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Blade of the Dragon (messeduprp x Skeith Takahatta II)


Nov 5, 2016
The 5th Dimension
Lu Zhi was on edge today. She was always very aware of her surroundings and paranoid of everything but today was different, something was making her keep her Diang partially drawn from it's scabbard. So.ething was making her contemplate drawing her bow free from her back. Could it be another orc attack? No... If it were orcs she would have been riddled with arrows already.

She slowly dismounted her horse and whispered a command in it's ear. It snorted in indignation but obediently walked away from where they were. She drew her Diang with a metallic hiss and dropped into her warrior's stance. Looking around from side to side, her senses on overdrive as she looked around. She had a job to do and the only way anything was getting past her was by killing her.
The highlands of Gen were engulfed in flames. The capital city of the Tachibana Empire being reduced to rubble. Despite this, the Tachibana were determined to fight to their last breath. A young Genji watched from a hiding place in the throne room as the armies of the Necromancers stormed into the palace. She watched as her mother drew her blade stepping forward to combat the invading forces. Genji's eyes were wide with horror as the previously dead members of her people rose and turned on their own. Burning beams began to fall all around them as the Palace began to collapse. She tried to run to her mother's side. Desperate to help her.

As her mother, Genma's blade clashed with the ruler of the Necromancers, she was growing increasingly exhausted. Overwhelmed by the undead offensive. Before Genji could reach her, she watched as her mother was cut down by the Necromancer king. She let out a cry of fear as it transpired. She grabbed a hold of one of the burning beams, trying to lift it from her way. Her hands burned, but she bit back the pain. As the beam finally moved, she ran to her mother's side. Her hands clutched tightly to her mother's sword, turning to where the Necromancer king was standing, as he turned to leave. She ran after him, striking him from behind. Despite her small size, and the weight of the weapon, she successfully slashed the back of his legs. He turned, clearly angered and impaled the child on the end of his own weapon. Genji slumped back onto the ground, her vision fading as she looked over towards her mother's corpse. Just before she passed out, the ceiling finally collapsed, covering her mother's body. Then the world faded to black.

woke with a start in her camp, dropping her head into her hands. She looked down at her palms, covered in burn scars. Her stomach still bore the gnarly scar from where she was stabbed. Her back covered in evidence of being struck with a whip. She donned her clothing, her armor, and her weapon. She smothered her fire with dirt before mounting up on her horse. As she trotted she became aware that she was no longer alone in this place. She slid from the horse, patting its neck gently. Her hand fell to her blade, drawing it from the scabbard slowly.
Lu Zhi slowly and quietly stepped toward the bushes before her, Diang now clutched in her tight grip. Her dark hair waving behind her slowly as she quietly neared the sound of her opponent. Her muscles coiled and ready to engage into the fight. She cursed herself for not bringing her armor with her, even if she was only going to the palace, she should have thought ahead and brought her armor with her.

She stopped in her tracks as she heard metal slide against leather, her attacker had found her out. Now was her chance to strike. Without a word she jumped, pushed off a bamboo stalk and launched herself at the enemy before her, thrusting her blade in a controlled attack.
The red haired warrior looked up in surprise when the woman launched toward her. She narrowed her eyes as she brought the blade up in a defensive stance, side stepping and forcing the woman's strike to be off center. She turned to face her all together, bringing her blade up in an aggressive stance. She moved forward quickly, swiping the blade downward at a diagonal angle. She brought it back again with a broad sweeping horizontal strike to create distance between them.

"I'm no enemy of yours." She insisted, swinging the blade back around into a defensive stance. "But if you insist on having a bit of fun. I can oblige." Her lips curled into a smirk almost hoping that the woman would ignore her offer of peace.
Lu Zhi didn't even pay attention to what was being said. She saw the woman's red hair and instantly decided she was a foreign invader. She parties each strike and instead stepped in. Putting her foot behind Genji's and punching at her chest to knock her down. Pulling her foot back toward her to help sweep her leg out of the way. "I will not allow my home to be conquered by foreign dogs."
Genji wasn't prepared for Lu Zhi to step in so quickly, she was even more surprised to be knocked back onto the ground. She let out a low groan as she hit the ground with a loud thud. She rolled backwards away from her, bracing herself for the continued assault. She charged forward again, stabbing the weapon into the dirt between her feet, instead of striking her with her blade, she forced the handle forward striking her face with the pommel of her massive sword.

