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Kiki's mixed request thread! ( NSFW craving drow rp)


Mar 4, 2012
Space colony breeding/concubine program (update)

Space Hegemony: post Big Push

so basically the setting big is in the Big Push era of Hegemony, the Hegemony, basically being this neo-fuedal confederacy of 23 human controled systems with colonized planets and even a k2 civilization. the status quo was the Hegemony kept power by keeping planetary and system nobles happy via supplying them with concubines. then came the Big Push.

the Big Push was basically an attempt at uniting humanity and using a new warp drive template, creating millions of colony ships and trying to seed as many potential habitable systems beyond their local neighborhood as soon as possible. Why? well some think it is a uniting project, some believe a cataclysm is coming that this is a move to avoid extinction, or its a political move to seize power to the Hegemony and not the Nobles.

well what if the later was the case?

I am thinking a few centuries into the Bug Push era, alot of the human system are depleted of manpower for the big push project and maybe even the visionary behind the project is now dead. then... a universal levy is called, but this time for the military. normally the Hegemony just maintain commerce security, via their navy, but now, they possess the strongest military in the local volume, they are a K2 civ, AND they have the warp infrastructure. basically everyone who worried they would be betrayed was right.

Well, that when I thought, what if the Nipponse not only broke away, being also a K2 civ, but also with two systems and very strong navy and engineering acumen, but what if they reach out to their Setai rival and not call a truce, but an alliance. they are Nipponse after all, and which ever faction of the Setai gains the aid of the Nipponse navy will with the Setai unification wars, meaning the other clans will have to fold and join or be wiped out. So now the Nipponse Imperium and is now founded, K2 level civ, high amounts of energy, resources, living space, industry, a strong navy, but now no treaty limiting its size, further ahead in science than most civ, and with the Setai, one of the largest, best trained armies in the local group, now with Nipponse tech, and with Onna Setai, basically unlimited manpower.

the declaration of independence and unification of the Nipponse and Setai, would jsut WRECK the status quo and be super fun for political intrigue since a new military super power with rise overnight, so either the Hegemony tries to save face by disbanding its new army before other groups also rebel, use their massive military or loose it, or try to unit the other systems against the nipponse. part of the reason the Setai never conquered and populated the local group like crazy was the lack of a good navy, and their constant infighting... which is not resolved. would most nations try to become protectorates of the Nippose to avoid being conquered, or join the Nipponse aginst the Hegemony that betrayed everyone? or will other nations declare independence? I think it would be a fun storyline with different ground having to negotiate with the threat of be stomped under the boots and miniskirts of the Setai war machine.

Space Hegemony: Big Push Era:

okay, so admittedly I have been playing Surviving Mars and honestly getting some smutty ideas. Want to build a colony, okay, you'll need to make it habitable for people, before sending a bunch of specialists over. but all the specialists will be busy... and growing the colony will be slow if we want replenishment numbers right? and sending people is expensive...

Welcome to humanity's Great Push. The Human Hegemony want's to expand into their new emerging star system while resources as super easy to access and lay claim to new systems before recent K-0 civilizations jsut discovered try to expand themselves. But building new colonies will take lots of man power, the best minds, the best tech, and more than ever, fertility. The Hegemony has had the concubine program as a form of feudal appeasement to the harems of System nobility, to gen-hance the existing cuties and beauties that humanity and produce to the best that they can be. but not will rivalry in the galaxy, the Hegemony and humanity as a whole needs to claims more worlds and system FAST, meaning the tech, training and recruitment of concubines to serve as the breeding caste on generation ships and colonies needs to be increased exponentially, this means recruitment of more Booty Hunters, to head hunt the hottest ass the core systems can provide, Sensei to oversee gen-hancement and training of new concubines and more and more concubines. for the Good of Humanity's future!

So this story can go a few ways, Sune being spotted and booty hunted, maybe raped and reviewed, on beauty, libido, sexual performance, fertility and genetic suitability. Or she can be taken from her homeworld and in the care of her Sensei, helping along her gen-hancement, her beauty becomeing even more increadable by the day as she gets her accustomed to sex/rape multiple times a day. or lastly, colonists who are not sure what to expect from seeing real concubines on their ship or in their colony and meeting Sune of having her assigned to their bed along with other overwhelming girls.

or we can work out other systems and world building, but we can discuss.

Current Craving:
so this is the same setting of the space age, but during the era of the Big Push, but with a Cute Nipponse Engineer girl

Shumi Takahara: Pre-genhancement

Age: 23 Standard (44 with stasis sleep)

System of Origen: Nipponse Secundus

Planet: Sakura Secundus

Tech level: K 1.5

Profession: Engineer

Temperament: Dedicated to her studies and making things work, lacks self awareness and has very limited experiance with social and physical intimacy, easy to tease. tends to be stubborn, but shy, the Nipponse term in her native tongue is 'tsundere.'

Body type: small and busty

Hidden records: Due to streamlining of the Concubine Program, specifically the Booty Hunters, several Booty Hunters have programed AI to scan the social media feeds in worlds to rate girls deemed suitable. Normally the beauty standards are very consistent to the tastes of most Booty Hunters, but due to leaving 'cuteness' as a category, Shumi fell under the radar and did not get double checked. this resulted in her being sent to a Concubine Academy instead of a the Alpha Century 'Jump Hub.' avoiding the scandal in the program going public and still keeping records satisfied, Shumi was not trained as a Concubine, but did undergo gen-hancement to satisfy inventory logs. she still struggles to get used to her altered body and enhanced needs and if unaware of her affect on others. she is heading to Alpha Century with the rest of the graduating concubines but being thawed early in the Sleep Ship.

(shumi is more a romance character with potential for smut, Sune could be in stasis for the rest of the crew....)

