Love on the Star Ocean [Azecreth & Noire]

"I'd not pass up the chance to study your fighting some more," Nel said. She had watched Cliff fight, and while Maria shared some similarities... it was still the girl's own distinct style of combat. It was impressive to her how differently the warriors beyond their planet fought, despite sharing so many similarities in terms of their magic -- and sometimes even weapons, in the cases of Fayt and Cliff.

"Come on, then. You can use the bathhouse we have reserved for the Crimson Blades."

It was not so far a trip -- it was in a facility adjacent to the one they had trained in, and it was perhaps unlike anything Maria had seen up to that point.

Symbology was a way of life on Elicoor, and it extended into their artistry and their architecture. Smooth white marble floors gave way to an antechamber that had waterfalls spread around it, all draining off into a grille set into the ground. There was recessed seating all the way around the room, as well as peculiar symbological signs set into the walls themselves. The air was cool, the water doing much to make the area chillier than it might otherwise have been.

Nel led Maria into a room along the side, containing shelves that they could set their clothing on. "Here -- undress, and I'll attend to the room itself," Nel said, only taking off her scarf before she went around the side of the partition to the room beyond.

And a moment later -- there came a hissing, a sudden burst of steam that came as symbological signs were set off across the room, cool water impacting on suddenly heated surfaces to send a warm steam cascading through the room, quickly turning the chamber into a proper steamy bathhouse. When Maria finally emerged, it would be to find Nel -- stripped down to nothing (perhaps there was another partition). She was as trim as Maria might have previously guessed, her skin miraculously untouched by scars. She was pale and smooth all over, the whiteness of her skin only interrupted by symbological tattooing.

Her breasts were small but very perky, her hips wider than one might have thought. She was entirely shaven -- even between her legs, she was bared. She stood beneath a gout of water, letting the heat suffuse her skin.
As Maria had expected the Crimson Blades did have their own showers, and she followed along with growing interest as Nel led the way. She was curious to see what this would be like, and how different from what she was used to it would end up being.

It ended up being next to the facility they were in, and moving inside Maria was definitely impressed. She had always been in awe of the various ways Aquios had integrated Symbology into their society and daily lives, compared to the Federation. It even showed in the showers here, with recessed seating and waterfalls that served as the showers for any of the Crimson Blade warriors who might need these facilities.

"Wow, this is impressive," Maris noted as she looked around with a quiet appreciation. It was definitely a first for her, and she was looking forward to it.

Led into the side room, Maria nodded as Nel indicated she would handle the important stuff about the room. Maria didn't know how it worked anyways, though she imagined Symbology was basically the control interface for the whole thing. She could practically feel the steam, and she wasn't even in the room proper!

Entering the main room at last, Maria had dispensed with all the clothes that she had previously worn. No one could doubt that she was in shape, legs toned and with a decent amount of muscle build up on her chest. Her breasts were on the larger side, and she born some lingering white lines beneath her shoulder as the only visible scars. Unlike Nel she was only trimmed, though it was carefully maintained all over her body.

Walking over, she sighed as she stepped into the shower next to Nel. "Ahh, this is wonderful," she said with a sigh, a smile coming to her face as she let the heated water relax her muscles and wash away all her sweat from the fight. "Being elite does seem to have its privileges."
Nel was simply allowing the water and it's delightful heat to suffuse her pale skin. She took on a pinkish hue, the dust and sweat of battle pouring down her slight curves to be washed away into the grates and ducts of A quips. As Maria joined her... well, Nel did an admirable job of keeping her eyes straight, even if they took a half second to take over Maria's bared body.

"It's a central tenet of our philosophy. The Blades are weapons, and a weapon is only as good as the care taken to it. So we're well taken care of by the kingdom," Nel said. She was reaching into a small alcove just behind the shower itself, coming free with a small bottle.

"We need most of the same care. To be kept out of the elements, to be washed after use. Even to be oiled," Nel said, pouring a small amount of oil into one of her hands. It was perfumed, thickened, not too dissimilar to the soap Maria was used to, just a little more smooth and slick.

Maria would be able to make the comparison directly as a hand brushed across Maria's back, massaging the oil into her skin across her shoulders, tracing the line of thone scars with careful and delicate fingers. There was no preamble, no coyness.

Her other hand joined and Nel pressed herself a bit closer, her hands sweeping down Maria's back and across her hips to her stomach, sliding up afterward to massage the oil into Maria's chest.
Maria couldn't deny that what Nel made sense, and in a way she was somewhat jealous. She couldn't think of anyone in Federation society who was valued like that, though admittedly she was not familiar with how the Federation military operated. Perhaps their special forces were treated the same way. Ultimately though it was a bit late to worry about that sort of thing.

For the moment though she nodded in silent agreement with the philosophy that Nel espoused, even as the Crimson Blade began to massage a handful of oil against her body, cleaning her off just like she was using soap back home. The perfume made it smell nice, and it didn't seem all that different from what she was used to.

