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RE: A New Alliance (Margery x Robb) LovelyDeadlyLadies and randomname

Finally, the build up of pleasure was too much for Robb to hold back. He suddenly moaned out her name and roughly groped her breasts as he released his hot, sticky semen inside of the dark-haired woman’s tight pussy. He pulled her down for a passionate kiss on her lips and started slipping his hands through her long hair as he tried to get as close with the woman as possible, filling he rup with his seed. Wanting her to reach the edge of her sublime as well, he suddenly started rubbing on her clit, trying to get her over the edge if she was not already.
RE: A New Alliance (Margery x Robb) LovelyDeadlyLadies and randomname

Now that they were finished, Robb worked on untying his wife. After it was done, he pressed a soft kiss onto her lips. “That was… incredible.” He murmured softly while looking into her eyes. “We should get some rest now. Tonight was amazing. I am so happy that you are mine now.” He whispered, kissing her again, his arms wrapping tightly around her body to pull her close against his. He reached down to pull the blanket on their bodies so they could get some rest as tomorrow he had to get back to planning for the war.
RE: A New Alliance (Margery x Robb) LovelyDeadlyLadies and randomname

Robb fell asleep quickly and he stayed that way during the entire night. It was not until first light the next morning when Robb woke. Though he did not want to get up yet, he knew they must. The ravens were sent to the Tyrell army the other day. They were arriving this morning and they would have to be greeted by Robb and the Queen. He leaned down to kiss her lips chastely, waking her in a gentle manner. “Margaery, my Queen, it is time to wake up.” He cooed softly, his lips tickling against her ear as his arms remained tight around her.
RE: A New Alliance (Margery x Robb) LovelyDeadlyLadies and randomname

Robb chuckled softly while stroking his hands through her hair. Robb had to do a few things: he must speak with his war counsel inside his command tent, he must send out ravens to highgarden, and he needed to figure out a plan to recover Winterfell. It had been so long since Robb felt this happy: from losing his father, his two brothers, and knowing that his two sisters were captive, it had been a shitty year or two. Margaery made that pain cease. “I think you might have convinced me, my beautiful Queen. I could stand for another minute or two with you in my arms.” He whispered softly, kissing the corner of her lips.
RE: A New Alliance (Margery x Robb) LovelyDeadlyLadies and randomname

“That’s good. I don’t think I’ll ever be ready for you to leave my arms.” Robb admitted with a chuckle, leaning down to give her a kiss. “I have truly enjoyed our time together the last few days. I do hope to get to know you even better. I think our marriage is off to a great start.” He whispered, wrapping his legs around her as well. “I promise to keep you safe here in our camp. I won’t let anything happen to you. Soon, this will all be over and we won’t have to worry about the war. I hope so, at least. I hope we can have this every day.”
RE: A New Alliance (Margery x Robb) LovelyDeadlyLadies and randomname

Robb continued to lay in the bed with Margaery. Her words made him smile, so he decided to pepper kisses all along her neck. “You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, my Queen. I am lucky to have you.” He purred lowly. The kissing and cuddling continued for another three or four minutes until Robb forced himself to stop. There was a war to win and fight so he had to get up and do something. The male finally sat up on the bed, stretched, and groaned. “I really must get going now. You can stay here and rest all you want. Nobody will be coming into this tent anyways. Though I do think your grandmother wanted to talk to you this morning.” Robb reminded her, gently rubbing his hand down her face.
RE: A New Alliance (Margery x Robb) LovelyDeadlyLadies and randomname

Robb dress himself as well but did not leave until his Queen was finished. Looking into her eyes, he waited to press a kiss onto her cheek. The male looked down at her hands, seeing that the ropes left an impression from their night of fun. It was something he hoped would not cause a ruckus from her grandmother who was quite the outspoken woman. “Let me escort you to your grandmother. I’m sure there will be breakfast there waiting for you.” Robb whispered, holding out his arm for Margaery to take. He knew that his mother and Margaery’s grandmother’s tent were side by side as they talked and spent the last few days organizing this wedding. Hopefully this was a good start.
RE: A New Alliance (Margery x Robb) LovelyDeadlyLadies and randomname

