A Hermit Out of Her Shell (Noire)


Sep 28, 2013
Yongen was much the same as it had been when Akira had last been here, but that was perhaps to be expected for a small suburb. The same small shops were still on the streets, the same old houses stood in place without even a new drop of paint on the walls. The same people, potentially, bustled around and paid no attention to the young man as he strode along with purpose.

"It really is the exact same." The voice, small and slightly girlish, came from the leather bag supported on the young man's right shoulder. A small feline head poked out of the opening in the zipper and scanned around "I thought the Chief was exaggerating when he said Yongen was the same as ever."

Akira shrugged. "Well, what do you expect? A place like this doesn't hold much interest to developers." In the few years that had passed since his hectic stint at Shujin, culminating in him shooting God in the face and saving Christmas, Akira hadn't changed much. He was a tad taller, his musculature a little more defined now that the last awkward vestiges of puberty had been shrugged off. And his hair was a tangled frizz of dark hair, as ever.

Akira came to a stop at the small glass door, a sign overhead plainly stating 'Leblanc: Coffee and Curry.' He smiled in a warm nostalgia. As Akira pushed in the bell over the door chimed, and the aging man behind the counter looked up from his crossword. "Oh, you actually came. Nice to see you." He was trying to be cool and impassive, but it was clear he liked Akira quite a bit. After all, he had been much the same when he was Akira's age.

"Long time no see," Akira greeted. He hummed and stroked his chin "Just like I left it... I see the Sayuri is still there too. But something's missing..." Ah yes, of course, the pint-sized hacker who had been his most eager co-worker.
"Mmhm. Yusuke still comes by occasionally. He may have that patron now, but he still spends so wastefully. I have to spot him his coffee half the time so he still has fare for the train," Sojiro said.

Sojiro busied himself behind the counter -- the roaster turned on, a porcelain mug was retrieved, and in record time a piping hot cup of coffee was produced and set on the old wood countertop. He pushed it over the counter to Akira, leaning over the counter as he eyed the young man expectantly.

"I've been trying new blends. Take a moment, sit down. I know you've come a long way, so it's on the house, just this once," he said with an amicable smirk. "I'll call Futaba down in a minute."

A meow came from the bag, but Akira heard it for what it was. "... down?"

"You're still carrying that cat around in your bag?" Sojiro asked, looking genuinely surprised for a moment. He busied himself another moment behind the counter, coming out with a small bowl that he filled with a thin layer of cream. "At least let Mona out. It's boiling out there," Sojiro said, setting the bowl down behind the counter so Morgana could come around and drink in peace.

There came a hammering of feet from the back room, bare feet padding on old wooden steps, and suddenly--

She looked just the same. Perhaps her bright red hair was a little longer (hard to tell, as it had been pulled back into a ponytail), and perhaps her face had lost just a touch of its roundness. But it was still the very same Futaba Sakura that burst out of the back room, breathless and panting, resplendent in big baggy black sweats and a moss green tanktop. Her breath caught in her throat as she stood there, small chest heaving--

"... A-Akira!" Futaba squeaked.
"It can't be helped. The cat won't stop following me around," Akira said blithely.


Regardless, Morgana hopped from Akira's bag and helped himself to the refreshing cream. Being carried around in that bag wasn't exactly ideal, but it beat having to chase Akira around on stubby cat legs. He just wasn't as fast as he was in his Metaverse body. Akira took a seat at his usual spot by the counter, and took a long testing sip of the coffee. It was fair to say he had learned a lot on the trade from his time here.

"This texture..." he mused. "It has a strong and earthy taste to it, but it goes down smoothly. Is that a touch of chocolate I taste?" Akira was about to probe further with another sip, only for Futaba to burst onto the scene in a hasty flurry. Still as fast on her feet.

In truth, Akira wasn't shocked to see that the hacker genius hadn't changed a whole lot. Not physically at least, she was still the same nerdy half point he had grown to be good friends with. But her general mannerisms and posture were different. A little more confident, less hesitant in general. Just seeing her again was enough to make him smile. Morgana looked up to chirp a greeting her way.

