Pactio Academy! (Wingshadow & Potter-Kun)



The warm summer sun shone down heavy beams of light upon Setsuna's shoulders, easing a sigh from her slightly parted lips. She reached up to her shoulder, adjusting the book bag strap that rested on it as she reached up with one hand to shade her eyes from the intense rays. She could ear the footsteps and gentle voices of her fellow students around her, all headed in the same direction as herself.

She could hardly fathom such peace and tranquility, after the long road of strife, danger, and combat that stretched behind her. With the trials far behind, and routine classes to attend, life seemed significantly simpler and straightforward. Setsuna closed her eyes for just a moment, drawing in her breath once again just as she felt a light tap on her shoulder.

"Setsuna," Konaka's beaming smile greeted her, "Good morning!"

"G-good morning," Setsuna took half a step back, a bit surprised but managing to somehow retain her composure to an extent.

"Hurry up, or Kotaru-sensei is going to scold you for being late again," Konaka laughed, hurrying ahead of her friend and rushing up the steps leading toward the building. Setsuna shook her head and quickened her pace, despite being fully aware that even at a slow pace she would arrive a good ten minutes early.

Indeed, life had returned to a semblence of normality, albeit with some measure of changes over the past few years...
Negi stood in front of his desk with a large smile on his face. Things had certainly changed ever since the end of the crazy adventures he and his class had been on. He had grown, both as a teacher and as a mage. He head learned much about himself and had grown into quite the capable young man. He was more sure of himself and what he wanted in life, and it showed in his relationships. He still cherished all of his students and would give his life for any of them...but he was a growing young man after all.

His class had let out not long ago, but he had called a number of students to stay....Asuna, his roomate and eternal friend and lover. Eva, his former teacher of magecraft...was now a teacher of more sensual arts. Nodaka, he had accepted her feelings but he had sure she understood that his love wasn't something restricted to one person. He also hadn't called on her to stay, but he had told another girl, Yui, to watch what was about to happen from outside the classroom door...she was a girl he liked to tease quite a lot.

"Now then...I assume you three know why I had you stay after?" He asked with a small chuckle as he rubbed the back of his head. Already, his cock was beginning to grow hard in his trousers, making his desire obvious to the girls who were now standing before him. His eyes studied each girl's reaction, eager to see how they would respond. It was the first time in awhile he had called on more than one of them at a single time.
"You know, if someone had told me that I would be in this sort of situation with Negi a few years ago, I would have laughed it off and called them crazy," Asuna let out a deep sigh, tilting her head to the left and forward slightly. She had already stepped forward toward her not-so-slight professor by this point, however, getting down onto her knees to reach around Negi's waist and work on unfastening his belt.

"The beast that used to loudly bark has become a tamed lapdog," Eva chuckled, having propped herself up onto one of the desks, gazing down with sensual heat toward the growing bulge in the professor's trousers, "Your actions speak contrary to your words."

"Shut it..." Asuna glanced back at Eva as she tucked her thumb around his belt and began to pull it free with a firm tug, "If I did not deal with his raging hormones, then he'd probably just let loose on someone else instead."

Nodaka remained silent, her face burnign a deep shade of crimson, as she slowly edged closer to Negi as well. She had still not become accustomed to watching the others make love to him, after all, and even during their private sessions she was terribly emberassed throughout. The fact that she could distinctly notice Yui's hair cutting a tell-tale shape out of the light that normally entered through the door window only helped to further fuel her hessitence.
"Admit it though, Asuna. You do enjoy it." He chuckled as he watched his roomate get down on her knees and begin to undo his belt. His cock was already fully erect in his trousers at this points and needing to be freed of its confines with due haste.

Negi's eyes shot back to look at Eva and he grinned. "You are one to talk, Eva....I mean, after used to be my sensei and now, if I remember correctly....last time I had you begging for me like you had never begged before." He teased the vampire as he patted Asuna on the head. He couldn't let his former master feel so powerful and headstrong after all...not while they were doing this.

Negi then looked at Nodaka, and his smile softened. He knew the shy girl was still adjusting to this new life style he had introduced to her and he had to take things slowly with her. He motioned for her to sit on his desk next to him. "Come here, Nodaka. We'll start with a kiss, like always. " His smile and eyes had such affection for the girl in them. He knew the shy girl had to be treated gently compared to Asuna and Eva who were used to it being pretty rough by this point. As Nodaka began to come over, his eyes drifted towards the door to see if he could see Yui.

