Wiki- rauk the bond between spirits


Jan 4, 2014
Candy mountain
It had been just a year since thing started to go bad, since everything changed though the big thing being that there were real supernatural occurrence that seemed to be a normal thing to him now. People who knows where even from another world calling them spirits who were seen as too dangerous to exist in the human world which brought about the military developing weapons and even a new organization to combat them at least in theory. In practice of course it only made things worse than then arriving here I the first place but someone had to do something about and if only there was a peaceful way to settle things....thay was until his crazy little sister thought of the idea of trying to even communicate with them without any guns or gear, and maybe even a crazier idea of dating them if that was even possible at all

For now though things seemed to have calmed down as it was another morning. Shido laying on his bed in his little blanket cocoon as like always he felt lazy and didn't want to do much of anything today than just lay around like this all day.
It was getting late into the day, and Shido still wasn't awake yet. This upset his little sister, Kotori who was creeping into his bedroom to wake him up. With a soft giggle, she admired his form underneath the blankets momentarily before leaping up into the air above him. Her schoolgirl uniform flew up to reveal her pink and white striped panties briefly before she landed directly on top of him, straddling his groin. Grinding herself against him in this position, and tugging on the blankets to rip them off of him she roared in her cute, but loud tone. "Big brother! Wake up! You're burning day light you lazy bum! Get... Out... of... bed!"

The red haired girl rocked back and forth on top of him, shouting the whole time. "Shido! Shido! C'mon! Fix me breakfast, I'm hungry, big brother!" Her pig tails danced to and fro as she continued the onslaught to try and urge him to wake up. A warm blush appeared on her cheek as she thought about the awkward position they were in, with her sitting on top of him. Shrugging it off, however, Kotori continued to hound him about sleeping in.
Shido as always never liked his sister when she was like this as he pulled the blanket over himself and braces himself for the worst knowing of course she wouldn't give up in trying to get him out of bed when there wasn't anything for him to be doing right and there wasn't school either. With that he gripped the sheets with all he had for the moment before suddenly feeling her weight off him but returning with such a pain like a lightning bolt bit him as he felt kotori's foot thrust into his stomach, the sheets flying out he gave a cough and a groan holding his stomach with both his arms in pain.

" th-thanks for that kotori..." he replied weakly as he laid there not moving at all for a moment.. before he moved his arm to sit up a bit. " I'm up already now please get off me...." he told her as he got up and went to the bathroom for a moment before walking down with her to cook. As he came into the kitchen, shido wrapped a green apron as he started up the stove and started to cook for the both of them.
"Good! You shouldn't sleep in like this, big brother! It's not good for you." She watched him get up and walk into the bathroom. Once he was inside, she made her way downstairs, and sat at the kitchen table, crossing her legs and tapping with four fingernails on the table top. "Hurry up, big bro!" She yelled impatiently, as Shido came down stairs and donned the green apron to begin cooking the meals.

"Big bro? Can I ask you something?" She cocked her head to the side, causing the light red pig tails to bounce and sway. "I want to eat out for lunch today. Will you promise to take me out?" She kicked her legs back and forth under the chair, holding onto the seat with each hand as she looked up toward Shido. Meanwhile, the news was playing on the TV on the wall, talking about a recent increase in spatial quakes. Kotori was ignoring this for now, and simply focusing on her big brother. "Well? I really want to, big bro!"
" man more activity so soon? I really hope that this one could just be something rare...." Looking over at the tv with a sigh as he turned back to still do the cooking. Soon he turned back to kotori as he started to think " I guess that's fine, if nothing happens with that quake though and you have somewhere that isnt too expensive then I guess we could. I wouldn't mind that..."

Stretching a bit shido started to get some plates as he finally finished, walking over and setting one down for himself and one for her. With that he sat down and started to eat with her looking back at the news again as he started again, " hopefully it's not would be crazy if it was that soon since the last...."
Kotori began eating, after thanking Shido for the meal. She half listened to what he had to say, mostly disregarding the parts about the spatial quakes. The red haired girl with pig tails quickly finished and left her plate there on the table as she jumped up and gave her brother a big, tight hug. Her petite breasts pressed into his chest, allowing her mysteriously erect nipples to poke him. Kotori was turned on quite a bit by her brother, but was too embarrassed to admit it to him. A small blush of crimson appeared on her cheeks as she jumped away and headed toward the door. "Well, I have some stuff I need to do... I'll see you at noon at the family restaurant down the street! The usual place! And you better be there!" She huffed, sticking her tongue out playfully, opening the door. A gust of wind from outside blew her skirt up briefly, displaying her perfectly outlined mound between her legs, and round ass through her pink and white striped panties before she stepped outside and went on her way.
Shido somewhat took his time with his food as he had o my half of his food left once she started to stand up, almost dropping his fork as he managed to catch at the last second but getting caught in her hug not a good thing with his arms suddenly pressed to his side's for the moment before she had finally let go. " of course I would..well see you then." scratching the back of his neck a bit awkwardly feeling somewhat embarrassed all of a sudden even more with his face turning red full of blush when the boy glanced up to see her panties, putting a hand to cover his mouth in a cough as he finished up and started to wash the plates now seeing he was alone.

