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Rape city (paracite in city) NSFW (Paracite in city rip off)


Mar 4, 2012
Okay so currently craving an new scenario for rape city

1. Rape city has been liberated by the Foundation. its history covered up, surviving girls are given modeling jobs and shut up money or kept for research with surviving zombies and Creep samples. The Foundation either uses the virus to spike the water supply with a lesser strain to make, men hung and horny, but not zombies, and the girls, needy pretty as a means of combating population contraction world wide. They might also pull some strings to make public rapes safers and more acceptable with the new laws and services.

2. Rape city is liberated by the army. Surviving girls, beyond even more super models in terms of beauty try to live normal lives, Surviving zombies and Creep are confiscated for testing. universities have zombies to test research and take semen samples from. though some female students might find the hung hot zombies, fun to tempt, tease and stroke, or find intimate ways to gain their seed. how long till fooling around leads to another outbreak?

3. Foundation and government liberate Rape city, they have new plans, Creep is great to sell to cults that don't want members to flee, and the zombies and Creep are actually perfect for female prisons.

4. All these scenerios are happening and one of the Members of the Foundation is being confronted by an employee horrified by their actions or what this means and plenty of room for world building, arguements of corruption and rationale before she finds herself in a chambers with several horny zombies.

okay, so recently a friend of mine and I started playing a hentai game called paracite in city. the premise is, you are some hot blonde girl who wakes up, zombies are everywhere all hell is breaking loose and you have to escape. the only hook is the zombies are not trying to eat you, they are trying to fuck you, along with every other creature in the city.

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so, that being said, lets steal the premise.

the story takes place in a city with a large all-female university, then all hell breaks loose. the sky turns green, zombies appear start hunting down and fucking girls (they actually have hot bodies and cocks, so its like the real thing). this mysterious fleshly slime stuff called 'creep' starts growing in certain areas of the city like a fungus and reacts to the smell and touch of a female presence, often morphing to retain the girl and form phallic organs to fuck the girl until climax. as more of hell breaks loose, organized clans of goatmen start to appear, they are harder to deceive than zombies and will kills zombies to gather females for their clan. basically, the survivors in this world are predominately young hot girls, but in a world were nearly every create is out to fuck you... but hey, girls need sex too, why not enjoy it? with the breakdown of society, things like modesty and puritanism are gone. maybe your girl has been fucked multiple times by the same zombie, its almost become a daily occurrence, the zombie always seems to find you and fuck you with hard passion every time and yet, for some reason you never think to shoot him... my big kink with this one is that getting fucked by something in the city is almost something casual.

Kinks: non-con, con, tentacles, casual rapes, non-puritan, survivor, gang rape, slutty outfits, multiple orgasms, teasing, fellatio, cunnilingus, 3 penetration, multiple encounters.

One Mechanic I wanted to play with is a rather confusing part of the game. In the game everytime you character is raped, her sex-drive meter goes up and required the 'masurbate' button to relieve yourself. how as scene in some of the rape gifs about, the girl in clearly cumming with her zombie rapist, so logically that should count at satifaction as well, but int he game it doesn't. My little excuse for this ingame oddity, is that, while the girl DOES cum from the rape, she is not relieved becasue the zombie semen infectious. the Infect turns males into horny zombies, but the for females it jsut makes them real horny for a givening period of time. now being horny and being fucked sounds great right? well say the effects of the infection stack enough overtime, and your girl can be turned into one of her sexy blue skinned zombies that are also saught out and raped. another fun thing of the game in the subtle details in the rape animations and make the idea more dubious. when a female zombie is raped, she is being manhandled, but the male zombie, but her hand hold a weapon a purely free to fight back, but she makes zero effort to do so, just as your female character places her hand to the chest fo the male zombie during her rape, though she is not putting a whole lot of effort to push him away unless the player restists and and the fucking grows more intesnse you realize she has been clutching his shirt the entire time. is she resisting it, or enjoying it? that what makes this game fun and gives it drama.

Happy Rps

pm me if you want to try out some ideas ^^

so a great Rper I have worked with pushed me to introduce a DMing approach to the: heat state, beauty stat, orgasm satisfaction, etc using a dice roll system. I am still new to this, but I think this would be fun to try and see if how beautiful your girl gets after a few night in rape city.

Sune's Version^^


Sune pushed back tightly agisnt the wall, hoping too avoid the sight for the passing undead creatures. even in in the dim alley, a soft light fell over her illuminating the pleasing contours of her curvy, shapely body.

she was of mixed decent. nordic on her father's side but Japanese on her mother's side. she had all the delicate and sweet looks of a very pretty asian girl, but with a more curvacious body and particularly full bust and wide hips. the girl was a track start back in school, very fast and athletic. she was scantily clad, only in running shoes, a pair of skimpy spandex short-shorts that hugged her full hips and tone, shapely ass. her tight tank top hugged dearly to her slender waist and practically molded itself around her large breasts. the low neck to her top let much of her cleavage visible. her silky black waist length hair was braided into a pony tail than fell down her shoulder.

she was a sexy girl, and she couldn't help it. and in a city like this, that was the last thing you wanted to be. the monsters here sought out sexy women where ever they could.