Setai lore:

ah, well basically they are the descendants of Terran Japanese, and at this point in the setting they have two star systems and are working towards K2 civilization. but for fun I made a very militarize faction that is banished to the gas giant region of their primary star, the Setai. Basically they are a shogunate, but with tech and radiation issues and some spartan aspects. So they are highly militaristic, but due to the wars they have over moons and dealing with the planet's radiation, they basically steered their evolution toward breeding at insane rates keeping their manpower maxed out. so basically the average nipponse woman is fertile almost all the time, and gestation period is only 5 months, and birth is basically easy due to the systematic breeding for wide hips. so that brought on the idea of the battle breeders. the female Setai mop up units that take over once the enemy starts routing and wear miniskirts to breed with defeated of wounded enemy soldiers, they also tend to be buxom and like most nipponse, cute. they tend to finish you off after taking your seed, but sometimes if you are not wounded, and are into it, they usually take you as a POW for battle breeders to train with

What I had in mind for battle breeding (skip to 2:34 )

Current Craving :

so its a strange idea that was inspired by a series of pics

Basically a girl is being repeatedly stalked, hunted and bred by polymorphic creature that needs to reproduce. maybe she is coming out of stasis on a ship, everyone else is still froze and the person who thawed her, or even the ship's AI mentions that they have a quarantine breach, something is one board and will like kill other crew, but won't harm a fertile female. it will hunt and rape you, but not harm you. so. this is a constant threat. and we can have affects similar to rape city, its semen puts her into a sort of heat and if she cums during this heat, she will wake up more shapely and beautiful and be hunted again, and again till she is bearing its child. bow ever though its motives are simplistic, the creature is cleaver and will take her to beds or take her or hide her sources of clothing. She might also give into heat and pleasure it orally or using her breasts to help quench its lust. it also really loves her body and torments her sexually, loves her breasts too.

the other take is this is in a dungeon or a labyrinth that she is put in as punishment or trial and its the same idea, behind hunted and stalked, by a polymorphic creature that wants to breed with her

Clinical Seduction.

Basically this idea entails a young attractive nurse taking up work at mysterious sleep clinic and meet her boss, the infamous Dr keifer.

light bondage, breasts play, power play, dirty talking, body worship, intimate/inappropriate touching, workplace relationships, medical play, pseudo rape, slutty clothing/forced clothes wearing, sexual trials, vibrators, dildos, massages, orgasm denial, sexual training, unfair 'rules,' public scenes, blackmail, corrosion, sexual frustration, etc.

Possible plots intros: (I am more than happy to develop a fresh one if you have some good ideas.)

Clinical Seduction II

Sera blushed as she struggled in frustration with the buttons. getting into the clinic's small mandatory nurses uniforms were usually a trial, but these new uniforms were particularly challenging. The green haired nurse though still flustered allowed herself a short smile of achievement as she managed to do up the last button to her top, though now it was particularly tight across her full breasts. she blushed knowing that the uniform like all the nurses uniforms was hugging her every curve, of her shapely body. she blushed deeper as she ran her hand down her hip and finding the smooth skin of her thigh almost immediately. fidgeting to herself. was the skirt really going to be that short!? she blushed and closed her eyes. how did she keep getting the shortest skirts?

Keifer smile in greedy amusement as he watched the security monitor. his smile widened as he saw her reaction to her newly hemmed skirt. he leaned back and smiled as he watch the view from the nurses dressing room from his office. Sera was one of his favorites and he knew how awkward she was about having other ogle her legs. that was why in the past she was always given the shortest skirts, till now... he out did himself.
the new uniform was now a one piece with the only adjustment being the buttons on the top. you could be shy and try to button up the top and risking the uniform tighter and pulling up the skirt several inches, or you could leave it unbuttoned and have exposed cleavage in exchange for a slightly longer skirt.

it was a win win.

Another monitor showed one of the more tiresome patients having one of their patents picking their nose in his sleep. Keifer sighed and set a picture in front of that screen.

Keifer picked up a file from his desk. the new nurse was supposed to be coming in today for training. Keifers eyes scanned the photo graph of and attractive young woman and notited under her measurements that she was a double d cup.

keifer smiled and put the file down, this sight shift was going to be very interesting. the monitor caught his attention again as sera raised her arms behind her head to tie her waist length green hair into a pony tail, her skirt rising up her backside with her movement revealing her panties. keifer smiled at sera's sudden reaction to pulled her skirt down and deep blush on her lovely face.

Keifer smiled. indeed it was going to be a interesting night....

Clinical seduction III

it was hot and it was sweaty...

Sera gasped out in passion with his motions as Dr, Keifer continued to bounce her on his lap. The poor green haired nurse blushed a moaned as keifer lewdly caress her thighs as he took her.

"no keifer, please not there..." she begged moaning as his cock went deeper into her as the doctor unbuttoned her over strained top with his teeth, baring her full and heaving breasts. she gasped as he started to lick and suck on her breasts and she desperately tried to hold hims around the neck as her toes started to curl. keifer could feel Sera tightening around him and started to fuck his lovely nurse harder...

Sera would get a shorter skirt after this. he new her exposed legs embarrassed her, but her legs were lovely and her body was for his pleasure...

keifer turned his attention from sera's breasts to a file on his desk.
the new nurse, a photo with her measurements listed. she was an ideal piece of T & A eye candy but one stat stood out to him: "DD cup"

keifer smiled trying to imagine his new nurse in the skimpy uniform he had mailed to her, a hip length skirt, a perfectly fit waist and a top that would barely be able to contain her large breasts without drawing the already tiny skirt higher.

oh this was going to be so much fun when the new nurse arrived in that uniform...

A loud moan from sera and and increased tightness around his cock drew his attention to the beauty her was currently dealing with. "kefier I can't take anymore I going to cum!" she moaned feeling herself cumming as he started to suck on her breasts again.

