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Princesses with Benifits (MellowApplepoisoneer)


The grand reception hall of the Republic City capital building was packed to bursting. The press was attempting to spill in from virtually every portal, trying to catch a glimpse of the new arrivals. Ambassador's from distant lands, only recently added to maps of the known world. Five had been invited, but only three had chosen to come and etend their hands in union with the ever-advancing nation.

All three were young women, to the surprise and delight of those with their faces pressed to the glass. The tallest was a redhead with an abundance of curls. She had arrived wearing a cap that seemed to defy reason and pressed all the firy locks to her skull in almost imperceptable curves. She removed it before entering the hall, and it was like an explosion. She was tall, heavily muscled and clad in a long, green gown with minimal decorative details. She was greeted by all members on the council and took her seat of honor at the table.

The second woman to arrive was the shortest of the three. She wore a layor of strange, white face paint that highlighted her intensely dark eyes and rouged red lips. Her black hair was cropped to just above her shoulders and little strands of it danced in her face. She wore what looked like a kimono of canary yellow and an obi sash of navy and azure blue; a striking contrast. She too was introduced and permitted to sit, where she exchanged a nervous smile with the other representative.

The final woman arrived on the heels of the second, though she seemed to linger in the crowd a little longer, smiling and waving as she sasheed into the hall. She was dressed for summer by the standards of the city dwellers. A light blue top that barely reached her well-toned midriff and harem pants of the same material. Her lower half was also draped in a delicate lacework, which fluttered in the breeze. Her lusterous black hair was bound in a tight braid down her back and ornamented with a gold and sapphire ringlet. She too joined the ranks of the elite at the table, and the doors to the hall were closed to all.
This little meetup seemed out of Korra's comfort zone. The young avatar had 'tried' politics in the past, found it wasn't for her, and so tried to keep a distance from it where possible. But unfortunately her status was such that she couldn't do that, and with some negotiation from the police chief (negotiation was a generous term, in this case describing 'yelled and swore profusely until the teen relented') she found herself here.

Still... a whole new world had been discovered- continents and islands positioned just across the sea. And the world was round too! It had been an abundance of discoveries when these kingdoms were discovered, and she supposed that was pretty cool.

When the foreign princesses had been led in, Korra appraised them one by one. The tall and strong young woman, dressed in a sleeveless navy dress, the fringes white, had her hair tied up in an ivory bun while her small twintails framed the sides of her face. They were definitely foreigners, Korra noted from her end of the room, but they seemed amiable enough.
The three girls at the table chatted hesitantly amongst themselves until the Mayor rose to stand at the podium and address the crowd. He cleared his throat and began. "Ladies and Gentlemen, esteemed guests, welcome to the jewel of Republic City, our capital. It is with great pride that we've gathered here to celebrate the discovery of new lands and new peoples. And just as Republic City was forged in the bonds of our four nations, we hope to extent our hands to these new civilizations in much the same way. Now, without further ado, I'd like to present our ambasadors, and allow them to speak. Ladies and Gentleman, Princess Merida of...Dunbrooch?"

"That's Dunbroch!" A heavily accented voice corrected from behind him. The tall woman in green gently pushed him aside and cleared her own throat. "Good afternoon everyone. Like the Mayor has said, I am Merido of Dunbroch, which is actually quite a mite smaller than Republic City. I'm not used to cars and, well, electricity for that matter, but I'm sure in time we'll learn a lot of each other. I am here as an example of my countrymen, but I would be called a liar if I said I wasn't looking forward to seeing what this country had to offer."

She stepped away from the podium and the room burst into applause. The Mayor returned to the mic. "Our next speaker is Princess Jasmine of...Agro- Agra'..." He looked hopeless, as though he might cry from the sheer weight of the humiliation crushing him. But the caramel-skinned princess just laughed and laid a slender hand on his shoulder. He stepped aside and folded his hands in front of him.

"Greetings from Agrabah," she pronounced the world with a lot of emphasis and the room laughed. "We are also a little, shall we say, technologically impaired when compared to your great city, but what we lack in advancement, we make up for in cultural history and resources. We hope to share them with you in echange for the marvels your country has to offer." She turned to smile at Merida. "And I too am looking forward to seeing much more of them."

She gave a slight bow and moved away from the microphone. Before the Mayor could approach the mic again, the last, shortest girl stood and took her place.

