Princesses with Benifits (MellowApplepoisoneer)

Korra followed the duo along, undaunted at the prospect of a giant cat. Once she got a good look at Raja, she would admit that he made for something of an imposing sight. Compact muscle under a layer of silky soft fur. He'd be quite a weight if he landed on you, but he was smaller than Naga by a fair margin.

"Heya fella," Korra said, reaching over and stroking behind the tigers ear kindly. His growling purrs filled the room, and she felt him brush against her legs. If she hadn't been so athletically built, that would have bowled her over.

"You got some good taste Jazz."
She giggled and scratched her sizable pet under his whiskered chin. "I've had him since he was a baby." Her epression shifted to a more somber shadow. "Fur trappers took his mother, and I think a few of his siblings. They were going to turn him into a rug or something, and I just...I couldn't let them." She hugged the beast around the neck and he brushed her face.

"That's awful." Mulan sighed, shaking her head.

Merida shrugged. "He is a right-cute fella, but we've made rugs outta bigger, scarier stuff than him. Bears mostly."
"Well, you would get a lot of mileage from a bear rug," Korra mused. She was from the icy north, using furs for coverage and warmth wasn't much of a big deal for her. Provided it was wild in origin. Anyone looking to make a coat out of Naga was likely going to get skinned themselves.

"Well, ah, anyway... should I leave you girls for tonight? Seems like you got things under control."
"Aw, you don't want to stay and have a drink?" Merida asked, stepping out into the hall to get things from her suite.

"I've never had anything but Sake before." Mulan leaned in toward Korra. "I hope this...whiskey stuff agrees with me."

"I've never really drank anything other than fig wine." Jasmine giggled.
Korra pondered the offer and then shrugged. "Guess so. Though I'd probably end up crashing here for the night if I have anything to drink, and your stuff sounds pretty strong." For as wild as she was, Korra wasn't much for drinking. But oh well, since her company had been so kind tonight there was no harm in staying a little longer. She smoothed her skirt out and took a seat on the long couch.
Both Jasmine and Mulan let out a cheer and sat on either side of the aatar.

"I don't think anyone will complain if you stay." Mulan offered. "These rooms are all crazy-big for just one person. I mean, my whole family lived in a house the size of, like, this room and-a-half."

Jasmine flushed. "I...grew up in a palace. So my rooms were always pretty big. Especially after I married." She huffed. "I don't know why having a guy entitles me to a bigger room. If I'm to be a queen, then what was stopping me before, right?"

"Okay, ladies!" Merida called from the hallway, carrying a tiny barrel under her arm. "This oughtta put a little hair on your chest."

"Where was it when I was pretending to be a man?" Mulan laughed.
It wasn't long until the fiery redhead returned to the rest of them, and Korra surveyed the barrel she was carrying under her arm. She got a strange vibe from the barrel alone... whatever was in it, she supposed would have the kick of a mule.

"That disguise must've been murder on your rack," she said.

A few cups were soon laid out, and Korra held her tankard out first. "As the royal avatar," Korra said, grinning wolfishly "It's only naturl that I go first. You know, to make sure nobody's gone and poisoned this on you guys."
(OOC: I'm sorry I haven't been on lately. I wasn't expecting to have to move so soon, so I've been frantically packing stuff up)

"Oh, how noble of you." The shortest girl snickered, receiving her own stein.

Jasmine sniffed at her portion and turned her nose up. "How will you be able to tell if it's poisoned or not?"

"Let me know what you think." The Scotswoman's freckled face grinned. "It's an old family recipe we've been brewin' for hundreds of years."
"Well, if I start fainting and foaming at the mouth ya probably shouldn't drink this," said Korra. She lifted the cup to her lips and took a gulp. The kick hit hard, making her recoil briefly. "Sweet... spirits that's strong!" she said, devolving into a few brief coughs from the sudden and rough burning in her throat.

"Whoof..." She took a moment to gather herself and drank again. It went a little easier this time, but she definitely knew not to underestimate Merida's family if they could survive drinking this for hundreds of years.
(OOC: Sorry it's taken me so long. I still don't have internet, so I'm using a friends for a few hours.)

"Uh-oh", Jasmine laughed nervously. "Now I'm kind of scared to try it."

Mulan thought a moment. "Maybe we should mix it with something?" She continued with her finger under her chin. "I have a little honey?"