Clinical Seduction IV

Sera starred towards the polished floor as she and keifer walked through the halls of the clinic, she was discussing the progress with the clinics current patients while Keifer updated her on the finance situation. The lovely green-haired nurse blushed as she felt keifer casually encircle his arm her tiny waist as they walked. She felt his fingers playing with her waist length hair, nurses in any other hospital were required to keep their hair short or up in some manner, but keifer had stated his preference earlier that he enjoyed running his fingers though her hair, and that she was to keep her hair down in his presence.

She felt a shiver up her spine as his hand traveled gently down her the opposite slope of her hip. The tight uniforms keifer required the nurses the wear, particularly the tight miniskirt made only her feel almost naked in his presence. And warm when he touched her.
“anything else you think we need to go over?” Keifer asked a rather excited tone in his voice. She knew that tone and blushed.

“no… I mean ,not that I know of, I think we’ve covered everything, erm, everything recent that is…”s he blushed as keifer stopped his pace, sera tried to remained focused of the floor, but eventually turned, feeling keifer’s eyes gazing though his spectacles down upon her.

“I think we need to go over some of the rules of conduct again.” He said with a smiled as sera’s eyes widened and her blush grew deeper.

“I- I- I know are the rules though Kei- Dr Keifer…” she almost caught herself. “ you know I do…”

The twinkle in keifer’s eye grew brighter as she looked over his helplessly beautiful nurse, his hands placing themselves on the flanks of her full and curvy hips, stroking her gently through her skin tight miniskirt. She blushed as keifer pulled her body intimately close and leaned into him, his face close, almost as if to kiss her. Sera whimpered as she felt her body temperature starting to rise as kefier held her very womanhood in his hands…

“kei-keifer?” she managed to squeak before keifer claimed her lips and she knew it was all, over. The fires in her loins started to melt her within as she felt helpless in her tormentor’s embrace.

Keifer broke the kiss and looked back into the eyes of his beautiful blushing sera. “yes, you know the rules, and yet, you continued to break them… ‘arousing the desires of your employer…’ why do you have such trouble with that one? How many times to I have to ‘punish’ you before you get it?” he asked in a teasing tone as he turned the girl around and gently pressed her to the wall.

She whimpered looking over her shoulder helplessly as he lifted her tiny skirt, no doubt taking note of the wonders those yoga classes were doing with her already amazing body, and the noticeable dampness between her thighs. “I wasn’t trying to-“she stopped as she felt the all too familiar sensation of her boss’s hot, throbbing member against the curves of her shapely backside and the sliding between her thighs, to tauntingly pressed against her womanhood. Only her thin, white panties denied him entry. This only made the poor girl wetter. She felt his hand roam up to cup and pleasingly full breasts through her tight uniform, and she felt his hot breath traveling down her delicate neck.
“you never are and yet you succeed…” keifer whispered as he started grinding agisnt her ass. “you are just a sexy girl who cannot help it…” he whispered kissing her neck and making the poor girl moan. “maybe that was the reason I hired you, besides, it’s your fault the ‘punishing’ is so fun…”

he was grinding against her hips hard now, any means of resistance melted away from her body, “not in the hallway. The cameras...” she gasped as she fondled her breasts in that expert way he knew to play with her.

“I know…” keifer whispered to Sera’s horror. “something for me show the new nurse for orientation…”

Sera’s lovely face burned with embarrassment. “but what if some else sees us here?”

Keifer laughed. “sera… Sera Sera Sera… I gave the rest of the staff the night off an hour ago, but not you, you must be punished…” he turned the beautiful girl around and pinned her to the walls, his hand under her skirt, stroking her most private place before moving her panties aside. There was and grunt from keifer and a loud moan from sera as she threw her arms around his neck as he entered her. She was already hot and wet. Keifer looked down at her with a look of hungry lust and kissed her again, deeper this time. His hand caressing her naked thigh as he devoured her, knowing full well how mad it drove her when her touched her there. She instinctively raised her thigh to his hip. Keifer broke the kiss “…and I have all night to punish you…” he said as he unbuttoned the front of her sera’s blouse.

the moans and cries of passion echoed down the empty halls of the sleep clinic.




(Skirt must be shorter...)

Dr. Keifer designs:
1 2 3 4

Keifer’s clinic

nurse-staff dress code:
All new nursing staff must be in uniform as all times while on duty unless instructed otherwise by a superior. The composition of the default nursing uniform is as following: White mini-skirt, white mid-drift, white three-button blouse, white tennis shoes or high-heels, white socks, nurse’s hat and white thong. The maximum skirt-length for this clinic must not exceed the length of your knuckles, if your skirt exceeds the regulated example or there is a preferred customization that coincides with the minimum requirements, contact your immediate supervisor. Heels or Tennis shoes, or white knee high boots are optional, Stocking’s and other leggings are also optional, but not required. Panties, thongs are optional, but thongs are preferable, for g-strings and other undergarments, contact your immediate supervisor. Custom changes to uniform can be requested through your immediate adviser or by recommendation form you immediate adviser… Nurses at or beyond 36C-cup are not permitted to wear bras within the clinic, NO EXCEPTIONS. Those found in violation of said rule with be subject to discipline by their immediate supervisor. All fine print must be obeyed.

Punishable offenses:
Exposed cleavage in the presence of your immediate supervisor. Swaying hips in the presence of your immediate supervisor, unauthorized customizations to uniform. Inappropriate skirt-length. Wearing a bra in the presence of your immediate supervisor. Not wearing panties in the presence of your immediate supervisor. Tempting or arousing your immediate supervisor with your beauty. Having a nice ass. Having smooth thighs. Pleasing your supervisor with your body. Making your supervisor hard… denying your supervisor’s desires. Wearing a thong or erotic panties… being a great fuck. Letting your hair down. failing a Supervisor’s trails. Bare legs… being sexy…

early termination of employment, negative reference. Being tied up, spankings, hard fucking, titty fucking, sexual torment, money shot. Uniform customization. sexual Enslavement. Public fucking, humiliation, grinding, breasts fondling, massaging, oiling, cunnilinugs, fillatio, cow girl, reverse cow-girl, doggy style, missionary, rape, groping and fondling. Clothed sex Vibrators/sex toys, trials. Cum-on face.