He let out a sigh of relief as his rather massive and quite hard cock was freed from its prison and slapped against Asuna's cheek. "Ahhh...thanks, please begin like we normally do." He chuckled as he began to rub his throbbing member up against her soft cheek and lush lips.
Asuna shot him a slightly sour look, then relaxed and gave him a slight nod, "Fine... I wouldn't do it if I did not enjoy it to an extent, I suppose. You don't need to be so smug about it." She obediently unfastened his pants next, allowing his firm member to stand proudly before her. She had never seen any other cock in person, but in her own estimation at least he was decently well-endowed for a young man his age, a fact the three girls doubtless appreciated. At his insistence, she began at once, her left hand reaching up to take hold of his shaft as she brushed a stray lock of hair away from her face with her right. She eased a bit closer before raising her head up slightly higher, her soft lips parting as she planted a kiss on his sensitive tip. She then took in a breath before dipping her head down, clasping her lips tightly around his shaft as her tongue began to brush across the underside of his cock.

"It appears my former pupil has developed something of an ego," Eva's eyes flashed with delight, eager to put the young educator back into his proper place (in her estimation at least), "I will see to it that our roles are returned to their former state."

Nodaka timidly nodded and sat over beside him, closing her eyes gently as she tried hard not to squirm. Already her hand had drifted between her legs, her soft thighs pressing together with gradually building need.

Yui, meanwhile, stared intently at the scene playing out before her. She had never heard of Negi sleeping with more than one of the girls at a time, least of all in the middle of the classroom. Her breath began to fog up the glass somewhat, her forehead pressign against the cold surface.
Negi let out a soft moan as Asuna's lips brushed up against his throbbing rod. His continued to pat the girl on the head as he looked up at Eva and gave her a challenging smirk.

"Oh, and how do you intend to do that, 'Sensei'" He teased her with a grin, using a mocking tone with the word Sensei as she had often done before when they had first gotten to know each other. He wanted see just how she would try to regain her place before he put her back down again.

Negi then turned his attention to Nodaka, his lips pressing against her own quickly as a powerful arm wrapped around her waist and pulled her into his strong and sturdy chest. His tongue lashed at her lips, seeking to gain entry to her mouth at his hand slithered down her back side and reached her rear. He gave her firm ass a good spank before groping her flesh between his digits.

His other hand had been patting Asuna, but that pat turned into a grip as he began to need more attention. He started to force Asuna's head down, making her take more of his massive cock into her small and tight mouth, his tip nearly reaching her throat as her tongue worked its magic against his hot and hard flesh as he moaned against Nodaka's lips in pleasure.
"Hmmm..." Eva leaned back slightly, pointing her right foot at him, "You'll find out soon enough, Negi-kun." She slid off the desk and sauntered over toward him, slipping behind the educator as she climbed up onto his desk and pressed herself against his back. Already her hands reached down to pull her shirt over her head, a low purr issuing from her throat.

Nodaka let out a surprised squeak as Negi kissed her, although her soft body quickly melted into the embrace. She kissed him back eagerly, lips parting to accept him as her own tongue began to brush against his. Her eyes fluttered open, a gentle warmth growing within her into a deep burning sensation that threatened to consume her very being.

Asuna, meanwhile, had her own concerns as she continued to suck off her teacher, her tongue working alongside her lips to stroke and caress him with each stroke, her warm, wet mouth coating him as she took him deep inside her throat.
Negi decided to let Eva be for now and see what surprise she had in store for him. He knew she was taking off her shirt behind him and while he did decide to see the vampire in the nude, he wasn't sure what else she had up her figurative sleeves since her literal ones were now off her body. For now, he decided to focus on the other two girls.

Negi's tongue was now wrestling with Nodaka's between their mouths, his tongue swirling around her own in an erotic dance as their moans filled the air. His tongue eventually forced her own back into her mouth so his own appendage could begin to explore her mouth, rubbing up against the roof of her mouth as he kissed her passionately and moaned against her lips.