Maria relaxed, leaning into the touch and doing nothing to inhibit the other girl as the water continued to pour down around the both of them. A sigh escaped as she trembled slightly, Nel seemingly intent on getting every inch of her torso for it. She couldn't deny that it felt good, but her thoughts also began to wander as well, imagining how many of her sisters Nel had done this sort of thing for, and if they all came at it from the same attitude and position.

"Thank you for this honor," she panted aloud, aware of the heat from the water even if she was unaware of her nipples beginning to harden at the same time. It was a recipe for disaster, and Maria did her best to keep from plunging down that slope. She couldn't afford to, not now
It was what had instilled in Nel such a deep sense of loyalty to begin with -- to be taken care of, to be treated like someone that mattered within the grander part of Aquion society. Perhaps it didn't extend all the way down to the bottom of their military... but it had worked on the Crimson Blades, and given their might and their dedication, it had clearly paid off.

Smooth hands ran unabated across Maria's torso, Nel making a low "mm" sound as her hands slid all the way over Maria's soft chest, feeling the budded nipples against her palms on their way up.

"It's tradition amongst the Blades," Nel said. "To take care of one another, to gentle each other after hard-fought battles and operations. It would not be for just anyone that I would do this," Nel said. But... they had been traveling together for some time, and if Nel had been doing this for the members of their party... well, they weren't speaking up, certainly.

Maria would feel a lithe form pressing itself against her back, small breasts squished firmly against the hard muscles of Maria's back. A hand slid down across Maria's hip, and... it was hard to tell where the distinction between "cleaning" ended and "fondling" began as her fingers slipped between Maria's thighs, gently cleaning and getting a full feel of the softness of Maria's body, her free hand sliding up to Maria's chest, taking the fullness of one breast into the palm of her hand, fingers zeroing in to gently twist Maria's nipple.

Perhaps the distinction was becoming ab it more obvious.
Maria could appreciate the loyalty that had been instilled in Nel, of the kind that she liked to think that she had done in Quark. Yet this was a greater appreciation than she had been shown by anyone aside of Cliff thus far, and he was more like a father figure to her, or maybe a brother. It certainly had never been expressed in the direction that Nel was taking this.

She nodded slowly as Nel explained just why this was important to her, why it mattered. "I see. I appreciate you thinking of me in such a way." It didn't answer her silent wonders, and she was also left to consider whether the same thing had happened with anyone else in the group. Perhaps Fayt? It was not impossible, she supposed.

Then the need to think about it vanished as she felt Nel press against her back, hands drifting to her thighs and her breasts in turn. "A-aah~' she groaned lightly, back arching slightly as she leaned back into the Crimson Blade's tender care. Her arousal flared with the heated water flowing around them, muscles relaxing even as the heat from her core grew more intense. "Nel..."
A self-satisfied smile curled the redhead's lips as she pressed herself fully against Maria's strong back. Her hand was pressing itself more firmly between the blue-haired woman's thighs, sliding in betwixt the woman's thoroughly muscled thighs to find her delicate womanhood. One finger was sliding along Maria's slit, finding a delicate little bud near the top that she brushed against once as if by accident... and then again, closing in on it and mercilessly rubbing the other woman out.

She enjoyed the way Maria seemed to be melting against her, her free hand groping at and gently massaging one of those heavy breasts, slipping across to do the very same to the other one, feeling the flesh of the woman's tits slip easily against the practiced palm of her hand.

"Maria," Nel breathed back.

It had been an even fight out there, clad in armor and weapons and held on the field of battle.

But here? Away from all of that, stripped of everything including the prying gazes of others?

Nel held another advantage long curated by the Crimson Blades storied history as an all-female brigade.
It did occur to Maria that Nel probably had some experience in this sort of thing with what she remembered of the Crimson Blades, but at the moment she was too swept up in the experience to really care about that. This was not a fight, but in her mind it was part of that care that Nel had mentioned before. After their fight, did they not deserve to indulge themselves?

Not just that, but she had to admit that there was some attraction towards Nel at the moment. Devoted, calculating, and she had already witnessed how strong of a fighter she was. Maria had never really considered herself the type to act on a whim, but she could pick worse partners than her current one.

Her heat built towards a roaring crescendo, each stroke across her bud sending a new shock across her body as they were wreathed in water. Not all the water that coated Nel's finger was from the water though as Maria tensed and her body shivered in that strong hold. The change was almost shocking, the strong fighter almost ceding control to Nel without comment.

Her head tilted as a hand wrapped around to brush against the redhead's chin, letting their lips meet meet as she placed her other hand against the wall for further support. She was going to need it with the pleasure coursing through her system that threatened to bring her to her knees.

Breathless pants filled the air, Nel's name on her lips again and again. Perhaps she had lost here, but she didn't mind
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