Seeking Severus

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Apr 15, 2017
Hello folks,

As well as my Fantasy Ideas thread I am currently also looking for mostly literate MxF Snape-centric role play. I don't play as Snape, I am looking for someone who will be good enough to play Snape for me. If any such wonderful creature exists.

I prefer to play as original characters but I will play a few canon characters, namely Hermione Granger or Nymphadora Tonks, ask about other (FEMALE) canon characters or to discuss original characters but bear in mind that I will NOT play characters for sexual purposes under the age of sixteen, AT ALL.

I am looking for plot based games on a ratio of about 80% story to 20% smut. I will play either fairly canon compliant or reasonably AU, I can play with Snape about 16+, but no younger for sexual purposes. I will play with a younger Snape if it's for the purpose of story development. I have a couple of plots, see below, or suggest something new. I'm open to ideas, feel free to message me.

I'm not a Grammar Nazi but I like a certain level of ability in a partner. I don't have a post length limit as various sections call for various post lengths, for example action scenes and conversations require shorter posts to keep the pace running smoothly.

As in my other thread for those who thinks it matters, I'm a bisexual cisgender female in her thirties. I don't mind what your gender or age (over 18) is as long as you can write the character.

My kinks and limits can be found on my main request thread.

Snape Character Notes
All this stuff is how I see Snape, I'm not getting into any "Snape'd never do/think/feel that" debates thank you very much.

[*] Hard to get. In any game I play with Snape I want it to be really difficult to get him romantically interested. He's still in love with Lily Potter and not liable to just fall for the first female to cross his path, even if he finds her attractive. I want to see him agonising over his feelings, the sense of betrayal if he ever kisses anyone else or simply thinks of kissing them.

[*] My first time. I seriously see him as a virgin and it doesn't detract from his charms at all. I love the idea of him being awkward during sex, not in a clumsy teenager kind of way, he knows how to do it, he just never has and this makes him nervous, a feeling he doesn't have very often.

[*] You must have the wrong man. The character clearly dislikes himself, believes he's highly undesirable and seems to have come to terms with that. The idea that a woman could find him attractive is a ludicrous one to him and I see it unsettling him, releasing all those long repressed emotions and feelings.

Yes please!
Romance, passion, angst, denial, plot, plot and plot.

No thanks!
I don't do slash, so don't ask. I am not looking for a stereotypical teacher/student spanking scene, they're overdone and dull. I'm not interested in smut or mostly sex-based games.

Plot Ideas

The One I Love
Isabelle Avery, younger sister of Ian Avery, is a student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry during the Marauders Era and Slytherin house mate of Severus Snape. Despite an early dislike for each other Isabelle and Severus become friends, aided by Severus's growing friendship with Isabelle's older brother, and Isabelle develops a crush on the dark-natured boy. However she is more than painfully aware of Severus's interest in Lily Evans and bears his self-absorbed musings about the red-haired girl, hoping that he'll grow to love her instead.

As Lily begins to fall for James Potter Severus turns to Isabelle for some sort of comfort and during the 1976 Yule Ball after seeing Lily and James dancing together Severus and Isabelle sleep together for the first time. Severus immediately hates himself for 'cheating' on Lily and effectively using Isabelle to vent his emotions. The two fight and Severus insults Isabelle enough for her to walk away from him and eventually marry Evan Rosier, a fellow Slytherin student and Death Eater.

However when Evan is killed at the end of the First Wizarding War Isabelle defects from Voldemort's cause and arrives at Hogwarts to join with Dumbledore. She meets up with her old flame, also defected and mourning the death of Lily Evans while swearing to protect her son. Can Severus and Isabelle find solace?

An Irresistable Aura
Why did Snape defect from the Death Eaters at the end of the First Wizarding War? Why is he in Dumbledore's confidence, despite being one of Voldemort's favourites? Apart from Dumbledore and Snape himself no one knows, and as rumours of Voldemort's return are beginning to spread, questions are being asked, especially by Rufus Scrimgeour, the current Minister of Magic. Vanya Vardman is an auror with a speciality in covert surveillance and is assigned the task to spy on the various Professors and older students at Hogwarts, and to pay special attention to Professor Snape. However as Vanya uncovers information about the Potions Master she finds her objectivity being brought into question.

Please PM if interested.
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