When the married couple arrived where Lady Olenna and Lady Catelyn were waiting, Robb greeted both women with a smile. “Good morning, Lady Olenna. Mother.” After greeting each woman, Robb spotted a plate of food for Margaery. “Good morning. I trust that you two had an eventful night.” Lady Olenna blurted without a filter. She had been pushing for the marriage to consummate last night. The quicker it happened, the quicker her army could get here. Looking to Margaery and then looking to the two older women, Robb decided he would leave now. “I will see you soon my Queen. If you need me for any reason during the day, get someone to find me. I will always have time for you.”
RE: A New Alliance (Margery x Robb) LovelyDeadlyLadies and randomname

In the command tent, Robb worked on a plan. Theon Greyjoy had taken Winterfell and it made Robb look bad for not holding his own castle. The plan was for Roose Bolton’s bastard to retake Winterfell for Robb. While this was going on, Robb and the rest of his army would be planning their path. Stannis was setting sail for King’s Landing and the two armies would tear each other apart. Robb was smart to stay put so he could be at full force and attack whoever won the battle at King’s Landing and hope that their forces are meager enough for him to face. They would have Winterfell before Stannis landed. It would give Robb a chance to go home one more time and get Margaery to safety before leaving for King’s Landing.
RE: A New Alliance (Margery x Robb) LovelyDeadlyLadies and randomname

Robb spent most of the morning with his war counsel. They developed a plan of attack for the new few days. Once that was done, Robb dismissed himself and the others. There was not much to do here for them other than wait out for the attack on King’s Landing. SO, Robb went to find his wife so they could spend more time together. He politely greeted his mother and his grandmother by law before swooping Margaery away as they walked through the camp together, linking his arm with hers.
RE: A New Alliance (Margery x Robb) LovelyDeadlyLadies and randomname

“I don’t know.” The King in the North answered honestly. “I wanted time away from planning to be with you, is all. I’ve discussed plans in great length with my War Counsel. We will be taking back Winterfell while waiting for Stannis and the Lannisters to tear one another apart. If all goes well, we’ll be ready to lead an attack on King’s Landing after that battle so the winner will have to face another threat immediately.” Robb explained even though not every King divulged military information to their Queen. Robb wanted Margaery to feel informed. She deserved to know the plans.

“I will be leaving in another hour to the Crag for medical supplies. We still have many wounded and are running low on supplies. If we lead an attack on King’s Landing, I know we’ll need more than we have.” Robb added as he wanted to spend quality time with his wife before leaving this evening. “We could go back to our tent or we can walk around the camp. I will leave that up to you, my Queen.” Robb cooed softly, finally reaching down to hold the woman’s hand as he escorted her through the army camp. She really did make him happy and it showed.
RE: A New Alliance (Margery x Robb) LovelyDeadlyLadies and randomname

Robb agreed with Margaery. The male wanted to spend every last possible second he would with his wife. The feelings he had when they were together were indescribable on so many levels. Robb quickly fell for the woman already. They had only been together a few days but it felt longer. It was like Robb knew her all his life.

Silent the rest of the way, Robb led himself and his wife into the tent. The male looked at the dress on her body and it made him smile. “I love the way you southern women dress. I quite enjoy looking at you.” Robb teased, finding it sexy how Margaery’s dress from Highgarden was much more revealing than any Northern dress he had seen. “You’ll get cold in Winter, but I’ll be there to keep you warm.” Robb teased, leaning down to touch her lips against his.
RE: A New Alliance (Margery x Robb) LovelyDeadlyLadies and randomname

Robb chuckled softly against Margaery’s lips. “I know. When we take trips to Highgarden, though, I suppose you can change your outfit.” The male did enjoy seeing his wife like this. She was gorgeous and there were no words that he knew that could accurately describe just how gorgeous she was. After pulling back from the kiss, he stroked his hands through her hair.

“Tell me, my love. What would you like to do with this last hour?” He asked softly, tilting his head to the side while their eyes were locked. Last night was mostly what he wanted. Now, he wanted to see what Margaery had in mind even if that was not anything sexual. He just wanted to see how she would like to spend the last of their day together until he returnd that night.
RE: A New Alliance (Margery x Robb) LovelyDeadlyLadies and randomname