"Long time no see," the frizzy haired boy greeted. He took a parting sip of coffee and made his way toward her. As was the case last time they met, he held a good deal of height over her. Then again, most of the thieves did to some extent. "How've you been? Living in the attic now?" he asked.
A wash of emotions came over the young girl, and it showed on her face. Confusion, joy, embarrassment, and yet others that perhaps even the girl herself couldn't put a name to.

"... I-I'm fine!" Futaba said. "M-more than fine! I've been, um--" She faltered a bit, grabbing hold of the wall with one hand. It was the surest sign of her old fugues, but it didn't seem to take near as much of a hold of the girl as it once had. She recovered quickly enough with a cheerful smile.

"Ever since you left, she decided she wanted to take over your room. I think she missed you--" Sojiro began.

"N-nevermind that!" Futaba interjected, cheeks flaring up. "I'll show you later. But first! Daaaad. We hunger!" Futaba said, peering around Akira's tall, lanky frame to call out to SOjiro.

"Haha. Take a seat at the counter, and I'll--"

"Nope! Table for us!" Futaba said. "We haven't talked in weeks," Futaba said. They'd kept in touch online, even if it had become harder to do over the intervening years. She slid herself into the table closest to the stairs, perching herself upon the booth seating in her familiar and patented Sakura Squat.
She had? It was a little piece of information that hadn't been disclosed to him, and even the others that visited Leblanc semi-regularly hadn't told him as much. It seemed Futaba was keeping that a secret. It made Akira smile, while Morgana made a quick 'Ooooooh' sound from his milk dish. No doubt his cheeks would be getting pinched for that one later on. Not that Futaba needed an excuse to do that of course.

"Hmhm. Well, since you insist. And I could do with some Leblanc curry," he admitted. Akira had kept up his own cooking at home, as best he could anyway, but he did miss the real deal from the master. He took a seat opposite Futaba and languidly slid his glasses up the thin bridge of his nose.

"So, how's school?" Akira asked. When he had first left Tokyo, Futaba had given him the firm claim that she would indeed be going to high school after a year of hermithood, and she had given him the occasional snippet of info over the internet. And of course Ann and Ryuji had made sure to look after her and keep her out of trouble during their last year of high school. But still, it would be nice to hear from her in person.

As he sat down, Akira quietly regarded her, and couldn't help but smile at her usual cute squat. He had missed that quite a lot. And even now he had no idea how her legs handled that strain. She'd been at it for years. But he found now how much he had missed her company, and even the most simple mannerisms the young redhead had were endearing to him.
"Of course," Sojiro said, giving the two of them a fond smile as he returned to the cookpot. It didn't take any time at all for two bowls of steaming curry to be produced -- a steaming cup of coffee for Futaba as well, to complement the one he had already made for Akira.

"It kind of sucks," Futaba said, her usual bluntness on full display. She grinned through the words though, settling her elbows on her knees as she leaned forward a touch. "I mean. It's pretty boring. I don't learn all that much that I Haven't been able to online, but..."

Futaba lapsed into silence, looking somewhat pensively down at the table, into her bowl of her favorite curry. Mild, with a little bit of peppers ground in afterward, because she enjoyed being contrary like that.

"... it's different, y'know? I hung out with you guys all the time when you were out of school. Saw you every day, too. But... there's no one who knows. About..." She mimed a finger gun. "Kind of hard to go back after that, you know? It's like running around the start area all day after you beat the toughest raid boss. It's just kind of... there. I met a couple of guys at school who are part of this club for games and computers and robots and stuff, but it's nowhere near as cool as the Phantom Thieves."

"It's just... different without them. Without you."
Akira listened. He was rather good at that, being a kind of sounding board that his friends bounced their concerns and ideas off of. It was part of the reason why he was so liked by the other thieves, he was perhaps the only person they could go to. And he was always paying attention, never letting his focus switch from anything but the person in front of him, wanting them to truly speak their concerns.

"Yeah, I can understand that. Wasn't much fun for me either," Akira said, smiling faintly. "Even if my record got expunged, a lot of people 'back home'," Akira began, saying 'home' in a way that made it clear he hadn't thought of that place as home in a long time "Still act like I'm a criminal. Made things uncomfortable living there. And besides that I didn't have any of you guys around."

