A Hermit Out of Her Shell (Noire)

Futaba was actually a little surprised that he had elected to come back to Yongen. She liked living here, but it wasn't exactly the most glamorous part of the city -- even for being someone out of town, Akira had been able to show Futaba a lot of places in Tokyo that she thought she would never visit, some of which she hadn't even heard of before him.

She held one of his hands for most of the trip to his house, just... not as defensively as she always had. She walked alongside him almost confidently, her head against his shoulder as they walked, milling through the older residents that called this part of Tokyo their home. She had had to walk those streets alone for years now, and it was something that shone through in her more confident stride.

When they arrived at his home, Futaba breathed out a small sigh. It was all... bare and clean in a way his room had always been (and in a way hers had never been. "You'll have to get Mona one of those cat castles!" Futaba declared as she kicked off her shoes, leaving her feet in only her stockings as she stepped out onto the bare wooden flooring. "It's... really nice. It fits you, Akira," Futaba said. She hefted her bag over her head, setting it down on the floor with that same heavy clunk.
"You kidding? He'd never forgive me if I did that," Akira said, snickering. Morgana would often act like a cat, usually without realising it. But he still had a tendency to get flighty and defensive if someone treated him as one. "For now I guess he and I'll just share a bed like usual.2 Akira wasn't thrilled with it, but Morgana was the kind of cat who treated 'sleep on the floor' as a personal insult.

They ventured inside, and Akira turned the light on at what was supposed to be the living room. Sure enough there was a couch there, and a crate that a television would presumably stand on until he had a proper unit for it. "Needs a bit of work. And I... wouldn't be opposed to a certain someone lending a hand."

Futaba was a master of giving rooms a 'lived in' look. Sometimes to a frightful extent, such as her original bedroom that had managed to become some kind of labyrinth of stuffed trash bags and high end PC parts. "It's not much... well I wanted to show you the place in case you were ever uh... just hanging around or... staying over, or what have you."
"It would give him his own place to mope when he wants to," Futaba said with a grin. Mona had always been one of the more emotional people in the group, and Futaba's desire to pinch his little kitten cheeks and otherwise play with him had not really waned at all in the intervening years.

"I don't know if I'm the right one for the job," Futaba said as she stepped over the smooth flooring, enjoying how slippery it felt beneath her socks. It had been freshly waxed, after all, for it to be a nice and comfortable living space. "You... saw how my room was." Before Akira and Mona had spent a few hours making sure it was nice and tidy, something whichb she had had to stay on top of ever since they'd left. Her room at Leblanc was... at least somewhat clean!

"I... wish I could stay over," Futaba said wistfully. "I mean. I'd like to spend more time with you since..." It was so fresh on her mind that the blush had barely died down. "S-since we're together now. Sojiro'd probably get suspicious, though," she said with a small grin. "... then again. You snuck out to Tokyo all the time when you were living at Leblanc, right?"
"Well... not 'snuck out' per se. It was more that Sojiro didn't want to wait up for me at night anymore," Akira said. Though he had a feeling, that Sojiro would certainly never admit to, that he had given Akira free reign because he trusted him. Whatever the case, it had all worked out well enough in the end.

"My my. Is Alibaba thinking of making a daring late night escape? Hehe. Well, I wouldn't argue. Might even accidentally leave a window open at night that you could wriggle through." If Futaba wanted something, she got it in the end. No matter how much hard work it required on her end. And if she wanted to be with Akira, well she'd go all out to make sure that it happened.

"Say..." Akira leaned against the wall. "You think Sojiro would be all that against us being together? I mean, I know he's protective and all but... well I was hoping if he'd trust any guy, it'd be me." Certainly, he was a better prospect than most guys would be. And most guys likely wouldn't have the patience to survive Futaba's... Futaba-ness.

Then again, he was willing to bet Sojiro would be wary of any boyfriend Futaba had until there was a ring on her finger. And it was just a tad too soon for that, in his view.
It was also easy to forget that Sojiro had been so keen to hurry home at the end of the day because he wanted to make sure Futaba was alright in her self-imposed hermitude. He had been just as loathe to allow Futaba to take Akira's old room above the shop, but she had pointed out that the independence had done Akira quite a bit of good, so he'd eventually relented.