Nurse staff benefits package:
Access to free HealthCare,
Access to free birth control,
Free memberships to tanning salons, health clubs and beauty parlors.

Dr. Keifer also care for lonely, frustrated young women, who come to him for examination and... release...



also, I have bounced ideas with other people on possible short "Train Rape" fantasies, but in a sort of sanctioned world. possibly the city tasks measures of putting vending machines that dispense birth control and fresh panties in exchange for soiled ones, so girls can continue with their day , or maybe they put padding on corners or something so it not so rough.

Example post:

Typically beautiful, shapely girls tended to get alot of intimate attention on the trains. Posted cautions usually warned attractive young women about mini-skirts, low necked shirts and skimpy clothing. The signs even gave visual scenarios of the treatment a sexy girl could face. A caress of the thigh, the very common grope of the ass, or playful spank, of embrace from the side or behind, sometimes for busty girls cupping of breasts of kissing of the neck. then some more erotic examples of escalations, a hand in panties, nipples being pinched, or sucked, a crotch against a shapely ass, or a cock between breasts.

Then there was detailed sketches of common positions girls on the train get raped. usually bent over and held at the waist, or backed into a corner with her arms and legs around her rapist. the illustrations were quiet erotic and very suggestive, whatever public service group made the signs probably hired a doujin artist. in a way the warning really didn't warn so much as gives horny commuters ideas.

Not all girls got raped on the train, but being groped or felt up was almost guaranteed, some girls had to deal with the shame of being fucked on the train or deal with the frustration of being stimulated ,but not fucked. though for a shy, beautiful girl with needs it was an easy outlet.

Juliet, was in a shorter than short mini-skirt, and a top that fit her, but only if she left the two top buttons undone to comfortably contain her large breasts, but expose quite a bit of her cleavage. It was clear the poor shapely girl was to get her share of attention for this commute.

It was mostly the usual, her bare legs caressed by alternating passengers, a few held her waist and pressed their hardened members against her ass, a few more daring men hand ran their hands up her inner thigh and actually stroked her through her skimpy thong once or twice. she would have to hug her breasts to hide her nipples less she attract any further attention. her shapely ass was groped several times nothing unusual, she had a nice ass and tight skirt, so that was bound to happen. though nearing the end of the train ride, one man in particular had gotten very bold. cornering her and lifting her skirt as he ground his bare erection against her thong clad ass, kissing her neck and massaging her large breasts. he seemed committed as he started to undo her top further to bare her breasts. she only had three more stops.


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craving lusty slave girl settings or Smutty diablo II adventures.


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interested in something with sexy nurses?


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think of a master's guild Rp with master enjoying their slaves one evening but planning further expansion of slave shops and influence, sort of a world-building exercise with smut involved.
Anyone interested in Neko bedding game? or age of discovery rp?


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Average bust size: D-G
Sex Drive: High
Intelligence: average
Cuteness: B
Beauty: A
Sex appeal: S
Diet: Carnivore
Magic ability: None
Rebelliousness: High
Cuddliness: B
Affection: B
Seduction A++
Heat cycle: Yes
Second G-spot: No
Fertility: above average
Shame: none
Shyness: none
stamina: average

Cat-girls or Nekos are the most numerous, common and iconic non-slave girls to serve the carnal needs of humanity as well as one of the oldest. Like most non-human races, the Nekos' land and the population were devastated by the Necromancer Wars, and like the Moon Elves, the conflict cost the majority of their male populations and the species faced extinction. Human soldiers, far from home and wives, took note of nubile, and well endowed, sexy cat women, and several were kidnapped as slaves and pleasure girls. The soldiers quickly discovered that Neko on top of having amazing bodies, were rather passionate and slutty, and even sluttier when in heat.

Moon Elves:

Average bust size: A-D
Sex Drive: Mild-average
Intelligence: High
Cuteness: S+
Beauty: S
Sex appeal: A
Diet: Herbivore
Magic ability: Medium
Rebelliousness: High
Cuddliness: S+
Affection: A
Seduction C+
Heat cycle: none
Second G-spot: Yes
Fertility: Earth mother
Shame: Very High
Shyness: Very High
stamina: Very High

Background: One of the oldest races of surface elf, Moon elves were once a proud and influential society. However in the second necromancer war the elven kingdoms had been obliterated by the dark hordes who were soon eliminated by human and mercenary forces. As a result the lowly humans took the proud elves as slaves and their treasures as spoils of war. After the first few centuries of domestication, moon elves were often bought for magical services, healers, care givers and concubines serving as eye candy in great halls. Moon elf slaves were rather expensive and only fulfilled certain niche markets until it was widely realized that moon elf females had a high weakness to sexual stimulation yet a VERY high stamina. Over night moon elves became a sex slave exclusive and demand soared. Moon elves by and large are very sweet, gentle and beautiful creatures. Moon elves often refrain shyly from sexual advances but hardly ever resist. Unlike most slaves moon elf erogenous zones are estimated to be nearly twice the sensitivity to that of humans. It is also rumored that moon elf females have two g-spots and males with girth greater than that of a moon elf male are able to stimulate both to overwhelm the poor elves. It is still not known just how many orgasms a moon elf female can experience before fainting, however millions of independent studies are being tested world wide, everyday. Through some elves are still sold as care givers, moon elves are nearly always sold as either sex slaves or the more recent trend, torment slaves. Every new sex toy to ever hit the market is often tested on moon elf slaves first.