"Oh! That might do the trick!" Merida beamed, taking a pint of the brew for herself and draining about half of it. "I bet it would be grand with honey."

Mulan rose gracefully and retrieved the honey from her suite. It was just a tiny little pot of it, but it should be enough for each of them to share. "I brought it in case the local honey didn't agree with me and my tea, but I haven't had any problems yet."
"Well, out here there are a few spots that cultivate honey Fire Nation style. I'd guess the method is about the same," Korra replied. Though, in truth, she had never considered using honey for something like this. She waited for the others to mix their drinks first.

Satisfied, Korra gave herself another small serving of Merida's brew and added a dash of Mulan's honey. This was the moment f truth, she supposed. "Bottoms up ladies," Korra said, taking a long gulp of the foreign substances.
Merida added a drizzle of honey and pounded the tankard. "Oodalolli! That let's it go down a might smoother. I'll have to remember that next time."

Her confidence inspired, Jasmine tried the same thing. It did not achieve the same result. She caughed and spluttered, little droplets of honied booze shimmered on her lips and chin. In a voice choked by caughing, she wheezed, "That was a bad idea. Maybe I should just sip a little."

Mulan and Merida broke into roccus laughter, before Mulan tried her brew. She gulped a little more vigorously, but didn't try to throw it back. That is nice. It's got almost a cinnamon-taste to it now."
She had expected Jasmine to have the most trouble with it. Sure enough, she very nearly coughed up what little she managed to take in. Korra smirked at the sight, giving the dusky-skinned princess a few light pats on the back to help her clear her throat.

"Heh. It's a smoother ride, but not that much smoother." She examined Jasmine's lips in a tipsy haze, seeing the honey glistening. "Oop. You got a little excess there princess," Korra said, reaching her right hand over and lightly stroking her index finger along the corner of Jasmine's mouth to clean the honey away.
Jasmine's cheeks filled with that cinnamon hue again and she turned her face away, though the soft brown eyes floated back to hold Korra in their gaze.

The other two girls tittered and Merida even hooted a little None of them except Jasmine seemed unfamiliar with friendliness with womankind, but the dark-haired princess certainly never seemed openly opposed.

"Thank...Thank you." She laughed a quietly. Her lips curled into a smile when she finally returned her full profile to the avatar.
"Hehe. Couldn't help myself. Totally worth it to see how flustered you got," Korra replied. But then she had expected that to be the case, and she just went for it in her drunken state. After all there was no sense of being subtle. "Oh, you two like that?" Korra asked, grinning wickedly at the two other snickering girls.
Korra shrugged. "Yeah, you and me both Merida. I was apparently a born troublemaker," she remarked. Shrugging then she added "Personally I don't think I coulda been that bad, but oh well. Not like there's anything wrong with ruffling feathers from time to time."

She closed her eyes, reclining into the sofa. "Mm. This is pretty nice though. You girls do make for great company."
"Aye." Merida sighed happily, sinking into a stuffed chair and propping a foot on the little barrel of tough drink. "I haven't gotten to relax like this in ages."

Mulan leaned against the arm the couch. "Me either. Everything's been all, "Defend the house! Defend your honor! Bring glory to the mountain people!" It's really tiresome after a while."

"Being married was always work." Jasmine sighed.
"Teeeell me about it. Destiny is a total bitch, always putting me on track to deal with dictators and monsters. I mean it is my job to keep balance in the world. But, just cause it's my job, doesn't mean I enjoy doing it."

Korra glanced over at Jasmine, cocking her head. "You're married? Guess I shouldn't be shocked. Doubt anyone could keep their hands offa you."
Jasmine giggled a little louder than she'd meant to. Perhaps the drink was already going to her head. "It was one of those decisions that seemed so perfect at the time. He'd just saved my people and prevented me from marrying someone I didn't love." She rested a hand on her cheek. "And then he just got so...frustrating. He was always away, rescuing this or stealing that, and I don't think he knows a thing about me." She perked up a little, suddenly becoming animated. "I mean, I know he loves me, he says he does all the time, but he doesn't know me. Does... Does that sound stupid?"

"No way!" Mulan sat up and waved a casual hand. "When I married Shang, we had just saved the country together. He swore he loved me, respected me, admired me, but when it came time to be married, he expected me to settle down, pop out his babies and take up a more 'traditional' women's role."

"Gross!" Merida laughed.
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