High school DxD: Rise of a erotic harem. (Firestarter09 and BadBoyBach)

Iris moaned happily as her large breasts were assaulted by the now older Konekos hands, "oh that feels so good." She moaned lewdly, her cock was fully erect again and tenting her skirt. As her assailants hands gripped her chest she could feel her nipples become erect, moaning as she felt Koneko hand slid across her left nipple. "I think I'm going to cum! Ugh this feels soooooo good."

Iris hips and legs buckled as she came, her cock spewing cum all over the inside of her skirt. "More." She moaned.
Koneko felt confidence as she saw how easily she made her target cum ,seems like rias was putting too much importance in this weak target...
"I'll just give her one more orgasm to weaken her even more then carry her back to rias" says koneko to herself as she lifts up her top , then goes underneath iris's skirt and goes for a ,never before done, titjob ...
Mmmm... those new tits are amazing, she thinks as she starts pumping iris's cock
Irs moaned bucking her hips upwards as she felt Koneko's breast flesh moving up and down her shaft. FAP! FAP! FAP! the noise went her head. "Don't stop keep going please." she moaned happily. Iris body was releasing large amounts of energy. Remembering what Mako said about assistant's and remembering that Koneko was one of the possible four, Iris smiled and started to take control of the situation.
For some reason this little girl wasn't putting up much of a fight , which was good for koneko but it seemed a little weird that on the verge of the second orgasm, it proved to be difficult getting her over the edge ...
"Cum damn it !" She says as she goes even faster , pushing her breasts even harder together , covering a bigger surface of iris's cock to try and finish this off...

Then she lifted her head to see iris smile and her eyes widened as if she knew she was in trouble...
Iris right hand raced down to Konekos head, pushing she forced Koneko mouth on to the tip of her cock, "suck and kove those tit's." Iris commanded. Her peft hand moved down to Koneko back, her fingers tracing the skin visible through the torn clothing Koneko wore. "Im going to have so much fun with you." she cooed.
Koneko was confused ... she never thought that irirs would actually help her in defeating her , if anything she should've pushed koneko away...
Well this is as good a chance as any to take advantage of the situation and finish this once and for all, so koneko doesn't hesitate and adds a blowjob to the already existing titjob ...

Then as iris teaces her fingers down koneko's back, she felt shivers from them...
Iris moaned happily from the pleasure she recieved from the Titjob and Blowjob, as her finger traced Koneko exposed skin it began to leave symbols and lines on the skin that glowed, they were similar to the ones that Mako left on Iris back. Energy began to pour into Koneko, "soon Koneko you'll be my assistant." she moaned happily togune loling out of her mouth due to the pleasure.
Koneko seemed to loose herself in the sexual act she thought she was leading , when in fact it was completly dictated by iris .... she tried her best to get over it but it felt as though she was beeing pleasure herself...
her pussy was starting to soak from all the pleasure she thought she was getting ...
She needed to end this fast before she came or she'll loose her advantage
Iris smiled as she started to thrust in Koneko mouth, "who's a good girl, you are, just keep sucking and soon you'll be my assistant." she cooed. Her fingers finished tracing Konekos back, which had lines and symbols similar to Iris, more energy flowed into Koneko. Iris cock twitched as it released loads of cum into Koneko mouth.
Koneko almost choked ad she attempted to swallow the whole load generously given by iris's overly full balls...
it tasted so good , that koneko was gulping it like it was her favourite drink ...
As she finidhed she got up and fell on her back panting , trying to regain her conciousness and her old self before she's fully consumed by iris , not noticing she left her pussy and body defensless
Iris smiled as she took her skirt off, throwing it to the side and soon slid her thong off and threw it over to her skirt. Her cock was fully erect, her pussy was wet and her balls were full of cum ready to emptied. "Cute little pussy." she cooed as she postion her cock at Koneko wet pussy entrance, she was on top of Koneko.
Koneko was still feeling wave after wave of pleasure from the new symbols on her back as she tried hard not to give in to the temptation but finding herself with her legs spreading wider as she sees iris's cock line up with the entrance of her anticipating pussy ...

She was in deep conflict as part of herself was in dire need of this pleasure and the other part was still strongly loyal to rias gremory , she lifts her head and upper body trying desperatly to get up ...
Iris smiled as she was about to take Koneko virginity and then soon make her a assistant, but didn't because of the sound she heard, DING! DONG! DING! panic filled Iris as she heard the sound of the school bell, panicking more she quickly got off of Koneko, grabbing her thong and skirt and then putting them on and then lookking back at the gremory rook. Contemplating on whether or not to finish what she started.
Koneko took advantage of the situation to run the hell away from that girl , barely maintaning half of her old self intact but the other half was craving sex and desire from iris ...