"I don't know that I could get in a window. But I'm up to the challenge of a stealth mission! It'd just be like old times, huh?" Futaba asked with a bright grin.

Futaba moved toward the couch, hopping onto the seat and squatting so that she was reclining her butt on the back side of the couch. "... I think he'd probably be alright with it, honestly. He's had to get used to me going out these past couple of years, you know? I go to Akihabara myself sometimes, and even occasionally see people from school. I even visited Kana-chan during this last summer break." Futaba paused a moment, giving him a bashful smile.

"... he still really likes you. He talks crap about you and Mona sometimes, but you know how he is. A big bearded tsundere," Futaba said. "... maybe we'll be able to spend some mroe time together after all -- if you're closing down Leblanc at night, I'm going to be there, too." She glanced down toward her bag.

"Oh! Before I forget. I totally have something to show you tonight."
All this time and Akira still had no idea how Futaba could find that kind of seating 'comfortable.' He had done his share of crouching in his thief days that left his legs rather sore. And then there was Futaba who had masted the 'Slave Squat' in her early teens and seemed to have maintained that prowess. But, Akira missed the sight of it. Something about it was just so utterly... Futaba.

"Ha. Call him a tsundere, I'm sure he'd looove that," Akira said nonchalantly. "Yeah, you have a point. If it has a Y-chromosome, it's rare that Sojiro's gonna be all that cordial toward them." Still, he knew the old man cared. Guy had almost had a heart attack when Sae brought him back from the police interrogation.

"Another surprise?" Akira didn't mind, his day had already been full of great surprises. He moved over quickly and took a seat beside his girlfriend. It was only when they were seated like this that Futaba managed to reach his eye level. "Well, do tell. Sounds like it's a real treat."
Futaba couldn't help but grin back at him. "He totally is and you know it. Then again... he probably wouldn't really know what I'm talking about," Futaba said. He always seemed to be a decade or more behind when it came to anything approaching modern slang. "In any event. Sojiro probably is going to be fine. I mean. You're not Ryuji. Or Inari," Futaba said with a mischievous little smile. "... he always liked you the most, anyway."

Futaba slung her bag across her shoulders and held up one finger. "Hold on just a moment and I'll be good!" She disappeared off into another room (his, as it turned out) and there was a shuffling of fabrics through the door. There was a sound of 90 pounds of girl stumbling and nearly falling, and a moment later--

It was a different sort of girl that emerged from his room just a few minutes after. The same orange hair that streamed down her back like a fiery waterfall, with square glasses perched on her cute little nose. But the shorts and the big green jacket were gone, as were her usual headphones. Instead, she wore black and red, with a plaid skirt and a black blazer that was unbuttoned a little more than regulation allowed, baring a hint of peachy skin just above the collared shirt. Gone were her usual tights, baring much more of her long slender legs, all the way down to the short ankle socks she wore.

She held her arms out wide, displaying the outfit boldly rather than sheepishly.

"... ta-da! I've been wanting to show this off for a long time, but I wanted to show it to you in person rather than just sending a picture."
"I dunno, Inari was always rather respectable compared to me... oh damn it now I'm saying it," Akira replied. He usually tried to avoid using the nicknames Futaba concocted, but it was an uphill battle when in the presence of the giddy hacker. She always used them with such confidence that they sounded natural.

Akira watched curiously as Futaba vanished into his room, the sound of fabric rustling occasionally coming through the door. He waited patiently, partially because he was curious about what she was up to. Before they first met, Sojiro had said that Futaba could be... flighty. Shifting from one topic to the other without warning. He assumed this was the case now, but it was also a little endearing.

When she emerged, Akira nearly fainted.

He swallowed hard at the sight of her in a formal Shujin uniform. "W-wow... you look amazing," Akira informed her, making his approach, using this closeness to examine her. It suited her perfectly. "It's probably a good thing we didn't go to school together. I would have been too distracted to ever get anything done with how gosh darn good you look," Akira said, trying his best to keep his thoughts Christian.