He sighed and stared at the half empty swirl of his coffee. He took a quick sip, wanting to clear some more of it before the heat left.

"The truth is," he began "I missed you a lot too Futaba. It might seem a little strange but you were one of the most consistent and reassuring things about life here. I liked coming down in the morning and seeing you at the counter, or seeing you waiting around the cafe when I got home," Akira explained. And, to a point, he had even found her pretty attractive to the end of that year.

And now she looked even better, and radiated a kind of knowledge and confidence she hadn't had when he had lived here. It brought a smile to his face. "Sorry, I'm rambling. It's just been a while since I was able to talk to you."
"Whaaat?" Futaba demanded. "How could they still look at you like that? You were arrested for hitting the worst person ever," Futaba said. Not that that had been in the papers initially, and it was only in hindsight people could connect Shido to that first police report. It had been years before by this point.

She radiated indignation right up until he spoke again, his words catching her off guard (and obviously so at that). Futaba gave him a wide-eyed look over her glasses, unable to keep the faint pink tinge out of her cheeks. It was always something else to be complimented by the guy she had never stopped holding a torch for.

"... no, I get it, it's been a super long time," Futaba said. "You were for me, too. I always liked hearing the bell ding in the afternoon." Futaba couldn't help a grin. "... it was almost never a customer, you know?" she asked. "I'm... glad you're back. How long are you thinking of staying? You... were thinking about taking over the café, weren't you? I know Sojiro was talking about you coming soon for something like that, but I didn't know how true it was."
"We got to talking about their being a 'second generation owner' of the cafe, and he suggested that I do the job. Because, well, I already know his recipes off by heart and he doesn't have to take the time to teach a new guy." That and, they had both agreed that running a restaurant probably wasn't in Futaba's wheelhouse of skills. She had gotten a lot better, but her customer service likely left a lot to be desired.

"And so I figured I'd come back here and work full time. Haru was kind enough to set me up with an apartment in Yongen," and really she could have bought the whole building without making the tiniest wrinkle in her considerable finances "And it'll be nice to spend time in Tokyo where I'm not fighting monsters."

She had grown a lot, he noticed now. Not physically, but there was something in her eyes when she looked at him, a feeling of warmth rising within him. Back in the day he had felt odd about being close to her for a number of different reasons, but now... well he shelved those thoughts while Sojiro was still in the room. "At any rate, it's good to be back. Think I can rely on my favourite genius for support?"
It was true -- they had taken a test run earlier that year, putting Futaba in charge of the shop while Sojiro attended to some errands. It had been done with the best of intentions and hopes and Futaba had worn... The Head.

It had been agreed after that that she would stick to a support role within the shop.

Futaba grinned up at Akira. She might have matured a bit, but she had not quite lost her girlish spark or the cheer she had in her eyes whenever she looked up at Akira. She had to cope without him... but he was back. It was one thing to feel like you needed someone and quite another to just... want them.

"Of course! I'll do all I can!" She said. "Only..." She hesitated a moment, glancing over to Sojiro to make certain he was busy. He was, in fact, petting Mona idly while stirring the curry pot with his free hand. "Whenever I'm not working on my project."
Futaba had been quite insular, and apathetic toward the problems of others soon after she left her room. So, seeing that compassion in her eyes was always a nice sight. He knew, ultimately, that she'd try to help however she could. All he had to do was ask.

"Project?" Akira replied, tilting his head a bit. Whatever that was, it was new to him. She hadn't mentioned any project whenever she texted him, and that went for the others who seemed unaware that their enigmatic genius was hard at work on something. Not that this was much of a change of pace. "Is it a secret? Think you could let me in on it?" Akira gave her a charming smile, his secret weapon. Even Takemi liked watching him smile.

"If it's a secret, I promise I won't tell the others."
It was certainly enough for Futaba. She found herself mirroring that smile of his, blossoming into a full grin paired with a faint hue of pink to her cheeks.