Naryu Elves:

Average bust size: D-F
Sex Drive: High to Extreme(heat)
Intelligence: high
Cuteness: S
Beauty: S
Sex appeal: S
Diet: Omnivore
Magic ability: Low
Rebelliousness: average
Cuddliness: A+
Affection: B
Seduction B
Heat cycle: Yes
Second G-spot: Yes
Fertility: Very High
Shame: Very low
Shyness: Very low
Stamina: Average

Background: a close cousin to moon elves and sun elves, the Naryu are a beautiful, exotic and as of yet unconquered breed of surface elf, often found in forest lands outside the frontier. However unlike their moon elf cousins, the Naryu are a warrior's culture and take pride in their cunning. Naryu are clever and deadly in combat. However like their moon elf cousins, naryu elves share some of the same physical weaknesses. Like the moon elf, Naryu females have two g-spots and are easily easily overwhelmed if raped by a human male. In the act of love making, naryu elves become surprisingly submissive. Unlike their moon elf cousin's, naryu elves are not shy about their bodies and have little to no shame in showing some nicely tanned skin. Summer tends to be the breeding season for naryu elves, the times when the weather is most hot and humid are the times when naryu elf females are most fertile, similar to the breeding patterns of sun elves. Though naryu elves are beautiful and highly sought after, they are not domestically bred and are quite expensive and only attainable through special requests.

Additional, since Naryu are a warrior breed of elves that consistently produce more females than males, males are treated like a commodity and only the most skilled female warriors are allowed to mate and reproduce. to be worthy a female must undergo rights of passage and slay a demon , once she attains this feat, she will be granted her rights to a mate. however due to the traditional monogamous nature of naryu lore and the low amount of males to go around, this leaves the majority of the tribes very fertile females without chance a of gaining a mate, and do to sexual repression naryu females not allowed to mate unless their rights of passage is complete. this is why most naryu females if found and raped by a human never speak of it later, but will wait in the same place hoping the human will come back. by being raped, naryu technically are not breaking any of their lore, and they still get sex, but they must not actively seek it out... summer is when the mateless naryu are more vulnerable, they are at the height of their fertility, and unless they 'help' one fo their sisters deal with heat. they become frustrated, even in battle. a fist or a blade may be stopped and reversed, but an initiate caress, kiss, rub or grope would be more disarming for an elf whose body is at the brink of need.

Underdark Drow

Average bust size: D-G
Sex Drive: High
Intelligence: High
Cuteness: A
Beauty: S
Sex appeal: S+
Diet: Omnivore
Magic ability: High
Rebelliousness: High
Cuddliness: B
Affection: B
Seduction S+
Heat cycle: none
Second G-spot: No
Fertility: Average
Shame: low
Shyness: low
stamina: average

Like the majority of elven races, Drow or Dark Elves have a long history and cultural identity, the Drow are unique in this case as they unlike most surface elves still have a civilization post Necromancer Wars, in fact Drow society persists and thrives today as they were one of the few races unaffected by the Necromancer Wars.

The Drow reside within the unforgiving Underdark, the dangerous subterranean labyrinth that honeycombs the planet's crust where natural caverns have been carved out to make entire Drow cities. Drow society is theocratic a matriarchal. The Drow matron leadership is built around political clout and divine favor from their creator and goddess, Lady Lloth. This clout and favor is generated through conquest, intrigue, faith and martial execution as this divine drama pleases Lady Lloth. Sculpted in the image of their goddess who favors lust and beauty as well, Drow females are easily the most beautiful and sultry of races short of a succubus, and their lust, aggression, and passion is backed by easily the highest sex drives or all slave races. Drow loath or at the very least look down upon surface elves they see as lesser breeds and are ancestral enemies. however in a society that values feminine aggression, beauty, and sexual passion, gentleness, helplessness and cuteness are considered rare and therefore exotic, making moon elves fun and amusing sex slaves for Drow, while moon elves are traditionally heterosexual and puritan, Drow have no such hang-ups as Drow are very much bi-sexual and use sex and seduction as a form of domination.

As drow are not a human conquered race they are hard to get and therefore one of the most expensive of slave races despite all their other attributes. this is specifically because human slavers cannot access of survive the Underdark themselves. generally the political upheaval with is common among mid tier Drow houses lead to either executions, or humiliations, though in recent cases, Drow not wanted to shake Lloth's favor by killing favored rivals have to take to banishing their rivals to the surface to be sold as sex slave to humans, delicious humiliation is something their goddess allegedly enjoys. so the' supply chain' of Underdark Drow is infrequent but politically these deals along with other the humiliation of moon elves keeps human and Drow on good political terms.

on top of their high price they are also dangerous, nearly all have half a century of martial training, all of they have potent magicks, and Drow are invariably clever, and deceptive. Generally this is the reason why you want to Drow from an established slave shop rather than a free slaver. slave shop training tends to educate Drow to not use their martial prowess and fix them with magic sealing of limiting curses. However this does deter their intellect and ability to manipulate.

this is a key reason why Drow are not for everyone and particularly new or inexperienced masters. Drow females possess peerless beauty, sexual charm and invariably large breasts and will eagerly use these charms to get their way with their masters. Granted few Underdark Drow tend to go too far with their masters as life as a slave girl. as Drow have been known to prefer sex 8 to 10 times a day, something they can't even get in safely in the Underdark, its something they will freely indulge in while a slave on the surface. This is a mistake most inexperience masters make. Unless you was the soft, warm sweaty skin or a beautiful buxom drow against your body every night as all day, her arm and thighs around you and her hot silky folds embracing you as she moans passionately in your ear, it sounds amazing except you basically have sentenced yourself to staying in bed with her forever, not the worst of fates, but a lot of master have jobs and responsibilities. So best to use her for sex, (she will get irritable if you don’t) but give her other tasks as well, home maker and cook roles are fine, though these are menial tasks performed by those she sees as below her, it gives her challenges and something to do if you are busy and can have her on your lap. Also Underdark Drow are picky eaters and probably won’t like your cooking, so buying them ingredients they can work with or imports from the Underdark is suggests, and the food is surprisingly not bad, just expensive.

