No answer quickly forthcoming from Kolah, Jax looked around, with a casual glance, over at EV as she (it?) scanned the downed droidekas. He had to stifle a laugh, coughing into his hand, when EV spoke to Kolah and him, assuming that the two of them were posturing somehow. His eyes, still cool from the stress of the unexpected fight, regained a measure of their natural warmth.
"Of course, EV. Is there room though?" Jax knew the cargo hold was pretty full, though some things were due to be offloaded here, on planet. "Some of them aren't good for much more than scrap value, minus a part or three." He turned his head back to Kolah for moment to see if he had anything to say. Else-wise he began to assist with the moving/ dismantling/ savaging of the defunct droids. "Which ones are we keeping?" He asked as he moved off to help EV.