"I guess I'm the odd one out up here." She beamed, though her voice was a little tense. She took a breath and continued more naturally. "I'm not actually a Princess. I am a high general in the Dragon Force, which is Nyungoa's name or their army. Oh, uh, I guess I should start rom the beginning. My name is Fa Mulan, and I am from De Nyungoa Tudi." Her eyes flickered to the Mayor and she couldn't help but snicker a little. "We are a mountain civilization with a lot of history and tradition which we would like to share, as well as what we can offer in resources. We don't have electricity either, but we have been using steam for close to a hundred years, which, our leason has told me was the precursor to electricity as we know it, so I guess we're on the right track." She paused for a laugh at the pun, and added hurridly. "And I'm also looking forward to touring the city. Thank you." She bowed deeply to the side of the podium and sat down.
Soon enough the three royals had taken to the central podium, and greeted the gathered upper crust of Republic City. They gave their names, where they came from, and expressed their delight at being here. Korra had to admit, they were all rather nice. The redhead seemed like she and Korra had come from the same clay, and it intrigued Korra quite a bit. She seemed... cool! And Mulan seemed like a badass too.

And so, once the speeches ended and people went back to milling around, Korra made for the three princesses and smiled kindly at them. "Hey there, pleased to meet you. I got told a lot about you guys," Korra said, holding a hand out to Mulan, who was nearest to her. "I'm Korra, the avatar. The council told me that if you guys have any questions or concerns while you're here, you just let me know."
Mulan and Jasmine's faces lit up. "You're the Avatar?" They both asked at once. Mulan reached out her hand and emphatically shook it.

"What's an avatar?" Merida asked, raising an eyebrow.

"You know the Earth magic you have? And the fire magic I have?" Mulan answered, trying to contain her excitement. "She can do both, as well as weild air and water."

"Damn!" Merida cheered, slugging Korra in the shoulder playfully. "Now I am impressed."

"I heard you can speak with the spirit world too, is that true?" Jasmine asked, leaning in expectantly.

"How come we've neer heard of you? Merida asked the question more rhetorically, a tinge of embarrassment ran the edge of her voice.

"I'm sure you'll get a telegraph about it as soon as Dunbroch can get telegraphs." Mulan laughed.

"Don't you mean Doonbrooch?" Jasmine added, sending the three of them into a giggling fit.
"Heh!" Red was strong, she actually felt that tap to the shoulder. Though from what she'd been told, the Dunbroch people were of a... rough and tribal nature anyway. "Yep. I don't do it often but it's... ya know, one of them celestial duties I have. Just gotta do it," Korra admitted, smiling faintly. She was actually happy to explain her role for a change.

"Well, we only did find out about you guys a few months ago... so it's a whole new half of the world that I gotta watch out for," Korra admitted. She had been given some textbooks on the history of those lands, recently translated, and if nothing else the history of their lands was nothing too terrifying. They'd had no invading armies, or incursions from evil spirits.
Merida rested her hands on her hips and nodded, smiling. "I like that. Just something you've gotta do." Her accent almost made it sound as though she was speaking another language.

"I only weild one element, and that's hard enough." Mulan added. "But that's kind o the way I feel too. There aren't many in the Dragon force who can weild the fire. So, I guess it's my honor and duty to do it."

"I don't really have any elemental abilities." Jasmine drooped, her dialect was the least heavy. Just an inflection here and there that made her sound exotic. "Sometimes I wish I did, but I know myself well enough to say that I... might light someone on fire. Probably by accident. So I'll just have to settle for political power." She giggled.
"Yeah. 'On accident' is surprisingly common," Korra joked, smiling wolfishly at the caramel skinned princess. She had to admit, Jasmine made for an enticing sight. Not too long after coming to Republic City and expanding her horizons, Korra had found that she quite liked the sight of the female form. And these three... well, they had a fine mix of well bred beauty, and general exotic charm.

"Nah but, don't worry about it Princess. Having your own kingdom," she had no idea if that was the term Jasmine's people used "Is more than enough. But ah, hey, don't worry about any of that. While you're in Republic City, just kick back and relax."
Jasmine smiled and nodded. "I was neer allowed outside the palace much back in Agrabah, so it'll be great to see what everyone else's doing."

"I've traveled quite a bit, but it's always been through snowy mountains or dead prairie." Mulan added. "It didn't get to be exciting until we saw people,and usually they were trying to kill us. So, relaxing sounds nice." She paused. "What kinds of stuf do you like to do to unwind, Avatar Korra?"
"Hm... well there are a few things I can speak of, though I dunno if I can phrase them right. I mean you probably don't have stuff like them back home. Buuut stuff like pro bending is great. Either participating, or just going to watch a match can be pretty fun. I mean I found out about them when I first came to the city, and they were pretty dang fun." Korra didn't participate anymore, but it had been really great in the past.
"Ah! You mean you can use your elemental powers against other people in games of sport?" Merida's bright eyes shone even more fiercely. "Now that's something I'd like to try!"