"It's... only kind of a secret. I had Inari help me out just a little bit, and I bribed him to keep quiet. With snacks, mostly, and an account at an art wholesaler online. He... had no idea that online shopping is a thing," Futaba said, trying to suppress her smile. She had a long list of things to show Yusuke, and he never seemed to be anything less than entirely impressed.

"Here, let me show you--" Futaba stood, heading up the back stairs to the room Akira himself had used for a full year.

It was... not how he remembered it, not quite.

She had moved her computers in to start -- brought in a desk to replace the house plant (it couldn't live forever), and converted his workdesk into a proper station as well, a half-assembled laptop currently strewn across the table. She had decorated the place just a little bit, glow-in-the-dark tape forming designs over one wall, adding a sense of color and light to the room even on the darkest nights.

Futaba stepped over to her desk, squatting upon it as she pulled up a website.

It was... surprisingly similar to the Phansite -- colored more in greens than in black and red, it featured forums, polls, lists, chat rooms, the whole nine yards.

Spread across the top were the words "Djinni's Domain", a whirling genie-style symbol set up right next to it. The entire website had a different sort of aesthetic to it than the Phantom Thieves, and there were no guesses as to who had actually designed the graphics.

"... I mean. When I was Medjed, I was the Hacker of Justice. When I was Alibaba, I was just some... selfish hacker. When I was Oracle, I helped people, and so..." Futaba cleared her throat. "You guys did a lot for me, you know? I wanted to make a place that I could help people like you guys helped me." It seemed to... almost be a self-help site. Requests were less about curing the ills of society, and more about things like relationship issues, with friends and parents and even teachers.

"So I became Djinni. It's mostly just as Shujin, but there's some people at Kosei and Kana-chan's spreading it around her school, too."
Without hesitation Akira followed the young hacker upstairs, and had to pause for a moment as he got a look at what had once been his bedroom and the secret HQ of the infamous Phantom Thieves. Futaba had really spruced it up, and made it into a computer nest similar to her NEET den from Sojiro's house. Only, naturally, this attic space was much larger and much tidier than her old room had been.

"Aw man, my plant died," Akira murmured, as it was the first opinion he could think to voice. Tending it had been something of a hobby of his when he arrived in Tokyo, but he had honestly forgotten to bring it back home with him.

Regardless Akira followed Futaba to her residence and leaned in closer to get a good look at the site she had built. He smiled as Futaba explained her new passions, that she had gone out of her way to create a sort of replacement to the Phan-Site. Naturally, with no Metaverse, society had to take care of itself for a change. Yaldabaoth's death had removed a good deal of corruption from the world, but people still needed help.

"I'm very proud of you," Akira said, smiling warmly at her. "Heh. You were a little selfish as Alibaba, I'll admit. But you've really grown." And he did feel just a touch proud to have been a part of that. Looking at Futaba like this, as a woman rather than an awkward girl who had barely seen life outside her room... he was really able to see how beautiful and amazing she had become.

"Still... I bet you miss the old adventures. I know I do."
"Sorry," Futaba said, a faint pink coloring her cheeks. "I did what I could, but I don't have that instant death blocker anymore. I think I overwatered it..."

Futaba turned, peering over her shoulder to grin up at Akira. "R-really? Thanks," she said. "I just... we probably made people too reliant on us when we were the Phantom Thieves. We were like a reality show. But this..." Futaba put her chin into her hands, the brilliant and bright color scheme of her new site reflecting in her glasses.

"I didn't want to make something where people relied on just me. I only fulfill occasional questions, when people want computer or video game help. I wanted to make a new group, like the Phantom Thieves. Where people repair their own hearts. Like I did," Futaba said, setting her hand just above her chest, before she turned back up to Akira.

She reached up to take one of his hands, holding it in both of her own -- so small and so fragile -- before clutching it to her chest. It was more forward than she'd ever been... but she'd had a couple of years to get her mind right. And perhaps mostly about him.

"... like you showed me how to do. I wish we could still adventure, but maybe now that you're here..." Futaba stood from her chair, beaming up at him. It was a smile full of hope and innocence and... maybe just a little bit of mischief, because she always had a little bit in her. But there was something else there.