His cock throbbed inside Asuna's hot and wet mouth as it made its way into her throat as well now. His base pressed against Asuna's lips as his shaft was now fully sheathed inside her mouth and throat. He kept her there for a few moments, the pleasure immense as he groaned before he slowly pulled his cock out of her mouth completely and slapped the hard rod against her cheek. "Use your breasts too now, Asuna..." He commanded her gruffly between kisses with Nodaka.
Eva slid her hands up his shirt, her palms brushing across his skin as she pressed her small yet soft breasts against his back. She wrapped her arms around him from behind, a soft purr issuing from her as she pulled herself close and began to gently nibble on his shoulder, oh so close to his exposed neck...

Nodaka's pleasant gasps turned to soft moans as his teasing and encouragement emboldened her to seek further pleasure. She kissed him back with growing excitement, her hand between her legs beginning to rub with building need and desire.

Asuna paused upon hearing his demand, complying almost immediately. She removed her blouse and bra without hesitation, presenting her ample chest to his full view as she used her hands to help enfold his impressive girth between her soft, warm mounds. She stroked him up and down, dipping her head down to gently lick his tip each time he poked out from between her breasts.
Negi let out a soft moan as he felt Eva's breasts press against his back as she began to nibble and suck on his shoulder, inching closer to his neck. "Are you going to suck my blood, Eva?" He asked with a small chuckle, breaking from the kiss with Nodaka to draw in some breath.

He noticed Nodaka had begun to touch herself and he grinned as a he looked at her. "Nodaka...tell Sensei what you are doing right now." He tried to coax the girl to say she was pleasuring herself. He did this with her often during their private session, trying to help the girl become more comfortable with herself and the erotic things they did.

Negi let out a loud moan though when he felt Asuna's breast engulf his throbbing cock. He looked down, his eyes taking in the sight of Asuna's ample breasts and he licked his lips as the lust and desire continued to build in him. "Admit it, really like doing this stuff, don't you?" He teased the girl giving him a tit-job as his hands moved down to her breasts, his digits seeking out her rosy and perky nipples, giving them a small twist before tugging on them to give Asuna some pleasure as well.
"Do you want me to?" Eva answered his question with another question, grazing his shoulder with her teeth in a teasing manner. She rocked her body back and forth, brushing against him as if scrubbing his back with her breasts. She realized that she lacked the assets the other girls possessed, but knew full well that using Negi's own perversion against him was effective in making up the difference.

"I..." Nodaka paused, her cheeks turning an even darker shade of red when she realized she had been found out, "I'm... Imagining Sensei touching me... Down there." She avoided his gaze, but even so she resumed her gentle strokes, shuttering slightly from the pleasure she gave herself but attributed to him.

Asuna cast a disapproving glance upward, "Don't tease her so much, Negi. You're going to make her pass out if you come on too strongly. What are you going to do then, keep playing with her even when she's out cold?" She suppressed a moan when he tugged on her pert buds, her hips sliding back slightly as she braced herself, but the softened look in her eyes informed him that she appreciated the attention despite her words, "H-hey, listen to me when I'm talking!"
Negi's moans grew as Eva continued to rub her breasts against him. She certainly knew him quite well. She knew what she lacked and how to best make use of what she did have, a true master of her craft. "I suppose a little nibble wouldn't hurt..." he blushed as he spoke those words, finally embarrassed himself somewhat. The act of having blood sucked was an extremely pleasurable act for both the vampire and human involved. Eva and Negi could both attest to it.

After he spoke to Eva her turned to look at Nodaka and smiled as he slowly started to unbutton her blouse and shirt to reveal her perky and well rounded breasts to him. "Now now,'s not down there...tell Sensei exactly what it is." He ignored Asuna's words for now as he gently groped one of Nodaka's breast, her flesh molding against his digits.

"Shouldn't you be busy with something else, Asuna?" Negi grinned as he gave her breast a squeeze with her free hand before thrusting his hips forwards, causing a large portion of he massive cock to enter Asuna's mouth as his base slapped against the bottom of her breasts, making them jiggle as he began to gyrate his hips, forcing more and more of his cock into her mouth as he moaned loudly.
"You're quite the eager one today," Eva laughed, "Have you become backed up with desire for your own students, Negi-kun?" She kissed then began to suck on his neck, aiming to leave a mark, while her left hand drifted down his front until she could reach his ball sack. She gently prodded him, "Full of thick seed, hm? Which of your students are you going to fill with it first? The lovely and busty Asuna, or the innocent and delicate Nodaka? Or, perhaps, the beautiful and passionate Eva-chan?"

