RWBY: Ruby slipped up! (Koibito & Firestarter09)


Jan 7, 2017
"Fwaahh~" the charmingly cute voice of the young Ruby Rose, leader of Team RWBY at Beacon Academy, sighed down the hall. "That was a good training session~" she spoke aloud to herself, always such the expressive girl no matter what she was feeling. This day, like most others this far into her semester was a busy day of classes and training which she had just gotten to the later half of and she had some time to kill before her next class. Ruby made her way down the hall to her room, looked in, and quickly shut the door behind her nervously as she walked into the empty dorm with the two sets of bunk beds on either side of the room. This day, however, was only the same as more recent days as far back as last week when the young Ruby had a bit of a mishap that would change her life completely. Though it had yet to be seen if it were temporarily or forever, for better or worse, but it was about to be discovered.

Ruby was a girl of shorter height and pale skin with a rather lithe yet toned body. A talented and intelligent, albeit innocent girl with wide, curious, round silver eyes and short, neck length hair that was near black red which naturally faded into a conventional red. Ruby's combat outfit as well as her usual, out of uniform attire, was a tight black short dress that covered her arms down to her wrists which at the end of the thigh high skirt-dress and sleeves bore red, ruffled trimming completely with a black, red laced corset around her waist that stopped just under her breasts. Leggings covered her creamy legs as did thick, black boots with red undersides and finally a red, hooded cape that snapped onto her dress flowed as she walked into the room.

"But... This again!..." tears dramatically flowed down her over-expressive face as she looked into the long mirror and lifted the skirt to show a rather different appendage down below her waist.

Just about a week ago Ruby had found herself sitting in the center of the aftermath of a minor Dust explosion outside where she had taken some of Weiss' Dust, the crystalline energy source of strange magics that only those of richer blood could afford, to study it a bit for her classes. She of course borrowed it without her knowing, with intent of giving it back, but keeping a couple pieces in close proximity and dropping them on herself like when those two first met, had concocted an odd mixture resulting in a warping of her body ever slightly. Dust could be absorbed into the body and used for many things, but unintentionally this time it had created something unlike any other and just a week later Ruby was staring it in the face as the object sprung forth from under her panties and leggings -- Ruby had a cock.

Pulling down her leggings followed by her black, red laced panties, her member was revealed. It seemed like it never went down and it was incredibly sensitive; it wasn't too big, only a good six inches in length with a decent girth to match but boy did it spray buckets when she came due to it's sensitivity. At first the silver-eyed girl didn't want to even touch it but as the days went on, her arousal made it impossible to think so she took to satisfying it when she could.

Today was just too much, Ruby tried to tough it out until the end of the day but she needed to cum now. Luckily no one was usually back at the dorm by now so she had some time to herself before getting ready for class. It was cute and pale like the rest of her and it pulsed intensely below the black-red pubic hair above and her tight, virgin pussy below that was only lightly obscured by a pair of average sized balls. Cloth pulled to her thighs and skirt held up with one hand, Ruby, already sweating a bit from her training, reached a hesitant free hand towards her member and gripped it firmly. One pump, two, suddenly Ruby felt something snap and she arched hard, a thick blast of spunk splattering their mirror as she shook and shut her eyes tight -- it was getting worse.

Suppressing her sounds throughout her first, premature orgasm, Ruby went to the bed in front of the door and laid down. She arched her back as soon as she started jerking off again but at least this time she wasn't instantly cumming. Her boot heels dug into the sheets as she furiously worked her hand at her cock, grunting her cute grunts and moaning through gritted teeth as her eyes started rolling back. Ruby's thin body began to quiver and tremble as within minutes she felt another orgasm rising. It was just too much, she couldn't take it anymore, and she was in so much pleasure that she didn't even realize she had accidentally left the door unlocked, aiming her cock at the door so that she didn't get messy and she could merely wipe the door clean afterwards.

"I'm... I'm cumming!!!" Ruby suddenly screamed as a thick rope of cum, the first of many, splashed out towards her target.
"Ughhh~." Blake groaned annoyed with today, it wasn't her best and though not the worst. Things had been rather exciting? Well more exciting for others, but not her.

Having to deal with morons and the like, also the fact she had forgotten several 'special' books which she had wanted to use for 'studying'.