Akira had always been so kind, so charming, so... everything.

"... I'm so glad you're back, Akira-kun. I thought I'd break with you gone, like I still needed you. But I don't need you. I just... want you." She flushed, almost as brightly as her hair as she scrambled to rephrase. "I mean, I-I... just want you. Around. Here. You and Mona-chan," she said, speaking fast enough that the words nearly blurred together.
He felt her slim digits encircling his hand. She'd grown a lot, but ultimately she was quite petite compared to him. He smiled fondly and savoured the sensation. "You've done great work already. The world's a better place, but people still need help. Only wish I'd known about this before I headed out here." Then she pulled his hand to her chest, a gesture that made Akira's eyes widen considerably.

"Could you not... 'get' with Futaba?" He recalled Sojiro's words from a few years ago. For as much as he trusted Akira, he ultimately wanted to keep his daughter safe. But Futaba was pretty much a grown woman now. She could make her own decision on things like this.

"Ah, is that so?" Akira smiled gently.

He knew how Futaba was. When she got excited or flustered, the words often tumbled out of her mouth in a swirled mess that only made sense to those who knew about that little quirk. So he knew what she meant, even if most others would have looked a little puzzled. "I'm not going anywhere this time. So, if there's anything you particularly want from me... then I'm all ears."

As he said this, Akira leaned in a little closer, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "If it helps... I want you too," he admtted, keeping a playful edge in his tone. He supposed, considering how Futaba was, it couldn't hurt to be a little blunt to make sure the intention was clear.
Their size was a difference that had intimidated Futaba for a split second when she had first seen Akira. But it was a difference that had, in time, come to make Futaba feel safe, protected. And... cared for. It was one of the many things she had grown to appreciate about him. That and his infuriating confidence, that way about him that almost felt like it undid all of the growth Futaba had done.

To turn her right back into a shy and self-conscious schoolgirl.

"Y...yeah. Akira-kun, you... always took care of me. Not like Sojiro did, like a father. Not like a brother or anything, either."

Futaba flushed even harder, squeezing hold tight of his hand. It would have hurt if Futaba actually had any grip strength.

"Y-you do?" Futaba asked.

Because we're teammates.

The words from two years ago rang in her ears, and she ducked her head a little bit. She had thought he had felt something else, had felt like she did... and she had contented himself with his answer. Right up until he came to stand in front of her again, to pop back into her life after two years, to just...

She swallowed down the jumble of nervousness.

"... l-like teammates, right? Like old times?" she asked, closing her eyes, as if she feared his answer.
Akira frowned. He thought back to when he had turned her down, wanted to kick himself. He had had several different reasons for saying as much at the time. They were still dealing with Shido, he was still recovering from his experience at the police station, and then there was the fact that Sojiro had told him not to hook up with her.

But, more than that, some part of him had feared he was taking advantage of her in some way. She was naive, for as smart as she was, had no idea what she really wanted in life at the time. And so, perhaps it would have been a little dishonest to have dated her at the time.

Now though? Well, it was fair game.

"Not like teammates," he began. His free hand moved up and pushed some hair out of her face. Even now her hair could still be frightfully uncoordinated. But the long and free look suited her nicely, they had all agreed. "Maybe I'm being a little forward, but this has been on my mind the whole way back to Tokyo. Out of all the girls I've known, I don't think I was ever as close to them as I am to you."

His tone was low, wanting to make sure only she could hear him. Though no doubt Morgana's keen feline ears were picking up on every word shared. "So, if you'd have me, I was thinking that we could try dating."
He could almost feel her heartbeat flutter when he pushed her hair out of her face. It was silky and smooth to the touch, falling freely over Akira's hand as it brushed through.

And then...

The old Futaba might have gone almost catatonic, leaning into him and trying to hide from all those terrifying emotions and anxieties that could wash through her, carrying her away and forestalling her from doing what she wanted to do. They were still all there, showing through in her wide, bright eyes. Wanting her to shut up, to shy away, to freeze up entirely in front of Akira. But they didn't control her anymore.

