliva keeping his cock linked with her mouth for a moment before it dropped away. The male took a breath, then asked her, "I want more... don't you?"
Betty looked up ever so innocently as that strand of saliva trailed from her lips to his cock. She idly ran a delicate finger through the lips of her slit, collecting in all of her juices that had already began to secrete in anticipation.

"What else can we do, sir?" she asked in her cute little high voice, though it was quite obvious she knew what else was on the table.
Bar'or was not sure if he believed the innocent act or not, but at the moment it did not really matter to much. What he would always remember was how eagerly she dropped to her knees and sucked his cock. It was more than clear to him that this was not her first time being with a male. But how experienced was she really?

A smirk formed on Bar'or's lips as he looked down at her, a finger sliding against her cheek in a gentle caress. "I have something in mind," he murmured, then offered her a hand to help her up as he added, "But first I want your lips to meet mine. Then I might tell you..."
Betty slid up his body, hands leading ahead of her as she snaked up his torso, his cock being ran through the small crevice of her breasts and finally being pressed upward against her flat stomach. She felt a dollop of pre being smothered onto her gray flesh as her mouth came to meet his, her arms draping over his shoulders and hands coming to rest against the back of his head.
The way that she moved, sliding up his form, pressing against him the whole time, was utterly arousing to Bar'or. He had not felt such a burning lust for a female in quite some time and was more than eager to enjoy sating that lust with her. Her body was soft, supple, pleasant in every way. She may have thought her breasts were small, but they certainly had not felt that way against his cock.

As their lips met a warmth spread through him, the kindling of something he did not yet entirely understand. While their lips met his hands took hold of her hips, pulling her to him so that his cock pressed against her stomach, his arousal extremely evident. Bar'or's hands slid back to cup her ass, squeezing both her cheeks as he pressed to her more, his lips moving with hers in a lust filled dance.

Then, with a surge, he lifted her up and, in a few steps, had her back pressed against a nearby wall. Now his cock was aligned with her sex and the male greedily started to grind his shaft against her now exposed pussy, seeking to stimulate her further, but not yet penetrate.
Betty giggled and cried out in surprise as Bar'or lifted her in the air, pinning her to the wall in a couple of small strides. She felt that big, delicious, veiny cock pressing against her mound, felt the heat radiating off of it. Her heart thumped in her chest as he began to grind against her. His shaft became slick with hee juices as he grinded, it was obvious that the young drow wanted this.
Betty's slickness certainly did get the point across to Bar'or. His own sex oozed precum, throbbing with need, helping to wet her even more. The male adjusted his grinding just enough so that his shaft pressed between the lips of her sex, the head of his cock repeatedly gliding against her clit. But there had been more than enough teasing. Bar'or drew his hips back and pressed the tip into her sex. As he pushed into her the male pressed his lips to hers once more, kissing her with heated abandon as his cock slowly and inexorably filled her.
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