Blake was girl of fair height, roughly around Five, Six minus the black bow she wore, long somewhat wavy black hair down to the mid back.

Amber colored eyes, which almost gave a neat glow in the dark, almost, she was currently out of her school uniform. Currently she wore a black buttoned vest with coattails and a single silver button on the front. It held her breast snuggly together.
Underneath though is a white, sleeveless, high necked, crop undershirt along with white shorts with a zipper on the front of each leg, emblazoned with the YKK logo, made by a popular clothing company in mistral.

She also wore a black low-heeled boots and full stockings with a color gradation of black to purple at her ankles. An emblem is visible on the outside of both thighs just below her shorts in white. On her left arm is a detached sleeve with a silver cuff around her bicep, and black ribbons are wrapped around both forearms. A small, loose scarf is wrapped around her neck and a gray magnetic backpack is strapped to her back, hidden by her hair. Though the backpack was currently not on.

Blake sighed as she opened the door to her teams dorm, only to have a face full of cum? Leaving her in shock.
"I'm cuh- Ahh!" Ruby's eyes snapped back to the door, wide open as she couldn't stop herself as the door opened. Instead of splashing the door like she had intended to do since it'd be easy to clean off, the girl's load blasted her own teammate right in the face with her spunk. The bed sheet underneath her was soaked with her pussy juice as she squirt at the same time, her innocent pussy twitching in pleasure along with her cock as she came hard.

"B-Blake! I-!" she moaned, screamed nearly before bringing her free hand to her mouth to stifle the sounds. Her other hand, however, continued to work throughout the entire orgasm, Ruby not able to stop stroking even as she realized her friend stood right in her line of fire. Streaks of cum sprayed out, lining over Blake's face and hair, a few shots hitting her chest as Ruby's bursts eventually stopped and she came down from the intense orgasm. She lay there upon the bed caught red handed; legs spread wide, skirt lifted up, stockings and panties pulled down, and oddly enough, cock still hard in hand, dribbling the last of it's load.

Ruby froze completely, unsure of what to do or even say as she squeezed her cock instinctively as if doing so could hide the member. A futile effort of course but the girl was not rightly thinking straight just at this moment. "I can explain Blake!" she found herself gasping through her fingers, puppy eyes gazing up at the raven haired girl she had just streaked with her cum.

Ruby was quite the sight now, clothing dishelved but most still covering her body, the tail ends of her streaks of seed dotting her stockings and boots, a few nice streaks still splashed onto them as well. "I-I'm sorry..." she pouted into her hand, still panting.

Though... For all of her remorse, the younger girl's cock raged hard. It stood straight up and even seemed to get harder as she eyed her Faunus friend. All she could do was hold the twitching member and stay still, hoping somehow Blake wouldn't see her if she just didn't move - a childish, desperate thought, but how could she explain... this!
Blake twitched unsure of how to react, wiping off some of the cum, her eyes filled in shock Ruby's appendage. (some are Futa right or like have a dormant gene?)

Getting the rest off of her clothes, she looked at Ruby annoyed and shocked. "Explain?" her face had very large twitch to it.
Ruby was frozen, Blake's amber eyes were glaring right at her stiff cock and somehow, she didn't know why but... It was just turning her on more!

Why was she having these thoughts now, these feelings? Ruby had never thought of another girl like that, but now with Blake standing right there the skinny, pale girl couldn't help but let her mind roam. What did her friend look like naked anyway? What did it feel like to have sex? Would Blake let her... No! No these were inappropriate thoughts, right? How could she be having them!

Ruby watched Blake's expression, watching her twitch in annoyance as she glared at Ruby - only making her cock twitch in response.

"I... I was messing with... I-it was an accident!" her soft, light voice squeaked as she scrambled to find the words. Her boots twisted against the sheets as she nervously fidgeted, "it... It wont go downnnnnnn" whined the girl with a pleading, wide eyed look up at Blake. Ruby didn't know how to explain this honestly, something in her just hoped Blake would understand how she tried to put it, her arousal just wouldn't go down!
Blake face full of annoyance and well confusion, because only female Faunus were well hermaphrodites, not all of them though, well Blake was one of these hermaphrodite Faunus.

