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RE: A New Alliance (Margery x Robb) LovelyDeadlyLadies and randomname

Robb Stark had never intended to take the Iron Throne. The male only wanted Northern independence. Above all, he wanted vengeance. His father was murdered because of the Lannisters. They would never be safe until ever Lannister was killed. Shortly after Renly’s death, his men dispersed. His Queen, Margaery Tyrell, was being given to Robb. He would marry her and the Tyrells would back Robb Stark in this war. Presently, Robb Stark and his army were camped in the Westerlands. Jaime Lannister was their captive and “The Young Wolf” had earned a new nickname through his various victories.

Despite never facing defeat, Robb was not arrogant. It was late in the night when Robb was called from his tent by his mother. “Margaery Tyrell has reached camp. You should talk to her.” Honestly, Robb had no idea how to feel about this. Sure, the alliance was necessary but he never thought he would marry so young. His fears and uncertainty were quelled the second that the dark-haired beauty stepped into his view. Wow.

Robb had seen beautiful women in his lifetime, but Margaery was something special. When she stopped in front of him, Robb bowed his head respectfully and reached down to take her hand, pulling her knuckles to his lips for a kiss. “My Lady, it is an honor to meet you and know you will become my Queen.” He spoke before standing upright and looking into her eyes. The wedding preparations were starting now but it would not take place for another couple days. Now, Robb was intrigued and interested in getting to know her. “You must be hungry. We shall have you fed and we can talk while you eat.”
RE: A New Alliance (Margery x Robb) LovelyDeadlyLadies and randomname

“Yes, there is a meal cooked for us inside my tent.” Robb affirmed with a nod before taking his Queen by the hand. They walked into the tent where the table was cleared and a few servants had filled their plates. “I know this must not be a royal feast like you’ve had before, but it is everything we can spare on the battlefield. This marriage is important to everyone. We are honored that your House is with us now.” Robb added with a smile, holding out a chair for her before joining in a seat beside them.

When he sat down, he looked to Margaery and hesitated a moment before speaking. “Beyond an alliance, I am excited for this. I’ve heard many great tales about your beauty. I find it difficult to believe that you are still pure, but I believe it and it honors me. I will protect you and love you as long as I am alive. This is my promise to you.” Then, the male reached down to start on his meal, concentrating on the meat first.

“I apologize. You will hear this tomorrow night or the next during our wedding. I don’t quite know how to act. I knew this day would come when I was married to someone, but I never thought she would be the most beautiful lady in all of Westeros.” Robb spoke, tossing a compliment into the play, hoping that she enjoyed hearing him talk about her. The way his eyes locked onto hers showed how genuine he was.
RE: A New Alliance (Margery x Robb) LovelyDeadlyLadies and randomname

“I appreciate your saying so. I just did want you to know how beautiful I think you are.” Trying to gain her favor was not Robb’s agenda. Instead, he wanted to make his future wife smile. So far, after each smile Margaery had offered, it made his heart stop. It did not help that her outfit was rather revealing. He could see her nipples against the material of her clothing and a just a little side view of her breasts could be seen if he tilted his head a certain way.

He was lucky. So many marriages were arranged and the bride might not have been pretty. Here, however, Robb had a beautiful bride. When they started eating, the male looked towards her with a curious grin. “I can tell you are headstrong and strong-willed. I can appreciate that. I look forward to our time together. I know you will make a wonderful Queen.” The male honestly had no intention of being king, at least not until now. With a woman that expected to be a Queen, he really had no choice.

The meal was delicious and he felt almost bad about having such a feast on the battlefield, but it was important to share this. “Despite that, you are on the battlefield right now and it is not always going to be safe. I will make sure that I protect you with my life if I must. Hopefully, soon, we’ll be safe and start our lives together.”
RE: A New Alliance (Margery x Robb) LovelyDeadlyLadies and randomname

Perhaps it was premature and Robb realized his indecency. “I apologize, Margaery. I do hope you forgive me. I guess I am just a bit nervous. I have always looked forward to a day when I marry and I have seen so many powerful men mistreat and not protect their Lady or Queen. I know that our marriage is forming an alliance to win this war, but I do want our marriage to mean more than just bringing two houses together for a few battles. I know that is important, but I understand that my happiness is important and so is yours.” Robb explained with a soft smile. With that being said, he moved onto the next order of business.