She stepped around the blade, leaving it buried in the dirt. Her free hand moved quickly to grab her sword arm by the wrist, her hand rapidly and violently driving punches into the woman's unarmored torso. "Good!" Her final blow she drove at her throat stepping back away and rolling her shoulders. "I feel the same way." She said softly, stepping back from her, still leaving the sword buried in the dirt.
Lu Zhi was once again, cursing herself for her lack of armor but she took it in stride. The woman before her was definitely talented in the ways of combat, so she would need to do something a bit underhanded to succeed. She stepped in and discreetly drew a small dart. She closed the distance quickly and made a fake attack with her sword before pushing the dart to her neck. As it sunk a few I Che's she waited for the toxin to work.

As soon as Genji was unconscious she set the woman on her own horse, tued her in place so she couldn't move and took her weapons. Now she rode her own horse and led Genji and hers behind them toward the capital.
A curse left Genji's lips as she was stabbed in the neck with the dart. She brought a hand up to hold the point of contact before she realized what was happening. As her legs grew weak, she looked up at the woman, smirking faintly. "Well played." She slumped to the ground unconscious.

As they rode, she began to regain consciousness. As her eyes opened she found herself in an environment that was entirely alien to her. She looked around confused before she remembered the encounter with Lu Zhi. She tried to move but found herself bound in place. "Damn it. I said I wasn't your enemy!" She said aloud as she continued to struggle against the bindings.
Lu Zhi looked back at her and spoke, "I've had enemies who told me that same thing, then tried to kill me. I don't even know your name, why would I trust you." She glanced back at the road before looking at Genji again, "I will take you to the emperor... You will plead your case before him and if he believes you are not my enemy, I will trust him. If he says you are, I will make your death fast, painless and honorable."she turned back around to face forward on her horse. "Besides do not complain, you are already being treated better than most would... Many would have pulled you behind the horses. I at least let you sit."
"There's no honor in dying bound and imprisoned. The Tachibana die blade in hand or not at all." Genji sat back in defeat, acknowledging that this situation was unavoidable. "But I return your offer. If he sees fit to have me killed for my appearance, I will kill as few of your own as possible in my escape." She smirked a little as sat up straight. "You don't want to know what became of the last man who thought he could bind me and command me."

"I guess fair is fair. You did beat me. Even if you had to cheat." She grumbled. She let out a huff of indignation as she looked around at the citizenry that watched her being led through the streets. She kept her head raised with pride even as she was bound and various citizens through all manner of rotted food in her direction. She was relieved to see the palace finally come into view, at least she would be away from the jeering of the crowd.
Lu Zhi let her horse drop back and wrapped a cloak AroundGenji, pulling the hood over her, "you may be a prisoner... But you do not need to be dishonored in the eyes of these people, and I did not cheat. I had a dart and I used it. You never said there were rules to our fight, even if you did. You never mentioned tranquilizers."

She smirked, "Well I am glad then... For I have only bound you... I have done no commanding and I plan to do no commanding. That is for the emperor to do. If he deems you a friend, I will cut your binds personally... If he deems you an enemy of the state, I will cut your head quickly.
"None command me. Emperors or otherwise." Genji could hardly stomach this woman's devotion to her Emperor, or her definition of honor. She followed behind her, offering no word of thanks for the cloak shielding her from view. So far as she was concerned, the only dishonor was upon the citizenry. "So, when do I meet this Emperor then? The anticipation is killing me." Her words were thick with sarcasm as she spoke. She could see her equipment hanging from Lu Zhi's saddle, frustratingly close.
Lu Zhi looked back at her, "I suggest you don't say that to the emperor or your life will be ending much faster than anticipated. We are very close, you will be there in no time at all. I suggest you plan how you will plead your cade in the meantime."

She turned back in her horse and looked forward, her kimono slipping off a bit to reveal s large twtto across her back, a tiger pouncing at an unseen attacker. She quickly pulled her robes back in place before anyone had time to see.
Genji grimaced at her words. So it was that kind of ruler. At least her mother would respect those who showed a little backbone in her court. She took note of the tattoo that the woman was so determined to conceal. She assumed it was an intimate subject if she was so determined to keep it hidden. As they rode she took in the unique architecture and fashion of the people. Fascinated by what she saw. She made no effort to plan her case before this Emperor. She would make her identity known and explain the circumstance of their meeting. That would just have to suffice.