Drow also can be trusted with tasks beyond internal domestic chores, they have been known to do shopping as well, you need to give her the proper color-coded thong and keep the waist band visible per regulation, but bi and large Drow are allowed to grocery shop, and are known to get good prices in bartering (whether through light threats or teasing most merchants try not to haggle with Drow and just make the sale they can). DO NOT let them shop in clothing stores, the Puritan movements and most clothing chains for human women do NOT want slave girls in their shops, allegedly for decency reasons, customer intimidation, and the fact that most elven or neko breeds have body types most humans can’t even dream of. This is immensely true for Drow and gods know what altercations from clerks or customers could result in. Best to buy clothes for them in alone, in slave bazaars, hire a tailor to measure her curves, or simply let he buy from a fabric store and makes something herself, (she might not like having anything that is not spider silk since it does hug around curves to display her body, most surface fabrics don’t do that).

The last task that drow can be trusted with in addition to sex slave is also the most lucrative, which is putting her to work. Underdark Drow lack the submissiveness of other slave breeds to be able to handle service sector jobs like wrenching and waitressing without issues, and some customers might be scared of the idea. However the world of modeling and advertising Drow are endless in high demand for any products, but hair, clothing, to exercise regiments, to make up, as their beauty can sell anything and they know how to be sultry. (again Drow don’t even wear makeup, but that has never stopped the industry from selling makeup).

for clothing, as stated before Drow prefer spider silk, this is not a common product on the surface so lighter, stretchy silks from the surface that can still show curves are preferred. Drow also prefer to show of the perfection of their shape and usually have their thighs bare, getting them to wear pants is going to happen, so give her something that shows as much of her legs and thigh gap as possible and exposes her hips if you can as you will need fast and easy access when she is in lusting moods. Panties, by and large Drow will wear panties, but prefer thongs or loin clothes as an alternative. For tops, Drow have no objections to baring their waist and prefer exposed cleavage so her master and others can see. As far as bras, this one is an imfamous issue, drow see bras as an invention by inferior races whose breasts if too large, naturally sag over time, this doesn’t happen with drow as they do not age like humans and maintain perfect shape no matter how large their bust(Drow models who model for bras and panties are notorious to disobeying photographers and doing the shoots topless, in which case Brownies of the same cup size need to fill in for the bra shots). By and large Drow are offended by the idea of bras and will refuse to wear them, the punishment of making them go topless all day also doesn’t work as Drow have no shame in having their bare E cups on display, and a master is likely to find his penis between those large breasts if he complains too much. (see the practice of ‘pazuri’ for details)
The lowest known cup size for Drow tends to be the large end of C cups, in Drow society females below a D-cup are considered genetically unfortunate and embarrassing failures, with less in common with the perfect of Drow and more with surface elves, as 36C is considered flat-chested and laughable by Drow standards. Interestingly enough, while finding drow with this small level of endowment is rare, they are the only ones who are willing to wear bras, namely because they can stuff them to make the breasts pass for Ds. As you can imagine these Underdark Drow have lower self-esteem which actually has given them a higher price, both for their rarity and because their righteous indignation over having to wear a bra makes them adorable and fun to tease. They also while lustful as any Drow also can be romantic and longing. Its up the master’s preferences of what kind of slave he prefers among Drow and how much they will pay. *the article shows a busty (but not as busty for a Drow) Drow wearing a bra with her arms fold under her breasts, her beautiful face in a embarrasses and annoyed pouting glare while blushing furiously in a Shumi-level cute scowl, even if she was taller than a moon elf damn she was adorable and likely fun to tease*

Drow and there fertility, this will be relevant as Drow are not thrilled with protected sex, Drow boast having higher sex drives and fertility than all other elves, particularly surface elves. This is partially true, the sex drive of a Drow is nearly insatiable, however the fertility of Drow is average to a human woman and they lack the Earth Mother trait. However biologically human genes cannot predominate elf genes or carry viable y chromosomes, so inevitably, Drow can only bear Drow daughters with humans. (if you are personally weak to cuteness, try your best to use protection, *there was a link to a picture of a small still pre-pubescent Drow girl with huge pretty eyes, a pouty bratty look and hair that hung past her skirt, loli Drow*). Drow like most elves have a 5 month gestation rate, and due to their wide hips have little trouble in childbirth compared to humans.

Overall, Underdark Drow are a top tier slave girl, but NOT for inexperienced masters, you need a sex drive that can keep up with hers, you need to know how to makes compromises as well as predict when she is going to trick you to get her way. You have to be able to withstand her charms and seductions to keep a sound mind and you need to emotional fortitude to withstand Drow when they decide to be cute.

Surfaceborn Drow

Average bust size: D-G
Sex Drive: High
Intelligence: High
Cuteness: S
Beauty: S
Sex appeal: S
Diet: Omnivore
Magic ability: Medium
Rebelliousness: Low
Cuddliness: A
Affection: A
Seduction S
Heat cycle: none
Second G-spot: No
Fertility: Average
Shame: low
Shyness: average
stamina: average

Surfaceborn Drow are drow slave girl born on the surface in human captivity, known for the all the look beauty and charms of Underdark drow, but without the danger or risks, however, they can still be a challenge for master not accustomed the beauty of the Drow, or worse a Drow who chooses to be submissive and cute. (Drow cuteness is actually a BIG deal, masters who think they can ignore it are going to be overwhelmed and broken).

