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Idea of ERP-specific software.


Apr 8, 2017
I have an idea of a Web software project specific for erotic or sexual role-plays.

It is nice to have f-list to make your preferences public. But what about other statistics, like average response rate or something more elaborate like literacy ratio?

The idea is this: make in-character threads in which characters are actually played public, for everyone to rate and categorize, but actual people who play these characters would be detached from those threads. The only thing visible to public would be statistics, like the exact kinds of sexual activities performed, how often a user engages themselves in PR, what are preferred hours etc. And all of this gathered and updated automatically. No need for writing a wall of text - all information potential partners would possibly need to know would be gathered, aggregated and formatted automatically.

What do you think of this idea?
Its an interesting theory in aa sense , like leveraging Big Data and type technniques to match partners.

But I think its hard to measure the things that really count, the intangibles. Its like counting lines of code instead of focusing on elegant coding and good design.

Not to mention, I am not sure people will be keen to be graded on that in this kind of game. I guess some guys will like it, they want to test the size of their so to speak, but people who already feel.. inadequate.. it will feel like being labeled. Then again im probably not one of your target audience on this.
People do seem rather sensitive here. Or not technical enough, to understand the benefits.

At first, simple filtering by kinks will be a huge step forward.

The other problem I thought emerges is stealing other's writing, which apparently happens in this communities.
Well for many, RP is a catharsis , something wrapped up in very emotional themes from their real life that they may not even recognize, or want to recognize. So they will be sensitive . By the way - I say they , I should include ME. I have a problem along those lines.

But really people can get sensitive over a lot of thing, even technical people.

I work with a lot of programmers at my new job. Tell them they have to use a different IDE or source code tool or different build tool or whatever, and they have a lot of emotional reactions , beyond the purely technical responses.

It's sort of funny to me it reminded me of when I was working at a bar and they told the girls we would have to wear different uniforms, all sorts of over the top reactions from them which I had expected. But I had not expected it from highly technical people. But it turns out, people are people.
I am not a victim of such attitude. With that, I do prefer certain programming languages, because they open specific career opportunities.

Back to the topic. Did users ever complained about functionality on sites similar to this one? Some escaped different communities in favor of this one. Did it happen simply because of the interactions with people or were there ever technical reasons?
You're a perfect example of forgetting that behind every piece of data is a person with feelings.

We don't write for your analysis or so you can pin our creativity to a board like a butterfly. We don't want or need what you're suggesting.
This is a community who writes for the sheer pleasure of enjoying themselves and creating something fulfilling and wonderful with their partners. You're in our house. Please take your shoes off and join us as a writer and role player. You will have a much more wonderful experience. :)
You people are being positively pleasant compared to the reaction this idea got eight years ago. <_<
It's nice to know the hours people are available, and what they are into broadly, but beyond that I'm not sure what analysis could offer beyond what's available already. Making arranging role-plays more convenient would be nicer, beyond that who knows.

"No need for writing a wall of text" since it's essentially writing we're are doing, I can gather more about a potential writing partner, from that, or messaging with them a little, than I could from knowing how many minutes they've spent writing about oral sex, for example. A lot of what makes a fun RP is very subjective really.

Make a prototype site like that, if you like though, people may like it, if it did offer a better experience, who knows?
Some of it could be nice, but in the end I don't think it will really tell you how compatible the writers are.
Thank you all for your insight.

Indeed this is more complex of a problem than I thought originally. Still, I view searches tuned for filtering and ordering kinks as benefitial. Yet it doesn't worth starting a new project just for UI improvment.
I could see this being beneficial to a specific demographic.

Some people are here for good writing, interesting plots and characters, and maybe a bit of substance. Others are looking to check off some boxes to get the kinky little roleplay they want.

There's nothing wrong with either perspective, btw. Both are valid.
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