“Fine, Margaery Tyrell. Let me learn about you. Tell me everything. Tell me what you like, don’t like. I don’t just want facts that I can learn from other Lords that know of you. I want to get to know you. I understand this will happen over time, but there is no better time than the present.” Robb added another smile at the end. He would want her for more than her beauty. It was just all so confusing to Robb as this was a deal done at a second’s notice.

Robb had no idea how to prepare or how to act. The notion of marriage was foreign to him. “I will be happy to tell you more about myself as well. We can share information about one another over our meal.” He offered, hoping this was the best way to forge a friendship at first that could hopefully grow into something more than just that. It was a process, but Robb was willing to be patient.
RE: A New Alliance (Margery x Robb) LovelyDeadlyLadies and randomname

When his future wife started speaking, Robb gave every bit of his attention to the woman. There was something angelic about her voice. It uplifted his spirit, hearing this cheerful voice after months spent at war. Not much positivity was gained from being at war. Despite his undefeated streak in battle, Robb had not known real happiness in a long time. Attentively, Robb listened while Margaery explained herself. The most intriguing part about this woman was her charity work with orphans and lower-class citizens. It was rare to find a person with a genuine heart.

So far, it appeared Margaery was genuine. There was much to learn about the dark-haired beauty, but this was a perfect start. When she finished, Robb returned the favor and told Margaery about himself. Family was important to him. First, Robb went through his siblings and parents. They were all important to him, even his half-brother Jon Snow. Next, Robb expressed his interest in nature, being outside, and hunting. As a child, he was always trying to sneak out of his home into the night to explore. Robb was adventurous.

Lastly, Robb spoke about the present. He wanted to be a King that nobody had ever seen before: a fair, just, true, and kind King. Robb wanted people to love him and respect him. He believed that everyone, regardless of social class, deserved a fair shake in life. His number one priority was Northern independence. All he truly desired was returning home to his family, rescuing his sisters, and living out his life in peace. Secondly, he hoped one day for a unified Westeros. Call it ambitious, but Robb did truly believe he could facilitate this level of peace and unification.
RE: A New Alliance (Margery x Robb) LovelyDeadlyLadies and randomname

“I agree.” Robb responded, a soft smile on his face. Margaery was beautiful both inside and out. Their meal continued and Robb was quickly filling up. After swallowing the last bite, the young man glanced towards Margaery as she finished. “I think I’d like to leave the war for tonight. I would rather not discuss battle strategies tonight. I know your House’s army will be arriving the afternoon before our wedding night. I know my mother is speaking with your mother and brother about the specifics as we talk in here. I honestly enjoy being able to forget about the battles and enjoy time with someone.”

Even though they were doing this to secure an alliance, it seemed they both wanted something more out of this than just a political alliance and a union of the Starks and Tyrells for the war. It really evened the numbers for Robb’s army compared to the Lannisters. Plus, some of Renly’s men were scattering everywhere and some joined Robb’s army instead of Stannis’ or the Lannisters’ army.

“Tonight, how would you like your sleeping arrangements? We can have a person tent for you, or you could stay with me if you’d prefer.” Yes, they could not have sex tonight because they were not wed yet. Well, they could but they could not go all the way. Robb was not even sure if that was on her mind but he did enjoy the idea of just being in the same bed with his future Queen. It felt intimate and could help them grow closer together. Of course, if she wanted to stay alone, he would make accommodations.
RE: A New Alliance (Margery x Robb) LovelyDeadlyLadies and randomname

It was pleasing for Robb to hear this. “Of course, you can stay in here tonight.” The male murmured softly before ordering the servants to remove of their plates now that they were done. After they had finished, Robb stood from the chair and reached down to gently take Margaery’s arm in his own. They had already talked so much about themselves and Robb thought they were on a great start so far. The male walked his soon-to-be wife towards the bed set up in his tent. Once they reached the bed, he allowed her to slip inside first and become comfortable.