Nodaka lovingly squirmed under his attention, soft moans flowing from her lips as he stroked and molded her soft breast, the perky tips already standing out firmly, "M-m-my..." She swallowed, "My pussy... It feels good, right there." Leaning against him, she took hold of his shoulder to better support herself as her hand continued to stroke her sensitive sex with growing need.

Asuna cast another scowl in his direction but obeyed, working her breasts up and down in time with his heated thrusts. She knew that he had built up an amazing amount of stamina and resistance along with endurance. Perhaps he had magically enhanced himself in some way, but for whatever the reason she knew well enough that he was only getting warmed up.
"I students are so beautiful after am I not suppose to...." He growled softly at Eva's teasing and then moaned rather loudly as she gently sucked his blood and her hand began to tease his swollen sack. His mind started to race as Eva started to suggest who he should seed first for the day. He just couldn't decide....between Eva's amazing use of her body, Nodaka's cute innocence and Asuna's dedication, it was a truly hard pick.

With Nodaka leaning on him and Asuna sucking him off, it all became too much for the teacher as he moaned loudly and poured a load of his hot and sticky seed into Asuna's mouth and and throat, filling her to the brim with his load so it began to leak out of her mouth and run down her chin.

He pulled his still hard cock out of her mouth and slapped the rod against his cheek as he caught his breath. "How about you all compete to see who I seed first today?" Negi grinned, suggesting a contest to win the honor of first fuck today.
Eva licked the pierced skin, helping the blood stop flowing so that she could once again speak, "That's right, Sensei... Its your right and privilage. Why not fully indulge in it?" She prodded him further, encouraging him onward while enjoying the potent influence she held over him. Granted, the influence worked both directions, and she was fine with that, but she loved to toy with him and compete, even if it was merely at a sexual level.

"Guh!" Asuna gasped as pulse after pulse of Negi's cum filled her mouth. She struggled to swallow it, the mere volume alone sufficient to give her difficulty let alone the speed at which he released it. All things considered, it was surprising that he had not knocked up any of his young lovers yet. Asuna pulled back, wiping her face off with her hands as she looked up at Negi, "You really think anyone other than me can take your brutal first round? Really now..."

"You just got a mouthful and you already are eager for more?" Eva laughed, "You really are a glutton."

"Shut it, half-pint vampire," Asuna growled.

"I..." Nodaka blinked, unsure what she could possibly say or do in order to compete with the two other girls. Both Eva and Asuna were quite demanding and determined in their efforts, but she had never seen them so sexually proactive before given that she had only enjoyed private sessions with Negi up to this point. She straightened herself up and pressed her breasts against Negi's face, "Uhm... Like this?"

"Ah... Nodaka pulls ahead," Eva giggled.

"H-hey!" Asuna protested, "I was saying that for your own good, Nodaka!"
Negi chuckled as Eva and Asuna bickered. This was hardly the first time the three of them had done something like this together, so he was rather used to it. The only new addition was Nodaka and she seemed to be moving at her own pace away from it all. That was, until he felt his face sandwhiched between her round and perky breasts. He was rather surprised about how forward the girl was and he chuckled slightly.

"I'm happy to see you so eager, Nodaka...but I have something else in mind. " He gently pushed the purple haired girl back as he gave her breasts a parting squeeze for good measure before grinning at the three girls.

"This is the contest; whoever makes another girl climax first wins and they will be the first girl I have sex with today....sound fair?" He asked with a small chuckled a he rubbed the back of his head, issuing the rather erotic challenge to his students.
"Is that so?" Eva's tone betrayed her amusement, "In that case, I'll take on Asuna..." Nodaka was the obvious choice, as she was the most sensitive, but as Asuna had already wasted no time complying, she would instead go with the next closest target. The vampire slipped up behind Asuna and reached around, taking hold of her left breast while the other hand dipped down to her slightly damp sex, using two fingers to stroke up and down the slit.

Asuna, meanwhile, had already taken hold of Nodaka, her lips clasping over the smaller female's right nipple, while plunging two fingers into her wet womanhood. Nodaka cried out in protest, "W-wait, Asuna!"

"Don't worry, just trust me," Asuna replied in a soothing tone, trying hard not to shutter under Eva's ministrations. Due to their positions, Nodaka had no means to even attempt to touch Eva, leaving her completely open to Asuna's assult. The modestly-endowed young woman squirmed and moaned, Asuna's hand jutting forward at a quick pace while her free hand molded her breast, stroking and tweakign the pert bud relentlessly.