So she was bit confused. "Just Explain." She calmly, hiding a bit of anger. "how is this possible, is she a Faunus, no wait that wouldn't make sense."

"Ruby for my sake and yours, explain." She said as she walked more into the room, closing the door behind her as she did and making sure it was locked. "And I will help release your... pent up sex." god that was an odd thing for her to say.

She unbuttoned her black vest, which now had several cum along it. much to Blake annoyance. She sat down one of the others beds from Ruby.
A little known secret about Faunus' was that most were in fact futas. In this day and age it just wasn't something often explored and less often taught medically. As such Ruby had no inkling that Blake would understand, how could she if she didn't suddenly have a cock? Little did Ruby know, however, Blake would indeed understand her plight, and she proved it with her next words.

As Blake told her calmly to explain, Ruby sighed, trying to gather her thoughts as her cutely hollow voice sighed out in frustration. As her teammate continued her statement however, Ruby's silver eyes went wide.

In an instant Ruby was up on her knees, fists clenched and up excitedly by her own mouth. Her eyes twinkled and her mouth was open wide as she stood at attention about as much as her own cock was. "Really?!" she exclaimed, suddenly wondering why she was far too excited from Blake's response.

"Ahem..." She cleared her throat and looked down, sitting back on her heels as she placed her fists to her tights, staring at her overly hard dick.

"Well... I..." Ruby bit her lip, eyes tearing up a bit. "I was going through Weiss' Dust because she let me borrow some so I could try out some new combinations with my weapon and I was messing around with it and I dropped it and it went off and now I have this thing please don't tell Weiss" Ruby blurted it all out in one breath, pouting as she continued to look wide eyed at her friend and teammate.

Her pale skin flushed however as she watched Blake, watched her undo the buttons of her vest while sitting on the bed opposite of Ruby.

"D-did you mean that?..." She fiddled her fingers together, fidgeting as she asked, "that you'd... Help me?" she asked. "I... I don't even know how I mean... Hnngh..." Grumbled the girl, now nervous though very much wanting of Blake's offer.
Blake remained silent ingored her team leaders tear eyedness, as she finished taking off the vest, her breasts now bouncing a bit, due to them not being held by the vest, she started to slip of her low heeled boots.

"Why on remnant would dust, make you a Hermaphrodite." Blake wonderd aloud, she looked at Ruby erection.

"Your quite big, did ever get your measurements for it?" She asked her team leader, her feet fully free from her confining boots. She wiggled her black socked covered toes.

Blake started to think of a few ways go 'help' Ruby,
Ruby nearly drooled as she watched Blake undress. She would have felt weird about this, guilty even, how could she be having feelings like this for another girl anyway? That would be the case, if it weren't for just how damn horny she was right now! She couldn't take her eyes off of her Faunus teammate.

The dark haired girl who's short locks faded to red, watched Blake's modest breasts bounce within the confines of her white top as she kicked off her boots. Silver eyes scanned her from head to toe, watching cute, dainty toes wiggling under the smooth socks she wore.

The team leader gulped as she gazed on, taken aback a bit by Blake's question. "I... I don't know..." she said with a hollow whine. Dust could fuse with the body, change it magically, Ruby just accepted it but 'how'? That wasn't something she could answer.

Luckily Blake moved on, eyeing Ruby's innocent cock as it twitched hard. The compliment made Ruby blush and her breathing a bit faster as she became more aroused. It was a good six inches in length, but she herself had never measured it. "Wh-what?" she asked, surprised at the nonchalant nature of Blake's questioning... Why wasn't she more surprised or weirded out?

"N-no... I never... Why would I..." Ruby put her hand up to her mouth as if telling a secret, "measure it?" she whispered as if it were taboo. Ruby really was naive. She awaited whatever means Blake would come up with to help her out, anticipation taking over as she sat patiently.
"Because its good to know your measurements." Blake took the socks off her feet, as well as her stockings, and stood up breasts jiggling as she did, "Ruby all of humanity, execpt the faunus have forgotten abouf hermaphrodites."

She unbuttoned her shorts. "What we do doesn't leave this room. Understand."

Slidng the shorts down her bare thighs, and soon taking them off to reveal panties with a bulge.

