Wiki- rauk the bond between spirits

"Okay, gang. Let's help Shido think of a name." Kotori said happily, as she was relieved that the spirit's powers had been properly sealed away for now.

"Brunhilda? Mildred? How about-" The red haired sister of Shido's cut them off before they made any further dumb suggestions. "You guys suck at this stuff." She said. "Sorry, Bro. We can't think of anything. You're on your own for this one I'm afraid."

Meanwhile, the purple haired spirit smiled at Shido, as she responded. "Sure, I think I still a tiny amount of power left, and should be able to do something." Closing her eyes, she started to glow for a moment, as this outfit started to appear on her body. "How's this? Do you like it?" She said slowly twirling around to show off her new threads. "So... Have you thought of a good name for me?" The innocent looking girl looked up at him, blinking.
He just sighed hearing that as he still waited then looked over at the girl again. " that's really good, like it alot..." blushing a bit as he found her really cute in the new outfit, smiling a bit as he crossed his arms. Shido close his eyes and started to think for a moment before finally thinking of a name, " what about tohka then? I think it sounds nice and it fits you...."
"Tohka... If that's what you like, then I think it's a great name! Yes, Tohka! I love it." She twirls around like a happy go lucky girl, and jumps onto Shido, hugging him tightly. "Thank you." She whispered into his ear, a her breasts pressed up against his chest through the clothing. "I can't wait to move in with you!" She happily sprang on him.

The crew aboard the Fraxinus were cheering, as Kotori smiled and considered this scenario solved. "That's my big brother. Always knows what to say." Speaking out loud.
He smiled, his arms trapped as she hugged him, just standing there a bit awkwardly. " yup its gonna be actually gonna cook dinner later at home so you'll be able to experience something like that too..." she she finally let go shido stretched and gave a yawn, " I probably need groceries though..." he wondered for a moment turning back to her. " hey tohka wanna help me out with something before we go home?" He asked as the boy leaned over to take her hand as they finally left back to the city.
As he leaned over and grabbed her hand, Tohka looked up into his eyes with an excited expression. "Yes! Of course I will help you. Since you sealed away my power and saved me, the least I can do it go shopping with you." She giggled, clinging onto his arm. Tohka walked along side Shido on their way back to the city, holding his hand the whole way. She felt comfort being with him, knowing that at least there was one person in the world that wanted her around.

"So where to first! Ooooh, that looks yummy!" She bounced up and down, causing her breasts to jiggle as she stared at a nearby fish market. "Shido, can we go in there? Please?" She looked up into his eyes, blinking. Her nipples poking through her white shirt.
Soon they finally headed back as he laid his other hand in his pocket before stopping as she did. " maybe another time...I bet kotori would be pissed that I didnt start dinner yet before she gets home maybe..." with a shrug as he waited for her to be ready to walk again instead of dragging her away. " there's alot of better things to look at besides that so don't get too excited here you know...we could go to maybe an amusement park, or even try the pool. Something like that...."
"Dinner at home? That sounds great!" Tohka excitedly clapped, still clinging on to Shido's arm as they walked home. "Okay, a pool or amusement park sounds like a lot of fun. You humans sure have a lot of fun things to do." She said with a smile on her face as she walked next to him, her breast pressing through her shirt into his arm.

Back home, Kotori sat at the dinner table with a grumbling look on her face, waiting for Shido to come through the door. He was running late, but she knew that he had a rough day and hadn't planned on being too mad at him. "C'mon Shido... I'm starving!" She mumbled under her breath, watching the door handle.
He sighed as he slipped his free hand in his pokcet as they finally arrived at the large marketplace, taking his phone out to text his sister. " is there anything you wanna eat? I'm really sorry that I'm running late, I had to pick up groceries if I had to make dinner tonight." Sending the text to her as he started to buy ingredients for a few things that she might want him to cook and also the things to cook her favorite, eventually getting everything and soon arriving home as he stepped through the door slowly. " I'm home....I'll get dinner started already so you can just relax tohka. Maybe watch some tv...." with that shido would take his apron and start cooking.
"Oh wow! This is great!" Tohka squealed excitedly as she sat on the couch watching television. She didn't really care what show was playing, as she'd never experienced anything like it before. She picked up the remote, and started flipping through the channels, until it ended up on the softcore porn one. The inexperienced, purple haired girl watched in awe for a few seconds as two naked bodies lay next to each other, thrusting passionately, moans escaping both their lips in pure pleasure. Tohka blushed as er eyes were glued to the screen, unblinking. "Shido, what are they doing? It looks dangerous!" She asked, as her nipples became erect, poking through the shirt even more. She felt a curious tingling inside her, that forced her to have new, dirty thoughts about being intimate with Shido. However, she didn't act upon those urges at the moment.