Surfaceborns, raised free of the dangers and pressures of Underdark society, they have no religious indoctrination, education in magicks or any outlets for their frustrations of intense sex drives. Infact Surfaceborns are raised, gentle, demure and innocent and aware of human sexuality. Guild sanctioned slave shops raised Surfaceborns by removing them from the care of drow and giving them to the care of Moon elves. Interestingly enough, moon elves despite their ancestral hatred and for the very Drow females they have been raped, seduced, enslaved by Moon elves tend to be very sweet and gentle with prepubescent and adorable Drow girls, accepting them as their own, raising and caring for them and including them in their 'cuddle piles.' It's only when the Drow girl starts to mature that Moon elves start to grow humbled and spiteful to the adorable drow girl they had raised. It's hard not to grow lusting and peeved when the small cute red-eyed dark-skinned cuddly little elf and cuddles you with every night is now taller than you, her beautiful face and tempting full lips close to yours and her firm E cup breasts squished into your more modest B-cups, her erects nipples against yours, with her thicc silky thighs around your waist and a hard to ignore fire between her thighs as the beautiful drow hits her full sexual maturity. Even moon elves who have every right to HATE Drow invariably start to lust for them.

At this point the moon elves in the cuddle pile treat her differently, no longer an adorable pet, they punish the sultry Drow for her beauty and growing lust through gang rape. this is one of the few times in slave shops that moon elves get to dominate drow sexually and not the other way around. Clits ground against clits, large breasts oiled and massaged, nipple stroked and sucked, exploring fingers and tongues, and lips claimed, Surfaceborns submit to their rapes by their moon elf family, partially hurt that the sex is fueled by lust and spite, but also savoring the satisfaction of their needs. when the passionate moans and orgasmic cries become too frequent, (or hot) shop handlers tend to the moon elf cage, disciplining the elves of the cuddle pile via rape (if enough handlers are present) or a night in the tentacle demon cage, while one handler, usually the most handsome of the group takes the surface born, raping her and making her his and thus becoming her master. handlers who introduce rape-training to Surfaceborns need to be disciplined as it's far too easy to either fall in love with the Surfaceborn with her beauty, seduction, cuteness, and cuddliness, but also if he truly only gives into lust for her, the Drow wouldn't be able to leave her master's arms or bed, and neither can he, and the Drow will miss out on needed training. among all slave girl training Surfaceborns tend to receive the most 'romance' with their handlers, mostly due to the attractiveness of the handler, but also handlers tend to grow romantic feelings and emotional attachments in addition to lust with the slave girl who sweetly cuddles every night after steamy passionate sex an hour ago. While a Surfaceborn might consider rape sudden, their sexual needs are high enough that they accept and submit to it as a recreational act. much like their Underdark sisters.

Surfaceborns require alot of grooming and training and are the perfect status symbol for a master who wishes to display their quality. Surfaceborns are excellent servant and domestics, however, these roles have historically been a danger to highborn families as their beauty and submissive nature make them a high risk of temptation and infidelity, often driving wedges into arranged highborn marriages or peeling the eyes of the first male heir from his bride to be the gorgeous, sultry and submissive drow servant girl.

Most provinces, free and slave allow Surfaceborns to participate in the economy, service jobs, wenching/waitressing, hospitality, domestics, shopping, advertising and modeling. While Surfaceborns are every bit as intelligent as an Underdark drow, even free provinces have blocked the integration of Surfaceborns into human schools.

While Surfaceborns are less stubborn and picky as Underdark Drow when it comes to clothing, while local law might require their hip and thighs visible for easy touches or the waistband of their thong visible at all times in addition to 70% of her cleavage visible in whatever top she is given, Surfaceborns will wear what masters require, so long as its snug, though, like Underdark drow, the Surface born are hesitant when it comes to bras.

Surfaceborns are the only Drow slave girls who wear their hair short. Drow of the Underdark see long hair as a symbol of beauty, therefore femininity, therefor power therefor nearly never cute their long rich hair. Surfaceborns are less hampered and will cut their hair short for the master, favoring chic and cute look if more pleasing. Warning, do not encourage cuteness in your surface born too much, because holy hells can Drow be cute!

A common mistake by masters of Surfaceborns, while they don't have the aggression or seduction of Underdark drow, they have the same sex drive and a vague awareness of her own beauty. while they might not outright seduce their masters out of the shyness, they may naturally tempt and tease to gain her master's eye and draw his lust, or worst, try to be cute and sweet. even if married, try to discretely rape Surfaceborns as often as you can as the last thing you want is a timid, cute, blushing and frustrated sex bomb of a Drow trying to tempt you while guests are around and not having the confidence to be open about her needs.

You can give Surfaceborns toys to relieve themselves with, but like Underdark Drow they find more satisfaction hearing their partner moan and tighten around them as they surrender their seed to them. At the very least Surfaceborns will accept protected sex with their master, but its not what they prefer.

Brownie Elf:

Average bust size: D-F
Sex Drive: High
Intelligence: Average
Cuteness: S
Beauty: A+
Sex appeal: A+
Diet: Omnivore
Magic ability: none
Rebelliousness: none
Cuddliness: S+
Affection: S+
Seduction A
Heat cycle: none
Second G-spot: Yes
Liberation: yes, with limits
Second G-spot: yes
Fertility: Earth mother
Shame: average
Shyness: high
stamina: average

Brownies, Small, sweet, buxom, tanned, shy, needy, adorable, Brownies are the newest addition to guild sanctioned slave girls and have the unique feature of the being the very first elf bred entirely through human selective breeding. Indeed Brownies are a hybrid of Drow and Moon elves, discovered quite by accident. Slave shops that do trading with the Underdark for Drow females to use as slave girls, once got stiff and given a small host of Drow males, veterans of a patrol that a matriarch wished banished but also wanted money for, she claimed to trade and an entire score of Drow, but failed to mention they were males. the male drow could have be euthanized and loses cut, or given as playthings to the Underdark Drow already in the shop. however, the handlers noticed a blush and burning shyness of the moon elves upon seeing the male Drow, having been centuries and the last Necromancer War since the surface elves have seen male elves, not the mention male elves with rugged handsome looks bred imposed over millennia through elective mating by female-dominated drow society, plus endowment, on par with larger human males, effect the presence of male drow had upon the poor moon elves was noticeable.