" jeez what do to now, I'll probably be making dinner as always so I guess I'll be out as well...." shido started thinking for a moment it would be good now with all the free time he would decide to go to the market and see if he could buy anything so he could easily catch up on the stock to make dinner for later, walking out the door and locking it as he made his way down the street.
Kotori went off down the road and went about her business as several hours went by. Around 12:00pm, sirens started to go off signifying there would be an imminent spatial quake in the city. Emergency evacuations had started, as people all over the city started to pile into the various shelters. The red haired girl, however, would not be found in a shelter. She seemed to disappear entirely, except for her GPS which was left at the family restaurant. Little did Shido know, she was already on board the Fraxinus and ready to lock onto his energy signal, beaming him aboard as soon as the spatial quake went off.

The entire city was in pure chaos, as sirens and screams could be heard all over the place. Once the quake was over, the building it hit was left in complete ruins. The dust started to settle as a strange woman in purple armor walked through what was left of the building with a blank stare in her eyes.
Boring as usual it seemed like any other day as he continues down finally arriving after a while to the shopping district as he stopped to stretch for a bit from the long walk and maybe even take a small break as he sat down at a nearby bench when suddenly the complete worst thing has happened as he suddenly heard the alarms. " this can't be real...." quickly standing up he could as people already of course panicking and running for the shelters around the city though instead of running away he ran toward the source.

After a while closer he managed to get close enough to see that there was a spirit and this was an actual real danger. Shido just stood there a few hundred feet away from her just staring at her power. She could destroy something like that in seconds and seem bored of it already. Slowly he made his way closer by only a few feet at most as he stood there again, debating on whether to wait for her to notice him and maybe attack or warn her that there was a certain group of people coming to take her out.
The purple haired woman walked through the rubble of the building, as if she were confused as to where she needed to go, or what to do. Why was she even there? She didn't know for certain, and seemingly found herself coming into the world via these space quakes quite often. Eventually, she heard some movement and quickly turned her gaze over in Shido's general direction. She had found that he was looking at her, and gave him a scared, but firm look.

"You. You're following me? Are you one of them? One of the people who are trying to kill me?" She questioned, raising her sword in his direction. "Speak!" She demanded, not noticing that there were now several military units in mecha suits hovering just above her, ready to strike. Among them was a white haired girl by the name of Origami, who happened to be one of Shido's class mates.
He jumped back a bit surprised but kind of still expecting it, " no of course not and I have no reason to. I don't think I could kill anyone anyway...promise that I'm not gonna do anything to you...." raising his arms up a bit in front of his chest to show he didnt have anything. Shido have a sigh to calm clear his mind for the moment, " but I think what we should do is run away from them.....I think it would be a good idea to find somewhere safe to talk for a bit if you want?" Shido then froze hearing the sound almost like the engine of a jet or a plane as he looked up to see they were already here. " oh did they get here so fast....ummm should we start running?" Asking the the girl in the purple armor.
"You want to talk?" N-no one has ever just wanted to talk to me before. They always try to- Ahhh!" Gunfire started to rain down upon the area from above, but before any damage could be done, the strange purple armored figure raised her hand and created a magical protective energy dome around herself and Shido. "There." She looked into his eyes, as she sat down on the ground, ignoring the storm of bullets and explosions around them, outside the protective energy field. "We can talk here, right now. Sit down." She pointed directly in front of her, and looked up at him with a hint of sorrow and worry in her eyes.
The boy jumped a bit as he closed his eyes and held his hands out for a moment expecting the billets before hearing her voice and looking over at her surprised by the shield. He sighted to relax and think for a moment as he slowly sat down with her. Pausing for a moment as he looked up to see her sad face. " I'm sorry you have to deal with this....they attack you just because you seem different from everyone else, because you do things that people might not like....I'm here for you though, I don't think your scary or weird, I think you would fit in nicely..." trying to encourage her with a smile. " well now that things have calmed down mostly, is there anything your curious about? Or just wanna talk about? Doesn't matter because I'm here to listen..."
"You don't think I'm weird? But I'm not even from this world. I have nothing in common with anyone, not even you." She spoke, ignoring the hellfire of bullets and weaponry that beat down on the energy field protecting their location. It was if they weren't even shooting at them. Little did the attackers know, their onslaught was meaningless. "What do I want to talk about? I..." She looked away, blushing momentarily, then looked back to the boy. Before she could say anything further, the energy field de-materialized, and the assault was over.

