Fantasy Stories (FxM, FxF)

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Apr 15, 2017
Hello there, thanks for taking the time to have a look at this thread.

Who I am
I'm a literate RPer who writes in the third person and who enjoys story-driven RP. My writing goes between several paragraphs to a few lines depending on the flow of the story; dialogue and action sequences tend to be shorter to allow for more back and forth between myself and whoever I'm writing with. I have approximately 25 years of role-playing experience, mainly with tabletop D&D and adventure gamebooks, but also in homebrew freeform online chats. My preferred genres are high fantasy, swords and sorcery and gothic fantasy, but have also dabbled in a little urban gothic. I write on forums, in private chat rooms and sometimes via AIM if I have the time. In case it matters I'm a bisexual cisgender female in her thirties who writes cisgender female or male characters. I'm happy to RP with any gender, but dislike men writing as women (I just haven't seen it done very well), I have no problem with women writing as men.

Stuff that annoys me
I really really dislike anyone who writes for my characters, deciding their thoughts, feelings and actions. I also can't stand godmoding when in combat, it really gets on my tits when other players avoid every hit and claim to strike true with every one of their attacks. Please don't do it or I'll leave the RP.

What I am looking for

The Fantasy Stories
Currently looking for some long-term fantasy roleplay with fairly literate writers familiar with Hyboria, the Forgotten Realms, Dark Sun or Ravenloft settings. I like to play active characters with a purpose; warrior women looking for revenge, a thief seeking a treasure horde, a wizard desiring to advance her knowledge and so on, so would require writing partners who enjoy moving stories along and writing characters with depth.

Sample character types I play
Wily thieves
Women warriors
Barbarian shamans
Elvish wizards
Noble paladins
Vistani dancers
Vampire hunters
And much more...

Sexual stuff
Yes please!
Anal sex
Mutual masturbation
Vaginal sex

No thanks!
Penis from anus to mouth
Penis from anus to vagina
Gagging on penis
Choking on penis
Breast sex
Being ejaculated on
Dom/sub (Power exchange in a game is fine, I just hate the traditional Master/slave dynamic, it bores me)
BDSM (Note that being tied up in the course of non-sexual scenarios is not the same thing and fine with me).

Story, story and more story.
Romance and love.
Playing as independent, intelligent strong women.
Dark sorcerers <3.
Rough-and-tumble fighters.
Non-sexual roleplay.
Hurt/comfort themes.
Enemies who fall for one another.
Incest (brother/sister, uncle/niece)

Sex-driven "plots".
Mundane scenarios (secretary, college girl, bored housewife).
Harem stories (just not interested in writing thirty shagable girls for you to play with)
Playing passive roles.
Non-humanoid partners.
Foot fetish.
Brutality, mutilation, etc.
Incest (parent/offspring).
Pregnancy, breeding, birth, children.

Forgotten Realms (especially Baldur's Gate)
Dark Sun
Underworld (film series)

Edwin Romance Mod
A Baldur's Gate themed game based around the idea of Edwin Odesseiron being charged with the task of killing a bhaalspawn in order to prove himself to the Red Wizards. Upon meeting with the chosen bhaalspawn, he instead falls in love with her and defies his order, putting them both in danger. I'd prefer to play the bhaalspawn.

The Red Wizard and the Paladin
Another FR plot, this one on the theme of opposing alignments and ideals attracting. A male Red Wizard and a female paladin are thrown together in an adventuring party. While they initially spark off each other, they come to set aside their differences as they begin to fall in love. I'd prefer to play the paladin.

Tools of the Gods
A Hyborian game in which various characters become champions for various Hyborian deities in order to battle a vast cosmic horror. This is more of a straight up adventure story with a smattering of sex and can be one on one or played in a small group.

Vague Ideas
I enjoy the setting, if not so much the main story, attached to Potterverse. I'd be willing to play most anything based around a Snape pairing, either playing as or opposite. I will however be willing to RP as other male canon characters within reason. I tend to prefer OC/Snape pairings, but would work around a Hermione or Nymphadora character, again either playing as or opposite.

If anyone is interested in discussing some ideas please send me a PM, please do not reply to this thread as I'd like to keep if for adding plots and things.

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