Seeking a new form of entertainment for torment for the cute moon elves, the handler did the next logical thing, made the new males drow dominate the poor moon elves sexually. a strong, handsome male elf, a cock that was the size of a human's, their g-spots stimulated and the drow passionate in being able to dominate a female for the first time, particularly cute shorts females, The moon elves sobbed in pleasure, lust, and shame as their ancestral enemy raped them and brought them to heights of pleasure they didn't want to have. they fell for they drow rapists, loving them and soon, moon elves started to bear children but instead of more adorably moon elves, they found a completely new type of elf, the Brownie.

Brownies bear much to the most desirable features of the moon elves and drow alike. They are short, small, curvaceous, and buxom, they are beautiful with adorable with large photosensitive red eyes, thick white hair, and rick, soft brown skin, and 2 g-spots. since Brownies lack any history with humanity beyond being their slave girls, Brownies do not hold any animosity towards humans and see them as their natural masters.

By their nature, Brownies are gentle and demure, and insecure due to their mixed heritage as well and quite ignorant of the beauty, cuteness and sexiness. Like this Surfaceborn Brownies are raised lovingly among moon elves till brownies hit a level of puberty were the Brownie large breasts and high sex drive become too much to ignore, granted unliked Surfaceborn, Brownies are not tormented and raped, but rather abandoned and left to seek comfort, companionship, and release. figuring that level of neediness is preferred but customers, handlers will hold, hug, carry, kiss, and even grope Brownies but will never rape them, leaving the poor hybrid elves to depend upon their fingers. (also as emotional attachment is often an occupational hazard for handlers particularly with cute slaves, most refrain from getting too intimate to avoid growing too attached and protective to a slave girl they know will be sold *this mental and emotional strain is part fo the reason handlers at slave shops are demanding mental health benefits and union right, which the guild still refuses, they get a slave girl of their own has been the compromise, though that too has proven to affect performance as handlers usually prioritize life with their own slave girl, some even quitting, its and ongoing issue*).

Early on Brownies were a hard sell as masters who love moon elf slaves were uncertain about having a sweet cutie-elf that was infact half-drow. through many advertising campaigns by slave shops the Guild the Brownies began to be accepted into the mainstream. Brownies now are so well accepted that in some 'free' provinces brownies are allowed to attend schooling with humans, (restrictions requiring their miniskirts to be short enough to show their thighs, and their cleavage on display), as well as accepting jobs in society but not without controversy. While Brownies are arguably smart enough and skilled enough for service and waitress/wenching jobs, their cuteness, need to please and cry baby nature make them a living guilt trip for customers who have to hug, cuddle and comfort them every time something goes wrong or is less than perfect. indeed with is one of the downfalls with inexperienced masters and Brownies is their cuteness and sweetness, its impossibly to see those large red eyes well up with tears as her cute blushing face puffs up before the poor things bursts into tears and hugs you, sobbing into your chest. its bound to make you feel guilty and feel sorry for the poor things even if none of your did anything wrong, so some degree of babysitting is needed to keep Brownies in a bright and good mood and they need PLENTY of attention and affection from their master including sex (again, they are half-drow).

Advertizing and modeling industries DO frequently hire Brownies to model things Drow refuse to where (like fucking bras!) but they are also more popularly being used for primetime drama and smut-com television.

Current requirements universally held by all provinces, Brownies mush always have thighs bare in public and cleavage on display, per ordinance to distinguish them from moon elves and to display their assets.

Brownies are ideal slave girls for getting late-bloomer young men to adapt passed their shyness and become comfortably with girls and girlfriends and are a popular choice by parents to give to introverted sons. no data though proves that they seek human girlfriends or wives as they inevitably fall in love with their loving and needy slave girl. While sex is needed several times daily to sate the needs of a brownie, Brownies as too shy to ask for it and will likely try to find ways to provoke and around their master to rape them, don't fight the urge as this kinda needs to happen. Also never request a Brownie to sleep alone, this will likely hurt her feelings and make her sob herself to sleep and make you feel terrible. Brownies and natural cuddlers and while want to be in their master's arms whether you take her or not.

Also while Brownies have the earth mother fertility trait much like all surface elves, since they adore their master's winning them over to unlock their fertility is very easy and she can and WILL bear you many healthy children so long as you understand they will be brownies and they will be female. Gestation time is about 6 months and birth is very easy as brownies have very wide hips 2nd only to the Naryu.
Native girl becomes guide/concubine- Age of discovery rp in an exotic land while your new master claims, rapes and enjoys you everynight.

Neko girl is hunted- its hard being a neko girl without a master, every human man wants to claim you and make you his....

Exotic/erotic island- once and acapelogo home to a thriving culture, only one island remains today, Ise Del Fertalis, Join and 'assist' a researcher on this island paradise and uncover its secrets. enjoy yourself get a tan get a thong, careful though, the plants have strange effects on females and their needs...

'This nurse uniform is too small~' -Don't like your skirt too short? you shouldn't have had such a cute butt. Can't button your top? your are just well endowed, no need to feel ashamed, however, even though I don't mind your cleavage, your ARE violating the dress code, you will have to make that up to me somehow~ Ah yes... but you still haven't been forgiven for that fine ass... these batteries last an hour on high setting. Try not the cum while I am gone... or you will be making it up to me with your body~

let me know if any of these rough ideas suit your fancy and if not that's fine too ^.~
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