"Shido, get out of here!" A familiar voice said, coming from none other than Shido's school mate Origami. Giving the spirit no time to recover, Origami rushed in for a melee attack wearing her mecha suit. "No! I knew you were all trying to kill me!" The purple armored spirit cried out, drawing her sword and creating a shockwave that would knock anyone around her out cold. Before the shockwave could hurt Shido, the crew aboard the Fraxinus ship had managed to lock on to Shido's position and beam his body aboard, even against his will.

Kotori stood there, with several others around her as she watched her big brother appear before them. Taking the cherry flavored sucker out of her mouth, she smiled to greet him, waiting for him to come to. "Welcome aboard the Fraxinus big Brother. That was a close one. Now... We have a task for you."
He sat up a bit with a smile as she seemed to completely calm down a bit for now and they were actually talking as friends it seemed. She would be causing less destruction and he would be happy to have a new friend in her. Soon the shield seem to collapse not noticing it until he heard the voice, looking up among them for a moment before shido noticed the white haired girl though hit the wall a bit hard from the shockwave as he struggled to sit up, "Ori-gami.....dont...." weakly calling out with a small cough as he closed his eyes for a moment before slowly looking up again to see what looked like the inside of a ship before suddenly hearing the voice he knew to be his sister strangely.

" jeez I'm so sore....dammit I almost had a chance..." slowly sitting then leaning against the wall beside him to help him stand up. " frax...inus?" Of course asking confusingly, " what is this? And what do you need me to do? That girl with the armor...." he looked down a bit, " I was so close to getting to know her, and that face she looked like she was sad and alone..." he raised his head up to look at her, " what's up then, what do I need to do?"
"Listen, Shido, I know this is a lot to take in right now, but we'll have to explain later." Kotori popped the sucker back into her mouth, before continuing, speaking around it. "You're going to have to brush up on your skills with women. In fact, that whole city depends on how good you are with women." She winked at him, placing a small listening device in his ear. "Here, this will help us communicate with you. Now, get back down there, and make her fall in love with you. Once you get her to kiss you, her power will be sealed away." The red haired girl with pig tails waved at her big brother, as he was overtaken by the ship's energy once again, and beamed back down to the surface.

"You again..." the purple armored woman said, looking him in the eye, as he was beamed back down to the surface, right infront of the woman. "Why did you come back here?!" Origami and the others appear to have tactically retreated for now. They would be alone for at least a few moments.

"Shido! Come in Shido!" A familiar voice sounded in the boy's ear-piece. "This is Kotori. Her happiness meter is only at 15 right now, this is bad. Stand by for a sec.. Let's see what our choices are."

1.) Because I just needed to see you again!
2.) Because you looked like someone who needs a friend.
3.) Because you're damn sexy and I want to suck on dem boobies!

Kotori collaborated with her peers for a moment, before coming to a decision. "Big brother, we suggest you go with choice 3. It's bold, but this is exactly what we need right now. If she doesn't raise her happiness, and quick, we'll be in big trouble!"
He slowly took the earpiece deciding not to question anything as he was soon back down a bit surprised the girl was still there. As he turned his head slightly and put a hand to his ear to hear his sister clearly, " are you crazy that's the opposite! This is not the time for that...I know exactly how to talk to her anyway...." As he turned back to the other.

" it would be safer if I left for now and come back when things calmed down. There's no interruptions so like I said before, is there anything you wanted to ask I'm particular? And that face I saw.....I know how it feels when your alone in a world like this....ive been there almost my whole life I didn't have anyone to care for when I was younger I was afraid just like you until I started growing up with my sister...she was my friend and the only other person I love....I wouldn't mind having you as a friend though...your not alone anymore because you have me, and I'm never leaving your side. No matter what you say I won't leave you alone ever..." shido smiled hoping that little speech did something for her.
The woman stood there, stunned for a moment during his speech. She had never heard anything like that before. No one had ever seemed to care about her, or anything she did and had always just wanted her gone due to her destructive power.

