Changing the Game (ApplePoisoneer)


Sep 28, 2013
How many years had he been her? The question drifted into his mind every once in a while, and left as quickly as it came.

The days in this dimension were sporadic and lacked any consistency like back on earth All Marco could say for sure was that it had been several years since Hekapoo abducted him for this 'quest', and he had spent... a long time hunting her duplicates. It was the only way to get the dimensional scissors and be given a route home. Play the game, win your freedom. Simple terms for a long, exhaustive quest.

In these years Marco had grown tall and strong, his revealing clothing highlighting those features. With the sun sinking into the horizon line he took the time to check his notebook, recording all the clones he had dealt with so far, and those yet to come. The crumbling wall at his back, and the fire crackling in front of him were about the only comforts he had.

But he'd get there eventually. He'd win this game.
Eyes everywhere! Hekapoo watched from her spartan stronghold as the surprisingly resiliant human boy had grown strong by mowing down her dozens of clones. Surely he had no idea how close he actually was? Each time he felled a clone, she felt it as though it had been the original, which is why she only sought to make a hundred of them. She figured one could only die a hundred times before they went absolutely mad. And at the time, she'd thought a hundred would be plenty for one human. Clearly, she had underestimated him. The thought made her smille. Normally she hated to be wrong, but this seemed like a time when, wrong or right, she would win something.
Doing the math in his head had been a troublesome task, and he had to admit that Hekapoo had really outdone herself in this damn little game. What did she get out of it? She took way too much joy in this for it to just be some celestial duty. Marco closed his eyes and sighed, feeling fatigue filling him. Five clones were gone today alone, and that had taken a lot out of him...
Hekapoo reclined on the stone chaise that stood near the crystal she used to focus her sight through the clones. Her bright, glittering eyes stared up at the cracks in her ceiling. Despite their rivalry, Marco had earned a fond little corner of her mind. She knew, in the pit of her self, that he would win those scissors soon. The thought of him drew her small, thick hand below the round of her stomach and caressed the gather of fabric in her lap. She tugged at it, exposing strong, milky legs. Her eyes shut, and she smiled absently.
He was getting tired now, his eyelids weighing heavily, and he knew that he'd need to rest soon for tomorrows hunt. He thought back on Star, and Jackie, his parents, and recalled everything waiting for him back home. Yeah... he had to keep going, Marco knew that much. He closed his eyes and was soon sleeping up against the wall, letting the soreness of today's excursion steadily melt off of his body.
The next morning, Hekapoo arose and prepared for the chase as usual. But something preempted her pursuit. She had been called to a meeting the the council. She didn't want to go, and truthully wasn't sure why she had to be there. But when the council was called to order, there was no arguing.

Her clones culd still operate independantly, but she couldn't watch through their eyes. Or at least, she couldn't without running the risk of being caught. Still, while seemingly troubling though trivial matters were discussed, the flame-haired demon sat and daydreamed a little.
The morning came quickly, perhaps too quick given how weird time seemed to operate here, and with the sun baking the landscape he proceeded to rise to his feet and slowly stretched his arms. Man, he really missed having an actual bed. After packing up his supplies, Marco hopped onto his dragon cycle and headed westward, the engine roaring across the landscape as he headed toward a series of structures that dotted the distance.
Shadows shifted along the tops of the structures. In the early light of dawn, tiny flames stood out against the rapidly diminishing darkness, like lightning bugs dancing across dark grass. In a cycle of battle cries and flames, five copies of Hekapoo fell in a semi-circle, surrounding the dragon cycle.
The semi-mechanical beast came to a screeching halt as the figured formed into existence around him, Marco's grip on the handles growing tighter in his brief surprise. The towering male stared them down, before rising and fixing his hood up. "Well, this is new," Marco asked casually, looking the five over. "You usually don't come to me H-Poo. What's the occasion?" he sarcastically asked.
"We missed you." The center Hekapoo smiled mischievously and stepped forward, raising her scissors. The others followed suit, echoing little malicious cackles. "We got bored and came to play with our favorite toy." The center demoniac figure continued, and the others leapt at Marco.

The intent was never to actually kill him. She didn't even like hurting him all that much. But all of Hekapoo's clones were tasked with the concept of roughing him up a little. Just really making him work for it. Each of the five Hekapoos opened a portal with their own set of scissors. The swirling voids circled the bike, rendering it incredibly difficult to pass between them.
The group moved fast, as they so often did, and from his position he witnessed the holes in reality being sliced open. His route forward was cut off, no way to tell where any of those portals led to. Nowhere nice, and definitely not home. As one leapt at him, one beefy arm proceeded to catch her by the waist, blowing out the flame atop her crown in one movement. The magic holding the clone destabilized and she vanished in a puff of smoke, while Marco icily watched the others.
The other four clones narrowed their eight eyes in consentration. They stood like gunmen in old westerns, poised with their scissors. Suddenly, two lept left and the other two went right, determined to pounce and bind him.

Meanwhile, the real Hekapoo nodded along with the council, barely paying attention. It was something about the depletion of magic in the Universe, which they'd often discussed, but hadn't found a solution for. She wondered if she could slip into the eyes of one of her clones, just to peek at the action without being noticed, when a sharp pain ripped up her side. She flinched and gritted her teeth a moment, and let it pass. One of her clones must've been destroyed. It made her smile ruefully. He was getting closer.
Marco was familiar with the routine by now. It was rare for the clones to come directly to him, but it had happened and he had come to know what to expect. As they jumped for him Marco leapt back over the biomechanical (or perhaps biomagical would be the more accurate term) form of his dragon cycle and landed a few feet back. His boot met the ground and then rapidly swept sideways, raking the earth. A great cloud of dust ballooned out around him, providing a thick cloud to give him some coverage to move in.