"It's okay, Big Brother. You've had a rough day so I'll forgive you this time." Kotori said, snickering at Tohka, who was still watching the porn channel. "Um... Big bro?" She whispered, pointing over to Tohka.
He stretched as he got what he needs from the kitchen and started cooking, the stove on and pots and pans laid out on the counter as he has the ingredients sitting next to them. Luckily right now he was really paying attention or even heard tohka comment until he heard kotori and slowly turned with complete redness in the face from embarrassment as he rushed from the kitchen and grabbed the remote, flipping it randomly to alot of the channels and dropping it back on the couch.

" jeez why now..." he facepalmed slowly heading back to the kitchen and continuing quietly. All he could do now was force himself to try and forget. " nothing happened....nothing happened...." the boy told himself ignoring everything around him right now and focusing on the cooking.
"Aww, I was watching that, Shido!" Tohka huffed, as the channels frantically flipped around to something else. However, she was soon engrossed in a cooking show that she had found, completely forgetting about what she had been watching before. After a few moments had gone by, The purple haired spirit got up from the couch, and went over to sit across from Kotori at the dinner table. "So what is for dinner, Shido? I don't know what that is you're making, but it sure smells fantastic!" She said with a beaming smile, almost starting to salivate.

"Big brother, hurry it up! We're hungry!" Kotori said, getting a little cranky from having to wait so long for the food. She loved her big brother, and knew she could always rely on him to take care of her, even though Tohka was in the picture now as well. The two women sat there at the table, looking up at Shido with hungry eyes.
He just seemed to ignore them as he cooked a bit faster, before slowly walking out and setting a few of the plates with the food as they had a small bowl of salad and soup, some bowls of rice for all of them an more in the kitchen, and finally some meat mostly being chicken and pork. Shido shook his head and slapped his own cheeks a few times as he sat down, " please.....don't do that again...." he said softly forgetting about the first channel as he starts to eat.
Tohka pouted, looking down at the food on the table. Slouching down, her full breasts rest on the edge of the table, causing her cleavage to pop up seductively although it was unintentional. "I'm sorry, Shido." She said, not making eye contact with him. "I-I didn't know it was wrong, it won't happen again. I was only curious." She mumbled, eating the food in front of her with an embarrassed red hue on her face. Her long, erect nipples poked out of her top as she sat there thinking about what she'd done.

Kotori happily gobbled up every last bite, and kicked back in her chair. Her long, red pigtails swaying back and forth as she looked over to Shido. "Ya know big brother. There's rumored to be another pair of spirits in the city. We'll need you to find them and go on a date with them tomorrow before they cause any trouble."
"Of course and so soon...." with a sigh seeing it was so soon and they wouldnt even be easy than today with the other girl. Shido stood up and stretched as he took the plates that were done and started to wash them again, as he walked past tohka, leaning over to say something, " glad your here..." with that he was gone to the kitchen as he started to wash the plates now.
Tohka's face lit up with excitement after Shido told her he was glad she was there. It almost brought a tear to her eye, as no one has ever been this good to her before. After finishing her meal and standing up to stretch, Kotori took the purple haired girl by the hand and lead her into the bathroom to show her how to prepare for bed time.

"It's getting late, Tohka. Here, you can borrow some of my pajamas!" She squeaked playfully, pulling Tohka's shirt off over her head, revealing her perky breasts. "First, we've got to get you into the bathtub. You've had a long day and this will help you relax!" She said, running a hot bubble bath. "Now, just take off the rest of your clothes, and step in. Just soak for a while." The red haired girl said in a cute voice, before walking out without shutting the door.

