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Random Info About You

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FACT: The Akuma has been once again renamed by her SO she is now called "Boob Turtle" not to ask.

FACT: Apartment hunting was a complete bust yesterday- Ruled out 7 more places.
Info: I hate working overnights.
I wont be able to sleep properly for weeks now.
Fact: I am starving right now but I am also too lazy to go downstairs. Not to mention I am feeling woozy again. Food might not be the best choice.
Fact: Sometimes when you're feeling woozy of nauseous it's good to eat. :) Even if it's something small like a fruit.

Fact: The Memoirs of a Geisha soundtrack is effing amazing.​
Info: Really really not doing good..
Info: Going to make an appointment for my neck soon!!
Info: Can't move my head side to side...>_<
Fact: My "date" canceled on me
Sadder fact: That means the naughty box is staying closed tonight. :cry:
I just leveled up Lola. 8D

I'm sorry that your 'date' thingamabob canceled on you, Ruby. :[
FACT: I am seriously going to kill one of my bosses today for not doing something she said she did and fucking me over BIG time.
Fact: i vanished for a long while due to issues, then decided I wasn't coming back.

Fact: Trygon is a persuasive SOB. >.<

Fact: I say that with love. -Evil grin-
FACT: Akuma's brother and Sister in-law-ish things dubbed her a ninja on Saturday night when she reached out groped her S.I.L. and snapped her hand back before she even had time to yelp or be seen.

FACT: Aku and her S.I.L. molest each other often.
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