What was the game here... she wanted something, but Marco didn't quite know what.
Three of the cloned women raised their fists in an attempt to punch the young man, though all of them were poised to hit a part of the body they were sure would take minimal damage; arms, the chest, the most it would do is maybe knock the air out of him if they connected. However, the fourth clone leaped into the air and was preparing to deliver a kick that would certainly knock him off his feet.
Marco managed to move fast, and the rapidly fading screen of dust gave him the means to dodge the incoming punches. The kick however, well that managed to knock the tall male off his feet. But, as he fell, he managed to grab the clone by her waist and yanked her down wth him. He hit the earth, savoured the softness of the clone's body for a brief second, and then blew her flame out quickly.
The flame went out on the clone's head, and she winked as she vanished out of existence. The others nodded at each other and regrouped.

The three remaining clones stood around him in a triangle, with the portals timing out and closing behind them. "You're getting closer, Diaz." They all sung out at once and raised their scissors to form another attack.

Meanwhile, the meeting had ended and the original Hekapoo had barely said a word, getting a few raised eyebrows, but nothing straight orward until she clutched at her side and hissed in pain.

"Is something the matter?" Queen Moon asked, leaning in to get a better look.

"No, no. I'm fine." She held up her small white hands in pprotest. "If we're done here...?"

"Oh, oh yes." Queen Butterfly sounded unsure, but waved the firy demon away and returned ot her thoughts.
"Getting closer huh?" The broadly built male replied "I'll get there eventually, Hell or high water," he replied quickly. By now he knew Hekapoo's limitations quite thoroughly. She was strong, really damn strong, but he was the faster of the two. He managed to catch one incoming arm and flung the clone away with a judo throw, immediately turning and catching a stabbing motion from the other. He gave a loud blow, and then immediately snuffed out another flame.

"One way or another, you lose."
He'd etinguished all but one flame, and the final clone stood boldly in front of him. It wass unclear whether any of the clones had epected to last long, but this one did not appear to hold any preconceptions of winning.

She flew forward with more grace than one would give her credit for, given her build. The clone settled a hand on either side of his chest. "It's just you, me, and the Baker's Dozen, Diaz." She grinned hungrily.
"That a fact?" He had caught a few clones in various states of undress through the years, and knew full well what to expect. Hekapoo was deliciously thicc under that flowing dress, and the warm figure atop him drew his focus quickly. A strong hand settled on her ass, and soon Marco was squeezing the left cheek of her plump ass with a clear interest. "Well, I could do with a break from fighting."
"Aw, what's the matter, Diaz?" The clone purred, tracing a smoldering finger down Marco's chest. It left a sunburnt trail in it's wake, like the strangest tanline anyone's ever had. "Feeling a little, burnt-out?"

While the clones could operate independently, virtually everything they felt was channeled back through the original Hekapoo; pain, pleasure, their deaths, it all found its way back to her. Thus, a chill passed down her spine as she stepped a foot through the portal she'd just cut back to her own dimension. She shivered and made an unconscious hum.

It must've been perceptable, as the strange bat-goat creature, Llakmet, bleated in concern. She turned her head to face him and tried to smile. "Oh, I'm fine Chancellor. Really, I'm okay." She turned to step through the swirling vortex and was gone.

On the other side, Hekapoo passed her arm over her brow, and settled back on the slab that served as her bed, determined to enjoy the second-hand seduction.
Marco glanced to the coiling line drawn on his skin with her stroking, chalk white finger. Well, fuck it. He was a man and a man had needs. Needs that just couldn't quite be handled by hand anymore, and Hekapoo... for as much of a demon as she was, was also all woman. He'd be nuts to not go with it.

Suddenly he reached down, slowly pulling her dress up her creamy white legs until her large white backside was unveiled. He reached down and gripped both cheeks firmly, giving them a bounce and squeeze. "I think I've earned this much by now."
"Gee," The simulacrum purred, melting herself over him like cheese on nachoes. "is that what you were working for all this time? And here I thought you just wanted my scissors."

Her fingers reached behind her and pinched the buttons holding the back of her dress together, and it fell away in a drape of bright fabrick. Although she was much shorter than he, she nuzzled his cheek with her long horns.
"That too," he admitted casually. He leaned back, watching the yellow garment sliding down to reveal her creamy breasts. They were pretty damn big, and suited Hekapoo's short frame quite nicely. Marco's strong hands reached up until he was groping both orbs with a clear eagerness, fingers sinking into and massaging the pale flesh eagerly. He maintained this for a few minutes before leaning in, kissing the fiery redhead.
In place of what modern cultures would call "underwear", Hekapoo wore a thin, sheer slip made of a soft pinkish fabric, and no bra. Coaxed by the caress of the strong, rough hands kneading the dough of her breasts, she rubbed her lower half against his leg, priming herself. She was quite short in stature, but it put her at just the right height to use his knee while he toyed with her chest.

She hummed softly while their lips were locked. And when their kiss had finally broken, her head bobbed, sweeping her long horns so gently across his cheek that it might've been a velvety hand.
"You know, for a demon, you definitely have the same kind of drives a human has," the adventurer idly mused, giving her a wry grin. But then again, for some time now at least, Marco had been aware of what a playful flirt, and it was only around now that he understood the full extent of that. "Well, not that I mind. C'mon H-poo, let's get down to business," Marco saidm, guiding her hand down to caress the impressive bulge of his cock, straining against the denim.
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