After the woman was comfortable, Robb, still fully clothed, climbed in as well. There was nothing wrong with just being close, right? Robb decided to be bold and even let one arm wrap around her neck so she could use it as a pillow. Their faces were inches apart and his lips parted, his breathing heavy. God, she was gorgeous and so pure, too. It made him want her right now in every way but he was trying to contain himself. “Can I get you anything else tonight, my Lady?” He asked softly, their eyes still locked.
RE: A New Alliance (Margery x Robb) LovelyDeadlyLadies and randomname

Even though Robb and Margaery could not do anything major tonight, he saw no reason they could not at least share a kiss. Five minutes after cuddling together in bed, they had talked a while longer before Robb made the move. There was a peaceful, non-awkward silence in between them. Robb found himself lost in his Queen’s eyes. His own eyes flickered to her lips once, making it obvious what he wanted.

Finally, the male tilted his head slightly and leaned down to kiss Margaery’s lips. The kiss was chaste and one hand gently cupped the side of her face. He held it for a few seconds, maybe ten seconds, before pulling back from her mouth. A soft smile remained spread on his lips after kissing her. Now, he just waited for her reaction. Maybe she thought this was too much. Robb just knew he had to kiss her just one time before they went to sleep. It was impossible to resist as he just had to feel her lips against his own. They were so soft and tasted a distinct sweet taste. It was pleasurable to him and he hoped she felt the same.
RE: A New Alliance (Margery x Robb) LovelyDeadlyLadies and randomname

Two days later, it was time for the wedding. Since their first meeting, Margaery and Robb have grown close. Robb did his duty with his army, planning and strategizing with his men but the attacks and the war had halted to a standstill while they planned their next move and waited for the Tyrell army to join their camp. It meant Robb had extra free time on his hands. He spent that time with his soon-to-be wife. They shared at least a dozen kisses already along with a few minutes of handholding and cuddling each night.

They grew to know one another better each day, talking about themselves and asking questions. Robb felt like things were going well. When it was time for the wedding, one of the septons were fetched. Obviously, there were no available septs to use, but a tent was created that had seven sides to represent a sept. The tent was not large so there was no real audience. Robb stood inside the tent with the septon. His mother stood a few feet away as did Olenna. Loras Tyrell would escort his sister into the tent as she was given a gown to wear. Robb, however, was dressed in his normal attire for war since the situation was unpredictable. There was no time for the typical wedding day ceremonies as the yhad to jump right into the marriage itself, so Robb stood patient with his mother and Olenna as they waited for Margaery to enter the tent.
RE: A New Alliance (Margery x Robb) LovelyDeadlyLadies and randomname

You may now cloak the bride and bring her under your protection.” The priest told Robb who nodded his head and took the cloak in his arms, wrapping it around Margaery’s shoulders with a gentle touch.

“My lords, my ladies, we stand here in the sight of gods and men to witness the union of man and wife. One flesh, one heart, one soul, now and forever." The Septon proclaimed as Robb reached down to hold Margaery’s hand while the priest tied a ribbon around their joined wrists. "Let it be known that King Robb of House Stark and Queen Margaery of House Tyrell are one heart, one flesh, one soul. Cursed be he who would seek to tear them asunder. In the sight of the Seven, I hereby seal these two souls, binding them as one for eternity. Now, look unto each other and say the words.” The priest continued.

Turning to face Margaery, Robb offered a soft smile before naming the seven Gods and speaking the traditional words.

“Father, Smith, Warrior, Mother, Maiden, Crone, Stranger. I am hers and she is mine. From this day, until the end of my days.”

The last thing remaining was the first kiss. As tradition followed, Robb looked into their small audience.

“With this kiss, I pledge my love.”

Turning back to the bride, Robb continued to hold both of Margaery’s hands now, pulling them gently against him while he leaned down to touch their lips together. It was electrifying and Robb immediately forgot where he was or what was going on around him. Her lips were so soft and so sweet. They seemed to fit perfectly against his own, almost like they were created only for one another.
RE: A New Alliance (Margery x Robb) LovelyDeadlyLadies and randomname

The wedding and the following festivities were perfect in Robb’s opinion. Everything was cheery already. The Tyrell army had reached the Stark camp and now Stark’s army had at least doubled in size. They were a formidable force against the Lannisters now. Tonight, however, Robb was not focused on the war. Instead, he was thinking about tonight and Margaery. They shared many kisses already and a few nights together in bed cuddling. When they were finally alone, Robb looked to Margaery with a smile on his face. They talked about this already, wanting to consummate as soon as they were alone. Approaching the woman, he suddenly wrapped his arms around her, pulling her in for a kiss.