As the palace came into view she looked up in awe at the structure. "I apologize in advance if your Emperor chooses baseless hate over reason and I'm forced to defend myself."
"And I apologize if I beat you Ro death with a kanabo before you even get to see the emperor." She pulled her off the horse and took her into the palace. A grand structure with pillars and dragons and women and men in robes, the man sitting atop a hold throne was just as grand. He was broad shouldered and seemed tell. Dressed in bambooed armor. Sitting next to him was a sheathed sword.

Lu Zhi pushed Genji down on the floor, letting a guard hold her down. The emperor looked form the guard to Genji. He pointed to the guard and shoes her away. "Let the woman speak. Do not treat her as guilty until we know whether she us guilty or innocent.
She grunted in irritation as she was pushed to the ground. She shot Lu Zhi an accusatory glance before looking up at the emperor. She flicked the hood off of her head, sighing audibly. "At least someone around here has some manners." She sat up straight as the guard was shooed away, making eye contact with the Emperor. "My name is Genji of the Tachibana. Daughter of Genma the Conqueror and heir to the Crimson throne of the now fallen Highlands of Gen. I had recently escaped from slavery, and was lost in your lands only to be ambushed and bound once more. This time by your attack dog. I plead no case. As I am neither ally nor enemy to your people."

She looked down at her bonds in frustration. "If you see fit to execute me, I will have you know that the Tachibana are a warrior people. I am honor bound to die sword in hand. I will not allow the headsman to claim me easily."
He leaned forward a bit and asked a simple question, "how is one the heir to the Crimson Throne... If the Highlands of Gent are no more? How are you an heir to something that is no more. That is as if the tiger calls itself the heir to it's father's last meal. The meal is fine and there is no way to claim it. He stood up, carrying his massive sword in hand. "You were led in chains... My warriors do not lead those who come pescefully, in chains... Therefore you fought a warrior of the emperor whom now has your life in his hands. You are not striking me as trithful. Genji of the Tachibana, proclaimed daughter of Genma the Conquered... I hope you will prove me wrong."

With a swing of his mighty seordx the chains were cleaved and several of the crowd had jumped from the sound. He raised his sword to his shoulder and nodded to Genji. "You will live... However you will not leave my empire... You will stay for one year while we learn if you are truly the heir of the Tachibana. If you are, I will send you back to your people unscathed. If you lie to me... I will bind you and kill you myself, disregarding any proposed traditions." The crowd mumbled agreements to this plan, however Lu Zhi.was nowhere to be seen.
She stood as her bonds were cut, standing up straight and unafraid in front of the Emperor. "I am heir because my mother's lands will be reclaimed from the dead that now roam it. You propose that I stand idle for a year in your service then? Slavery by another name then." She turned to leave his court. "I presume We're finished here then?"

"Oh... I should add, if in your investigation in to my identity leads you north to the Highlands of Gen, be prepared for the dead. I was no exaggerating when I spoke of walking corpses. What's left of my mother's generation wanders in search of flesh."
The emperor smiled a half smile and a few members of his inner court laughed. "Miss... Until those lands ARE rexlaimed, you are heir to nothing but a hope shared by everyone, I am well aware if the situation on the highlands of Gen, and your stay in my service will be far from idle... W will soon see if what you say is honest or if you are indeed a liar. This court is dismissed. Show miss Genji to her home for the year."

The guards Flanked Genji, not touching her or doing anything to signify a power play, simply leading her to a small cottage next to several other small cottages. Many of which had people outside, sharpening all manner of swords, –most of which were foreign to the land– preparing armor, arrows, bows and whatever else they needed. Sitting on the porch of Genji's cottage were her scabbards, swords and her horse grazed outside with the other horses.

Standing on the porch of a cottage next to Genji was Lu Zhi, sliding on gauntlets over her fists. She quickly checked and re-checked her tools. She wanted to be sure she had everything.
Genji made no effort to conceal her snarl as she was led from the palace. She already despised this place and this emperor. As she was led to her cottage she was surprised to find that her weapons and horse were returned to her. Did no one consider the possibility of her simply leaving? Possibly killing a few on the way out? She couldn't say she wasn't tempted. She patted the horse's neck gently as she walked up to the porch. She paused for a moment, glancing over to her neighbor. She raised an eyebrow when she saw that she was living beside Li Zhu. Suddenly everything clicked. Of course she was put here. She was being monitored.