"But, now it seems I'm gonna have to keep an eye on the guys at Shujin, make sure they don't try to get fresh with your adorable self," he teased. Akira pointed to himself with his left thumb. "I am infamous delinquent after all. I'm sure they'll listen to me."
Futaba couldn't help but smile at his reaction, twisting around on one foot so as to show off the twirl of the skirt. She wasn't used to skirts and doubted she ever would be, so as she spun... the skirt went up, giving him the briefest and barest glimpse of soft green fabric holding tight to pale skin. Doubtlessly she'd had to learn not to squat in that getup lest she give the whole of Shujin a show.

"Thanks. It... took a while to get used to. I was so used to just getting to wear whatever I want whenever I wanted to," Futaba said. "But... I think it's a good thing. I didn't think I'd ever get to this point, you know?" she asked.

She took a small shuffling step toward Akira, reaching up to press her hands against his ribs. Futaba pressed her head against his chest, feeling the warm tone beneath her hands, the beat of his heart against her ear.

"... you know, I think I've had some guys try to come after me. I only realized when one blurted it outright," Futaba murmured. "I didn't think that would ever happen, not after you left. But I told him 'no', because... I knew you'd come back to Tokyo eventually." There had been no one else that had ever thrilled her the way Akira did, no one that could make the butterflies run rampant in her stomach. "You... you won't have to worry about me going after anyone else."

She leaned in and pressed herself up onto her toes, sliding her hands up beneath his arms and across his back so she could finally steal a second kiss.
It was strange to admit that he felt a sense of comfort from someone smaller than him pressing against him, but it was... nice. He felt Futaba's warmth, took in the scent of her shampoo, and generally felt his pulse growing a little faster. "Ah, is that so? I thought Ann would have been watching out for you," he mused. Or Ryuji. He had a feeling Ryuji would knock the shit out of anyone who tried to get fresh with Futaba.

When she kissed him again, Akira's hands settled on the small of her back to keep her pressed to him. It was a fascinating dichotomy. Futaba was probably the most headstrong and eager girl he knew, but she felt so fragile in his grasp. Not that Akira would ever dare hurt her. And something about it just made her even more endearing.

He parted from her, taking in a quick breath. His hands slid down slowly and came to a stop on her shapely hips. He hoisted her up fully, leaving them eye level with each other. "You're really good at getting a guy excited, you know," the taller boy playfully commented. "I dunno if you're ready to go that far, but... if you wanted to spend the night here, I wouldn't be opposed," Akira said.
"They did during my first year there, but they're... not at Shujin anymore," Futaba said, and he'd be able to hear the note of sadness. The loneliness that had come with everyone aging out of Shujin and scattering to the far corners of Tokyo, forbidding them from seeing one another with the same kind of regularity they could before. It was a thought that made her arms tighten a little bit around him, her ear pressing against his chest so that she could hear the steady bass drum thump of his heartbeat.

Her back arched as his hands slid downward, pressing her hips more firmly to his before rolling them back out, filling his hands ably as he went to gather her in his hands. She felt so light, her slender thighs wrapping around him as her eyes came level with his own.

"... I-I," she stammered, averting her eyes suddenly and pointedly as a crimson flush chased across her cheeks. That was uncharted territory, but--

"... ha... ha. You sound like... one of the guys in my visual novels," Futaba said. One hand slid around to his chest, thin fingers curling themselves in the fabric of his shirt, the tips of her fingers testing the rigid and lean muscles of his chest. "Y-you're just... joking, right?" she asked. But there was that look in her eyes. A sort of heat that rendered the red of her eyes molten like rich chocolate, a sort of unbidden intensity that said one thing:

That she secretly hoped he wasn't joking.
When it came down to it, Futaba was the kind of girl who liked to keep her hands busy. Just some extra stimulation to keep that big brain of hers satisfied. Though with her digits now exploring his taut chest, looking set to feel him up at a moments notice, Akira definitely didn't have any protests. The beating of his heart grew a little more intense, the thrumming noise having some strong resonance to it.

"Joking?" he asked, sounding a little hurt at the prospect. Akira had a strange sense of humor, vacillating between morbid and deadpan at times, but it was usually easy enough to tell when he wasn't being serious about something. "I mean every word. If I'm going to be your boyfriend, then I want to act the part."