"Ah-ah-ah, w-wait," Nodaka's eyes fluttered, but already the pleasure had begun to take hold on her, a distinct tightness building within her as her back arched upward and a sharp cry flew from her lips. Her sex clenched around Asuna's fingers as she rode out her sudden orgasm. Asuna withdrew her fingers after the girl had dipped into the afterglow, her hand coated in Nodaka's sweet nectar.

"Wow... Impressive," Eva teased.

"There..." Asuna turned to Negi, "Now are you going to fuck me or what?" She placed her hand on her hip, mild annoyance in her gaze.
Negi watched in lustful amusement as the girls attended to each other. Eva and Asuna already used to such things while poor Nodaka was left without any way of even having a chance. She would learn in time, as this was the first of many group sessions he intended to include her in. As Nodaka climaxed, he looked to the door and motioned for Yui to come in with a grin as he looked to the girls.

"You sure are eager today, Asuna...what's gotten into you?" He teased the redhead, loving when she got worked up like this. His cock throbbed and it needed attention, but he wouldn't just give it to her like she wanted. "You know what you have to do....get on your hands and knees and beg for it, Asuna." He smiled widely as if it was a normal thing to say, and indeed, he had trained Asuna for such things. "Eva....can you attend to Nodaka and our guest?" He asked his former master with a smile as he waited for Asuna to comply.
"I need to calm you down a bit before you hurt Nodaka," Asuna waved away his teasing, "That's all..." In all honesty, she wondered herself why she had gotten so worked up. She was rarely anywhere near this demanding when on one-on-one sessions with Negi, so why did she feel so competitive when Eva and Nodaka were thrown into the mix? She pushed aside such thoughts for the moment, as she had a cock to attend to.

She sighed and assumed her instructed position, getting down onto the floor on her hands and knees, reaching back with her right hand to expose her damp womanhood to him as she spread her legs just far enough for him to enjoy the view, "Please, Negi... Give me your long, thick cock." She shook her hips ever so slightly, in that alluring manner that she knew he loved.

"Why of course..." Eva smirked, sliding off the table to unlock the door, "Hey there... Tired of observing yet?" Yui jumped back from the door, but Eva caught her hand and tugged her inside, "No need to be shy, little girl... Negi's passionate but quite gentle if you match his pace."

"Ah... I mean..." Yui's lips were sealed as Eva stole them away, pulling her close as she began to undress the other student. Nodaka, meanwhile, was still somewhat dazed, but Eva would see to it that she would not be bored soon enough.
Negi watched as Eva dragged Yui into the room and began to introduce her to this all at her own pace. He figured Yui and Nodaka would be in good hands with Eva, so for now, he decided to focus on Asuna.

Asuna's begging was just as Negi had taught her, and the sight of her dripping womanhood aroused him greatly. His large cock throbbed as he walked behind her, slapping her rear with this rod and watching it jiggled as he gripped her ass with his hands. "That's perfect,'ve earned yourself a reward." With those words, he shoved the full length of his cock into her without warning. His massive girth filled her completely, stretching her open as his tip easily pressed up against her cervix as Negi moaned loudly.

" feel amazing...I love how tight you are!" He managed between moans as he gyrated his hips, his base slapping against her rear and making it jiggle with every thrust as he filled her completely and fucked her passionately.
Asuna gasped as he hilted himself fully inside her in a single fluent motion, her inner folds instinctively clenching around him to add to her already significant tightness. He filled her completely, spreading and packing her all the way to the opening of her womb. She leaned forward slightly then eased her hips upward and back, rocking herself back and forth in time with his thrusts as his hands maintained a firm grip on her, ensuring that she remained in place as he enjoyed the pleasures of her body. His balls pressed against her with each full stroke, her body shuttering with pleasurable sensations which ran up and down her spine.

"Ah... Negi," Asuna moaned loudly, panting as she fought to match his pace, while her inner walls stroked and caressed his entire length, urging him to release a potent load of seed into her waiting womb.

Eva, meanwhile, laid Yui down on the floor next to Nodaka, having finished undressing her. She alternated between the two, strokign and caressing their bodies to ensure they were primed and ready for whenever Negi would require them.
Negi moaned as he felt the tip of his cock pierce her cervix and enter her womb as he moved his hands about her body. One moved to grope one of her jiggling breasts, her flesh molding against his digits as he squeezed. His other hand moved down to her clitoris and began to rub and tug on her most sensitive nub as his cock pounded into her.

