A Dash Of Family Fun (RoleplayMaster x FutaFantatic)


Jun 26, 2013
Dash strummed his fingers on the table impatiently, the sound being too quick for most people's ears. But for him, every quick motion could be seen at a normal speed, as he was a special young boy. Like every member of his family, Dash had a superhuman ability, which in his case, was super speed. While having powers seemed like any teenage kid's dream, having to hide it from his friends and the world as a whole, just made everything not worth it.

That, along with his father, sister, and little brother going off for some father/daughter school trip, meant that Dash was bored out of his mind for this school holidays. The fifteen year old was waiting impatiently for dinner, which his mother had said would be ready any moment. Except she had said that ten minutes ago, and with Dash's quick perception of the world around him, every minute felt like ten on its own.

Hearing his mother's call, Dash moved at the speed of light, appearing at his normal spot on the family dinner table. "Looks good mum." Dash said, using his powers to quickly eat his food. His parents always told him off for using his powers so freely, especially for meaningless things like eating, but he felt absolutely starved!
With the three of them off on a school trip, and with the baby with them, it gave her time to just relax and enjoy herself for a little while. Dash was able to tend to himself, the only thing she needed to do for him was cook food. This was her 'Me time' and she intended to enjoy every bit of it. So once the trio left, she spent most of the day relaxing, watching some tv, something she rarely did as of late, as tending to a family of supers took up most of her time.

When Dash expressed how hungry he was, something that tended to happen given how his body worked, left the mother to giggle a bit and shake her head. After a while, she had set the platter of food on the table, having already taken her set before she called him to the table. And as usual, with his father not around to help enforce the rule, Dash devoured his meal."Can't you not use your powers at home Dash..?"She grumbled with a sigh, shaking her head a bit as she ate her meal, watching her baby boy as he ate as if it would be his last meal.
With his food already half gone, an amazing feat for what was essentially a small feast made for him, Dash nodded and reluctantly slowed down his pace, but still ate quite quickly at normal speed. "What are you up to today, mum?" Dash asked, his mouth full of food. He still had yet to learn proper table manners.

As he ate, he felt himself harden. He doubted it was thanks to his mother's presence, as he was at that age where he'd get boners randomly and constantly. When he finished his food, he would race off to the bathroom to fix his issue. And this was one of the few things he enjoyed to do without his powers, savouring each stroke.
She shook her head some when he finally slowed down, only to find he was just about finished. He never enjoyed his meal, always vanishing from the table, leaving her and the rest of them to themselves for dinner. The woman shook her head even more as he spoke with his mouth full but she left it be, he was still a kid after all and they weren't xactly a fancy kind of family, a family a misfits was more their thing it seemed.

As they sat at the table, She closed her eyes a bit and relaxed, enjoying the cool air in the house. It made it easier for her to dress in her more comfy clothes, despite how tightly her red top clung to her body. She thought nothing of such things as she wore it, not expecting her figure would ever spark such things within her son. She adjusted herself a bit, realizing that even though she was Elastagirl, having thre children did a number on her, enlarging her breasts, making most tops difficult to squeeze into, just like her pants for her wide hips and bubbly ass.

When he rushed off she sighed and shook her head a bit. As sneaky as he thought he was, His mother was no fool, knowing full well what he was doing from the many waste baskets of clumped up toilet paper both from his room and the bathroom. She would never say anything, only hoping he would grow out of it a some point.
It did not take long for Dash to finish, speeding away and leaving his mother alone at the dinner table. Heading upstairs, he paused as he found the door to his mother's room wide open. He never really went inside now that he was a teen - he only really used to come in when he was scared of sleeping as a small child. But now, gazing in, something in particular caught his eye.

Silently entering, Dash reached down to pick up a thin piece of material that he soon realised to be a sexy pair of panties. They smelled a little bit too, so he knew that they had been worn recently. He wanted to throw them away, be disgusted and return to his initial plans. But somehow... they turned him on further. Taking the panties, Dash went to the bathroom to fix his erection issue, using the panties as a stimulant and a cleaning tool, rather than the toilet paper. He closed his eyes, wrapping the panties around his rather small to averaged sized dick, enjoying the sensations it brought. He ignored the world around him, focusing only on his pleasure.
When he vanished to the bathroom, Helen decided to clean up the mess and begin cleaning some of the dishes, get everything soaking at least to make the job easier later. When that was ready, she went into her room to get some laundry done, using this time to finally get chores done, a task having been forgotten due to her womanly duties as a wife and mother. However, the panties she had lying on the floor were missing, something she knew she had left there from when she changed just this morning. However she let the thought slip her mind, thinking she must have already thrown them in the hamper. With a basket in hand, Helen stopped by the bathroom door. "Dash honey..hurry up in there and get a shower so I can get one and wash your clothes as well.."She told him, giving a soft knock on the door.
As Helen knocked on the door, she would find it was not shut tightly. The knocking caused the door to open slightly ajar, letting Helen see her boy on the bathroom floor. He sat against the bath, eyes closed as he jerked off. And in his hands, other than his penis, was clearly, Helen's panties. He did not seem to hear her, earbuds in his ears as he listened to a compilation of women moaning sounds, unaware of Helen's eyes on him at this moment. With a soft grunt, he came, the material of the panties blocking his cumshot as his seed filled them quite quickly.
She raised her brow a bit when the door started to open, having expected him to be a bit more smart than to leave it open. But what she saw shocked her even more, drawing a wide eyed gasp from her as she covered him mouth. She saw him sitting on the floor against the tub, furiously groping himself with her panties. Using them as a means of stimulation. She was unsure whether to be made, disgusted or what to find him using them that way. Granted she could wash them, but even still it was no hard to wear them, knowing what her son was using them for.