“You do? Please, tell me about these ideas of yours.” Robb smirked, allowing himself to be pulled to the bed. Sitting down, the male kicked off his shoes and watched his wife closely before kissing her again. His hand gently wrapped around the nape of her neck, pulling her face closer. Unlike the other night, Robb was not taking control immediately. Instead, he wanted to let Margaery guide them to do whatever she was desiring that night and he would follow her lead, wanting to pleasure her before he left thi evening. Since their wedding night, he could not get enough of her, always craving her.
RE: A New Alliance (Margery x Robb) LovelyDeadlyLadies and randomname

“We are thinking the same thing.” Robb commented with a smirk. Pulling back from the kiss, the male reached down to pull down the straps of her dress. Very slowly, he helped pull the material off her body and down her legs until she could move enough and slip out of the dress. “I’ve missed your body.” Robb admitted even though they just had their fun last night – he loved seeing her like this and nothing would change that. “Just sit back and relax, my Queen.” Robb added, leaning down to kiss her sweet pussy lips, sliding his tongue against her entrance without penetrating her just yet.
RE: A New Alliance (Margery x Robb) LovelyDeadlyLadies and randomname

Robb did not waste time. Instead, his tongue immediately started caressing her clitoris after pulling back the hood hiding the flesh. His tongue lapped all over the nub before his mouth captured her clit around his lips and he started to suck on the flesh. While this was going on, his hands wrapped around her body to squeeze her ass firmly, a smile growing on his face as he moaned against those sweet pussy lips of hers. His hands slapped her ass playfully as slurping noises made its way from Robb’s mouth. He loved how his Margaery tasted and he hoped to taste her even more as it was just driving him wild already without her even touching him. “Are you enjoying yourself?” He asked softly, a grin on his lips.
RE: A New Alliance (Margery x Robb) LovelyDeadlyLadies and randomname

Robb smirked with Margaery’s answer. His tongue continued working her sweet pussy lips, her nectar starting to collect on his tongue. Feeling her hands in his hair combined with her moans were driving him insane. His own arousal was building but he wanted to give Margaery all the pleasure first. His fingers still assaulted her clit and his free hand not on her sensitive bundle of nerves began groping and squeezing her behind, pushing her hips towards his lips as he continued eating her out.
RE: A New Alliance (Margery x Robb) LovelyDeadlyLadies and randomname

Since Margaery was getting close to an orgasm, Robb only intensified the movements and flicks of his tongue. Ever so lightly, he continued grazing her vaginal walls as two fingers from his right hand stayed busy with rubbing circles on her clitoris. Robb enjoyed pleasuring his wife because it was not all about him. This was never going to be one-sided as Robb always took Margaery into account. His teeth lightly grazed against the woman’s entrance and his tongue was as far inside as the male could squeeze it in. He even moaned as well, hoping to give her some vibration feeling from the noise, trying to coax her over the edge.
RE: A New Alliance (Margery x Robb) LovelyDeadlyLadies and randomname

Pulling back from her lips, Robb crawled beside his wife when she reached her orgasm. “I’m certainly glad you think so. I love doing this to you. I love hearing you moan, my love.” Robb whispered, leaning down to press a sweet kiss onto her neck, holding his lips against her skin before attacking her mouth again. Now that his arms were wrapped around her shoulders, Robb just let himself relax and cuddle with Margaery since he would have to be moving out soon.
RE: A New Alliance (Margery x Robb) LovelyDeadlyLadies and randomname

A few weeks had passed since the wedding of Margaery Tyrell with King Robb Stark. During that time, Lady Catelyn had set Jaime Lannister free, sending him to King’s Landing with Brienne of Tarth, hoping to exchange the Kingslayer for her two daughters: Sansa and Arya. Robb was upset with his mother that she released his most valued prisoner, but that did not matter. They finally had some good news. Roose Bolton’s bastard son had successfully re-taken Winterfell in the name of Robb Stark. Robb, his mother, Margaery, and some of her family were marching back towards Winterfell in a caravan of soldiers.