She looked at Ruby waiting for her leader reaction.
Ruby didn't rightly know how to respond to that... "It... Is?" she asked nervously, eyes too focused on Blake's chest and the subtle jiggling motions underneath the white top to really focus on that kind of question anyway. She watched as Blake slid her tight, thigh high stockings off, slowly revealing her long legs ending in cute little feet that padded the floor as she stood up.

Taking an exaggerated gulp at the foreboding idea of having to keep secret whatever it was that was about to happen in this room, Ruby nodded with a serious expression. "Yes" she said assuredly as she watched her hands go to her white shorts, sliding them down her thighs.

Blake's leader gasped as she laid eyes on the Faunus' panties... And the bulge that rested inside of them!

"Y-you! You have a!" Ruby's eyes were glued to it, she hadn't had many thoughts like this before but all of a sudden she found herself wanting, lusting for whatever was in front of her and it just so happened to be Blake, Blake and her firm body now only covered by a white sleeveless top and panties, and that thick bulge hidden within - she wanted all of it.

"H-how?" Ruby asked in awe, not an ounce of negativity in her reaction.
"Most female faunus are hermaphrodites, its just that its not well known." Blake explained. She slid off her white top throwing it onto the bed. Her breasts now fully free to jiggle and move.

She moved closer to Ruby, eyeing the girls cock with interest. "How long did you keep this a secret for?"

She moved a hand to the tip of Ruby cock, flicking it a bit, she slowly started to rub it. Getting a few moans from her leader.

A small smirk made itself known on Blakes face as she rubbed.
"No way.." Ruby said astounded, surprised to find out such a fact. Immediately Ruby thought of the few Faunus' she knew and couldn't help but wonder, fantasize even. Her thoughts were ripped back to Blake however as the raven haired girl took off her top, freeing her average chest from the cloth. Ruby was still mostly clothed but dishelved to the point everything could be seen, her breasts smaller than Blake's, cute and perky, as pale as her with the pinkest little nipples that were stiff with arousal.

Blake's finger flicked at Ruby's cock, causing the girl to tense up with a sharp gasp. "I!... I've had it about a week..." she admitted sheepishly as Blake stared down her twitching cock. When the Faunus grabbed the tip, starting to rub it slightly, Ruby's eyes went wide and unfocused, "ahh!" her cute voice chirped at the feeling. Even normally she hadn't let anyone else touch her before, just touching it herself set it off so easily but having someone else touch it? It was maddening.

"Blaaaaaake~" Ruby whined softly, huffing in pleasure as her dainty girl-cock twitched against her friend's light touches.
"Are you fantasizing about, other faunus you know?" Blake asked causally as the rubbing started to pick up pace, Blake started to moved her hand around as it soon became a hand job.

"This is so strange, i never thought i would be jerking a girl off." she mentally thought. She could hear Ruby cute delicate moans start to pick up pace.

"My you take forever to release." she commented.
Ruby tensed up at the blunt question, her cock pulsing harder as Blake started to jack her off, full on giving her a handjob. Her dick was as cute as her but it pulsed furiously, tensing repeatedly as she got closer and closer to the edge.

"J-just was wondering..." Ruby answered with hitched breath, "I mean... That means... Ngh!... V-Velvet has one too right?" she wondered to her friend as she was so casually jerked off.

It was Blake's comment next that set her off. Even Ruby had the idea that she wasn't supposed to be fast and that she was indeed cumming rather quickly, so Blake's statement threw her off but somehow turned her on more. "I-I'm sorry I... I'm..." Ruby tried to explain herself but suddenly her cock shivered, "w-wait I'm... uwaaaahh!!!" the girl cried out as she suddenly reached orgasm.

Ruby's lithe body tensed, her back arched and her perky titties bounced subtly, nipples pointing up, and she let out a long squeal. In her black and red boots her toes curled and she started to shake as her cock exploded. Wide, silver eyes rolled back as her mouth hung open, her cock spurt thick shots of hot cum out right at Blake, landing wherever the Faunus had her cock aimed as the rest dribbled into her hand. Her pussy tightened up, dribbling with her cum as well as she stained the sheets underneath her with her sweet pussy juice. Ruby came buckets again, she twitched and huffed as she came down from orgasm but even as she did the girl's dick stayed rock hard!