"..My question is why... Why do you care about me? Someone you just met?" She held a hand up, with a look on her face as if she was about to burst into tears as Kotori phoned in once again on the ear-piece.

"Shido! LOOK OUT!" She said, as another hail of gunfire rained down on their surroundings, followed by Origami sweeping in for an attack.

"Enough!" The armored spirit shouted, materializing her legendary sword, Sandalfon. With the destructive power, she slashed and knocked out the white haired attacker, and stood there with a stream of tears running down her face, looking back at Shido. "See? No human would ever want to be my friend. You'd betray me too! Even.. even if I had a place to go, it's too late now. I've summoned Sandalfon, I... have to release its power!"

"You have to do something, Shido!" Kotori said to him, watching her happiness meter go all over the place. "This is your last chance!"
" I'm not a heartless person like most people are, and I mean look at it logically it's just not damn fair for people to treat you like that just cause your a spirit..." As he heard the gunfire he jumped to the side for cover as he leaned back a bit to be tucked into the wall. " I would never do that!" He shouted quickly standing, " you will see me as your friend no matter what! I'm not giving up on you, I'll show you how much I care! I'll do anything no matter what happens!" With that The boy slowly made his way toward her, slowly trying to wrap his arms around her in a hug, trying to hold right onto her. " I won't see someone I just became friends with give up like this! I'm staying by your side till the end!" Continuing to shout. " your my friend, and I'll keep repeating that until you finally accept it!"
The spirit wielded the sword-Sandalfon, nearly exploding with pent up energy. It was ready to strike, and decimate the area. A tear appeared on her face as she hesitated for a moment. "But... I've already charged Sandalfon... The energy... I need to release it!"

"I could accept what you say, and stay here, but where would I go? I'd need food, and a place to live." A troubled look was on her face, as if she truly believed Shido was a friend, but she also knew it was too late for her to turn back after summoning the wrath of Sandalfon. She gasped, feeling the warmth of his embrace. The sword was mere seconds away from releasing a catastrophic explosion of energy, and her back was against the ropes.

"Okay.. I believe you! But.. is there a way to stop this power?" She said with concern, gazing into his eyes.
"Don't worry about any of that, I got it.." he smiled for a moment before looking over at her sword, "we could try and get to an area away from here or stay here under your shield and hope it doesn't do alot of damage then." As he didnt know what to do. " you think you could help us out?" Shido asked putting a hand to the earpiece and trying to think.
"You have to kiss her, Shido! That's the only way to seal her power. But it's hard to tell if her happiness level is in the right place. You'll have to convince her!" Kotori yelled through the comms, as the rest of the staff stood around their consoles waiting for further instructions from her. "Kissing the spirit is the only way to seal their power." She finished.

There were mere seconds left before the energy of the sword would be released, which would most likely destroy the entire city. The girl in purple armor, code named Princess stared directly into Shido's eyes and begged him to help her. "I.. I trust you. Just tell me what I have to do. Hurry!" she cried out, unsure of how to stop this power from unleashing. "I can't hold it back much longer!"
He heard through the comms again a bit wondering when she would be telling him something like that, slowly standing up still holding her in his arms and looking into her eyes. " fine!!" He yelled to his earpiece as he looked over at her, " if you trust me...." shido smiled for a moment before putting a hand to her cheek and leaning in to kiss her for a few seconds, pulling back after a moment hoping that it worked. " I'm your friend and I'm here for matter what I don't want you to forget that ever..."
The woman leaned into his kiss, and closed her eyes. She enjoyed the sudden intimacy, and felt a tingling sensation which was her spirit power being sealed away. After a flashy light show of energy around the two, the sword de-materialized without any destructive power, and the girl stood there completely naked. Opening her eyes finally, she looked down to see her large, perky breasts bounce up and down as jumped with excitement. "Yay! Does this mean people will no longer hate me?" Thinking nothing of her display of full frontal nudity, the woman looked at Shido, cocking her head to the side. "You know, I'm going to need a name. Could you.. give me one?" She said, with her purple hair flowing down her shoulders, covering one of her nipples.
" they shouldn't now...." replying as he saw her nakedness and turned away from her with an awkward and embarssed chuckle."let me just think of something...." As he put a hand up to his ear again, " help please? Maybe?" Asking for suggestion as he waited trying to think of a name himself sighing to calm down a bit as he looked around again at the town. " if you want to be here do you think you could wear something similar to mine? It would be easy to just blend in." Wondering if she had powers that could do that.
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