Tohka nodded, and had a confused look on her face as she stepped out of her clothing, sat it to the side. The warm bath looked very inviting, so she slowly dipped her toe in, and stepped into it, sinking down to where her nipples were barely at water level. "She's right... This feels incredible." Tohka moaned, as she shut her eyes with a smile.
Shido still went on with the dishes as he finally insihed and sat down on the couch for a bit with a sigh. Now it seems that things were only gonna get serious and maybe dangerous now, maybe even tomorrow he would have to go against another one and even worse now he would have to take care and possibly even have problems with the two maybe even fighting. "Jeez this is just the damn start...." leaning back and closing his eyes to relax for a bit and even think a bit more about the possibility.
Tohka finished her bath and stepped out, trying herself off with a towel. Looking around the room for a moment, she came to the conclusion that she didn't have any clean clothes to wear. Wrapping a dry towel around her, she stepped out of the bathroom and made her way down the hallway into the living room where Shido was resting on the couch.

"Uh.. Shido." She said, with a blush on her face. "I need something to sleep in tonight. C-can I borrow one of your shirts?" She said nervously, as the towel barely covered her cleavage, stopping just above her nipples and barely covering between her legs. The spirit's purple hair was still damp as well, and her dimwitted nature caused her to forget all about the pajamas Kotori had set out for her that were still in the bathroom. Unfortunately, Kotori was already in her bedroom asleep for the night.
"What?" He started to ask before his eyes opened staring at her body for a moment before sitting to face to the side of the room so he couldn't see her naked. Uhhh-ummm....j-just go to your room then and I'll bring something, maybe kotori forget but I'll bring something then..." not wanting to of course be that person for the moment and it was only the first day anyway.
Hanging her head down in defeat, Tohka yawned. "I'm sorry, Shido. I-I'll be more careful next time." She mumbled, turning to walk out of the room. She walked down the hallway, her hips swaying with each step as she opened the door to the guest room and walked inside. Tohka dropped the towel down onto the floor, and kicked it to the side and climbed into bed, getting comfortably underneath the covers. She turned over onto her side, leaving her back to the doorway and closed her eyes nodding off to sleep, completely nude under the sheets.
He sighed finding even finding something in the bathroom weirdly as he started to knock on the door, " tohka try to pay a bit more attention..." as he stretched waiting for her so he could give it to her. "Even tomorrow maybe even another spirit...." as he was thinking about it again now still waiting.
Tohka rubbed her eyes, and pulled the sheets off of her body as she got out of bed, her breasts jiggling in the process. "Shido?" She said groggily, walking nude in the dim light of the guest room. She opened the door and stood there in front of him, her cute nipples pointing out to him in their full glory. "Thanks!" The spirit smiled, taking the pajamas from his hands and slipping them over her small figure, the chest area barely able to cover her breasts. "Say, Shido? Can you spend the night in here with me? I've... never spent the night in the human world before, and I want my first night to be with you." She broke eye contact with him, and blushed. Not wanting to admit that she was already starting to have feelings for him, regardless of whether or not she understood what that meant.
" b-but you already are here with us..." as he looked at her a bit nervously. " besides I'll see you tomorrow anyway so don't worry about it night..m" he simply said as he turned to walk back to his room with a sigh as he didn't even know what was up with the girl and some weird jokes with the fact that everything had been going wrong like the stupid tv and how she forgot about the pajamas from his sister then.
Tohka sighed, and just shut the door to the guest room she was staying in. Retreating back to her bed, she curled up and fell asleep for the night.

The next morning, Kotori barged into Shido's room again, and jumped up and down on his bed to wake him up. "Big brother, big brother! We have work to do! Two orange haired spirits have been spotted terrorizing the park down town! We need to get you suited up and ready to go stat!" Her petite breasts jiggled with each bounce under her pajamas, as she ended up sitting and straddling her brother, looking him in the eye. "C'mon big bro! Wake... up!!"
Again as always he would be sleeping hoping again that he would finally have a day without her doing something like that to him but hearing the door as he covered himself in his blanket bunker and held on tight as she was already on him and attacking. Shido soon gave a groan as he tries to pull the blanket, curling up a bit as he woke up. " I damn knew it...this doesn't even make sense as he slowly sits up after he sees her leave and starts to dress up.
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