"Wouldn't being able to use all the elements in that kind of game be unfair?" Jasmine asked courteously. "I mean, I'm sure you wouldn't mean to be, but I can see how other people might twist that to put you out of the running."
Korra smiled and waved the question off, indicating it didn't bother her. "Nah. General term for me competing was that I was only allowed use one element. You know, kept things on a level playing field. And if I used another element, I would get disqualified. Didn't ever happen, thankfully," she explained. Though, it wasn't always perfect. Like that time a group of terrorists interrupted a match.
"Well alright then!" Merida whooped, raising a passionate ist in the air and grinning. "That sounds fair to me, let's play!"

Although more subdued, Mulan nodded her ascent. Behind her dark eyes, a fire ignited, causing them to almost glitter with fierocity.

Jasmine's cheeks darkened, giving them a kind o cinnamon hue. She drooped a little, but forced a smile. "I'd love to watch." She offered.
"Hm..." Korra pondered this, letting her eyes briefly meet Jasmine's own. Was she imagining things or had the princess been... checking her out? An interesting prospect, but she decided to tuck it away for the time being.

"Well, if you guys aren't busy doing diplomatic stuff tomorrow, then I'd be happy to get us tickets for a game. Nice box office seats an' everything," Korra explained. She had her connections from her past as a pro-bender, why not use them?
"Alright," Merida clapped her on the back again, casting her eyes over the avatar's face and chest with lightning quickness. "We'll watch the pros and maybe have at it for ourselves?" She smiled at Mulan as well as Korra.

Mulan nodded, still quite firy looking, though her eyes fell on Jasmine for a moment. "Well, I don't want to leave anyone out..."

"No, no, really!" Jasmine threw up her hands earnestly. "I don't mind just watching the match and...watching you three, eh, bend at each other."
"Well, if you're sure Jazz," Korra said, grinning and reaching around, giving the caramel skinned princess a light pat on the back. She was quite a peach, she had to admit. "Well, guess I'll call it for tonight. I can have things set up pretty quickly so don't worry about any of that. But ah... well, do any of you need me to walk you home? I imagine your lodgings aren't far but... well it'd be the polite thing to do."
Jasmine giggled outwardly. No one had ever called her Jazz before, and something about the informality of it tickled her. And the pat on the back was just the touch it needed. "Well, we were supposed to go back in the State Car, but I don't thing the administration would mind if we walked back with you."

"Yeah, it's only a few city blocks." Mulan added. "I've walked more than that practically every day." She and Merida shrugged and smiled.

An assistant to the mayor had come over to see to it that the women were escorted back to the hotel at which they were saying, and they informed him that they would be going back with the Avatar. The assistant fretted, chewing his lower lip, but ultimately relented and let them leave.
Ultimately there were worse escorts than the Avatar. Certainly, anyone seeking to cause trouble was likely to get knocked flat for their troubles, but then there was the fact that she was something of a bad influence on people. She led the way from the party into the cool night time streets, strolling along between the three royals. "I have to admit," Korra remarked. "I'm surprised you three are as cool as you are."

She glanced to Mulan and Jasmine over her shoulder. "I mean... well don't take it the wrong way but I've met a few royals in the past. Not exactly the nicest people usually."
"Well good thing I'm not really royalty." Mulan chuckled, having to take two or three steps for every one of the others. "I just got famous for pretending to be a man and blowing up a man with a fire cracker."

The other two women stopped. They turned and looked at her with wide eyes and open mouths, which quickly ballooned into grins.

"I heard you saved your country from a warlord!" Jasmine gawked. "Was that while you were pretending to be a man?"

"And what the hell' a fire cracker?" Merida asked. "Is it something you can do with your fire bending?"

Mulan looked at the Avatar and shared a tiny, doll-like smile. "Well, actually I can kind of make fire works with it. But this was before I knew that." She proceeded to relay the finer highlights of her rise to the rank of General, including her brief, passionate and disasterous relationship with Shang, her superior officer at the time. Once she outranked him, he didn't want anything to do with her anymore.

"...but I'm not sure why I told you that." She admitted quietly, slipping a hand over her lips, as though she could stop other things from coming through. "I guess it just felt good to tell someone."