"I... It wont go down..." Ruby whined as she panted, cock still rock hard in Blake's hand.
Blake flinched a bit as the cum hit her face, licking a bit off with her togune,she noticed the taste was actually pretty good.

"Not half bad, taste pretty good." She complainants and used a hand to slide off her panties, exposing her large beast of pale cock, and her large balls, a virgin flower below/behind her balls.

"I believe im around eight inches." Blake said. "Would you be will to take my?"
Ruby grunted out as her first few shots hit Blake right in the face. One load streaked straight up from her cheek, over the bridge of her nose, and into her hair. Another hit her right in the cheek while more hit her chin. Most of Ruby's load was expended in Blake's face, the last few shots drizzling over her exposed tits before the last dribbled into her hand.

"Ahhh... Nhhh.." Ruby panted, nervously gazing at Blake as the girl licked a bit of cum off her cheek. Her pale cheeks flushed deep red as her cum was complimented, "d-does it?" she asked innocently, her cock twitching hard as she realized that she seemed to like how it looked, her cum glazing Blake's face and hair.

Blake slowly pulled her panties off, showing off her Faunus cock to her young leader. "Woah...." Her cutely hollow voice exhaled a warm breath as she laid eyes on that large, Faunus dick. Moving closer to it, Ruby eyed the member, inspecting it frantically as if it were a new weapon. "It looks so... It's so smooth" she said as she airheadedly reached out to touch it running her middle finger down the shaft slowly, barely realizing any of her own nervousness anymore. Something about having this in common with Blake made it easy for her to calm down and let some of her usual tendencies out. "Eight?" she asked, "it's bigger than mine" she marveled in awe.

When Blake asked if she would be willing to take that massive thing, Ruby blushed brightly. "I-I wouldn't know how" she answered quickly and awkwardly as was her usual nature, "I mean... I-it's only fair though..." She said, looking to Blake's large cock before her own. It was when she laid eyes on her smaller cock that she remembered just how horny she was, her cock aching with arousal and fueling her answer.

"Yes... Anything... Just help me get this to go down" she pouted.
Blake smirked a bit. "First lets make sure your fully naked." she said as she started to take Ruby clothes off.

A minute passed before Blake stood over a fully naked Ruby. Instructing her on what to do, Blake now was in a postion to easily slid into Ruby virign flower.

"Are yoy sure you can handle it?" she asked once. "Thsnk god yang isnt here today." she muttered that though.

Waiting for Ruby response, she wiggled her toes a bit.
"Y-yeah" Ruby nodded, looking down at herself. Slowly she undid the front of her corset before she took it off, throwing it softly to the floor. Ruby took another thick swallow, gulping as she moved to slowly pull the black dress she wore off, peeling it from her thin teen body, exposing her flat, firm stomach. The awkward, skinny young girl easily took her bra off as it was already misplaced to reveal her chest and all that was left now was her panties and pantyhose, both of which were pulled down, and her boots.

Awkwardly the lanky girl kicked off her boots, revealing cute feet underneath the nearly transparent dark fabric of her pantyhose that stretched as her toes spread out and curled in pleasure. Next she slid them and her panties off of her, leaving her pale, skinny, lanky body exposed to her teammate.

"I.. I wont let you down" Ruby said determinedly, looking up at Blake who hovered over her. She could feel the heat of the Faunus cock near her innocent pussy, giving one last nod to signify that she was ready, "g-go slow" she told her.
Blake slowly slid inside Ruby flower, keeping her hands above Ruby shoulders for balance. Blake slowly started to thrust.

Hearing the whimpering of Ruby, "do you want to wait a minute?" Blake asked getting the confirmation from Ruby.

They stopped for a minute or to before continuing.

Blake begain thrusting, her breasts jiggled in rythem with each thrust. Ruby's also did the same. Blake let out a cute moan by accident.

She blushed but kept on.
Ruby tensed up as she anticipated Blake entering her, the first time anyone would do such a thing with her. As she felt Blake's big Faunus cock push into her she let out a squeak but let her continue to slowly thrust. In one sharp movement Ruby was no longer a virgin, a stinging pain shooting through her.