For now she gies back to riad gremory to report the current events ... she knew she might even want to sexually assault some of her felliow demons or even rias herself so she should try her best not to do that ...
It wasn't gonna be easy ...
Rias sat quietly at her desk in the occult research club building. Akeno and Kiba where there too siting on the couch. Looking at the clock waiting for Koneko return, she sighed as she for the rooks return only for it to be answered with the door opening. "Koneko?" Rias and the rest of her peerage said in surprise at the sight they saw. The now older Koneko walked into the room.

Iris smiled as she sat happily at her seat, though most things had changed with her status in the school, there was one thing that hadn't really changed, well it did but it was minor, Matsuda and Motohama were still her friends and perverts, but now instead of being called the perverted trio, the two were known as the perverted duo. It was nice to not be beaten by the kendo club anymore.
Koneko was struggling , the urge to jump on rias and mollest that heavenly body was so great that she almost gave in had it not for her uncorrupted side putting on the breaks and gaining back control ...
she briefed rias on the situation at hand... even the part where she felt like she was beeing taken over...
Rias was perplexed and thought of a way to defeat the sexual demon mako residing within konrko by locking up the room and challenging her to a sexual fight through koneki...
Rias told Akeno and Kiba to leave the room, to which the complied, as the doors shut Rias raised a small barrier around the room trapping her and Koneko. "Alright Koneko we are going to fix this." she calmly stated to her Rook. Slowly she undid her top, throwing it to the couch along with her skirt and other assortment of clothes, till she was in her black lacy thong and bra. "Lets get this over with."
Koneko was unsure of what to do , she has great respect for rias and would do anything for her ...
On the other hand she always wondered what her pussy would taste like, and if the carpet matched the drapes ...
all these sexual thoughts were beeing implemented by the markings on her back without her noticing,she didn't even realise that she was undressing as well , untill it was already too late as she jumps on rias and grabs her boobs from behind massaging them
Rias gasped in surprise at Koneko speed, while in the past Koneko was a little faster, she hadn't been this fast before. Whatever had happened to Koneko had increased her speed, moaning as her breasts were assualted from her Rook massaging.

Mako words soothed softly in Koneko mind to her spirit form. "You will still be a servant to Rias for now, but eventually you will be an assistant to Iris, don't worry you will still be you, just with a few changes in the body, and a bit lower inhibitions. But you will still be you."
Konekofelt enticed by mako's words and started massaging harder without noticing , one of her hands even started sneaking down very slowly untill it reached rias's sweet pussy , and with a twist of her hand koneko was now in control of rias's body while mako's words kept swirling inside her head...
But she made a great mistake, she forgot that rias was the sister of the demon king and would not go down easily...
she needed help to bring her down thats for sure
"It seems your having trouble bringing her down." Mako said. "Want my help?"

Rias moaned happily as she felt her thong being slipped off and Koneko fingers inside of her pussy. It was pleasurable, very pleasurable. "Koneko fight back, ga-gain control... Mhmmm it feels so good." her pussy was getting wetter by the momment. She heard Koneko whisper something into her ear, 'the carpet matches the drapes.' she heard.
Koneko was beeing torn in half , as she didn't want to do this to her beloved rias but it felt so good to do so...
She started resisting a little bit as she heard rias's voice , encouraging her to fight back and take control... that didn't sit well with mako who decided to take matters into her own hands as she throws her voice inside koneko's head, asking her if she needed help...
But what kind of help can a voice bring?
Rias moaned and struggled at Koneko on going assault, not wanting to hurt Koneko, Rias summoned enough magic to push off and not seriously hurt her, the naked crimson haired devil backed away from the Rook, prepared for when Koneko tried something again. "Koneko keep fighting." she said to her rook. Summoning more magic to protect her self.

Mako giggled playfully. "I can finish what Iris started, when its done you will have powers. Ways to pleasure your self." She told Koneko.
Koneko felt like she had the upper hand, rias didn't put much of a fight and ws barely able to protect herself this whole time ...
"No, i think i can handle it without your help miss mako" says koneko to the strange voice in her head , even though she was surprised that she knew her name...
Eitherway, koneko regained her concentration , then goes for another attack where she pins rias to the wall behind her ans starts licking and sucking on her nipples
Rias moaned and slipped her left hand to Koneko pussy, sliding a finger or two in, moving them at a rapid pace, her right hand groped and squeezed the left breast, "fight it Koneko." She told her took as she kept up her assault. Adding another finger into Koneko wet pussy and fingered faster, her hand right had moved to the nipples pinching them a bit and pulling.
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