Mostly, anyway.

"Yes." The reply was borderline inaudible, and Futaba felt her cheeks burn all the more as she could barely hear her voice herself.

It's okay, you can do this.


It was even quieter, and Futaba stewed for a half second, burying her face in his chest before--

Her arms went around his neck, and her feet left the ground. She was light -- so light that a well-muscled guy like Akira could barely feel it. What he did feel was Futaba pressing herself up against him, arms wrapped tight around his neck, pressing her lips hard against his own.

... well, with her eyes closed, she was half an inch to the left, but the intent was there.
Futaba's build was something of a mystery. The girl ate like a wolf, had the sleep schedule of a crime fighting vampire, and treated exercise like a foreign concept. But she was almost weightless as she hoisted herself onto him, and his hands settled under her pert backside on a reflex to support her further.

She was... kissing him. He supposed he shouldn't have been too shocked, considering the topic of conversation, but Akira knew who he was dealing with. if Futaba had ever kissed anyone before it was news to him. But Akira embraced it despite his shock, a gentle purr rising in his throat. He was a gentleman, keeping his tongue to himself just to make sure he didn't do anything to overwhelm her or shock her.

Even though she was a changed person, some discretion and care was a necessity.

When their lips parted, Akira smiled gently down at her. "Seems you've been wanting to do this for some time," he remarked. "Futaba I'm... sorry if you wanted things to go deeper when I was last in Tokyo. But with everything that had been going on... Shido, the Grail, my arrest, me having to head to my hometown... well, there was never really a right time for it," Akira admitted with some sadness.

"But I'm not going anywhere now. So I want you to know we have plenty of time to work this out, however you want."
Futaba's legs half-wrapped around him as a reflex to feeling his hands slide under her behind. WHich was... ever-so-slightly more toned than one might think. Whereas previously Futaba would have attributed her build to something like "her ultra secret technique", perhaps now there was an element of "gym is a non-negotiable part of Shujin's curriculum".

She pulled away from the kiss with a gasp, taking in a deep breath she had dared not to take before, letting out her own exhilaration and shock in a nervous giggle.

"... I... maybe... a little," she admitted as she pressed her head into his neck, hiking her glasses up her pixie nose as she sought to hide her furiously blushing face from him.

"Y-yeah. That... makes sense. I guess you just..." Futaba bit at her lower lip, trying to make sense of all the emotions that were whirling around her. She hadn't thought about this seriously in... months? It had been months. Months since she had daydreamed about him, since she had thought about a hundred different imaginary scenarios, since her hand had drifted down her stomach one night, playing out so many fantasies out in her head--

She hadn't expected all those feelings to come sweeping her off her feet, only to be followed by his strong hands doing so literally.

"I guess this is like... hitting the level cap. You've beaten all the mandatory quests... so now... you can just enjoy it," she said. The video game rationalizations didn't seem like they were going anywhere any time soon.

She leaned into him, her voice becoming very small as she whispered, just for him.

"... I... l-love you, Akira-kun. I have for... a really long time. A-and... you want... me as your girlfriend, right?" Futaba asked.
Ah, those video game analogies. He really had missed hearing them. And, truth be told, he had let a few slip without realising back home. Futaba's outlook on the world was just an itty bit infectious. He let her nuzzle against him, savoring the gentle warmth of her body, and the genuine affection behind every move she made. "It helps that this is the side quest I've had on my mind all this time," he said.

Futaba whispered her affections to him, and Akira's warm smile grew just a little more intense. The normally unflappable leader of the Phantom Thieves, who had smirked at the greatest dangers, felt his cheeks pinken as he glanced to the ceiling.

"Of course I want you as my girlfriend," he admitted. "And... I love you too."

Akira hadn't really had the time to wholly dwell on how he felt about Futaba. But the hacker had always been in his heart and mind in some form, and he supposed he couldn't help but be flattered that she wanted him like this. She was as endearing as ever.

"Sooo..." Akira said, keeping his gaze to the ceiling. "Wanna come check on my place? Before your dad gets curious and walks in on... this?"
Futaba couldn't help but squeeze him a little harder when he affirmed his decision, holding onto him so hard that when she finally did pull away a bit from him, her glasses came away entirely askew on her small nose.