"Hmmph!" Ruby sounded out, clenching up, squeezing Blake's dick inside of her. When asked if she wanted to wait a minute, Ruby nodded and the two sat, letting Ruby get used to the feeling of a cock in her. Once she was used to it and the stinging feeling slowly gave way to a rather enjoyable tingling, Ruby reached up and rested her hands on Blake's hips to brace herself before nodding again, signaling her to go on.

Blake started thrusting into her, pulling a moan from Ruby. "Uwah!" she cried out cutely, her little tits bouncing, jiggling really as they were too perky to really bounce, with each thrust. "Hnnn!" she squealed out in her excited high pitched voice, as her own hips bucked up trying to take more of the Faunus dick into her tight young cunt.

Her own futa cock swayed with the motion, it slapped up against her pelvis with a sound only slightly less lewd than that of their hips clapping wetly together.
Blake started to pick up the pace, "Damn your so tight?" She grunted with a thrust. The clapping of their hips, was slighlty pleasant to Blake, as with each thrust she started of other ways to pleasure Ruby.

"After where done with Ruby, would you like something called a footjob?" Blake asked as she felt her team leader take more of her Faunus cock inside of her.

Blake started to moan as well, sweat running down her skin, she was getting close. "Ruby do you want me to cum outside of you?" she asked with a grunt.
Ruby gasped as Blake started to go faster. Her hands left Blake's hips as her arms reached above her head and planted her hands flat against the wall as she struggled to hold on for dear life, her friend fucking her frantically. "Ahhh!" She cried, "Blake if you keep that up I'll... I'll... Y-you know" she huffed, her pussy starting to clench tighter as she was given such a compliment.

Her brow started to bead with sweat as she bucked her hips faster, grunting cutely and huffing with cracked breath as her tight little pussy got even wetter and her cock stiffened up harder, both ready to burst any minute.

When asked if she wanted a 'footjob' Ruby didn't know what to say, she didn't even know what it was. Though, to not be awkward Ruby bit her lip and gave a soft nod, agreeing to whatever this footjob thing was.

As Blake asked her if she wanted her to cum outside, her heart skipped a beat as she frantically nodded. She didn't know anything about any of this sex stuff, but she of course knew how it worked, what could happen. Whether a Faunus could actually impregnate someone or not would be a secret to find out another day, but for now she just wasn't used to it enough to take a load right in her like that. "O-outside!" Ruby cried out, "O-on me!" she said with flushed cheeks as her eyes started to go wide and crosseyed, her orgasm fast approaching.
Blake grinned when she saw Runy nod yes to the footjob, pulling out of Ruby she came. Cum hitting the girls crotch, stomach and well most over her body.

Panting Blake looked at Ruby, her cock still squirting out a few bits of cum streaks here and there. Wiping the sweat from her face, Blake lied down next Ruby.

"I hope i didn't stretch you to hard." The faunus said to her leader. She turned her head to look at her leader. Waiting for answer Blake remained silent.
"Augh!" Ruby let out a cute grunt as the sudden motion from Blake pulling out caused her to cum as well, her eyes going crossed as she reached her peak. Blake aimed her cock for Ruby and the younger girl felt the sudden, hot gushes of cum splash against her body. Hot spunk splashed over Ruby's crotch, luckily missing her pussy but streaking up her pubis, showering over her tight stomach, splattering her tits as well. Ruby was covered in Faunus cum and instantly she couldn't help but find how much she enjoyed the hot, wet, thick feeling of it, and that only aided her own orgasm.

The second Blake pulled out, Ruby's pussy squirted out, clenching tight as she squirted onto the sheets. Her cock followed suit, balls clenching tight as her shaft pulsed rapidly, causing her tip to twitch and shiver before cum rocketed up against the underside of the bed above them, the rest raining down onto them, but mostly Ruby herself. "Ahhh... Ahh.... Nhh..." Ruby panted as she came down, a sheen of sweat over her thin, lanky body, but alas... Her cock still wasn't going down!

"N-no it felt.. Good" Ruby chuckled nervously, not really knowing how to act now after she had let Blake fuck her.

"Uhm...." Ruby looked down, signaling Blake's attention downward as well, trying to hint that she needed more, at least more before Yang or Weiss got back. "C-could I try the same thing?" She asked innocently, "y'know... Before they get back" she asked, noticing the time.
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