Changing the Game (ApplePoisoneer)

"Heh. It is a pretty easy way to get a rise out of you," Marco idly mused. He had found that out early on, and he had no qualms in teasing her with the nickname. Particularly when she had basically stuck him here for years. He adjusted and shimmied his hips until his long brown dick sprang up to greet the attractive demoness. "Oh well. Let's get down to business then."
She looked downat his manhood, poised to slip inside her. "Gee, you sure have a way with words." Hekappoo took him in her warm hand and guided him gently into her hot pussy. It practically steamed, like an isolated shower, or the most private hotspring one could ever find. "At least I know how to get a rise out of you too." She chuckled, ebbing her hips forward and driving him into her.
Marco supposed it was no shock that she was hotter than anything he'd anticipated. She was a demon, for one thing, and fire was her element for another. But he raised no objection to the pleasant heat that began to envelop him, sending pleased shivers down his spine. Marco leaned in closer, catching Hekapoo's left nipple into his mouth and suckling firmly to add to the demoness' wicked excitement.
It seemed the demoness was more into this than she would want to openly admit, rolling her hips vigorously as she bounced in his lap. "God..." Marco groaned, letting his eyes roll back in his head. His hot shaft throbbed vigorously inside Hekapoo's core, until a long moan left him as he felt his throbbing shaft erupt with hot spurts of his seed lancing out to fill her. He couldn't help it if she stirred him up like this!
Hekapoo reared back, her large breasts swinging free, and gave him one last thrust. He was driven deep into her when he finally burst. His seed almost bubbled inside her, and it made her giddy. The clone rolled off of him and rested at his side. She panted, but managed to turn her head and practically whisper in his ear. "Okay, blow it out."

Meanwhile, the real Hekapoo shivered in her now cool bathwater. She had been luxuriating there, feeling all that Marco was doing to her extended clone, as well as some ad libbing of her own. The usual pain of a clone's disappearance was replaced with the anticipation of that tinge of something that might make the experience truly perfect.
A few days passed after his 'unique' encounter with the clones. And for the most part things went back to their usual routine of him hunting the clones and taking them down without incident. Though now, the copies he ran into were noticeably more flirty than they originally had been. He adapted in kind, though after another long hunt he was feeling a little bothered. It was dark already, and with the night being cold and windy he had managed to find shelter in a ruined old house.

It wasn't perfect, but three walls were better than none at all.
Hekapoo watched him from her stronghold. She passed her hands over the orb that revealed the location of her clones and saw that they were closing in again. This time, there were only three. If Marco destroyed these three, he would have her forces down into the single digits. They approached quietly, each of them taking a wall and looking down upon their prey.
With his situation being what it was, Marco had taken to sleeping with one eye open. So to speak. The end result was that, for as sneaky as Hekapoo was, she was not so stealthy that she could catch him out in his sleep. He felt the air grow a little warmer in the cold of the night, and slowly reached down to a small club resting at his side.
The three Hekapoo-clones looked to each other and nodded for confirmation. Then, they all leaped at once! From the flaming ether, they drew out small melee weapons of all sorts; a sword, a short trident, and a mace. The intent was still not to kill Marco, especially after their last encounter, but they were going to take him down.
He felt the shift in the air, where the cool night air grew hot from the sudden appearance of flaming weapons. He jumped forward and onl narrowly dodged a trident stab, rolling back onto his feet. He sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose to work out some of the tiredness. "Can't a guy catch a few Z's around here?"
The edge of the trident scraped against Marco's upraised forearm, making him seeth as the blade cut into his skin and sent warm blood oozing downward. Crafty bitch. He dodged the next swing and snapped the trident in half with a hard swing of his club. Marco was quick to take advantage of this opening, lunging forward a dn blowing at the flame dangling at the top of her crown.
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