Sune whimpered as one of the zombies paused and sniffed the air, picking up the sweet scent of a female. Sune blushed. she forgot the zombies could do that. she dared a glance at the zombie and blushed deeper. he was the same zombie who had raped her at the beginning of the apocalypse... and several other times. the creature knew her body well by now and seemed to have a fetish for tanned skin, black hair and large breasts....

Sune whimpered and looked back down the alley. the zombie had friend with time, and they was a huge growth of semi luminescent purple creep growing down the alley. she needed to escape, but how?!

another sune intro

the throbbing in her loins had still not gone away. Even after a full day had passed, she still felt that her body had not returned back to normal. was it that the effect of the semen was lasting longer? was her body just becoming accustomed if not expectant of the daily rape? or was her body hot with anticipation?

Sune Blushed in shame, she knew she needed to go out and forge for for supplies. her make shift rain system had definitely provided her with enough whatever but her food rations were going to run out soon. Sune shivered at the thought of going out again, knowing what would happen to her.

she was of mixed decent. nordic on her father's side but Japanese on her mother's side. she had all the delicate and sweet looks of a very pretty asian girl, but with a more curvacious body and particularly full bust and wide hips. she was a track star back in school, it was what got her her scholarship to this school. she very fast and athletic, but wonderfully curved and considered one the prettiest if not sexist new freshmen athletes on campus. the the sky turn green and the males of the city turned to horny well-hung zombies that roamed sought and raped whatever sexy girls they could find. Sune of course became an obvious target. with only in running shoes, a pair of skimpy spandex short-shorts that hugged her full hips and tone, shapely, bubble butt. her tight tank top hugged dearly to her slender waist and practically molded itself around her large breasts. the low neck to her top left much of her cleavage visible.

she was a sexy girl, and she couldn't help it. its what the zombies and other creatures of the city desired above all else now.

Sune tried to fight off the memories of being taken from behind, on her back of the a time on her knees when the zombie came on her breasts. her tank top still had semen stains form that encounter. her body grew hotter.

"just... get some food..." she told herself. "just run if any trouble comes... even HIM..."
She was blushing deeply, to go out without getting rape was unlikely. the zombies seemed to know her general location, only the creep which had grown from t
the basement up the stairs was keeping them out, and preventing sune from using the front door the two story house. the creep too had taken her, twice. both time she was careless and forgot it was there, and a third time becasue it grew without her knowing. as long as it didn't fuck her it should grow slower she hoped. at least stay on the ground floor.

finally summoning up her courage. the girl adjust her tight short shorts and re-braided her shining black waist length black hair into a ponytail. for whatever reason some zombies really like her hair to be down when they raped her, leaving her scavenge for scrunches of all things later...

Sune hopped down form the second floor window and into the alley. she huddled her tanned shapely, slender frame together as she slowly and shyly started to walk down the street hoping to avoid alerting any of the creature of the city and the ignore the hot throbbing in her loins...

more sune: ^^

the echoing moans of young women were not unusual in the city. there were plenty of dangers for young women in the city, particularly sexy ones...

Sune's fingers dug into the rough, heavily muscled back of the well-hung goatman as she screamed out, cumming for the third time in a row. her ever increasing tighteness was too much as the goatman roared forcing his cock as deep into her as he could as he came with her, filling her womb with his hot seed. The poor shapely girl shuddered as she she nearly came again as the goatman behind her groaned as he came hard in her tight ass. The two goatmen took time savior their climaxes before withdrawing form the girl and setting her half naked, sweaty, sexy before down between them. Sune was a real beauty and a catch, but in habit, goatmen always tested their women before abducting them. Sune was catching her breath as the two took their place at her flanks, holding her up by her arms while another, their leader greedily assumed his place infront of her with hard and waiting cock. Sune blushed in helpless shame as he slid his cock between her large and wonderfully shaped breasts. she turned away, her pretty face burning. it wasn't the first time this particular trio of goatmen raped her, they always titty fucked her in the end, if she pleased their master enough that he marked her face with his hot seed, then she was theirs. Sune sobbed with shame as the goatman groaned with pleasure as he fucked her breasts. all she wanted to do was find some new shoes at what was left of the clothing store.

it was not the first time the well hung beast of a goatman had taken the shapely, slender, black haired, asian beauty that was sune, and he greatly desired it not to be the last. Held by tanned slender shoulders, all sune could do was try to look away as the arousal of the goatman leader grew with every stoke of his cock between her large, perfect breasts. pre-cum was already cascading down his massive shaft and lubricating its passage between her breasts. Sune whimpered trying to ignore his groans of pleasure and the powerful scent of his hot arousal as his cock throbbed between her breasts, her eyes closing as she blushed in shame. the goatman groaned as she looked at her beautiful face and full smooth and pouty lips, knowing what other pleasures she could be giving him. Sune blinked as one far thrust pressed the massive hot head of his cock agisnt her soft delicate lips, smearing them with his pre-cum. Sune's eye's widened in shocked as the goatman groaned as he desperately started to thrust agisnt his lips and had to turn away, and sobbed. she had already tasted his cock once and some how the thought of willingly pleasuring him like he wanted was too much for the poor girl. Thye goatman groaned in frustration as he wanted her to cave to his needs, though the slightest hint of the blushing girl shyly licking his pre-cum for her bottom lip was too much.