"... s-sure. Haru's the one who put you up here in the city, right?" When she had heard talk of that initially, she had admittedly felt a little pang of jealousy, something which she had stubbornly stamped down and which his confession had entirely doused for her.

"I'd like that, let me just..." She paused, leaning back and away from him as she adjusted her glasses. Her cheeks were still darkened with embarrassment, flushed with joy... and her big brown eyes widened as she took in his face. She'd always been somewhat hesitant to do so, because honestly... he was everything she liked; tall, dark, handsome, and... blushing. She smiled bashfully before she pulled away, clearing her throat.

"Y-yeah. I... wonder what Sojiro'd think. About... seeing you blush like a schoolgirl," she said, that old troll edge lining her words.
"He'd laugh at me for one thing. And then prolly punch me for dating you," he remarked. Well, Futaba was near enough to being a grown woman, so deciding on who she wanted to date was her own choice. He shouldn't be mad about that. But he would be, because Sojiro was about as protective as dad's came. Not that he was unjustified in being worried about her, with how cruel the world had been to Futaba before.

"So, I'm blushing am I? Well, take that as a great compliment," he said, holding a hand out for her to take. It wasn't too strange a sight. When Futaba had been trying to get out of her NEET ways, she often clung to Akira for a sense of security and comfort.

He led the way downstairs, and Leblanc was about as vacant as usual. Sojiro was tending to his crossword and only barely looked up as the two came down. "Oh, hey. You two were up there for some time... what're you up to?" he asked. Fortunately he trusted Akira a good deal, and didn't seem to pick up on anything out of the norm.

"Oh nothing much. I was just going to show Futaba to my new place." As he said this, Morgana looked up from the cream he'd been helping himself to, watching the former thieves curiously.
Futaba couldn't help but smile.

"... and I can't protect you from instant death anymore. Sometimes I really miss having all of our powers," she said.

She took his hand in both of hers for a moment, feeling how much larger and firmer he was compared to herself. She squeezed it for a moment, transitioning to one hand when he went to lead her down into the main area below.

"I-I showed him the forum I've been running!" Futaba said.

"Oh, that thing. Well, like I said before. So long as it isn't anything like the Phantom Thieves business, then I'm alright with it." They all knew it would have been alright even if it had been about the Thieves, not that Sojiro would cop to that unless forced. He smiled at the two of them. "Just have her back before the trains stop running," Sojiro said with that old warm smile of his.

"R-right," Futaba said. "Hold on a second--" She grabbed her bag -- a similar one to the one Akira had carried Mona around in for a year, which looked especially amusing on someone Futaba's size. It clunked, though she didn't seem to have any trouble carrying it.

"Lead on," Futaba said, grabbing hold of his arm once more.
"Oh it's not too far from here. Haru wanted to make sure it was near Leblanc." He didn't particularly want to ask how she had managed it, Haru's wealth being the kind of thing mere mortals wouldn't be able to get to grips with. "But we'll be back soon."

He assumed as much. He didn't know what Futaba was expecting to happen tonight, but Akira was the kinda guy who was prepared for anything. And if it came to getting... intimate, then he could handle it. After all, he had to hope that Futaba would be easily pleased by anything he could do. Morgana already knew where their new home was, so there was no issue in leaving him behind for now.

Just as Akira had said, Haru had gotten him a place not too far from Leblanc- only a few blocks down the street. A squat one storey house that had a similar home on the left hand side, and a shoe store on the right. It had a sort of nostalgic, rustic feel to it. But it was also immediately clear that the exterior had been refurbished recently. Haru always liked going the extra mile.

The raven haired boy unlocked the front door and slid it open, revealing the stark and immaculately clean wooden interior. "I ah... the furniture is getting moved in in the next few days. But right now I've only got a couch, a fridge, a table and a bed," Akira explained. He left his shoes in the doorway and beckoned for Futaba to follow him. "Not bad huh? Still needs to be decorated, but it's nice."
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