His right arm hooked under Futaba's backside adjusting the way he was holding her, letting the slim redhead use his bicep as a seat. He raised her until they were back at eye level, whereupon his free hand reached up to gently pinch her chin. There was a look in Akira's eyes that could only really be described as 'smouldering', with the kind of intensity he usually only showed off in battle.

"I want to show you just how much you mean to me. And to show you that you'll never be alone again." His hand drifted down, two fingertips softly brushing against her throat until they reached the collar of her blouse. "If you'll let me." He had to admit, he liked having the other hand free.
"Oh." The response was tiny, her voice made as small as she always felt around him. Her fingers clutched a little tighter against his shirt as he shifted her around, almost as if she weighed nothing. She supposed she really didn't, not when she was in the arms of the (literally) dashing (among other roguish verbs) former Joker.

"... I think I'd..." Futaba's cheeks flushed a little hotter as she buried her face into his neck. She almost couldn't bare the heat in his eyes, afraid they'd melt her away where she sat. "I'd... l-like that." Her hand grasped onto his, however, keeping him from being able to unbutton her uniform. "C-can... we go to your room?" she asked, kicking her legs just a little bit so that he'd let her down.

She landed with a little "huff!", brushing herself off before she grabbed onto his hand the way she used to. Scared, but ultimately trusting of his strength and his kindness to keep her warm and safe and lo--
"Of course, I'm not an animal." That said Akira really wished he had more of his furniture right about now. His bedroom wasn't the most romantic place in its current state, and he felt a bit of a pauper. Once they entered his roo she would be able to see the large white bed with the headboard pushed up against the back wall. A few closed boxes were positioned to the right of the room, holding clothes and small trinkets.

The bed was built for a single person but, fortunately, with how short and slim Futaba was it wouldn't really matter. "Well... here we are," Akira said. He thanked god that Morgana was being busied with the Boss' cooking, and Sojiro himself had no inkling of all this. He'd tell him, in time, but Sojiro likely wouldn't be happy with any man dating Futaba until they married her.

Akira undid his shirt and removed it, showing off his firmly built upper body. A year of fighting Shadows and sporadic gym visits had really gotten him in shape when he came to Tokyo, and he had tried to maintain that strength in the intervening time. A few small scars dotted around his upper body, faded mostly. Little remembrances of their battles as the Phantom Thieves, and a few marks gained from his time in police custody.

Eventually his hands drifted to his belt, undoing it and his fly. Akira hooked his thumbs under his waistline and was set to pull down until he paused mid pull. There was a long and very distinct outline of something rather large pressed into the right thigh of his trousers. "You sure you want to do this?" Akira asked, just to get her confirmation.
It didn't matter to Futaba, and perhaps that was clear to him as she walked a meandering circuit around his room, her russet eyes dragging over every inch of his furnishings. Such as they were.

She had had far too many comfortable moments with him in his loft, messy and meager as it had been... so a sparse room only served to remind her of old times. Except now... all the things she had privatelunch thought to herself, curled to his side or on that same bed, legs spread, hand sliding down her stomach as she--

She sucked in a deep breath and turned ashe he spoke to her, earning a gasp from Futaba as she saw him once again shirtless, trim and strong. And then there were his pants, and what lurked just beneath.

Her cheeks burned.

"Y-yeah. I... want to be a good girlfriend for you, Akira," Futaba said as she took a few tentative steps closer to him. "J-just take off your pants. And... and I can do the rest!"
"Oh? You been studying?" he asked. He wouldn't be too shocked if she had. Knowing Futaba she had pursued research along proper textbooks, and illicit doujins and committed everything to record with her Eidetic memory. "Alright, I trust you.

As Akira dropped his trousers, it would give Futaba a good idea of what she was dealing with. By most standards Akira was rather impressively endowed, his shaft rather long and quite thick too. But to a petite girl like Futaba, it must have looked truly imposing. Like some kind of literal one eyed snake, the kind of jungle reptile that could coil around a tree branch.

"Well ah... this is me."

He wanted to give her some time to adjust. Part of the reason why he had been so helpful to her growth was that he was endlessly patient, giving Futaba all the time she would need when it came to trying new things. The dark-haired thief took a seat on the bed, letting Futaba inspect him. It was a little awkward for him, he would admit, but he managed to keep a confident position in his posture.
... he was perhaps at least half right.