She turned back, walking over to Li Zhu's cottage. "That Emperor of yours sure is a charmer." She said to announce herself. She leaned up against the side of the building, watching her prepare her gear. "Take it I didn't make your quota then, huh? Off to kidnap more foreigners to serve Emperor Pompous up there?" She asked as she folded her arms. "I escaped from one master only to be bound to another. I suppose I'm supposed to be grateful for his brand of mercy though, right?"
Li Zhu only deigned her with a hurried glsnce as she prepared her gear. Hr armor over her body. She slung a bow over her shoulder, placed her sword in a hip scabbard, several knives on scabbards around her body, a quiver of arrows at her waist and a boar spear in hand. She hopped onto her horse and put on her helmet last. There was a T-shaped opening for her to see from, besides that the helmet mimicked a snarling tiger face. She mounted her horse in no time and kicked it's flank. Throwing herself forward toward the gates.

Around the cottage were several others where similar scenes were happening. People were arming and jumping onto their horses only to peel away toward the gate, all around Genji. Obviously if she wanted to escape, now was the time.
To say that escape was not an immediate thought that occurred to her as soldiers left would be a lie. She walked back to her porch, beginning to strap on her weapons again. She untied her horse, mounting up. She followed the soldiers out of the gate. She began to pull off in a different direction before stopping. She closed her eyes as she tried to resist her conscience, she despised these people, but her mother would have been disappointed in her to find that she abandoned them when another sword could turn the tide.

She growled lowly in disbelief before turning her horse back around, galloping after the soldiers. She had no idea where they were going or what they were up against, but it might at least help explain their hostility towards her. "This Emperor better be thankful." She hissed under her breath as she worked to catch up to their forces.
The forces were not too far away from where she was. But when she found them. It was not in good health. The force was in a skirmish with the undead soldiers of the necromancers. Zombies trudged around, some brandishing anything they could as weapons, some just using their teeth, most of the soldiers stayed on horseback, killing with spear or kanabo. Some who were pulled off still used these but lost resorted to their swords.

A small hamlet of s village was comsummed in flames and now that charred corpses of those people walked among the ranks of the dead. Walking from the ashes was a large figure, dressed in dark robes and armor, wielding a steel mace with four cleaver-like blades on on each side. Perched over it's face was a mask, this one made of an Ox skull. It was a Dread Lord, a few soldiers charged the entity only to be sweeper away by one swing of the mace from the undead.
As Genji arrived on the scene her eyes flew open wide. In that moment, she wasn't the proud warrior woman. She was the small child who watched her home besieged. In the fire that consumed the village, she could smell the collapsing palace that once belonged to her mother. In the walking corpses, she could see her kin. And in the fallen, she could see her mother. She closed her eyes tightly as she shook her head.

As her eyes opened once more, she was much more determined. She reached for her bow, notably larger than the average bow. She pulled an arrow from a quiver on her saddle, visibly longer than average. She urged her horse on, galloping towards the fight. She waited for Dread Lord to reel back it's arm to swing its mace again. Before it could strike more soldiers, her arrow flew forward, striking it in the wrist. She stashed her bow, reaching for her massive blade once more. As she drew closer she leapt from horseback, cleaving a zombie in two with a single strike down the middle. She whirled around, splitting another at the waist. "Give the dead no ground!" She bellowed to the soldiers. "Stand firm! Rally to me!" She pressed forward, carving through zombies as she worked her way towards the Dread Lord, seemingly fearlessly.
Her words seemed to inspire some but most did not do a thing of what she said. What had began as a battle of the undead was becoming a slaughter of the undead
As the corpses' numbers began to dwindle, the soldiers instead resorted to dispatching then quickly then stabbing them through the neck, head or heart.

Many soldiers had stored their weapons away and now worked to make sure that the villagers had survived, pulling people from.fires and tending to their wounds while other stood guard over both warrior and innoncents. But most stayed clear of the Dread Lord, keeling a wide half circle around him, shields out and facing towards the beast. Spears pointed at him to keep him within the circle, while most would not want to die they did have a chance to atop his forward motion.

The dread lord himself reared his arm back ad an arrow penetrated his arm. He looked down then up and broke the shaft of the arrow, pulling it through the other side and dropping it to the ground. It chuckled and turned to fsve Genji. Setting itself in A fighting stance.
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