With a breath Helen pushed the door open more, standing above him the moment he came. Even that sight shook her a bit, given the amount he drowned her panties in. It was alot for his age and size, way more than his father could give. "Dash!? What the hell are you doing with those?"She shouted, yanking the headphones from his ear.
Jumping in shock as he heard his mother's yell, Dash quickly hid the panties and got dressed, despite the fact that Helen had already seen everything. His face was bright red from blushing, embarrassed to have been caught masturbating by his mother. And the fact that he had been using her underwear, was just humiliating. Shrinking his body down as she yelled, he stammered, unable to come up with a proper answer. "I um.. You.. uh.." He stuttered, his heart racing. What would she do to him? Dad would be furious.
She listened as the boy stammered, trying to come up with an answer, as if thinking she had seen nothing. She stared him down for a bit more, pulling the hamper over."Put them in the hamper.."She demanded with a stern voice, eyes watching him closely. Despite her anger, it was hard to deny her body reacted to such a lewd sight, a young teen blowing his massive load into a nice pair of sexy lingerie. But with a breath she pushed it aside, looking at him."MY underwear is not meant to be used like that...."
Nodding, Dash disappeared for a few seconds while he retrieved the panties and put them in the hamper, before returning to his mother. "I um... s-sorry. I was um... w-walking past your room and uh.. s-saw them.." he stuttered, looking down at the ground. He still had a post-orgasm boner, causing a tent in his pants. "And I couldn't stop m-myself." He finished, staying silent as he expected to be slapped over the head or punished in some way.
Helen looked at him as he instantly vanished and returned, the woman not even having a oment to think, to decide on what to do with him. But she couldn't exactly do much, he was a teenager afterall and was getting to that stage. So when he stammered once more, expecting punishment she sighed, shaking her head a bit."Just don't do that again..that's why there's toilet paper.."She mumbled to him as she moved around in the room. Letting him do as he wanted, Helen bent down, her shapely rear squeezed tightly against the fabric of her nay blue leggings, enjoying the way they felt, not realizing that as she bent down it gave Dash a good look at her crotch, her nether regions pushing against the fabric, clearly showing she wore no panties underneath. When the woman rose with a handful of dirty clothes, her breats bounced in her tight red tube top, her tits ready to burst from them
Dash stared at his mother as she bent down to grab more clothes, finding himself very hungry as he saw her pussy pressed against the tight fabric of her clothing. He suddenly thought of diving face-first between her ass cheeks, eating her out. She may try and push away at first, but surely she'd like it?