The Goatman leader groaned loudly and Sune squeaked and started to sob as jet after jet of his thick hot seed shot over her beautiful face on other her slender neck till finally pooling down between her breasts. Sune whimpered, unable to face him as she shyly licked the spot of seed that landed on her lower lip and blushed deeper.

That was too much, the goatman's cock didn't even soften, if anything is swelled and throbbed harder. this girl was too much.

Sune looked timidly at the goatman hoping he was finished. one looked from the lust in his eye told her he wanted her more than ever.

Sune squeaked as he picked her up in his strong arms and cried out loudly as she felt his huge thick, hot and very hard cock fill her very hot quim. the poor girl hugged him around the neck, her bare breasts squished against his chest a she desperately held onto him as she melted around his cock. her shapely thighs around his waist as he held her by her perfect ass and began to bounced her rapidly on his cock. Sune sobbed in pleasure as shame as his cock once again conquered her, as she was once again desperately tight around him as pleasure burned though her body.The goatman groaned, even after raping her so many time before the girl never lost her heat and increadable tightness. she was incredible!

his massive, hard member filling her and grinding agisnt her hot flesh as too much. her inner muscles tightened desperately around him as she cried out loudly in passion. The goatman suddenly roared with pleasure forcing her down hard onto his as cock, forcing her a loudly orgasmic scream from her as she felt him cumming with her. The, she went limp his arms. The gaotman breathed hard having cum harder than he ever had before, shuddering as let after jet of his hot seed flowing into poor sune, warming her already burning body.

The goatman groaned a her pulled her off and desperately stroked himself to send a few more jets on the poor girl's face and breasts. sune, so overwhelmed and within the after glow of her multiple orgasms barely noticing the seed cumming on her tanned sweaty skin and beautiful face. the other two who have been furiously stroking themselves followed suite, groaning as the too came on her breasts and neck Sune whimpered trying to turn from the incoming jets that landed on her face.

then they left her. Sune caught breath and whimpered and turned over, blinking to clear her fuzzy vision. she could find where her short shorts went but she could see her panties and her tank top near by. the only thing they hadn't stripped her of during her rape were her new shoes...

sune's ass


other girls

New girls of Rape City:


Viki Squalls, considered the hottest piece of ass the reserve officer corps, Viki is noticed more for her beauty and fine body than for her, admittedly limited talents in courage and leadership. she was called in to the city at the time of the zombie break out, she was forced to separate from her unit and try to reach a randevouz point, but got lost in the city, now she has to deal with her fate as a helplessly sexy girl, lost in rape city with eager, and very horny zombies.

her intro:

Viki Blushed as she self consciously tugged down at the tight mini skirt of her uniform. she was late and she knew that would already catch the attention of her unit if not for her appearance. her uniform was tight, selected by her lieutenant with an extra short skirt and tight top over her large round breasts. she had complained about the fit of her uniform in the past to him, since it revealed much of her legs, hugged her full hips and the curves of her nice juicy ass. of course when she complained her lieutenant gladly groped her firm ass and told told her she was wearing a standard female uniform, she just had an amazing body that her uniform was not designed to contain. he had fucked her hard that night, and warned her that any further complained around her uniform or even miswearing her uniform to better show off her assets and attract the attention of him or the male members of the unit would result in harder fucking as punishment. needless to say, Viki had spent every night since in her lieutenants quarters, biting the sheets, trying to mute her cries as he fucked her hard. Viki learned the hard way that she was a sexy girl and she couldn't escape it, and her unit went out of their way to remind her at every opportunity, groping her ass, or breasts, making her sit on their laps if her hips swayed or even raping her when they were out of ear should of anyone else. she wasn't even a good solider, they just wanted a piece of ass in the unit.

Viki had her rifle in hand, but debated if she needed to bring it inside, her unit and probably other soldiers were in there, plus cops. still she figure she should a least shoulder it. she blushed as she did only to find the sling weighing heavily between her large breasts in her tight uniform. She tugged be teased by her unit for being hot... she just knew it. she still she tried to appear professional, sporting her barret, and walking, trying not to swing her wide hips too much. the spanks were coming, one for each member of her unit, it was going to happen she just had to be really for it and not blush when they did. you course as was assuming one of them didn't press his cock agisnt her ass like that one time...

she then realized, the police station was quiet, almost empty save for her footsteps. what was happening, did they already leave? no, their would still be cops here, where was everyone?


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who wants their own hung, horny zombie that lusts for you and hunts your booty regularly?


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