" two are friends, aren't you? You should help each other." He teased the two girls Eva was with as he then focused back on Asuna. Her pussy was trying to milk him for his seed and he felt the pressure building up in his cock, but he didn't want to give in just yet.

"You want me to come inside you, want me to fill up your pussy and womb....don't you? You want to be filled like the slut you are...." He managed to grown out between his moans as he slammed into her even more roughly as he played with her breasts and clitoris as he tried to make her climax first as he knew she enjoyed this type of play and talk.
As his tip broke through that final barrier, Asuna gasped as her body tightened even more firmly around him, determined to bring him to his peak within her. His roaming hands, touching, caressing, stroking, then finally setting on her clit and breast only surved to further hone her desire. She could feel him within her and around her, holding her close and pressing inward, both embracing her and consuming her very being.

Eva nodded, "An excellent observation..." She nudged the two girls closer together, taking Yui's hand and placing it atop Nodaka's right breast. Nodaka's eyes opend slowly, her left hand reaching up to stroke Yui's cheek.


"Nodaka," Yui shook her head, but stroked her breast gently all the same, "We shouldn't..."

"Yui..." Nodaka pulled her friend close even as she captured Yui's breast with her lips, her hands sliding around her back and pulling her close. The two girls began in ernest to caress and touch each other, soft moans escaping them while Eva observed close at hand.

"Yes... I want it... I want it all deep inside," Asuna moaned and panted heavily, her body shakign from the force of his thrusts as he pounded away at her repeatedly. She could feel the tightness within her build upon itself, edging her quickly toward her own release. She fought against it, struggling to hold back the floodgates of pleasure that threatened to break at any moment, "You want it too... You want to fill me up... With your thick cum, don't you, Negi? You want to shoot... Shoot it deep inside my womb... Until..."

Asuna felt her womb shutter with anticipation, the mere thought of what might soon follow sufficient to nudge her past the edge. Her body abruptly tightened, her sex contractign around him as the pleasure overwhelmed her and blotted out any coherent thought that remained. Rendered momentarily breathless, she shuttered in pleasure as the sensations flowed through her, wave upon wave washing over her body.
The sensation of Asuna tightening up as he penetrated her womb and the sight of Yui and Nodaka pleasuring one another was enough to push Negi to the edge, the pressure building up in his cock immense and almost painful as he moaned with every thrust of his hips as he took his pleasure from Asuna and gave her just as much in return. His entire mind and body was consumed in desire, lust and affection for Asuna.

It wasn't until Asuna's words left her mouth, her own desires made manifest through words that the dam finally began to crack. Then, Asuna came, her body tightening like a vice as her cunt latched onto his throbbing rod. It was all too much for the young teach as he moaned loudly and with a final and violent thrust, he filled Asuna with his hot and sticky seed, just as she wished. He filled her completely, filling her womb and pussy to the brim. Her stomach bulged slightly she was so full, and his seed began to leak out of her and drip down her creamy thighs.

Negi's breath was ragged as he pulled his still hard and fully erect cock out of her ravished pussy. He smeared their combined love juicse on her rear as he looked towards the other three girls, his mind now fully gone in lust as he thought about whom he should fuck and fill up next.
Pulse after pulse of his seed flowed into Asuna, the sensation prolonging her own orgasm as her inner walls gently contracted around him, seeking to milk out as much of his seed as he would give her. The accompanying warmth brought her a deep-set satisfaction, as his thick seed packed her womb until she overflowed. She reached down and cupped the bulge in her lower abdomen, "So much..." She slumped forward when he pulled himself out, barely still concious as she drew in slow, deep breaths, eyes fluttering until finally closing.

"Looks like Asuna is out for the count," Eva smirked, "So, Nodaka... Eager to ride Negi's magnificant cock?" She planned on taking him last, after all, to make their mutual struggle for dominance the final encounter for the session. Tiring him out and leaving nothing for the others was not exactly kind or considerate anyway. "Or is Yui eager to begin?"

The two turned their attention from each other to the lust-infused educator. Both of their gazes were locked upon the semen-coated member that still stood proud and firm before them. How could he have such a massive sex drive that even after such a huge release he did not seem the least bit satisfied or fatigued? It both frightened and aroused both girls as they sat up and awaited his choice.
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