It was rather safe since the attack on King’s Landing was happening. That battle raged on for days and it was something that had not quite ended yet. Spies had told Robb that both sides had suffered incredible losses. Even though wildfire was used on Stannis’ fleet, his men still stormed King’s Landing. As of now, Robb was riding horseback with Margaery on the back. They were getting close to Winterfell, where she would stay as she was now the Lady of Winterfell until she was Queen when he took the Throne. “I assume the weather is much colder than you’re used to?” He chuckled softly as snow was falling on the ground and everyone was rather bundled up.
RE: A New Alliance (Margery x Robb) LovelyDeadlyLadies and randomname

“You are correct, my love. I shall.” Robb answered his Queen, a smile playing on his lips. Greeted at the gates by Lord Ramsay Snow, Robb halted the horses. “Thank you, Lord Ramsay. You have taken back Winterfell in my name. I appreciate your efforts, as does your father. We have brought more men to help find Theon Greyjoy. You can divide the men, but ensure more than half stay to defend Winterfell.” Ramsay lied about Theon being missing, of course. He was at the Dreadfort but Robb did not know that. Still playing the role, Ramsay agreed to what the King wanted and Robb followed by nearly a thousand other soldiers entered. With the new arrival of the Tyrell army, this was hardly anything.

Winterfell would be well protected while the army marching on King’s Landing would still surpass what was left of the Lannisters. From here, Robb guided the horse to one of the stables. “We are very thankful for all the food that House Tyrell has provided. We would be unable to feed all the soldiers and smallfolk if not for them.” Robb told his wife as they rode, Highgarden producing things they really did need.
RE: A New Alliance (Margery x Robb) LovelyDeadlyLadies and randomname

Chuckling, Robb leaned down and nuzzled their noses together. He touched their lips together before pulling back, holding her hands. He knew she was only teasing but he did want to ensure that she knew that things would be alright here. “Well, you will have my mother and two brothers to keep you company. Plus, your grandmother insisted to add extra Tyrell men here to stand guard. Things will be fine. Nobody will dare attack Winterfell again.” Robb assured her, knowing that she would be safe here. There was no telling how long Robb might be gone during the war, but he was intent on spending as much time as he could with Margaery the next few days.

“It is important that everyone sees us together while we’re here. They need to know their King and Queen are in high spirits. It will help everyone.” The young man spoke though it would not be too difficult. Unlike most King and Queens, they did not have to pretend to like each other or pretend they wanted to be together. They were meant for each other, it seemed. “I guess we should do that first. Meet the common folks then I can show you to our quarters. The tour can wait for tomorrow. I know you must be as tired as I am.”
RE: A New Alliance (Margery x Robb) LovelyDeadlyLadies and randomname

Honestly, Robb dreaded leaving Margaery as well. However, it was unavoidable. He was not a King that would hide during the battle. He might not exactly be on the very front line of the fighting, but Robb would still be there on the field. His men rallied around him for that and now he found a serviceable Queen from a respected family. It was perfect. Holding the woman’s hand, their fingers laced together as they walked. “I know it will be a long time before I can see you again. It might be years depending on how the war goes.”

It was not fun to think about but it was true. “I just hope next time we do see one another that we’ll be King and Queen of Westeros and the war is behind us, that we’ll get to move forward together in our lives.” Robb spoke as they just talked among themselves, greeting all of the small folk around Winterfell as there were many guards around just in case, but there was no cause for concern right now.
RE: A New Alliance (Margery x Robb) LovelyDeadlyLadies and randomname

“Well, regardless of how long I have to leave for, we will write to each other and stay in contact. I do not look forward to leaving you here but I cannot help it. Until then, we should just enjoy this time together that we have.” Robb whispered before kissing her cheek. After a few rounds were made to the small folk, Robb led Margaery into the castle and up the stairs. Their room would be where Robb’s father and mother used to share. The Lord and Lady of Winterfell were given a specific room together and it had ben the same room for a while.

It had been long cleaned out since Ned passed away and Robb’s things from his old bedroom were brought into this room. Upon entering, Robb spotted as Margaery removed her cloak. He just took a moment to admire her body and look at the woman from head to toe, thinking about how gorgeous she looked. Jon finally undressed as well before approaching her, wrapping his arms around her shoulders. “How does a warm bath with me sound?” Robb suggested, thinking this could be good for the both of them.
RE: A New Alliance (Margery x Robb) LovelyDeadlyLadies and randomname

Forcing himself to pull away, Robb walked towards the tub and started running the water.

“Of course, my Queen. I do believe you’ll enjoy the ways I keep you warm. Besides, I think we should spend the next few days indulging ourselves in each other’s body as often as we can. I want to spend as much time with you as possible.”

When the water was ready, Robb stepped into the tub first and sat down. It was easily large enough for her to sit down in front of him. While waiting for Margaery to join him, Robb grabbed the cloth and prepared the soap as well, excited to share this with his wife.
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