There was a folder on her computer (not that anyone but her could ever find it) and a disturbingly large portion of her 2TB drive was contained within that one little folder. Teenage hormones hadn't been kind to Futaba's free time... even if she had saved the real thing for Akira. He was... he was the only one for her, as perfect as if he'd stepped out of a doujin drawn just for her.

Futaba nearly recoiled as his pants came down, some small part of her clenching at the thought of taking something so large... but that same part was abruptly drooling, and Futaba felt her thighs pressing together as her panties started to become wet down the middle.

"... i-it's so big," Futaba whispered as she took a step toward him. Another girl might have thrown a cushion down on the floor to save their knees from the wrath of hardwood... but Futaba merely squatted like she was capable of doing for hours -- nay, days -- on end. She glanced up at him and with slightly shaky hands she reached out to him. Her fingers were smooth, far moreso than his own. And small at that, the girl not having changed in size since she was merely thirteen.

Her fingers ran from tip to base, finally wrapping around tightly there. Her other hand slid up his left thigh, coming under it to gently cradle his balls, feeling their weight and texture in her hand.

"... wow," Futaba whispered. She gave him a look -- one full of trust and love (and other things) and slowly leaned forward to press her lips to the head of his cock.

It was... kind of squishy.

She experimented further by letting her tongue slip out, running smoothly across the head of his cock before she took it more fully into her mouth.
Akira watched curiously, wondering what Futaba would do when faced with an opponent like this. And she was... about as brazen as he would have imagined. She squatted down and wasted no time letting her silky soft fingers caress his heavy cock and balls. Akira grunted from the strange feeling of hands that weren't his own touching his body, his heart fluttering briefly in his chest.

"Wow indeed..." he murmured, feeling his mouth run dry. For as attractive as Akira was, he hadn't actually done much sexually. He didn't have much fondness for the girls back in his hometown, and so this was largely as new to him as it was to Futaba.

Not that she was shying away. "Holy..." Akira's fingers gripped the edge of the bed, eyes going wide as the head of his shaft slooowly slipped into her mouth. The warmth of her interior gave him pause, his breath catching in his throat. The occasional brush of her tongue sent shivers down his spine, and if she were to focus a little she could no doubt feel his heartbeat resonating through his body.

It was a rare sight to see Akira excited, and he was loving every second of this.
It was almost surprising the ease with which Futaba had taken to this. Not that her touch was expert, or that she knew exactly what she was doing. Her teeth scraped ever so slightly across the underside of his cock before she tucked her lips around them on the drag back out, keeping her from grinding too much against sensitive skin. No, she had thrown herself off of the cliff and was now simply accepting that she was going down.

... in the literal sense as well.

Futaba made a small sound of appreciation, brushing a few errant strands of orange hair out of her eyes as she set to slowly bobbing up and down on his cock. She couldn't take much of him into her small mouth, not with how long andf how thick he was... but she could certainly try, taking in up to four inches at a time, such that the tip of his cock was almost pressing into her throat, if not quite.

Her cheeks flushed as she pulled off of him, coughing as she sucked in a big breath of air. "... um. Is that... good?" Futaba asked, turning big dark eyes on Akira as both hands wrapped around the end of his cock, gently pumping like she had seen countless times in her doujins.
Akira felt her tight mouth snugly wrapped around the head of his shaft, taking in a healthy portion to ensure she didn't go too far on her first try. He twitched every once in a while, brought about by the occasional brush of her teeth. Akira didn't say anything, not wanting Futaba to feel bad over doing so, but he did hope she would be able to avoid it if they did this in the future.

Well, Futaba was literally a genius. He didn't doubt that part of her mind was already compartmentalizing all the things he enjoyed, keeping them filed away for future reference.

Akira blinked to attention as his cock left her mouth, a few lingering strands of saliva linking the two for a few seconds before they broke apart. "It's pretty great, but..." Akira examined the redhead for several quiet moments. "Well, I do feel a little bad doing nothing. We could try going down on each other at the same time?" he suggested. Not that he was too knowledgeable, but... well he was confident he would do alright. He was a cherry stem tying champ, after all.
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