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What would you do/say if game


Forgotten Dark Phantom Knight
Dec 21, 2016
Somewhere you can find me
Okay, here's something that I'm not sure is on the site in some other shape or form. Rules are simple, you answer the question of what you would do/say if you witnessed or were asked something by the person above you. It can be joking or serious, whatever you decide. Then you post one for the person below you.

As an example, let's say this was the question:

"What would you do/say if you were told you were suddenly made the most powerful person in any government?"

My answer would mostly likely be: "I'd work to rid the government of any political figures whom appear to be out for their own personal agendas and not out for the country they serve."

See? Seems really simple right?

Now on to the real thing. Ready? Go!

What would you do/say if you witnessed you boss or friend walk into a club or office party alone then walk out a while later with any number of men/women/both on their arm up to ten?
Thank the suitcase of money gods and pay off my student loans.

What would you do/say if a gorgeous guy or gal suddenly took you in their arms and gave you the best kiss of your life?
Slowly blink my eyes open and push my glasses back on my head for round two.

What would you do/say if you found the next Song of Ice and Fire book before it was published?
Spend the weekend in bed, minimally dressed, marathoning through the book.

What would you do/say if you round a direwolf pup of your own to raise?
Raise it as a guard animal and a pet.

What would you do/say if you were forced to relive one year of your life in three drastically different ways?
Probably forgive them provided they made the effort not to cheat again. Otherwise, "That's one body that'll never be found."

What would you do/say if you awoke to find a character from your favorite fandom in your bed with a matching wedding band on their finger?
Call myself Mrs. Jamie Fraser and go about seeing what he has under his kilt.

What would you do/say if you had a magic paintbrush?
Paint a doorway that leads to you.

What would you do/say if you were confronted by the person you had a secret crush on and they told you they were into you?
Cry and kiss and laugh and tremble.

What would you do if presented with the chance to talk to anyone on Earth?
I'd probably talk to one of the friends whom I've lost contact with.

What would you do/say if you got the the only remaining model of your dream car in existence?
Drive it like nobody have ever driven.
Joking, i'll cuddle my caws and tend to it like the only one in the world ;)

What would you do/say if, by accident, you are allowed to the UN speech-podium?
Sooo...who all here thinks flipping coins, might now be considered the smarter method, to choosing our world leaders?

What is the one question you would ask someone, that you no longer can?
Can you teach me how to be as funny as you?

What would you do/say is you realized that your entire life was just a fictional novel written by someone else?
I'd probably say, "Well no wonder I thought I was crazy. This person has no clue how to properly use the 'you too' phrase' and shake my head. (I use the 'you too' phrase very awkwardly and not on purpose. lol)

What would you do/say if you were offered the choice to either live like a celebrity or like royalty? Would you choose to have a ton of money and have the chance to do whatever you want but the drawback is the paparazzi in your face almost 24/7 or would you choose to have a ton of money and the royal status but the drawback was not being able to do whatever you wanted to because of rules?
The first one because then I can just deal with the paparazzi.

What would you do/say if you were able to tell people whatever you want without any consequences?
I'd tell three previous coworkers, one boss, one landlady, and one vet what I thought of them and said about them to my husband. Then finish with a hearty "Screw you!"

What would you do/say if you could commit one crime without consequence?
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