They were now officially man and wife, king and queen of the north. He pulled back from the kiss after a few seconds to start slowly undoing her dress. Easily, he dropped the material of her dress down from her shoulders and it pooled around her feet. This was the first time he had seen her completely nude, though. “Wow… you look stunning.” He murmured lowly and pressed another kiss onto her lips. With a smile, his hands gripped her ass tightly, squeezing the flesh against his fingers. “Are you ready, my Queen? I have been thinking about this for the past couple days.” Robb admitted, kissing down her neck again as his hands did not leave her ass.
RE: A New Alliance (Margery x Robb) LovelyDeadlyLadies and randomname

“Good. So am I.” Robb admitted with a half-smirk. He pulled far enough away from Margaery so he could work on undoing his trousers after unbuttoning his shirt. Within seconds, he was nude as well, His arms wrapped tightly around his new Queen and he started kissing her passionately, sliding his tongue into her mouth as he picked her up, his hands resting on her ass, while carrying her towards the bed. He placed her down and crawled on top of the bed, taking the lead as he continued making out with her, sliding his tongue into her mouth as his manhood rubbed against her thigh.
RE: A New Alliance (Margery x Robb) LovelyDeadlyLadies and randomname

Robb suddenly wrapped both hands around Margaery’s wrists. He pinned her arms above her head and onto the mattress. After doing this, he attacked her neck with more kisses as he moaned her name quietly. He was showing his dominant side and now he started rubbing the tip of his girth against her entrance. It made him moan out her name again and he could not wait any longer. Slowly, he thrust forward and filled her tight walls with his long, throbbing cock. It felt so amazing when he finally entered his wife. He kept her arms pinned down as he slowly started thrusting back and forth against the woman, filling her up with each movement of his hips. While he thrust, Robb started kissing her lips, sliding his tongue into her mouth and taking full control of the kiss as well.
RE: A New Alliance (Margery x Robb) LovelyDeadlyLadies and randomname

Robb’s entire body shivered when his wife moaned his name like that. He felt like he was going to lose his mind in pleasure. He started kissing her more passionately as he gave her time to adjust to his size. After the brown-haired woman was relaxed with his size and could take more, he finally thrust until his entire cock was inside of Margaery, filling her up as the tip of his cock pressed against the woman’s cervix. He moaned loudly against her lips, kissing her as passionately as he could, still dominating the kiss as well. “You feel so good.” He breathed out against her lips, wanting her to know just how amazing this made him feel.
RE: A New Alliance (Margery x Robb) LovelyDeadlyLadies and randomname

Deciding to take full control of their sex, Robb reached to pin both of Margaery’s arms above her head and onto the mattress. His thrusting became faster and harder than before, their hips slamming together. Already, his cock was throbbing inside the dark-haired woman as they were kissing passionately. Robb already felt himself falling for Margaery earlier that day when they were getting married. He felt himself falling even harder now as they became one while making love. “You feel amazing, my Queen.” He purred lowly against her lips, sliding his tongue into her mouth again, kissing her with as much passion as he could muster. He felt his cock throbbing violently already, threatening to spill at any second.
RE: A New Alliance (Margery x Robb) LovelyDeadlyLadies and randomname

With so much pent up emotions, Robb allowed his feelings to show with his thrusts. He pounded away at his queen while kissing her with as much passion that he could bring. While trying to hold off on his orgasm, Robb brought one hand down to rub in between their bodies, attacking Margaery’s clitoris. The other hand reached down to start fondling one of her breasts, squeezing the flesh and attacking her nipple as he concentrated on how great her body felt against his. His breathing was heavy and his cock was throbbing. He was not far away from releasing inside of his wife.
RE: A New Alliance (Margery x Robb) LovelyDeadlyLadies and randomname

This made Robb feel a confidence boost. Already, he was making his Queen run close to the edge. A smirk was wide on his face as he was moaning her name over and over again. Not only did he want Margaery to cum before he did, but he wanted her to cum a couple times before he did, at least. “Do you like me taking control, my Queen?” he whispered in a breathless voice, kissing her passionately again, his hips pumping in and out, against her hips over and over again. Robb loved this already and could hardly control himself, a smile growing on his face with each moan she gave him as he felt his cock throbbing.
RE: A New Alliance (Margery x Robb) LovelyDeadlyLadies and randomname