But she stood up straight before he thought of whether he should or not, her shapely tits drawing his attention next. "A-And mum... you make it so difficult to.. like... not think of you in certain ways." Dash found himself speaking up, his eyes still drawn to her breasts. "The tight clothing just..." He trailed off, licking his lips a little as even more thoughts entered his mind.
She didn't see him looking at her as she picked up the clothes, turning and looking at the boy as he stared at her tits, clearly lost in the sight of her figure. But Helen ignored it still, up until he spoke up, pointing out it was her fault for his actions given how she dressed. But even still she narrowed her eyes."And you shouldn't be looking at me like that let alone think like that.."She pointed out. Surely he was kidding? surely no teenager was interested in some old wash up woman like her? superhero or not. "You should know better than to look at your mother that way..."
Stepping a little closer though, the height difference was clear. His eyes were level with her swaying breasts, so he had to look up at her as she told him off for looking at her in this way. "But mum! You look so good in the tight clothing.." He protested, his hands shyly going to her hips, touching them lightly. "Every part of you is on show, and I just can't look away. You're not built like girls my age..." Dash explained. "You're just so... hot." He said, not having the best vocabulary to explain what he was thinking and feeling, but it was clear how attracted he was to her.
She was taken back a bit by his sudden praise, clearly interested in her looks, not seeming to cre about what she had said. She swallowed hard as he spoke, praising her more, comparing her to the girls his age. Apparently he wanted someone like her, but that was wrong, an impossible thing."Will it help if I help you a bit when you need it? so long as you listen to me when I tell you something and not use your super so much...?"
His eyes widened at the offer, nodding immediately. He had no clue what she had in mind for 'helping him out', but Dash got an erection just imagining the possibilities. "O-Of course! No powers and I'll do what you ask." Dash repeated, nodding quickly yet again. His eyes travelled along her body, biting his lip as he imagined what it looked like naked. There really wasn't much left to the imagination, but his imagination was still quite strong. "So uh.. how do we start?"
Seeing the way he reacted she knew she would regret this but if it meant getting him to listen and calm down in some way than she would do it. Afterall it was only to help him, teach him to control himself and more. She herself was unsure how to start, especially given his massive load he was still rock hard, all at the thought of enjoying her."w-Well..I'm honestly not sure..I'm sure you would have an idea..jerking off on the floor can't be that comfortable..." She pointed out with a soft giggle. She if this was gonna happen she decided they might as well do it right and show him how a woman tends to such things."Lets go to my room then sweetheart..Show you the proper way to take care of yourself.."She offered with a smile, setting the clothes in the hamper, leading Dash to her room., letting him watch her swaying hips from behind
Taking a deep breath, Dash nodded, following his mother. He had no clue if this was really happening, or perhaps some weird prank she was playing on him, but he would be happy to find out either way. Staring at her amazing butt the entire time, Dash almost tripped a few times, but soon enough, they were in Helen's bedroom. He nervously sat on the edge of her bed, unsure what she had planned for him.
Once they were inside she shut the door and closed the blinds, leaving the room a bit dark, save for the dim light he turned on at the head of the bed. She looked at him with a smile, taking in a breath before standing in front of Dash, looking him over for a moment."Now get out of those clothes and lay on the bed."She commanded, taking in a breath as she began to do the same. She had seen what he could give and did not want her clothes drenched. So one by one she shed her clothes into a pile on the floor, leaving her now nude, her large breasts hanging a bit low, he nipples soon hardening from the cool air around them. With her legs closed he could surely only just make out a small line of her pussy and the small nub of her clit, of her shaven crotch. Slowly Helen sat down beside him."If we are gonna do this we will do it right.."
Nodding once again, as he had trouble forming sentences, Dash got out of his clothes and laid on the bed, taking a mere three seconds to do so, thanks to his powers. This allowed him to get the full show, and despite the darkness, he could see how attractive the older woman's body was. Finally, she laid beside him, and they got to appreciate each other's bodies. Dash's body was rather small, his penis matching the same description. His testicles hung rather low for a boy his age, and were quite large. A thick bush of blonde pubes circled his cock, having never shaved it since birth.

His eyes were glued to her breasts once again, and he only faintly heard his mother say something about doing it right, before he dove in, face in her chest as he kissed and sucked at the skin. He was fast, but not using his powers, exploring each tit and the crevice in between. Before she had even the faintest idea of stopping him, he would have planted three hickeys on her breasts, and sucked one nipple stiff.
Sh gave his cock a glance and regardles of his age he was still a decent size and the sight of his sack was definitely a surprise to her, more so with the fact she was actually doing this with her son, and she was married. But this was for him, to help him out. She blushed deeply once she came to terms with what was going on, realizing it was too late, that and he seemed to react positively to this, so it was for the best right?

But when Dash dove face first into her breasts, Helen moaned softly, blushng all the more as she felt his lips kissing and suckling every bi of her busty chest. A shiver ran through her each time she felt him suckling, leaving marks from where he attacked. After letting him enjoy it for a moment, she pushed him back a bit, forcing him to lay down."Relax sweetie.."She assured him. Once she had him down, she took one hand and gently curled her fingers around his length. and began o slowly jerk his cock.
Breathing out softly, Dash closed his eyes and enjoyed his mother's soft touch on his erection. Whereas Dash used speed and force to jerk himself off, Helen's touch was much more slow and gentle, which felt amazing. His breathing was slow, trying to calm himself a little before finally opening his eyes, watching Helen's body as she touched him. "You're good at that." He mumbled
She smiled a bit as Dash spoke, the woman shaking her head some as she took in a breath."Well you're able to enjoy yourself more when you take your time. Not just with this.."She assured him as she gripped him tighter, letting him feel the full pressure of her hand on his cock as she stroked him. Helen was amazed at his stamina, being able to use his powers most of the day, jerk off and still be able to function and be this aroused. More so with the image of herelf, something she was finding hard to resist liking, especially with her husband, the father of her children lacking in giving her attention and more."Feels good doesn't it honey..?"
Nodding, Dash's eyes were closed once again, enjoying every little movement. His breathing quickened as he felt himself get closer and closer, until he finally reached his release. This second load did not shoot too much, but the quantity of it did drench Helen's hand with her son's semen. "Wow." He panted, looking down at the mess he had made of his mother's hand. "I can't wait until that happens again." He said excitedly, with a unique type of boyish innocence.
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