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Random Info About You

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Fact: Is really Really drunik right now and would like to say "I HIT ON AN UGLY CHICK!!!" least from others standards funny how beer goggles work!!!
Fact: I'm a Wiccan - Technically speaking Samhain [today] is our New Year.

Fact #2: Samhain is actually an ancient Celtic holiday the pagan, neopagan, and Wiccan adopted.
Fact: I'm not tired! Sleep will never take me! I won't give in! *incoherent yelling* :-x
I'm not normally one, no I am never one to like sharing bed space.
I have changed my mind.
Fact: I am very upset that the feathers of my costume made me break out in hives last night. Not many but my skin is still bright red from where they touched and itches a little. I don't know if I want to risk wearing the costume again or if I should cut my losses and break down the costume parts for different things.
Vivid Fizz said:
Fact: I am very upset that the feathers of my costume made me break out in hives last night. Not many but my skin is still bright red from where they touched and itches a little. I don't know if I want to risk wearing the costume again or if I should cut my losses and break down the costume parts for different things.

Well you could always line the back of the feathers with something? I am not sure how close they are together. But I mean it would require some work.
Yeah its true you get lonely, I think its like, if you cant be happy by yourself, then what makes you think you'll be happy with someone else, you know?
Fact: Yesterday HR became my Mistress of Bondage in Crime!
Fact: I got up with the alarm today! Good thing too cause I never set it xD
FACT: Akuma's weekend was filled with drama, boredom, unaccomplishment and a severe lack of costumes.

Fact: Aku exclaimed to MistressofMuffins Friday night she was going to punch her in the cunt and Mistress blocked her boobs instead when she went in for the cunt punch.
Info: Pissed off really fucking bad
Info: Might be dealing with Police today..
Info: My dog got burnt with a cigarette lighter reason I am so pissed off..
Info: Might be snappy and go off the handle for no reason
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