Robb loved it when Margaery was acting this way with him. When she came around him, Robb did not slow down nor did he take anything easier. The young man kept pounding away at his new wife, kissing her with as much passion as he could, his hands now moving down to squeeze her breasts. Robb wanted to give her as much pleasure as he could before reaching his own. “I love it too, my Queen. You are the sexiest woman in the entire Realm.” He groaned out, kissing her more passionately as he thrust with more force and fervor.
RE: A New Alliance (Margery x Robb) LovelyDeadlyLadies and randomname

It did not take Robb long to reach his orgasm after Margaery’s second. It only took a few more kisses, a couple of her sexy moans, and a handful more thrusts before his long, thick cock clenched and flexed before his hot, sticky semen spurted out of the head of his cock and filled Margaery to the brim. If all went well, this might have produced the heir they needed but that remained to be seen and Robb was not even thinking about that now honestly. Instead, he kept kissing his wife as passionately as he could, just loving how her body felt against his own, riding out his orgasm.
RE: A New Alliance (Margery x Robb) LovelyDeadlyLadies and randomname

Robb smiled at his Queen and started kissing her gently, sliding his tongue into her mouth. “That really was. Tonight has been so much fun already. Do you want us to get some rest now or do you want to explore?” Robb asked softly as he looked into her eyes. Robb did have some ideas on what he would like to do in the bedroom. However, they might be a little kinky and he was unsure of Margaery would be open to exploring or if she wanted to sleep now that they consummated the marriage. Robb hoped to continue for at least one more round because he never wanted to leave this tent with Margaery. He wanted to stay in this bed as long as they could.
RE: A New Alliance (Margery x Robb) LovelyDeadlyLadies and randomname

“Well, I do have an active imagination. I can think of many things I’ve wanted to try in the bedroom. Now, you are my Queen and my wife. I’d love nothing more than to share my deepest fantasies with you.” Robb commented, reaching down to stroke a hand slowly through her hair. A gentle smile graced his face and Robb hoped his wife would be open to a new idea. “If you’re up for another round and you might be willing to try something a bit kinky, then I think I have something in mind.” Robb added, slowly kissing her again.
RE: A New Alliance (Margery x Robb) LovelyDeadlyLadies and randomname

“Thank you, my Queen.” She was right. They should move on after this and get some rest. Robb reached down onto the floor and found a small bag. There were various necessities that could be used for a variety of things. There was a length of rope and a dark blue cloth he pulled out. Without saying a word, Robb decided to simply show Margaery what he liked. Slowly, he tied her hands together with the rope in front of her body and then used the cloth to blindfold her. For now, he left her just like this as he leaned forward for a kiss.

“I would love to make love to you while you’re tied up like this. It has always been somewhat of a fantasy of mine. I will be gentle. You don’t have to worry about anything. Is this okay with you? Do you trust me?”
RE: A New Alliance (Margery x Robb) LovelyDeadlyLadies and randomname

Softly chuckling, Robb honestly felt a great deal of relief. At least Margaery was open to the idea. The next step for Robb was moving to lie down flat onto the bed. In this supine position, he pulled his queen onto his hips so she was straddling him. “I want my Queen on top this time.” He whispered softly. Even if she was on top, she was not necessarily in control since her hands were bound and she was blindfolded. It seemed like the perfect mix for everything in his opinion.

He let his cock rub slowly against her entrance. He was flaccid before since his orgasm was not that long ago, but now he was growing hard against Margaery, quietly moaning out her name. “Whenever you’re ready.” He murmured, lining himself up with her entrance so the woman could sink down onto him whenever she pleased.
RE: A New Alliance (Margery x Robb) LovelyDeadlyLadies and randomname

This was perfect. Robb moaned Margaery’s name immediately after she dropped down onto his girth. He filled her completely, the tip pressing against her cervix as soft groans left his lips. His hands wrapped around her thick, firm ass and he squeezed her rear with some force as he leaned up to start kissing on her abdomen and to her breasts until he could no longer reach that far.

More moans fell from his lips as he started to thrust upwards, his cock absolutely throbbing inside of her already. “God, you feel so good.” Robb whispered softly, unable to control himself while his own hips bucked wildly up against Margaery’s, trying to create more pressure and friction. He knew that he would not last long here but he wanted to ride out every minute of this orgasm that he could as he felt her moving against his hips in the sexiest of ways.
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