"You're better off, dumplin'." Merida rested a consoling hand on her shoulder. "Men're... well, my mother said if I couldn't say something nice..."
As Mulan relayed her story, Korra kept her eyes on the road ahead with her hands on her hips. It was an interesting little tale- disguising herself as a guy to enlist in the military, and then saving her country from some horde. Not necessarily single handedly, but she had done a whole heaping lot of the legwork. "That is a pretty cool story. Didn't think places would be all that concerned about gender. Then again it's different here. I mean there've been female Avatars for ages so nobody thinks much of it."

She was a little intrigued by what Merida had to say, the news making her stroke her chin in thought. "I used to date guys, but... well I guess I kind of got sick of it. These days I'm single, but I'd be more interested in girls than guys."

She hadn't spoken much of it, but Korra knew in her heart what she wanted.
Merida's comment had cracked Mulan up, and she waited for what the rest of the redhead had to say. The whole crowd seemed to turn to face her.

"My parents, well mostly my mother, has tried to marry me off more times than I can imagine." She shook her head, her curls bouncing about her face. "It used to make me so mad, but I think I'm more willing to forgive her now. Except that..." She smiled, giggling and almost unable to continue. "Except that I don't think I fancy men either."

Jasmine flushed and shook her head. "I'm really not sure what I like." She admitted mousily. "I mean, I never really got to talk to anyone my whole life aside from suitors, who were all men. Aladdin was the first one to be different than the rest of them, and so I loved him immediately. But, how do I..."

She raised a slim hand to her face and covered it. The other two girls realized they, despite their isolated countries or regions, had the benifit of being more worldly than their new friend.

"It's okay not to know." Mulan said softly, putting a hand on the slim, tanned shoulder. "I didn't for a long time."
"Yeah, don't worry your pretty head about it. The answer'll come in time." It had for her at any rate. Granted it had taken a few years, and some breakups, but the young Avatar had got it eventually. And these girls hadn't done some of the crazy stuff she did, so there would be nothing to really distract them from finding their answers.

After some more walking they reached the hotel, a rather tall building of clean red brick, light shining from a few of the windows that filled the facade in neat rows. It was one of the more expensive hotels in all Republic City, and the princesses had graciously been given the most expensive suites for free for the duration of their stay. A touch of international charity, largely because the mayor had said so.

"Wellp... here we are!"
Mulan and Merida looked at each other, and then at Jasmine. "Indeed we are." Mulan beamed.

"The question now is; do you want to head home, or shall we continue the party?" Merida asked slyly.

"I know someone who would love to meet you?" Jasmine added giddily.

"You mean your wee beastie?" The redhead laughed.

"Oh my god, that tiger scared the hell out of me when I saw it the first time!" Mulan added, holding her sides. "I can't believe they let you bring it in to a hotel."

"Well, it depends on what you mean by 'let me' But he's perfectly harmless."

"For a giant, man-eating cat." Merida added.
"Just a... 'tiger'? Not like a 'bear-tiger' or a 'shark-tiger'?" Korra asked, scratching the back of her head. "Man, your countries really are kinda weird. But I'm a fan of big beasts. Just ask Naga." Korra's polar bear dog was quite famous too, and no doubt the princesses had at least heard of the avatars own mount.

She made her way in behind the trio, quite curious. Admittedly a diplomat bringing over an exotic pet wasn't too new to the people of Republic City. But, that pet being something that could swallow a person whole was definitely a new one.
The three diplomats passed with the Avatar through the lobby and onto the old elevator that would take them up to their suites. The operator looked a little star-struck, and hesitated to move the lever until Mulan motioned for him to do so.

"Oh, that's right! You have a bear!" Merida grinned. "Where from I hail, bears are...well they're not well liked by many, and they don't like us much either."

"I think it's a bear-dog." Mulan corrected gently. "We haven't seen much of them, but we do have a few animals in common, like the fire ferret and the badgermole. But ares are...well, dwarfs compared to the ones here."

They got off at the second-to-top floor, and there's were the only three doors; one on each wall aside from the elevator. A loud clawing and banging came from the door on the left.

"Oh no," Jasmine sighed, hurrying to open the large, double door to her compartment of rooms. "I'm definitely going to have to pay for this door."
Indeed, there were huge clawmarks on the other side of it, as well as a giant cat, looking rather satisfied. It rubbed its massive head against Jasmine's upper arm and attempted to lick at her, but Jasmine gently pulled away.

"Korra, this is Raja, my best friend." Jasmine introduced the tiger as though it were a person. "I hate to say it, but don't let him lick you too much. He has a barbed tongue."

"Cuddly." Mulan quipped dryly, causing Merida to snicker.
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